View Full Version : People With Extreme Political Views Have Trouble Thinking About Their Own Thinking

12-20-2019, 05:38 PM
They could have saved money on the testing and just used SpursTalk

Your super liberal and super conservative relatives might all have one thing in common.


12-20-2019, 05:41 PM
the overton window has shifted so much its hard to even describe what is considered extreme anymore

obama was called a socialist for increasing the highest marginal tax rate by like 2%

12-20-2019, 05:56 PM
the overton window has shifted so much its hard to even describe what is considered extreme anymore

obama was called a socialist for increasing the highest marginal tax rate by like 2%
Now, he's a rightwing neocon for not getting the public option passed when he tried but there were nowhere enough votes for it

12-20-2019, 06:15 PM
Now, he's a rightwing neocon for not getting the public option passed when he tried but there were nowhere enough votes for it
among other things. foreign policy, immigration, bailouts, tax policy

he also could have pressed harder for the public option. they dropped it to get the 60 votes needed to beat a filibuster (appealing to joe lieberman for the 60th vote), but they also could have passed the public option through reconciliation which only would have needed 50.

12-20-2019, 08:25 PM
among other things. foreign policy, immigration, bailouts, tax policy

he also could have pressed harder for the public option. they dropped it to get the 60 votes needed to beat a filibuster (appealing to joe lieberman for the 60th vote), but they also could have passed the public option through reconciliation which only would have needed 50.
Lieberman endorsed McCain, spoke at the 2008 Republican National Convention, and campaigned against Obama but yeah why didn't Obama just tell him what you do he would have listened. It's almost like some of were there remember what happened and don't need to be fed biased Vox summaries of it

12-20-2019, 08:28 PM
Immigration he passed DACA and let a lot of people but vetted thoroughly so he was about perfect to me imo. There are options besides either open borders and building walls and moats but progressives but pretend there arent. Any border security is racist lmao talk about polarization

baseline bum
12-20-2019, 08:36 PM
Now, he's a rightwing neocon for not getting the public option passed when he tried but there were nowhere enough votes for it

They were two votes short: Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman.

12-20-2019, 08:43 PM
Lieberman endorsed McCain, spoke at the 2008 Republican National Convention, and campaigned against Obama but yeah why didn't Obama just tell him what you do he would have listened. It's almost like some of were there remember what happened and don't need to be fed biased Vox summaries of it
like i said, it could have passed through reconciliation with 50 votes instead of needing 60 including lieberman

12-20-2019, 08:44 PM
Immigration he passed DACA and let a lot of people but vetted thoroughly so he was about perfect to me imo. There are options besides either open borders and building walls and moats but progressives but pretend there arent. Any border security is racist lmao talk about polarization
daca was fine, but pushed through executive order. there should have been more comprehensive immigration reform earlier in his presidency when he had congress on his side.

12-20-2019, 08:49 PM
They were two votes short: Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman.

Those are the only two I think the came forward but they represented the more moderate group of senators. I think Nate silver kind of oats and they were like 40 firm Vyes vote or something before and that was a regular water before even considering reconciliation which would have made it lower iirc. I'm not 100% certain but that's the way I remember it. In order to get 60 votes in the Senate unfortunately needed you like 15 Joe Manchins. I think we even had two senators from Arkansas or some shit

12-20-2019, 08:50 PM
Lieberman is Low key one of biggest piece of shit democrats in history. You put up with some shit from guys like Joe manchin because it's West Virginiabit Lieberman was in fucking connecticut.

baseline bum
12-20-2019, 08:57 PM
Those are the only two I think the came forward but they represented the more moderate group of senators. I think Nate silver kind of oats and they were like 40 firm Vyes vote or something before and that was a regular water before even considering reconciliation which would have made it lower iirc. I'm not 100% certain but that's the way I remember it. In order to get 60 votes in the Senate unfortunately needed you like 15 Joe Manchins. I think we even had two senators from Arkansas or some shit

I thought it was mainly those two. Back when Obama got elected he actually had support even from senators like Grassley for the health plan he ran on (eg RomneyCare + public option) until the teabaggers began their autistic screeching and ushered in the era of obstructionism.

12-20-2019, 08:58 PM
Those are the only two I think the came forward but they represented the more moderate group of senators. I think Nate silver kind of oats and they were like 40 firm Vyes vote or something before and that was a regular water before even considering reconciliation which would have made it lower iirc. I'm not 100% certain but that's the way I remember it. In order to get 60 votes in the Senate unfortunately needed you like 15 Joe Manchins. I think we even had two senators from Arkansas or some shit
i read the atlantic article too, and that was "firm" yes votes. you can still push and prod people to ultimately gain their support especially when you have the whole party behind it, unless its a john mccain situation

12-20-2019, 09:34 PM
I thought it was mainly those two. Back when Obama got elected he actually had support even from senators like Grassley for the health plan he ran on (eg RomneyCare + public option) until the teabaggers began their autistic screeching and ushered in the era of obstructionism.
I think they represented other moderates who were too scared to say shit out loud iirc. A lot of politicians are pussies so they won't say shit in public like all these people who shit on Trump in private and never say a word in public.

12-20-2019, 09:40 PM
i read the atlantic article too, and that was "firm" yes votes. you can still push and prod people to ultimately gain their support especially when you have the whole party behind it, unless its a john mccain situation

What Atlantic article? Maybe you could he convinced some Lieberman was a lost cause. Once he came out it was over

12-20-2019, 09:56 PM
obama's far left policies and his "new era of change" was much more bark than bite. him, nancy, uncle joe, feinstein etc are now your dying breed of moderate dems and now you have the alt-left like bernie, talib, omar etc

12-20-2019, 10:04 PM
obama's far left policies and his "new era of change" was much more bark than bite. him, nancy, uncle joe, feinstein etc are now your dying breed of moderate dems and now you have the alt-left like bernie, talib, omar etc

Hopefully the WOKE side of the right-wing or "Groypers" will take over the GOP. That would be lovely. Get rid of all the pro-Israel Zionist trash on both sides of the aisle.

12-20-2019, 10:06 PM
yeah hopefully the most xenophobic part of the right takes over!

12-20-2019, 10:21 PM
yeah hopefully the most xenophobic part of the right takes over!

Gotta get our priorities straight ma niga! Get rid of all the pro-Israel Zionist traitors, stip them of their power and a lot of good things will happen. We can settle our differences later :tu

12-20-2019, 10:28 PM
Extreme political views are one thing - the tendency to proselytize non stop like some here and others elsewhere do when everyone else already knows their positions, that's something else completely.

12-20-2019, 10:32 PM
TGY is really Hitler.

12-20-2019, 10:34 PM
Hopefully the WOKE side of the right-wing or "Groypers" will take over the GOP. That would be lovely. Get rid of all the pro-Israel Zionist trash on both sides of the aisle.

so now you're left with charlottesville 2017 becoming everyday american society... good work

12-20-2019, 10:35 PM
TGY is really Hitler.

Rabbi talks truth abour Hitler and the Jews


12-20-2019, 11:09 PM
Rabbi talks truth abour Hitler and the Jews

:lmao "talks truth"

link to hitler abolishing interest in germany?

you're so fucking gullible tbh, you believe everything you hear in any video

12-21-2019, 12:27 AM
My extremist right wing views are mainstream Democratic views from the 90's.

12-21-2019, 12:29 PM
Nick Fuentes Speech (Groyper Leadership Summit) #AmericaFirrst


The FUTURE of the Republican party

12-21-2019, 02:15 PM
like i said, it could have passed through reconciliation with 50 votes instead of needing 60 including lieberman

How would they get by the Byrd Rule on MFA with reconciliation?

12-21-2019, 02:47 PM
obama's far left policies and his "new era of change" was much more bark than bite. him, nancy, uncle joe, feinstein etc are now your dying breed of moderate dems and now you have the alt-left like bernie, talib, omar etc

Donald Trump Said Hillary Would Make a Good President


In 2008 Obama said that people like Hillary was what was wrong with Washington. He said that Hillary would say anything but change nothing. He said that Hillary lied. I am guessing that Obama changed his mind about Hillary just like Donald Trump changed his mind about hillary.

Lesson: They are all fucking lying pieces of shits.

12-21-2019, 03:12 PM
How would they get by the Byrd Rule on MFA with reconciliation?
They couldnt and Sinema, Tester, and Manchin already said they dont support nuking the filibuster so medicare for all is doa even if the Dems get the senate.


he's talking about the public option which they could have passed via reconcilation but there was debate about that working since Dem support was in question





Progressives fault Obama for not pushing hard enough for it

12-21-2019, 03:57 PM
How would they get by the Byrd Rule on MFA with reconciliation?
Public option during Barry’s time, not m4a

12-21-2019, 04:04 PM
So what do you guys think about candidates promising MFA if they are elected knowing it's impossible to get?

Kind of like getting those dang Mexicans to pay for that wall.

12-21-2019, 07:50 PM
So what do you guys think about candidates promising MFA if they are elected knowing it's impossible to get?

Kind of like getting those dang Mexicans to pay for that wall.
It's all about that purity test my man..gotta weed out the heretics and centrist "neoliberal" scum. Might have to lose 4-5 elections to do it but it will be worth it. Goal #1 is cancelling Obama who's really a secret neocon which is what the Twitter rose vanguard is for

12-21-2019, 11:37 PM
It's all about that purity test my man..gotta weed out the heretics and centrist "neoliberal" scum. Might have to lose 4-5 elections to do it but it will be worth it. Goal #1 is cancelling Obama who's really a secret neocon which is what the Twitter rose vanguard is for
hypothetical election losses are funny and all, but it was the centrist hillary that managed to lose to fucking trump :lol

12-21-2019, 11:55 PM
hypothetical election losses are funny and all, but it was the centrist hillary that managed to lose to fucking trump :lol
Yes, correct Hillary did lose in 2016. But to get the full timeline correct. This was after Obama won 2 straight elections and Hillary despite being a shitty candidate with literally zero charisma beat Bernie by 4+ million votes. But itwas before the Justice Dems aka Progressives flipped a grand total of 0.0 seats in 2018.

12-22-2019, 12:03 AM
Sorrry,but I am definitely annoyed we have to waste time with this nonsense which even Bernies own people privately admit is not going to happen

So what would the Bernie presidency really look like? During the past several weeks, I spoke with dozens of Sanders supporters, advisers and aides at events in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and California about what they would expect from a Sanders administration—and what’s already being discussed behind the scenes. Who’s in the Cabinet? How does he imagine his first 100 days? In terms of style, they envision a government driven by impatience, one that sees itself with a mandate to confront climate change vigorously, to shore up the nation’s labor unions and defend its immigrant populations. Maybe there won’t really be “Medicare for All,” thanks to Mitch McConnell and a Republican Senate,


12-22-2019, 08:24 AM
daca was fine, but pushed through executive order. there should have been more comprehensive immigration reform earlier in his presidency when he had congress on his side.

could say that about any president in IMO.

Found out a co-worker is a DACA recipient. It is good to have a face for the issue. Talked with her a bit about the process, including re-certification. She should really be offered citizenship.

12-22-2019, 08:31 AM
"when he had congress on his side."

:lol you stupid shit

Repugs obstructed Obama From Day One. ACA was the priority, and it took a year and 100 Repug amendments to pass, without a single Repug vote.

Then Repugs took the House in 2010 and GAMEOVER, plus Moscow Bitch McC blocked ALL of Obama's Federal judges.

So FUCK YOU and FUCK your "when he had congress on his side."

In 2019, Moscow Bitch McC has ignored 100s of bills passed by the Dem House.

baseline bum
12-22-2019, 08:34 AM
daca was fine, but pushed through executive order. there should have been more comprehensive immigration reform earlier in his presidency when he had congress on his side.

He took way too long to get the ACA passed and hence there wasn't time for anything else once Kennedy's seat got taken over by Scott Brown.

12-22-2019, 08:45 AM
Yes, correct Hillary did lose in 2016. But to get the full timeline correct. This was after Obama won 2 straight elections and Hillary despite being a shitty candidate with literally zero charisma beat Bernie by 4+ million votes. But itwas before the Justice Dems aka Progressives flipped a grand total of 0.0 seats in 2018.

If we’re being honest here, Trump campaigned to the left of Shillary in economics. ‘Cheapest, best’ healthcare, decidedly anti-globalization (China/Mexico boogeyman, bring back manufacturing, etc), ‘my hedge fund friends are gonna have to lose some money’, etc... obviously all bullshit, but a message tailored to the Rust Belt/Florida that eventually got him elected..

12-22-2019, 08:49 AM
He took way too long to get the ACA passed and hence there wasn't time for anything else once Kennedy's seat got taken over by Scott Brown.

Dems will never learn. They play in good faith "reach across the aisle" while the pure, 100% scorched earth bad-faith

the our-party-only authoritarin, fascit Repugs deny the very legitimacy of the Dems right to exist,

have and will obstruct everything from the Dems even ideas originally supported by the Repugs.

Dems didn't have the balls to shut down the govt in the latest spending bill to maintain renewable energy support which the Repugs killed.

btw, Trash's tariffs on solar panels killed 70K jobs.

Nancy can pray for whomever and whatever, the nihilistic Fuck-Everything to-protect/enrich-oligarchy Repugs don't give a shit.

The Energy 202: Clean energy loses big in year-end spending bill

The $1.4 trillion spending package approved by the House on Tuesday (https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2019/12/17/house-passes-sprawling-trillion-spending-deal-sends-senate-ahead-friday-shutdown-deadline/) does not include a number of measures aimed at propping up alternatives to power generation and transportation that forgo burning fossil fuels,

House Democrats supported creating or extending tax breaks — lawmakers' favorite tool for supporting renewable energy — for solar energy, offshore wind turbines, electric vehicles and big batteries.

But almost none of those tax credits made it into the final deal.


Even in the majority, Dems can't get shit done, and won't play hardball to get shit done.

Another way Repugs fuck California, where residential solar has been and will continue to be huge

12-22-2019, 08:51 AM
TGY is HITler... trying to sell hits to people online for their silly YT sites.

Do you also sell fake reviews, TGY?

12-22-2019, 08:52 AM
Yes, correct Hillary did lose in 2016. But to get the full timeline correct. This was after Obama won 2 straight elections and Hillary despite being a shitty candidate with literally zero charisma beat Bernie by 4+ million votes. But itwas before the Justice Dems aka Progressives flipped a grand total of 0.0 seats in 2018.

The DNC had a role in all that.

12-22-2019, 03:22 PM
The DNC had a role in all that.
Yep, running moderates/traditional democrats in all the red and purple districts is what won us the house in 2018:


now those moderates still are to the left of 15-20 years but got to the thank the DNC for having a smart election strategy there

12-31-2019, 12:14 PM
So what do you guys think about candidates promising MFA if they are elected knowing it's impossible to get?

Kind of like getting those dang Mexicans to pay for that wall.


They should try anyway. Force the Trump party to vote against giving everybody health insurance and make the contrast that much easier.