View Full Version : Republicans block $250 million to beef up election security

06-03-2019, 05:31 PM
WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic push Wednesday that would have provided $250 million to beef up election security.

The money would have been doled out in grants through the Federal Election Assistance Commission and helped, among other things, replace outdated voting equipment and increase cybersecurity efforts.

But the amendment failed Wednesday on a 50-49 vote, 10 votes shy of the 60 needed for it to pass. The votes fell almost entirely on party lines as only one Republican — Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.) — voted for the grant.

"The integrity of our elections, which are the foundation of our democracy, should not be a partisan issue," Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who proposed the amendment, said in a statement. "It is unfortunate that the Senate has followed the same path as House Republicans in blocking the funding our states need to help upgrade their infrastructure and secure our elections."


Spurs Homer
06-03-2019, 05:48 PM
Why fix what the GOP and the Russians already fixed in their favor?

06-03-2019, 06:04 PM
Why fix what the GOP and the Russians already fixed in their favor?


That says all you need to know about who the Russians are trying to help.

06-03-2019, 06:23 PM

06-03-2019, 06:53 PM

I've never seen so many senators from one party be so deadly afraid of their constituency. :lol Scared of what uncle hillbilly Travis will do if you cross his president.

06-03-2019, 08:12 PM
The oligarchy/Repug strategy is to make the Federal govt, all branches, a one party operation by a minority, with authoritarian instincts, in the service of the oligarchy, with help from the Christian theocratic supremacists.

If the Russians can help the oligarchy/Repugs fuck America into permanent fuckedness, wonderful.

And of course they are counting on the corrupt Dem establishment to play it part as feckless enabler, and on the disaffection, disinterest, ignorance of 100M? Americans not to know what the fuck is going until the water temp is too hot to escape. A significant number of Repug volers poll as supporting dictatorship

06-03-2019, 09:52 PM
I've never seen so many senators from one party be so deadly afraid of their constituency. :lol Scared of what uncle hillbilly Travis will do if you cross his president.

This assumes Mitch has any desire to do the right thing if not for the constituency.

06-03-2019, 09:59 PM
What else is in the bill

06-03-2019, 10:01 PM
Why fix what the GOP and the Russians already fixed in their favor?

The illegals in USA vote
Russia people did not vote

06-03-2019, 10:37 PM
What you got OP, 10, 15 threads on the front page of this forum?


Spurs Homer
06-03-2019, 11:43 PM
The illegals in USA vote
Russia people did not vote

Did you notice when you went to vote that there was a process?
Did you notice that any "illegal" would not pass that process?

The criminal fraud president has broken more laws than 99.9% of the people you are hating on.

We should be deporting that criminal.

06-04-2019, 07:13 AM
"deadly afraid of their constituency"

their constituency is oligarchy / BigDonor, whose $Bs the Repugs use to dupe and screw the Repug voters