View Full Version : Federal judge awards over $700,000 to former American University student targeted in neo-Nazi ‘troll storm’

08-11-2019, 02:04 PM

in 2017 sued Andrew Anglin, :lol incel sicko fuck! :lol

the founder and editor of the Daily Stormer, alleging he initiated a racist “troll storm” against her that made her fear for her life and disrupted her ability to pursue her education.

Anglin posted an article on the Daily Stormer, writing: “No one feels safe around bananas.”

He then

published Dumpson’s name and photo and direct links to her Facebook account and the AU student government Twitter account and

called on his followers to “troll storm” her

Dumpson began fearing for her life.

She felt unsafe walking around campus, taking public transportation or leaving her house at night.

She started carrying pepper spray and taking Ubers to get around.

Her classwork started to suffer, and she dropped a minor in sociology.

Dumpson said she started having flashbacks and nightmares.

She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, an eating disorder, depression and anxiety.

She lost more than 15 percent of her body weight “from the mental trauma stemming from the incident,”

Dumpson alleged Anglin and Ade intentionally inflicted emotional distress on her and “interfered with her enjoyment of places of public accommodation” because she no longer felt safe on the AU campus.

Because Anglin and Ade failed to respond to the complaint, the court granted Dumpson default judgment.

Friday’s ruling comes just weeks after

a federal judge ordered Anglin (https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/07/16/andrew-anglin-daily-stormer-tanya-gersh-million-verdict/) to pay more than $14 million in damages to Tanya Gersh, a real estate agent in Whitefish, Mont.,

who was flooded with phone calls, text messages, emails and social media posts that contained death threats and anti-Semitic slurs.

Like in Dumpson’s case, Anglin posted Gersh’s contact information online and encouraged his followers to harass her and her family after Gersh was accused of extorting the mother of white nationalist Richard Spencer.

“Tell them you are sickened by their Jew agenda,” Anglin wrote.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/federal-judge-awards-700000-to-former-american-university-student-targeted-in-neo-nazi-troll-storm/2019/08/10/f73dca84-bb7f-11e9-bad6-609f75bfd97f_story.html?noredirect=on (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/federal-judge-awards-700000-to-former-american-university-student-targeted-in-neo-nazi-troll-storm/2019/08/10/f73dca84-bb7f-11e9-bad6-609f75bfd97f_story.html?noredirect=on)

You ST dickless assholes clearly run with some wonderfully dickless assholes.

And of course, leftwingnutjob assholes do, both sides!, exactly the same, right? :lol

08-11-2019, 05:47 PM
wait, we can sue trolls now? i've had a few claim they'd come to my shop to beat me up... hmm... i could use some more smoothie king in my life. :lmao