View Full Version : Bernie's assessment of the Soviet Union

02-18-2020, 12:00 PM

Btw his supporters will tell you he's been on the right side of history for decades. The equivalent of this is a life coach telling someone to exercise, drink water, eat healthy, and then jump off the Empire State Building.

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 12:03 PM

Btw his supporters will tell you he's been on the right side of history for decades. The equivalent of this is a life coach telling someone to exercise, drink water, eat healthy, and then jump off the Empire State Building.
I heard a rumor that you used to be a Bernie Bro. Is that true?

Spurs Homer
02-18-2020, 12:15 PM

trump is 100 times worse - so all is fair game now!

thanks, cult!

02-18-2020, 12:20 PM

Btw his supporters will tell you he's been on the right side of history for decades. The equivalent of this is a life coach telling someone to exercise, drink water, eat healthy, and then jump off the Empire State Building.
it was an ignorant comment imo. they visited certain big cities and he commented on what he saw with a weak caveat that they didnt conduct a study. he's giving his anecdotal take on it, and we all know anecdotes =/= data

i dont see what these comments have to do with his candidacy, though

02-18-2020, 12:26 PM

Btw his supporters will tell you he's been on the right side of history for decades. The equivalent of this is a life coach telling someone to exercise, drink water, eat healthy, and then jump off the Empire State Building.You were one of his supporters-- what did you tell people about him?

02-18-2020, 12:31 PM
it was an ignorant comment imo. they visited certain big cities and he commented on what he saw with a weak caveat that they didnt conduct a study. he's giving his anecdotal take on it, and we all know anecdotes =/= data

i dont see what these comments have to do with his candidacy, though

He has a history of praising multiple failed states with ideologies similar to his. I'm not sure how his catastrophic assessments aren't relevant.

02-18-2020, 12:36 PM
He has a history of praising multiple failed states with ideologies similar to his. I'm not sure how his catastrophic assessments aren't relevant.
he acknowledged that he was commenting on what he saw and that he hadn't conducted a study. in that same video, his group was commenting on the limitations of foods available at markets, plumbing situations outside the cities. i dont think it was a smart comment on his part but hardly something disqualifying

02-18-2020, 12:38 PM
he acknowledged that he was commenting on what he saw and that he hadn't conducted a study. in that same video, his group was commenting on the limitations of foods available at markets, plumbing situations outside the cities. i dont think it was a smart comment on his part but hardly something disqualifying

Seems like you're suggesting the Reagan Battalion may have misrepresented the full scope of Bernie's comments. What's next, are we going to question James Woods' sincerity?

02-18-2020, 12:39 PM
I heard a rumor that you used to be a Bernie Bro. Is that true?


02-18-2020, 12:41 PM
He has a history of praising multiple failed states with ideologies similar to his. I'm not sure how his catastrophic assessments aren't relevant.Why did you ever support him?

02-18-2020, 01:09 PM
No surprise that commies like commies

02-18-2020, 01:50 PM

Btw his supporters will tell you he's been on the right side of history for decades. The equivalent of this is a life coach telling someone to exercise, drink water, eat healthy, and then jump off the Empire State Building.

Meh. On the other hand you have the Trump party candidate fawning over dictators like Un, and MBS.

'Why shouldn't I like him?' Trump piled praise on Kim Jong Un in his first interview since their summit collapsed

Why should I care about what Sanders has to say in 1988 (or whenever)?

02-18-2020, 01:53 PM
He has a history of praising multiple failed states with ideologies similar to his. I'm not sure how his catastrophic assessments aren't relevant.

Donald Trump’s History of Praising Dictators (2016)

Sanders and Trump: Striking Similarities
Their shared antipathy to mainstream U.S. policy gives the two men a lot in common.

Trump's history of praising dictators (2019)

Relevant... sure. Important this time around in deciding who to pick? Not so much.

02-18-2020, 02:10 PM
We can act like it's nothing but this will be a problem.

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 02:15 PM
I heard a rumor that you used to be a Bernie Bro. Is that true?

You were one of his supporters-- what did you tell people about him?

Why did you ever support him?
:lmao Nathan gets more nervous than a fat man at a salad bar when the topic of his prior Bernie support gets brought up.

02-18-2020, 02:19 PM
:lmao Nathan gets more nervous than a fat man at a salad bar when the topic of his prior Bernie support gets brought up.:lol He was so eager to tell everyone he was a Berniebro too. WTF?

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 02:32 PM
We can act like it's nothing but this will be a problem.
There’s no question his socialism / past comments supporting communist dictators will be a problem — I just don’t know how much in this particular election. Trump is such a polarizing figure that I don’t think comments from decades ago are going to affect too many swing votes. If this election were Sanders vs. Romney then it’s a different story.

02-18-2020, 02:47 PM
There’s no question his socialism / past comments supporting communist dictators will be a problem — I just don’t know how much in this particular election. Trump is such a polarizing figure that I don’t think comments from decades ago are going to affect too many swing votes. If this election were Sanders vs. Romney then it’s a different story.2016 proved all you have to do to win the presidency is turn enough people in the right places off. This will work in rube land, and I can see Bernie completely fucking up a response to questions/attacks about it. It's not what we think; it's what they think.

02-18-2020, 02:54 PM
There’s no question his socialism / past comments supporting communist dictators will be a problem — I just don’t know how much in this particular election. Trump is such a polarizing figure that I don’t think comments from decades ago are going to affect too many swing votes. If this election were Sanders vs. Romney then it’s a different story.

I said a long time ago when some Dems were embracing the term socialist because the GOP would call them that anyway that the GOP would just say great now we can call them commies.

Personally I think the name fits just based on his healthcare plan

02-18-2020, 03:23 PM
2016 proved all you have to do to win the presidency is turn enough people in the right places off. This will work in rube land, and I can see Bernie completely fucking up a response to questions/attacks about it. It's not what we think; it's what they think.
i thought 2016 proved that a candidate can have probably the worst track record with quotes and still get elected if he's able to convince the voters that he's going to help them

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 03:42 PM
2016 proved all you have to do to win the presidency is turn enough people in the right places off. This will work in rube land, and I can see Bernie completely fucking up a response to questions/attacks about it. It's not what we think; it's what they think.
The people in rube land you’re talking about are voting for Truml anyway, there’s no Democratic candidate who’s going to win their vote.

The obsession Democrats have with trying to find a candidate who Republicans will like the most is increasingly bizarre.

baseline bum
02-18-2020, 03:51 PM
The people in rube land you’re talking about are voting for Truml anyway, there’s no Democratic candidate who’s going to win their vote.

The obsession Democrats have with trying to find a candidate who Republicans will like the most is increasingly bizarre.

Not sure I'd say bizarre tbh. This is a party that rebuilt itself in Bill Clinton's image and they're kicking and screaming to stay that party despite the public hating it.

02-18-2020, 04:03 PM
i thought 2016 proved that a candidate can have probably the worst track record with quotes and still get elected if he's able to convince the voters that he's going to help themYou think Bernie can pull a Trump with the rubes?


02-18-2020, 04:04 PM
The people in rube land you’re talking about are voting for Truml anyway, there’s no Democratic candidate who’s going to win their vote.You're saying Trump's going to win regardless.

Sounds right tbh.

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 04:36 PM
You think Bernie can pull a Trump with the rubes?

Bernie could call himself a communist and the rubes would still hate him less than the moderate Democrats’ beloved Hillary Clinton.

Its pretty safe to say after 2016 that nominating a center right wing corporatist as the Dem candidate does fuck all in terms of winning rube support.

02-18-2020, 04:41 PM
Bernie could call himself a communist and the rubes would still hate him less than the moderate Democrats’ beloved Hillary Clinton.

Its pretty safe to say after 2016 that nominating a center right wing corporatist as the Dem candidate does fuck all in terms of winning rube support.So what's Bernie's key to winning the rubecentric electoral college?

02-18-2020, 04:44 PM
Hate to be Captain Obvious but ultimately what matters is how it plays in three or four out of fifty states.

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 04:46 PM
So what's Bernie's key to winning the rubecentric electoral college?
Turning out the base in the three states that were universally considered lean blue states prior to Hillary fucking up.

Trump got less rube support in Wisconsin in 2016 than Romney got in 2012. He didn’t win the state because the “rubes” were terrified of Hillary, he won the state because the non-rubes didn’t give enough of a shit to go wait in line and vote for Hillary.

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 04:49 PM
Hate to be Captain Obvious but ultimately what matters is how it plays in three or four out of fifty states.
Prior to 2016 those three states were all considered lean blue states, the only Democratic candidate in the last 30+ who managed to turn them into an uphill battle was the moderate of all moderates, Hillary Clinton.

Four years earlier Obama won them despite independents favoring Romney. They’re not states like Arizona or Florida where you need to win the middle, they’re states where you need the base to show up and vote.

02-18-2020, 04:50 PM
If anything hurts Bernie, I don't think it's going to be a few select quotes from his past.

He embraces the "Socialist" label so the GOP doesn't really need 30-year-old quotes to brand him as such.

02-18-2020, 04:55 PM
Turning out the base in the three states that were universally considered lean blue states prior to Hillary fucking up.

Trump got less rube support in Wisconsin in 2016 than Romney got in 2012. He didn’t win the state because the “rubes” were terrified of Hillary, he won the state because the non-rubes didn’t give enough of a shit to go wait in line and vote for Hillary.Oh, finding enough non-rubes who want to vote for a socialist in Wisconsin on top of all the ones who voted for the centrist loser AND want to vote for the socialist winner is the winning strategy.


Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 04:55 PM
What’s going to hurt Bernie and any other candidate more than anything else is that we’re at the peak of the economic cycle right now and the average “rube” is going to be retarded and Trump credit for it....same issue Kerry faced in 2004 when GWB was getting credit for the great economy that was actually a few years away from collapsing.

Kerry tried dealing with it by moving as far to the right as possible in order to “win the middle” and it didn’t work. It was such a shitty strategy that he’s the only Democrat since mini Mike Dukakis to lose the popular vote. Sounds like a strategy we should absolutely try to duplicate against another incumbent Republican in a good economy!

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 04:59 PM
Oh, finding enough non-rubes who want to vote for a socialist in Wisconsin on top of all the ones who voted for the centrist loser AND want to vote for the socialist winner is the winning strategy.

Somehow winning Wisconsin wasn’t the daunting task you’re now portraying it as prior to the 2016 strategy of moderate corporatism.

There are more Democrats than Republicans in Wisconsin. Simply getting enough of them to show up the same way every Democratic candidate in the last 30 years other than Clinton was able to do wins the state.

Check the 2016 primary results regarding who Democrats in Wisconsin prefer.

What do you think the strategy should be?

02-18-2020, 05:03 PM
LOL, the upcoming flailing and temper tantrum...

02-18-2020, 05:04 PM
:lmao The big sell is that it seems not so much worse than the USA and that there wasn't a taskmaster supervising them. :lmao

02-18-2020, 05:04 PM
Prior to 2016 those three states were all considered lean blue states, the only Democratic candidate in the last 30+ who managed to turn them into an uphill battle was the moderate of all moderates, Hillary Clinton.

Four years earlier Obama won them despite independents favoring Romney. They’re not states like Arizona or Florida where you need to win the middle, they’re states where you need the base to show up and vote.

I would probably include Florida in the deciding states, though, no? If you're talking about Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, they also voted for John Kerry and Al Gore, so it's not like there's no historical precedent for a moderate Dem winning those states. Hillary Clinton lost because she was unlikeable, terrible at campaigning, and I still don't think mainstream voters thought Donald Trump had any chance of winning. I don't think she lost those states because she was a moderate.

I'm voting for Bernie, but his embrace of Socialism makes him a wild card. I'm not sure how much we can rely on historical voting.

02-18-2020, 05:05 PM
Somehow winning Wisconsin wasn’t the daunting task you’re now portraying it as prior to the 2016 strategy of moderate corporatism.

There are more Democrats than Republicans in Wisconsin. Simply getting enough of them to show up the same way every Democratic candidate in the last 30 years other than Clinton was able to do wins the state.

Check the 2016 primary results regarding who Democrats in Wisconsin prefer.

What do you think the strategy should be?

They're not like the yuppy Dems you're used to. A lot of them are blue-dog Democrats that'll take a proven winner over Commie Cuck.

02-18-2020, 05:07 PM
Somehow winning Wisconsin wasn’t the daunting task you’re now portraying it as prior to the 2016 strategy of moderate corporatism.

There are more Democrats than Republicans in Wisconsin. Simply getting enough of them to show up the same way every Democratic candidate in the last 30 years other than Clinton was able to do wins the state.

Check the 2016 primary results regarding who Democrats in Wisconsin prefer.

What do you think the strategy should be?Dunno. That's why I asked you.

Socialism or bust it is!

02-18-2020, 05:07 PM
Oh, finding enough non-rubes who want to vote for a socialist in Wisconsin on top of all the ones who voted for the centrist loser AND want to vote for the socialist winner is the winning strategy.


:lol Lashing out while trying to make a point and you ended up with this garble.

02-18-2020, 05:08 PM
:lol Lashing out while trying to make a point and you ended up with this garble.Bye.

02-18-2020, 05:10 PM

:lol Gay Chump in a bad mood.
:lol He had to have too much sex with his wife.

02-18-2020, 05:11 PM
obviously the dem strategy to success is to nominate joe biden so the darrins of the world will vote for him, or klobuchar so the snakeboys will vote for her

trying to win over trump's 2016 voters is a fools errand, it's a full on cult. these people think he's a better president than lincoln, that his election was the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy, and a good percentage of them have trump jr and ivanka as preferred candidates for 2024 :lol... you think biden/pete/amy are going to convince them to turn against trump?

generating turnout, mobilization, excitement among the base... that's the way to go right now.

02-18-2020, 05:12 PM
You think Bernie can pull a Trump with the rubes?


You're saying Trump's going to win regardless.

Sounds right tbh.

Oh, finding enough non-rubes who want to vote for a socialist in Wisconsin on top of all the ones who voted for the centrist loser AND want to vote for the socialist winner is the winning strategy.


Dunno. That's why I asked you.

Socialism or bust it is!
:lol so pouty

or should i say :cry its because of people like this why trump is going to win again :cry

02-18-2020, 05:15 PM
:lol so pouty

or should i say :cry its because of people like this why trump is going to win again :cryNot pouty.

Just asking how Bernie's going to win.

What's your Bernie path to victory?

I'm just of the mind that the OP is a more serious issue than you might think

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 05:17 PM
I would probably include Florida in the deciding states, though, no? If you're talking about Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, they also voted for John Kerry and Al Gore, so it's not like there's no historical precedent for a moderate Dem winning those states. Hillary Clinton lost because she was unlikeable, terrible at campaigning, and I still don't think mainstream voters thought Donald Trump had any chance of winning. I don't think she lost those states because she was a moderate.

I'm voting for Bernie, but his embrace of Socialism makes him a wild card. I'm not sure how much we can rely on historical voting.
Any scenario where the Dems are losing one or more of MI/PA/WI is probably a scenario where they’re also losing Florida which is why I don’t count it as a swing state anymore. The white supremacist panhandle mutants also give Trump such a strong advantage in Florida too where it’s basically a lean red state with Trump on the ballot imo. If the Dems win florida chances are they reached 270 in other states anyway imo.

Hillary being a moderate is one of the things that made her unlikeable (same with Gore and Kerry). She came off as a politician with no ideals who stood for nothing and never took any stance without first assessing where the political winds were blowing. Joe Biden is the same way and is maybe even worse - he’s been in politics for 30+ years yet there’s nothing viewed as his signature issue that he’s passionate about. Pete Buttplug is also awful in that respect. Other than gay shit and abolishing the electoral college (a completely unrealistic objective to run on) there’s no ideal Buttplug seems to really care about.

02-18-2020, 05:17 PM
:lol so pouty

or should i say :cry its because of people like this why trump is going to win again :cry


02-18-2020, 05:17 PM
called det shit.

02-18-2020, 05:19 PM
Any scenario where the Dems are losing one or more of MI/PA/WI is probably a scenario where they’re also losing Florida which is why I don’t count it as a swing state anymore. The white supremacist panhandle mutants also give Trump such a strong advantage in Florida too where it’s basically a lean red state with Trump on the ballot imo. If the Dems win florida chances are they reached 270 in other states anyway imo.

Hillary being a moderate is one of the things that made her unlikeable (same with Gore and Kerry). She came off as a politician with no ideals who stood for nothing and never took any stance without first assessing where the political winds were blowing. Joe Biden is the same way and is maybe even worse - he’s been in politics for 30+ years yet there’s nothing viewed as his signature issue that he’s passionate about. Pete Buttplug is also awful in that respect. Other than gay shit and abolishing the electoral college (a completely unrealistic objective to run on) there’s no ideal Buttplug seems to really care about.
im of the firm believe that the EC should be abolished but running on that as a primary issue is pretty retarded since so much of that is out of POTUS's control

Will Hunting
02-18-2020, 05:21 PM
They're not like the yuppy Dems you're used to. A lot of them are blue-dog Democrats that'll take a proven winner over Commie Cuck.
Yes I’m sure there’s a bunch of Wisconsin Democrats who despite being grown adults with self respect use terms like Commie Cuck when they think of Bernie Sanders.

02-18-2020, 05:23 PM
Yes I’m sure there’s a bunch of Wisconsin Democrats who despite being grown adults with self respect use terms like Commie Cuck when they think of Bernie Sanders.

They're different, bruh. Blue collar. They like fair deals, not pie in the sky sh**.

02-18-2020, 05:25 PM
Not pouty.

Just asking how Bernie's going to win.

What's your Bernie path to victory?

I'm just of the mind that the OP is a more serious issue than you might think

:lmao System Chump scared of Commie Cuck.

02-24-2020, 11:00 AM
No brain Bernie was praising Cuba on 60 minutes last night. He has a history of praising failed states that have implemented his failed ideology.

02-24-2020, 11:05 AM

trump is 100 times worse - so all is fair game now!

thanks, cult!

02-24-2020, 03:33 PM
No brain Bernie was praising Cuba on 60 minutes last night. He has a history of praising failed states that have implemented his failed ideology.

that's because he's a weak fucking loser like most here on ST. shit ideologies for shitty weak spineless assholes who crave power because they're such weak pussies. fuck bernie and all his commie supporters!

02-24-2020, 04:26 PM
Matthews was right, Bernie is an old 60's marxist who still thinks he was right all along.

Bernie bros "He never changes his opinion, so admirable :cry"

02-24-2020, 04:30 PM
Connecting Bernie with USSR is part of the strategy of the Repug slander that Bernie is a Soviet-style Communist.

total bullshit, which is all the Repugs have.

and ST Trash supporters eat that bullshit down with gusto every day.

02-24-2020, 04:47 PM
Connecting Bernie with USSR is part of the strategy of the Repug slander that Bernie is a Soviet-style Communist.

total bullshit, which is all the Repugs have.

and ST Trash supporters eat that bullshit down with gusto every day.Bullshit works.

02-24-2020, 05:12 PM
Bullshit works.
i remember how casually you brushed off uranium one bullshit last time as just being part of the game

02-24-2020, 05:50 PM
i remember how casually you brushed off uranium one bullshit last time as just being part of the gameThat was bullshit and went nowhere IMO. I said the email issue had legs and I think I was right.

Even though it was bullshit.

It's not whether I believe the bullshit. It's how many other people believe the bullshit and how the candidate deals with the bullshit. A lot of people are going to believe a lot of bullshit about Bernie and I don't think he's going to deal with it well. Shoot the messenger if it makes you feel better.

02-24-2020, 05:54 PM
That was bullshit.
yeah but bullshit works!

didnt stop you then from arguing the facts of U1 and trying to correct the record instead of just throwing up your hands and saying "well trump is going to spew the bullshit and its going to work because rubes"

02-24-2020, 05:57 PM
yeah but bullshit works!

didnt stop you then from arguing the facts of it instead of just throwing up your hands and say "well trump is going to spew the bullshit and its going to work"I thought the campaign handled Uranium One well enough. Emails less so.

And Trump did spew enough bullshit that it worked. It's tough.

Bernie and his supporters are coming off as really arrogant today. Most can't even recognize it was a mistake to say what he said.

02-24-2020, 06:18 PM
No brain Bernie was praising Cuba on 60 minutes last night. He has a history of praising failed states that have implemented his failed ideology.

That was going over WELL today. Literacy program? Really? One (not so) funny story came out about my co-worker's father's horse dying. He goes to the police to report it - returns with the policeman and finds half of the horse gone (the neighbors had come and carved off all the meat). The cop reprimands the father saying he should have secured the horse. Father shrugs saying he reported it.

Another co-worker returned from 5 week trip to Cuba. Meat is outlawed - unless, of course, if you have money and contacts.

baseline bum
02-24-2020, 06:20 PM
That was going over WELL today. Literacy program? Really? One (not so) funny story came out about my co-worker's father's horse dying. He goes to the police to report it - returns with the policeman and finds half of the horse gone (the neighbors had come and carved off all the meat). The cop reprimands the father saying he should have secured the horse. Father shrugs saying he reported it.

Another co-worker returned from 5 week trip to Cuba. Meat is outlawed - unless, of course, if you have money and contacts.

Cool story bro.

02-24-2020, 06:21 PM
WTF just happened here?

02-24-2020, 06:32 PM
WTF just happened here?

Commies ate a horse I think

02-24-2020, 06:43 PM
I thought the campaign handled Uranium One well enough. Emails less so.

And Trump did spew enough bullshit that it worked. It's tough.

Bernie and his supporters are coming off as really arrogant today. Most can't even recognize it was a mistake to say what he said.Sure , it was a mistake. Time will tell how consequential or not. DJT brazened his way through much worse, tbh.

02-24-2020, 06:45 PM
Sure , it was a mistake. Time will tell how consequential or not. DJT brazened hisbway through much worse, tbh.Weird reply. Are you giving Bernie the pass Trump's supporters give him or are you saying nothing matters anymore? Or something else?

I personally wouldn't apply the Trump standard to anyone else. I don't think it works but I may be wrong.

02-24-2020, 06:48 PM
Sure , it was a mistake. Time will tell how consequential or not. DJT brazened his way through much worse, tbh.

Will Bernie's supporters follow Trump's base in not holding him accountable for beliefs he's espoused over and over through the course of decades?

If so, and it's all relative, why's Bernie better than Trump?

Edit: CD made the same point ....

02-24-2020, 06:48 PM
WTF just happened here?

Asians are into some weird shit is what happened here. :lol

02-24-2020, 06:50 PM
Weird reply. Are you giving Bernie the pass Trump's supporters give him or are you saying nothing matters anymore? Or something else?I don't think there's any thing weird about saying time will tell how significant any particular gaffe is 8.5 months before the election.

Obviously I don't give Bernie a pass, I think he goofed.

I also think it's not such a big deal, but, we'll see.

02-24-2020, 06:51 PM
Weird reply. Are you giving Bernie the pass Trump's supporters give him or are you saying nothing matters anymore? Or something else?

I personally wouldn't apply the Trump standard to anyone else. I don't think it works but I may be wrong.

That’s exactly what they’re doing.

I have even seen that Obama video at least 5 times in less than an hour now. Lol

The list is growing. But Trump but Obama!

No room for taking responsibility at all.

02-24-2020, 06:52 PM
That’s exactly what they’re doing.

I have even seen that Obama video at least 5 times in less than an hour now. Lol

The list is growing. But Trump but Obama!

No room for taking responsibility at all.

Meh. On the other hand you have the Trump party candidate fawning over dictators like Un, and MBS.

'Why shouldn't I like him?' Trump piled praise on Kim Jong Un in his first interview since their summit collapsed

Why should I care about what Sanders has to say in 1988 (or whenever)?

Whataboutism good now

02-24-2020, 06:53 PM
Catastrophizing, always common in this forum, gets even more so in election years.

Mostly goes to wishcasting.

02-24-2020, 06:56 PM
gaffe is 8.5 months before the election.

Obviously I don't give Bernie a pass, I think he goofed.

:lol This is not a gaffe. This is a Bernie position that he truly believes in. He didn't slip and say something nice about Cuba because it slipped.

You say you dont give him a pass yet you do by saying this was a "gaffe 8 months before an election." We call that making up excuses for a deficiency of taking responsibility.

02-24-2020, 07:02 PM
Will Bernie's supporters follow Trump's base in not holding him accountable for beliefs he's espoused over and over through the course of decades?

If so, and it's all relative, why's Bernie better than Trump?

Edit: CD made the same point ....
really seems like you're comparing trump supporters to bernie supporters, and not really trump to bernie. bernie would be "better" than trump because of policy (provided you agree with them, of course).

i dont usually decide which politician i like more than another based on how brazen their supporters are

02-24-2020, 07:11 PM
really seems like you're comparing trump supporters to bernie supporters, and not really trump to bernie. bernie would be "better" than trump because of policy (provided you agree with them, of course).

i dont usually decide which politician i like more than another based on how brazen their supporters are

What I'm comparing is the willingness to look the other way when you're candidate says some pretty indefensible shit. Whether that's on the candidate or the supporters or both is a distinction without a difference because you're left with the same shitty candidate.

You think Bernie's statements on Castro has nothing to do with the candidate and only concerns his supporters?

02-24-2020, 07:14 PM
What I'm comparing is the willingness to look the other way when you're candidate says some pretty indefensible shit. Whether that's on the candidate or the supporters or both is a distinction without a difference because you're left with the same shitty candidate.

You think Bernie's statements on Castro has nothing to do with the candidate and only concerns his supporters?
no, but your previous comment was specifically about people giving him a pass or holding him accountable, not the comments themselves

as far as what it actually means from the candidate, i dont think its a big issue either way. has nothing to do with policy or what he'd do as president

02-24-2020, 07:15 PM
its going to come up at the debate, if he's smart he just minimizes it, says its a distraction from policy that matters to the people, and redirects to the issue

02-24-2020, 07:17 PM
no, but your previous comment was specifically about people giving him a pass or holding him accountable, not the comments themselves

as far as what it actually means from the candidate, i dont think its a big issue either way. has nothing to do with policy or what he'd do as president

I was responding to this:

Obviously I don't give Bernie a pass, I think he goofed.

The candidate/supporters distinction was something you created. At the end of the day, it's a distinction without difference.

02-24-2020, 07:22 PM
I was responding to this:

The candidate/supporters distinction was something you created. At the end of the day, it's a distinction without difference.
strongly disagree

02-24-2020, 07:25 PM
strongly disagree

Bernie's statements on Castro are reflected in his policies. Trump's statements on his beliefs regarding executive power(s) are reflected in his policies. Bernie Bros and Trumpista's whatabout/give their guy a pass. What the supporter does is a lens through which to evaluate the candidate.

02-24-2020, 07:33 PM
Bernie's statements on Castro are reflected in his policies. Trump's statements on his beliefs regarding executive power(s) are reflected in his policies. Bernie Bros and Trumpista's whatabout/give their guy a pass. What the supporter does is a lens through which to evaluate the candidate.
as far as their dictatorship/authoritarian regime that imprisoned political dissenters? he likes that they make education and health care accessible. this is getting close to the "lol why do you love venezuela" talking points.

02-24-2020, 07:37 PM
as far as their dictatorship/authoritarian regime that imprisoned political dissenters? he likes that they make education and health care accessible. this is getting close to the "lol why do you love venezuela" talking points.

No, not at all. He's spoken highly of certain Cuban policies. He's also a self-avowed socialist. His policies also have an authoritarian bent to them. I'm not being hyperbolic and you're creating strawmen.

02-24-2020, 07:44 PM
No, not at all. He's spoken highly of certain Cuban policies. He's also a self-avowed socialist. His policies also have an authoritarian bent to them. I'm not being hyperbolic and you're creating strawmen.

lol any policy is authoritarian. thats the whole point :lol

02-24-2020, 07:44 PM
No, not at all. He's spoken highly of certain Cuban policies. He's also a self-avowed socialist. His policies also have an authoritarian bent to them. I'm not being hyperbolic and you're creating strawmen.
other than guaranteeing healthcare and education?

whats the authoritarian bend?

02-24-2020, 07:46 PM
other than guaranteeing healthcare and education?

whats the authoritarian bend?

Exhibit A: Share Corporate Wealth with Workers. Under this plan, corporations with at least $100 million in annual revenue, corporations with at least $100 million in balance sheet total, and all publicly traded companies will be required to provide at least 2 percent of stock to their workers every year until the company is at least 20 percent owned by employees. This will be done through the issuing of new shares and the establishment of Democratic Employee Ownership Funds.


02-24-2020, 07:47 PM
Exhibit B: Expand the authority of the FTC to allow it to impose administrative fines on companies and halt mergers without challenging them in federal court.

02-24-2020, 07:48 PM
Exhibit C through Exhibit Lol:

Ban mandatory arbitration clauses.
Ban non-compete clauses.
Ban unilateral modification clauses.

02-24-2020, 07:48 PM
Should I keep going?

02-24-2020, 07:52 PM
other than guaranteeing healthcare and education?

whats the authoritarian bend?

If you don't see a connection between his appreciation of socialist policies in Cuba and the above, I can't help you.

02-24-2020, 07:55 PM
:lol This is not a gaffe. This is a Bernie position that he truly believes in. He didn't slip and say something nice about Cuba because it slipped.

You say you dont give him a pass yet you do by saying this was a "gaffe 8 months before an election." We call that making up excuses for a deficiency of taking responsibility.Someone giving their honest opinion can be a gaffe. We'll see how big a gaffe it turns out to be.

02-24-2020, 07:58 PM
if we are going to describe regulations as authoritarian than yeah i guess so

02-24-2020, 08:00 PM
You're a smart cat. You think banning non-competition agreements and forcing corporations to hand out stock is non-authoritarian? Really?

02-24-2020, 08:06 PM
You're a smart cat. You think banning non-competition agreements and forcing corporations to hand out stock is non-authoritarian? Really?
i think having the fines not being subject to judicial review is a good one to point to. i dont know that a ban on arbitration agreements any more authoritarian than minimum wages or protected leave, for instance.

02-24-2020, 08:11 PM
i think having the fines not being subject to judicial review is a good one to point to. i dont know that a ban on arbitration agreements any more authoritarian than minimum wages or protected leave, for instance.

I think prohibiting corporations or people from choosing a non-judicial forum for resolving their disputes is authoritarian but whatever.

But in any event, glad you saw the light :tu

02-24-2020, 08:13 PM
I think prohibiting corporations or people from choosing a non-judicial forum for resolving their disputes is authoritarian but whatever.

But in any event, glad you saw the light :tu
:lol choosing

02-24-2020, 08:13 PM
other than guaranteeing healthcare and education?

whats the authoritarian bend?

Maybe you can explain how ALL of Bernie's policies - not just healthcare and education (but forgiveness of previous student debt) and the whopper of them all - the Green New Deal (after all, isn't climate change the most important to Bernie) do not end in more than an authoritarian bend? You think people are just gonna hand over what even one of these policies cost? And only the rich can't pay for all this. The more socialistic policies, the more authoritarian power needed to enforce and pay for them (and the less freedom you and I have).

02-24-2020, 08:14 PM
Exhibit A: Share Corporate Wealth with Workers. Under this plan, corporations with at least $100 million in annual revenue, corporations with at least $100 million in balance sheet total, and all publicly traded companies will be required to provide at least 2 percent of stock to their workers every year until the company is at least 20 percent owned by employees. This will be done through the issuing of new shares and the establishment of Democratic Employee Ownership Funds.


Exhibit B: Expand the authority of the FTC to allow it to impose administrative fines on companies and halt mergers without challenging them in federal court.

Exhibit C through Exhibit Lol:

Ban mandatory arbitration clauses.
Ban non-compete clauses.
Ban unilateral modification clauses.

Should I keep going?

Ah vy stands for Vinny..

"I'm done wit dis guy"

02-24-2020, 08:18 PM
Maybe you can explain how ALL of Bernie's policies - not just healthcare and education (but forgiveness of previous student debt) and the whopper of them all - the Green New Deal (after all, isn't climate change the most important to Bernie) do not end in more than an authoritarian bend? You think people are just gonna hand over what even one of these policies cost? And only the rich can't pay for all this. The more socialistic policies, the more authoritarian power needed to enforce and pay for them (and the less freedom you and I have).
thats kind of the nature of laws. you have to follow them. if the concept of having laws and enforcing them is what you're going to call authoritarian, then sure.

02-24-2020, 08:22 PM
Bernie doesn't try to hide what he is. It's not some random comment about Cuba that will turn voters off, it's his policies.

02-24-2020, 08:24 PM
thats kind of the nature of laws. you have to follow them. if the concept of having laws and enforcing them is what you're going to call authoritarian, then sure.

I guess that's the crux of it then - you are willing to give up your money/freedoms for the PROMISE of healthcare and education (I don't know why because government has done a terrible job at both) and I am not. I would rather have the choice of refusing, doing something else (like homeschooling) or self-pay and deciding what I spend my money on than having the government decide for me.

02-24-2020, 08:25 PM
:lol choosing

They aren’t only used in contracts of adhesion

02-24-2020, 08:25 PM
I have no doubt he could win the nom, since dems are coo coo for cocoa puffs, but the general?

02-24-2020, 08:26 PM
Bernie doesn't try to hide what he is. It's not some random comment about Cuba that will turn voters off, it's his policies.It certainly will turn off Cuban voters in Florida.

02-24-2020, 08:26 PM
thats kind of the nature of laws. you have to follow them. if the concept of having laws and enforcing them is what you're going to call authoritarian, then sure.

So Comrade Free Shit gets a pass because law is inherently authoritarian? That’s pretty disingenuous

02-24-2020, 08:27 PM
It certainly will turn off Cuban voters in Florida.

rightwing cubans were not voting blue regardless

02-24-2020, 08:28 PM
I have no doubt he could win the nom, since dems are coo coo for cocoa puffs, but the general?

thats the same question that was asked in 2016 regarding Dump tbqh :lol

02-24-2020, 08:29 PM
It certainly will turn off Cuban voters in Florida.

As you pointed out, he wasn't going to win there anyway.

02-24-2020, 08:31 PM
thats the same question that was asked in 2016 regarding Dump tbqh :lol

You think Midwest Trump voters are feeling the Bern? :lol

02-24-2020, 08:32 PM
You think Midwest Trump voters are feeling the Bern? :lol

no but they are coo coo for cocoa puffs :lol

02-24-2020, 08:32 PM
rightwing cubans were not voting blue regardlessSo actively alienate all of the Cubans.:tu

02-24-2020, 08:32 PM
As you pointed out, he wasn't going to win there anyway.

Don't count on the Dems losing FL - there's those million plus convicts. I'm sure that those Dems who spent a year in front of my local library canvassing for them to get the vote will hunt down/find/register/get them to the polls come November.

02-24-2020, 08:33 PM
So actively alienate all of the Cubans.:tu

:lmao who gives a shit

02-24-2020, 08:34 PM
:lmao who gives a shitAnyone who wants to win the electoral college.

02-24-2020, 08:38 PM
Anyone who wants to win the electoral college.

you cant keep everyone happy

what about shillary and her basket of deplorables :lmao

02-24-2020, 08:39 PM
I have no doubt he could win the nom, since dems are coo coo for cocoa puffs, but the general?

I don't know about the coo coo part, but the left doesn't have anyone that stirs debate, no exciting person in the race. Everyone is either too well known or unknown. Bloomberg is the only candidate other than Bernie that could be interesting, but we all know he's a cookie cutter version of a billionaire who will say anything for the chance to buy his way in. What's interesting is how many wealthy celebs are there to cup his balls.

02-24-2020, 08:39 PM
you cant keep everyone happyYou can keep from actively pissing them off.

what about shillary and her basket of deplorables :lmao:lmaoliteral whataboutism

02-24-2020, 08:40 PM
you cant keep everyone happy

what about shillary and her basket of deplorables :lmao

That strategy backfired bigtime.

02-24-2020, 08:41 PM
As you pointed out, he wasn't going to win there anyway.In the primary, sure.
Certainly nothing to indicate Bernie is out of it in the general election.


02-24-2020, 08:41 PM
You can keep from actively pissing them off.

:lmaoliteral whataboutism

you supported her then :lmao whatqboutism :lol

cuban rightwingers are already pissed off at lefties Bernie didnt fhange anything :lol

02-24-2020, 08:44 PM
So Comrade Free Shit gets a pass because law is inherently authoritarian? That’s pretty disingenuous
was responding specifically to rmt's comment that people arent going to want to pay taxes that become the law. and the mere fact that those laws are going to be enforced doesnt make them authoritarian imo, unless that's how one is going to broaden the definition

i think some of the examples you gave are good ones (some better than others) that made your point, which is why i didnt push back very hard. but by extension, you could point to concepts like minimum wage, protected leave as authoritarian too.

02-24-2020, 08:45 PM
In the primary, sure.
Certainly nothing to indicate Bernie is out of it in the general election.

i doubt those polls reflect the impact of his comments

02-24-2020, 08:46 PM
was responding specifically to rmt's comment that people arent going to want to pay taxes that become the law. and the mere fact that those laws are going to be enforced doesnt make them authoritarian imo, unless that's how one is going to broaden the definition

i think some of the examples you gave are good ones (some better than others) that made your point, which is why i didnt push back very hard. but by extension, you could point to concepts like minimum wage, protected leave as authoritarian too.


02-24-2020, 08:46 PM
i doubt those polls reflect the impact of his comments
They certainly don't.

Neither will the polls tomorrow measure the impact of his statements in November.

02-24-2020, 08:50 PM
i doubt those polls reflect the impact of his comments

It will affect him in places like Florida where he's already polling in the teens against the likes of Biden and Bloomberg though.

02-24-2020, 08:55 PM
Everybody's an expert on what will happen in the future an election year.

It's mostly wishcasting, but you could turn out to be right.

02-24-2020, 09:01 PM
Everybody's an expert on what will happen in the future an election year.

It's mostly wishcasting, but you could turn out to be right.

They certainly don't.

Neither will the polls tomorrow measure the impact of his statements in November.


02-24-2020, 09:13 PM
you supported her then :lmao whatqboutism :lolYou called the election for her.:lmao

cuban rightwingers are already pissed off at lefties Bernie didnt fhange anything :lolfhange? :lol

02-24-2020, 09:15 PM
Maybe you can explain how ALL of Bernie's policies - not just healthcare and education (but forgiveness of previous student debt) and the whopper of them all - the Green New Deal (after all, isn't climate change the most important to Bernie) do not end in more than an authoritarian bend? You think people are just gonna hand over what even one of these policies cost? And only the rich can't pay for all this. The more socialistic policies, the more authoritarian power needed to enforce and pay for them (and the less freedom you and I have).

Wait didn’t you vote for trump?

02-24-2020, 09:24 PM
You called the election for her.:lmao

fhange? :lol

^ #stillwithher

02-24-2020, 09:27 PM
^ #stillwithher

^ #stilldeflecting
^ #stillcallingeverythingbothways

02-24-2020, 09:37 PM
:lol Bernie on this town hall not only double down on the Castro thing but say you know what? China is also great.


02-24-2020, 09:55 PM
:lol Bernie on this town hall not only double down on the Castro thing but say you know what? China is also great.



ma niga going in raw on neocon rightwingers

02-24-2020, 10:09 PM
:lol Bernie on this town hall not only double down on the Castro thing but say you know what? China is also great.



ma niga going in raw on neocon rightwingers


02-24-2020, 10:16 PM

hes doubling down on them rightwing bitches who think anything from china or cuba is evil tbqh :tu

02-24-2020, 10:19 PM
:lol Bernie on this town hall not only double down on the Castro thing but say you know what? China is also great.

:lmao:lol Called it.

Arrogant dumbass.

02-24-2020, 10:25 PM
not as arrogant as basket of deplorables tbqh :lmao

02-24-2020, 10:29 PM
"There were a lot of folks in Cuba at that point who were illiterate. He formed the literacy brigade," Sanders said. "(Castro) went out and they helped people learn to read and write. You know what, I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing."

Sanders dismissed the criticism he received from members of Congress as politically motivated.

"If you want to disagree with me, if somebody wants to say – and by the way, all of those congresspeople that you mentioned just so happen to be supporting other candidates, just accidentally, no doubt. Coincidentally," Sanders said. "But the truth is the truth, and that’s what happened in the first years of the Castro regime."

02-24-2020, 10:31 PM
not as arrogant as basket of deplorables tbqh :lmao

^ #stillwithher

02-24-2020, 10:34 PM
"There were a lot of folks in Cuba at that point who were illiterate. He formed the literacy brigade," Sanders said. "(Castro) went out and they helped people learn to read and write. You know what, I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing."

Sanders dismissed the criticism he received from members of Congress as politically motivated.

"If you want to disagree with me, if somebody wants to say – and by the way, all of those congresspeople that you mentioned just so happen to be supporting other candidates, just accidentally, no doubt. Coincidentally," Sanders said. "But the truth is the truth, and that’s what happened in the first years of the Castro regime."Jesus. The fucking literacy brigade. Bernie is throwing the election over a pub trivia question.

02-24-2020, 10:35 PM
Is this the official panic thread? Or, is it the other one? :lmao

02-24-2020, 10:36 PM
Is this the official panic thread? Or, is it the other one? :lmaoThe bright side is he can still lose the nomination.

02-24-2020, 10:38 PM
Wonder what the literacy brigades were using to teach people to read? Probably some Adam Smith ...

02-24-2020, 10:39 PM
The bright side is he can still lose the nomination.

It's going to be Bernie. :lmao

02-24-2020, 10:40 PM
It's going to be Bernie. :lmaoFortunately, your god is still a terrible president. :lmao That's the only reason there is a chance in the first place. :lmao

02-24-2020, 10:42 PM
The bright side is he can still lose the nomination.

^ #stillwithher

02-24-2020, 10:43 PM
Fortunately, your god is still a terrible president. :lmao That's the only reason there is a chance in the first place. :lmao


02-24-2020, 10:43 PM
^ #stillwithher:lmao You post about her every day.

She's your go-to deflection

You predicted she would win in 2016. :rollin

02-24-2020, 10:46 PM
:lmao You post about her every day.

She's your go-to deflection

You predicted she would win in 2016. :rollin

you still dream of her stepping through that door :lol

thus you are


02-24-2020, 10:46 PM
OkWhy do you think the race is still competitive?

List your grievance.

02-24-2020, 10:47 PM
you still dream of her stepping through that door :lol

thus you are

^#stillwithherNever did.

You predicted she would win.

Now you can't stop posting about her.

Thus you are


:lmao your predictions

02-24-2020, 10:53 PM
your love for shillary cannot be hidden Chump

we all know you are #stillwithher

02-24-2020, 10:55 PM
your love for shillary cannot be hidden Chump

we all know you are #stillwithherYou predicted she would win.

You can't stop posting about her.

You change the subject to her every chance you get.

You prove you are #stillwithher


Now post about her again.

02-24-2020, 10:56 PM
Why do you think the race is still competitive?

List your grievance.

List my grievances? I'm not a Democrat.

02-24-2020, 10:56 PM
List my grievances? I'm not a Democrat.You're a Trump supporter.

Why do you think the race is still competitive?

02-24-2020, 10:59 PM
You predicted she would win.

You can't stop posting about her.

You change the subject to her every chance you get.

You prove you are #stillwithher


Now post about her again.

your defensiveness is duly noted

thus you are


02-24-2020, 11:08 PM
Now post about her again.



You can't stop!

02-24-2020, 11:13 PM

I cant stop defending her!

thats because you are


02-24-2020, 11:15 PM
Now post about her again.

her:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

02-24-2020, 11:58 PM
Be honest Hater, you’re a little in love with Hillary. :lol

02-25-2020, 12:11 AM
Wait didn’t you vote for trump?


02-25-2020, 12:13 AM
Wonder what the literacy brigades were using to teach people to read? Probably some Adam Smith ...

ducks needs a literacy brigade asap, tbh

02-25-2020, 01:07 AM
Wait didn’t you vote for trump?

And now I can reject buying health insurance and not have to pay 2.5% of my income. I can choose to buy short term insurance and extend for the entire year and rinse and repeat next year instead of being stuck with the outrageously expensive Obamacare insurance. I seem to be able to rely on gas being $2+ since we are energy independent. I have more money in my pocket from tax cuts and booming stock market. So yeah, I have a lot more choice and money to spend as I see fit. I want to keep it that way and not hand it over to the government to pay for healthcare for illegals as all the Dems support.

02-25-2020, 01:13 AM
Also horse slaughter.

02-25-2020, 01:22 AM
Also horse slaughter.

These are the topics discussed by Cubans - especially after Bernie's comment. Sad really. But rest assured, they didn't come over on a raft to vote for heading in the situation they left.

02-25-2020, 01:25 AM

02-25-2020, 01:26 AM

Stories on the ground - if you really want a feel of what's going on in South Florida.

02-25-2020, 01:33 AM
Stories on the ground - if you really want a feel of what's going on in South Florida.Breaking news: life in Cuba isn't great.

02-25-2020, 01:49 AM
Be honest Hater, you’re a little in love with Hillary. :lol

Were you able to rescue neutered Chump, eunuch?

02-25-2020, 05:41 AM
And now I can reject buying health insurance and not have to pay 2.5% of my income. I can choose to buy short term insurance and extend for the entire year and rinse and repeat next year instead of being stuck with the outrageously expensive Obamacare insurance. I seem to be able to rely on gas being $2+ since we are energy independent. I have more money in my pocket from tax cuts and booming stock market. So yeah, I have a lot more choice and money to spend as I see fit. I want to keep it that way and not hand it over to the government to pay for healthcare for illegals as all the Dems support.

So, basically, you're part of the underinsured crowd, and should something catastrophic happen to you, we're going to be footing the bill for your sorry ass in the emergency room at outrageous prices and whatever procedures you need that your cheap ass insurance won't cover.

Funny how when that inevitably happens, socialism is suddenly OK.

02-25-2020, 07:31 AM


02-25-2020, 08:13 AM
And now I can reject buying health insurance and not have to pay 2.5% of my income. I can choose to buy short term insurance and extend for the entire year and rinse and repeat next year instead of being stuck with the outrageously expensive Obamacare insurance. I seem to be able to rely on gas being $2+ since we are energy independent. I have more money in my pocket from tax cuts and booming stock market. So yeah, I have a lot more choice and money to spend as I see fit. I want to keep it that way and not hand it over to the government to pay for healthcare for illegals as all the Dems support.

Not talking about healthcare. You voted for trump and also complained about authoritarianism. But you wouldn’t see the massive contradiction there, would you?

02-25-2020, 08:14 AM


Yeah I remember Obama running for a third term too

02-25-2020, 08:39 AM
So, basically, you're part of the underinsured crowd, and should something catastrophic happen to you, we're going to be footing the bill for your sorry ass in the emergency room at outrageous prices and whatever procedures you need that your cheap ass insurance won't cover.

Funny how when that inevitably happens, socialism is suddenly OK.

Its me, myself and I until something like you proposed above happens.

Note to red team.
Trump’s biggest bestest plan never existed and Health care is still an enormous problem.

02-25-2020, 10:20 AM


I'll tell ya: if it weren't for Obama & Sanders I wouldn't even know they had a fuckin' education system in Cuba...because that is the way our gov't & our Media wanted it.

I got nary problem with Sanders & Obama praising Cuba & Castro for the good things he did. Same with Hitler: I got nary problem with citing his accomplishments. Same with Stalin: he sent 10+ million of his people to the slaughter of WW2. Without those 10+ million in the ground victory would have been 50/50 at absolute best.

& you don't have to offset these guys accomplishments by couplings them with their evil doings. We all know them chapter & verse. (We) just were never privy to the education system Castro put in there, or, the 10+ million out of Russia.

02-25-2020, 12:13 PM
Whataboutism good now

Hmm. Not quite the point I was going for, but noted.

My point was that it is something of a wash, if that is a choice criteria, and that 30 year old comments matter less than 3 month old ones.

02-25-2020, 12:27 PM
Hmm. Not quite the point I was going for, but noted.

My point was that it is something of a wash, if that is a choice criteria, and that 30 year old comments matter less than 3 month old ones.

May not be your intent, but that's what you're saying. X Bernie says/days is justifiable because of Trump says/does Y.

02-25-2020, 12:33 PM
So, basically, you're part of the underinsured crowd, and should something catastrophic happen to you, we're going to be footing the bill for your sorry ass in the emergency room at outrageous prices and whatever procedures you need that your cheap ass insurance won't cover.

Funny how when that inevitably happens, socialism is suddenly OK.

Nowhere in my post do I say that I'm underinsured - I can reject, I can choose, etc. - not "I do." The point is that I have a choice - not forced into Bernie's Medicare For All with no option for anything else.

02-25-2020, 12:39 PM
Not talking about healthcare. You voted for trump and also complained about authoritarianism. But you wouldn’t see the massive contradiction there, would you?

And you don't see the burden of paying for Bernie's healthcare (including dental, vision, and the very expensive LONG-TERM CARE), universal childcare from infancy, pre-k, K-12, college, forgiveness of student and medical debt, GND leading to authoritarianism? All that probably costs what the entire US owns - and you think we're all just gonna turn over everything we have for the government to make the decision on who should have what/where/when?

I don't see Trump telling me what to do with my money.

02-25-2020, 12:44 PM
And you don't see the burden of paying for Bernie's healthcare (including dental, vision, and the very expensive LONG-TERM CARE), universal childcare from infancy, pre-k, K-12, college, forgiveness of student and medical debt, GND leading to authoritarianism? All that probably costs what the entire US owns - and you think we're all just gonna turn over everything we have for the government to make the decision on who should have what/where/when?

I don't see Trump telling me what to do with my money.

I'm not talking about Bernie's healthcare, so don't deflect. You are a devout Trump worshiper. You also complain about authoritarianism.

Do you or do you not see the contradiction there?

02-25-2020, 12:55 PM
Trash's assessement of :

Murderer/dictator Pootin

Murderer/dictator Kim

Murderer/dictator Duterte

Dictator/fascist Bolsonaro

Dictator/fascist Erdogan

Muslim persecutor Modi

... all CURRENTLY respected, adored, favored, emulated by Trash, while Trash fights with USA's democratic allies, friends.


Bernie is a COMMUNIST lover based on quotes of decades ago.

02-25-2020, 12:57 PM
Also Sunday and Monday.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 03:30 PM
Trash's assessement of :

Murderer/dictator Pootin

Murderer/dictator Kim

Murderer/dictator Duterte

Dictator/fascist Bolsonaro

Dictator/fascist Erdogan

Muslim persecutor Modi

... all CURRENTLY respected, adored, favored, emulated by Trash, while Trash fights with USA's democratic allies, friends.


Bernie is a COMMUNIST lover based on quotes of decades ago.

thats what ive been saying...

russia attacked - this past week
trump took russias side again - this week
trump covering up russias attack by sending henchmen to spout propaganda to americans-this fucking week

but-but bernie in 1982....:cry:cry:cry

02-25-2020, 04:13 PM
May not be your intent, but that's what you're saying. X Bernie says/days is justifiable because of Trump says/does Y.

Get ready for me doing that for the next decade.

We all already knew that conservatives were, in general, rank hypocrites, but the Trump presidency ratcheted that up to 11.

For shits and giggles, check out what Fox "news" said about Obama when he said he would meet Kim Jung Un, and compare that side by side with what they said about Trump, and that is the tip of the shitberg.

Deficits mattered... until the tax cuts for the super wealthy. Then we can afford to run up trillions in borrowing to support that.

Sex outside marriage mattered, until their candidate paid off porn stars. Then it is all about forgiveness.

on and on. Everytime that conservatives cry crocodile tears about something, I am going to ask them what they said when Trump did or said something worse, to point out the rank hypocrisy and insincerity of their criticisms.


I think the only good thing to come out of this, is the recognition by young people of how hypocritical evangelicals over 40 are.

02-25-2020, 04:48 PM
Get ready for me doing that for the next decade.

Than how are you better than the hypocrites you criticize?

02-25-2020, 04:49 PM
People have been shitting on Trump for all his "but Obama" bullshit. Now, those same people are going to spew "but Trump?" That makes zero sense.

02-25-2020, 04:52 PM
People have been shitting on Trump for all his "but Obama" bullshit. Now, those same people are going to spew "but Trump?" That makes zero sense.
i dont think i've dropped a "but trump" line, personally. i just think this story is something being propped up and harped on by people who were already not disposed to liking sanders

02-25-2020, 04:56 PM
i dont think i've dropped a "but trump" line, personally. i just think this story is something being propped up and harped on by people who were already not disposed to liking sanders:lol you were the first to post "but Obama" tbh.

People are harping on this because it's working. CNN gifted him the perfect offramp at the town hall. What did Bernie do?


02-25-2020, 04:59 PM
:lol you were the first to post "but Obama" tbh.

People are harping on this because it's working. CNN gifted him the perfect offramp at the town hall. What did Bernie do?

1) obama =/= trump
2) that wasn't my initial defense
3) i think rubes will continue to make this a bigger story than it is

02-25-2020, 05:03 PM
1) obama =/= trump
2) that wasn't my initial defense
3) i think rubes will continue to make this a bigger story than it is

Regarding #3: do you think the comment, and his refusal to take the offramps he's been given, show good judgment? If not, why is that not worthy of being a big(ger) story?

02-25-2020, 05:09 PM
These are the topics discussed by Cubans - especially after Bernie's comment. Sad really. But rest assured, they didn't come over on a raft to vote for heading in the situation they left.

knowingly DISHONEST red herring

Bernie is not for implementing Soviet Communism is USA


02-25-2020, 05:10 PM
1) obama =/= trumpStill whataboutism.

2) that wasn't my initial defenseOne of your multiple defenses sounds better.

3) i think rubes will continue to make this a bigger story than it isIt's working. Bernie is making it worse.

02-25-2020, 05:12 PM
If Bloomberg follows form, his ads are gonna hammer the shit out of this. Bernie is going to be on the defensive for weeks and it's all his own fault.

02-25-2020, 05:16 PM
Regarding #3: do you think the comment, and his refusal to take the offramps he's been given, show good judgment? If not, why is that not worthy of being a big(ger) story?
i dont have an issue with his comment, initially, and i dont think there was any good reason for the story to blow up.

but yeah, given that the story did blow up a bit, yeah, i think he could have responded more tactfully yesterday

even then, i think people are grossly overestimating the impact of these comments

02-25-2020, 05:19 PM
and i dont think there was any good reason for the story to blow up.

Except for the people who have a legit issue with it which happens to be a good chunk and in a place where winning is vital.

02-25-2020, 05:20 PM
i dont have an issue with his comment, initially, and i dont think there was any good reason for the story to blow up.

but yeah, given that the story did blow up a bit, yeah, i think he could have responded more tactfully yesterday

even then, i think people are grossly overestimating the impact of these commentsIt's going to happen over and over and over again now. Bernie is coming off like a wind-up communist apologist doll and no one around him is telling him he is fucking up.

02-25-2020, 05:23 PM
i dont have an issue with his comment, initially, and i dont think there was any good reason for the story to blow up.

Wasn't the question. Your feelings don't make this a non-issue.

but yeah, given that the story did blow up a bit, yeah, i think he could have responded more tactfully yesterday

even then, i think people are grossly overestimating the impact of these comments

Whether you think its an overreaction or not is irrelevant, unfortunately. A large portion of people, a very great many of whom are in a key state, are upset about this. Is Bernie doubling down a sign of good political judgment?

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 05:25 PM
It's going to happen over and over and over again now. Bernie is coming off like a wind-up communist apologist doll and no one around him is telling him he is fucking up.

why you scared?

go vote for trump if you cant take the heat!

bernie is trolling you

tonite- he will TRIPLE-DOWN-

you can clutch your pearls all the way to November lol

02-25-2020, 05:27 PM
why you scared?

go vote for trump if you cant take the heat!

bernie is trolling you

tonite- he will TRIPLE-DOWN-

you can clutch your pearls all the way to November lol

This is not a healthy discussion and only serves to proof a point where people have pointed out that it's Bernie's way or no way. If you're not 100% on Bernie than you're told to vote for Trump. How silly is that?

02-25-2020, 05:28 PM
why you scared?

go vote for trump if you cant take the heat!

bernie is trolling you

tonite- he will TRIPLE-DOWN-

you can clutch your pearls all the way to November lolWay to unite Democrats there....I sense an incoming Scotsman.

02-25-2020, 05:37 PM
Than how are you better than the hypocrites you criticize?

I try not to have double standards. If a Democrat president has a problem, I will not make excuses for it.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 05:42 PM
Way to unite Democrats there....I sense an incoming Scotsman.

its time to lead

(i mean democrats)

why are they doing trumps work by attacking the biggest threat to trump?

this is what dems have to deal with- bernie has the movement that can turn into a blue tsunami-

IF they start helping him - instead of helping trump tear him down.

My opinion- my hope- my wish- my take;

stop being scared and stop trying to make the hopeful dem candidate play by ONE set of rules-

and then throw him into the trump pit handcuffed- while trump plays by zero rules

its not whataboutism- it is showing the criminal that they wont be allowed to commit crimes unpunished and if the rules are thrown out the window-

then they are out the window for the dem candidate also

02-25-2020, 05:44 PM
Whether you think its an overreaction or not is irrelevant, unfortunately. A large portion of people, a very great many of whom are in a key state, are upset about this. Is Bernie doubling down a sign of good political judgment?
literally answered it

i dont have an issue with his comment, initially, and i dont think there was any good reason for the story to blow up.

but yeah, given that the story did blow up a bit, yeah, i think he could have responded more tactfully yesterday

even then, i think people are grossly overestimating the impact of these comments

02-25-2020, 05:46 PM
It's going to happen over and over and over again now. Bernie is coming off like a wind-up communist apologist doll and no one around him is telling him he is fucking up.
and if dems are going to continue bringing it up to attack him they're just helping trump win tbh

02-25-2020, 05:47 PM
and if dems are going to continue bringing it up to attack him they're just helping trump win tbh

Tough shit. Bernie needs to get it right. He's fucking up.

02-25-2020, 05:49 PM
Tough shit.
4 more years of trump it is!

02-25-2020, 05:50 PM
literally answered it

Ok, fair enough. Assuming you support Bernie getting the nom, does his poor judgment give you hope in defeating Trump?

02-25-2020, 05:50 PM
and if dems are going to continue bringing it up to attack him they're just helping trump win tbh

Are they not supposed to? What is the point of a primary then?

02-25-2020, 05:52 PM
Tough shit. Bernie needs to get it right. He's fucking up.

how is Bernie fucking up? link?

kinda hard to keep with all the red-baiting and Dem establishment trashing Bernie.

I expect Bernie will go to the convention with most delegates,

but brokering will see the superdelegates defeat him for A Real neoliberal, "centrist" DNC-protecting Dem.

02-25-2020, 05:53 PM
Are they not supposed to? What is the point of a primary then?
i was being somewhat tongue in cheek in responding to chump that way after his long and tired shtick of bernie and his bros costing hillary the election

02-25-2020, 05:55 PM
Ok, fair enough. Assuming you support Bernie getting the nom, does his poor judgment give you hope in defeating Trump?
i do think he showed some poor judgment yesterday given that he knew there was some backlash following his 60 minutes interview. before the town hall, i said he should very well expect a question on it and try not to harp on it, redirect back to actual issues. instead he gave a speech about the literacy brigade and essentially repeated his 60 minutes response.

im not convinced that this is his waterloo, as its being characterized by some people who were already not big fans of his to begin with

i also dont think its part of a pattern where i can generally describe him as having poor judgment

02-25-2020, 06:03 PM
i dont think he showed some poor judgment yesterday given that he knew there was some backlash following his 60 minutes interview. before the town hall, i said he should very well expect a question on it and try not to harp on it, redirect back to actual issues. instead he gave a speech about the literacy brigade and essentially repeated his 60 minutes response.

Wait, I don't understand. You pretty succinctly summarized why his townhall performance was a pretty clear example of bad judgment. But you're saying you don't think he showed poor judgment?

im not convinced that this is his waterloo, as its being characterized by some people who were already not big fans of his to begin with

Fair. And I'm not saying it is his waterloo. I'm saying: this is a pretty good example of bad political judgment. And that makes me think that Trump is getting re-elected if Bernie gets the nom.

i also dont think its part of a pattern where i can generally describe him as having poor judgment

I think you described how he doubled-down on a bad response pretty well. If others in his campaign think as you do, we're in for another long four years.

02-25-2020, 06:05 PM
Wait, I don't understand. You pretty succinctly summarized why his townhall performance was a pretty clear example of bad judgment. But you're saying you don't think he showed poor judgment?
typo tbh. i do think he showed some poor judgment yesterday

Fair. And I'm not saying it is his waterloo. I'm saying: this is a pretty good example of bad political judgment. And that makes me think that Trump is getting re-elected if Bernie gets the nom.

I think you described how he doubled-down on a bad response pretty well. If others in his campaign think as you do, we're in for another long four years.
i still dont think his initial response was bad... he's been consistent with his principals. but after realizing that there was some (imho, manufactured) backlash to it, he should have taken the opportunity to improve his response accordingly, and elected not to

and tbh sounds like you do think it is his waterloo based on the bolded

02-25-2020, 06:06 PM
typo tbh. i do think he showed some poor judgment yesterday

i still dont think his initial response was bad... he's been consistent with his principals. but after realizing that there was some (imho, manufactured) backlash to it, he should have taken the opportunity to improve his response accordingly, and elected not to


02-25-2020, 06:07 PM
i acknowledge that some cuban voters in florida might have legitimate beef given the sensitivity with the subject, but i also think a lot of people are just clutching pearls because they already didnt like sanders

02-25-2020, 06:08 PM
I'll wait to see how he addresses it at the debate before I get too concerned.

02-25-2020, 06:23 PM
I'll wait to see how he addresses it at the debate before I get too concerned.

It's too late to correct the record so to speak. The comments are already baked in voters minds and on top of that everyone on stage tonight will heap on too.

02-25-2020, 06:28 PM
It's too late to correct the record so to speak. The comments are already baked in voters minds and on top of that everyone on stage tonight will heap on too.

Baked into whose minds? If Bernie comes out with a strong unequivocal rejection of Fidel Castro and concedes that his previous praise of literacy efforts was not an endorsement of authoritarianism, I'm not convinced anyone who still holds it against him was going to vote for him in the first place. That goes for the Primary and the General.

02-25-2020, 06:30 PM
4 more years of trump it is!You realize you just asked for Democrats to go easy on Bernie because there is no way Republicans could be harder on him.

That's simply insane.

02-25-2020, 06:32 PM
how is Bernie fucking up? link?

kinda hard to keep with all the red-baiting and Dem establishment trashing Bernie.The red-baiting and Bernie's biting on the red-baiting is what you missed.

You guys are in denial now.

02-25-2020, 06:33 PM
You realize you just asked for Democrats to go easy on Bernie because there is no way Republicans could be harder on him.

That's simply insane.

i was being somewhat tongue in cheek in responding to chump that way after his long and tired shtick of bernie and his bros costing hillary the election

02-25-2020, 06:34 PM
Baked into whose minds? If Bernie comes out with a strong unequivocal rejection of Fidel Castro and concedes that his previous praise of literacy efforts was not an endorsement of authoritarianism, I'm not convinced anyone who still holds it against him was going to vote for him in the first place. That goes for the Primary and the General.

The people who you know...ran for their lives from the Castro regime that now live in Florida? That's a permanent stain on Bernie that those people will not forget.

Would you say he hurt his chances there more than he helped?

02-25-2020, 06:36 PM
Baked into whose minds? If Bernie comes out with a strong unequivocal rejection of Fidel Castro and concedes that his previous praise of literacy efforts was not an endorsement of authoritarianism

Now I will agree that this would go a long ways but this is something he should've done last night as I pointed out watching his town hall.

02-25-2020, 06:43 PM
I try not to have double standards. If a Democrat president has a problem, I will not make excuses for it.


02-25-2020, 06:48 PM
The red-baiting and Bernie's biting on the red-baiting is what you missed.

You guys are in denial now.

what does all the slanderous red-baiting have to do with Bernie's actual policies? not a fucking thing.

02-25-2020, 06:51 PM
what does all the slanderous red-baiting have to do with Bernie's actual policies? not a fucking thing.Yeah, that doesn't matter. Why do you people try to pretend that actual politics doesn't exist? Bernie is trying to win an election against an incumbent at a time when 90% of people think they're doing alright personally. He's not trying to enact any policy.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 06:58 PM
Yeah, that doesn't matter. Why do you people try to pretend that actual politics doesn't exist? Bernie is trying to win an election against an incumbent at a time when 90% of people think they're doing alright personally. He's not trying to enact any policy.

Have you listened to any of bernies speeches/town halls?

Just curious where you land on his policies and of the platform he is laying out?

(not saying that they will be enacted - not saying they will all fail either)

mainly wondering where you are disconnecting and seemingly hostile to bernie?

02-25-2020, 07:00 PM
Have you listened to any of bernies speeches/town halls?

Just curious where you land on his policies and of the platform he is laying out?

(not saying that they will be enacted - not saying they will all fail either)

mainly wondering where you are disconnecting and seemingly hostile to bernie?I'm sounding an alarm because he fucked up, learned absolutely nothing from the fuckup, repeated and expanded the fuckup in the most arrogant way possible.

It's a huge red flag. It needs to be addressed. Now.

02-25-2020, 07:02 PM
Yeah, that doesn't matter. Why do you people try to pretend that actual politics doesn't exist? Bernie is trying to win an election against an incumbent at a time when 90% of people think they're doing alright personally. He's not trying to enact any policy.

His policies are on his website

"90% of people think they're doing alright personally."

bullshit. incomes are down under Trash, household debt at record levels, 50%+ have trouble paying the bills, and Ms are "housing stressed", eg


Ms had their houses stolen by the Banksters Great Depression and were forced into renting, where the rents rise well above inflation.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 07:07 PM
I'm sounding an alarm because he fucked up, learned absolutely nothing from the fuckup, repeated and expanded the fuckup in the most arrogant way possible.

It's a huge red flag. It needs to be addressed. Now.

ok fair enough

hate to tell you this- but you might feel even stronger about this after tonites debate lol

i dont see bernie backing down on a lifetime of democratic socialism/activism

I think he might go even farther - not out of arrogance but of sincere belief in what he stands for.

i get it that you disagree with this current issue (castro/literacy) but if you listen to his complete answer-

he ISN’T inaccurate - he DID lay out a truthful argument - in HIS opinion...

02-25-2020, 07:13 PM
His policies are on his website

"90% of people think they're doing alright personally."

We can argue what that means but there's a link in the article to the confidence in the economy as well which is at its highest point in 20 years.

This is hardly fodder for a revolution.

02-25-2020, 07:14 PM
ok fair enough

hate to tell you this- but you might feel even stronger about this after tonites debate lol

i dont see bernie backing down on a lifetime of democratic socialism/activism

I think he might go even farther - not out of arrogance but of sincere belief in what he stands for.

i get it that you disagree with this current issue (castro/literacy) but if you listen to his complete answer-

he ISN’T inaccurate - he DID lay out a truthful argument - in HIS opinion...He's a walking, talking apologist for brutal communist regimes. If he doesn't change that, he will lose.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 07:17 PM
He's a walking, talking apologist for brutal communist regimes. If he doesn't change that, he will lose.

he also denounced putin - directly - even tho putin is helping him-

trump never did and never will

sounds like trump has the bigger problem here than bernie

on the EXACT same issue!

02-25-2020, 07:19 PM
he also denounced putin - directly - even tho putin is helping him-

trump never did and never will

sounds like trump has the bigger problem here than bernie

on the EXACT same issue!Nope. Trump isn't running against an incumbent during a relatively good economic time. You're in denial.

02-25-2020, 07:36 PM
Trash's assessement of :

Murderer/dictator Pootin

Murderer/dictator Kim

Murderer/dictator Duterte

Dictator/fascist Bolsonaro

Dictator/fascist Erdogan

Muslim persecutor Modi

... all CURRENTLY respected, adored, favored, emulated by Trash, while Trash fights with USA's democratic allies, friends.


Bernie is a COMMUNIST lover based on quotes of decades ago.

Trump being diplomatic isn't equivalent to Bernie praising the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, etc. One must ask why he seems so motivated to seek elements of atrocious systems of government that he can spin a positive narrative around. Does he have a lot video that shows him praising countries that moved toward more capitalist/free markets that have had positive results? I haven't seen it. And his commentary isn't decades old. It's a couple of days old.

02-25-2020, 07:52 PM
He's a walking, talking apologist for brutal communist regimes. If he doesn't change that, he will lose.

fucking bullshit

Trash, otoh, praises, hosts, adores, emulates murderous dictatorships, while fighting with USA's democratic friends, allies.

02-25-2020, 07:55 PM
fucking bullshitapologist noun

apol·​o·​gist | \ ə-ˈpä-lə-jist \

Definition of apologist
: one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something

Trash, otoh, praises, hosts, adores, emulates murderous dictatorships, while fighting with USA's democratic friends, allies.Whataboutism isn't working.

02-25-2020, 07:59 PM
Trump being diplomatic isn't equivalent to Bernie praising the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, etc. One must ask why he seems so motivated to seek elements of atrocious systems of government that he can spin a positive narrative around. Does he have a lot video that shows him praising countries that moved toward more capitalist/free markets that have had positive results? I haven't seen it. And his commentary isn't decades old. It's a couple of days old.

oh, thats what its called when you ask a foreign government to check out a political opponent and praise a fat boy who starves his own population...


My god...

02-25-2020, 08:03 PM
apologist noun

apol·​o·​gist | \ ə-ˈpä-lə-jist \

Definition of apologist
: one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something

Whataboutism isn't working.

The Great Boutons doesn't whatabout, he bitch slaps dense fucks like you.

keep up your red-baiting of Bernie, he'll bitch slap you, too

02-25-2020, 08:09 PM
The Great Boutons doesn't whatabout, he bitch slaps dense fucks like you.

keep up your red-baiting of Bernie, he'll bitch slap you, too:lol no, he'll become an apologist for brutal communist regimes again like the last two times. Maybe he'll praise Pol Pot too this time.

Spurs Homer
02-25-2020, 08:12 PM
Trump being diplomatic isn't equivalent to Bernie praising the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, etc. One must ask why he seems so motivated to seek elements of atrocious systems of government that he can spin a positive narrative around. Does he have a lot video that shows him praising countries that moved toward more capitalist/free markets that have had positive results? I haven't seen it. And his commentary isn't decades old. It's a couple of days old.

Here is your god - praising putin during;

a) the time he is serving as POTUS
b) directly AFTER a hostile attack on our country
c) in front of the planet - testifying allegiance to Russia - and failing to even admit that the USA was attacked

In other words - AIDING AND ABETTING a foreign government AFTER said govt attacked the USA -

Compared to bernie - who said shit 40 years ago as a citizen or a local politician or a flunkie -


I dare Trump to attack Bernie on this issue - lolololol

02-25-2020, 08:37 PM
The people who you know...ran for their lives from the Castro regime that now live in Florida? That's a permanent stain on Bernie that those people will not forget.

Would you say he hurt his chances there more than he helped?

Cubans typically support Republicans already. That's my point. The people inclined to take the literal and worst interpretation from Sanders' comments, and to ignore any subsequent clarification of those comments, were unlikely to vote for him anyway.

Ball Buster
02-25-2020, 09:21 PM

02-25-2020, 09:29 PM
"Polls show declining support for sanctions among Cuban Americans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Americans).

A June 2014 poll showed

52% of Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade County, Florida (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami-Dade_County,_Florida), opposed the embargo and 48% supported it;

56% of Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade County had supported the embargo in 2011,

while 87% had supported it in 1991."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba#Details_of_Cuba n_embargo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba#Details_of_Cuba n_embargo)

Bernie could pick a lot BigCorp, Hispanic, Cuban-American votes by saying he will annul the act-of-war embargo and treat Cuba like any other country.

02-25-2020, 09:49 PM
"Polls show declining support for sanctions among Cuban Americans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Americans).

A June 2014 poll showed

52% of Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade County, Florida (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami-Dade_County,_Florida), opposed the embargo and 48% supported it;

56% of Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade County had supported the embargo in 2011,

while 87% had supported it in 1991."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba#Details_of_Cuba n_embargo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba#Details_of_Cuba n_embargo)

Bernie could pick a lot BigCorp, Hispanic, Cuban-American votes by saying he will annul the act-of-war embargo and treat Cuba like any other country.

Why the fuck would that be a deciding position for an American?

02-25-2020, 10:23 PM
Why the fuck would that be a deciding position for an American?

I don't know, maybe some Cuban Americans have family in Cuba? Crazy idea, I know.

02-26-2020, 03:22 AM
Nowhere in my post do I say that I'm underinsured - I can reject, I can choose, etc. - not "I do." The point is that I have a choice - not forced into Bernie's Medicare For All with no option for anything else.

But you did...

And now I can reject buying health insurance and not have to pay 2.5% of my income. I can choose to buy short term insurance and extend for the entire year and rinse and repeat next year instead of being stuck with the outrageously expensive Obamacare insurance.

None of those plans offer comprehensive care, and rightly so. There's an actual reason Obamacare insurance was outrageously expensive, it mandated a minimum of coverage, which, surprise surprise, it's expensive.