View Full Version : Richard Jefferson eats weird things and smack talks about San Antonio

07-04-2019, 11:59 AM
Yeah, it's the offseason and I'm tired of talking about Boogie and Kawhi, so here is something different:


Jefferson was awful as a Spur, but he seems like a funny guy, tbh.

07-04-2019, 12:02 PM
Thats because hes a homosexual. Gays have a tendency to put weird things in their mouths and talk like they shit dont stink.

07-04-2019, 12:26 PM
It's obviously ironic about Time Duncan. Who would you like to play with lebron, kidd, haywood. Tim Duncan is actually the number 1 if you understand irony.

question 2: worst places to live: 1) San Antonio, 2) Milwaukee.....no shit. Cleveland and oakland win out.

07-04-2019, 12:32 PM
His reasoning is literally "I don't like San Antonio cause you people hate me" Then goes on to admit it's milwaukee

Othyus Lalanne
07-04-2019, 12:32 PM
Thats because hes a homosexual. Gays have a tendency to put weird things in their mouths and talk like they shit dont stink.
Tell us more...

07-04-2019, 12:32 PM
It's obviously ironic about Time Duncan. Who would you like to play with lebron, kidd, haywood. Tim Duncan is actually the number 1 if you understand irony.

question 2: worst places to live: 1) San Antonio, 2) Milwaukee.....no shit. Cleveland and oakland win out.

RJ and Tim are still good friends, so he was obviously just busting TD's balls.

If you have never caught the podcast with Tim and Richard, it's probably one of the best TD interviews out there:


07-04-2019, 12:39 PM
some people don't get sarcasm...

07-04-2019, 12:48 PM
I wish Jefferson had been a good player (like at least as good as Gay has been), because his personality would have been really cool to see in the spotlight. Also, he and Tim seem to have the same sense of humor, so it's no wonder they are still friends. Though RJ did a great job in that video.

07-04-2019, 01:00 PM
I wish Jefferson had been a good player (like at least as good as Gay has been), because his personality would have been really cool to see in the spotlight. Also, he and Tim seem to have the same sense of humor, so it's no wonder they are still friends. Though RJ did a great job in that video.

I don't think he was that bad to the point where he was significantly worse than Gay. I think the main difference is that with RJ we had huge expectations for him, and with Gay expectations were more tempered because of the injury. RJ turned himself into a 40% 3PT shooter while he was here, tbf.

07-04-2019, 01:21 PM
I mean he wasn’t really wrong about SA tbh. It’s not a “dump” and he was clearly joking around due to Spurfan talking so much shit about him over the years (lol), but it’s not a great place to live either. I’d still take it over Cleveland or Milwaukee though.

07-04-2019, 01:24 PM
I wish Jefferson had been a good player (like at least as good as Gay has been), because his personality would have been really cool to see in the spotlight. Also, he and Tim seem to have the same sense of humor, so it's no wonder they are still friends. Though RJ did a great job in that video.

He does the local broadcast for the Nets now and he's quite good. He's also highly complimentary of the Spurs whenever he talks about them seriously. He credits the Spurs for teaching him how to lengthen and preserve his career.

07-04-2019, 01:38 PM
Jefferson wasn't a bad player. He was just a bad fit for the roster here. That was talked about at length from the minute his signing was announced, and it was neer clear exactly what PATFO thought was going to happen with him on the roster.

He was only 28 when he came here, so people who talk like he was "in decline" or something are ridiculous. He was averaging around 20 Points/36 the last couple of years before he came here, and immediatley dropped to around 14. He was also one of the best in the league about drawing fouls before he came here, and then suddenly that went to hell too. It wasn't because we already had a Big 3, and he was an afterthought. Then people bitched because his numbers suffered.

His last two years here, when he had settled in to more of a stand-and-wait 3P shooter, he shot .440 and .421 from the arc. That's an average over a whole season, but people still screamed every time he missed a shot.

It's not his fault that he wasn't a good fit, and there were no modifications made to try and make better use of him. I don't know if there is still an archive, but there were a LOT of posts here talking about that, and wondering what PATFO were thinking, as soon as they signed him. IMO, that was one of the worst FA signings in the Duncan era. Not because he couldn't play, but because they had no plan for using him properly.

07-04-2019, 01:43 PM
That was pretty funny. Still want to see Milwaukee though to visit the Pabst museum.

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 01:43 PM
That podcast was actually really good. A bunch a gamer nerds on the loose.

07-04-2019, 01:49 PM
BTW - the video is hilarious. He's messing with Timmy - period, end of story. Just like he later messed with Channing Fry ("Who is the most over-rated player currently in the NBA). His comment about SA was that people there hate him, no matter how much positive stuff he says about them, and he's reached a point of just saying "Screw 'em." But he was smiling, and I don't think he really gives a damn.

There's nothing there to get your panties twisted over.

07-04-2019, 01:53 PM
BTW - the video is hilarious. He's messing with Timmy - period, end of story. Just like he later messed with Channing Fry ("Who is the most over-rated player currently in the NBA). His comment about SA was that people there hate him, no matter how much positive stuff he says about them, and he's reached a point of just saying "Screw 'em." But he was smiling, and I don't think he really gives a damn.

There's nothing there to get your panties twisted over.

We have good reason to hate him. He was worse than a No-Talent Ass Clown. He was a high-talent, absolutely zero effort ass clown. He fucking wasted 3 years of the Big 3’s prime. The most frustrating player ever.

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 01:55 PM
BTW - the video is hilarious. He's messing with Timmy - period, end of story. Just like he later messed with Channing Fry ("Who is the most over-rated player currently in the NBA). His comment about SA was that people there hate him, no matter how much positive stuff he says about them, and he's reached a point of just saying "Screw 'em." But he was smiling, and I don't think he really gives a damn.

There's nothing there to get your panties twisted over.

Agreed. The Road Trippin podcast with Duncan was actually really well done. Interesting that the host on this Allie Clifton now works for the Lakers. She left to go to LALA land when LeBrick did.

07-04-2019, 01:58 PM
It's not his fault that he wasn't a good fit, and there were no modifications made to try and make better use of him. I don't know if there is still an archive, but there were a LOT of posts here talking about that, and wondering what PATFO were thinking, as soon as they signed him. IMO, that was one of the worst FA signings in the Duncan era. Not because he couldn't play, but because they had no plan for using him properly.

Not a FA signing. It was a trade for the corpses of Bowen, Oberto, and Kurt Thomas IIRC. From what I remember everyone here was onboard with it and really excited the possibility of a Big Four.

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 02:00 PM
Not a FA signing. It was a trade for the corpses of Bowen, Oberto, and Kurt Thomas IIRC. From what I remember everyone here was onboard with it and really excited the possibility of a Big Four.

Correct. The Spurs had to send salary to get RJ. It didn't work out that great - just OK. He was just not a good fit with the roster in place at the time.

07-04-2019, 02:02 PM
Spurs had to part with a first to get rid of him and that’s probably one of STs happiest days in the last decade besides 2014 and signing LMA tbh

07-04-2019, 02:05 PM
Not a FA signing. It was a trade for the corpses of Bowen, Oberto, and Kurt Thomas IIRC. From what I remember everyone here was onboard with it and really excited the possibility of a Big Four.
Yeah, pretty much everyone was on board with it. Although I would dispute calling Bowen a corpse. My issue with the deal (and the 09 offseason), was who we brought in to fill the roster holes - Keith Bogans. (The "centerpiece"! Pop, you are a bullshitting asshole!) Bowen was released and we could have had him back. Bowen would have made that team twice as good... maybe even title contender good. Even with RJ transforming into a passive bitch.

07-04-2019, 02:06 PM
Not a FA signing. It was a trade for the corpses of Bowen, Oberto, and Kurt Thomas IIRC. From what I remember everyone here was onboard with it and really excited the possibility of a Big Four.

Damn, that's right. They had to reach out and get him. Gave up a damn pick. It was a shitty move, no doubt.

But there really were a LOT of comments about him being a good player, but not a good fit. There's always a bunch of people who think that every new Spur is The Answer. But a lot of the people who know basketball were onto the bad fit immediately. Like I said, I don't know if there is still an archive accessible, but the comments were there.

But forget about the comments. Go look at his numbers, and how much they changed in just a few months' time. It's like night and day. He didn't get that much worse. There just wasn't a place here for him to do the things he did best. Was he shit for the Spurs? Oh hell yeah. But not because he quit knowing how to play the game in a matter of three or four months.

07-04-2019, 02:07 PM
One of the softest jackasses to ever play in the league..

07-04-2019, 02:10 PM
It's obviously ironic about Time Duncan. Who would you like to play with lebron, kidd, haywood. Tim Duncan is actually the number 1 if you understand irony.
Milwaukee and Madison are actually pretty nice this time of year. Oakland is a crime infested shithole and Cleveland has a lot of rough neighborhoods as well.

question 2: worst places to live: 1) San Antonio, 2) Milwaukee.....no shit. Cleveland and oakland win out.

07-04-2019, 02:22 PM
Not a FA signing. It was a trade for the corpses of Bowen, Oberto, and Kurt Thomas IIRC. From what I remember everyone here was onboard with it and really excited the possibility of a Big Four.

Here, this was all I could find in the minute I was willing to devote to it. Jefferson had a good game, and he was talking about all the people who had said that he would be a bad fit here. The only point being that people had, indeed, said that he would be a bad fit here. I don't want to get into all the other shit arguments about him as a player or person.

It is becoming pretty obvious that the RJ detractors are going to be able to find something wrong no matter what. I'm not sure if it's just save face because they were so adamant that RJ was a bad fit and was never going to do well here
, but whatever the reason, it starting to get absurd.

I don't understand what is so difficult about giving the dude a little credit without nit picking the negatives.
Are you just so afraid to be wrong?

I realize we are just two games in and no one should jump to conclusions yet, but you can literally criticize every player on the team with this level of minutae.

07-04-2019, 02:26 PM
Oakland is a crime infested shithole

None of the Warriors players live in Oakland

07-04-2019, 02:37 PM
None of the Warriors players live in Oakland
I had an uncle that owned an apartment highrise in Oakland. My grandmother had half a floor to herself. This was ages ago.
I would (I was a child then) go to the roof and pick tar bubbles during the summer.

15 years later, the place was sold, my uncle and grandmother long since gone... I went back and the whole place was entirely different.
So wild.

I used to be able to walk all over the block without a care in the world as a kid. When I went back... It was a demilitarized zone.
Sad. I had such nice memories.

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 02:37 PM
I worked in Oakland for a few days back in 2011 or 2012 (I think) at a customer (doing audit work). I stayed at the downtown Oakland Marriott. The hotel building actually housed the practice facility and team offices of the Golden State Warriors.

I saw crazy people trying to get into it with actual COPS just blocks from the hotel.

I was elevator riding and went up to the top floor or two where the team offices were. One of the young season ticket reps visited with me for a little while and was really nice and friendly. Just that short while back the Warriors were literally not on the radar. Now the franchise is entering a twilight of its dominance. For most teams (except the Spurs) a 6 or 7 year run is a long one before the rebuilding has to happen.

Anyway, Oakland's metro trains were a short distance from the hotel and it was a mass of pretty scary people - that area was literally adjacent to Oakland Alemeda Stadium and the Oral arena. Definitely some people with mental problems were just roaming around the public transit area.

The Warriors are bye bye in the car car to San Francisco now. The old practice facility in Oakland was a place were you don't venture out too much.

07-04-2019, 02:41 PM
Remember when "the pic" was leaked? One of the GOAT upstairs threads...There were even some spurs fans defending it, iirc:lol

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 02:44 PM
I had an uncle that owned an apartment highrise in Oakland. My grandmother had half a floor to herself. This was ages ago.
I would (I was a child then) go to the roof and pick tar bubbles during the summer.

15 years later, the place was sold, my uncle and grandmother long since gone... I went back and the whole place was entirely different.
So wild.

I used to be able to walk all over the block without a care in the world as a kid. When I went back... It was a demilitarized zone.
Sad. I had such nice memories.

I think I saw some of the de-militarized spots around the warehouse district. Some nice hotels and interesting restaurants were available, but the tough areas are very close by.

I would say Baltimore was the scariest city I've visited. Oakland would be right up there as well.

07-04-2019, 02:46 PM
The Warriors are bye bye in the car car to San Francisco now.

And they’ll be much better for it. Just like the Spurs would provide a much better fan experience with a better location for their arena

Mr. Body
07-04-2019, 02:49 PM
Thats because hes a homosexual. Gays have a tendency to put weird things in their mouths and talk like they shit dont stink.

Not as many weird things as your mom.

07-04-2019, 03:09 PM

07-04-2019, 03:17 PM
The guy on the right is the Regulator of the group, no doubt.

07-04-2019, 03:18 PM
Lol... one of those dudes legit coached the Lakers.
Oh Ehm Gee.
I hope you Lakers fans are proud of yourselves.

07-04-2019, 03:19 PM
RJ was kind of a tease, I think that was hard for us to take. His time in San Antonio wasn’t a total disaster. The biggest frustration for those of us that remember was that he’d have 6 lousy games, then give us a glimmer of hope like he’s got his groove with a 18 pt 6 rebound game on 7-11 shooting. Then, he’d follow it up with another 8 pt, 2-7 shooting night. Remember, the guy spent several seasons in San Antonio, if he completely sucked, he’d have been gone via trade, release, or something. They even restructured his contract and held on for a couple seasons. But he kept teasing us fans by acting like he was finally clicking then he’d go back to playing like a role player.

Remember that we were all expecting another star or at least a sidekick to the big 3. For the right price and expectation, he would have been remembered as a solid Spur. But the contract we traded for was enormous and he had a reputation for being an above the rim high volume scorer :(

07-04-2019, 03:23 PM
I worked in Oakland for a few days back in 2011 or 2012 (I think) at a customer (doing audit work).

Finance ?

I started my career working for PwC doing financial audits a bit everywhere including 1 month in Alger during ramadan in August :lol tough

07-04-2019, 03:30 PM
The guy on the right is the Regulator of the group, no doubt.

He looks like a cast member from "Sprockets" :lol


07-04-2019, 03:31 PM
He looks like a cast member from "Sprockets" :lol


07-04-2019, 04:17 PM
Finance ?

I started my career working for PwC doing financial audits a bit everywhere including 1 month in Alger during ramadan in August :lol tough

Best thing to do there is just not have a pass port, if you're a US Citizen they can't send you abroad and they can't fire you over not being able to leave the country.

07-04-2019, 04:18 PM
I worked in Oakland for a few days back in 2011 or 2012 (I think) at a customer (doing audit work). I stayed at the downtown Oakland Marriott. The hotel building actually housed the practice facility and team offices of the Golden State Warriors.

I saw crazy people trying to get into it with actual COPS just blocks from the hotel.

I was elevator riding and went up to the top floor or two where the team offices were. One of the young season ticket reps visited with me for a little while and was really nice and friendly. Just that short while back the Warriors were literally not on the radar. Now the franchise is entering a twilight of its dominance. For most teams (except the Spurs) a 6 or 7 year run is a long one before the rebuilding has to happen.

Anyway, Oakland's metro trains were a short distance from the hotel and it was a mass of pretty scary people - that area was literally adjacent to Oakland Alemeda Stadium and the Oral Center. Definitely some people with mental problems were just roaming around the public transit area.

The Warriors are bye bye in the car car to San Francisco now. The old practice facility in Oakland was a place were you don't venture out too much.
It's called Brokeland for a reason. Nobody of class really wants to associate with Oakland around there.

The pro athletes generally live in places like Napa.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-04-2019, 04:49 PM

The absolute best part about that pic is the one drink with all the straws. :lol

07-04-2019, 06:34 PM
Not as many weird things as your mom.

My apologies i didn’t mean to offend all you homosexuals. How was pride month?

07-04-2019, 06:39 PM
My apologies i didn’t mean to offend all you homosexuals. How was pride month?Wouldn't having sex with your mom indicate they're heterosexuals?

07-04-2019, 06:46 PM
Wouldn't having sex with your mom indicate they're heterosexuals?

maybe lets find out. Whats your mom up to nowadays?

07-04-2019, 07:13 PM
The absolute best part about that pic is the one drink with all the straws. :lol


Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 07:16 PM
Finance ?

I started my career working for PwC doing financial audits a bit everywhere including 1 month in Alger during ramadan in August :lol tough
Yes. Finance and not accounting . Your gig oversea sounds more
Intense than Oakland .

07-04-2019, 07:17 PM
Do you think TD and RJ ever hooked up, tbh?

Harry Callahan
07-04-2019, 07:19 PM
Besides RJ and Luke Walton I don't recognize any of the others. The one on the right looks like a Strange one even for that group .

07-04-2019, 08:17 PM
Besides RJ and Luke Walton I don't recognize any of the others. The one on the right looks like a Strange one even for that group .

The faggot on the left is Kareem Rush, IIRC

07-04-2019, 08:21 PM
I wish I had the patience to find it, but Trill Clinton photo-shopped Technique into that RJ pic...it was gold tbh

Allan Rowe vs Wade
07-04-2019, 10:30 PM
good video, poor fit with the spurs

not salty he got a lobt

unlike certain nephews

07-05-2019, 10:02 AM
Best thing to do there is just not have a pass port, if you're a US Citizen they can't send you abroad and they can't fire you over not being able to leave the country.


07-05-2019, 10:04 AM
Yes. Finance and not accounting . Your gig oversea sounds more
Intense than Oakland .

I did a bit of accounting audit and finance.. then I did for a couple of years internal audit for a french automotive company.. lots and lots of travel everywhere :lol

07-05-2019, 10:39 AM
The issue with RJ is kinda the same issue with DEROZZ both came from the East so where more hyped. Also both players are more take it to the rim type of players even more with RJ. The problem is not the players it’s the Spurs trying to make a vet turn into something they are not ie. 3 point shooters.

Harry Callahan
07-05-2019, 11:31 AM
I did a bit of accounting audit and finance.. then I did for a couple of years internal audit for a french automotive company.. lots and lots of travel everywhere :lol

Yours sounds like a much higher level of varied travel overseas. I've been strictly US. I have seen a lot more of the USA than I ever thought I would. Lots of nice places with great scenery as much as anything. Most of the people I've dealt with have been nice to work with too.

I'll see other countries more on my time and dime down the road. I'm looking forward to it - more old and historical stuff in Europe would work for me.

07-05-2019, 04:07 PM
Yours sounds like a much higher level of varied travel overseas. I've been strictly US. I have seen a lot more of the USA than I ever thought I would. Lots of nice places with great scenery as much as anything. Most of the people I've dealt with have been nice to work with too.

I'll see other countries more on my time and dime down the road. I'm looking forward to it - more old and historical stuff in Europe would work for me.

I lived in the US for a couple of years if you call Michigan (North Michigan scenery is great) and Detroit US :lol I traveled a bit everywhere east coast but not that much west coast.. Cultural shock is intense for an European in the US.. topics to avoid for us: religion, guns and politics.. it never ends well :lol

Big fan of the city of Chicago, that's probably the place I'd accept to come back for

07-05-2019, 04:37 PM
What no San Antonio?..............Come on Brazil...........Make it Happen.....

07-05-2019, 05:12 PM
Damn, that's right. They had to reach out and get him. Gave up a damn pick. It was a shitty move, no doubt.

But there really were a LOT of comments about him being a good player, but not a good fit. There's always a bunch of people who think that every new Spur is The Answer. But a lot of the people who know basketball were onto the bad fit immediately. Like I said, I don't know if there is still an archive accessible, but the comments were there.

But forget about the comments. Go look at his numbers, and how much they changed in just a few months' time. It's like night and day. He didn't get that much worse. There just wasn't a place here for him to do the things he did best. Was he shit for the Spurs? Oh hell yeah. But not because he quit knowing how to play the game in a matter of three or four months.

The hate spiked, and deservedly so, with that 4/40 contract that PATFO gave him. At that point they knew what they had.

07-05-2019, 06:24 PM
OP sucks. List your sh**. Ain't watching 6 minutes of Dick to find out some perceived slight.