View Full Version : What does Warren have to do to make a comeback from here now?

12-14-2019, 11:47 PM

12-14-2019, 11:57 PM
porn is probably out of the question, so she's pretty much screwed regardless...

12-14-2019, 11:58 PM
What do you mean comeback?

Buttiegieg is making all sorts of headline right now but at the end of the day he's not really viable in the long term. This remains a fight between senile Biden and herself in my opinion.

I'm still confused as to how he managed to be leading in Iowa and New Hampshire by double digits out of nowhere.

12-15-2019, 12:01 AM
What do you mean comeback?

Buttiegieg is making all sorts of headline right now but at the end of the day he's not really viable in the long term. This remains a fight between senile Biden and herself in my opinion.

I'm still confused as to how he managed to be leading in Iowa and New Hampshire by double digits out of nowhere.

She was rising hard in the polling averages and was even in first place for a while but has fallen down hard to third. Feels like an afterthought atm

12-15-2019, 12:08 AM
Use the N-word tbh

12-15-2019, 12:18 AM
Stop being nice and start scalping opponents.

12-15-2019, 12:21 AM
She needs to drop the fuck out tbh. Can't stand that bitch. Rather have any of the rest win, except for maybe Yang.

12-15-2019, 12:23 AM
What do you mean comeback?

Buttiegieg is making all sorts of headline right now but at the end of the day he's not really viable in the long term. This remains a fight between senile Biden and herself in my opinion.

I'm still confused as to how he managed to be leading in Iowa and New Hampshire by double digits out of nowhere.

I'd much rather have Buttigieg in the thick of the race from her. If it's between Buttigieg and Warren for president, I'd take Butty, even if he enacted a federal law that all males 21+ must take it up the ass at least once a year.

12-15-2019, 10:03 AM
Liz and Bernie don't, never had a chance.

Voters can't beat the oligarchy, which will spend $Bs to block any and all true challenges to the rigged status quo, and Bernie and Liz directly attack the rigging.

12-15-2019, 11:01 AM
Was rooting for Warren who I was warming up to but she went too far left tbh. The NYT piece showing much Medicare For All would cost was bad. Explaining that medicare for all and all the taxes it would entail was stupid by her. Thats never going to pass anyway so just keep it the fairy tale that it is. Then she attacks Biden and calls him a Republican, plus her focuses on twitter is always on all these fringe issues. Like it would have killed her to be normal for two seconds.

She still has a chance to come back and would happily vote for her over Bernie for sure.

Will Hunting
12-15-2019, 11:43 AM
Imo she’d be back in the mix pretty quickly if Bernie drops out early on given the overlap between the two.

Medicare for all wasn’t her problem in and of itself, her oversimplified proposal that were going to pay for it with “MOAR TAXES” was retarded and came off as I’ll-informed.

Her also continuing to cling to the Native American shit is even worse. Trump already made her look stupid on that once, she needs to let it go.

12-15-2019, 12:13 PM
Bernie's rose twitter followers hate Obama and Democrats so much that there is really is an opening for a progressive to go somewhat moderate at least in outward appearance and be somewhat conciliatory towards lifelong Dems. All Warren would have to do is somewhat embrace Obama but say she wants to build on his legacy even if she is being phony. Obama has like a 90% approval rating among Democrats. Meanwhile Bernie and his bros are becoming an entire generation who looks at Democrat like its a curse word


12-15-2019, 12:15 PM
The Obama being deporter in chief and a secret racist against Mexicans is by far the worst rose twitter horseshit. They changed the definition of deportation from the Bush years so anyone who crossed the border and was sent back was "deported" and if the only options are to be open borders completely or a guy who wants to build a wall and fucking moat are thats pretty retarded. Besides, Bernie has that Lou Dobbs anti-immigrant rant that has been floating around forever anyways so what the fuck is their point other than to demonize someone with 90% democrat approval

12-15-2019, 02:00 PM
I'm still confused as to how he managed to be leading in Iowa and New Hampshire by double digits out of nowhere.

I've been telling you all along that the system makes this sh** up, tranny. Come to terms already.

12-15-2019, 02:01 PM
rose twitter

rose twitter
you can say that again

12-15-2019, 02:10 PM
Besides, Bernie has that Lou Dobbs anti-immigrant rant that has been floating around forever anyways so what the fuck is their point other than to demonize someone with 90% democrat approval

:lmao Y triggered by Commie Cuck's an anti-invader "rant".

12-15-2019, 02:12 PM
"Her also continuing to cling to the Native American shit is even worse"

clinging? how? when?

12-15-2019, 02:36 PM

Get over it Warren fanboys. She has no chance. Your choice will be Biden or Bernie.

AaronY, don't like Bernie? AOC? Ilhan Omar? Please do yourself a favor and go register as a Republican. Vote for Trump, our first Jewish president. Israel FIRST. America LAST.

12-15-2019, 02:48 PM
Bernie isn't a Democrat, so the Dem establishment will block him like they did in 2016

12-15-2019, 03:22 PM
you can say that again
What is your analysis of Warren? Didn't go leftwing enough or something?

You still a supporter

12-15-2019, 03:22 PM
Bernie isn't a Democrat, so the Dem establishment block him like they did in 2016
How they doing this exactly?

12-15-2019, 03:38 PM
Bernie isn't a Democrat, so the Dem establishment block him like they did in 2016

How they doing this exactly?

LOL Nother level

12-15-2019, 03:41 PM
Was rooting for Warren who I was warming up to...She still has a chance to come back and would happily vote for her over Bernie for sure.

:lmao smh

12-15-2019, 03:41 PM
Bernie isn't a Democrat, so the Dem establishment block him like they did in 2016

you're right! bernie's a two-faced retarded millionaire commie.

12-15-2019, 03:44 PM
What is your analysis of Warren? Didn't go leftwing enough or something?

You still a supporter
still a supporter, but i have a good amount of issues with her. i think her new medicare for all plan is half baked and borderline designed to fail... "oh we'll do a public option now and then in 3 years have a new vote for m4a." i dont think congress would pass m4a anyway, but that plan is just stupid tbh

her comment at the last debate about believing more people should enlist in the military was also really odd, though her campaign tried to backtrack on that right after with clarifications

12-15-2019, 03:46 PM
still a supporter

but but but djt is a liar you can't stand... guess the only liars you can stand are all on the left. how ironic!

12-15-2019, 03:47 PM
but but but djt is a liar you can't stand... guess the only liars you can stand are all on the left. how ironic!
there are plenty of reasons to dislike trump on top of his being a pathological liar

but of course, as usual, "not trumper" koriwhat rushes into a conversation to defend trump even when trump wasn't being attacked :lol

12-15-2019, 03:52 PM
there are plenty of reasons to dislike trump on top of his being a pathological liar

but of course, as usual, "not trumper" koriwhat rushes into a conversation to defend trump even when trump wasn't being attacked :lol

who's defending djt tbh? all i see is a pussy named spurraider21 with a brittle spine who gets upset whenever the mirror is turned on them. your lame claim of trying to peg me as a trump supporter just proves how much of a weak fuck you truly are. yeah, don't acknowledge the irony because that's the way to get back at me... you're a pussy holmes. :tu

12-15-2019, 04:29 PM
who's defending djt tbh?

but but but djt is a liar you can't stand... guess the only liars you can stand are all on the left. how ironic!

12-15-2019, 04:35 PM
Medicare for All tanked her - just like it would tank our economy should it ever be implemented.

12-15-2019, 04:45 PM
Medicare for All tanked her - just like it would tank our economy should it ever be implemented.
her poll numbers dipped after she hedged on M4A

12-15-2019, 04:50 PM

you can quote all you'd like pussy but doing so doesn't prove your point and only solidifies mine... you dodge everything because you can't stand on your own convictions. you're a hack and a pussy all rolled up into one. :tu

your shtick is played out tbh.

12-15-2019, 04:53 PM
Medicare for All tanked her - just like it would tank our economy should it ever be implemented.

she's a dumb cunt and that's what tanked her... we all know this already so why act like it ain't so?

same with dipshit Beto, dipshit Harris, and the rest of the mentally ill candidates the left pushes.

12-15-2019, 04:53 PM
you reflexively jumped into the conversation to defend trump when he wasn't even part of the conversation :lol

12-15-2019, 04:54 PM
you reflexively jumped into the conversation to defend trump when he wasn't even part of the conversation :lol

no, i jumped in to show your hypocrisy but you just keep on with your stupid shtick because you're not man enough to acknowledge how 2 face you truly are.

12-15-2019, 04:57 PM
- conversation about warren -

"not trumper" koriwhat: BUT TRUMP!

12-15-2019, 05:01 PM
- conversation about warren -

"not trumper" koriwhat: BUT TRUMP!

i didn't say "but trump"... i gave an example of your bias of which you don't seem eager to address. instead you dodge your hypocrisy by being dishonest and making ludicrous claims no one here can even validate. yall just hate to hate which is fine but it totally exposes yall losers as just that.

12-15-2019, 05:05 PM
as well, if warren is running for the seat that trump currently occupies then how's it upsetting to you to bring him up? he's literally the guy they are all trying to knock off. as much as you don't like it, any conversation about presidential candidates and the office include djt at least for now.

you're just upset that warren, just like bernie, and those running for the dems aren't gaining any traction versus the one man you hate on because your false idols told you to. stay pathetic ya pussy! :tu

12-15-2019, 05:09 PM
there are plenty of reasons to dislike trump on top of his being a pathological liar

but of course, as usual, "not trumper" koriwhat rushes into a conversation to defend trump even when trump wasn't being attacked :lol

Just remember, everything that koriwhat claims to dislike or not be a part of, the opposites is true.

Just like Alex Jones, everytime he blames the Chicoms or muslims what he really means is the Zionists.

That's how you interpret these type of characters tbh.

12-15-2019, 05:11 PM
Just remember, everything that koriwhat claims to dislike or not be a part of, the opposites is true.

Just like Alex Jones, everytime he blames the Chicoms or muslims what he really means is the Zionists.

That's how you interpret these type of characters tbh.

lol the infowarrior has spoken! you're a joke TGY.

01-12-2020, 09:43 AM

This is very stupid of her if you listen to the actual questions. While mentioning the "non-aggression pact" the reporter basically asks her why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to answer. She doesn't need to attack Bernie but she does need to explain why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to do so.

01-12-2020, 10:23 AM

This is very stupid of her if you listen to the actual questions. While mentioning the "non-aggression pact" the reporter basically asks her why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to answer. She doesn't need to attack Bernie but she does need to explain why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to do so.

Dude STFU. Go away. Elizabeth Warren is a shill. A sellout. She back pedaled on Medicare 4 All. People are woke to her bullshit. Get over it.

01-12-2020, 10:24 AM

01-12-2020, 10:29 AM
Blacks were down on Hillary because Slick Willie, with Biden as veep creep, signed one of the conservatives' (aka racists) top objectives:

kicking lazy, corrupt, cheating "welfare queen in Cadillacs" knitters off welfare.


"Biden eventually apologized this Saturday for his comments about

working with senators James Eastland (Miss.) and Herman Talmadge (Ga.), two Democrats who were staunchly opposed to civil rights and racial integration.

“Was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes, I was. I regret it,” he said (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/joe-biden-will-deliver-a-speech-defending-his-record-on-issues-of-race/2019/07/06/da21d734-9ff9-11e9-9ed4-c9089972ad5a_story.html?tid=lk_inline_manual_24).

“And I’m sorry for any of the pain or misconception they may have caused anybody.”

But his continued view that critics are trying to “weaponize” his record and use it against him suggests that

Biden might still not quite understand that he is not the victim here — it is black people on the receiving end of the policies."

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/10/team-biden-keeps-insisting-he-isnt-racist-its-defense-that-misses-point/ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/10/team-biden-keeps-insisting-he-isnt-racist-its-defense-that-misses-point/)

This is an Elizabeth Warren thread.

01-12-2020, 10:30 AM

This is very stupid of her if you listen to the actual questions. While mentioning the "non-aggression pact" the reporter basically asks her why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to answer. She doesn't need to attack Bernie but she does need to explain why people should vote for her over Bernie and she refuses to do so.

Anything she said Bernie supporters would twist into an attack on Bernie. Lets be honest here. She could say she has more experience dealing with banks and they would go "Warren says Bernie doesnt know anything about banks"

01-12-2020, 10:38 AM
Anything she said Bernie supporters would twist into an attack on Bernie. Lets be honest here. She could say she has more experience dealing with banks and they would go "Warren says Bernie doesnt know anything about banks"

oh boo hoo. Wtf is the point of her campaign if she can't point out any differences between her and Bernie?

01-12-2020, 10:39 AM
rambling bullshit

boutons why should someone vote for Warren over Bernie?

01-12-2020, 11:02 AM
boutons why should someone vote for Warren over Bernie?

I think she's a lot smarter, more eloquent, more convincing. She designed the CPFB. I don't if Bernie has ever built anything

They are both progressive so the neoliberal/corporatist/BigDollar DNC will not help them, do everything to stop them.

eg, apparently Obama, the leader of Dem party, is vehemently against Bernie


01-12-2020, 11:19 AM
I think she's a lot smarter, more eloquent, more convincing. She designed the CPFB. I don't if Bernie has ever built anything

They are both progressive so the neoliberal/corporatist/BigDollar DNC will not help them, do everything to stop them.

eg, apparently Obama, the leader of Dem party, is vehemently against Bernie


Thank you for the first part. The second part sounds like some kind of leftist fever dream paranoid fantasy. Even if you accept the false premise that Obama is a horrible person he is way too concerned with his legacy to attack Bernie and all his young supporters directly.

01-12-2020, 11:20 AM
It's also worth noting that when you say and attribute something to "unnamed close advisor" you could make up anything you want.

01-12-2020, 11:30 AM
Even if you accept the false premise that Obama is a horrible person he is way too concerned with his legacy to attack Bernie and all his young supporters directly.

not my premise

What Obama said was not public, and he will "block" Liz and Bernie by supporting/campaigning for his veep and good friend Biden, along with the rest of the Dem establishment, much of which will be "behind doors" as was Dems trashing of Bernie in 2016.

"leftist fever dream paranoid fantasy" ? :lol G F Y

btw, Pelosi/DNC has already announced months ago that anybody working to unseat Dem incumbents will be blackballed. no paranoia needed

and Biden, for the Dem establishment, is as good as an "incumbent"

iow, they want no more progressive AOCs and The Squad. AOC knocked about a longtime old crusty Dem pillar.

01-12-2020, 11:31 AM
If you consider the possibility that Warren won't win the presidency (highly probable imo), she will have to work with these people she's campaigning against again. If she does win, she will need their support. Besides, I don't see anything wrong with what she said in the video. She said what she's for. Why differentiate? If voters care to know the differences, they can find out what Bernie is for and compare notes. What you're suggesting is for lazy voters. Bernie's base isn't moving.

01-12-2020, 11:37 AM
btw, Pelosi/DNC has already announced months ago that anybody working to unseat Dem incumbents will be blackballed. no paranoia needed

They are supporting incumbents only. Its not the DNC's job to help primary Democrats. Their money would go to AOC too since she's an incumbent. You guys are so desperate to blame Obama, Pelosi, DNC for everything I half expect you to support those people who protested Schumer and Pelosi after Trump killed Soleimani

01-12-2020, 11:41 AM
If you consider the possibility that Warren won't win the presidency (highly probable imo), she will have to work with these people she's campaigning against again. If she does win, she will need their support. Besides, I don't see anything wrong with what she said in the video. She said what she's for. Why differentiate? If voters care to know the differences, they can find out what Bernie is for and compare notes. What you're suggesting is for lazy voters. Bernie's base isn't moving.
She'll attack other people directly (wine cave pete), Biden, and has done so ad nauseum but she wont even state "this is why you should pick me over Bernie" as she appears to be scared to. If people twist it as an attack thats just life but can't expect her to have any separation whatsoever to have any separation from Bernie if she won't differentiate herself. She is just 100% playing to lose at this point

01-12-2020, 11:44 AM
She'll attack other people directly (wine cave pete), Biden, and has done so ad nauseum but she wont even state "this is why you should pick me over Bernie" as she appears to be scared to. If people twist it as an attack thats just life but can't expect her to have any separation whatsoever to have any separation from Bernie if she won't differentiate herself. She is just 100% playing to lose at this point

IF Warren ends up being the lone survivor to go H2H against Trump, she'll need Bernie's supporters. If she attacks him now, even if Bernie comes out in support of her later, she could lose a good portion of his base to either non-votes or some pointless independent.

01-12-2020, 11:45 AM
She'll attack other people directly (wine cave pete), Biden, and has done so ad nauseum but she wont even state "this is why you should pick me over Bernie" as she appears to be scared to. If people twist it as an attack thats just life but can't expect her to have any separation whatsoever to have any separation from Bernie if she won't differentiate herself. She is just 100% playing to lose at this point
There is no way whatsoever for her to say single thing about her being better than Bernie that Bernie supporters would not take as a smear no matter how innocuous it is. This is a very fragile group of people who think the whole world is against them.

01-12-2020, 11:56 AM
IF Warren ends up being the lone survivor to go H2H against Trump, she'll need Bernie's supporters. If she attacks him now, even if Bernie comes out in support of her later, she could lose a good portion of his base to either non-votes or some pointless independent.

I really can't believe we could live in a country so fragile we couldnt stand it if she said "here are 5 reasons to vote for me over Bernie" and it wouldn't be taken as some kind of vile attack. She's running for president and she has to make her case.

01-12-2020, 12:00 PM
I really can't believe we could live in a country so fragile we couldnt stand it if she said "here are 5 reasons to vote for me over Bernie" and it wouldn't be taken as some kind of vile attack. She's running for president and she has to make her case.

It's not what she says but how the MSM spins it and she's being asked by the MSM to drop a list right on the spot. Does her website have anything? Why select Bernie in particular?

01-12-2020, 12:21 PM
It's not what she says but how the MSM spins it and she's being asked by the MSM to drop a list right on the spot. Does her website have anything? Why select Bernie in particular?

They are going for the same voters mostly. Her platform is very similar so to me it would seem she needs to make a case for why her and not Bernie.

01-12-2020, 12:23 PM
Warren is probably my pick but its a little frustrating when she won't make a case for herself when asked directly. Meanwhile she will lob bombs at others such as Pete even though have similar voters (both poll well among college grads) etc. Maybe she is afraid of Bernie's supporters

01-12-2020, 12:41 PM
adversarial competition, cheap shots, politics of personal destruction, it's all the American Way.

Rugged Individualism, frontiersman loner, all mythical bullshit

common cause, solidarity are trashed as "socialistic".

Capitalism ethics is paranoid, predatory, selfish dog-eat-dog, as each is supposedly guided by The Invisible Hand of the Perfectly Free Market to seek satisfaction and wealth no matter the cost.

The "debates", along with FOUR FUCKING YEARS of ETERNAL CAMPAIGNING, are silly silly bullshit, point scoring bullshit.

Is that what voters want to see?

"Maybe something else SUCKS around here" -- Carlin

01-12-2020, 12:44 PM
They are going for the same voters mostly. Her platform is very similar so to me it would seem she needs to make a case for why her and not Bernie.

I understand your stance, but I just think they have plans that include each other's bases and/or each other. Either way, they won't beat Trump. I think Biden will be the dem candidate to face Trump, and Trump will beat him most likely. It's really hard to tell though, crazy shit seems to happen.

In-fighting just airs the dirty laundry of the entire group. The Dems' only hope it to show solidarity and direction. Right now no one in the party seems to have a firm grasp on what direction they can go, although some "grass roots" bullshit keeps getting mentioned since it's the liberal buzzword that seems to get the most love.

01-12-2020, 02:01 PM
Warren does not attack Bernie Sanders cuz she has more dead bodies in her closet :lol

Bernie is the closest thing to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Just the take the "L" op, fall in line and support Bernie :tu

01-12-2020, 03:25 PM
IF Warren ends up being the lone survivor to go H2H against Trump, she'll need Bernie's supporters. If she attacks him now, even if Bernie comes out in support of her later, she could lose a good portion of his base to either non-votes or some pointless independent.
Hillary attacked Bernie a lot in 2016 (and DNC was actively working against him) but Bernie bros still overwhelmingly voted for hillary come the general election (more than Clinton primary voters did for Obama)

01-12-2020, 03:40 PM
Hillary attacked Bernie a lot in 2016 (and DNC was actively working against him) but Bernie bros still overwhelmingly voted for hillary come the general election (more than Clinton primary voters did for Obama)

Fully 12 percent of people who voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries voted for President Trump in the general election.

Specifically, if the Sanders-Trump voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania had voted for Clinton, or even stayed home on Election Day, those states would have swung to Clinton, and she would have won 46 more electoral votes, putting her at 278 — enough to win, in other words.


So "overwhelmingly" isn't good enough. We'd expect Dem voters to overwhelming vote for the other Dem instead of the GOP candidate. But Hillary lost 12% of those votes, and to make matters worse for the Dems, Trump gained them. So the gap became the same size as 24% of Bernie's voter base. That's not unsubstantial and doesn't even speak to the non-votes.

If Warren goes on the attack against Bernie, he goes on the attack against her. The shit his campaign said about Hillary and the Clintons was repeated by Trump. Warren doesn't want to give Trump any ammo. I understand her reticence, but it might not be the best strategy. Even explaining their differences says Bernie is wrong. Then comes the question to Bernie citing quotes from Warren, taken perhaps out of context. Bernie responds and it becomes a battle. Biden benefits from that but then so does Trump because the issues that come to light are still Democratic party issues.

01-12-2020, 04:06 PM

01-12-2020, 04:50 PM
Lil commie boutons taking a break from bashing and shitting on every Democrat in history to preach party unity

adversarial competition, cheap shots, politics of personal destruction, it's all the American Way.

Rugged Individualism, frontiersman loner, all mythical bullshit

common cause, solidarity are trashed as "socialistic".

Capitalism ethics is paranoid, predatory, selfish dog-eat-dog, as each is supposedly guided by The Invisible Hand of the Perfectly Free Market to seek satisfaction and wealth no matter the cost.

The "debates", along with FOUR FUCKING YEARS of ETERNAL CAMPAIGNING, are silly silly bullshit, point scoring bullshit.

Is that what voters want to see?

"Maybe something else SUCKS around here" -- Carlin

01-12-2020, 05:56 PM
Warren does not attack Bernie Sanders cuz she has more dead bodies in her closet :lol

Bernie is the closest thing to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Just the take the "L" op, fall in line and support Bernie :tu

:lol Bernie bro’s arent really that different than Trumptards when it comes to the worshipping game. You people have serious problems. :lol God sent us Trump :lol Bernie is like Jesus he suffered a heart attack just for us sinners. :cry

01-12-2020, 06:05 PM
I'm going to bore you with this scenario one more time, and I wish someone would argue the point.
All of the Democrats presently running for President are just wasting time, money, and shoe leather. Hillary Clinton is the de facto Democrat nominee for President. By not stating her intention she bypasses all debates and primary elections (displaying political savvy). She will announce her candidacy at the DNC national convention in July, where she will be nominated by acclamation on the first ballot

01-12-2020, 07:00 PM
I'm going to bore you with this scenario one more time, and I wish someone would argue the point.
All of the Democrats presently running for President are just wasting time, money, and shoe leather. Hillary Clinton is the de facto Democrat nominee for President. By not stating her intention she bypasses all debates and primary elections (displaying political savvy). She will announce her candidacy at the DNC national convention in July, where she will be nominated by acclamation on the first ballot

Nope. She has waited too long. Hillary isn't happening. Warren isn't hitting Bernie because she is now running for Bernies VP. they can join hands at the convention and beat Biden and Bloomberg individually.

01-12-2020, 07:12 PM
Liz's first time thru

If she's smart enough and good campaign staff, she has plenty of time

Way too progressive for the DNC, but, unlike Bernie, at least she's an official Dem.

01-12-2020, 07:22 PM
Liz's first time thru

If she's smart enough and good campaign staff, she has plenty of time

Way too progressive for the DNC, but, unlike Bernie, at least she's an official Dem.

We shouldn't want any "official" Democrat or Republican. "Official" means they're part of the Zionist war mongering club.

01-12-2020, 08:23 PM
Stop being nice and start scalping opponents.

Shouldn't be hard with her background.

01-13-2020, 01:23 PM

01-13-2020, 01:23 PM

Fake news :lol

01-13-2020, 01:25 PM
Fake news :lol


01-13-2020, 01:39 PM
Bernie has a point

01-13-2020, 01:48 PM
Bernie has a point

Honestly I want her to hit back at Sanders but more by marking out differences between her and him on policies and demeanor rather than attacks so this is not great. But really she has to do something at this point she's 70 years old and in some of the first 4 states she is not even polling at the 15% cutoff for delegates if I understand it right. She can't sit around and watch this opportunity pass her by since she is still within striking distance of the leaders

01-13-2020, 01:52 PM
what Trash, Repugs, and hate media are doing and will do is try start a fight between Bernie and Liz, hurting each other.

Are the smart enough not to take the bait?

01-13-2020, 01:59 PM
The DNC is going to screw her and Bernie. What do you think about this suggestion that Nancy is holding on to the articles of impeachment so that when she does transmit them both Bernie and Warren will be in the Senate while Biden is campaigning?

01-13-2020, 02:20 PM
Honestly I want her to hit back at Sanders but more by marking out differences between her and him on policies and demeanor rather than attacks so this is not great. But really she has to do something at this point she's 70 years old and in some of the first 4 states she is not even polling at the 15% cutoff for delegates if I understand it right. She can't sit around and watch this opportunity pass her by since she is still within striking distance of the leaders

My man she would get demolished by Bernie. She would be exposed even more. If you look at her track record in foreign policy Elizabeth Warren is another war monger.

The DNC is going to screw her and Bernie. What do you think about this suggestion that Nancy is holding on to the articles of impeachment so that when she does transmit them both Bernie and Warren will be in the Senate while Biden is campaigning?

Good point. Hadn't thought of that :tu

01-13-2020, 02:31 PM
what Trash, Repugs, and hate media are doing and will do is try start a fight between Bernie and Liz, hurting each other.

Are the smart enough not to take the bait?

Bernie has done shit behind the scenes and his speechwriter Sirota and his press secretary Briahna Joy always bash her. The script was the last straw

01-13-2020, 02:39 PM
The DNC is going to screw her and Bernie. What do you think about this suggestion that Nancy is holding on to the articles of impeachment so that when she does transmit them both Bernie and Warren will be in the Senate while Biden is campaigning?

I don't pay attention to the Pelosi stuff. Progressives blame Pelosi for everything. They are just mad they don't have a progressive running the House honestly. I mean them protesting her house after Trump killed Soleimani shows how unserious and desperate a lot of these people are

I am not happy it is going down this way. I would prefer her to list 5 reasons she is better than Bernie or something. She has a much, much better legislative resume for instance. I mean Bernie named a few post offices and she created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for crying out loud

01-13-2020, 03:46 PM

01-13-2020, 04:02 PM

CNN publishing #MePoo hit piece. lol

01-13-2020, 04:03 PM
Honestly I want her to hit back at Sanders but more by marking out differences between her and him on policies and demeanor rather than attacks so this is not great. But really she has to do something at this point she's 70 years old and in some of the first 4 states she is not even polling at the 15% cutoff for delegates if I understand it right. She can't sit around and watch this opportunity pass her by since she is still within striking distance of the leaders

It's not because of her age that she isn't polling well. It's that she's a bad candidate that won't get any votes due to her idiotic policies.

01-13-2020, 04:14 PM
It's not because of her age that she isn't polling well. It's that she's a bad candidate that won't get any votes due to her idiotic policies.

Well Bernie has mostly the same policies. I mentioned her age just because its kind of do or die for her at this point she can't wait around around for more and more elections. She's only 2-3 points behind Bernie in the polling averages so she isn't doing that bad.

01-13-2020, 04:20 PM
only to siphon votes from hillary :stirpot:

Will Hunting
01-13-2020, 05:01 PM
All of this just reeks of selfishness from Bernie. If he were truly interested in getting his agenda rather than simply winning he’d be as supportive as possible of Warren as the next best choice.

01-13-2020, 06:15 PM
Well Bernie has mostly the same policies. I mentioned her age just because its kind of do or die for her at this point she can't wait around around for more and more elections. She's only 2-3 points behind Bernie in the polling averages so she isn't doing that bad.

This is one of the reasons she’s a no go. At the very least she has to come out and say yeah he told me that to my face or not, that story is entirely made up.

Her decision making is...lacking.

Or maybe she knows it’s untrue but wants to benefit from the negative news Bernie is getting over it.

01-13-2020, 06:20 PM
Well Bernie has mostly the same policies. I mentioned her age just because its kind of do or die for her at this point she can't wait around around for more and more elections. She's only 2-3 points behind Bernie in the polling averages so she isn't doing that bad.
she's made several blunders on the trail so far, tbh...

first she was very dodgy on questions about taxes as they pertain to medicare for all. bernie always came out and said, yeah, taxes will go up, but because you'll be saving more on healthcare, cost will go down.

warren would just say "that question is a republican talking point, and all i'll say is cost will go down." she then later released her actual plan to pay for it, which did not raise taxes on the middle class (though i dont know if her plan is as realistic as bernie's). she either should have had that out sooner, or she should have just addressed the tax question head on from the get-go, saying that her plan will not include taxes on the middle class.

then she had the weird multi-step medicare for all plan, where she wants a public option first (and an expansion of medicare), and then "three years later we will vote for medicare for all"... like dude, you're not going to have enough political capital to pass 2 giant healthcare bills. you never know what can happen in midterms, or if congress will just try to stall you out until the next general election

and yes she's been very coy about contrasting herself from sanders.

01-13-2020, 07:02 PM
Here's establishment media trashing Bernie

CNN’s Sanders Hit Piece Is a Journalistic Outrage

CNN (1/13/19 (https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/13/politics/bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-meeting/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1HE0HRxSIPBuQ2GOkoxZxsSHs2VZ kdDWqc2lduaH6V8sTc4_HXI3qO44w)) has an anonymously sourced hit piece out today on Bernie Sanders, claiming that at a meeting in Elizabeth Warren’s home

on December 18, 2018, he told her “a woman can’t win” the presidency.

The article, by CNN correspondent MJ Lee, is so journalistically shoddy (https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/01/13/ludicrous-sanders-refutes-claims-made-anonymously-sourced-hit-piece-cnn-about-warren) that someone reading only the first few paragraphs would end up believing that it is a fact that the current top-polling candidate (https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/01/10/rel1_ia.-.democrats.pdf) for the February 3 Iowa Caucus actually said that.

Never is Sanders’ “quote” prefaced with the term “allegedly.”
None of the four anonymous staffers/friends making the charge of Sanders sexism

were actually witnesses who were apparently in the room that day.

Two, according to Lee, spoke to Warren “shortly after” that meeting.

The other two “sources” were described only as people who “knew about the meeting.”

Sanders issued a blistering denial to CNN, saying,

“It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn’t win.”

So far, Warren has not commented on the story, either to confirm or deny it.

https://www.truthdig.com/articles/cnns-sanders-hit-piece-is-a-journalistic-outrage/ (https://www.truthdig.com/articles/cnns-sanders-hit-piece-is-a-journalistic-outrage/)

So now we wait to hear from Warren

Or will she let CNN do its dirty work?

01-13-2020, 07:19 PM
she's made several blunders on the trail so far, tbh...

first she was very dodgy on questions about taxes as they pertain to medicare for all. bernie always came out and said, yeah, taxes will go up, but because you'll be saving more on healthcare, cost will go down.

warren would just say "that question is a republican talking point, and all i'll say is cost will go down." she then later released her actual plan to pay for it, which did not raise taxes on the middle class (though i dont know if her plan is as realistic as bernie's). she either should have had that out sooner, or she should have just addressed the tax question head on from the get-go, saying that her plan will not include taxes on the middle class.

then she had the weird multi-step medicare for all plan, where she wants a public option first (and an expansion of medicare), and then "three years later we will vote for medicare for all"... like dude, you're not going to have enough political capital to pass 2 giant healthcare bills. you never know what can happen in midterms, or if congress will just try to stall you out until the next general election

and yes she's been very coy about contrasting herself from sanders.

Well unless you get rid of the filibuster which a lot of senators are against doing you can't pass m4all realistically even if you get the senate but you can get public option with 51 votes through reconciliation in the Senate since Pelosi/Obama already passed it on the house. With Public option passed fully finally people could transition over to it and if they like it m4all would be more palatable down the road. M4all is a pipe dream at this point since some moderate senators already came out against it.

01-13-2020, 07:26 PM
Well unless you get rid of the filibuster which a lot of senators are against doing you can't pass m4all realistically even if you get the senate but you can get public option with 51 votes through reconciliation in the Senate since Pelosi/Obama already passed it on the house. With Public option passed fully finally people could transition over to it and if they like it m4all would be more palatable down the road. M4all is a pipe dream at this point since some moderate senators already came out against it.

a good point

01-13-2020, 07:47 PM
This thing in the mailer about Warren having the most loyal followers is true at least if this poll is really is an indication


Of course I would look at it as a positive not a negative lol.

01-13-2020, 07:54 PM
In May last year she mentioned this:


01-13-2020, 07:59 PM
i dont understand the concept of a woman being unelectable when last election with fucking hillary came within 100k votes or so in a few key states

01-13-2020, 08:03 PM
i dont understand the concept of a woman being unelectable when last election with fucking hillary came within 100k votes or so in a few key states

It's out now:


01-13-2020, 08:06 PM
It's out now:


:lol Boots in here.

Now both Warren and Bernie look silly. Him denying he said it and Warren declining to comment just to backtrack and release a statement later.

Biden is smoking one out tonight. :lol

01-13-2020, 08:13 PM
:lol Boots in here.

Now both Warren and Bernie look silly. Him denying he said it and Warren declining to comment just to backtrack and release a statement later.

Biden is smoking one out tonight. :lol
theres no issue with her wanting to put out her own thought-out release instead of giving a comment for another reporter to put in a story.

bernie comes out looking bad tbh... but warren with the "yes he said that but i want to keep it private" :lol... thats like the "no offense, but..." stuff

01-13-2020, 08:15 PM
well... the answer to OP's question of what warren has to do to make a comeback, take a big shot at bernie to swing the progressive vote back in her favor?

01-13-2020, 08:17 PM
i mean, for the record, we dont understand the full context of anything. could have easily been him saying "look at all the extra obstacles hillary had to go through, being a female candidate probably cost her some votes, and we cant take that kind of chance in 2020"

its likely more of a comment on the electorate than on warren

01-13-2020, 08:19 PM
theres no issue with her wanting to put out her own thought-out release instead of giving a comment for another reporter to put in a story.

bernie comes out looking bad tbh... but warren with the "yes he said that but i want to keep it private" :lol... thats like the "no offense, but..." stuff

She waited for Bernie to deny it too before releasing it which makes him look bad.

Truthfully between Bernie's press secretary and speechwriter taking shots at her for the last few weeks and months and that mailer he brought it on himself.

01-13-2020, 08:31 PM
She waited for Bernie to deny it too before releasing it which makes him look bad.

Truthfully between Bernie's press secretary and speechwriter taking shots at her for the last few weeks and months and that mailer he brought it on himself.
at least we've got a debate tomorrow to hear them both talk about it on the same stage

01-13-2020, 08:50 PM

Tulsi :lol

01-13-2020, 09:06 PM
Warrens' best move would be to leak, through back channels, some shit that would cripple Biden. Her problem isn't Bernie. She needs to dump Biden so she at least has a shot. Once Biden is dumped, then she can focus on separating herself from Bernie. Maybe focus on his heart attack in a caring way.

01-13-2020, 09:17 PM
Hope AOC says something stupid on this and makes it even worse lol.

01-13-2020, 09:21 PM
Hope AOC says something stupid on this and makes it even worse lol.

"In another country Warren wouldn't be in the same party as me, Omar and Tlaib. Especially if that other country was Iran"

01-13-2020, 09:36 PM
Lis admits Bernie said he didn't think a woman could win

01-13-2020, 09:52 PM
Warren Campaign Attacks Bernie (While Pretending He's Attacking Them)


01-13-2020, 09:55 PM
Super pro Bernie supporter defends Bernie. What’s the world coming to?

01-13-2020, 10:00 PM
Lis admits Bernie said he didn't think a woman could win


01-13-2020, 10:05 PM
Saying "I don't think a woman can win" isn't the same as saying "A woman cannot win". The 1st is a comment on the political reality in the US during this era, and says more about the voter base than anything else. The 2nd could be a negative comment against women.

01-13-2020, 11:38 PM
Saying "I don't think a woman can win" isn't the same as saying "A woman cannot win". The 1st is a comment on the political reality in the US during this era, and says more about the voter base than anything else. The 2nd could be a negative comment against women.
yep. see my posts at the top of this page

01-13-2020, 11:47 PM
yep. see my posts at the top of this page

But it's being spun the other way. This is why I think words are very important (as do you else you wouldn't be an attorney).

The shit deal isn't that a woman can or cannot win, is that the only choices anyone will really have are 80 year old white people. Since when did 80 year old, damn near senile people represent great leadership? Wisdom often comes with age, but that should become apparent by age 50. 80 is nursing home level.

01-14-2020, 12:14 AM
But it's being spun the other way. This is why I think words are very important (as do you else you wouldn't be an attorney).

The shit deal isn't that a woman can or cannot win, is that the only choices anyone will really have are 80 year old white people. Since when did 80 year old, damn near senile people represent great leadership? Wisdom often comes with age, but that should become apparent by age 50. 80 is nursing home level.
:lol what?

why do you want to be an attorney? hmm, i guess i always thought words are important

01-14-2020, 12:35 AM
:lol what?

why do you want to be an attorney? hmm, i guess i always thought words are important

I don't want to be an attorney.

I think a debate starts with precise language so the reader can gauge intent honestly. After that semantics aren't as important, but there needs to be a foundation of accuracy in intent that's understood by both sides of the debate. I believe people who study law are often attracted to the order of things, maybe they have OCD, but if someone can just make a statement like "I don't think a woman can win" and it can be responded to as if someone said "A woman cannot win", then the debate has already failed. Sometimes disengenuous people do this, but sometimes it's an honest mistake that didn't need to happen if the language was more precise. Had someone said "In this day and age, it would be more difficult for a woman to win than for a man with the same platform because we haven't evolved as a society enough to overcome that", that would be hard to misconstrue. Maybe someone did say that and it was paraphrased into "a woman cannot win". When that happens, as it often does here, then the debate is basically over, unless the participants want to spend 2 or 3 pages haggling over initial intent.

There are many career fields that could benefit from more precise language. The problem is it becomes tedious after a bit, and the lay person won't even read it - but dumbing it down so the lay person can understand it or even wants to read it means contaminating with a higher probability of being misconstrued. We see that a lot here, on this forum - some intentional, some not.

01-14-2020, 12:38 AM
I don't want to be an attorney.

I think a debate starts with precise language so the reader can gauge intent honestly. After that semantics aren't as important, but there needs to be a foundation of accuracy in intent that's understood by both sides of the debate. I believe people who study law are often attracted to the order of things, maybe they have OCD, but if someone can just make a statement like "I don't think a woman can win" and it can be responded to as if someone said "A woman cannot win", then the debate has already failed. Sometimes disengenuous people do this, but sometimes it's an honest mistake that didn't need to happen if the language was more precise. Had someone said "In this day and age, it would be more difficult for a woman to win than for a man with the same platform because we haven't evolved as a society enough to overcome that", that would be hard to misconstrue. Maybe someone did say that and it was paraphrased into "a woman cannot win". When that happens, as it often does here, then the debate is basically over, unless the participants want to spend 2 or 3 pages haggling over initial intent.

There are many career fields that could benefit from more precise language. The problem is it becomes tedious after a bit, and the lay person won't even read it - but dumbing it down so the lay person can understand it or even wants to read it means contaminating with a higher probability of being misconstrued. We see that a lot here, on this forum - some intentional, some not.
i didnt say you did. i was playing out a hypothetical discussion to show how absurd a response that would be.

i dont doubt the precise language is important, and its part of why i made the post above that i referenced. its just a silly notion that i wanted to be an attorney because i thought words were important.

01-14-2020, 08:13 AM
i didnt say you did. i was playing out a hypothetical discussion to show how absurd a response that would be.

i dont doubt the precise language is important, and its part of why i made the post above that i referenced. its just a silly notion that i wanted to be an attorney because i thought words were important.

You just proved my point. I didn't say you wanted to be an attorney because you think words are important but if you didn't think words were important you probably wouldn't be an attorney.

Will Hunting
01-14-2020, 09:31 AM
Warrens' best move would be to leak, through back channels, some shit that would cripple Biden. Her problem isn't Bernie. She needs to dump Biden so she at least has a shot. Once Biden is dumped, then she can focus on separating herself from Bernie. Maybe focus on his heart attack in a caring way.
I don’t think Biden is dumpable, I thought he’d be done by now but he’s stuck around and isn’t going anywhere. His supporters don’t seem to mind the fact he looks like he belongs in a dementia care home during the debates.

She and Bernie needed to collaborate and figure out which one has the best chance at winning the primary so one could get behind the other and combined support bases. Infighting between Bernie and Warren is going to tank both of their campaigns imo.

Spurs Homer
01-14-2020, 12:19 PM
Meh- complete nothing-burger

establishment is in a panic that a leftist like bernie or warren might have a shot

so they are manufacturing bullshit to make sure a weak republican (biden/bloomberg) wins instead of a true progressive

wgaf if bernie said whatever- non- issue

01-14-2020, 12:23 PM
anti semitic shit didn't work, so now DNC is playing the sexist card on Bernie.

Anyone really think he'd say that, and to her? She and Biden have been in a freefall. Bernie has been surging, and is winning in Iowa and Cali.

01-14-2020, 12:26 PM
Anyone really think he'd say that, and to her?

"She Said He Said" it, to her

01-14-2020, 12:50 PM
You just proved my point. I didn't say you wanted to be an attorney because you think words are important but if you didn't think words were important you probably wouldn't be an attorney.

But it's being spun the other way. This is why I think words are very important (as do you else you wouldn't be an attorney).

The shit deal isn't that a woman can or cannot win, is that the only choices anyone will really have are 80 year old white people. Since when did 80 year old, damn near senile people represent great leadership? Wisdom often comes with age, but that should become apparent by age 50. 80 is nursing home level.
speaking of semantics... you gotta word this better then :lol

01-14-2020, 01:19 PM

Spurs Homer
01-14-2020, 01:22 PM
anti semitic shit didn't work, so now DNC is playing the sexist card on Bernie.

Anyone really think he'd say that, and to her? She and Biden have been in a freefall. Bernie has been surging, and is winning in Iowa and Cali.

when warren was surging- the media also panicked and began to attack her on health care til she dropped in the polls

bernie surging so - here we go

boiled down - who gives a fuck if he said it? I dont. I didnt give a fuck about emails either

repukes didnt give a fuck that trump promised health care on his first day
media dont give a fuck that trump just lied about defending the pre-existing condition thing
no one gives a fuck that russia hacked ukraine to help trump - again

but bernie saying something in private to his friend - who disagreed with him - is somehow a top story?

gtfo of here

01-14-2020, 02:00 PM
speaking of semantics... you gotta word this better then :lol

I believe you're using a form of a fallacy of The undistributed middle.

You're basically using this...

People who want to be lawyers probably think words are important

I think words are important

therefore I must want to be a lawyer

01-14-2020, 02:04 PM
It's so funny to read all the comments about how dishonest Trump and his team are but then the elections come around and the Democratic Party butt fucks each other into oblivion with lies and innuendo. The funny part is that anyone here would think anybody in Washington has an ounce of honesty.

01-14-2020, 02:15 PM
I believe you're using a form of a fallacy of The undistributed middle.

You're basically using this...

People who want to be lawyers probably think words are important

I think words are important

therefore I must want to be a lawyer

This is why I think words are very important (as do you else you wouldn't be an attorney).

01-14-2020, 02:53 PM
anti semitic shit didn't work, so now DNC is playing the sexist card on Bernie.

Pete Buttijudge Talk About "Our Shared Values" With Israel


Schumer: Boycott movement against Israel is ‘anti-Semitic’


Nancy Pelosi: "If capital crumbles to the ground, one thing tha'll remain is our commitment to Israel"


When has the left ever been antisemitic? Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are both hardcore Zionist Jews.

01-14-2020, 02:58 PM
anti semitic shit didn't work, so now DNC is playing the sexist card on Bernie.

Anyone really think he'd say that, and to her? She and Biden have been in a freefall. Bernie has been surging, and is winning in Iowa and Cali.

On Senate Floor, Schumer Condemns Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism



Joe Biden says he is a proud Zionist


Once again, when has the left ever been antisemitic? Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are both hardcore Zionist Jews. Joe Biden and Pete Buttijudge are proud Zionists.

01-14-2020, 03:01 PM
Clearly, establishment Dems are trying to throw dirt on Bernie to protect their pets Sleepy Joe and Mayo Pete. It's sickening.

01-14-2020, 03:08 PM
Clearly, establishment Dems are trying to throw dirt on Bernie to protect their pets Sleepy Joe and Mayo Pete. It's sickening.
Yes, any time you guys shit the bed its someone else's fault.

01-14-2020, 03:10 PM
Warren rose a little: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/2020_democratic_presidential_nomination-6730.html

Bernie was at 20.3 last time I looked and i think 4 points ahead of her but this doesn't take into account this news cycle yet i dont think

01-14-2020, 03:42 PM
Yes, any time you guys shit the bed its someone else's fault.

Huh? I literally just pointed out that it's Dems doing this. It isn't "someone else". It's the same side eating each other.

01-14-2020, 03:43 PM
She must keep her clothes is is no First Lady👀

01-14-2020, 04:52 PM
Ana Kasparian DESTROYS CNN's Chris Cuomo On Bernie Sanders Vs Elizabeth Warren!


01-14-2020, 05:00 PM
Ana Kasparian DESTROYS CNN's Chris Cuomo On Bernie Sanders Vs Elizabeth Warren!


Looks like a normal conversation...DESTROYED!

01-14-2020, 05:02 PM

they werent really butting heads or anything. wasnt a bad discussion all things considered

edit: reck beat me to it :lol

impressionable TGY getting baited by headlines :lol

01-14-2020, 05:15 PM
Huh? I literally just pointed out that it's Dems doing this. It isn't "someone else". It's the same side eating each other.
Warren is not an "establishment Dem" lmao

01-14-2020, 05:31 PM

:lol you're trolling now or lack basic reading comprehension skills.

01-14-2020, 05:38 PM
Warren is not an "establishment Dem" lmao
No but who continues to push the story? CNN. Nonetheless, it's different shades of the same color going for each other's throats. This is a big reason why us Dems lose elections.

01-14-2020, 05:43 PM
No but who continues to push the story? CNN. Nonetheless, it's different shades of the same color going for each other's throats. This is a big reason why us Dems lose elections.

Two progressives are bickering and its everyone else's fault :tu

01-14-2020, 05:45 PM
In about 2 seconds he is going to blame all this shit on the superdelegates

01-14-2020, 05:45 PM
In about 2 seconds he is going to blame all this shit on the superdelegates
that was a pretty fucked up system tho

01-14-2020, 07:00 PM
that was a pretty fucked up system tho
Who cares at this point? he lost by 4 million votes. You never heard me going on and on about Russia or the electoral college after 2016. Can't stand crybabies in general. My candidate took the L thats it. move on. matter of fact i said Hillary should have offered Bernie VP in 16 as that would have helped get the unified vote in 2016 and since she was unlikely to die he wouldnt be a thread. Shows how much I cared about that stupid primary fight no one seems to want to move on from

01-14-2020, 07:09 PM
Who cares at this point? he lost by 4 million votes. You never heard me going on and on about Russia or the electoral college after 2016. Can't stand crybabies in general. My candidate took the L thats it. move on. matter of fact i said Hillary should have offered Bernie VP in 16 as that would have helped get the unified vote in 2016 and since she was unlikely to die he wouldnt be a thread. Shows how much I cared about that stupid primary fight no one seems to want to move on from
yeah she cleaned him out by millions. but you also cant measure the impact it has on potential voters who hear about the superdelegates going to one candidate anyway, and therefore i shouldnt bother voting, etc.

i dont think it would have won him the primary but its a legit concern and the DNC actually changed their system largely because of 2016. i've never been one to say that bernie lost because of superdelegates and i've even posted this vid here a couple different times which i'm sure you love/would love


01-14-2020, 07:21 PM
yeah she cleaned him out by millions. but you also cant measure the impact it has on potential voters who hear about the superdelegates going to one candidate anyway, and therefore i shouldnt bother voting, etc.

i dont think it would have won him the primary but its a legit concern and the DNC actually changed their system largely because of 2016. i've never been one to say that bernie lost because of superdelegates and i've even posted this vid here a couple different times which i'm sure you love/would love

I was kind of warming to Warren when it looked like she would overtake Biden so tbh I would definitely support her and hope she does well somewhat. I mean I am still rooting for Biden so would be happy for you if she overtakes Bernie. Main thing is she says likes markets and doesnt seem to want to destroy the Dem party like AOC/Bernie

01-14-2020, 07:27 PM
Also, I am thinking about doing a DarrinS and how that works is I pretend to like her when I think she has no chance. then I will shit on her the millisecond she rises in the polls and my bluff gets called about actually voting for her

01-14-2020, 08:03 PM

01-15-2020, 03:11 AM
yeah here we go again, neolibs and rich elite rigging shit against bernie

thought it was going to be obama or hillary tbh, endorsing biden or warren when Bernie inevitably took the lead

knew warren was a capitalist, but didn't think she had it in her to go full HRC, and CNN with the constant alley oops to her

lol on just ignoring Pete and Biden, the more they talk the more they fall in the polls

Klobuchar and Steyer just there the repeat whatever retort Warren had to Bernie

01-15-2020, 03:21 AM
when warren was surging- the media also panicked and began to attack her on health care til she dropped in the polls

bernie surging so - here we go

boiled down - who gives a fuck if he said it? I dont. I didnt give a fuck about emails either

repukes didnt give a fuck that trump promised health care on his first day
media dont give a fuck that trump just lied about defending the pre-existing condition thing
no one gives a fuck that russia hacked ukraine to help trump - again

but bernie saying something in private to his friend - who disagreed with him - is somehow a top story?

gtfo of here

lol, Warren started off all for m4a and then waffled away like a coward all on her own, she was a republican back in the day, and lies about shit all the time

pay attention babe, the libs are going all out with this bullshit. It's a full on smear campaign with warren, cnn, and whatever bg rich elites that run the cable news

01-15-2020, 03:28 AM
"She Said He Said" it, to her

he said what, that Trump would weaponize her being a woman during the campaign? That's worst-case scenario

tonight during the campaign it was def coordinated. obviously! I know.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not see she only brought this up when he started winning in Iowa. All of the "woke" liberal whites, that're so concerned with their image will pretend to be offended. Hillary supporter types, neo libs...

silver lining is that Bernie is more of a threat to Trumptards and Libtards than ever

Spurs Homer
01-15-2020, 10:05 AM
lol, Warren started off all for m4a and then waffled away like a coward all on her own, she was a republican back in the day, and lies about shit all the time

pay attention babe, the libs are going all out with this bullshit. It's a full on smear campaign with warren, cnn, and whatever bg rich elites that run the cable news

warren is basically too reasonable

she hears criticism and she goes to her events and LISTENS to americans point of view- and then tries to evolve her thinking and learn from mistakes

all of that would be great for any human

for a politician- i thInk it hurts her more

im good with either warren or sanders

i think biden is just a weak republican/republican lite - but if he is the only choice - still got to support him

id vote yang in a minute - except for ONE deal-breaker- he said he would NOT prosecute trump - just “move on- move forward”

that lost my vote for yang

id love to see bernie warren ticket- that would bunch up a lot of republican panties

01-15-2020, 10:22 AM
silver lining is that Bernie is more of a threat to ... Libtards than ever

how is super-liberal, progressive Bernie a "threat to ... Libtards" ? :lol

CNN, MSNBC, the Dem establishment, Obama will absolutely block "Independent" non-Dem Bernie, while BigFinance will block Liz.

The nominee will be Biden, safe, establishment, status quo, neocon, racist, misogynist, no boats will be rocked, no destruction of govt by Repugs will be restored.

Biden will assure that USA continues its unstoppable decline.

01-15-2020, 10:43 AM
how is super-liberal, progressive Bernie a "threat to ... Libtards" ? :lol

CNN, MSNBC, the Dem establishment, Obama will absolutely block "Independent" non-Dem Bernie, while BigFinance will block Liz.

The nominee will be Biden, safe, establishment, status quo, neocon, racist, misogynist, no boats will be rocked, no destruction of govt by Repugs will be restored.

Biden will assure that USA continues its unstoppable decline.

Tbh I think what he meant by "libtards" is the #StillWithHer crowd like ChumpDumper, AaronY and the OP of this thread.

01-15-2020, 12:21 PM
how is super-liberal, progressive Bernie a "threat to ... Libtards" ? :lol

CNN, MSNBC, the Dem establishment, Obama will absolutely block "Independent" non-Dem Bernie, while BigFinance will block Liz.

The nominee will be Biden, safe, establishment, status quo, neocon, racist, misogynist, no boats will be rocked, no destruction of govt by Repugs will be restored.

Biden will assure that USA continues its unstoppable decline.

Liz is the same as the Obama/Biden/Clinton shit. She was standing for Trump's capitalism speech. Pulling the white feminist card this late in the game, pretending to be Bernie-lite early on, only to pull back entirely.

01-15-2020, 12:22 PM
Tbh I think what he meant by "libtards" is the #StillWithHer crowd like ChumpDumper, AaronY and the OP of this thread.

yeah, that is what I mean... the twitter accounts with Hillary pics all over their profile

01-15-2020, 12:27 PM
warren is basically too reasonable

she hears criticism and she goes to her events and LISTENS to americans point of view- and then tries to evolve her thinking and learn from mistakes

all of that would be great for any human

for a politician- i thInk it hurts her more

im good with either warren or sanders

i think biden is just a weak republican/republican lite - but if he is the only choice - still got to support him

id vote yang in a minute - except for ONE deal-breaker- he said he would NOT prosecute trump - just “move on- move forward”

that lost my vote for yang

id love to see bernie warren ticket- that would bunch up a lot of republican panties

Warren has changed her stance on m4a, and responded to the Iran shit like any neo lib president we've had recently.

I was hoping for that ticket though, but nah.... their exchange at the end of the debate last night looked bad. And it was all obviously coordinated with CNN. Publishing a story with 4 random people, and we know it came from her camp.

Would rather see Bernie have Stacy Abrams for VP, but not sure if it's a good move to take her out of Georgia when there are senate spots for her to take from republicans

01-15-2020, 12:27 PM
Tbh I think what he meant by "libtards" is the #StillWithHer crowd like ChumpDumper, AaronY and the OP of this thread.I'll vote for Bernie if he's the nominiee.

Will you vote for Biden if he's the nominee?

01-15-2020, 12:41 PM
I'll vote for Bernie if he's the nominiee.

Will you vote for Biden if he's the nominee?

IIRC he said he'd vote Trump in one of his deranged posts a while back.

01-15-2020, 12:44 PM
IIRC he said he'd vote Trump in one of his deranged posts a while back.Wouldn't doubt it. People need to understand that whatever preference for a particular candidate I may have, getting rid of Trump is my priority. If one doesn't share that priority, that person will get nothing but scorn from me.

01-15-2020, 12:46 PM
It's been established already that Bernie is a cuck. More evidence was seen last night as he bent over and took it up the ass when Warren basically called him a bald-faced liar. All he did was smile and giggle. That's your candidate. You really want that guy in talks against tough leaders of other nations? That's why he'll never be president.

01-15-2020, 09:07 PM


01-15-2020, 09:40 PM


yep, amazingly bad

01-16-2020, 12:09 AM

01-16-2020, 12:27 AM
Bernie bro’s have issues.

To them it’s totally out of the question that Bernie could also be lying. Saint Bernard.

01-16-2020, 01:39 AM
I'm beginning to get worried Warren might have some ties to Democrats


01-16-2020, 06:27 AM
Omg Bernie is involved with this evil Blue State Digital too!


Wonder how deep it goes?


01-16-2020, 08:16 AM
:lol P:lolc:lolh:lolnt:lols

01-16-2020, 09:04 PM
Elizabeth Warren Implies Bernie Is Sexist, Doubles Down In Debate


cool cat
01-16-2020, 09:40 PM
The answer is pretty obvious


05-07-2020, 03:43 PM