View Full Version : Clippers Los Angeles Hoops Loses another legend ...

04-08-2019, 04:08 PM

Obviously I root for the Lakers, but I used to have a soft place for the Clips especially seeing games at the Old Sports Arena and especially when we got Bill walton and Ralph Lawler in the same booth.

No, he is not Vin Scully or Chick Hearn (and some would argue even Bill Miller ranks higher) ... but when you talk LA sports Media I would take him over Stu Lantz, Jim Hill and anyone not named Chick or Vin. Smooth voice some, great inflection and of course he had a bit of homer in him ... but waaaaaaay less than 95% of his ilk. Sad he is going but at least clips are in the playoffs and are better than the Lakers as he leaves ...

Hopefully clips win at least one game but we get to hear ...
"Bingo!" "Lawler's law" and "oh me, oh my" one last time.

Salute to Lawler, the poor man's Chick but still great!

04-08-2019, 04:30 PM
he has that old-timey announcer voice. his personality is endearing to clipper fans, but he's honestly nothing special imho. bob miller is EASILY >>>>

liked oh me oh my, and during the lob city era: "The lob... the jam!" lawler's law was frustratingly stupid. but his overall play by play calling was very whatever. thats what made hearn and miller so great beyond personality/voice. cant really compare to scully in that regard because play by play for baseball is a lot less taxing

personally i like the guy they have calling the games on radio better (brian siemann).

baseline bum
04-08-2019, 04:33 PM
Lawler can go fuck himself since Lawler's Law failed me in 6.

04-08-2019, 05:21 PM
Did they already announce who's replacing Ralph? Agree that Sieman or whatever the hell is name is would be a good replacement.

Ralph is fine but he deserves credit for being able to watch/call the 90s clippers (arguably the worst run of any professional sports franchise) without offing himself as soon as the Millenium hit....

The man had to make Lamond Murray hitting Loy Vaught for the baseline jumper sound like it wasn't the saddest thing in the world to the hundreds of Clipper fans that watched during that era tbh.....

04-08-2019, 05:53 PM
During Spurs @ Clipps games he was great to listen to.
Very balanced, not a homer.

04-08-2019, 06:40 PM



baseline bum
04-08-2019, 08:41 PM
Did they already announce who's replacing Ralph? Agree that Sieman or whatever the hell is name is would be a good replacement.

Ralph is fine but he deserves credit for being able to watch/call the 90s clippers (arguably the worst run of any professional sports franchise) without offing himself as soon as the Millenium hit....

The man had to make Lamond Murray hitting Loy Vaught for the baseline jumper sound like it wasn't the saddest thing in the world to the hundreds of Clipper fans that watched during that era tbh.....

It was great hearing Walton shit all over Olowokandi every night and then Lawler try to get him to stop and act like Kandiass wasn't a piece of shit.

04-08-2019, 08:43 PM
It was great hearing Walton shit all over Olowokandi every night and then Lawler try to get him to stop and act like Kandiass wasn't a piece of shit.

he was a great "spin doctor"

Olowokandi I bet he is fat as fuck ...now

04-08-2019, 09:51 PM
Bet Bruce Bowen gets the call.

Clipper Nation
04-08-2019, 10:56 PM
The man had to make Lamond Murray hitting Loy Vaught for the baseline jumper sound like it wasn't the saddest thing in the world to the hundreds of Clipper fans that watched during that era tbh.....

"Vaught, from his spot!"

04-08-2019, 11:32 PM
Lawler is a dork who is loved b/c it's hard to hate a non controversial guy who has done sh** so long.

Clipper Nation
04-09-2019, 08:47 AM

Clipper Nation
04-11-2019, 12:33 AM

D.B. Cooper
04-11-2019, 12:58 AM
Clippers broadcasts are one of the few that aren't blacked out here in Vegas so I've watched a ton of games over the years. He will be missed.

04-11-2019, 01:16 AM
I have always enjoyed him and incredible he spent 40 years as the Clippers broadcast announcer, and even more amazing that he only missed 3 games in those years. I hope he gets to enjoy his retirement.