View Full Version : CD's bonanza.

05-02-2019, 03:31 AM
I refuse to pay 25 bucks for a hoe. So I decided to hit a few thrift shops around here, have seen gardening tools there before.

So I'm at Gleaners, somebody had dropped off a CD holder that holds 100 CD's and there were 100 CD's.

Yep, kid in a candy store.

I scored....

Big Band Vocalists

The Wolfman Jack Show

The Best of The Chantels

The Best of Gary "US" Bonds

Lost Treasures (50/60 rockabilly/soul/R&B)

The Carter Family.....first family of country music

Best of Southern Rock

The Best of Billy Stewart

4 bucks well spent.

You all remember Ersel Hickey.


This really is a new thing to a lot of you.


Thing was he worked out of a transmitter in Mexico that put out more than what was legal here in the USA.

This is considered to be THE song by a female vocal group.


Tons of great stuff I just had most of it already.

I could use more Sam Cooke, Tatlton & Darby, Lavern Baker.

05-02-2019, 07:21 PM
Let me add....

Street Corner Essentials...classic Doowop

Roots of Rock 1945-1956 ....Caldonia Louis Jordan the star

The Girl Groups Volume nine/ten.....hard to believe but I haven't heard of most of these, yep...shocked.


UNT Eagles 2016
05-02-2019, 08:59 PM
I'm on the huntin'
Lookin' for a comin'
This is fuck-ing awesome

05-02-2019, 09:14 PM
I'm on the huntin'
Lookin' for a comin'
This is fuck-ing awesome

When did you come across...."My Baby Don't Wash and Sew No More""....by Chocolate Johnny and The Kickstands? Talk about a rare gem, there it is.

UNT Eagles 2016
05-02-2019, 11:17 PM
When did you come across...."My Baby Don't Wash and Sew No More""....by Chocolate Johnny and The Kickstands? Talk about a rare gem, there it is.

Except for rock... I don't listen to anything made before 2000

05-03-2019, 02:43 AM
lol physical media

05-03-2019, 11:47 PM
Except for rock... I don't listen to anything made before 2000

You have no idea all the incredible music you are missing out on. Most the GREAT music was recorded prior to 2000.

No Louis Jordan, Bessie Smith, Hank Williams,,,OUCH~~~~

05-04-2019, 12:05 AM
lol physical media

Talk to me about the history of Gus Cannon and The Jug Stompers, I know....who and how? So it's off to Google just who in the hell is that.

Right in in my hand a CD with a booklet and pictures. Talk to me about The Memphis Jug Band, yep, no clue. Well I also have a CD with a booklet breaking down their history who was on each track, the date it was recorded.

I own a lot of compilations. How do we know who was on the piano, bass, guitar on well anything? How about where a song was recorded, when a song was recorded? Who wants to Google 40 songs to find out that info?

Just today I bought a three CD/DVD set featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn, a thing of beauty that came with a huge booklet with tons of photos. His life story is there as are comments from Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Buddy Guy, David Bowie, Lou Ann Barton, Bonnie Raitt, Lonnie Mack about Stevie.

Most of what I have learned about music is from reading these liner notes/booklets only found in a CD. Unless you want to Google everything.

Hell, I just learned this today reading that booklet about SRV.. He got that band name...Double Trouble....from an Otis Rush tune.


Why would anyone not want that CD?

How cool is this? I need some visuals with my music, how do we know what these people look like without physical media?


One of my prized possessions

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFRUXGB4bGBgYFxgfGhoaIBoYGB0dGh 0aHSggGholGxcdITEhJSkrLi4uGB8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGi0dHSUtLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLSstLS0tK//AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAAIHAf/EAEEQAAEDAgQDBQUHAwQBAwUAAAECAxEAIQQSMUEFUWEGEyJxg TJCkaHwFCNSscHR4TNiggcVcvEkQ5KyFlNUY3P/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDBP/EACQRAQEBAAIDAAIBBQEAAAAAAAABEQIhEjFBE1GhMkJSYYED/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwC9POQlUc4mgccs5gCf3mj8WuAqI9q8jrU DrYUpAJj0ojoN4adDEAW1vVZ4xhwvGFJWEA3KjAgR8/KrNw9tOdMTAmJ3/eq92uwwLkx/NFML8Hi4VAVnykgKE3HMTR2PBUieYtSTCJCVg31vT7jHs2vy6f xUbFYHtaTEzQoePpNFuCx1moUbDefjWG0T7hitUgkGPqKJLE20 g3rTEYeNDbnVhlT8NaB8SlBKQJUeQ5 VL L9oFK 7ZJS2LZtFK6/2j51rxohLKQPeXCvQSB5ftSdNKxZ xOMyOEHxZ7Reec9avHFuHBw5plIAsPaTbUHcdKX9hcGEN5gkSr eBPx1q4p5G9WMWqAywpBUCU9aXvsnX6 VWPtdhVJUFpBg2JHPaRVfx2PbbSAtxCVcjryvGlIQ4TEBpxKom FCQdPj0mfSlfEHYdXeQVKuNNSb0yYUFPNBSbZwddgZ9RSxbqcx 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lZ1vKXJ4O6olTSm3wT/6LiVKE39gwuf8aS8Vah5QMgiJBsQYAuDcG1F8SKVLJ7ruyNryD h Fbr4kVgIxKe/SLBRVDyByS4Jn/ivMKG50VMzMTrsef0aOw6HVy0lBJUn3bWBmVTYARcmBepE4Nkq lDrqhrl7pIWBbVWfJvr8q8fxSlILaU5Gt0AyVby4r3 g0GwqWmC8cwhJb8WIEyUpUUsJ1nIVZlK80gDkTUOD4k0kgllSU 7lDhKo8liFDpKZ50AnDqKZykgETbT4VOjhyyDCSY5XvCj8PCb9 Kj0fOcMDjcghxojMhaRdIBg2JlMGyknQ YJj7NqLmJU6uJbbCMw95Z8KVeeUG/QUP2ddXD2GQZUtJca//AKNgqUP82gpPonlRnZPDE4da0xmLsKnUDKDp0k260xim KVE5fe8I55QJUR0O3rUnAsMp91LYkBV1EbNiIA8/wBRQ/dOOFKQ2pKSSkEgAW0Em8k8udH4TguKW4ptDoYkQrLmJPiEwLeA RGu9TJ72x4w3hsOttKgl1acjaEnxAGxIj2YSSZO9cex7GRKRnS UlIICdp1B6iKu I7OtYfJiHlrda0Wrb2iPCRqLmLz502PZtlpam 7Se9QVNLgxCYJmfZUE9TIqMsilfZFKSCEmCIzRbSjcN2fVCVLS AFCRaZHMEeEepq3cH4fLKwUSlLkpld8pTBvqD4RQmN4mz3SUqe SpxJUCG/EsCcwnLJTYxVi8gJ7NpSpOdwxYgpAFiPxKkE/Cre1wNhFkpUUx7JUYI1vzqs4zifeBopYzGMuZwgSQImESYi 1SO9r8Q2AChpWUAeysTFvxWpxm7Vtaw7Zt3SI2lCbddJqdSTpF ttLUh4bx7FOutt/Z2QlwEyl4lQSLm2WArpWMYnGuvFoHDoKkKzf1MyADEawVAnWNj VAn7SYV0srKPZSCpSDYKABta 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RKwFwm6coLkbBUW5kUPwjiLquGOttkjE4MgJIAVCSYESIUMhUD bah wmCcbc7txkHBY1BIC4IDgBJbWnnAWI08IvVlVwhnDKxrjS4W61/SkQkhKj4RqAR8KBeulFxKkKBBeU4Vqg5lKyxEjw2Tr0o8shAy5 gLDwwLbAAaC1VAOFMD19adcOxOaVLN f18KNbvHDtLeTu9byb/DXypLxIKTtadjNH4jHRHQQJ/ik PxGhJkb1UQy4fiHEFKwrIOmvpRfaJtTikKErHMAySd51JpU2sE IV6X16Xplw3FgLSDKiDAAMCCkpN cGQelIAs8IUpXdgQSPDJF pHpQePwGQ K0bnfy5jrVv4xiiWj92lC3JAVHiG1iRpH0KrWN7SXCVMNLI3WA YJUpRiQbSowDpA1ovRltV5pOsi9zPSvWka1I0opJGQGRz2PLyq RDRmCfofrWW0HdVlMcg hWVDTLvC6422ffcSk RUAflV8x/BmMQQXmgSElIUCQUg RuASSJrn/AVf WxP/3B orrXdmt8brnenHMP2bxDjqmkoJKFFKlwQB19Rf1q54XBvYWEPG VFIKVjQ7Akf2nwq6KBq7BNqB47w8vslKCEuC6J0mCCk8gQYnyO 1MmC8tLWcW64kqZyOKEHuyoJJOikT7qwRobG3Oo IrGNa 6T3eKYObuHhC022vadnBY3E1VuGYpwOlITkx7Ni2qycUkGcp5O gSQoWVFWTFoTjWU4zBJ/wDKEJBKsi0QYUhyR4soJ8KrH0FWqzGdnzjRKXMyEqme8XmUnX2 dwr5VYVtBTam1SUqSUm82IgmT50BgnMTMvKZNoIbBISq3vH2ie QFqONxr8KU5sng/2UpDrcrC0ErIJTGcBXd7FBRrbnpUeC7EuP4iCnJhQZKzaUz7CB AknSYgA866apy8Tb416pXOsyHyoRfDm5IlwpJkN5ylCegCYJHn NBO4lrDkpQlIJvCRfrMXMc/KguM8ZWkrbQqTFsogj1mq3xTEFlKlE5Z1zE5iSBp1H6VoJnOPE vAK71xCnDCEgiST92nnAEKMkVWePvBfEcWoQfE9HKUNK/VFH8HxyWUuY5xKiQcuHKlf1HfF4UiJKUmFKVp4YvpVb4WiVuKU SYZcUo/8h3cnzU6Kza3JiRnjr6bB1YG2hufMcq84Lx5zBvpfYPiiFpV7K xrBjbcHUGl JYglM6fVqEixjlbzodZJYtT/AGtxDqXUhQbR3v2hCB7SFZgSEKsdVFXlmp/2Y4ViHm331rlxTJLbilArKSCFCB7MpBEm96r47OhSittLjmHMF C2khxRGW4KUnMlWaQQoCKd8KxGIw4bOKCsO0AUMtWDryihScy0 i4bQFEnNEkjlVHPlmdEeTMkK2 oorgDuUrBSFFSY1jrJ6CoC4ACEqAEk9IqPhmYk5SBAP81lodxL EbRED50nWtSlQkSeXzo19sxe5NAMkqcAB t6lIe4Mgd0Jzknwx7omFJIixmn3dISM ZNrlOm506zPwqscQSpLaVgpCu8FkmCqBII5daZNcVbLGZZzKSQ k twev71qM2DXuJqdbUpBSMqvAkqE8oqlYtQzqGl79Dvfzon7YgW Sok7zoSD7vpQjxBWVaAmwo0yYlwqYGYW6/W9bNmb6k1Ap2PLlU7M5udqCnk8jXlbx/bWUAwwj4acbcPurSr0CgT8q7GpzSDIPLSNvlXFXzaOdXzsPxoO Ndws/etAf5t6JUOqbJPod63xY5RbsypGkHoSf4ogEetCJfAqfNuBtW2 FR7f8ABy8EOtghxvRQsYkHXWRFqrvCOF4x5a3XHVsJcADhTKC4 AIlREQYF1WJroWKXeSJP4RQbmF7xKgoWXqn Z6UYZenuDTlSltspCEQAIm3O29EEBMkrWrkJHoPo1E2yhvRMHf LN/Tn 1LuJcXbbCi5KG0CXF6xPsoT J1WyRcTJpQzjHGmsKx9od3shCfacV ET5XOwrnGL/wBSMYpRIQwlP4ChShHVWYE dqRdo OOYt3vFeFIGVpubNo5dVGJJ3pWkCQCf4rNrpx4T6tau2uckuYV KVEXU04R5eFaV/nS97jWHN/sy3VDTv3pRMBN0NpTmEDSYoHC4NskZiSOhsfM 7Vj4bwvCalkOFRhIU4vuxfQEGSepoNnGKrj JOPrCnDmIGVCEiEoTshtCRCU9B86sHD EqDOUie8V96oHwpyzlaKh70nMrbNlG1WJvsrhD3iW87DhzQpKy cu3hn2keVyJmqa4xi HO3GXylTLqd4MQbeShTit3oRxbs6swprxTbKfaHIEc4/Kq480UyCIIrp3Z/jWGxUJT907H9JRsrohR9oWkDUUXxPs6ziJ7xJCrkLTYg/wBw0OmtWCc86qjt9n3XWMK9g0QpQWl1QWlELSoZcxUoSSFR/jS9lhQJLpJcKilWY5iEg3AVeZMjyHWneN7KPYYFRWHGR7UEggE EGUna9yJpVjAABH7fX81mtStVLBCzdN7dfqK8wK/aF5t8Bc0O6kkaWojhrIlRuLQKCmxGIKh1rMCErcKjYWEddKmOF SEpV7RuI5EaT51GxlSTtJ FQecdMupQSTlAERdP7zY0Es5UrQdbdLgmi Jr7xxSxb3ddNIPkYqDF4XIFJWbgpIIvMjmKTAKYtrM8qJxT/3hIEbR9bULYc6IJCkzEKm9RbEi319CjMG5IM3I0oFKBc6RtRjS YiKr6AnvPKsqT0PwrKx2zr19YitcJjFtuIcbWUKQZSobHf0OhH KvHmlcjahCkyPOth1ngnbVhYHfgMqnLnj7pSo0CvcPQ/E1akqkSIIOhFwfWuNt4hLaS13mZBT4kEApUTr/AN60qa7xkzhnVoE6JWpJ RhX51rWfF3dTI3rRZAEhJPXQAdSdK4crtVjgIOLeH V/wB6U8Q4k67/AFXXHByWtSvkTFXkp/511ntJ2xwrQIDpW5 BggqHQuewn5npXLeN8bcxChmhKUk5G0zkTO9/bcO6zc9NKWFBOggfD863ORFzDiuRH3Y891 Vh50e3ScZEbkgAkEBQkHmLiROokG9eJWdfn9a1qt1SyVKJUSbq PwHTaoiqlrBrGKymbnrMfKmbPFCmDMXsUix02H7UgQRvPpU08v nULF1wHFY11MmDBSdbpOyvXerOjigKUpWkLShaVEKSFqQUmQSI 8Sbap8Q5GuWs4kp8iZg6TpIn1pnw7iygfCSqNrlSf8Aiatc7xW bj3YNDoOIwKwcxK 7UqQSSTLSx7JBnwnkBIrODYviKSlD6wkJTcFrvHtDlBjeQJUZH MzWnD NKQrMPAonxAqSM2wKkEwo29qx61eOHuofSldsw3Go8/repbc7UzjXH3knu8hzKSfucQ0lBeTv3LiFFOYAxlPP0NY4zxL7 QUriAkAAxcjbN1iKu3bnhzysMoPBp2CO6yhaFtrPgStJzEECxI 3FUXFKAyySSBB6nSelHJrjgYHQ2pngsL4M97ydtKW5hAps3iMy QqwHlA5elZNQvMEWjX4c6GSg3HK/nReMUD7MkRQLWIATJmTm FqkxKfaHMbDXzoLEm8aaWvE/vUf2iCb2qF56TOkU41EhTetj5xahg8ZnWpysGKiKb8Vo9aMbaI j9aXtK0ii 9mKGaJ708/nWUD9o voVlWMnT2JPKhHsTmEGinY/elr tQawNjUuUlPtelDuIPIiokOEaUkSsKImAfWoFMK/CB5kVCMQUk9RWocOtRYUmedaNNZ1ROUTrGg51r35O thR7bISIVvaef8VHQuKwWUSmY0HJURMH9OlAE1ZOzapS42q6Mw kHTcA9POkuPwpQtSeRg/ofUXrUUoUROv81K2saGofLnXtOIV34A9lP RzfAVr3ylWKleQ0 VaKcERlgRrH51jaDtP8AH7UGJG4G37 ldZ7DOqbbQ24fGoZgN8lgJje/z6XoPAuHjOlShmy3g7jePKrH2dx6lcQB1hJAgWyb9dT8 lUY5drtxJH2lkpTAUFlBB0zJOki6ZEEKGltb1y3E4xJUpKdASJ MTAMee29dFw J7riLuHJ8OJbDrZ//AGoABHmpAn/GqB/qFwwM4jvEiEPjN0DgjvB5mQr1NVms8KW4t5uYJN/egfkDW7WNbDRKTcWgzfrFIlD66dK8QqLVnHXB2Ix0208tKkaxC AgDNPhVAy7mBrtpS11VeJcGkwKcWCmFpBGkdb7VqkIyqkxfwwN f2oUOaXrQm1K9JBfXX5fCpWEEjahgr K3S5yNVi0ZAAkKvyohtYMWvz/igkGdaKYrNVQ950NZUOevacc9Wt4XoHEIg0wxFAOfOslpiXVXv YWihTReIjMZ3P6UMW6UBd/WtDG80Q6kQbb0M4L6bUtxPgkAqJgwLfHX5TTLFgBIsbdPyoLh6 YBPOicW LZQZ3metxJtPlR9FEdlEEqcPIiecXqHirBKwoamx/T9vSjOzFmVqi5UR6QPlWzsFSEx76Zjzmms/Va4o2UuEEQdDPOhkeVPe15BfCvxJE c0lUmAOt4plajwrPW9FYTEbG95g8tCPrrQeb1rdwnTlTUuuAQE NTN0ix5oV ep8pPKoOzbuXFBU72ndJ58o/WocFjJw4BPiRe2qgdjtG/qaF4a/leSeRmJ1Sdp9fmayxi4/6jOqbVh8Q3OdlYUk8wDPw2PRRo3tZhUYvBKcbFilOIa6QmVp88 pUPMUL2zXmwwvMJnbxDl87 fSgf9P KBWHcwqjPcErbn3mlmFp9FEGP7jSzPWqBlOx8uv8V6MOu5t1vR T2CyLWiJyKUm2oykpE1F3ZSYUbgWHp0odoFWhXXyrUJ10tRCFH eelRKO8W6b9TSkKxHKsKd62VBM29KwDTlt16Uh5kmt0pNeoTbp tUzbZkHag41aFFYfUUNG9E4Y3FFNBZTWUV3aeVZVrn4rI6KEeF 5FMXCmL0E8pJ W9ZCHGp1OtxUyUIUAJuNRzrV99HsqHrNT4VLa7FQMdb/vUi7iDYClgaCKXfX10p1xHBd2FmQU850oDhTOZ5EXAMn03rUal bNJIRp8uVCY12/hBEJv1NOuLrzLWqAmCBE6QI5Dz0 NVt1YJOlzGvwoMWbhwKMKiNTJPx0861wLX37Q3kk cGp3kpCEjYCBJ8hND4Fwd JIGVJ/IVfWQPaMBT8CwjWgcZhe7yXCgoevUGi8fd9Q0idehvQ/E3gctxvvTGoX72rFC1eKWOY VSlQ5ilJsFiSnTb5j DUja4VIvF09RuPP9qgxrWQpM2In1kg WleNuAaEfHbepa6I8/nwoiCUgkcikgyP3/yqkcM4l9kxTb1ylJ8Q/E0oZVDqYJtzFWLgmLlqAQSjxJ5KRfMn4bf8qrHGG0pWQD4SZTP I7Hy/TrUxDjtIgM4p5QIIWoLbUNCFJSoHyIM0idIMm8k lFM4/OyjxAqaHdaz92ZU2T5EqR5BFD98BafkNfSpuemzZECR5XsfOp3 mQkKFwc1gdCNRlPreoWSdZEbSKYYnEjIZQmZBSoGLx192s1Fnc 5bkWuBUU COulSFQIOZUbiDv16bVhBy88wBEGTSkSyUmPw/GjQkkJBPkIvQJUJvr50e48DlMnw/vUQ2SLTvoamw scqlcYCsyswiw1rwEJPtCKFov7P9RWUx7msrl5VavuJoRW/lXlZXZ5/jzF 0fIfkKFVvXtZVDHr/sn0qPD 1/7vyNe1lIrHtTQqqysqQt3RPl teo19DWVlTUbq9s X60O7 9ZWVpBXdfhUdZWU/WU2O0T/wAR ZoVr6 deVlAorDe76/mqocT p/MVlZQZ6SYPb1/ TdSvb dZWU1PWND5fpXuL9keQ/ NZWVmmF69/reo29FelZWU/FBLvsM/wDE/rW/vD63r2spvpfWe7/n tb8M9v0rKyslc6ysrKA/9k=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81fJ7LTr40L._SY355_.jpg

That beats the hell out of.....just music.

Hell, fuck a live concert just listen to the band on one of your devices.

05-04-2019, 12:26 AM
Here is just music.

<span style="font-family:arial narrow;">

Where was this recorded, what year? Who played what on this track?

I have it all right here in my hand.

05-04-2019, 09:49 AM
Gee, if there was only some sort of interconnected network of computers which had some kind of information on Louis Armstrong that anyone with a functioning brain could easily access....

05-06-2019, 06:10 PM
Gee, if there was only some sort of interconnected network of computers which had some kind of information on Louis Armstrong that anyone with a functioning brain could easily access....

Everyone with a functioning brain gets how much better CD's are than just music and having to Google things.

I can read all that info found on a booklet in bed, or out on the porch or anywhere. I don't have to be stuck behind this computer that does freeze up sometimes, does take awhile to get going,

How cool is this...



05-06-2019, 06:17 PM
Everyone with a functioning brain gets how much better CD's are than just music and having to Google things.

I can read all that info found on a booklet in bed, or out on the porch or anywhere. I don't have to be stuck behind this computer that does freeze up sometimes, does take awhile to get going,If only there were some sort of computing device available the size of a notebook or a tablet of paper....People could use them in locations other than a black mold stained spider hatchery isolated from all civilization....

05-06-2019, 06:26 PM
I don't want to have to deal with a computer of any kind just to listen to music and read about the artists.

I have....

The best of...

Georgia Blues
St. Louis Blues
Mississippi Delta Blues
East Coast Blues
Alabama Blues
Texas Blues
Memphis Blues

Side by side in a CD holder all with booklet about the music, where it was recorded who played what, a story about each artist all right there. Totally beats the hell out of Googling, freeze ups. Even a ...DUH!...like you can see that.


How cool is that?

So tell me on Lucillie Bogan's "Boogie Alley" who plays the piano. Good ahead guy find that on Google. That would take me less than a minute.

05-06-2019, 06:29 PM
lol Avante has a shitty computer

05-06-2019, 06:33 PM
lol Avante has a shitty computer

Dude, I want to know when a song was recorded, who played what, the story behind the sound, and I don't want to have to Google everything. If you can't see howe much better a CD/booklet is over just music, and having to Google everything I can't help ya.

Who played in the Memphis Jug Band on KC Moan, who played what? What, don't fell like Googling all that, well who does?

05-06-2019, 06:39 PM
Dude, I want to know when a song was recorded, who played what, the story behind the sound, and I don't want to have to Google everything. If you can't see howe much better a CD/booklet is over just music, and having to Google everything I can't help ya.

Who played in the Memphis Jug Band on KC Moan, who played what? What, don't fell like Googling all that, well who does?That's great for people who don't really know how to use their shitty computers.:tu

05-06-2019, 07:26 PM
That's great for people who don't really know how to use their shitty computers.:tu

Work with me here slick.

Louis Armstrongs "Gut Bucket Blues". Who was on that recording? What year was it recorded, where was it recorded? Go ahead guy.

Let me guess, you won't do anything. I already have all that info, took me a few seconds.

Don't get it at all do ya guy? And I like owning this book with pictures of Kid Ory, Johnny Dodds, Lil Armstrong. So what instrument did they all play? I have it right here, BOOM~~~ micro seconds.

I don't want just music guy, and like you who really wants to Google everything?

05-06-2019, 08:07 PM
Work with me here slick.

Louis Armstrongs "Gut Bucket Blues". Who was on that recording? What year was it recorded, where was it recorded? Go ahead guy.Recorded in Chicago November 12, 1925
Track Time 2:45
Written by Louis Armstrong
Recorded in Chicago
Louis Armstrong, trumpet, vocal; Kid Ory, trombone; Johnny Dodds, clarinet, alto saxophone; Lil Armstrong, piano; Johnny St. Cyr, banjo
Originally released on Okeh 8261

Search took 0.70 seconds.

05-06-2019, 11:33 PM
Yep...Kid Ory, cool cat, heavy baritone. Once wrestled a family of feral pigs...then played washboard later that night at a jazz joint in Macon, GA. Might have played pro ball..yep...6'2, 249 lbs, the second greatest athlete from South East New Mexico State University...only behind Junior Sandow who was part of the qualifying team for the '28 Olympics relay team. No one knows more about "Big" Kid Ory than me...yep.

05-08-2019, 01:07 PM
[QUOTE=Pavlov;9800674]Recorded in Chicago November 12, 1925
Track Time 2:45
Written by Louis Armstrong
Recorded in Chicago
Louis Armstrong, trumpet, vocal; Kid Ory, trombone; Johnny Dodds, clarinet, alto saxophone; Lil Armstrong, piano; Johnny St. Cyr, banjo
Originally released on Okeh 8261

Search took 0.70 seconds.[/QUOTE

So you don;t really want this booklet that breaks down Armstrongs career compete with pictures of the band? I do, it beats the hell out of just the music and having to Google.

After reading a book do you just throw it away? I like owning...

War and Peace
The 12 Conan books....with that amazing cover art
H.P.Lovecraft The Lurking Fear

Who gets rid of comics books? Why collect football cards?

I want to own the CD's.

05-08-2019, 01:10 PM
Yep...Kid Ory, cool cat, heavy baritone. Once wrestled a family of feral pigs...then played washboard later that night at a jazz joint in Macon, GA. Might have played pro ball..yep...6'2, 249 lbs, the second greatest athlete from South East New Mexico State University...only behind Junior Sandow who was part of the qualifying team for the '28 Olympics relay team. No one knows more about "Big" Kid Ory than me...yep.

Not knowing anything about anything is you dummy. Stick to movie talk and following everyone around, what can know nothings do?

I need to know all I can about what interests me so I do. I have no equal actually when it comes to this combo...rasslin'/track/blues/football/literature.

05-08-2019, 01:11 PM
So you don;t really want this booklet that breaks down Armstrongs career compete with pictures of the band? I do, it beats the hell out of just the music and having to Google.No, it just ends up being clutter. I got rid of most of my physical media years ago and I don't miss it.

After reading a book do you just throw it away? I like owning...Most books I resell or donate. You like hoarding.

War and Peace
The 12 Conan books....with that amazing cover art
H.P.Lovecraft The Lurking Fear
Oh look, a list.

Who gets rid of comics books? Why collect football cards?

I want to own the CD's.Good for you. I just sonned you by looking up all the information you demanded in less than a second. Think about how badly you got owned right then.

05-08-2019, 01:21 PM
No, it just ends up being clutter. I got rid of most of my physical media years ago and I don't miss it.

Most books I resell or donate. You like hoarding.

Oh look, a list.

Good for you. I just sonned you by looking up all the information you demanded in less than a second. Think about how badly you got owned right then.

Ever heard of shelves? Clutter?

I know nobody who donates their books but you are a weird one. Who dumps Edgar Allan Poe, H.G.Wells, Robert E. Howard?

I don't believe you about 0.7 at all. Now find who played what on Jellyroll Mortons Wildman Blues. I just have to put down the Armstrong CD and grab the Jelly Morton CD.

Dude, most people want to collect things, own things.

05-08-2019, 01:29 PM
Jelly Morton was an untalented hack.

05-08-2019, 01:31 PM
Ever heard of shelves? Clutter?Yep. Had dozens of them. All gone.

I know nobody who donates their books but you are a weird one. Who dumps Edgar Allan Poe, H.G.Wells, Robert E. Howard?Anyone who's done reading them and wants others to enjoy them as well.

I don't believe you about 0.7 at all. Now find who played what on Jellyroll Mortons Wildman Blues. I just have to put down the Armstrong CD and grab the Jelly Morton CD.George Mitchell (cornet); Gerald Reeves (trombone); Johnny Dodds (clarinet); Paul “Stump” Evans (alto sax); Jelly Roll Morton (piano); Bud Scott (guitar); Quinn Wilson (bass); Warren “Baby” Dodds (drums); Lew La Mar (dialogue).

Also 0.7 seconds.

I don't have to own a CD to hear it or learn about it.

Dude, most people want to collect things, own things.Netflix and Spotify are taking shits in your open mouth as we type.

05-08-2019, 01:32 PM
Avant getting shit all over, per par.

Wonder how long before alt boy comes to his "rescue".

05-08-2019, 01:49 PM
Avant getting shit all over, per par.

Wonder how long before alt boy comes to his "rescue".

I like 99% of everyone wants to own the books/music. So what are you even talking about, do you even know?

Dude, were you really bragging about not knowing anything?

You never really seem to get anything guy.

I own the things I want, I know all about everything that interests me.................rescue???????????

05-08-2019, 01:55 PM
There are records out there worth millions.

First edition books worth TONS.

Why would anyone not want to own the music/books?

05-08-2019, 02:00 PM
I own piles of moldy, worthless shit and can't stop bragging about it despite being destroyed over trying to show off my piles of moldy, worthless shit.

Exactly. Stop it, please.

05-08-2019, 02:02 PM
There are records out there worth millions.

First edition books worth TONS.

Why would anyone not want to own the music/books?Why do you find boxes of crusty ass CDs and books for a dollar?

05-08-2019, 02:10 PM
Exactly. Stop it, please.

Dude, you get more stupid with each post.

05-08-2019, 02:14 PM
Why do you find boxes of crusty ass CDs and books for a dollar?

I get you are an idiot, do the best ya can.

Robert E. Howard is the father of the sword & sorcery novel, his major creation...Conan....there are 12 books that tell the story.

Ever heard of The Lord of the Rings books?

Familiar with the books of H.P. Lovecraft?

Dude, you simply don't get it and you never will.

05-08-2019, 02:16 PM
Who here can actually talk anything? Yep...nobody.

05-08-2019, 02:22 PM
I get you are an idiot, do the best ya can.

Robert E. Howard is the father of the sword & sorcery novel, his major creation...Conan....there are 12 books that tell the story.

Ever heard of The Lord of the Rings books?

Familiar with the books of H.P. Lovecraft?

Dude, you simply don't get it and you never will.Yeah, I know some books and CDs can be valuable.

Most are fairly worthless and not worth the space in my home.

You keep bragging about picking up worthless shit.

05-08-2019, 02:31 PM
Yeah, I know some books and CDs can be valuable.

Most are fairly worthless and not worth the space in my home.

You keep bragging about picking up worthless shit.

Dude, it's not about "space in my home" ok? Try.....my very own man cave/Fortress of Solitude/Den. A place just for...ME~~~~~~~

We have a nice book shelf in the front room where we keep the classics the rest go out in my room.

Dude, I own nothing that doesn't interest me. If you have some fav authors you want their books...right? You have a fav band you want their CD's...right?

I know you ain't too bright but now I can see why.

05-08-2019, 02:37 PM
Never seen so many know nothings in one place before it really is weird. Now it's...you know too much, own too many things...hahahahaha~~~~~~

Breaks my heart that at around 19 I sold all my comics, and rasslin' mags, Yep...HUGE mistake.

05-08-2019, 02:46 PM
Breaks my heart that at around 19 I sold all my comics, and rasslin' mags, Yep...HUGE mistake.

Underage hookers get expense, eh?

05-08-2019, 02:49 PM
Underage hookers get expense, eh?

Dude, are you really as stupid as you appear to be?

05-08-2019, 03:13 PM
Dude, it's not about "space in my home" ok? Try.....my very own man cave/Fortress of Solitude/Den. A place just for...ME~~~~~~~lol even worse.

Dude, I own nothing that doesn't interest me. If you have some fav authors you want their books...right? You have a fav band you want their CD's...right?No. All my favorite bands and hundreds of thousands more are readily available any time I want for about 1/3 the price of a CD per month.

Books? If I have a favorite I want to read again in a physical book I'll get it again.

I don't need to be a hoarder isolated from the world to like books and music.

05-09-2019, 01:50 AM
lol even worse.

No. All my favorite bands and hundreds of thousands more are readily available any time I want for about 1/3 the price of a CD per month.

Books? If I have a favorite I want to read again in a physical book I'll get it again.

I don't need to be a hoarder isolated from the world to like books and music.

Where are you getting that silliness from? Hoarder? Isolated? Dude, those two words simply don't work.

I'm a collector and nothing isolated about it.

And having your very own room where it;s nothing but you is very cool.

I get the impression you aren't too bright and simply don't get any of this.

05-09-2019, 01:55 AM
Where are you getting that silliness from? Hoarder? Isolated? Dude, those two words simply don't work.

I'm a collector and nothing isolated about it.

And having your very own room where it;s nothing but you is very cool.Isolated hoard.

I get the impression you aren't too bright and simply don't get any of this.It's pretty simple tbh.

05-09-2019, 02:01 AM
Isolated hoard.

It's pretty simple tbh.

So nobody has a huge CD collection? Nobody has a huge home library?

So a library "hoards" books? A record store "hoards" CD's?

Dude, you're weird.

05-09-2019, 02:06 AM
So nobody has a huge CD collection? Nobody has a huge home library?Lots of people have lots of junk. Fewer now that it's completely unnecessary.

So a library "hoards" books? A record store "hoards" CD's?Those places lend out and sell books and records you idiot.

What kind of idiot doesn't know that?

You. You're that kind of idiot.

05-09-2019, 02:17 AM
Lots of people have lots of junk. Fewer now that it's completely unnecessary.

Those places lend out and sell books and records you idiot.

What kind of idiot doesn't know that?

You. You're that kind of idiot.

An idiot thinks collecting is hoarding. And when talking to you I treat you like what you are a moron.

So you don't own any music or books. That sucks but you're too damn stupid to get it.

Talk to me about them Alabama blues, who would I need to listen to get the best read on that music.

You did Google "Gut Bucket Blues" but you won't be Googling that, way too much work. While I have all that info right here in my hand.

Too lazy to find out what I asked, as are most people.

My God this dude is dumb.

05-09-2019, 02:22 AM
An idiot thinks collecting is hoarding. And when talking to you I treat you like what you are a moron.

So you don't own any music or books. That sucks but you're too damn stupid to get it.I already told you about my books and music you idiot. You're too much of an idiot to even remember.

Talk to me about them Alabama blues, who would I need to listen to get the best read on that music.https://media1.tenor.com/images/83116dac5575fef19f9a39e17984e7bd/tenor.giflol

05-09-2019, 02:26 AM
Hey, here you go:


0.78 seconds

Knock yourself out!

05-09-2019, 02:34 AM
Hey, here you go:


0.78 seconds

Knock yourself out!

Dude, that doesn't tell me just what would be THE ESSENTIAL ALABAMA BLUES at all. Come on guy answer what I asked, yep, you can't.

Who are the most important of those listed? And some are prewar and other post war, that's not how this is done.

Dude, nothing beats the actual CD. Only an obvious moron like you wouldn't get this.

05-09-2019, 02:38 AM
Dude, that doesn't tell me just what would be THE ESSENTIAL ALABAMA BLUES at all. Come on guy answer what I asked, yep, you can't.Here you go.

Disc One

1.Big Mama Thornton
Walking Blues

2.Arthur Alexander
Sally Sue Brown

3.Ralph Willis
Income Tax Blues

4.Dan Pickett
Lemon Man

5.Horace Sprott
Black Snake Blues

6.Barefoot Bill
Snigglin’ Blues

7.Dan Picket
Something’s Gone Wrong

8.Walter Roland
Big Mama

9.Ed Bell
Squabblin’ Blues

10.Edward Thompson
Seven Sister Blues

11.Clifford Gibson
Blues Without A Dime

12.Daddy Stovepipe with Misisippi Sarah
The Spasm

13.Frankie ‘Half Pint’ Jaxon
I Wonder Where My Easy Rider’s Gone

14.Cow Cow Davenport
Cow Cow Blues

15.Ollis Martin
Police And High Sheriff Come Ridin’ Down

16.Lucille Bogan
Baking Powder Blues

17.Jabo Williams
Polock Blues

18.Edward Thompson
Showers Of Rain

19.Walter Roland
Red Cross Blues

20.Frankie ‘Half Pint’ Jackson
Callin’ Corrine

21.Ben Covington
Boodle-De-Dum Blues

22.Jaybird Coleman
Coffee Grinder Blues

23.Lucille Bogan
Shave ‘Em Dry

24.Paul Bascomb
After Hours

25.Lucky Millinder and his Orchestra
Moanin’ The Blues

Tracks on Disc 2:
1.Big Mama Thornton
Hard Times

2.Ralph Willis
Gonna Hop On Down The Line

3.Dan Pickett
Drivin’ That Thing

4.Big Mama Thornton
Cotton Picking Blues

5.Ralph Willis
Sweet Man Blues

6.Dan Pickett
Early One Morning

7.Ralph Willis
Goodbye Blues

8.Horace Sprott
Take This Hammer

9.Paul Bascomb
Leap Frog Blues

10.Lucky Millinder
D Natural Blues

11.Ed Bell
Bad Boy

12.Walter Roland
Back Door Blues

13.Daddy Stovepipe with Mississippi Sarah
Greenville Strut

14.Lucille Bogan
Jump Steady Daddy

15.Clifford Gibson
Ice And Snow Blues

16.Edward Thompson
Florida Bound

17.Ben Covington
Adam And Eve In The Garden

18.Jaybird Coleman
Giving It Away

19.Clifford Gibson
Bad Luck Dice

20.Ed Bell
Big Rock Jail

21.Lucille Bogan
Till The Cows Come Home

22.Frankie ‘Half Pint’ Jaxon
Jive Man Blues

23.Walter Roland
T Model Blues

24.Cow Cow Davenport
Jim Crow Blues

25.W. C. Handy Orchestra
St. Louis Blues

05-09-2019, 02:41 AM
Half a second BTW.

05-13-2019, 03:44 PM
Dude, what are the "prewar" "postwar" there? And. Clifford Gibson was not an Alabama player.

That was a very bad example of Alabama blues, but how would you know? By the way....Barefoot Bill and Ed Bell are the same guy.

Clifford "Grandpappy" Gibson (April 17, 1901 – December 21, 1963)[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson#cite_note-Dead-1) was an American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) blues (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blues) singer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singer) and guitarist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitarist). He is best known for the tracks, "Bad Luck Dice" and "Hard Headed Blues".[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson#cite_note-Dead-1)
Born in Louisville (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisville,_Kentucky), Kentucky (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky), United States (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States),[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson#cite_note-Dead-1) he moved to St. Louis, Missouri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis,_Missouri) in the 1920s and lived there for the rest of his life.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson#cite_note-amg-2) He played in St. Louis clubs, and in 1929 began recording (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_recording_and_reproduction) for the QRS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QRS_Records) and Victor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Records) labels (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_label). He is regarded as one of the earliest urban blues performers, with no pronounced rural (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rural_blues) influences. His guitar playing style resembled that of Lonnie Johnson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Johnson_%28musician%29), with an emphasis on vibrato (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrato) and improvisation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvisation). Among the many themes touched on in his songs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song), "Don't Put That Thing on Me" is notable for its references to hoodoo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoodoo_%28folk_magic%29), an African American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_American) form of folk magic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_religion).
Gibson accompanied Jimmie Rodgers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmie_Rodgers_%28country_singer%29) on a Victor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Records) single (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_%28music%29), "Let Me Be Your Side Track", in 1931, then spent parts of the next three decades playing in the streets around St. Louis.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Gibson#cite_note-amg-2) Gibson resurfaced on recordings in 1960 on the Bobbin label, and worked another three years in St. Louis' Gaslight Square (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_Square), before his death from pulmonary edema (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_edema) in 1963.[2]


05-13-2019, 03:47 PM

Boweavil Jackson
Bullet Williams
Birmingham Jug Band
Alabama Shieks

You cannot talk Alabama Blues without them.

05-13-2019, 04:50 PM

Boweavil Jackson
Bullet Williams
Birmingham Jug Band
Alabama Shieks

You cannot talk Alabama Blues without them.Great. I could Google those guys too if I gave a shit.

Physical media is fine for out of print stuff, though I make lossless rips of those so I don't damage them. It's mostly unnecessary otherwise.

05-13-2019, 04:57 PM
Dude, what are the "prewar" "postwar" there? If I gave a shit I could find out when each was recorded.

And :lmao proving my point by posting a wikipedia article you googled.

05-13-2019, 10:16 PM
Pavlov, that totally sucked and proved what I was saying. You are already.....if I gave a fuck I could Google. Dude, NOBODY wants to runs off to Google shit. Just open up the booklet that came with the CD...BINGO~~~~ Hell, I started reading the booklet where I buy the CD, Don't carry a computer around slick.

I bought THE BEST OF THE SHIRELLES today, a 16 page booklet came with the two CD set. What was their first #1 hit? What, don't feel like Googling it? I didn't have to moron, it was right there in the booklet.

Dude, nobody wants to fuck with Googling shit., ok stupid? Just buy the CD and have something to look at and liner notes to read.

Damn what an idiot.

Stupid, there is a HUGE difference between prewar/postwar when talking them blues, you do want them seperate. I know....huh???

05-13-2019, 11:49 PM
Pavlov, that totally sucked and proved what I was saying. You are already.....if I gave a fuck I could Google. Dude, NOBODY wants to runs off to Google shit. Just open up the booklet that came with the CD...BINGO~~~~ Hell, I started reading the booklet where I buy the CD, Don't carry a computer around slick.

I bought THE BEST OF THE SHIRELLES today, a 16 page booklet came with the two CD set. What was their first #1 hit? What, don't feel like Googling it? I didn't have to moron, it was right there in the booklet.

Dude, nobody wants to fuck with Googling shit., ok stupid? Just buy the CD and have something to look at and liner notes to read.

Damn what an idiot.

Stupid, there is a HUGE difference between prewar/postwar when talking them blues, you do want them seperate. I know....huh???
I don't want them separate. Plenty of people don't.

:lol you shit on yourself with your own Google search. Don't get mad at me about it.

05-14-2019, 12:05 AM
I don't want them separate. Plenty of people don't.

:lol you shit on yourself with your own Google search. Don't get mad at me about it.

Dude, why try and talk about things you know nothing about at all? NOBODY.....listens to blues like that, it is ALWAYS done "prewar" "postwar". One of the major reasons is the sound quality. Now think stupid, who wants to hear all that hiss, crackle from the 20's. 30's then a far higher quality sound then back to snap, crackle then back to...............

My God you're dumb.

05-14-2019, 01:24 AM
Dude, why try and talk about things you know nothing about at all? NOBODY.....listens to blues like thatSure they do.

It's the blues. You can listen to it all any way you want.

05-15-2019, 12:36 PM
Sure they do.

It's the blues. You can listen to it all any way you want.

No they don't, if you know them blues you know how it's listened to. Stupid, have you ever heard any pre 1940 blues records? A HUGE difference in quality from what we have in the 40's and beyond. It's annoying to go from high quality to low quality, what about that don't you understand?

Rookies, sheesh~~~~~~~~

05-15-2019, 12:38 PM
No they don't, if you know them blues you know how it's listened to.I listen to the blues. There is no need to constrict your listening to one period or another. That's just stupid.

Motown recordings sound like shit compared to new stuff. I still listen to them together.

05-15-2019, 01:00 PM
I listen to the blues. There is no need to constrict your listening to one period or another. That's just stupid.

Motown recordings sound like shit compared to new stuff. I still listen to them together.

I don't believe you guy, I doubt you have ever listened to them old blues at all. I;m not talking Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Howlin' Wolf, BB King from the late 40's/early 50's. I;m talking Charley Patton, Tommy Johnson, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake, pre 1930.

Dude, give it up and just admit you are totally clueless because it;s real obvious this is way over your head.

I like most want the CD's, I know nobody who doesn't.

05-15-2019, 01:01 PM
I don't believe you guyI don't care what you believe.

You're an idiot.

05-15-2019, 01:49 PM
I don't care what you believe.

You're an idiot.

I'm not the one telling others they are wrong in wanting to own the CD's, that is you ya dumb fuck. And, I can hand them down to others.

Dude, you know..0...about them blues, if ya did you'd get ya don't blend that old stuff with anything else. It has it's own place and all of us know the music get this. Stupid, ya don't mix......ok dummy?

05-15-2019, 01:58 PM
I'm not the one telling others they are wrong in wanting to own the CD'sI'm not saying it's wrong.

I'm saying lol physical media as it's nowhere near as necessary as it was ten years ago. I would never expect an old man to change his ways, especially one whose sense of self-worth stems largely from the piles he hoarded in his shit shack. I got rid of all that clutter and missing a few pictures and liner notes is completely worth it.

And anyone can listen to any types of music any way he wants to. There's nothing you can do about it.

05-15-2019, 02:47 PM
I'm not saying it's wrong.

I'm saying lol physical media as it's nowhere near as necessary as it was ten years ago. I would never expect an old man to change his ways, especially one whose sense of self-worth stems largely from the piles he hoarded in his shit shack. I got rid of all that clutter and missing a few pictures and liner notes is completely worth it.

And anyone can listen to any types of music any way he wants to. There's nothing you can do about it.

Stupid, a bunch of music, books has shit to do with anything, it's like someones movie opinion, just chatter that means little. If you think it's more than that then you're dumber than I think, if possible.

Dude, you don't appear to really understand things, and it is weird how ya act. You are so wrong about everything all the time, you'd think just odds would work, but...nope. I know a lot of music lovers, all of them cherish their collection of records, tapes, CDs, only a freak like you would think of that as clutter/hoarding.

You saw how soon you got bugged by Googling, that's because nobody wants to play that, just read the liner notes is how it's done. A cool shelf of music all by genre/artist is real cool. Only a dummy like you wouldn't get that.

This guy on a whole other level of....DUH~~~

05-15-2019, 03:01 PM
Stupid, a bunch of music, books has shit to do with anything, it's like someones movie opinion, just chatter that means little. If you think it's more than that then you're dumber than I think, if possible.

Dude, you don't appear to really understand things, and it is weird how ya act. You are so wrong about everything all the time, you'd think just odds would work, but...nope. I know a lot of music lovers, all of them cherish their collection of records, tapes, CDs, only a freak like you would think of that as clutter/hoarding.It is these days. There's out of print stuff that's valuable, but if you're really into the music it doesn't matter if it's on a CD or an LP or a sever in Council Bluffs, Iowa -- and there is more music on that server than I could ever hoard in a shit shack. Information about that music too.

You saw how soon you got bugged by Googling, that's because nobody wants to play that, just read the liner notes is how it's done. A cool shelf of music all by genre/artist is real cool. Only a dummy like you wouldn't get that.I had that. Got rid of it. Don't miss it. It's just more shit other people have to clean up when I die.

This guy on a whole other level of....DUH~~~You simply can't accept that people aren't like you. Probably why you spend so much time in your shit shack.

05-15-2019, 03:10 PM
It is these days. There's out of print stuff that's valuable, but if you're really into the music it doesn't matter if it's on a CD or an LP or a sever in Council Bluffs, Iowa -- and there is more music on that server than I could ever hoard in a shit shack. Information about that music too.

I had that. Got rid of it. Don't miss it. It's just more shit other people have to clean up when I die.

You simply can't accept that people aren't like you. Probably why you spend so much time in your shit shack.

Wrong as you always are.

Those into music want to own the music, those records (some worth TONS) that CD, tape. It's like books ya want a book shelf with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, etc.

Clutter in a garage/den/man cave...????????? How stupid are you?

I know nobody who thinks collecting is hoarding. I own 12 big books on them blues, is that overkill/hoarding?

Stupid, I might spend a hour every few days out there, but it's all there when I want it.

I know music, I want to read about it, look at pictures of the artists, learn the story behind the sound, and don't want to Google anything.

You're weird.

05-15-2019, 03:24 PM
Wrong as you always are.

Those into music want to own the musicNot all.

It's like books ya want a book shelf with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, etc.Also on servers.

Quit acting like you can speak for everyone. You're old and you know old people. 200 million people are on Spotify alone. Around half a billion e-books were sold last year. People who love music and books don't necessarily need piles of crap around them. A single tablet can do it all.

05-15-2019, 03:48 PM
Not all.

Also on servers.

Quit acting like you can speak for everyone. You're old and you know old people. 200 million people are on Spotify alone. Around half a billion e-books were sold last year. People who love music and books don't necessarily need piles of crap around them. A single tablet can do it all.

Anyone who loves music don't see records/tapes/CD;s as piles of crap, if you do then ya rerally don't get this at all, which has been real obvious all along.

Hey stupid, how many libraries/record stores in this country?

Did you really call books a pile of crap?

Fucking moron.

05-15-2019, 04:04 PM
Anyone who loves music don't see records/tapes/CD;s as piles of crap, if you do then ya rerally don't get this at all, which has been real obvious all along.No true Scotsman fallacy.

Hey stupid, how many libraries/record stores in this country?You mean bookstores and record stores?

Much fewer than ten years ago.

Almost 10% fewer record stores than last year.

The number of bookstores has declined every year since 2004.

05-15-2019, 06:49 PM
Very true, no book lover is calling a book crap.

Records and tapes are both making a comeback, why is that?

Dude, a music lover who owns no records/tapes/CD;s?.....why?

An avid reader who owns no books....why?

I want to look at....Lee Child PAST TENSE....that is right over there. I want to look over there and see THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE ENCLYCLOPEDIA looking back.

I want a room surrounded by all those things that interest me.

You're a weird one guy.

05-15-2019, 06:51 PM
Very true, no book lover is calling a book crap.

Records and tapes are both making a comeback, why is that?

Dude, a music lover who owns no records/tapes/CD;s?.....why?

An avid reader who owns no books....why?

I want to look at....Lee Child PAST TENSE....that is right over there. I want to look over there and see THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE ENCLYCLOPEDIA looking back.

I want a room surrounded by all those things that interest me.

You're a weird one guy.lol hoarder


05-15-2019, 06:57 PM
lol hoarder



Why are records and tapes making a comeback, well?

The Nielsen Music 2017 U.S. Music Year-End Report states that over 14 million vinyl records were sold in the United States alone that year — the highest level since 1991, according to Billboard.
Five Reasons Vinyl Is Making a Comeback

Tangibles. ...
The Cool Factor. ...
Vinyl Collectors. ...
The Listening Experience. ...
Sound Quality.

Now add.....

Cassette sales have nearly doubled this year, which indicates there is more demand in the format than in years past, but is it making a comeback that can be sustained?
According to Official Charts (http://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/the-official-top-20-best-selling-cassettes-of-2018-so-far__23407/), cassette sales account for a minuscule 1% of music sales in the UK, with just 22,000 copies sold in 2017. This low number is staggering when one thinks how cassettes were the leading format for audio 27 years ago. While that is far from the case today, in recent years, there has been a strong resurgence, with sales close to or more than doubling each year since 2015. Now in 2018 there looks to be an even stronger increase with 18,500 copies sold in just six months. At this time last year, only 9,753 copies had been sold. So it looks like another big comeback year is in store for cassettes, right?

05-15-2019, 07:08 PM

Why are records and tapes making a comeback, well?

The Nielsen Music 2017 U.S. Music Year-End Report states that over 14 million vinyl records were sold in the United States alone that year — the highest level since 1991, according to Billboard.
Five Reasons Vinyl Is Making a Comeback

Tangibles. ...
The Cool Factor. ...
Vinyl Collectors. ...
The Listening Experience. ...
Sound Quality.
On-Demand Audio streams surpassed 400 Billion streams in 2017



05-15-2019, 07:36 PM
On-Demand Audio streams surpassed 400 Billion streams in 2017



Do you really believe those listening don't also own records/CD/Tapes, you cannot be that stupid. A music lover who doesn't own music, dude....hahahaha~~~~~~~~~~\

Why ignore...............why are records/tapes making a comeback....well?

05-15-2019, 08:36 PM
Do you really believe those listening don't also own records/CD/Tapes, you cannot be that stupid. A music lover who doesn't own music, dude....hahahaha~~~~~~~~~~Yeah, the old sedentary types, sure.

The younger and more relevant the person, the less physical media that person owns.

Why ignore...............why are records/tapes making a comeback....well?Because:

On-Demand Audio streams surpassed 400 Billion streams in 2017



05-15-2019, 09:07 PM
Yeah, the old sedentary types, sure.

The younger and more relevant the person, the less physical media that person owns.


Yep, those who know the music, those with experience, want to own the music, those who can talk the story. kids who don't shit not so much.

05-15-2019, 09:08 PM
Yep, those who know the music, those with experience, want to own the music, those who can talk the story. kids who don't shit not so much.No true Scotsman.

05-15-2019, 10:05 PM
No true Scotsman.

Do you really think kids take the time to Google anything about the music?

You really have never got this.

05-15-2019, 10:07 PM
Do you really think kids take the time to Google anything about the music?It takes less than one second to get results, and they know how to search using Google unlike some old turd who can only work the big button on his Jitterbug.

05-15-2019, 10:12 PM
It takes less than one second to get results, and they know how to search using Google unlike some old turd who can only work the big button on his Jitterbug.

Dude, do you ever get anything right at all? I have posted TONS of videos/Google stuff here.....TONS.

Stupid, NOBODY really wants to Google anything, you know you don't. I don't like it, nobody does. What about...just open the booklet BINGO....don't you understand?

05-15-2019, 10:13 PM
I have posted TONS of videos/Google stuff here.....TONS.

NOBODY really wants to Google anything:lol so why do you do TONS of it?


05-15-2019, 10:16 PM
:lol so why do you do TONS of it?


Pavlov, you really haven't noticed I love music? Really?

05-15-2019, 10:18 PM
Pavlov, you really haven't noticed I love music? Really?So other people who love music will use Google for that as well.

You aren't special.


05-15-2019, 10:27 PM
So other people who love music will use Google for that as well.

You aren't special.


Totally missed the point, sheesh~~~~

When sharing music with others here yep...Youtube. But that is the only time I use a computer for music, ok?

Look guy, like most people I want to own the books, the music, if you don;t then don't.


05-15-2019, 10:30 PM
Totally missed the point, sheesh~~~~

When sharing music with others here yep...Youtube. But that is the only time I use a computer for music, ok?Great.

So what?

Others use computers for a whole lot more than you do.

Get over it.

You're not special.

05-15-2019, 10:34 PM

So what?

Others use computers for a whole lot more than you do.

Get over it.

You're not special.

Dude, too damn stupid to get...DONE~~~~~~~~~~~

05-15-2019, 10:46 PM
Dude, too damn stupid to get...DONE~~~~~~~~~~~Yeah, you're done.

Music lovers everywhere are loving it without physical media.

05-15-2019, 11:14 PM
Yeah, you're done.

Music lovers everywhere are loving it without physical media.

Pavlov, you really are retarded.

05-15-2019, 11:15 PM
Pavlov, you really are retarded.You're not special.


05-15-2019, 11:54 PM
You're not special.


Well, I can talk things nobody else here can. Yep, special.

05-16-2019, 12:10 AM
Well, I can talk things nobody else here can. Yep, special.No.

Anyone can talk about things no one else can.

You're not special.


05-16-2019, 01:58 AM

Anyone can talk about things no one else can.

You're not special.


Not true at all, unless talking personal things. So why say something that stupid?