View Full Version : U.S. approved secret nuclear power work for Saudi Arabia

04-01-2019, 07:05 AM
- U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry has approved six secret authorizations by companies to sell nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia

Perry’s approvals, known as Part 810 authorizations, allow companies to do preliminary work on nuclear power ahead of any deal but not ship equipment that would go into a plant

the companies had requested that the Trump administration keep the approvals secret.

the kingdom has occasionally pushed back against agreeing to U.S. standards that would block two paths to potentially making fissile material for nuclear weapons clandestinely: enriching uranium and reprocessing spent fuel.

Democratic House members alleged in a report that top White House aides ignored warnings they could be breaking the law



Elizabeth Warren
The last thing we should be doing is giving Saudi Arabia the tools to make a nuclear bomb.

That’s why we have a law that requires Congress to review the sale of nuclear technology to foreign govts.

But @SecretaryPerry (https://twitter.com/SecretaryPerry) seemed confused by that law – :lol

so I helped him understand it. :lol

1:29 PM - Mar 28, 2019 (https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1111334430822592519)

04-01-2019, 09:43 AM
selling nuclear tech to the birthplace of radical Islam and the world's biggest supporter/exporter of terrorism?

what could go wrong?

04-01-2019, 10:22 AM
selling nuclear tech to the birthplace of radical Islam and the world's biggest supporter/exporter of terrorism?

what could go wrong?
yep. bingo. The radicalist "House of Saud" was the ISIS of the early 1900s. They started small in a couple cities in the remote eastern part of the moderate Hashemite Kingdom (the original Muhammadan kingdom) but slowly surely like cancer spread through the kingdom in united vengeance against the Ottomites, Hashemites and Europe, who admittedly messed with the Middle East too much back then, but no excuse for Wahhabism. They ended up conquering Mecca and Medina from the actual moderate Muslim empire and turned the country into the fundamentalist hot zone for global terrorism as it is today, mass funded by their oil supply.

What people don't quite realize is that Islam from around 1450 through around 1900 was almost exclusively moderate and tranquil. The Ottoman Empire [Turkey], though ferocious in the medieval era, had already transitioned away from religious conservatism to a focus on education, math, science, and relative gender equality (for the times).

The House of Saud ruined that, though, and the US continues to be active trading partners with our worst ideological enemies who continue to stone women to death for getting raped, ban women from even having the most basic of freedoms, torture and murder gays (or anyone suspected of being gay) and treat non-Sunnis as third rate humans. Not to mention, it were Saudi citizens (not Iraqis, Afghanis or certainly not Iranians) who executed 9/11.

How stupid could the US leadership be?

04-01-2019, 11:17 AM
selling nuclear tech to the birthplace of radical Islam and the world's biggest supporter/exporter of terrorism?

what could go wrong?

We have been selling them our best weapons for decades. To be used mostly vs flip flop wearing yemenis than

This is just another step in a long line of steps we been performing forever

04-01-2019, 11:25 AM
Jimmy Ricky and other Repugs obviously lobbied (paid) heavily by the BigCorp wanting in on the SA nuclear deal.

Trash will probably say "if US doesn't do it, then Russia, China, etc will", lowering U$$$A to level of Russia, China, again executing Pootin's foreign policy to degrade USA.