View Full Version : Leaked OPCW assessment concludes 2018 Syria gas attack was staged

05-25-2019, 11:08 AM
Called it :tu

Those hundreds of missiles Trump sent to Assad were a based on a staged chemical attack

Staged by white helmets

The 35 people that died allegedly by these chemicals were probably murdered by white helmets during filming :wow


05-25-2019, 11:10 AM
Theodore Postol, professor of science, technology, and international security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provided the Institute for Public Accuracy with his initial assessment of the newly revealed OPCW document:

“The OPCW engineering assessment unambiguously describes evidence collected by the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) that indicates two analyzed chlorine cylinder attacks were staged in April 2018 in Douma. The holes in the reinforced concrete roofs that were supposedly produced by high-speed impacts (impact at speeds of perhaps 100 m/s or more, 250 mph) of industrial chlorine canisters dropped from helicopters were instead created by earlier explosions of either artillery rockets or mortar shells. In one event a chlorine canister that was damaged on another occasion was placed on the roof with its head inserted into an existing crater hole, and in the other case a damaged chlorine cylinder was placed on a bed supposedly after it penetrated the building roof and bounced from its original trajectory into a bed. In both cases the damage to the chlorine cylinders was incompatible with the damage to the surroundings that was allegedly caused by the cylinder impacts.

“As such, 35 deaths that were originally attributed to these staged chlorine events cannot be explained and it cannot be ruled out that these people were murdered as part of the staging effort.

“The evidence provided in the OPCW report is quite clear. For example, rebar in the cement roof slabs was splayed out from the forces of an intense supersonic shockwave that produced the holes. The only source of such a violently impulsive force in this environment would be that of the shockwave from the forward end of an explosive warhead that impacted and detonated on the roof. The forward end of the explosive charge in the warhead would have been touching or nearly-touching the roof surface when it detonated. Under these conditions the near-in shockwave generated from the forward end of the cylinder shaped explosive produces a shockwave that is traveling at a very high Mach number. Such a shockwave creates a reflected shock that is tremendously hotter and more intense than the incident shock due to the extreme compression of the supersonic incident shock as it violently decelerates during its encounter with a rigid surface.

“The net result of the shock interactions is that the incident and tremendously amplified reflected shocks coalesce together to produce an extremely intense impulse at the surface of the concrete slab. This impulse is so intense that it might well cut through rebar and readily splay the rebar in the forward direction in a geometry like that of the petals of a flower pointing downward.

“This is what is described in the report.

“I will have a much more detailed summary of the engineering report later this week. For now, it suffices to say that the UN OPCW engineering report is completely different from the UN OPCW report on Khan Sheikhoun, which is distinguished by numerous claims about explosive effects that could only have been made by technically illiterate individuals. In very sharp contrast, the voices that come through the engineering report are those of highly knowledgeable and sophisticated experts.

“A second issue that is raised by the character of the OPCW engineering report on Douma is that it is entirely unmentioned in the report that went to the UN Security Council. This omission is very serious, as the findings of that report are critical to the process of determining attribution. There is absolutely no reason to justify the omission of the engineering report in the OPCW account to the UN Security Council as its policy implications are of extreme importance.”

05-25-2019, 11:18 AM

05-28-2019, 08:38 PM
Consider what this tells us. A fake chemical attack incident was used to justify military aggression against Syria by the USA, UK and France. The entire western mainstream media promoted the anti-Syrian and anti-Russian narrative to justify that attack. The supposedly neutral international watchdog, the OPCW, was manipulated by the NATO powers to produce a highly biased report that omits the findings of its own engineers. Which can only call into doubt the neutrality and reliability of the OPCW in its findings on the Skripals too.

There has been virtually no media reporting of the scandalous cover-up. This really does tell you a very great deal more about how the Western world works than the vicissitudes of the ludicrously over-promoted Theresa May and her tears of self pity.

Still more revealing is the reaction from the OPCW – which rather than acknowledge there is a major problem with the conclusions of its Douma report, has started a witch hunt for the whistleblower who leaked the Henderson report.


05-28-2019, 09:59 PM
This is the worst info of all time.
You are lost.

Like thev 2018 incidents were all Syria has carried out.
This guy and his dad were and are ruthless killers. For many years, not just these incidents.
But you think they are heroes like Putin.

05-28-2019, 10:15 PM
This is the worst info of all time.
You are lost.

Like thev 2018 incidents were all Syria has carried out.
This guy and his dad were and are ruthless killers. For many years, not just these incidents.
But you think they are heroes like Putin.

Assad is the good guy compared to the jihadis.

05-28-2019, 10:34 PM
Assad is the good guy compared to the jihadis.

There is no good in either group.
Dont use the word comparatively.

Will Hunting
05-29-2019, 09:24 AM
There is no good in either group.
Dont use the word comparatively.
If we're grading on a curve (which is definitely what we've always done in the middle east), Assad is way better.

05-29-2019, 10:21 AM
Lol pee garden thinking everything is black and white and Assad is all bad and jihadi h3adchoppers are freedom democracy liberators :lol

:lol kindegarden views

05-29-2019, 12:09 PM
If we're grading on a curve (which is definitely what we've always done in the middle east), Assad is way better.

Assad has killed zero Americans.
Assad has, however, killed tens of thousands of the coalition party responsible for 9/11, 7/7, and other jihadi attacks.
Assad has killed thousands of Jebhat Al-Nusra fighters who are directly aligned with ISIS.
Assad doesn't believe in killing in the name of Allah.
Assad doesn't believe in suicide in the name of martyrship.
Assad doesn't believe in capital punishment for being an "infidel"/"kafir(een)".
Assad is highly educated and has an M.D. from the University of Damascus, Syria.
Assad is only moderately religious.

The "freedom fighters"? Poor, uneducated, religion-centric, hateful and jealous of the West. Same culture as the criminal lowlife gangsters on the worst US streets, the Latin American cartels, and the inbred cannibals in West Virginia, using religion and jealousy to justify violence, but on a much greater scale.

If I'm president I'm making peace with Syria and laying a firm message to Saudi Arabia that the US will not be allies with a Wahhabist nation that funds terrorism, beats and oppresses women and encourages fundamentalist practices.

05-29-2019, 01:47 PM
Called it :tu

Those hundreds of missiles Trump sent to Assad were a based on a staged chemical attack

Staged by white helmets

The 35 people that died allegedly by these chemicals were probably murdered by white helmets during filming :wow


Can you believe netflix gave them jihadist whitehat cons a platform? Fuck hollywood and fuck the whitehat muslim scumbags too!

05-29-2019, 02:26 PM
Kind of sad that this form of aggressive stupidity has become a "thing".

05-29-2019, 04:32 PM
Kind of sad that this form of aggressive stupidity has become a "thing".

Yup this new US policy is garbage. Hopefully Tulsi and Bernie join forces and put a stop to these warmongers

05-29-2019, 04:44 PM
So who were the OPCW engineers?

05-29-2019, 04:46 PM
Can you believe netflix gave them jihadist whitehat cons a platform? Fuck hollywood and fuck the whitehat muslim scumbags too!

You make ducks cry with your retardation.

05-29-2019, 10:11 PM
You make ducks cry with your retardation.

Lol at a faggot like yourself trying your best to throw jabs.