View Full Version : Spurs: Florida

07-02-2019, 03:03 AM

07-02-2019, 03:04 AM
On top of Old Smokey!

07-02-2019, 03:10 AM

It’s been well established, for years, that leagues prepare to sell merchandise celebrating both potential outcomes in a championship round – which is why so much bootleg Buffalo Bills Super Bowl-winning paraphernalia has been floating around for two decades. Rarely does this sort of stuff see the light of day, which is why it was so weird to see an advertisement celebrating San Antonio’s hoped-for 2013 NBA championship run on NBA TV, before being mocked on CNN – with both stations operating under the Turner umbrella!

07-02-2019, 03:16 AM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

Miners were prayin' & hearts beat fast and everybody thought the Heat had breathed their last.

07-02-2019, 03:18 AM
"LeBron James missed a three-pointer, but"

I tell ya's true I get nervous as a sissy at Boy's Town just reading the testimony of Florida.

07-02-2019, 03:35 AM
Zzzzz it makes more sense to bring up Uncle Dennis but keep pretending like Spurs fans still care about 2013. OP is senile and has lost his touch long ago

07-02-2019, 07:10 AM
Zzzzz it makes more sense to bring up Uncle Dennis but keep pretending like Spurs fans still care about 2013. OP is senile and has lost his touch long ago

"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation."[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)

tt, sweetheart, league officials began bringing out the yellow tape. Like the police do on a crime scene.

tee, hee.

07-02-2019, 07:16 AM

07-02-2019, 07:20 AM

07-02-2019, 07:35 AM
You'd a had the double in '14 & a been able to approach Kobe, after a fashion. Of course Kobe accomplished the 3 doubles & the attendant triple there with Daddy.

Like Kobe, Duncan was hamstrung by (woman). Neither were [an embryo], just the 1 with a [long, long way to go.] Both heard her[roar, in #'s too big to ignore.] Both women made their [brothers understand.] Not the women, but, both men [paid the price]---look how much they both could have [gained] if not for (woman)...Duncan would've had '13, God only know how many more Kobe woulda gleaned.

Bitter & ironic it was the 2 men, both rump rangers, Duncan a pillow biter, Kobe nary who ended up with [wisdom born of pain,] not the women!

Just shows ta go ya.

07-02-2019, 07:37 AM


07-02-2019, 07:44 AM

07-02-2019, 07:53 AM
Ah shut up Cub, you can't slither through the back door after years hiding and start this shit again. The shtick is played out.

07-02-2019, 09:14 AM
Zzzzz it makes more sense to bring up Uncle Dennis but keep pretending like Spurs fans still care about 2013. OP is senile and has lost his touch long ago
Incorrect. Spurs fans DO still care about 2013. If the Spurs had won 6 rings with Duncan, we could definitively say that Duncan > Kobe. Instead, it's a wash. You have to put Kobe and Duncan in the same conversation tbh.

07-02-2019, 09:31 AM
You're right, we were the rightful champions that year. Thank you for acknowledging it. :)

07-02-2019, 10:15 AM
Old dog, old tricks. Better pray Leonard lands in Smog City otherwise you're just old hat. Your better days here are behind you. You're best to ride the Trump train through the Political Forum.

07-02-2019, 12:04 PM
Ah shut up Cub, you can't slither through the back door after years hiding and start this shit again. The shtick is played out.

You've nary room. This place was a ghost town after Florida.


07-02-2019, 12:07 PM
Old dog, old tricks. Better pray Leonard lands in Smog City otherwise you're just old hat. Your better days here are behind you. You're best to ride the Trump train through the Political Forum.

You'll still have lost him & to ring. Losing him like that happens to OTHER NBA Franchises, not yours. That you were able to convene a Media blackout to your inept & monumental mismanagement is grotesque.

I've heard my best days are behind me since the Internet commenced.

Let us proceed...

07-02-2019, 12:10 PM
You're right, we were the rightful champions that year. Thank you for acknowledging it. :)

You won the damn thing, started selling your wampum, your shit.

But, she'd gotten into his head, just enough to make a change, a difference. So fucking hard to win the last game played each June. All it takes is a second, a split second of distraction, of focus, of presence & you're done. done-done.


07-02-2019, 12:19 PM
You'll still have lost him & to ring. Losing him like that happens to OTHER NBA Franchises, not yours. That you were able to convene a Media blackout to your inept & monumental mismanagement is grotesque.

I've heard my best days are behind me since the Internet commenced.

Let us proceed...

Your best days are indeed behind you, hence the frolicking you do through them. The nostalgia shine and patina is gone, the diamond is becoming brass. How things are proceeding:

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBw0LCg4QCw4ICBAJCxYGCwoKCxsIFQ0KIB0iIiAdHx 8kKCgsJCYlJx8TITEtJSkrLi4uIx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0N Dw0ODisZFRkrLSstKzcrNy0rKysrNy0rKysrKysrKysrKysrKy srKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK//AABEIAIcA6wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAaAAACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAACBQEG/8QAPRAAAgEDAgQFAgQEBAQHAAAAAQIRAAMSITEEIkFRBRMyYXF CgRRSkcFiobHRI3KC8BUzkuFDU3ODstLx/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAHxEBAQEAAwEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAERAiExQRITUWED/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDAtPKrHNyD ldKruckjftUS4zWba5nBAHCCOVo3NdVO5idj0NYtdWABXlAEjK VNRRpOh1/yzUg90Mf6atbXJohUkFQf4vmgagMDWJPfl5ahuHTddNamoP0a7 knX7Vw95y eWg52MCNpJgZDQrVrhAC4slzJcio3RuxmljJ/hK/zqxJ0gMO lICTr0UH/5VYR3D/HNFDtE22DTkAc8WGQPsRU8waYlUk6SMR9qRrvA0ABJ2qqn2L6c 31Q3tVSWWdhLZZA1Zx9jA1XrVQLTMRkJGmJEChZurfSwA2YlT8 gjerJp1ygahV3 1EI5Z79FYMR9pkUgMVdCM10cBoPNKn3FVxgHU6ksA3NHtVGU6c ymB6Jzj9q7OnUk9DtSOISNpWYyK9qq5B0mNMp9VWO3QfvQyfYb UBFfEzoxXYRlNVcldBEFtWB1aumO0GqRE6AzzTTCpBjoY775VR ZLdRj9M71e4T2/7UJjJ15dBDdqBFyx9v0qgbWD oGNWJ11gHoQNDXTcEEEZzDA9BSUGTrurTs3prgidZ RvULHodQcgO1S7cLsS3MXOkQv20oDt8WxcPlM7rowd0wPvpQz9 j7muDfSfeRVAe8N3igI8gjaPSRGpqjGD8VcqI66VTH4/WgHbYxRdVgqGYAb6VZm7QfpgUOwWZRoQAoYEnXarFvZ2IPff9K usYIHkDldD7j tE8sY7kmccSuIx7zQw3tJAy12 e9cLQBIdtMQ OHN2pGLgsbA/wCr lcLLtuQdwv8poC3GkjJJnGIEhaI245UaBiyqMAY6n3NByjcLeW 4wRCL/NkbX5m/rQxc52CQcZUqreZzdvtQ7VpSZIVSp00xONXayw1REZWXI4ypXp 8RQBLTMrZZYypUwfS3senvVbVsfwnXlkZR7irWLjJzLHMCoEZb 6GQajHDaUDcwGOzdaRuxH5Wndm3PtRmMiJX8pE481L55A8ucnI MTkV9qIVy2WNN43agJH2X0lfVVbNq1mSqqDOWh3096jkqVxEkw rs8LDfuK1rqcPZUNeYPyhmnYN/ap5c5PVTjb4zYJ2xEnKSNarJyJi2ddcRiPgCnH8V4cKf8ADxjo UE1kP4uBcOBJjmwxCx lZ/y75Gk/537TY2PKup0I6VwDXaY Vmk7njEkZKpkjQDX VPi/avlVtJg0hSZ0LkTFVOe xN4WAzJjXQ6iNvvXXI79P0p1/C7msFVAOPMcpWhjhbXMGd5TdSMZntV7EYSIbcc3sOaaqQesQOb/VVr/EqIFsbsJOW3cR1Nd4W3d4h4tgpicc40oECWdo0jQ1UWTpBRcty TpjW4PBU/8W7M8mM4z/3o1rwrhsYUswBwM9am8op5xQDqCGk48oyFcuhVO M9D1r0HE HJ5Z8vUiGAJxyUbielYXEeICyxBsooU gHU94ml tXOO 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yx/nt9q4i83N/m5eUCrKBHT2PqrhOvb2FI0YADTlyGoUZT/auBJ6tqMjzY/wBKuY1IKHuQMTUB16a9PUS1GnI4eHXE/WQPrYx96GbAyBAVT7b/ABTDmJ3BXlxoLGdgDB1Y9Pilpqm3I219iaE9nL1BdBoVGp aOLnQnER6jykfpQOMDXLZFsB/q5bptT96JTwrd4RunMI 9D/Ct Vvv0poFrRAY2xkMQCdQ3YGmFcMJBy068tPcDL/AA7dmqDhnnYf6q1APvH modv2NGgivA9zv2FWPCIh7letOWL3lo2YRi3KhXous7/AGpcT2ynsd/ei2gviA4ZEtPgdJQ6rGxg6ifvQeJUXW1FqyUJRjbYsD7a05cPT VZ2jbGhkbQAJGQOmtEDJv8Ah5jTF5OUml/BuG/DcevmBhbvHCV2V/etq1aNzSBkSWMsIVvmnh4Z5ADuUvEc5C8wVewnc09GLXUVGJzJ DDK3bkMQvekLj8pgtM5HI4miXQGuFsVDNCz6jj96A162PVIaSk FcgV6VFkq50D5bM0mNNpOtS2JaIxiV/LVXDxKlXB9J7KKvZljJWI3M5R70sxWm2UqNIMe 1E4ZNdgZ9tKiBRqxWY1NS5cVQSW8tfUWPKKmTRaY4niLNoQecx 6U6NSPEeIRbKouLN9T9KyuI8VQtha5Su11xoaAbzN2JjGZ2erw QxaBUaySd/ereZ7NSf4h0WbijT6lP7VX/iP b/pow9eqtk WuEGVEk8saVcNkIGMj2gDSpUq3Mt54UwQPzFgTr7AdKPbuMTIj SV1qVKVOeI5Edp6AnehEkDlgHTVv57VKlFOLCCIaSROUbVy5ft 2xBkRLQBM1KlScC8w3JAAUETI6irIpVTqZK5BiMhPT3qVKYEFk 6F1t6SqMDJ faqXdASzYhebQZH796lSmIqlzKY2j1SdftUYHT9qlSlfRVLloH/e1cK6btqNhsBUqUD4FcRT6gCDzMDzTQpHmYqMshjPpjTSu1Kfw RpWeEWIOuzFjvMULinIWCW2xzB3 1SpU/VRnC60MLbK5HPiyx/OgvfUkZriWHTmipUpw46bUeliATloKOojXcRB6feuVKVMtc4nI lUUHYkt2ob8MeKtyxYYMQqzpoalSneiqvEeGgCRDADrSRABxIg AdO1dqUQ4NZQXFhjJVsNtCOldPCLO4/6alSmb/9k=

07-02-2019, 12:20 PM
Incorrect. Spurs fans DO still care about 2013. If the Spurs had won 6 rings with Duncan, we could definitively say that Duncan > Kobe. Instead, it's a wash. You have to put Kobe and Duncan in the same conversation tbh.

(Wash) my ass, M_M. He never went back-to-back. He never hit a triple. The lone & same conversation that links the 2 is their tragic undoing by a woman. The dumb fucks. We know Kobe's mistakes, one after another, but, Duncan didn't have his peccadillo drawn & quartered across the land. He was afforded a Media blackout like what went on with Leonard. But, I digress, all that fool needed to do was walk away from her. Nope. Uh, uh, just held on for dear life and vengeance.

So, in the bitter end he lost an NBA Championship. In Florida he hadn't repaired himself, was still shattered & at risk for every day life, must less an NBA Finals run. A fuckin' miracle he won it before he lost it.

If he'd a turned loose of her there'd be no Florida. He'd a repeated, most likely even tripled like Kobe.

07-02-2019, 12:32 PM
Your best days are indeed behind you, hence the frolicking you do through them. The nostalgia shine and patina is gone, the diamond is becoming brass. How things are proceeding:

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBw0LCg4QCw4ICBAJCxYGCwoKCxsIFQ0KIB0iIiAdHx 8kKCgsJCYlJx8TITEtJSkrLi4uIx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0N Dw0ODisZFRkrLSstKzcrNy0rKysrNy0rKysrKysrKysrKysrKy srKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK//AABEIAIcA6wMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAaAAACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAACBQEG/8QAPRAAAgEDAgQFAgQEBAQHAAAAAQIRAAMSITEEIkFRBRMyYXF CgRRSkcFiobHRI3KC8BUzkuFDU3ODstLx/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAHxEBAQEAAwEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAERAiExQRITUWED/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDAtPKrHNyD ldKruckjftUS4zWba5nBAHCCOVo3NdVO5idj0NYtdWABXlAEjK VNRRpOh1/yzUg90Mf6atbXJohUkFQf4vmgagMDWJPfl5ahuHTddNamoP0a7 knX7Vw95y eWg52MCNpJgZDQrVrhAC4slzJcio3RuxmljJ/hK/zqxJ0gMO lICTr0UH/5VYR3D/HNFDtE22DTkAc8WGQPsRU8waYlUk6SMR9qRrvA0ABJ2qqn2L6c 31Q3tVSWWdhLZZA1Zx9jA1XrVQLTMRkJGmJEChZurfSwA2YlT8 gjerJp1ygahV3 1EI5Z79FYMR9pkUgMVdCM10cBoPNKn3FVxgHU6ksA3NHtVGU6c ymB6Jzj9q7OnUk9DtSOISNpWYyK9qq5B0mNMp9VWO3QfvQyfYb UBFfEzoxXYRlNVcldBEFtWB1aumO0GqRE6AzzTTCpBjoY775VR ZLdRj9M71e4T2/7UJjJ15dBDdqBFyx9v0qgbWD oGNWJ11gHoQNDXTcEEEZzDA9BSUGTrurTs3prgidZ RvULHodQcgO1S7cLsS3MXOkQv20oDt8WxcPlM7rowd0wPvpQz9 j7muDfSfeRVAe8N3igI8gjaPSRGpqjGD8VcqI66VTH4/WgHbYxRdVgqGYAb6VZm7QfpgUOwWZRoQAoYEnXarFvZ2IPff9K usYIHkDldD7j tE8sY7kmccSuIx7zQw3tJAy12 e9cLQBIdtMQ OHN2pGLgsbA/wCr lcLLtuQdwv8poC3GkjJJnGIEhaI245UaBiyqMAY6n3NByjcLeW 4wRCL/NkbX5m/rQxc52CQcZUqreZzdvtQ7VpSZIVSp00xONXayw1REZWXI4ypXp 8RQBLTMrZZYypUwfS3senvVbVsfwnXlkZR7irWLjJzLHMCoEZb 6GQajHDaUDcwGOzdaRuxH5Wndm3PtRmMiJX8pE481L55A8ucnI MTkV9qIVy2WNN43agJH2X0lfVVbNq1mSqqDOWh3096jkqVxEkw rs8LDfuK1rqcPZUNeYPyhmnYN/ap5c5PVTjb4zYJ2xEnKSNarJyJi2ddcRiPgCnH8V4cKf8ADxjo UE1kP4uBcOBJjmwxCx lZ/y75Gk/537TY2PKup0I6VwDXaY Vmk7njEkZKpkjQDX VPi/avlVtJg0hSZ0LkTFVOe xN4WAzJjXQ6iNvvXXI79P0p1/C7msFVAOPMcpWhjhbXMGd5TdSMZntV7EYSIbcc3sOaaqQesQOb/VVr/EqIFsbsJOW3cR1Nd4W3d4h4tgpicc40oECWdo0jQ1UWTpBRcty TpjW4PBU/8W7M8mM4z/3o1rwrhsYUswBwM9am8op5xQDqCGk48oyFcuhVO M9D1r0HE HJ5Z8vUiGAJxyUbielYXEeICyxBsooU gHU94ml tXOO BlNB1yblg1DZO0BtcZneiWPFrUg3LVu2hHKBzEt2FbFjj HKAqbZy2RBkQ3ai8lXhYw34W4PpYewGVD/AAl38rn/ANuvT8L4hauswUA WcSxXQR7mu3OPVWIxUwY6U/0nK8/aBKLAxlRIn2owOI nfKI1FDtH/DXQekKPbSrQTqRmJ1AOPLWrlVduYRiGB9R5Tj80UkHcu883NP8 q4mu0jXRcsuX3qyWxPqIx2A2HtSNCgkFJGIxzMa0RrkpiMQF5i pXLm96rl86HGCaqhy3YqASpHdaFOhSFhoBO0Df5rqujFhcdyAn KFXUP0BB6VxwJH0j0qAceX3obcLaNzLFZPKSWyIXtSAq2xp7Lj JFRrmPoKLoWhjiD8UNlbEYcsDlBP7daiWpExrI9Yy 9BiC8qJqCJOUrLkT 1P8NwmSZMcUOwxKkutB4a3Ev6wIUxs7do6U7wrs5lpA9tqjlyz qKk60r4lbyshbIwNs58x3avN8PxN52uJexbyRnDjOI7V6rirYb 05iOUhW0P6Vg8ZxC27iaEEzYaE k6amo/Mq PKzpl3eOuN YAHEQKUk6zJOja8tafEcNjtzDL2pO7bgjpO59U/BpyT4u2qtcOILDVCGM75VteE3wqC5BPObp/9WIH9awmMgzAnefzUxa4vybIRpYweIj52/lTzU2vW/8AFzdkKUMjmIbas3j4cPqOUZSOY/A9687Y45rZASPXkRG61s HX/xAECIcrcHqHzNVZiejXAcCeIwJDqF5izHSvQG35dsJw4Ka/SuXLFAswLYjQekCjWuIGwPzHNzVFt0id4ubhlTyEsCV1y7/ADQxxoBjUH1HSn7tsEzuZ3rI422S7FMhj2G6 9RWksGIZ9VYyOYqDiCvY1i8ZY4oOxCOY/5bQIRevzWtYZsdQV7yuPLR0Qa5H18oJO6/HaiXPVy48nxbHydcFZTlmTr9qJYOdvlwS4o0e2fp9wOtNcX4Vd u3CH8ok ksdFTpApa7wvkKAmWZm15iAQ0dNNqrprLKA969bUYebZC8pJXU t1MUP8Vf/I7/AMRO9XslrTHzCVHpNs80/c9Kt5Y6MY6TzUCSNrh1Y2wORslEtjmdB0oyJrrmNPzb1XhywVQ vLKDVTjOm2lWkj88zjFdDzFsQkxGoxg7/AP7VichqWE7zuarJ0iFJOMRXS6bHzCZOQOx OtBoEj8qxOrb/FcNwfSBtqx5asQhWBzA/TGPNVhYHwPyg70tUrdueYZCWE5RaxQlRkBEx77xUQJoDyFmMkc 0LHYf1qyWRlCqizzEvygfeoRA3WCciV6sNomlaARc5SLSM5Vwo RGMn70fg8XvBLguWtSg2udN6paushOItJlMkoWP2M13h7o4Zbj gC413lyKhiZ0JE9emlLZPT96jM8d8cbzBY4QFyWxVR/U1ODvcXZQhrqXSey7VW1wWObIMGubkDVV7CnuE4QkgNPufVK1N z4ubJ2Z4FblwS JB5i3Ufal/Erdv6CUb05Dm K1RhgQuICjE/TWNfvBTBnm5JnX4qpCtZwvTKXIJUiGH1T1oV222UQfaavx9hHM qSnKIxGJDe4oPB8VlyMQr2/pP1L3FKzO4vjd6Vv8ADyoJlNs/bvS9y4GZm1h RSBtG2n2rW4kRZM88wuMfrWa1sBSRKBuUhRlCj2p8PBWU7a6EG fVI3b2rb8Et6xzqZyMHTL96t4ZwlpUygX2Lny2A0VfimuD4R7N ws72pcjRDjEnc0cr1UydvTvdXQAF9BAnELpvXBisGcR6jpWFc4 xbdx4fzSz9BkFXsD2mr8V4xbtIq8xZzliDstRgyt08SOhYQcdB jNR7gbQ4ezGJrz1jjTc2yUaLM09audy502nKpvS5DwC6yIHqUB qnmKR9DxMjsvvSvmQPzdoGUVe3dC9EOY1MYnL3qTcazLE9CMVD pkMfmgvaQCEXQAsCjZAT7GjPcw1AD5bMvT7UsxgnUtzaheUiiK jzvF G3ci1sPc3535o9opPK NP8QxpuVr2QDQYLsWHoc6CgFUnUCesEVWr/atq5yp6fQPq10HxVgZ1/UDeq2VOC7aIP4elECd/829dDzw3MtAnbcnL7UZFJ/MvtUDqu2Ps1VuXHieUD23x/aimYVI7iP1qrn/OIOw6/NA8wx1kHIBwNfmj52W1V79t0XS06aZdddj8g0qapHUBNBkM5ao bm8lRp2ymhG8QdTMcoJOy/FB4riguIUrm/MFjIBRuSaMtnR7J1Wnw3DG7q8qq7KN2/wC1Ov4YH1kHGIUDRazLHiQtrqSYB1aFmnLHiDss6EHmVuh9p71 nZfqpc8WyFkjIB16wNvvRb163ANrXuJ0C0txNzNdmXIZFT1as1 SQYEGT32qpJhWmOLvKqsU7Y5D 3WvOcVdDn6VLMHBB2btW9c4T/AAySSf4Y0rAv8EwuTblubXuK0kkKdiOZAJOvpgj96Tu8OHYTMj 0sDqPvR77skCBHU9qorSw/i70q0ioyCtk7vIxXM5RQ7Zf1JjpylTzCiXLnqHSdRSaAz6iokN iDj1pYG5wVtcJzFlLkXTG6XesA01xK8w1JUJygjV27mlr5a7AZ 0S2AExSGP8x/SpZW1buolrLnYM5dyxKD5qbNE9OWPDlCg6AtHTXI7U3Y4RXPPb R8B6mUMcaYt3YO0yQwPZqhvRK7Zc2Q6 1LwrdJ8aAmi4DE9F0pU8Qf4I1/him JHL0BO31DHpWLxsg9QJ/LUWf20njQXiB8R1nSi/iQRAzf3B2rDt3F65HvNO2DzDVYkaHalZio07Zk7vDc2LGquIY6 6H2yonDJOhMj1DXKj3bIG 2jBo9S/3qTrtq2HA3BQYksdfaJ3FJ3EvZHbf8lN3Cq25UgOAVCnmlR39q zW41idWSesA1UpceNotovikgLyjQnDljejiyptMxvJbYSwtspl vYHakgG8tCpU8olRLHGB0otoD6xOewyNdLjXLEqAy2 TnzRipdf2rijnnaZbQ613HtA0OjA1GfEjPHYsCzaD7UgqT8GB1 OU1JE oDXVjt lVuKGMqX0QSpGUv117UNrwQ85toGbETyz8ChRLxsXX4V/JyyUhpTcoN6814ZebzAbjsxcYCCZVQf717G6Y1aUHqZgNvevP8 AifAKLpu2/wDDhs2txp7n2py2FnZkcTrpL47M2y1reGXHzEzr62ZcSVHYbb9 a8zb49VMoTtiCvN9xTNrxW4f/ADG7QMeb3p2Sqez8V8QsLbGZiNzG/tNeeveKW8g1t7aa8p9ZPtArG47iH4kQ5AjmCg0vwpey2ozA6AD T4PT7USSDHrvDvHPxMBwJPKQRj1q3FOuRCaE9jtWPwA8y5nGwx XLlCr2961irLriLk8xIONKiRkcTaZmjUR1PWrcPw3NBLadZ2o3 EXwW1BtxsGG/3oa35PSOuO5pK0rdt8x025poRQ5GARI1PSn2IOkLqNx 9LMxVuj6BtTTw5ROGRz0BIGhI1H3roLLxiky4VMp/iq/AXA7yQyy2IxOJNaj8MpBZW1HKARj tTejNWrxYflnod/1q128ZAA6dOtJm81tZUK0DYUq/Hm62uSQNxy1OaTSfilGhbN/SogQKV4sgjvMxtS/AcMbtxTMQcQGOR a17vCIrkHmxGJ1y/Wo59VpxYlngWu6gECdae4XwzASWY/0pp IVBikLoVEUA3yBuXg6E71nbavMaFoqiwVDg7z1/SiF1YGMh9QVjkaxON4thiZJA5SAMSGogvt5YKYAsTkY9K0Zfg6 9K N8ZINsyxtkOrq o9ppS3fs4iQZjXetM2ReU5hMlUrkq65RpMb1hvagkFSCNDrWnG dLnKPSWhKKW5cUGIVdC2mntpVncKohGaTkSpy NKqhbBdAwxDTOPSnLHCKVD3LnlZgKcRkQw0itnnly2karO uNVn4JM6xrTPGWVtCc1b6ShGo96WBDuSrW9AIVB9XsR/vWkYUnUDMfTyzb 1Ce0tyM1SV2yhiP7UZw0xiEB5izNkSvsB 9UWyB6ZH0xTOAt2105aBctZHWdRiSN6ePDHoCexPMKCLLSS3MT 1UYwvSgPLcTa8q4wtCQp2nUN7VLXEEepiRORFy3t lbvHeHFmJUGfqXTWkfwTTqI9vTTlPA7nGqUgIHMYzjgMfk60uB JnGD7GtJeEAGon2HSoLEbCnf9VCIN6ZR3tx0ADCmxx3EFMSyCP qVcTRRZ07VPL/8ArRgIuHbd3aeb1VRrDTOTqRsQaf8AK17a5ExXGt9pc9QKMgKN cu6aiU2YDEmhC4bY159dTOop1LZPYT0JCx80txNuGaYH1b5StM Nvw6wjWkJYnmyi3uf9960 JtKiCGUFhliW1ryHA I/hoD YFzyy1Yhe3xTx4xONujyzoBqQdS1RYIa4m55YMzBOUztQUKlJX UZeon6vanBw2C65OPnKVolmxZRlbB5HPbtkFVXsSO9TsipNG8K 4b8MvmPObg4WzEop6kVW7xJ9jJofFcWZbMLqcpJyNJ dO3b6dhWN3ldaySQQ3jlqGP1H2pqy3LJERy0rathmEyCNyBjFN IeaAQQPp6UZINB4gh7iAtiAev5valbgey7RiVbfXKfcitJ7QnU LryzS/EoRqEDgcpLNiKqXseicPfhVxwn0kMP79KuyK5lkQFtTBO9JcPx IXTVQvc7Uvd8QfIx5g1p5TblknywQYhB19tqqqQy/8xRllihHT5rtp4VB3QTy5RppRE0JBxnqYrVxwVuIusMW8plB0K yx/nt9q4i83N/m5eUCrKBHT2PqrhOvb2FI0YADTlyGoUZT/auBJ6tqMjzY/wBKuY1IKHuQMTUB16a9PUS1GnI4eHXE/WQPrYx96GbAyBAVT7b/ABTDmJ3BXlxoLGdgDB1Y9Pilpqm3I219iaE9nL1BdBoVGp aOLnQnER6jykfpQOMDXLZFsB/q5bptT96JTwrd4RunMI 9D/Ct Vvv0poFrRAY2xkMQCdQ3YGmFcMJBy068tPcDL/AA7dmqDhnnYf6q1APvH modv2NGgivA9zv2FWPCIh7letOWL3lo2YRi3KhXous7/AGpcT2ynsd/ei2gviA4ZEtPgdJQ6rGxg6ifvQeJUXW1FqyUJRjbYsD7a05cPT VZ2jbGhkbQAJGQOmtEDJv8Ah5jTF5OUml/BuG/DcevmBhbvHCV2V/etq1aNzSBkSWMsIVvmnh4Z5ADuUvEc5C8wVewnc09GLXUVGJzJ DDK3bkMQvekLj8pgtM5HI4miXQGuFsVDNCz6jj96A162PVIaSk FcgV6VFkq50D5bM0mNNpOtS2JaIxiV/LVXDxKlXB9J7KKvZljJWI3M5R70sxWm2UqNIMe 1E4ZNdgZ9tKiBRqxWY1NS5cVQSW8tfUWPKKmTRaY4niLNoQecx 6U6NSPEeIRbKouLN9T9KyuI8VQtha5Su11xoaAbzN2JjGZ2erw QxaBUaySd/ereZ7NSf4h0WbijT6lP7VX/iP b/pow9eqtk WuEGVEk8saVcNkIGMj2gDSpUq3Mt54UwQPzFgTr7AdKPbuMTIj SV1qVKVOeI5Edp6AnehEkDlgHTVv57VKlFOLCCIaSROUbVy5ft 2xBkRLQBM1KlScC8w3JAAUETI6irIpVTqZK5BiMhPT3qVKYEFk 6F1t6SqMDJ faqXdASzYhebQZH796lSmIqlzKY2j1SdftUYHT9qlSlfRVLloH/e1cK6btqNhsBUqUD4FcRT6gCDzMDzTQpHmYqMshjPpjTSu1Kfw RpWeEWIOuzFjvMULinIWCW2xzB3 1SpU/VRnC60MLbK5HPiyx/OgvfUkZriWHTmipUpw46bUeliATloKOojXcRB6feuVKVMtc4nI lUUHYkt2ob8MeKtyxYYMQqzpoalSneiqvEeGgCRDADrSRABxIg AdO1dqUQ4NZQXFhjJVsNtCOldPCLO4/6alSmb/9k=

Can I still cut the mustard? Of course not. Lick a jar? Who'd have me to lick such? No, I'm 1/2 the man I used to be. I'm old, afflicted, sodden, like that King in---Conan The Destroyer---

Florida stays though, Chooch. I'm making my last stand here. I'm Bowie at the Alamo. Consumptive, internally bleeding laying on a rotted out, bug infested mattress, that is at least soft and cushy,,,I like 'em that way. Splits sneaks in at the last night and spot welds the triggers so I can't pull 'em when the Mexcans barge on in next morning. That SOB Splits! I still got my knife though & so I wait.

07-02-2019, 12:37 PM
Florida can stay, but so will you...shamefully rushing the floor when Jordan beat you in your own building.

07-02-2019, 12:40 PM
Florida can stay, but so will you...shamefully rushing the floor when Jordan beat you in your own building.

Not this again, bene. Please, have some decency. Just because you lost Leonard to the ages doesn't mean you have to run around like this.

Act like somebody.

07-02-2019, 12:48 PM
Can I still cut the mustard? Of course not. Lick a jar? Who'd have me to lick such? No, I'm 1/2 the man I used to be. I'm old, afflicted, sodden, like that King in---Conan The Destroyer---

Florida stays though, Chooch. I'm making my last stand here. I'm Bowie at the Alamo. Consumptive, internally bleeding laying on a rotted out, bug infested mattress, that is at least soft and cushy,,,I like 'em that way. Splits sneaks in at the last night and spot welds the triggers so I can't pull 'em when the Mexcans barge on in next morning. That SOB Splits! I still got my knife though & so I wait.

That Alamo burned, Col. Bowie. My condolences. My advice? Follow suit.

07-02-2019, 12:52 PM
What happened to lebron James anyway? I heard he retired and became a gm.

07-02-2019, 01:10 PM
That Alamo burned, Col. Bowie. My condolences. My advice? Follow suit.

Nope. When they crash thru that double wooden door I'll stab as many as I can before I finally enter my house, justified.


07-02-2019, 01:12 PM
What happened to lebron James anyway? I heard he retired and became a gm.

He got his way: 1/2 way with Davis. Now if he gets his other 1/2 way---Leonard he'll don the uniform & try. If it goes to hell in a hand basket nonetheless he'll attend his many & varied businesses, & we'll be back in the shitter.

07-06-2019, 03:23 AM
On top of Old Smokey!

All covered with fuckin' cheese.

GD rights!

07-06-2019, 03:24 AM
All covered with fuckin' cheese.

GD rights!

I lost my poor meatball when some cocknocker sneezed.

07-06-2019, 03:26 AM
I lost my poor meatball when some cocknocker sneezed.

It rolled off that fuckin' table...

07-06-2019, 04:21 AM
...& onto that fuckin' floor. And then my poor meatball...

07-06-2019, 04:48 AM
...rolled out the fuckin' door.

07-06-2019, 05:14 AM
...rolled out the fuckin' door.
cubby, you've been served a big fat sloppy shit sandwich today. i'm not saying you gotta like it, but you gotta eat it.

you can remind us of all our shit sandwhiches. lord knows we've had our share. but today's is yours and yours alone.

bon appetit

tee hee

07-06-2019, 11:24 AM
...rolled out the fuckin' door.

It rolled in the garden...

07-06-2019, 11:26 AM
cubby, you've been served a big fat sloppy shit sandwich today. i'm not saying you gotta like it, but you gotta eat it.

you can remind us of all our shit sandwhiches. lord knows we've had our share. but today's is yours and yours alone.

bon appetit

tee hee

You guys never eat it. You brazen it out. I never get my pound of your flesh. You always remain whole.

So, I'm topping this fuckerPERIOD

07-06-2019, 11:27 AM
It rolled in the garden...

...& under a big fuckin' bush.

07-06-2019, 12:10 PM
...& under a big fuckin' bush.

& then my poor meatball...

07-06-2019, 12:20 PM
You guys never eat it. You brazen it out. I never get my pound of your flesh. You always remain whole.

So, I'm topping this fuckerPERIOD
You can dish it, but

07-06-2019, 03:54 PM
& then my poor meatball...

Was nothing but a fuckin' mush.

07-06-2019, 03:58 PM
Was nothing but a fuckin' mush.

You probably need to pack it up soon. We need your space for Gloating ClipperFan.

07-06-2019, 05:16 PM
You probably need to pack it up soon. We need your space for Gloating ClipperFan.


07-06-2019, 06:01 PM
You probably need to pack it up soon. We need your space for Gloating ClipperFan.

Well, anytime you want me to go just say so. Just don't come back later saying how much you miss me & wishing me back.

07-06-2019, 06:27 PM
Get up there & act like somebody!!!

07-06-2019, 06:36 PM
Well, anytime you want me to go just say so.

Fuckin' leave

Just don't come back later saying how much you miss me & wishing me back.

Said nobody, ever.

07-06-2019, 06:37 PM
Fuckin' leave

Said nobody, ever.


07-06-2019, 06:38 PM

You can't even control your own bowels.

07-06-2019, 06:39 PM
You can't even control your own bowels.


07-06-2019, 07:33 PM
On top of Old Smokey.

07-06-2019, 08:50 PM

You Goddamn right. Cubby is back & I have Tom Barkley's balls attached.


07-06-2019, 08:57 PM
You Goddamn right. Cubby is back & I have Tom Barkley's balls attached.


Well look at you. Naked and greased up...ass in air presenting to anyone who’ll take a shot.

07-06-2019, 09:01 PM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

I'd given up, preparing to come in here and eat the big one. Lo & behold you stepped out the side door.

Ray fuckin' Allen, I hate that SOB forever, but, he came thru for Dale that day. Bless-his-heart.

07-06-2019, 09:02 PM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

Tell it, Cubby. Testify!!!

07-06-2019, 09:50 PM

It’s been well established, for years, that leagues prepare to sell merchandise celebrating both potential outcomes in a championship round – which is why so much bootleg Buffalo Bills Super Bowl-winning paraphernalia has been floating around for two decades. Rarely does this sort of stuff see the light of day, which is why it was so weird to see an advertisement celebrating San Antonio’s hoped-for 2013 NBA championship run on NBA TV, before being mocked on CNN – with both stations operating under the Turner umbrella!

The were selling your shit.

07-06-2019, 10:59 PM


07-06-2019, 11:02 PM
Where’s your title for the 10’s?

07-06-2019, 11:04 PM
Where’s your title for the 10’s?


Clipper Nation
07-06-2019, 11:05 PM

It’s been well established, for years, that leagues prepare to sell merchandise celebrating both potential outcomes in a championship round – which is why so much bootleg Buffalo Bills Super Bowl-winning paraphernalia has been floating around for two decades. Rarely does this sort of stuff see the light of day, which is why it was so weird to see an advertisement celebrating San Antonio’s hoped-for 2013 NBA championship run on NBA TV, before being mocked on CNN – with both stations operating under the Turner umbrella!


07-06-2019, 11:05 PM

07-06-2019, 11:05 PM

You grossly overestimate the effect that has. But I’m quite sure The Insolence makes you chew your pubs bare.

07-06-2019, 11:06 PM
You grossly overestimate the effect that has. But I’m quite sure The Insolence makes you chew your pubs bare.


07-07-2019, 02:21 AM
They were selling your shit.

07-07-2019, 08:37 AM
Good morning, Arizona!!!

07-07-2019, 12:55 PM
Good Sabbath, Arizona!!!

07-07-2019, 01:28 PM
Good Sabbath, Arizona!!!

Yesterday was the Sabbath.

07-07-2019, 01:29 PM
Yesterday was the Sabbath.

Not for my religion it wasn't.

07-07-2019, 01:57 PM
On top of Old Smokey.

Clipper Nation
07-07-2019, 02:19 PM






07-07-2019, 03:27 PM

I still got it!!!

07-07-2019, 03:49 PM
Not for my religion it wasn't.

You guys are wrong. If you believe Good Friday is actually Friday and that they "rested on the Sabbath" then returned on the 1st day, that would be Sunday. Sabbath would then be Saturday aka Sabado Gigante.

07-07-2019, 04:21 PM
You guys are wrong. If you believe Good Friday is actually Friday and that they "rested on the Sabbath" then returned on the 1st day, that would be Sunday. Sabbath would then be Saturday aka Sabado Gigante.

You believe what you want, & I'll do likewise.

Sabbath is today.

07-07-2019, 05:47 PM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

07-07-2019, 08:49 PM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

07-08-2019, 07:05 AM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

Clipper Nation
07-08-2019, 09:27 AM
"But what's going to happen is Mr. Bryant is going to get a little discouraged with getting no touches and now the second half comes around…now he's pressing. He's going to start coming down and just breaking the offense."

07-08-2019, 10:57 AM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

07-08-2019, 11:00 AM
"But what's going to happen is Mr. Bryant is going to get a little discouraged with getting no touches and now the second half comes around…now he's pressing. He's going to start coming down and just breaking the offense."


Clipper Nation
07-08-2019, 11:01 AM
"His narcissism and selfishness destroyed a franchise."

07-08-2019, 11:06 AM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

Clipper Nation
07-08-2019, 11:07 AM
"Last week Kobe couldn't do without me."

07-08-2019, 11:09 AM
Leonard was under his Spurs contract when he rang cross the border.

Media never prompted that fact, eh, tights?


07-08-2019, 01:46 PM


07-08-2019, 04:42 PM
"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

Clipper Nation
07-08-2019, 04:54 PM

07-08-2019, 05:01 PM

& I'll boil that fucker down:::"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

You were flyin' high, CN. I remember the day distinctly. You thought you had bagged & tagged. So did I. I didn't know who I was going to make myself get up on that Lazy Boy & come in here...Me to myself:::"You gotta go in there and face it, Dale. I know, I know, gd it. Fuck! You jackassed too much. I warned ya. Didn't I warn ya? Yes. I let my mouth overload my ass.

Get up.
Get the fuck up.
Go in there.
I'm goin', I'm goin'.


07-08-2019, 05:01 PM
Would have had a more significant impact if the Spurs didn't come back the next year and completely and utterly destroy the same Heat team.

07-08-2019, 05:03 PM
Would have had a more significant impact if the Spurs didn't come back the next year and completely and utterly destroy the same Heat team.

...2 completely different events, completely separated.

'84 is stand alone.
'85 is stand alone.

Clipper Nation
07-08-2019, 05:06 PM
& I'll boil that fucker down:::"With 28.2 remaining, the Spurs were up 94–89, and league officials began bringing out the yellow tape to cordon off the floor for the Larry O'Brien Trophy presentation.[27] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_NBA_Finals#cite_note-27)"

You were flyin' high, CN. I remember the day distinctly. You thought you had bagged & tagged. So did I. I didn't know who I was going to make myself get up on that Lazy Boy & come in here...Me to myself:::"You gotta go in there and face it, Dale. I know, I know, gd it. Fuck! You jackassed too much. I warned ya. Didn't I warn ya? Yes. I let my mouth overload my ass.

Get up.
Get the fuck up.
Go in there.
I'm goin', I'm goin'.


I'll boil it down further:::"We'll do it this time."

& by God, they did it that time.


07-08-2019, 05:10 PM
I'll boil it down further:::"We'll do it this time."

& by God, they did it that time.


I laid down over a 1,000 posts that day. Kori just let me rant, bless-her-heart. It should be in the stacks.

What else could I do? I was nonplussed.