View Full Version : If Cheney steps down because of "health" problems....

10-26-2005, 09:12 AM
Really is no reason to believe the Dick will be stepping out anytime soon. There have been rumors about his health, he is about as popular as the Bird Flu and his name is being mentioned more frequently in the Fitzgerald Grand Jury investigation. Nonetheless, there have been some rumors in Republican circles that ole Darth Cheney may step down and who would be the replacement.

The candidates:

Condoleeza Rice: Loyal Bush boot licker, bonus EEOC points in that is both female and black and she is the third ranking person in the administration today. Wingnuts salivate at the thought of her running in '08 as this would mean Repubs would nominate the first black and female to the top of the ticket. Some far righters note that she has never made a statement regarding her position of abortion and her stand on a host of other cultural issues is relatively unknown. She herself has stated she has no interest in running for President so that might make her the ideal candidate.

Harriet Miers Ok, ok George Will and all the other pouty right wing pundits who have their bowels in an uproar because of the SOTUS nomination of Miers, here is the chance for the Bush administration to withdraw her name gracefully and make her the Veep. Probably would be scary watching her lovingly gaze and Bush when he is giving the State of Union address.

Colin Powell :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Joe Lieberman One of Bush's biggest supporters in the Senate. This would help Bush make good on his "uniter not a divider" pledge. Could get ugly if Joe tries to kiss Bush again if Harriet Miers is in the same room.

Jeb Bush F&#$ the critics of cronyism.

George H.W. Bush Because I can. Stay the course.

John McCain He's groveled for Bush long enough just for such a moment. Recall the 2004 convention and him a W splitting a cake the day after Katrina hit.

Patrick Fitzgerald Life might be easier if this guy got different job.

Laura Bush Anyone that is critical of this nomination would be labeled a sexist.

John Bolton Bush's way of saying screw you to everybody.

Any other ideas?

10-26-2005, 10:21 AM
Can the Constitution-thumpers say whether the Presidential line-of-succession would be applied to Vice-Presidential line-of-succession:


10-26-2005, 07:23 PM
If Cheney steps down it would be something for Condoleeza to become the next President.