View Full Version : Fortnite

05-11-2019, 12:49 PM
I’m not a Fortnite player, but I like reading up on it since it seems like it has evolved beyond being just a game to being a kind of subculture.

Are there any Fortnite players here?

Whether you play it or not, how do you feel about Fortnite? Do you find it interesting like I do, or does its existence annoy you?

05-11-2019, 03:07 PM
The shooting mechanics is top notch but skill level is so high now. I tried playing for 3 days and Couldnt get a single kill. It was that bad.

Some of the kids..they'd build castles in under a minute.

The building aspect in fortnite really seperates noobs and intermediate players.

05-12-2019, 12:59 PM
The shooting mechanics is top notch but skill level is so high now. I tried playing for 3 days and Couldnt get a single kill. It was that bad.

Some of the kids..they'd build castles in under a minute.

The building aspect in fortnite really seperates noobs and intermediate players.

That's always been the issue with online shooters for me. There's always these kids who literally have nothing to do all day other than play, so their skills are insane. With only some random free time to spend, there's no way I can compete.

05-13-2019, 11:37 PM
I was a good FPS player during college years but that’s because I’d almost exclusively play those games. Was easy on the budget.

Im not able to casually jump into a match after a couple of months and be remotely good enough to be competitive

05-14-2019, 02:47 PM
I think Fortnite specifically has done an amazing job cashing in on the teenage market. It really is a cultural phenomenon. Everybody is familiar with the game and all the stupid dances and stuff, but I've not talked to any adults that've actually played the thing.