View Full Version : I need some help from the resident right wingers

11-01-2005, 06:52 PM
Why has Bush been giving speeches about a possible avian flu pandemic and possible pandemics in general all fucking day?

Don't you think its a little...excessive?

I mean....wouldn't so much coverage of an unlikely yet possible event lead some of the feebler-minded americans (i.e. evan mariott) to just get really really scared?

Also, he has been using the word "pandemic" as much as he used the word "terror" in his campaigns.

I'm listening to it right now and while typing this short thread, I swear to god he has said the word "pandemic" at least 10 times.

Wont this repeatition of a single word (and subsequent negative connotation) serve only to cement itself into the brain of the feebler-minded mariotts out there?

Extra Stout
11-01-2005, 07:02 PM
"Pandemic" was on his word-of-the-day toilet paper, and a staffer told him it had some policy significance.

11-01-2005, 07:33 PM
Wont this repeatition of a single word (and subsequent negative connotation) serve only to cement itself into the brain of the feebler-minded mariotts out there?
Maybe it's because the Avian Flu Pandemic has been in the news for about 2 months now and the President figured out you weren't getting the message CBF. Now, apparently, you're paying attention.

11-01-2005, 07:37 PM
Because he's fucking tired of do nothing pussies crying about shit when the shit hits the fan. He can't fucking win now can he? At least he has Bono as his buddy.

11-01-2005, 07:40 PM
Because he's fucking tired of do nothing pussies crying about shit when the shit hits the fan. He can't fucking win now can he? At least he has Bono as his buddy.
He can't win with some, Vashner. Luckily, the "some" he can't win with are of the Nbadan, CBF, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean, far Left whacko mold who are marginalizing themselves in what can only be described as phenomenal.

11-01-2005, 07:46 PM
It's a lot more than that... it's like night of the living dead.....


Marcus Bryant
11-01-2005, 07:48 PM
Not sure I qualify as a "right-winger" but he is doing this because he's obviously trying to find a way to climb out of the political shithole.

11-01-2005, 07:52 PM
The only shithole is just what the media has painted. What just happned was rove was no billed and 1 guy indicted. No convictions...

The score is 2 indicemtns vs 1 Judge finding guilty of perjury (Clinton) and 1 guilty removing and destroying 3 binders of Top Secret SCI compartmentalized info (still never recovered or known)...

So it's like Bush 2 Dem's 0 ..... with 1 foul under review by the refs (The libby.. but that's like a field goal not a TD)..

The reality is.. Bush is appointed his Justices... Roberts was smooth... Sheehan is a has been.... The reality is Bush is doing just fucking fine.. it's the media that's in a panic over things...

He's kicking ass all over the place right now... Schroder is gone... Blair was re-elected... He lost spain.. big fucking deal....

hahhah truth is we are kicking some ass... and dems are just crying like babies in a tantrum.. with there only power in lies and cowardness...

11-01-2005, 08:00 PM
Because he's fucking tired of do nothing pussies crying about shit when the shit hits the fan. He can't fucking win now can he? At least he has Bono as his buddy.

Maybe if his own supporters werent busy slandering an unqualified supreme court justice nominee they'd be able to be non-do-nothing-pussies.

Or are all do-nothing pussies democrats?

When has the shit hit the fan?

He can't win with some,
Why does this (or other basic discussions) have to be about winning his favor? Get off your high horse, man.

Not sure I qualify as a "right-winger" but he is doing this because he's obviously trying to find a way to climb out of the political shithole.
hmm, sounds possible, even plausible.

Marcus Bryant
11-01-2005, 08:01 PM
He also saw his SS reform, a great part of his potential legacy, go up in smoke. He saw himself unable to find an acceptable response to a natural disaster and he managed a self-inflicted wound by appointing a buddy of his to the SC after he had been vilified for having...a buddy in control of the Fed response to that disaster. Lest we forget it was his own base who ripped him over that last move His approval ratings are in the shitter and that is currently where his administration is at.

11-01-2005, 08:06 PM
He also saw his SS reform, a great part of his potential legacy, go up in smoke. He saw himself unable to find an acceptable response to a natural disaster and he managed a self-inflicted wound by appointing a buddy of his to the SC after he had been vilified for having...a buddy in control of the Fed response to that disaster. Lest we forget it was his own base who ripped him over that last move His approval ratings are in the shitter and that is currently where his administration is at.
Actually, his approval ratings are up 5 points this week and expected to continue to climb.

His base sees that he did the right thing in the Supreme Court nomination, that Scooter Libby is the end of Fitzmas for the Dems, that the States are finally taking responsibility for their disasters.

Just making a point.

11-01-2005, 09:14 PM
He also saw his SS reform, a great part of his potential legacy, go up in smoke. He saw himself unable to find an acceptable response to a natural disaster and he managed a self-inflicted wound by appointing a buddy of his to the SC after he had been vilified for having...a buddy in control of the Fed response to that disaster. Lest we forget it was his own base who ripped him over that last move His approval ratings are in the shitter and that is currently where his administration is at.

Okay, so his ratings are a little low at this period. But how's about the dimm-o-craps ratings. They are much lower than his.

Now, lets talk about the flu. He recognized the problem, had a plan, put it forward and what happened. The good old dimm-o-craps run out Teddy baby, the swimmer, screaming: well who gets the shots and who doesn't. And of course Ms. Clinton, the smartest woman in the world, telling everyone it is too little too late. No one, except the conservatives have a plan. The dimm-o-craps just want to do their usual and say we, the conservatives, are full of it and don't know jack about anything, but they don't have any plan except to be critical of Bush's plan. Get a life you dummies and tell us your fine plans, otherwise, get the hell out of the way or get run over by the steamroller. You are all full of the same thing as the other dimm-o-craps in Washington, DC.

:elephant :elephant :elephant

11-01-2005, 09:17 PM
Why should we have a plan?

11-01-2005, 09:20 PM
Why should we have a plan?

Is that a quote from your leader: Wilson? Or maybe Sheehan? or maybe
Moore? Hell I know that is your plan.

11-01-2005, 09:21 PM
The only shithole is just what the media has painted. What just happned was rove was no billed and 1 guy indicted. No convictions...

The score is 2 indicemtns vs 1 Judge finding guilty of perjury (Clinton) and 1 guilty removing and destroying 3 binders of Top Secret SCI compartmentalized info (still never recovered or known)...

So it's like Bush 2 Dem's 0 ..... with 1 foul under review by the refs (The libby.. but that's like a field goal not a TD)..

The reality is.. Bush is appointed his Justices... Roberts was smooth... Sheehan is a has been.... The reality is Bush is doing just fucking fine.. it's the media that's in a panic over things...

He's kicking ass all over the place right now... Schroder is gone... Blair was re-elected... He lost spain.. big fucking deal....

hahhah truth is we are kicking some ass... and dems are just crying like babies in a tantrum.. with there only power in lies and cowardness...

Correct me if I'm wrong but Clinton was acquitted by the Senate of perjury and obstruction of justice in an impeachment trial authorized by the House of Representatives. No?

11-02-2005, 07:55 PM
Is that a quote from your leader: Wilson? Or maybe Sheehan? or maybe
Moore? Hell I know that is your plan.

If I had a dollar for every time a conservative labels someone liberal just for being non-conservative, I'd be richer than half of the conservative posters on this forum.

Hook Dem
11-02-2005, 08:07 PM
If I had a dollar for every time a conservative labels someone liberal just for being non-conservative, I'd be richer than half of the conservative posters on this forum.
See........thats the stigma in your thinking. You think all conservative posters are rich. Thats your hang up isn't it?

Oh, Gee!!
11-02-2005, 08:18 PM
Because the flu is un-American. Flu sufferers are un-Patriotic. If you see one, report him to the authorities. These viral terrorists must be stopped!


11-02-2005, 08:21 PM
cbf you have to figure that out
its textbook neocon response
you mention someone
they talk about Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore
then you talk about Bush and they call you anti-american
you speak against the war they say we're worst than terrorists

or you can do combinations...
youve got to start listening to daytimes on WOAI 1200

11-02-2005, 08:49 PM
1) Political Shithole? 30 yrs ago, Lame Duck second termers did not have to worry about this because the Cable News Networks were not out for a Buck like they are now

2) Avian Flu...Threat? Less than the Swine flu in the 70s, for those old enough to remember READING about it...yes, that is how we USED to get most of our news, kids...(as most of you KIDS say, Swine flu, what the heck is that?)

MEDIA DRIVES POLITICS...it is what sells, period. Ask Dan Rather, he will likely lie.

11-02-2005, 10:52 PM
Or ask Scooter, he will likely lie.

11-02-2005, 10:57 PM
Why has Bush been giving speeches about a possible avian flu pandemic and possible pandemics in general all fucking day?

Don't you think its a little...excessive?

I mean....wouldn't so much coverage of an unlikely yet possible event lead some of the feebler-minded americans (i.e. evan mariott) to just get really really scared?

Also, he has been using the word "pandemic" as much as he used the word "terror" in his campaigns.

I'm listening to it right now and while typing this short thread, I swear to god he has said the word "pandemic" at least 10 times.

Wont this repeatition of a single word (and subsequent negative connotation) serve only to cement itself into the brain of the feebler-minded mariotts out there?

I remember the same president mention an excessive mandatory evacuation for NO 3-4 days before landfall. But then somehow fema was blamed for it.

Do you think mandatory evacuation is excessive?

11-02-2005, 11:11 PM
"Pandemic" was on his word-of-the-day toilet paper, and a staffer told him it had some policy significance.

Warning: You are at your own peril when defending the president. Proof that doing so is disasterous as seeing TOken linguini spined conservatives spouting out lame cheap shots at the presidents supposed "idiocy" along with the liberals (did i say liberals.. what have i done. :rolleyes ... wait! sorry, i meant "libertarians") suggest that defending the president will fail.(in ex stout's world libertarians love govt regulation, affirmative action, hate evangelical christians and are gun ho for the IRS and proggressive tax codes.) :spin

token closet liberal: "BUt wait Ex Stout! I am libertarian! I support legalization, and i even stood up for harriet miers."

11-03-2005, 12:24 AM
The lame thing about him going on and on and on and on about it (instilling fear within the common mariott) is that the common citizen does not have exposure to birds and or pigs, and therefore would have a very low chance at getting the damn thing to begin with

i mean who the hell is constantly exposed to birds anyways
unless you are ultra rural and like to sleep with your pet wild turkey every night, who is really going to get this thing?

11-03-2005, 12:35 AM
^CBF, the WHO (not pete towshend) raised the alarm of avian flu long before the pres. And if you were more informed about it, you would know that once the virus mutates through 5 more stages, then human to bird contact will no longer be needed for it's travel.

In other words. It will be highly contagious!!!!!

Extra Stout
11-03-2005, 09:34 AM
Why is it that two weeks ago, I read a bunch of liberal commentators who were bashing President Bush for not taking the avian flu threat seriously enough, yet now that he's begun addressing it, I'm reading liberal commentators bashing President Bush for exaggerating the threat? What is up with that?

Okay, so his ratings are a little low at this period. But how's about the dimm-o-craps ratings. They are much lower than his.
This is something that is rarely brought up. Bush and the GOP are polling very low right now. But the Democrats are polling even lower.

SWC Bonfire
11-03-2005, 09:52 AM
A pointer: using terms like dimm-o-crap and repugs makes you seem REALLY intelligent. Don't do it.

AI (avian influenza, it's not called "bird flu") is a big thing for Texas. Not for people, but for the poultry industry. Migrating waterfoul can spread the disease to poultry houses. Once you get a positive infection, there is a mandatory 5 mile kill radius for all birds around the affected area. This happened in my native Gonzales county, and luckily it was in a "remote" part of the county without significant other poultry producers in the area. But if it hit south of Gonzales, let's just say you'd be paying top dollar for chicken for a year or more.

Extra Stout
11-03-2005, 09:55 AM
^CBF, the WHO (not pete towshend) raised the alarm of avian flu long before the pres. And if you were more informed about it, you would know that once the virus mutates through 5 more stages, then human to bird contact will no longer be needed for it's travel.

In other words. It will be highly contagious!!!!!A blind squirrel finds a nut.

This is substantively correct. Right now, H5N1, the virus in question, cannot be transmitted directly from human to human. Only humans in close proximity to birds are at risk.

But, all that has to happen is for an already infected person to come into contact with an ordinary human flu during the flu season, and for the viruses to form a hybrid. If both viruses show up in the same cell, that's exactly what will happen.

11-03-2005, 11:33 AM
The annual flu scare is more predictable than San Antonio's annual water crisis.

Yes, the flu is serious, and people who are vunerable should get flu shots. But every year is predicted to be 1917 all over again.

Extra Stout
11-03-2005, 11:37 AM
The annual flu scare is more predictable than San Antonio's annual water crisis.

Yes, the flu is serious, and people who are vunerable should get flu shots. But every year is predicted to be 1917 all over again.Well, we need to develop a vaccine for this strain first...

The bigger scare is what this could do in Asia. But, anyway, that's not GWB's responsibility to handle that. PRC has millions of people they can pay 10 cents a day to fill vials.

11-03-2005, 10:45 PM
A blind squirrel finds a nut.

Followed by a fly only up to nothing but shit.

11-04-2005, 12:21 PM
^CBF, the WHO (not pete towshend) raised the alarm of avian flu long before the pres. And if you were more informed about it, you would know that once the virus mutates through 5 more stages, then human to bird contact will no longer be needed for it's travel.

In other words. It will be highly contagious!!!!!

Yes I know. I never tried to imply the president or government started this.

What great breakthroughs in science we have, now that the World Health Organization can successfully predict exactly what year and what season of that year a virus will successfully go through 5 proper mutations of a specific nature to enable it to become very infectious.

Btw, anyone know of the latest SARS information? I'm still worried about that one.

11-04-2005, 05:53 PM
A pointer: using terms like dimm-o-crap and repugs makes you seem REALLY intelligent. Don't do it.

AI (avian influenza, it's not called "bird flu") is a big thing for Texas. Not for people, but for the poultry industry. Migrating waterfoul can spread the disease to poultry houses. Once you get a positive infection, there is a mandatory 5 mile kill radius for all birds around the affected area. This happened in my native Gonzales county, and luckily it was in a "remote" part of the county without significant other poultry producers in the area. But if it hit south of Gonzales, let's just say you'd be paying top dollar for chicken for a year or more.

SWC, you are right, using terms as you described above are childish. But unfortunately you are dealing with people who you can't really converse with. I have tried it on this forum and been ignored completely. the avian influenza is not a small thing. How the problem is going to be handled is something that, right now, is almost beyond comprehension. As you stated migrating birds carry the disease from place to place. Maybe you know, could the problem be tackled like rabies was in coyotes, that is spreading food with the vaccine in it to inoculate the migrating birds? I know it is impossible to fight it by "killing" off all the birds in the world. I also know one thing, I am glad Bush is looking at the problem, not because I am a "repug" but because it is a problem we are going to have to address.

11-04-2005, 06:34 PM
SWC, see my point. No one wants to talk about the problem, just point fingers.

11-05-2005, 02:14 AM
Yes I know. I never tried to imply the president or government started this.

What great breakthroughs in science we have, now that the World Health Organization can successfully predict exactly what year and what season of that year a virus will successfully go through 5 proper mutations of a specific nature to enable it to become very infectious.

Btw, anyone know of the latest SARS information? I'm still worried about that one.

Now just show me where the WHO had predicted a pandemic for SARS. Dude quit being so partisan and attacking bush for tackling a problem that needed to be adressed.

11-05-2005, 08:49 AM
Give everyone a flu shot and let's move on.

11-05-2005, 08:57 AM
Give everyone a flu shot and let's move on.
Got 300 million doses laying around, Joe?

11-05-2005, 09:01 AM
Get it done.

11-05-2005, 09:03 AM
Get it done.
I get it! Joe thinks there is a magic vaccination fairy out there somewhere.

11-05-2005, 12:51 PM
Okay, so his ratings are a little low at this period. But how's about the dimm-o-craps ratings. They are much lower than his.Not true as of the 27th of October.

Bush's approval: 45%, disapproval: 49%

Democratic Party approval: 46%, disapproval: 37%

Complaints about polls' being complete bullshit should be forwarded to Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/projects/pdf/poll_102705.pdf).

Haven't seen their latest poll yet.

11-05-2005, 12:54 PM
Not true as of the 27th of October.

Bush's approval: 45%, disapproval: 49%

Democratic Party approval: 46%, disapproval: 37%

Complaints about polls' being complete bullshit should be forwarded to Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/projects/pdf/poll_102705.pdf).

Haven't seen their latest poll yet.
Again, I concede this hampers his chances of winning a third term.

11-05-2005, 12:56 PM
It certainly makes Ahnuld's schedule too full to fit in Bushy.

Social Security reform?

11-05-2005, 12:59 PM
It certainly makes Ahnuld's schedule too full to fit in Bushy.

Social Security reform?
We'll see how long it lasts. There are three years left in this administration. A lot can happen.

11-05-2005, 01:01 PM
I'll give it until the next invasion or terrorist attack.

11-05-2005, 01:02 PM
I'll give it until the next invasion or terrorist attack.
You have your benchmarks...others have their's.

11-05-2005, 01:04 PM
What's yours?

11-05-2005, 01:33 PM
What's yours?
I have no concern over the President's poll numbers.

11-05-2005, 01:36 PM
Actually, his approval ratings are up 5 points this week and expected to continue to climb.

11-05-2005, 01:45 PM
Just a statement refutation in the context of a conversation about his poll numbers.

But, while we're on polls...and if you have any faith in polls (which I don't), you'd do well to check out this comprehensive summary of polling data on the California ballot propositions on
Real Clear Politics (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/Congressional/CA_Spc_05.html).

Is the prohibition on spending union dues on politics without the union member's consent leading by 28 points, or trailing by 11? Beats me, but it's hard to imagine how pollsters can get such wildly divergent numbers.

There's not much point in worrying about it until we get the real numbers, next Tuesday. It's worth keeping in mind, though, when evaluating national poll figures on things such a the President's approval ratings and such.

11-05-2005, 01:50 PM
It's all about methodolgy. As I said -- take it up with the pollsters. It's more than clear that politicians, including Bush, pay attention to them -- so why shouldn't I? I usually cite the Fox News polls to avoid the liberal bias straw man.

11-05-2005, 02:12 PM
It's all about methodolgy. As I said -- take it up with the pollsters. It's more than clear that politicians, including Bush, pay attention to them -- so why shouldn't I? I usually cite the Fox News polls to avoid the liberal bias straw man.
What leads you to believe Bush cares? He hasn't changed one policy initiative -- foreign or domestic -- based on poll results.

11-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Give everyone a flu shot and let's move on.


not that many available

even the UT health center is on the wait list.

11-05-2005, 03:04 PM
What leads you to believe Bush cares?You have got to be fucking kidding me.

George Bush during Katrina:

George Bush during Rita:

This guy is acutely concerned with his image. Even you couldn't be stupid enough not to realize that.

11-05-2005, 03:11 PM
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

George Bush during Katrina:

George Bush during Rita:

This guy is acutely concerned with his image. Even you couldn't be stupid enough to realize that.
Looks to me like he's just concerned with doing his job and reassuring the American People. I'm betting the President would have been at both those events even if the press had stayed home.

11-05-2005, 04:02 PM
I'm betting the President would have been at both those events even if the press had stayed home.Nah, the NORAD photo-op was supposed to happen in SA, had to take pictures somewhere. Of course, photo-ops don't occur with this President -- he's above that sort of thing.