View Full Version : Why Democrats are Pushing Socialism

08-03-2019, 09:49 PM


08-03-2019, 09:51 PM
I recommend the book she mentions - The Millionaire Next Door

08-03-2019, 09:51 PM
Because they have nothing & want to share it.

08-03-2019, 10:06 PM
Who says Democrats are pushing socialism? Fox News? Did any of you watch the debates? The Democrats are SCARED of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. The Democrats HATE the squad. The Democrats are paid to lose the Republicans. The Democrats would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive like Bernie Sanders. You people don't know shit about politics.

Everything Wrong With MSNBC In One Clip: "We hate progressives"


08-03-2019, 10:16 PM
Altight , dmt, I'll bite.

Define socialism and explain who's pushing it.

08-03-2019, 10:30 PM
Who says Democrats are pushing socialism? Fox News? Did any of you watch the debates? The Democrats are SCARED of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. The Democrats HATE the squad. The Democrats are paid to lose the Republicans. The Democrats would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive like Bernie Sanders. You people don't know shit about politics.

Are you saying that the Dems aren't a big tent including both moderates and the left? I watched every Dem debate - maybe my eyes were deceiving me and Bernie Sanders wasn't standing on the stage vying for the Dem nomination. Maybe he isn't running 2nd in most Dem Presidential nomination polls. Ditto Elizabeth Sanders (running 3rd) even though she claims she's a capitalist - but those policies :-(

08-03-2019, 10:38 PM
Salient and inspirational. Great find rmt :bobo

08-03-2019, 10:40 PM
:lmao Trumptards doing everything they can to avoid discussing El Paso.


I got nary problem discussing it.

08-03-2019, 10:42 PM
Are you saying that the Dems aren't a big tent including both moderates and the left? I watched every Dem debate - maybe my eyes were deceiving me and Bernie Sanders wasn't standing on the stage vying for the Dem nomination. Maybe he isn't running 2nd in most Dem Presidential nomination polls. Ditto Elizabeth Sanders (running 3rd) even though she claims she's a capitalist - but those policies :-(

The debates were Tulsi and Yang vs Democrats. Then Bernie and Warren vs Democrats although Elizabeth Warren is another war monger fake progressive like Obama that's why she's being pushed by CNN over Bernie.

08-03-2019, 10:51 PM
Salient and inspirational. Great find rmt :bobo

The Dems cheated Bernie in 2016. Tell me again how Democrats are pushing socialism?

08-03-2019, 10:52 PM
Can dipshit conservatives quit misusing this word and misapplying the "socialism" concept? No fuckin' democrat is pushing socialism. None of the conservative talking heads nor their mouth breathing followers seem to understand the concept. No. Higher taxes that go toward social programs is not socialism. Socialism is abolition of all private property, turned over to a state run centrally planned economy. This means that Amazon, Apple, McDonalds, etc would all be owned and operated by the government. In an actual socialist economy, private industry isn't allowed to exist or at the very least, isn't allowed to exist at the corporate size level (some socialist countries, like Cuba, allow for "mom and pop" entrepreneurship).

If conservatives want to define taxes going toward social programs as socialism, then conservatives are the actually the biggest pushers of socialism in the modern world since the American military is the most expensive socialized cost in human history.

08-03-2019, 10:53 PM
Who says Democrats are pushing socialism? Fox News? Did any of you watch the debates? The Democrats are SCARED of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard. The Democrats HATE the squad. The Democrats are paid to lose the Republicans. The Democrats would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive like Bernie Sanders. You people don't know shit about politics.

Everything Wrong With MSNBC In One Clip: "We hate progressives"


Could you not find a less blistering on my ears video? - so much swearing

If this is truly what you believe, then I will hope for one of Sanders or Warren to drop out so that their votes will be consolidated, one of them will beat Biden out for the nomination and they will get beaten by Trump. If the choice is between Trump and Sanders/Warren, (imho) the moderate Dems will either stay home or hold their noses and vote for Trump. Anectodal evidence: friends (mostly Cuban Dem government workers) at lunch on Friday - these (debate) Dems are nuts - going toward policies like in Cuba

08-03-2019, 10:56 PM
You people are hung up on the word "socialism" - I just copy and pasted the title on the video - my apologies. Listen to the CONTENT of the video.

08-03-2019, 10:58 PM
You people are hung up on the word "socialism" - I just copy and pasted the title on the video. Listen to the CONTENT of the video.
I'm asking you to put it in a nutshell and explain in your own words.

Are you incapable of that, or are you just refusing to do so?

08-03-2019, 11:00 PM
Could you not find a less blistering on my ears video? - so much swearing

If this is truly what you believe, then I will hope for one of Sanders or Warren to drop out so that their votes will be consolidated, one of them will beat Biden out for the nomination and they will get beaten by Trump. If the choice is between Trump and Sanders/Warren, (imho) the moderate Dems will either stay home or hold their noses and vote for Trump. Evidence: friends (mostly Cuban Dem government workers) at lunch on Friday - these (debate) Dems are nuts - going toward policies like in Cuba

Bernie/Tulsi can defeat Trump. Shit I'll throw Yang in there. Should Bernie get the nominee, all the Democrat voters (the working class or rust belt) will vote for Bernie. But the elite Democrats (corporatists) will probably stay or home vote for Donald Trump.

08-03-2019, 11:02 PM
Bernie/Tulsi can defeat Trump. Shit I'll throw Yang in there. Should Bernie get the nominee, all the Democrat voters (the working class or rust belt) will vote for Bernie. But the elite Democrats (corporatists) will probably stay or home vote for Donald Trump.

We shall see. I don't think Yang has any chance. Do you not see how $1k/month to every adult/citizen/whoever sounds?

08-03-2019, 11:04 PM
I'm asking you to put it in a nutshell and explain in your own words.

Are you incapable of that, or are you just refusing to do so?Also, could you be so kind as to specify which points in particular you agree with? Or did you swallow the whole bit in one gulp?

08-03-2019, 11:05 PM
I'm asking you to put it in a nutshell and explain in your own words.

Are you incapable of that, or are you just refusing to do so?

I am refusing to get into an argument about the word socialism - as I said I just copied and pasted the title off the video. My intent was to focus on the CONTENT of the video - not bicker about what socialism means.

08-03-2019, 11:06 PM
Also, could you be so kind as to specify which points in particular you agree with? Or did you swallow the whole bit in one gulp?

I swallowed the whole bit in one gulp.

08-03-2019, 11:06 PM
Can dipshit conservatives quit misusing this word and misapplying the "socialism" concept? No fuckin' democrat is pushing socialism. None of the conservative talking heads nor their mouth breathing followers seem to understand the concept. No. Higher taxes that go toward social programs is not socialism. Socialism is abolition of all private property, turned over to a state run centrally planned economy. This means that Amazon, Apple, McDonalds, etc would all be owned and operated by the government. In an actual socialist economy, private industry isn't allowed to exist or at the very least, isn't allowed to exist at the corporate size level (some socialist countries, like Cuba, allow for "mom and pop" entrepreneurship).

If conservatives want to define taxes going toward social programs as socialism, then conservatives are the actually the biggest pushers of socialism in the modern world since the American military is the most expensive socialized cost in human history.


08-03-2019, 11:08 PM
I am refusing to get into an argument about the word socialism - as I said I just copied and pasted the title off the video. My intent was to focus on the CONTENT of the video - not bicker about what socialism means.

Lol just post the YouTube and run.

Trump pushes socialism but I don't see you posting a YouTube on it

08-03-2019, 11:09 PM
People like Zack Exley and Saikat Chakrabarti are running slates of candidates to push the agenda. Americans are scary uninformed one who is holding the strings for people like AOC and Ilhan.

08-03-2019, 11:09 PM
We shall see. I don't think Yang has any chance. Do you not see how $1k/month to every adult/citizen/whoever sounds?

I'd be down for UBI if we got rid of all social programs that way everyone gets income and not just the rich or poor.

08-03-2019, 11:10 PM
People like Zack Exley and Saikat Chakrabarti are running slates of candidates to push the agenda. Americans are scary uninformed one who is holding the strings for people like AOC and Ilhan.

Lol "because agenda!"

08-03-2019, 11:11 PM
People like Zack Exley and Saikat Chakrabarti are running slates of candidates to push the agenda. Americans are scary uninformed one who is holding the strings for people like AOC and Ilhan.

I haven't looked into those names but if those people are against Zionism then maybe they'll do a better job than Sheldon Adelson who gives billions of $$$ to Trump.

08-03-2019, 11:13 PM
Beats pushing mass murder.

08-03-2019, 11:14 PM
I'd be down for UBI if we got rid of all social programs that way everyone gets income and not just the rich or poor.

You'd want $1k a month to Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos? Don't think that'd go down well.

08-03-2019, 11:15 PM
You'd want $1k a month to Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos? Don't think that'd go down well.God forbid a greedy billionaire should partake of the public weal. (blued)

08-03-2019, 11:23 PM
You'd want $1k a month to Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos? Don't think that'd go down well.

That ain't shit for them. If anything, they'd still be pissed cuz they only want for themselves. Giving it to some and not others is what has us at each other's throats today. Plus, automation is taking over and that's a GOOD thing. I get to spend more time with my family and stay at the gym longer.

08-03-2019, 11:25 PM
You people are hung up on the word "socialism" - I just copy and pasted the title on the video - my apologies. Listen to the CONTENT of the video.

There's no "truth" there. It's the same old tired "bootstrap" myth that if you just work hard enough, the riches will flow. Conservative lips get tighter than a drum when the clear "truth" is brought up that this country had much more balanced wealth distribution and a lower poverty level when the richest Americans were taxed at a 70 percent marginal rate. This is the "great" time period Trump appeals to and his base supposedly wants to return to.

Back to debunking the bootstrap myth. Truth: Most people never rise above the economic bracket into which they were born. "The study's takeaway, according to Chetty and Hendren, is the environment one is raised in determines his or her economic mobility."


Why does this happen? It's easy enough to infer kids born into wealthier families have much more stable rearing environments (which improves cognitive development, even at the pre-natal level) and money for things like tutors, private schools, and brand name colleges. Furthermore, wealthy families have connections that allow for their children to get a leg up on the competition through all manners of nepotism and cronyism. The event that should've exploded the shitty bootstrap myth was that college admissions scandal.

More "truth." To afford the national average monthly rent/mortgage cost, you need to make 22.00 an hour. The federally mandated minimum wage is 7.25 hr. Even the state with the highest minimum wage (where cost of living is higher) is only about 14 an hour. The conservatard response to this is that minimum wage jobs are there for teenagers who want some pocket money or job experience and not intended to be a career. This is horseshit. We're a service economy now, so more and more people have no choice but to rely on minimum wage restaurant and cashier jobs as their means of income (in the "great America," the job market was dominated by relatively high paying factory work that you could get fresh out of high school). Combine this truth with truth number 1, and you can see how immensely difficult upward mobility is.

The only people who trumpet the bootstrap myth are those that were fortunate enough to buck the odds, and I find it a highly arrogant position to say, "Well, if I could do it, so can you. Just work harder!" There's plenty of janitors and fast food workers working plenty hard, but they won't find the same opportunity path as the bootstrapper who speaks in Horatio Alger clichés. Every person's situation is different.

08-03-2019, 11:30 PM
There's no "truth" there. It's the same old tired "bootstrap" myth that if you just work hard enough, the riches will flow. Conservative lips get tighter than a drum when the clear "truth" is brought up that this country had much more balanced wealth distribution and a lower poverty level when the richest Americans were taxed at a 70 percent marginal rate. This is the "great" time period Trump appeals to and his base supposedly wants to return to.

Back to debunking the bootstrap myth. Truth: Most people never rise above the economic bracket into which they were born. "The study's takeaway, according to Chetty and Hendren, is the environment one is raised in determines his or her economic mobility."


Why does this happen? It's easy enough to infer kids born into wealthier families have much more stable rearing environments (which improves cognitive development, even at the pre-natal level) and money for things like tutors, private schools, and brand name colleges. Furthermore, wealthy families have connections that allow for their children to get a leg up on the competition through all manners of nepotism and cronyism. The event that should've exploded the shitty bootstrap myth was that college admissions scandal.

More "truth." To afford the national average monthly rent/mortgage cost, you need to make 22.00 an hour. The federally mandated minimum wage is 7.25 hr. Even the state with the highest minimum wage (where cost of living is higher) is only about 14 an hour. The conservatard response to this is that minimum wage jobs are there for teenagers who want some pocket money or job experience and not intended to be a career. This is horseshit. We're a service economy now, so more and more people have no choice but to rely on minimum wage restaurant and cashier jobs as their means of income (in the "great America," the job market was dominated by relatively high paying factory work that you could get fresh out of high school). Combine this truth with truth number 1, and you can see how immensely difficult upward mobility is.

The only people who trumpet the bootstrap myth are those that were fortunate enough to buck the odds, and I find it a highly arrogant position to say, "Well, if I could do it, so can you. Just work harder!" There's plenty of janitors and fast food workers working plenty hard, but they won't find the same opportunity path as the bootstrapper who speaks in Horatio Alger clichés. Every person's situation is different.

Very good man. There's also studies that living a robotic stressful job working 12 hours a day to barely pay the bills lowers your IQ. It's bad for your health.

08-03-2019, 11:36 PM
This is the type of garbage they spew on Fox News. Shit , no wonder their viewers are scared of socialism and worship capitalism.



08-03-2019, 11:48 PM
This is the type of garbage they spew on Fox News. Shit , no wonder their viewers are scared of socialism and worship capitalism.



:lol. The guy who never wants to retire highlights the "spiritual," if you will, sickness in this country. Unless he's making money from his pursuits, he sees no value in their worth or utility.

08-03-2019, 11:55 PM
That ain't shit for them. If anything, they'd still be pissed cuz they only want for themselves. Giving it to some and not others is what has us at each other's throats today. Plus, automation is taking over and that's a GOOD thing. I get to spend more time with my family and stay at the gym longer.

I meant that giving anything to the rich (the optics of it) would not go down well with the entire electorate.

I disagree with the bolded. TAKING IT FROM SOME and giving it to others is the problem - and one of the points of the video. It's got to come from somewhere (taxpayers) - it's NOT from the government. Automation is a good thing as long as it's not YOUR job that's being automated away.

08-04-2019, 12:04 AM
I meant that giving anything to the rich (the optics of it) would not go down well with the entire electorate.

I disagree with the bolded. TAKING IT FROM SOME and giving it to others is the problem[/B] - and one of the points of the video. It's got to come from somewhere (taxpayers) - it's NOT from the government. Automation is a good thing as long as it's not YOUR job that's being automated away.

Why is that a problem? Are you so naïve to believe Jeff Bezos just worked harder and smarter than everyone else? Do you really think he's worked 800,000 times harder and smarter than someone whose net worth is 100k? Do you think it's fair that his taxation should be the same as someone who makes 100K? Do you actually think a tremendous amount of luck doesn't go into creating someone like Bezos or Zuckerberg?

08-04-2019, 12:07 AM
I meant that giving anything to the rich (the optics of it) would not go down well with the entire electorate.

I disagree with the bolded. TAKING IT FROM SOME and giving it to others is the problem - and one of the points of the video. It's got to come from somewhere (taxpayers) - it's NOT from the government. Automation is a good thing as long as it's not YOUR job that's being automated away.

The solution to automation would be to reduce work hours and SHARE the profits amongst the workers. You think a greedy capitalist is going to do this? No. He's gonna fire people and keep the profits for himself.

08-04-2019, 12:14 AM
The solution to automation would be to reduce work hours and SHARE the profits amongst the workers. You think a greedy capitalist is going to do this? No. He's gonna fire people and keep the profits for himself.

Her whole shtick in this debate is try and label people who advocate for higher tax rates on the rich as hypocrites if they're aren't willing to also see raised taxes. Her logic is bad is because a 70,000 per year income isn't the fuckin' same thing as a 1,000,000 per year income. A million per year earner can take the brunt of higher taxation without suffering any severe living standard decreases compared to the 70k per year earner. Taxing the former at say 50 percent still gives that person a very healthy 500K per year income. Taxing a 70k earner at 50 percent puts them close to the poverty line.

08-04-2019, 12:14 AM

08-04-2019, 12:16 AM
Bernie/Tulsi can defeat Trump. Shit I'll throw Yang in there. Should Bernie get the nominee, all the Democrat voters (the working class or rust belt) will vote for Bernie. But the elite Democrats (corporatists) will probably stay or home vote for Donald Trump.

Why are you so sure that Bernie would beat Trump in the rust belt?

The latest rust belt poll I could find:

Ohio Democratic Presidential Primary Quinnipiac Biden 31, Sanders 14, Harris 14, Warren 13, Buttigieg 6, O'Rourke 1, Yang 1, Booker 1, Gabbard 1, Castro 1, Klobuchar 1, Steyer 1, Ryan 1 Biden +17
Ohio: Trump vs. Biden Quinnipiac Biden 50, Trump 42 Biden +8
Ohio: Trump vs. Warren Quinnipiac Trump 46, Warren 45 Trump +1
Ohio: Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Trump 46, Sanders 45 Trump +1
Ohio: Trump vs. Harris Quinnipiac Trump 44, Harris 44 Tie

And it doesn't even seem like Bernie could win the Dem nomination in Ohio.

08-04-2019, 12:17 AM
Her whole shtick in this debate is try and label people who advocate for higher tax rates on the rich as hypocrites if they're aren't willing to also see raised taxes. Her logic is bad is because a 70,000 per year income isn't the fuckin' same thing as a 1,000,000 per year income. A million per year earner can take the brunt of higher taxation without suffering any severe living standard decreases compared to the 70k per year earner. Taxing the former at say 50 percent still gives that person a very healthy 500K per year income. Taxing a 70k earner at 50 percent puts them close to the poverty line.

“Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money.” ― George Carlin


08-04-2019, 12:19 AM
“Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money.” ― George Carlin


:lol. Carlin destroyed their shitty logic there.

08-04-2019, 12:23 AM
Why are you so sure that Bernie would beat Trump in the rust belt?

The latest rust belt poll I could find:

Ohio Democratic Presidential Primary Quinnipiac Biden 31, Sanders 14, Harris 14, Warren 13, Buttigieg 6, O'Rourke 1, Yang 1, Booker 1, Gabbard 1, Castro 1, Klobuchar 1, Steyer 1, Ryan 1 Biden +17
Ohio: Trump vs. Biden Quinnipiac Biden 50, Trump 42 Biden +8
Ohio: Trump vs. Warren Quinnipiac Trump 46, Warren 45 Trump +1
Ohio: Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Trump 46, Sanders 45 Trump +1
Ohio: Trump vs. Harris Quinnipiac Trump 44, Harris 44 Tie

And it doesn't even seem like Bernie could win the Dem nomination in Ohio.
Ohio: Trump vs. Buttigieg Quinnipiac Trump 44, Buttigieg 44 Tie
Ohio: Trump vs. Booker Quinnipiac Trump 44, Booker 43 Trump +1

Because that's how Trump beat Hillary. Trump is a fake populist. Bernie is the real deal.

Who gave those poll numbers? CNN? MSNBC? Their skewed polls always favor their centrist candidates.

But seriously I'd love to see Bernie and Trump in a debate. Right-wing populism vs left-wing populusm. The only thing Trump can attack Bernie on is "VENEZUELA" or "CUBA." Or the other favorite one for conservatives "you're a millionaire Bernie." :lol

08-04-2019, 12:25 AM
Some of you think that it'll only hit the "rich" people. With all these grandiose plans, free this/free that, GND, etc - sooner or later, the "rich" will become YOU and then all these ideas (at that time - reality [when it's too late]) won't seem so great after all.

08-04-2019, 12:27 AM
Because that's how Trump beat Hillary. Trump is a fake populist. Bernie is the real deal.

Who gave those poll numbers? CNN? MSNBC? Their skewed polls always favor their centrist candidates.

But seriously I'd love to see Bernie and Trump in a debate. Right-wing populism vs left-wing populusm. The only thing Trump can attack Bernie on is "VENEZUELA" or "CUBA." Or the other favorite one for conservatives "you're a millionaire Bernie." :lol

Thursday, July 25 Quinnipiac poll:

08-04-2019, 12:31 AM
Thursday, July 25 Quinnipiac poll:

Oh well polls had Hillary defeating Trump. We all know how that turned out :lol. Time will tell. The only way I don't see Bernie winning is if the delegates or DNC screw Bernie again. My biggest fear is Elizabeth Warren. Her talk is good but her track record is all over the place.

08-04-2019, 12:32 AM


I watched the first 2 minutes, and already can tell there's an education problem there, which is not surprising considering the OP.

"This country was founded in capitalism" is the starting premise, which is, actually, not true. Anybody that reads the Constitution at least once can tell the economic system was not set up by it, and there's no actual mention of capitalism in it. Not to mention Article I, Section 8, Clause 7, the "Postal Clause" setting up what can only be described as a socialist postal service. You have to reel to the 5th Amendment to come up with protections for property, which probably is the closest to capitalism, and even then, it allows confiscation by the state provided there's just compensation.

Not to mention the much broader discussion that socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive options (unlike, say, capitalism and communism).

Excellent books on the topic:

Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy (https://www.amazon.com/Comparative-Economics-Transforming-World-Economy/dp/0262182343/)

Comparative Economic Systems (https://www.amazon.com/Comparative-Economic-Systems-Paul-Gregory/dp/0395472814/)

08-04-2019, 12:34 AM
Oh well polls had Hillary defeating Trump. We all know how that turned out :lol. Time will tell. The only way I don't see Bernie winning is if the delegates or DNC screw Bernie again. My biggest fear is Elizabeth Warren. Her talk is good but her track record is all over the place.

They're sharing the same type voter, and she's gonna split the vote resulting in Biden winning the nomination.

08-04-2019, 12:34 AM
I watched the first 2 minutes, and already can tell there's an education problem there, which is not surprising considering the OP.

"This country was founded in capitalism" is the starting premise, which is, actually, not true. Anybody that reads the Constitution at least once can tell the economic system was not set up by it, and there's no actual mention of capitalism in it. Not to mention Article I, Section 8, Clause 7, the "Postal Clause" setting up what can only be described as a socialist postal service. You have to reel to the 5th Amendment to come up with protections for property, which probably is the closest to capitalism, and even then, it allows confiscation by the state provided there's just compensation.

Not to mention the much broader discussion that socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive options (unlike, say, capitalism and communism).

Excellent books on the topic:

Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy (https://www.amazon.com/Comparative-Economics-Transforming-World-Economy/dp/0262182343/)

Comparative Economic Systems (https://www.amazon.com/Comparative-Economic-Systems-Paul-Gregory/dp/0395472814/)


08-04-2019, 12:35 AM
I'm asking you to put it in a nutshell and explain in your own words.

Are you incapable of that, or are you just refusing to do so?

Asking you to explain what you're pushing forward as the truth is a legit ask.

What's the truth of the vid you posted, as you see it?

08-04-2019, 12:36 AM
Can dipshit conservatives quit misusing this word and misapplying the "socialism" concept? No fuckin' democrat is pushing socialism. None of the conservative talking heads nor their mouth breathing followers seem to understand the concept. No. Higher taxes that go toward social programs is not socialism. Socialism is abolition of all private property, turned over to a state run centrally planned economy. This means that Amazon, Apple, McDonalds, etc would all be owned and operated by the government. In an actual socialist economy, private industry isn't allowed to exist or at the very least, isn't allowed to exist at the corporate size level (some socialist countries, like Cuba, allow for "mom and pop" entrepreneurship).

If conservatives want to define taxes going toward social programs as socialism, then conservatives are the actually the biggest pushers of socialism in the modern world since the American military is the most expensive socialized cost in human history.

That's communism, and implicitly includes both an economic and political component. And yeah, it's misused all the time, really an education problem. However, it would be silly to overlook a number of generations indoctrinated about the socialist boogeyman, tbh.

08-04-2019, 12:37 AM
I presume you're not a shitposter or propagandist like some here. What's your take on your own OP?

08-04-2019, 12:38 AM
There's no "truth" there. It's the same old tired "bootstrap" myth that if you just work hard enough, the riches will flow. Conservative lips get tighter than a drum when the clear "truth" is brought up that this country had much more balanced wealth distribution and a lower poverty level when the richest Americans were taxed at a 70 percent marginal rate. This is the "great" time period Trump appeals to and his base supposedly wants to return to.

Back to debunking the bootstrap myth. Truth: Most people never rise above the economic bracket into which they were born. "The study's takeaway, according to Chetty and Hendren, is the environment one is raised in determines his or her economic mobility."


Why does this happen? It's easy enough to infer kids born into wealthier families have much more stable rearing environments (which improves cognitive development, even at the pre-natal level) and money for things like tutors, private schools, and brand name colleges. Furthermore, wealthy families have connections that allow for their children to get a leg up on the competition through all manners of nepotism and cronyism. The event that should've exploded the shitty bootstrap myth was that college admissions scandal.

More "truth." To afford the national average monthly rent/mortgage cost, you need to make 22.00 an hour. The federally mandated minimum wage is 7.25 hr. Even the state with the highest minimum wage (where cost of living is higher) is only about 14 an hour. The conservatard response to this is that minimum wage jobs are there for teenagers who want some pocket money or job experience and not intended to be a career. This is horseshit. We're a service economy now, so more and more people have no choice but to rely on minimum wage restaurant and cashier jobs as their means of income (in the "great America," the job market was dominated by relatively high paying factory work that you could get fresh out of high school). Combine this truth with truth number 1, and you can see how immensely difficult upward mobility is.

The only people who trumpet the bootstrap myth are those that were fortunate enough to buck the odds, and I find it a highly arrogant position to say, "Well, if I could do it, so can you. Just work harder!" There's plenty of janitors and fast food workers working plenty hard, but they won't find the same opportunity path as the bootstrapper who speaks in Horatio Alger clichés. Every person's situation is different.

Well, now, now... don't get facts in here, we're talking about a YouTube video :lol

08-04-2019, 12:46 AM

Asking you to explain what you're pushing forward as the truth is a legit ask.

What's the truth of the vid you posted, as you see it?

Didn't I already say that I swallowed (agreed with) the video - hook, line and sinker.

08-04-2019, 12:53 AM
Oh well polls had Hillary defeating Trump. We all know how that turned out :lol. Time will tell. The only way I don't see Bernie winning is if the delegates or DNC screw Bernie again. My biggest fear is Elizabeth Warren. Her talk is good but her track record is all over the place.

And Biden will win any state (the South) with a significant black electorate. Neither Bernie nor Warren appeal to blacks.

08-04-2019, 12:54 AM
Didn't I already say that I swallowed (agreed with) the video - hook, line and sinker.Vomiting the bait back up whole suggests you did not digest it.In your own words, what did you agree with?Can you be specific? Hit the high points for us.Are you afraid to provide your own commentary on your own OP?

08-04-2019, 12:56 AM
Vomiting the bait back up whole suggests you did not digest it.In your own words, what did you agree with?Can you be specific? Hit the high points for us.Are you afraid to provide your own commentary on your own OP?

I agree with everything, all the sentiments in the entire video - how much plainer can I get?

08-04-2019, 01:09 AM
I agree with everything, all the sentiments in the entire video - how much plainer can I get?You could mention the things mentioned in the vid, point out what you agreed with.

So far we have no evidence you even watched it.

08-04-2019, 01:09 AM
Vomiting the bait back up whole suggests you did not digest it.In your own words, what did you agree with?Can you be specific? Hit the high points for us.Are you afraid to provide your own commentary on your own OP?

You're asking for critical thinking, introspection and intellectual growth from somebody that's clearly dogmatic and proudly ignorant about both the topic and it's history. You're going to get more dogma and perfunctory analysis. C'est la vie.

08-04-2019, 01:14 AM
You're asking for critical thinking, introspection and intellectual growth from somebody that's clearly dogmatic and proudly ignorant about both the topic and it's history. You're going to get more dogma and perfunctory analysis. C'est la vie.I like to give people a sporting chance. Sometimes rmt is more generous with her own thoughts.

Not here, it seems.

08-04-2019, 01:27 AM
CC and Chris keep saying Rep. Omar is anti Semitic, but cannot pull a single quote.

Pure handwaving, like here.

08-04-2019, 01:32 AM
Because they have nothing & want to share it.

:lmao Troof bomb

08-04-2019, 01:45 AM
You could mention the things mentioned in the vid, point out what you agreed with.

So far we have no evidence you even watched it.

You want me to re-watch the video, and post individually the things mentioned in the video and say I agree with x, y, and z points? - sorry I'm not wasting my time doing that. I already said that I agree with all the sentiments in the video.

Why would I post a video I hadn't even watched? To get even more crucified by some of you?

08-04-2019, 01:49 AM
And there is evidence that I watched it. My second post was that I recommend The Millionaire Next Door that she mentions in the video.

08-04-2019, 02:02 AM
You want me to re-watch the video, and post individually the things mentioned in the video and say I agree with x, y, and z points? - sorry I'm not wasting my time doing that. I already said that I agree with all the sentiments in the video.

Why would I post a video I hadn't even watched? To get even more crucified by some of you?I'm just asking questions about what you watched. It's odd you consider having something to say about what you posted a crucifixion.

If you can't relate one or two or three things you liked about it, maybe you weren't really paying attention.

08-04-2019, 02:03 AM
I thought you wanted to talk about it; my bad.

08-04-2019, 02:04 AM
You'd want $1k a month to Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos? Don't think that'd go down well.
but you're ok with slashing their taxes by millions :lol

god forbid another 12k

Trill Clinton
08-04-2019, 02:17 AM
:lmao Trumptards doing everything they can to avoid discussing El Paso.



08-04-2019, 02:21 AM
And there is evidence that I watched it. My second post was that I recommend The Millionaire Next Door that she mentions in the video.Ok, what's that about?

08-04-2019, 03:15 AM
Ok, what's that about?

It's like the bus driver she mentions who saves (invests) $1 million for his kids' education - low skilled, low paying job but ends up the millionaire next door.

08-04-2019, 03:43 AM
It's like the bus driver she mentions who saves (invests) $1 million for his kids' education - low skilled, low paying job but ends up the millionaire next door.Cool story.

How did he/she do it and how does that relate to your initial post in this thread?

08-04-2019, 07:13 AM
That's communism, and implicitly includes both an economic and political component. And yeah, it's misused all the time, really an education problem. However, it would be silly to overlook a number of generations indoctrinated about the socialist boogeyman, tbh.

Communism is a completely stateless society. Socialism, which is supposed to be an intermediate step toward Communism, still requires a centrally planned economy. Both are shit ideologies in any event, so the boogeyman is a bit justified. But the retardation comes from how Hannity et al are labeling the ideas of the Democrats, which is just a bog standard mixed economy model that Hannity himself grew up in and that republicans also promote (they just simply want the tax dollars going toward their beloved military) as "evil Socialism."

08-04-2019, 10:42 AM
Communism is a completely stateless society. Socialism, which is supposed to be an intermediate step toward Communism, still requires a centrally planned economy.

Both are shit ideologies in any event, so the boogeyman is a bit justified. But the retardation comes from how Hannity et al are labeling the ideas of the Democrats, which is just a bog standard mixed economy model that Hannity himself grew up in and that republicans also promote (they just simply want the tax dollars going toward their beloved military) as "evil Socialism."

Repugs/Fox/rightwing hate media, all tools of, some financed by, Capitalists, have framed, yet again, the idea of socialism to slime and slander what the progressives are talking about.

First, no Dem is talking about naked, text-book, state-owns-everything, oppressive socialism, but democratic socialism following the many SUCCESSFUL examples around the world, nearly all of those coutries MORE successful than USA's predatory, sociopathic unregulated Capitalism.

Not one of those, after DECADES of development, has proven to be a path towards Soviet-style Communism.

Even at its very best period, 1945-1975, America was not a mixed economy and 30%+ Americans were enslaved (no freedom) in poverty. Some progress was made, War on Poverty, end of Jim Crow, white man's rights extended to non-whites.

But since 1975, the oligarchy/VRWC/Capitalists launched and won the Class War on the non-oligarchy, degrading America back to the 1920s or earlier Robber Baron period.

America is fucked and unfuckable, and don't give me any "swinging penudulum" bullshit. The pendulum is stuck in favor of the oligarchy.

08-04-2019, 11:15 AM
I think Nono has already been through this. We are socialist already. We would have to define all aspects of socialism and compare with other countries. Difficult. The definition below allows me to take one aspect and that is the idea of social ownership. We do this. We have to do this. So rmt must be upset because our system of highways need to be privatized as well as water routes for commerce.

Yeah. I can see the red team going for the destruction of the flow of goods within our economy.
And I want to personally own a public stop light as a checkpoint. My little business. I will decide on the timing, nothing but good comes from privatization.

Socialism is a range of economic (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_systems) and social systems (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_system) characterised by social ownership (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_ownership) of the means of production (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_of_production) and workers' self-management (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers%27_self-management),[10] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-10) as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.[11] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-Socialism_at_The_Free_dictionary-11) Social ownership can be public (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_ownership), collective (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_ownership) or cooperative (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative) ownership, or citizen ownership of equity (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_ownership_of_equity).[12] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-12) There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-Peter_Lamb_2006._p._1-13) with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_socialism).[5] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-Busky1-5)[14] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-14)[15] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism#cite_note-15)

08-04-2019, 11:38 AM
Repugs/Fox/rightwing hate media, all tools of, some financed by, Capitalists, have framed, yet again, the idea of socialism to slime and slander what the progressives are talking about.

First, no Dem is talking about naked, text-book, state-owns-everything, oppressive socialism, but democratic socialism following the many SUCCESSFUL examples around the world, nearly all of those coutries MORE successful than USA's predatory, sociopathic unregulated Capitalism.

Not one of those, after DECADES of development, has proven to be a path towards Soviet-style Communism.

Even at its very best period, 1945-1975, America was not a mixed economy and 30%+ Americans were enslaved (no freedom) in poverty. Some progress was made, War on Poverty, end of Jim Crow, white man's rights extended to non-whites.

But since 1975, the oligarchy/VRWC/Capitalists launched and won the Class War on the non-oligarchy, degrading America back to the 1920s or earlier Robber Baron period.

America is fucked and unfuckable, and don't give me any "swinging penudulum" bullshit. The pendulum is stuck in favor of the oligarchy.

But, they said the word.

They got to stand by it,,,the old man will see to it.

08-04-2019, 12:36 PM
But, they said the word.

They got to stand by it,,,the old man will see to it.

Its not a little bit embarrassing for the red team that people don’t understand it?
You seem like a well read person and actually do understand that socialism already is entrenched to a certain level.
The blue team is beating you guys in pointing out these types of fallacies in THEMSELVES.
Got to be a little bit disappointed.

Thread is a fighter. He would be fine with ignorance on his team if it gives him a W. In fact ignorance is probably preferable.
There is no shame because you got a W. The red team understands the S word will conjure this up.
Just like the blue team and the occasional misuses of the R (racism) word. But the blue team will grapple with the real definition.

08-04-2019, 12:58 PM
Its not a little bit embarrassing for the red team that people don’t understand it?
You seem like a well read person and actually do understand that socialism already is entrenched to a certain level.
The blue team is beating you guys in pointing out these types of fallacies in THEMSELVES.
Got to be a little bit disappointed.

Thread is a fighter. He would be fine with ignorance on his team if it gives him a W. In fact ignorance is probably preferable.
There is no shame because you got a W. The red team understands the S word will conjure this up.
Just like the blue team and the occasional misuses of the R (racism) word. But the blue team will grapple with the real definition.

But, their parents, D&R alike will tell them,,,just out of habit. The tone of their voice will tell the tale.

08-04-2019, 04:43 PM
Communism is a completely stateless society. Socialism, which is supposed to be an intermediate step toward Communism, still requires a centrally planned economy. Both are shit ideologies in any event, so the boogeyman is a bit justified. But the retardation comes from how Hannity et al are labeling the ideas of the Democrats, which is just a bog standard mixed economy model that Hannity himself grew up in and that republicans also promote (they just simply want the tax dollars going toward their beloved military) as "evil Socialism."

Communism is both a political and economic model that you can't separate eachother. If you do, you no longer have communism. Socialism also has political and economic components, but, one is not reliant on the other. You can have certain social economic programs that co-exist just fine with, say, democracy as the political system (and as a matter of fact, that already happens, not just here in the US, but at varying degrees around the world). It's silly to call those types of arrangements a failure. It's also a contradiction. Our military and security apparatus is implicitly a socialist government program, largely funded by tax payers and the state (executed through military contractors, or whatever, but the source of funding is the state). The counter-argument is normally "but that's mandated by the Constitution"... well, exactly! now, let's revisit the whole "this country was founded in capitalism" in light of that.

An inquiring mind would ask, why aren't we using capitalism for these programs instead? Why does the government need to fund all these contractors, and instead, let the contractors take all the risk, and then see if there's a buyer? (capitalism 101). Well, because it's not economically viable. The mission is not monetary, it's altruistic. And as such, divorced from ROI, etc. There's no F-35, no U2 bomber, etc without the government money. Plus, there's obviously exclusivity. And it makes sense.

08-04-2019, 10:29 PM
Because they have nothing & want to share it.


08-05-2019, 06:11 PM


Meh. YOu fuckers will call us socialist no matter what we say or do.

IDGAF at this point.

09-04-2019, 03:51 AM
Kyle Vs Fox News | Have Dems Moved Too Far Left?


09-04-2019, 01:49 PM


Excellent video rmt

She's right, poverty is a choice in this country but you won't hear any of the candidates saying that in the upcoming Democratic Communist debate.

09-04-2019, 02:44 PM
There's no "truth" there. It's the same old tired "bootstrap" myth that if you just work hard enough, the riches will flow. Conservative lips get tighter than a drum when the clear "truth" is brought up that this country had much more balanced wealth distribution and a lower poverty level when the richest Americans were taxed at a 70 percent marginal rate. This is the "great" time period Trump appeals to and his base supposedly wants to return to.

Back to debunking the bootstrap myth. Truth: Most people never rise above the economic bracket into which they were born. "The study's takeaway, according to Chetty and Hendren, is the environment one is raised in determines his or her economic mobility."


Why does this happen? It's easy enough to infer kids born into wealthier families have much more stable rearing environments (which improves cognitive development, even at the pre-natal level) and money for things like tutors, private schools, and brand name colleges. Furthermore, wealthy families have connections that allow for their children to get a leg up on the competition through all manners of nepotism and cronyism. The event that should've exploded the shitty bootstrap myth was that college admissions scandal.

More "truth." To afford the national average monthly rent/mortgage cost, you need to make 22.00 an hour. The federally mandated minimum wage is 7.25 hr. Even the state with the highest minimum wage (where cost of living is higher) is only about 14 an hour. The conservatard response to this is that minimum wage jobs are there for teenagers who want some pocket money or job experience and not intended to be a career. This is horseshit. We're a service economy now, so more and more people have no choice but to rely on minimum wage restaurant and cashier jobs as their means of income (in the "great America," the job market was dominated by relatively high paying factory work that you could get fresh out of high school). Combine this truth with truth number 1, and you can see how immensely difficult upward mobility is.

The only people who trumpet the bootstrap myth are those that were fortunate enough to buck the odds, and I find it a highly arrogant position to say, "Well, if I could do it, so can you. Just work harder!" There's plenty of janitors and fast food workers working plenty hard, but they won't find the same opportunity path as the bootstrapper who speaks in Horatio Alger clichés. Every person's situation is different.

Name one company in SA only paying minimum wage.

09-04-2019, 03:25 PM
Meh. YOu fuckers will call us socialist no matter what we say or do.

IDGAF at this point.

Hey Commie, you're calling yourselves socialist these days.

09-04-2019, 05:11 PM
My best friend is a mechanic. He literally works all day. From 8 AM to 5.30 PM he works in a Renault company. From there, he goes to his house, where he has his private workshop, and works untill 12 AM. Monday to Sunday. He barely makes it through the month.

My second best friend has rich parents. Has a house, a beach house, a car, a pickup truck and three motorbikes. He never worked in his life.

Meritocracy :lol

09-04-2019, 05:19 PM
My best friend is a mechanic. He literally works all day. From 8 AM to 5.30 PM he works in a Renault company. From there, he goes to his house, where he has his private workshop, and works untill 12 AM. Monday to Sunday. He barely makes it through the month.

He spending too much then....choices.

09-04-2019, 05:26 PM
No one wants to address the wealth distribution the way no one wants to address Americans overall not being fiscally responsible and luxury spending being at all time highs.

Americans just refuse to accept personal responsibility to some degree. We're gluttonous, spend-happy consumers, period. And if we did have the epiphany and were fiscally responsible, the global economy would tank and we'd be blamed. Damned if we do, damned if we dont.

09-04-2019, 05:28 PM
He spending too much then....choices.

"Choices", :lol he barely covers his basic needs.

If you told that insensitive, provocative shit to my friend's face he would kick the shit out of you, tbh.

09-04-2019, 05:38 PM
"Choices", :lol he barely covers his basic needs.

If you told that insensitive, provocative shit to my friend's face he would kick the shit out of you, tbh.

This is the type of garbage they spew on Fox News. Shit , no wonder their viewers are scared of socialism and worship capitalism.


EVERYTHING is our fault. Nevermind the fact that the system is rigged. Nevermind that law and order does not apply to the rich. Nevermind that the elites want us working like slaves for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nevermind that some people are forced to take jobs they hate cuz they have bills to pay. Nevermind that half the country is living paycheck to paycheck and should they dare to quit their job to find something better they would lose their home and car. Everything is our fault for existing. We're just not part of the lucky sperm club :lol. This is corporate America we can't afford to give everyone healthcare, fix and improve our public education and fix our criminal justice system because we need money to give to Israel. We need every penny to maintain our evil empire so that we can keep dominating the world through brute force and coercion. If you dare to speak out you're unAmerican and an antisemite.

09-04-2019, 06:03 PM
Capitalism & Wage Slavery - The Illusion of Freedom


09-04-2019, 06:05 PM
My best friend is a mechanic. He literally works all day. From 8 AM to 5.30 PM he works in a Renault company. From there, he goes to his house, where he has his private workshop, and works untill 12 AM. Monday to Sunday. He barely makes it through the month.

My second best friend has rich parents. Has a house, a beach house, a car, a pickup truck and three motorbikes. He never worked in his life.

Meritocracy :lol

A good diagnostic mechanic in SA can make 100k+ in san antonio working 40 hour weeks. Not sure what's wrong with your friend unless hes just a parts changer that hasn't learned the computer end of the job.

09-04-2019, 06:12 PM
Master-Slave Dialectic in Capitalism and What to Do About It


09-04-2019, 06:24 PM
A good diagnostic mechanic in SA can make 100k+ in san antonio working 40 hour weeks. Not sure what's wrong with your friend unless hes just a parts changer that hasn't learned the computer end of the job.

My friend is an orphan that used to live in the street when he was a boy. He had to quit school at age 13 so that he could feed himself. Later on, he was lucky enough to fell in love with a girl that had a great family, and his father in law took him under his arm and taught him how to be a mechanic. He made the most out of the cards he was dealt with. Not everybody has the chance of learning the "computer end of the job", tbh. You lack human sensitivity, empathy and variety of life experiences to understand things like these.

09-04-2019, 06:33 PM
"Choices", :lol he barely covers his basic needs.

If you told that insensitive, provocative shit to my friend's face he would kick the shit out of you, tbh.

Well that speaks to his ability to make good choices

09-04-2019, 06:36 PM
My friend who is easily triggered and prone to violence is having a tough time getting ahead. System is rigged.

09-04-2019, 06:36 PM
Well that speaks to his ability to make good choices

He went from being a homeless orphan to a house owner and proud provider for his wife and two sons. I'd say his choice making abilities are pretty good.

09-04-2019, 09:13 PM
FDR's Second Bill of Rights

"It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.

This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.

As our nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.

We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. "Necessitous men are not free men."[3] People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.
All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.

America's own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for all our citizens. For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


We need FDR 2.0 (Bernie Sanders) to fulfill these economic bill of rights

09-05-2019, 07:02 AM
My friend is an orphan that used to live in the street when he was a boy. He had to quit school at age 13 so that he could feed himself. Later on, he was lucky enough to fell in love with a girl that had a great family, and his father in law took him under his arm and taught him how to be a mechanic. He made the most out of the cards he was dealt with. Not everybody has the chance of learning the "computer end of the job", tbh. You lack human sensitivity, empathy and variety of life experiences to understand things like these.

Fuck you. I simply stated what a qualified diagnostic mechanic makes in SA.

09-09-2019, 01:22 PM
Hey Commie, you're calling yourselves socialist these days.

Democratic Socialism is not what you think it is.

You would be hard pressed to even define it, wallowing in right-wing propaganda.

When your understanding of something is based on distorted strawmen, i.e. lies, you fail to understand reality, which does not care about your own delusions, and what you want to be true.

I find that funny.

09-09-2019, 01:28 PM
My friend is an orphan that used to live in the street when he was a boy. He had to quit school at age 13 so that he could feed himself. Later on, he was lucky enough to fell in love with a girl that had a great family, and his father in law took him under his arm and taught him how to be a mechanic. He made the most out of the cards he was dealt with. Not everybody has the chance of learning the "computer end of the job", tbh. You lack human sensitivity, empathy and variety of life experiences to understand things like these.

In my experience people who self-identify as conservatives tend to lack empathy, and tend to blame victims.

"people are poor because of bad choices" is a commonly held belief.

The reality is that the US has pretty "sticky" poverty, and isn't some magic land of opportunity lionized by right wing media.

Further, what we know about human psychology is that the causal connection between bad decisions and poverty is actually the OPPOSITE of that. People make bad choices because they are poor.



CosmicCowboy is fairly reasonable as far as things go, but would probably dismiss this new information as it conflicts with his thinking, another facet of "conservatism" that limits it's usefulness when it comes to forming evidence-based policies. Conservatives struggle with confirmation bias.

09-09-2019, 01:32 PM
My friend who is easily triggered and prone to violence is having a tough time getting ahead. System is rigged.

Gonna bookmark this for when Trump loses the 2020 election.

The claims of "it was rigged" will become a vast chorus of Trump supporters claiming some sort of white victimhood, and I would put the odds that chorus causing some stochastic right-wing violence to be pretty high, given the violent tendencies of right-wing politics.

baseline bum
09-09-2019, 01:35 PM
No one wants to address the wealth distribution the way no one wants to address Americans overall not being fiscally responsible and luxury spending being at all time highs.

Americans just refuse to accept personal responsibility to some degree. We're gluttonous, spend-happy consumers, period. And if we did have the epiphany and were fiscally responsible, the global economy would tank and we'd be blamed. Damned if we do, damned if we dont.

Meh, I never understand this argument about cellphones and TVs being the problem and so important compared to the truly expensive things like healthcare, prescription drugs, education, and housing whose prices have all shot through the roof this century.

09-09-2019, 01:35 PM
Democratic Socialism is not what you think it is.

You would be hard pressed to even define it, wallowing in right-wing propaganda.

When your understanding of something is based on distorted strawmen, i.e. lies, you fail to understand reality, which does not care about your own delusions, and what you want to be true.

I find that funny.

I find it funny you missed the point entirely

Democrats: Repubs will call us socialists anyway so we'll just call ourselves socialists
Republicans: Now they're communists

09-09-2019, 01:38 PM
Meh, I never understand this argument about cellphones and TVs being the problem and so important compared to the truly expensive things like healthcare, prescription drugs, education, and housing whose prices have all shot through the roof this century.


09-09-2019, 01:44 PM
I find it funny you missed the point entirely

Democrats: Repubs will call us socialists anyway so we'll just call ourselves socialists
Republicans: Now they're communists

Obama and the Clintons aren't Marxists (Communists) :lol

Would Karl Marx be in favor of privatizing prisons like Bill Clinton did? Would Karl Marx approve of bailing out the banks for the subprime mortgage crisis like Obama did? Did you know Obama went along with trying to privatize public education?

If you really think that the Democrats are synonymous to Marxism (Communism) then maybe you should get off your right-wing echo chamber to expand your knowledge.


IF the majority of Democrats were like Bernie Sanders and AOC then perhaps your argument of Democrats being Marxists (Communists) would have some validity. Until then, I'll just enjoy watching people like you make a fool of themselves :lol

09-09-2019, 01:46 PM
Meh, I never understand this argument about cellphones and TVs being the problem and so important compared to the truly expensive things like healthcare, prescription drugs, education, and housing whose prices have all shot through the roof this century.

Essentials like clothing and food are overly spent on as well, just beyond tech. Also, still loads of smokers spending twice-thrice as much to die faster than years ago. Car payments disproportionate to income levels.

Luxury brands are THRIVING. People are just spending more than they should and accountability is more attainable on a personal basis than expecting the government to fix things in a quick manner.

I do agree- prescription drugs, housing, etc. are absolute concerns and I'm all for government regulation in those, but we know those sweet lobbying dollars will never stop flowing- but we can't keep ignoring that most Americans are "Drill, baby, drill" minded with debt and "YOLO" with finances.

09-09-2019, 01:47 PM
Establishment Dems/DNC are NOT Pushing Socialism,

but are trying to silence, marginalize progressive Congresspeople and candidates

who threaten the entrenched power and control of establishment Dems/DNC

09-09-2019, 01:48 PM


09-09-2019, 01:50 PM

Marx is right. The only way in history for people to take power from an oppressive, wealthy, armed oligarchy is through violence.

eg, The American, French, Russian Revolutions

09-09-2019, 01:50 PM
I find it funny you missed the point entirely

Democrats: Repubs will call us socialists anyway so we'll just call ourselves socialists
Republicans: Now they're communists

(shrugs) I just ignored it as the jibe it was.

As for whatever new strawman distortions you people want, that is fine. Habitually lying makes people believe you a lot less, and kids aren't stupid.

09-09-2019, 01:56 PM


Eyup. There is class warfare alright, but it is obvious who is winning, and it isn't poor-people.

It is expensive to be poor. They pay more for banking, and all sorts of things, and can afford it less.

09-09-2019, 02:22 PM
(shrugs) I just ignored it as the jibe it was.

As for whatever new strawman distortions you people want, that is fine. Habitually lying makes people believe you a lot less, and kids aren't stupid.


Meanwhile, tax cuts and reducing regulations = fascism, it's exactly what Hitler did

09-09-2019, 02:26 PM


funny posting this and reading the words of the commies while excluding the millions of deaths under a dictator and a very flawed ideology.

09-09-2019, 02:36 PM
funny posting this and reading the words of the commies while excluding the millions of deaths under a dictator and a very flawed ideology.

I'm just correcting the Fake News generated by the right on social media. There is a common misconception that Karl Marx was anti-gun. My Facebook and Twitter are filled with a shit load of gun confiscation memes of every leftist government.

Did you know Maduro has given guns to the masses to protect his country from the imperialist USA? Hitler (right-winger) allowed the German masses to carry guns.

You will never learn any of this from the CIA and Jewish controlled media.

09-09-2019, 02:42 PM
I'm just correcting the Fake News generated by the right on social media. There is a common misconception that Karl Marx was anti-gun. My Facebook and Twitter are filled with a shit load of gun confiscation memes of every leftist government.

Did you know Maduro has given guns to the masses to protect his country from the imperialist USA? Hitler (right-winger) allowed the German masses to carry guns.

You will never learn any of this from the CIA and Jewish controlled media.

:lmao you're so confused

it's the same as our politicians that speak out of both sides of their mouths and you've bought into literally one side.

karl marx might've been anti-gun, maduro might want to arm his people against the USA, and hitler might've armed germany too but those who adopted marxism sought to destroy the masses, maduro seeks to destory the opposition in his own country whether armed or not, and hitler sought to arm the germans who were blonde & blue eyed aryans only.

sad to see that you've bought literally into the 4chan/8chan/reddit bullshit you've been digesting for however long now.

09-09-2019, 02:51 PM
:lmao you're so confused

it's the same as our politicians that speak out of both sides of their mouths and you've bought into literally one side.

karl marx might've been anti-gun, maduro might want to arm his people against the USA, and hitler might've armed germany too but those who adopted marxism sought to destroy the masses, maduro seeks to destory the opposition in his own country whether armed or not, and hitler sought to arm the germans who were blonde & blue eyed aryans only.

sad to see that you've bought literally into the 4chan/8chan/reddit bullshit you've been digesting for however long now.

I'm just pointing out that you guys like to strawman and distort history by saying that all these "brutal dictators" confiscated everyone's guns. Not true.

09-09-2019, 03:05 PM
I'm just pointing out that you guys like to strawman and distort history by saying that all these "brutal dictators" confiscated everyone's guns. Not true.

you guys? i've not said shit about that... :lol

you're simply misguided as you try to tell everyone else the same. smh

ps: once again, especially in regard to hitler, he didn't arm JEWS and they made up a good portion of germans back in the day.

09-09-2019, 03:20 PM
you guys? i've not said shit about that... :lol

you're simply misguided as you try to tell everyone else the same. smh

ps: once again, especially in regard to hitler, he didn't arm JEWS and they made up a good portion of germans back in the day.

Today's lesson: History is distorted to fit an agenda and promote a certain narrative. People like to strawman to promote their agenda.

09-09-2019, 03:35 PM
Today's lesson: History is distorted to fit an agenda and promote a certain narrative. People like to strawman to promote their agenda.

and that's exactly what you're doing by suggesting hitler was a man of great honor and allowed his constituents to arm themselves while excluding the JEWS. it's a strawman argument tbh just like claiming the others like karl marx, mao, stalin, et al were great men who should be looked up to.

09-09-2019, 05:55 PM
(shrugs) I just ignored it as the jibe it was.

As for whatever new strawman distortions you people want, that is fine. Habitually lying makes people believe you a lot less, and kids aren't stupid.


[new strawman]

It's almost as if you can't talk about this kind of thing without lying, proving my point for me.

Just out of curiosity, why do you lie about what other people think?

Seems to me that if you were that secure in your views you wouldn't have to.

09-09-2019, 08:16 PM


Venezuelan Army Trains Civilian Population To Defend Against US Imperialism


09-09-2019, 08:33 PM


Venezuelan Army Trains Civilian Population To Defend Against US Imperialism


lol trying to flip the script for the scum of the world. no thanks!

09-09-2019, 08:45 PM
lol trying to flip the script for the scum of the world. no thanks!

I'm not changing scripts. These are facts that contradict the years of brainwashing in your head :lol

Pro Gun Socialist Joe Gale interviewed by infowars


09-10-2019, 01:49 PM
I'm not changing scripts. These are facts that contradict the years of brainwashing in your head :lol

Pro Gun Socialist Joe Gale interviewed by infowars


I knew Hitler armed blonde hair blue eyed aryans but what about the jews?

You're the brainwashed one tbh

09-13-2019, 01:02 PM
Bernie Sanders: "Open borders? That's a Koch brothers greedy capitalist proposal"


09-13-2019, 02:00 PM
A double whammy for Hitler's Prodigy; it's a Bernie video AND it's from Vox. Donate to Yauschwitz's lunch money fund and click the vid.

09-13-2019, 02:07 PM
A double whammy for Hitler's Prodigy; it's a Bernie video AND it's from Vox. Donate to Yauschwitz's lunch money fund and click the vid.

Some people don't like hearing facts that contradict their indoctrinated and brainwashed beliefs :lol

09-13-2019, 02:10 PM
Some people don't like hearing facts that contradict their indoctrinated and brainwashed beliefs :lol

Ok, and some people are going to make fun of Anti-semites parading around as "woke" spamming the forum with payola vids from their propaganda ministries, so they make fun of the anti-semites doing that. :lol

09-13-2019, 02:13 PM
Ok, and some people are going to make fun of Anti-semites parading around as "woke" spamming the forum with payola vids from their propaganda ministries, so they make fun of the anti-semites doing that. :lol

Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism

09-13-2019, 02:14 PM
Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism

LOL, you've blamed the Jews for everything Hitler didn't have time to get to.

09-13-2019, 02:38 PM
Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism
i agree with this statement in a vacuum. you have shown way more than just anti-zionism though

09-13-2019, 03:31 PM
i agree with this statement in a vacuum. you have shown way more than just anti-zionism though

Nazi collaborator.

09-13-2019, 06:50 PM
Everyone in the thread sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher.

09-13-2019, 07:34 PM
Did Karl Marx want open borders? Was he for immigration?



09-14-2019, 04:54 PM
Hillarytard Jorge Ramos Gets Triggered Cuz Bernie Does Not Want Open Borders


09-17-2019, 08:25 AM
Bill Maher Has Completely Lost It (Even Worse Than Before)


10-26-2019, 12:04 PM
Rand Paul Faceplants Going After Bernie Sanders


Will Hunting
10-26-2019, 12:55 PM
Bill Maher Has Completely Lost It (Even Worse Than Before)

I’m not sure what the fuck happened to Bill Maher....he used to rail against Hillary being such a shitty candidate and now he’s basically asking for another Hillary.

baseline bum
10-26-2019, 01:26 PM
I’m not sure what the fuck happened to Bill Maher....he used to rail against Hillary being such a shitty candidate and now he’s basically asking for another Hillary.

I stopped watching him when he said crystal meth was the same shit as diet pill amphetamines from the 60s and you could be high functioning meth smoker.

Will Hunting
10-26-2019, 01:29 PM
I stopped watching him when he said crystal meth was the same shit as diet pill amphetamines from the 60s and you could be high functioning meth smoker.
:lmao what?

It seems like he’s gotten too focused on being “edgy” in disagreeing with other Democrats.

10-26-2019, 01:31 PM
let's all follow socialist bernie who's never worked a day in his life and who plants seeds of marxism from east to west.

10-26-2019, 01:34 PM
I stopped watching him when he said crystal meth was the same shit as diet pill amphetamines from the 60s and you could be high functioning meth smoker.

i stopped watching anything maher after he made "Religulous". he chose peaceful, kind, loving people to stomp on instead of the loons in religion. why step on christians while staying as far as he could from his own kin?

he's a bully who's also a huge pussy.

baseline bum
10-26-2019, 01:58 PM
:lmao what?

It seems like he’s gotten too focused on being “edgy” in disagreeing with other Democrats.

I wish I could find it. It was probably last season or the year before last. He was interviewing someone about the drug war and how you have very productive people who smoke weed and snort coke. Then Maher said crystal was just amphetamines and no big deal and you could be high functioning on it. To which the retard he was interviewing went along with.

10-26-2019, 04:31 PM
i stopped watching anything maher after he made "Religulous". he chose peaceful, kind, loving people to stomp on instead of the loons in religion. why step on christians while staying as far as he could from his own kin?

he's a bully who's also a huge pussy.

Bill Maher is a Zionist. He's a Jew so no surprise there.

10-27-2019, 03:15 PM
Bill Maher is a Zionist. He's a Jew so no surprise there.

Maher is NOT a Jew, you Jew-hater

10-27-2019, 04:08 PM
Maher is NOT a Jew, you Jew-hater



WTF are you talking about? Look up Bill Maher on Wikipedia. Do some research.

10-27-2019, 04:14 PM


WTF are you talking about? Look up Bill Maher on Wikipedia. Do some research.

his mother was ethnically Jewish, his father was Catholic, and Maher was raised as a Catholic, which is pretty obvious in his anti-religious positions.

read your fucking research

10-27-2019, 04:31 PM
his mother was ethnically Jewish, his father was Catholic, and Maher was raised as a Catholic, which is pretty obvious in his anti-religious positions.

read your fucking research

He has Jewish blood running through his veins. He is as much Jewish as koriwhat is, if not more. Bill Maher is a Zionist.

Another atheist who is Jewish and a Zionist is Sam Harris.

10-27-2019, 06:03 PM
He has Jewish blood running through his veins. He is as much Jewish as koriwhat is, if not more. Bill Maher is a Zionist.

Another atheist who is Jewish and a Zionist is Sam Harris.

you know how this works right? i am not jewish because my mother isn't jewish. maher is jewish due to his mother's lineage no matter what religious ideology he believes in.

10-27-2019, 08:31 PM
Hillarytard Jorge Ramos Gets Triggered Cuz Bernie Does Not Want Open Borders


Commie Cuck contradicted himself. He said wages will get lowered with open borders and then he agreed with Dickhead Ramos that open borders wouldn't lower wages.

10-28-2019, 12:47 AM
Commie Cuck contradicted himself. He said wages will get lowered with open borders and then he agreed with Dickhead Ramos that open borders wouldn't lower wages.

Bernie is right though that open borders is a Koch Brother's dream. Watch how Charlie Kirk, a Koch Brothers stooge, gets TRIGGERED when confronted about immigration and demographics.


10-30-2019, 10:38 PM
Bill Maher’s Urges Dems To Ignore Progressives


12-01-2019, 01:13 AM
Republican City Opens Gov. Run Grocery Store
