View Full Version : NBA: No thread on Racist LeBron James?

12-22-2018, 12:51 AM
“In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said

If you are non-Black and a viewer of the NBA, you really gotta look in the mirror and reevaluate to be honest

Mr. Body
12-22-2018, 12:52 AM
What's racist about this? Hmm?

12-22-2018, 01:22 AM
It's funny that he would say this after he went back to massa Gilbert :lol The man was pratically claiming ownership of Lebron after the decision.

12-22-2018, 01:39 AM
He's not wrong though.

12-22-2018, 01:50 AM
What's racist about this? Hmm?
"In Hip Hop, they got a buncha young black men selling tracks and they got that hoodlum mentality"

So rich coming from an NBA player considering the NBA is the worst collection of racist athletes in American sports.

12-22-2018, 01:53 AM
He's not wrong though.
Ya ya. Bosses, teachers and parents are slave owners. Black culture in America has a problem with rules, not willing to integrate. I point this out whenever Americans try complaining about Muslim in Europe

12-22-2018, 02:14 AM
As annoying as this sjw take is, the hypocrites who say stfu but get all offended and cry like a bitch when someone kneels towards a flag or yell “all lives matter” as they run to their safespace of Fox News whenever they hear black lives matter are much worse.

12-22-2018, 02:31 AM
As annoying as this sjw take is the hypocrites who say stfu but get all offended and cry like a bitch when someone kneels towards a flag or yell all lives matter as to their safespace of Fox News black lives matter are worse.
As an European that always found national anthems before domestic sports odd - why did they choose a national anthem to protest police brutality? Because Cops are government employees? Clearly it was an anti-government and anti-nation action.

12-22-2018, 02:51 AM
As an European that always found national anthems before domestic sports odd - why did they choose a national anthem to protest police brutality? Because Cops are government employees? Clearly it was an anti-government and anti-nation action.
Well my initial reaction is “Whatever, who cares” but if I think of why they do it, is that a protest needs to get attention and noticed in order to get change. Ghandi for example didn’t do hunger strikes to get better tasting delis in India

Othyus Lalanne
12-22-2018, 03:24 AM
As annoying as this sjw take is, the hypocrites who say stfu but get all offended and cry like a bitch when someone kneels towards a flag or yell “all lives matter” as they run to their safespace of Fox News whenever they hear black lives matter are much worse.

What did all that fucking keeling accomplish?

All lives matter is a better message period.

Right wingers don't have a safe space, we have to deal with left wing ideas every day, period unlike you sheltered mofos.

12-22-2018, 05:15 AM
LeBron the 33 year old manchild. If only he attended College, he could have gotten this freshman year elective course mindset out of his system

Honest question - has LeBron ever had a typical adult job in his life or just playing a childs game for a living?

12-22-2018, 05:59 AM
What did all that fucking keeling accomplish?

All lives matter is a better message period.

Right wingers don't have a safe space, we have to deal with left wing ideas every day, period unlike you sheltered mofos.

All lives matter is a pointless message as it’s obvious. Black lives matter highlights the plight and unequal treatment black people had to deal with in a country where supposedly all lives matter.

As a third party looking at the politics of the states, it’s almost hilarious how illogical and extreme things get. It reminded me of the communist regime where the basic premise is that whoever is against my enemy is my friend. The level of healthy debate and ability to see other people’s viewpoints are all out the window.

Far right movements where exclusivity rules not based on merit, but of skin colour and background is directly opposed to the basis of the American dreams and I just have severe troubles understanding how people can say it’s the right thing to do for the country.

The trump administration, feeding off the fear of people who are not getting what they perceive as their entitlements are promising these cushy jobs through rhetoric and empty promises. And it’s amazinf how people are so lacking in basis economical basics that they are swallowing all of that hook line and sinker. The issue with most of the world now isn’t because of poor economy, the rich is getting richer than ever. The issue is that the economic system is so out of whack that the rich will get richer and richer while the middle class is getting poorer and poorer. All the efforts and work of a large proportion of the population goes on to stack the coiffers of a few well connected people at the top.

Lack of hope breeds desperation. Some of the desperate choose to vote for empty promises, some of them give up, while others lash out. The most ironic thing is that the support base of both the left and the right are essentially fighting against the same basic problems - lack of economic parity.

Will Hunting
12-22-2018, 07:05 AM
Right wingers don't have a safe space
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time

Othyus Lalanne
12-22-2018, 07:34 AM
LeBron the 33 year old manchild. If only he attended College, he could have gotten this freshman year elective course mindset out of his system

Honest question - has LeBron ever had a typical adult job in his life or just playing a childs game for a living?

He is a retard but he has an adult job. WTF are you talking about?


All lives matter is a pointless message as it’s obvious. Black lives matter highlights the plight and unequal treatment black people had to deal with in a country where supposedly all lives matter.

As a third party looking at the politics of the states, it’s almost hilarious how illogical and extreme things get. It reminded me of the communist regime where the basic premise is that whoever is against my enemy is my friend. The level of healthy debate and ability to see other people’s viewpoints are all out the window.

Far right movements where exclusivity rules not based on merit, but of skin colour and background is directly opposed to the basis of the American dreams and I just have severe troubles understanding how people can say it’s the right thing to do for the country.

The trump administration, feeding off the fear of people who are not getting what they perceive as their entitlements are promising these cushy jobs through rhetoric and empty promises. And it’s amazinf how people are so lacking in basis economical basics that they are swallowing all of that hook line and sinker. The issue with most of the world now isn’t because of poor economy, the rich is getting richer than ever. The issue is that the economic system is so out of whack that the rich will get richer and richer while the middle class is getting poorer and poorer. All the efforts and work of a large proportion of the population goes on to stack the coiffers of a few well connected people at the top.

Lack of hope breeds desperation. Some of the desperate choose to vote for empty promises, some of them give up, while others lash out. The most ironic thing is that the support base of both the left and the right are essentially fighting against the same basic problems - lack of economic parity.

Rich lives matter, elite lives matter, well connected lives matter. History judege BLM as an establishment tool of division, nothing more.

Neo Nazis are fucking irrelvanht.

I guarantee you, any sytem can be rigged in favor of the few. History will judge what trump was. I have a wait and see approach.

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time

I am looking forward to reality pimpslapping you.

Mr. Body
12-22-2018, 08:31 AM
"In Hip Hop, they got a buncha young black men selling tracks and they got that hoodlum mentality"

So rich coming from an NBA player considering the NBA is the worst collection of racist athletes in American sports.

Lol, you sound like a incel white supremacist Trumper clown. Go fuck yourself, clown.

12-22-2018, 09:44 AM
What did all that fucking keeling accomplish?

All lives matter is a better message period.

Right wingers don't have a safe space, we have to deal with left wing ideas every day, period unlike you sheltered mofos.

Not much accomplished... But it did start debate and sure did piss off a bunch if conservatives and Uber nationalists... Personally idgaf... He has freedom of speech and protest... Nowhere does it say... "except during anthem"

12-22-2018, 09:44 AM
Damn lol frostking making this thread about lebron was a surprise. White insecurity at its finest.

White people are being attacked :cry :cry

quit complaining white people arent the only or first to get attacked due where they’re from or how they look get used to it.

12-22-2018, 11:35 AM
He is a retard but he has an adult job. WTF are you talking about?


Rich lives matter, elite lives matter, well connected lives matter. History judege BLM as an establishment tool of division, nothing more.

Neo Nazis are fucking irrelvanht.

I guarantee you, any sytem can be rigged in favor of the few. History will judge what trump was. I have a wait and see approach.

I am looking forward to reality pimpslapping you.
All lives matter is a pointless slogan because we are not in a police state where people are being killed for no reason in the western world. The BLM slogan is around the inequality of the establshment where blacks are not being treated fairly.

Again, as a neutral third party, it’s true.

Now whether factions of BLM is taking things too far? That’s up for debate. But the central point of the premise is valid.

Rich people and elites are getting away with thing that poor people aren’t. The system is designed that way.

Far rights are thinking that their cushy middle income jobs are being taken away by visible minorities and females when the reality is that those jobs are gone because the rich and powerful are withholding massive amounts of profits for themselves while the middle class is struggling because supposedly skills that were previously keeping the middle class afloat is now nothing but a commodity.

12-22-2018, 11:43 AM
Damn lol frostking making this thread about lebron was a surprise. White insecurity at its finest.

White people are being attacked :cry :cry

quit complaining white people arent the only or first to get attacked due where they’re from or how they look get used to it.
I'm not calling for James to lose his job or be ostracized from society.

But when Democrats act bewildered at how a Mexican could support Trump, well the same applies to a white man supporting James.

12-22-2018, 11:44 AM
Lol, you sound like a incel white supremacist Trumper clown. Go fuck yourself, clown.
Not surprised you defended the racist

12-22-2018, 11:47 AM
Lol white people

12-22-2018, 11:51 AM
we can all hate in equality that's all i'm sayin

12-22-2018, 12:26 PM
we can all hate in equality that's all i'm sayin
I fully agree

Living in America taught me we have different backgrounds, experiences and yes races. This shapes our viewpoint and bias.

D-Robinson 50 fan
12-22-2018, 12:36 PM
Well my initial reaction is “Whatever, who cares” but if I think of why they do it, is that a protest needs to get attention and noticed in order to get change. Ghandi for example didn’t do hunger strikes to get better tasting delis in India

Bingo! Some people choose to be willfully ignorant to what the protesters stated as the reason for their protest though. Lol

12-22-2018, 12:42 PM
Bingo! Some people choose to be willfully ignorant to what the protesters stated as the reason for their protest though. Lol
Okay....so they acted outrageously to get noticed but now act surprised by the counter reaction - "slave mentality"

As if the NFL owners have any influence on Police.

Mr. Body
12-22-2018, 12:43 PM
Not surprised you defended the racist

Go suck on Trump's shriveled nuts, wasteoid. Lol

12-22-2018, 12:48 PM
Go suck on Trump's shriveled nuts, wasteoid. Lol
Haha, I'm not American.

12-22-2018, 01:37 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?

12-22-2018, 01:54 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?

True. And the average right wingers are so out of touch that they think they are the victim of unfair treatment because they no longer get paid $50 an hour and with a pension so loaded that they can retire in Miami at 52 years old when minorities work 50 hours a week just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

The issue isn’t because women and minorities, it’s because the consumers are not willing to pay extra to support the local economies, resulting in outsourcing and thus loss of jobs.

If you care about the protection of jobs in America so much, put your money where you mouth is and buy local. Otherwise quit your whining

12-22-2018, 01:59 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?
Reminds me of: why would the average person be offended on behalf of terrorist and gang members when it pertains to Trump rhetoric?

12-22-2018, 02:29 PM
Reminds me of: why would the average person be offended on behalf of terrorist and gang members when it pertains to Trump rhetoric?

What does this even mean? Why does it remind you of that very specific example of an argument?

Othyus Lalanne
12-22-2018, 04:29 PM
Not much accomplished... But it did start debate and sure did piss off a bunch if conservatives and Uber nationalists... Personally idgaf... He has freedom of speech and protest... Nowhere does it say... "except during anthem"

If you don't give a fuck what are you debating exactly?

Damn lol frostking making this thread about lebron was a surprise. White insecurity at its finest.

White people are being attacked :cry :cry

quit complaining white people arent the only or first to get attacked due where they’re from or how they look get used to it.

So your theoretical solution to all bad things is to spread the bad thing everywhere...?

All lives matter is a pointless slogan because we are not in a police state where people are being killed for no reason in the western world. The BLM slogan is around the inequality of the establshment where blacks are not being treated fairly.

Again, as a neutral third party, it’s true.

Now whether factions of BLM is taking things too far? That’s up for debate. But the central point of the premise is valid.

Rich people and elites are getting away with thing that poor people aren’t. The system is designed that way.

Far rights are thinking that their cushy middle income jobs are being taken away by visible minorities and females when the reality is that those jobs are gone because the rich and powerful are withholding massive amounts of profits for themselves while the middle class is struggling because supposedly skills that were previously keeping the middle class afloat is now nothing but a commodity.

Nope BLM is pointless. Why else do you think MSM embraced it?

Their central point is irrelevant, everyone is getting screwed.

And you think socialism is not desgned that way?

I don't think that is their primary complaint how crazy the Left is acting...

Will Hunting
12-22-2018, 06:21 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?
Probably because a lot of mediocre white people like the OP try to live vicariously through white billionaires by claiming :cry muh master race :cry even though they live paycheck to paycheck and live a shitty life :lol

12-22-2018, 07:47 PM
“In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality," James said

If you are non-Black and a viewer of the NBA, you really gotta look in the mirror and reevaluate to be honest

My thought wasn't that he was racist. My thought was that he is lazy and derivative. Parroting en vogue narratives is all he'll ever do.

12-22-2018, 08:01 PM
So your theoretical solution to all bad things is to spread the bad thing everywhere...?

not my proposed solution at all, bad things will be continued to spread everywhere by every single ethnicity, religion, race, idealogy. Are all people bad? no, but humans by nature are tribal, it's embedded deep in there identity/brain/genes. these notions that people are capable of living in a utopian society where everybody needs to be loved and accepted will never happen. so continue hating each other respectfully, non violently, and if you get offended you have the right but don't expect any sympathy from people like me

12-22-2018, 09:18 PM
WTF :lol


12-22-2018, 10:30 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?


12-22-2018, 10:46 PM
Why would the average non-Black NBA fan be offended on behalf of old, white billionaires? How are the 2 connected?

If 2016 taught me one thing, it's that average white people apparently find old white billionaires who don't give a fuck about them very relatable...pretty interesting stuff *shrug emoji*

12-22-2018, 11:22 PM
Something tells me that OP is a leach on society.

12-22-2018, 11:35 PM
If you don't give a fuck what are you debating exactly?

So your theoretical solution to all bad things is to spread the bad thing everywhere...?

Nope BLM is pointless. Why else do you think MSM embraced it?

Their central point is irrelevant, everyone is getting screwed.

And you think socialism is not desgned that way?

I don't think that is their primary complaint how crazy the Left is acting...

Every non rich person is getting screwed but not all of them are getting shot for nothing.

12-23-2018, 12:45 AM
Meh I see it more as the rich complaining about the richer. Like if LeBron worked in "corporate America" nobody would give a shit about him too. People get fired and laid off all the time (both black and white) and the corporations dont give a bleep. They only care about their bottom line. Hell how many stock brokers have committed suicide and the market opens the next day as if nothing even happened. Cashiers are replaced by machines. Banks have gotten rid of tellers. Its a rare privilege to work at a place that actually cares about you. Its not a race thing anymore. The elite just dont care about the middle class, it's as simple as that.
But yes LeBron is a bit racist tbh

Othyus Lalanne
12-23-2018, 04:55 AM
not my proposed solution at all, bad things will be continued to spread everywhere by every single ethnicity, religion, race, idealogy. Are all people bad? no, but humans by nature are tribal, it's embedded deep in there identity/brain/genes. these notions that people are capable of living in a utopian society where everybody needs to be loved and accepted will never happen. so continue hating each other respectfully, non violently, and if you get offended you have the right but don't expect any sympathy from people like me

I am, not sure if you are capable of sympathy with your pitch black worldview anyways.

Every non rich person is getting screwed but not all of them are getting shot for nothing.

And all poor black people get shot at with no reason?

Meh I see it more as the rich complaining about the richer. Like if LeBron worked in "corporate America" nobody would give a shit about him too. People get fired and laid off all the time (both black and white) and the corporations dont give a bleep. They only care about their bottom line. Hell how many stock brokers have committed suicide and the market opens the next day as if nothing even happened. Cashiers are replaced by machines. Banks have gotten rid of tellers. Its a rare privilege to work at a place that actually cares about you. Its not a race thing anymore. The elite just dont care about the middle class, it's as simple as that.
But yes LeBron is a bit racist tbh

If a corporate exec is such a douche on a public platfform as he was when he left CLE you bet he will be a meme within an hour.

12-23-2018, 07:40 AM
I am, not sure if you are capable of sympathy with your pitch black worldview anyways.

And all poor black people get shot at with no reason?

If a corporate exec is such a douche on a public platfform as he was when he left CLE you bet he will be a meme within an hour.

When did anybody say all (other than all lives matter). But a disproportionately large percentage of blacks did get harassed and shot at by law enforcement. It’s been going on for years and statistics back that up.

Othyus Lalanne
12-23-2018, 08:05 AM
When did anybody say all (other than all lives matter). But a disproportionately large percentage of blacks did get harassed and shot at by law enforcement. It’s been going on for years and statistics back that up.

Yeah, there are more poor blacks than poor people many other colors and ethnicities.

Will Hunting
12-23-2018, 10:22 AM
Something tells me that OP is a leach on society.

He's your standard issue white trash that thinks that he somehow shares in the achievement of white billionaires because he's also white :lol

Mark Celibate
12-23-2018, 10:36 AM
:lol Eurocuck OP with the daily "America sucks" thread
:lol 'Murica living rent-free


12-23-2018, 11:11 AM
A) Lebron is wrong and it's disrespectful to the victims of slavery. Having an asshole boss doesn't equate to being a slave. You always have the freedom to leave.
B) These owners were present while the athletes were destroying each other in HS and college, trying to just get looked at by said owner's scouts.

What's the solution proposed by Lebron? None, because he didn't need a solution. He's genetically gifted and far and away better than anyone from his era so he didn't need to worry about being passed over. Guys who are on the bubble do worry about it. They want an NBA paycheck, and NFL players want an NFL paycheck. I've known guys who kicked ass in college and were waived by the NFL teams who drafted them before the 1st game of the season. Do you think they were like "whew, that was close... almost a slave"?

12-23-2018, 11:14 AM
He's your standard issue white trash that thinks that he somehow shares in the achievement of white billionaires because he's also white :lol

It's interesting how people will say "My ancestors didn't own slaves" but then say "we invented everything". You cannot have it both ways.

12-23-2018, 05:47 PM

Ingraham was right, just shut up and dribble idiot:lol

12-23-2018, 06:15 PM
^^One of my greatest life regrets is not becoming a token Black conservative on Twitter..I look like everything they usually hate, too:lol I could have had my own radio show and millions of followers, by now..smh..

It's kind of a saturated market now..

12-23-2018, 06:46 PM
Yeah, there are more poor blacks than poor people many other colors and ethnicities.

So poor people deserve to be shot for nothing?

Clipper Nation
12-23-2018, 07:38 PM
Haha, I'm not American.
Yes you are, no matter how hard you pretend to be P:lollish.

12-23-2018, 09:35 PM
Yes you are, no matter how hard you pretend to be P:lollish.
Nice to meet you. You remind me of myself 6 years ago

Othyus Lalanne
12-24-2018, 03:27 AM
So poor people deserve to be shot for nothing?

Everyone is getting the shaft, BLM is just a tool of division.

:lol Eurocuck OP with the daily "America sucks" thread
:lol 'Murica living rent-free


Murica needs to fix itself first.

12-24-2018, 06:23 AM
Everyone is getting the shaft, BLM is just a tool of division.

Murica needs to fix itself first.

Not everyone. Rich people don’t.

But BLM is t about black people getting the shaft in the corporate world. It’s about the disproportionate number of black people being harassed and shot by police. You don't seem to acknowledge that and kept avoiding that point.

Othyus Lalanne
12-24-2018, 06:33 AM
Not everyone. Rich people don’t.

But BLM is t about black people getting the shaft in the corporate world. It’s about the disproportionate number of black people being harassed and shot by police. You don't seem to acknowledge that and kept avoiding that point.

Because they are poor therefore they should be working on changing things with others and be more than just a mere distraction and a political divider operation.

12-24-2018, 02:30 PM
Because they are poor therefore they should be working on changing things with others and be more than just a mere distraction and a political divider operation.

ANd of course they work. What evidence is there that they don’t. Studies after studies have shown poor people Work longer hours and under worse conditions than rich people but the system is set up in a way that it is much more difficult for them to get the fair pay for their work.

I also see you are totally avoiding the blm point now.

Othyus Lalanne
12-24-2018, 09:15 PM
ANd of course they work. What evidence is there that they don’t. Studies after studies have shown poor people Work longer hours and under worse conditions than rich people but the system is set up in a way that it is much more difficult for them to get the fair pay for their work.

I also see you are totally avoiding the blm point now.

I mean working on activism Captain Obvious.

I said because there are more poor black people. Adress everyone's problems with the police and the problem is fucking solved.

12-24-2018, 09:31 PM
LeGOAT doing LeGOAT things, tbh... he’s probably going to be remembered as the next Mohammed Ali. It’s true that the bar is pretty low with guys like Dad Killer Jordan or Uncle Tom Barkley, but once he adopts Islam and changes his name to Mustafa Azizi, he’s gonna be enshrined in history way past basketball.

12-24-2018, 10:40 PM
I mean working on activism Captain Obvious.

I said because there are more poor black people. Adress everyone's problems with the police and the problem is fucking solved.

So because they have a disproportionately high level of being shot or brutalized by the police, blacks should solve all police problems?

I’m not really following your logic at all.

12-25-2018, 02:41 AM
^^One of my greatest life regrets is not becoming a token Black conservative on Twitter..I look like everything they usually hate, too:lol I could have had my own radio show and millions of followers, by now..smh..

It's kind of a saturated market now..

If you have a speech impediment you could supplant Jesse Peterson tbh

12-25-2018, 02:43 AM
LeGOAT doing LeGOAT things, tbh... he’s probably going to be remembered as the next Mohammed Ali. It’s true that the bar is pretty low with guys like Dad Killer Jordan or Uncle Tom Barkley, but once he adopts Islam and changes his name to Mustafa Azizi, he’s gonna be enshrined in history way past basketball.

But he's in LA now. Kareem got ahead of that motherfucker by half a century.

Othyus Lalanne
12-25-2018, 03:51 AM
So because they have a disproportionately high level of being shot or brutalized by the police, blacks should solve all police problems?

I’m not really following your logic at all.

From where the fuck do you get that first sentence from?

12-25-2018, 07:43 AM
From where the fuck do you get that first sentence from?

From studies and statistics.

Othyus Lalanne
12-25-2018, 08:30 AM
From studies and statistics.

I did not say blacks should solve all police problems.

12-25-2018, 10:24 PM
I did not say blacks should solve all police problems.

Misread. My fault.

You did say they should work with others, which they are doing. BLM isn’t just a black thing. Many are involved.

Besides, I’m not going to tell others how to solve problems, everyone has a way. As long as it’s legal and within the confines of social acceptance then there would be enough of a following to affect change.

Othyus Lalanne
12-25-2018, 11:41 PM
Misread. My fault.

You did say they should work with others, which they are doing. BLM isn’t just a black thing. Many are involved.

Besides, I’m not going to tell others how to solve problems, everyone has a way. As long as it’s legal and within the confines of social acceptance then there would be enough of a following to affect change.

It's still dvisive just because other colored people help making it divisive.

12-26-2018, 09:11 AM
It's still dvisive just because other colored people help making it divisive.

It was already divided. People were getting shot for no reason.

Also, how would that make it point less?

Othyus Lalanne
12-26-2018, 12:56 PM
It was already divided. People were getting shot for no reason.

Also, how would that make it point less?

Make it point less.

What does that mean?

12-26-2018, 04:40 PM
Make it point less.

What does that mean?
Pointless. Autocorrect.

You shouldn’t give advice on an entire social movement if you couldn’t figure that out.

Othyus Lalanne
12-26-2018, 07:37 PM
Pointless. Autocorrect.

You shouldn’t give advice on an entire social movement if you couldn’t figure that out.

And you should...


I did not ask for the moon.

12-27-2018, 10:11 AM
And you should...


I did not ask for the moon.

I didn’t. You did. I merely pointed it out. Read the thread.

Othyus Lalanne
12-27-2018, 01:05 PM
I didn’t. You did. I merely pointed it out. Read the thread.

Why? You went gibberish on me.

12-27-2018, 02:28 PM
Lol white people

12-27-2018, 02:32 PM
Probably because a lot of mediocre white people like the OP try to live vicariously through white billionaires by claiming :cry muh master race :cry even though they live paycheck to paycheck and live a shitty life :lolThey claim master race while simultaneously hating the Jews for apparently being the real master race :lol

Will Hunting
12-27-2018, 04:05 PM
They claim master race while simultaneously hating the Jews for apparently being the real master race :lol
Ha I’ve never even thought about that massive contradiction.

:cry muh master race :cry

:cry the Jews will not replace us :cry

12-27-2018, 04:56 PM
Why? You went gibberish on me.

Why what? You said BLM is pointless and it should be ALM. I mentioned it isn't.

12-27-2018, 06:51 PM
Was Lebron born a racist or brought up so?

Othyus Lalanne
12-28-2018, 01:34 AM
Why what? You said BLM is pointless and it should be ALM. I mentioned it isn't.

And at some point you responded in Klingon.

12-28-2018, 06:30 AM
And at some point you responded in Klingon.

What part didn’t make sense? Speaking in generalities isn’t making a point at all.

Othyus Lalanne
12-28-2018, 07:21 AM
What part didn’t make sense? Speaking in generalities isn’t making a point at all.


Make it point less.

What does that mean?

Did you actually mean pointless?

I think the misunderstanding was finally ironed out.

12-28-2018, 09:52 AM

Make it point less.

What does that mean?

Did you actually mean pointless?

I think the misunderstanding was finally ironed out.

:lol. Pointing at an extra space in a debate about social issues and claim it as a win.

This is just getting pathetic.

Most people can read just fine with jumbled up texts. But we are talking about people with average iq.

12-28-2018, 11:17 AM
All lives matter is a pointless message as it’s obvious. Black lives matter highlights the plight and unequal treatment black people had to deal with in a country where supposedly all lives matter.

As a third party looking at the politics of the states, it’s almost hilarious how illogical and extreme things get. It reminded me of the communist regime where the basic premise is that whoever is against my enemy is my friend. The level of healthy debate and ability to see other people’s viewpoints are all out the window.

Far right movements where exclusivity rules not based on merit, but of skin colour and background is directly opposed to the basis of the American dreams and I just have severe troubles understanding how people can say it’s the right thing to do for the country.

The trump administration, feeding off the fear of people who are not getting what they perceive as their entitlements are promising these cushy jobs through rhetoric and empty promises. And it’s amazinf how people are so lacking in basis economical basics that they are swallowing all of that hook line and sinker. The issue with most of the world now isn’t because of poor economy, the rich is getting richer than ever. The issue is that the economic system is so out of whack that the rich will get richer and richer while the middle class is getting poorer and poorer. All the efforts and work of a large proportion of the population goes on to stack the coiffers of a few well connected people at the top.

Lack of hope breeds desperation. Some of the desperate choose to vote for empty promises, some of them give up, while others lash out. The most ironic thing is that the support base of both the left and the right are essentially fighting against the same basic problems - lack of economic parity.

Wow, you couldn't be more ignorant and wrong. But its your opinion.

12-28-2018, 11:39 AM
Wow, you couldn't be more ignorant and wrong. But its your opinion.
And your response is filled with nuggets or insights. Will confess my sins and revolve my whole live view based on your teachings.

12-28-2018, 01:51 PM
And your response is filled with nuggets or insights. Will confess my sins and revolve my whole live view based on your teachings.
Your critique of the right has much truth. But do you consider the lefts message different? I don't remember Carter, Reagan or Bush1 being some sort of voice of whites. But I do remember Clinton labeled "the first black President". Modernally speaking, it was Democrats that went race for votes first. Trump was a reaction "whitelash".

Do you consider socialism to represent the American dream?

Maybe its just me as a Native European but I don't do the whole tap dancing routine. Bottomline, today (especially) identity politics rules and no shock these parties support policies for their own. I notice when you and a few others focus on Republican promises and whom we as whites identity with - it is only the economic angle. "You foolishly view yourself as one of the rich elities". Why cant we also as you label them - support the "white supremacist" social policies. Jammal doesn't support the current system, yah well I don't support the change occurring in the system under President Obama (whom I voted for) and other Democrat states in the USA.

My demographic is being marginalized and that is openly a goal and motive of the left.

For me: economics was a lesser reason than social change why I voted conservative for the first time in my life.

12-28-2018, 04:03 PM
Your critique of the right has much truth. But do you consider the lefts message different? I don't remember Carter, Reagan or Bush1 being some sort of voice of whites. But I do remember Clinton labeled "the first black President". Modernally speaking, it was Democrats that went race for votes first. Trump was a reaction "whitelash".

Do you consider socialism to represent the American dream?

Maybe its just me as a Native European but I don't do the whole tap dancing routine. Bottomline, today (especially) identity politics rules and no shock these parties support policies for their own. I notice when you and a few others focus on Republican promises and whom we as whites identity with - it is only the economic angle. "You foolishly view yourself as one of the rich elities". Why cant we also as you label them - support the "white supremacist" social policies. Jammal doesn't support the current system, yah well I don't support the change occurring in the system under President Obama (whom I voted for) and other Democrat states in the USA.

My demographic is being marginalized and that is openly a goal and motive of the left.

For me: economics was a lesser reason than social change why I voted conservative for the first time in my life.

The first black president is a fact. It’s a milestone. Did he get voted in because he was black? I doubt it. But trump did get voted in because of his anti non white sentiments and policies though.

That said, do I think the left takes it too far? Yes. Just look at Canada. But we’re people marginalized as you said? I honestly don’t think so. On the other hand, families are being broken apart and poor people are being marginalized by the rich through official policies in the states right now. And the economical gains are clearly short term that only serves to have the elite horde another few billion they don’t need, while he needy suffers.

I don’t vouch for socialism in the sense where hanger ons can benefit off the hard work of others, but I do vouch for socialism where everyone gets an equal opportunity to excel.

12-29-2018, 11:22 AM
Some people are truly brainwashed. Its sad really.

Othyus Lalanne
12-29-2018, 01:07 PM
:lol. Pointing at an extra space in a debate about social issues and claim it as a win.

This is just getting pathetic.

Most people can read just fine with jumbled up texts. But we are talking about people with average iq.

You have that considering your strategy of mass misery for everyone?

12-29-2018, 01:37 PM
You have that considering your strategy of mass misery for everyone?

Explain. Speaking in codes and generalities isn’t a point. You aren’t working on questions in a jeopardy game show.

12-29-2018, 03:15 PM

Othyus Lalanne
12-30-2018, 02:47 AM
Explain. Speaking in codes and generalities isn’t a point. You aren’t working on questions in a jeopardy game show.

BLM = misery and civic division

12-30-2018, 03:04 AM
1. Lebron doesn't know anything about Jewish people.
2. Lebron doesn't therefore have any issues with them (specifically).
3. He's a HS graduate (probably barely, due to his athletics)
4. He'll be a billionaire
5. Slave mentality comment was stupid and but probably not contrived. He needs to step away from social media and have a spokesperson like the Jordan brand has.

You never see MJ make stupid, off the cuff remarks. Lebron is a global brand now and he should know by now he can lose all of that with one wrong sentence on social media.

Othyus Lalanne
12-30-2018, 08:18 AM
1. Lebron doesn't know anything about Jewish people.
2. Lebron doesn't therefore have any issues with them (specifically).
3. He's a HS graduate (probably barely, due to his athletics)
4. He'll be a billionaire
5. Slave mentality comment was stupid and but probably not contrived. He needs to step away from social media and have a spokesperson like the Jordan brand has.

You never see MJ make stupid, off the cuff remarks. Lebron is a global brand now and he should know by now he can lose all of that with one wrong sentence on social media.
The media will suck his dick no matter what he says, but he can fall on his face long term.

12-30-2018, 08:42 AM
BLM = misery and civic division

Now this is just speaking in generalities. Just because you didn’t agree with it doesn’t mean it brings misery.

Besides, you are moving the goal post. You started off saying BLM didn’t accomplish anything. Now you are saying it brings misery and cause civic division, which it clearly accomplished something.

12-30-2018, 10:43 AM
When your place of work is some taxpayer funded field that the white owner fleeced the local residents out of hundreds of millions of dollars to build, and that same white owner uses that field to hold concerts and rodeos and shit and keeps all the profits, and the thing that everyone is mad about is you kneeling during a song to try and get police to stop brutalizing black people, you live in a nation of idjits. I hate every one of you white supremacist mother fuckers.

12-30-2018, 12:21 PM
The media will suck his dick no matter what he says, but he can fall on his face long term.

All it takes is for a protected class offense where a wave starts against Lebron. Once that happens, the media will have to feed at the floating carcass like everyone else will.

Othyus Lalanne
12-30-2018, 02:38 PM
Now this is just speaking in generalities. Just because you didn’t agree with it doesn’t mean it brings misery.

Besides, you are moving the goal post. You started off saying BLM didn’t accomplish anything. Now you are saying it brings misery and cause civic division, which it clearly accomplished something.

Well i guess if you shoot your own finger off you accomplished something as a shaprpshooter.

12-30-2018, 06:16 PM
Well i guess if you shoot your own finger off you accomplished something as a shaprpshooter.

Again. Generalities. No specific insights other than you said so.

Something is clearly accomplished. The topic is out in the open. There are those that agreeed and those who don’t. Just because it was divisive doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Abolishment of slavery in America was divisive. Wasn’t a bad thing now is it? Oh wait. Given it’s you I may not be too sure.

Othyus Lalanne
12-31-2018, 03:31 AM
Again. Generalities. No specific insights other than you said so.

Something is clearly accomplished. The topic is out in the open. There are those that agreeed and those who don’t. Just because it was divisive doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Abolishment of slavery in America was divisive. Wasn’t a bad thing now is it? Oh wait. Given it’s you I may not be too sure.

That's the point of pitting one opinon against an another.

That is not how effective politicking works.

You cannot paint me as someone who endorses slavery in a millon years so better give up right now.

12-31-2018, 06:34 AM
That's the point of pitting one opinon against an another.

That is not how effective politicking works.

You cannot paint me as someone who endorses slavery in a millon years so better give up right now.

I never argued it wasn’t effective. I argued that it accomplished something and is necessary.

What has all lives matter accomplished?

Finally, I’d didn’t paint you as an endorser or slavery. I questioned it.