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View Full Version : Call Up John Stockton

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 04:37 PM
Why should Karl Malone be the only old Hall of Fame rto leave the Jazz to play for a title?

If I were Popovich, I would get on the horn and talk Stockton into coming out of retirement witht he Spurs.

Stockton is a player who would actually appreciate the calm of San Antonio and the chance to win a title.

We have a need at backup PG especially if Claxton finds a job elsewhere.

I have always admired Stockton as my favorite Spurs rival.

If he ever cam out of retirement to play on the Spurs this season, I would be thrilled.

Imagine a WCF with Stockton on the Spurs and Malone on the Lakers.


07-18-2003, 04:42 PM
We don't have shorts in the Spurs locker room small enough for him!!

Dude, we don't need Stockton....:rolleyes

07-18-2003, 04:43 PM
Ghost I would love that idea...Stockton could coast and give us 10 minutes a night...while mentoring Parker...and Stockton vs. Malone in the WCF would be bizarre!!!

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 04:44 PM
If you say so, pseudofan. :rolleyes

Please go back to your black hole of nothingness.


07-18-2003, 04:45 PM
Ghost, weren't you telling me yesterday that the Spurs shouldn't add old players because it slows down the team. I remember a certain casper like character telling me we needed athleticism on the bench to keep up with the Lakers.

What happened today? You are saying you want 57 year old Stockton and 42 year old Jon Barry.


07-18-2003, 04:47 PM
I like the idea of Stocken helping Tony's education, but for some reason I don't think John will come out of retirement.

Good idea though

Go Spurs...

07-18-2003, 04:47 PM
Uh, whatever GrossWriter....

My post did not warrant such an infantile response, but to no suprise...

Let me retort with this:

The only black hole of nothingness resides atop your sholders :lol

Have a great day:flipoff :wink

07-18-2003, 04:48 PM
Stockton is about as likely to come out of retirement and come play for the Spurs as DRob is to go up to Utah and suit up for the Jazz.

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 04:51 PM
timvp, if you read my whole posts, you'd see that I recognize there may be a hole at the primary backup to Parker. Given the options, I would prefer to re-sign Claxton or try Alston. If that disn't wotk, I'd take Barry or Parker.

Who better to train Parker than Stockton?

I don't know why the cretin pseudofan wouldn't want Stockton on this team.


timvp, my opinions are continually evolving as more information is gathered and additional perspectives are examined.

Like a plant, if you're not growing. you're dying.


Ed Helicopter Jones
07-18-2003, 04:51 PM
While we're at it, let's try to coax Magic Johnson out of retirement too.

That would be cool. If we lose Speedy, Magic Johnson would be a great replacement.

Can you imagine a WCF with Magic Johnson on one team, and the entire Laker organization on the other?

Fu<kin' awesome!!!

07-18-2003, 04:53 PM
timvp, my opinions are continually evolving as more information is gathered and additional perspectives are examined.


I can't be wrong just like you can't pick water up with a fork.



07-18-2003, 04:53 PM
if we lose speedy, it would be great.

the chances of it happening, who knows, but stockton in silver and black...wow..

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 04:58 PM
timvp, shall I go back to being against guys like Horry and Barry on the Spurs?

Take satisfaction in helping to sway my opinion instead of trying to be 'right' or 'wrong'.

I think it would be worth Pop's while to give Stockton a call and see what's up.


07-18-2003, 05:07 PM
Why should Karl Malone be the only old Hall of Fame rto leave the Jazz to play for a title?If I were Popovich, I would get on the horn and talk Stockton into coming out of retirement witht he Spurs.Stockton is a player who would actually appreciate the calm of San Antonio and the chance to win a title.We have a need at backup PG especially if Claxton finds a job elsewhere.I have always admired Stockton as my favorite Spurs rival.If he ever cam out of retirement to play on the Spurs this season, I would be thrilled. Imagine a WCF with Stockton on the Spurs and Malone on the Lakers.

OKAY.....let's do a little creative editing Mr. I'MAWRITERWHOKNOWSEVERYTHING:

Why should GHOSTWRITER be the only old MORONto leave the FSP FORUMto play WITH HIMSELF?If I were GHOSTWRITER, I would get on the horn and talk GOD into coming out of retirement with the Spurs BECAUSE THAT'S ALMOST AS GOOD AN OPTION AS HAVING STOCKTON ON THE TEAM.GHOST is a LIMPDICK who would actually appreciate the FAT WOMEN of San Antonio and the chance to win A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF CONDOMS.

Perfect! Send it to print!!!:lol

Lay off the name calling Ghost, because it gets better than this pal!!:eyebrow

07-18-2003, 05:10 PM
Ghost, game point taken.


Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 05:11 PM

Instead of embarrassing youself with your typical substance-less drivel, pseudofan, why don't you tell us all why "the Spurs don't need [Stockton]?



07-18-2003, 05:15 PM
Because he's old and ready to retire. What do we need him for? Because you want him? He had his day, now let him retire.

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 05:18 PM
If the Bulls took the same tact with Jordan, they'd have three less rings.

I addresed all your basless negatives with reasons why we need him.

Claxton is likely gone.

The remaining PGs are crap.

Last season, Stcokton was still a top 10 PG.

Pick a bone with a dog you can hang with, poodle.


07-18-2003, 05:20 PM
Pick a bone with a dog you can hang with, poodle.


07-18-2003, 05:20 PM
Yes, well the Wizards unfortunately had your attitude about Jordan.........


They got NOWHERE....:rolleyes

07-18-2003, 05:22 PM
Stockton was still the most efficient PG in the league this past year. I would love to have him on the Spurs. I said months ago that we should make a play for both him and Malone.

Unfortunately, when a person says he is retired, I tend to believe him.

07-18-2003, 05:23 PM
Stockton would be great for the vet min as a back-up PG ala Steve Kerr if we don't resign Steve, but I don't think he could play a decent amount of minutes for the Spurs. Also, I don't see John pulling an MJ and coming back after he said he was done.

07-18-2003, 05:24 PM
Is this a joke?

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 05:30 PM
"Is this a joke? — scott
No. You are.

And moaners like pseudofan who shoot down ideas without any reasons or better alternatives.

At least when I say 'No' to a Darrell Armstrong, I explain that I'd rather spend the money on Speedy and I doubt Armstrong would be leaving Orlando anyway.

You guys just dismiss ideas because I've pissed on you in other threads. Get over it.

How could it be a bad thing to see if Stockton is serious about staying retired?

NFL teams are still nagging Barry Sanders to come back.

pseudofan, Jordan won 3 rings the first time he came back and revitalized the worst team in the NBA the second time he came back. All I am asking is the front office to see if the most efficient PG in the NBA last season would like to mentor Parker as a backup on a title team this year.


07-18-2003, 05:36 PM
Poin taken Ghost, and taken much better because I actually felt like I was talking to an adult.

Thank you.

I agree, it could work. I just don't see it happening, so I choose not to waste too many braincells contemplating the impossible.


07-18-2003, 05:37 PM
If he wasn't serious about being retired, he would have gone through the FA process before making up his mind.

He's retired and thats the end of yet another one your stupid fantasies.

Still waiting for the Spurs to gain some interest in Kandi, by the way.

07-18-2003, 05:40 PM
Okay now that we figured out Stockton is retired how about we go after MJ?

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 05:46 PM
Fair enough, pseudofan. That's all you had to say.

Outside the realm of possibility is different from thinking he wouldn't be a good acquisition.

It's tough to convince players to come out of retirement, but it wouldn't take much to gauge Stockton's interest. The whole point is that he will be okay with staying retired unless maybe a team made him an offer he couldn't refuse. That's why he didn't go the free agent route. He's okay with being retired. it would be the front office's job to get him to come back. That is not unprecedented. Rodman is looking to make yet another comeback for krissakes.

scott, didn't you also want the Spurs to look at Olowokandi?

Please post upr recommendations for backup point guard scott.

Oh wait. You never create or build up ideas. You only try to tear down.


07-18-2003, 05:52 PM
No, I was in the puke-at-the-thought-of-Kandi-being-our-big-FA camp. However, I would have lived with Kandi if he came with a Lamar Odom.

How's this for a recommendation for a backup point guard:

One who isn't retired.

Speedy Claxton would be ideal, but it isn't going to happen. We are looking at a situation where we will either have to obtain a backup point via a S&T with Claxton, or one of the second tier guys. Travis Best would be alright. I have no problems with Scottie Pippen, Steve Kerr and Manu Ginobili making up the 10-15 mpg where Parker would be on the bench.

07-18-2003, 05:53 PM
Another excellent thread, started by Ghost.

Too bad we have homers and knuckleheads who won't take an objective view on the subject, and litter the thread with awful posts.

John Stockton would be an EXCELLENT pick up for the Spurs. He is still a starting quality point guard, who is in excellent health, and never gets injured. He plays with more poise at the age of 40 than any other point guard on the Spurs roster ever will. Of course, I don't expect him to come out of retirement, but giving him a call certainly wouldn't hurt, and the idea in itself is very sound.

You cretins should think before you post.


Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 05:58 PM
scott, who do you think would've been our next choice if we didn't land Nesterovic? The same one that was Minnesota's. Olowokandi.

"Travis Best would be alright. I have no problems with Scottie Pippen, Steve Kerr and Manu Ginobili making up the 10-15 mpg where Parker would be on the bench." — scott

Anyone got Stockton's number?


07-18-2003, 06:03 PM
Given your history of bitching and moaning that the Spurs didn't make the necessary personnel moves to win a championship, I don't think you have much room to be criticizing anyone's armchair GM abilities.

But while you are getting Stockton's number, make sure to look up Hakeem's too. I bet he can give us that second tower to rely on.

07-18-2003, 06:03 PM
Stockton and Kerr on the same team?


07-18-2003, 06:06 PM
Willis, Kerr, Stockton......

Break out the Oatmeal, Bran Flakes, and Geritol! We gots a game to play!!!:lol

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 06:07 PM

scott, you tugged on Superman's cape. What did I tell you about that.

Yeah, Olajuwon is freshly retired coming off another solid season and we need a backup center.

Keep trying. One of these times you might actually stumble upon a counterpoint instead of the usual pooh-poohing.


07-18-2003, 06:11 PM
You got one thing right- you are like Superman. Except you are paralyzed from the neck up.

Cassius Clay
07-18-2003, 06:20 PM
His name is Ghost
He likes to boast
But his ass is toast

Ghost Writer
07-18-2003, 06:22 PM
What is the harm in calling up Stockton?



T Park Num 9
07-18-2003, 06:23 PM
Why dont you worry about the lakers finding a young PF to replace Malone after he breaks his hip this summer, instead of worrying about the Spurs.

Go Screw addidas.

07-18-2003, 06:24 PM
No more harm than there is calling Michael Jordan or David Robisnon. If RC has time for a friendly chat, it could be fun.

07-18-2003, 06:37 PM
It's a nice thought -- like hiring Kareem as an assistant coach to take Duncan's game to yet another level -- I just don't see it happenning if Kerr stays and Pop/RC keep pushing the "speed kills" philosophy.

I'm actually pretty comfortable with the idea of taking one of the PGs from summer league, but if we're talking vet PG mentors, Stock or Mark Jackson would be the way to go.

07-18-2003, 06:40 PM
Sure thing TPark, because Malone has been so injury prone throughout his career. :rolleyes

Bring a better take, CHUMP.

07-18-2003, 06:45 PM

oops, sorry.

Watch who you call Chump....

T Park Num 9
07-18-2003, 06:45 PM
if you look at it again it is a sarcastic comment

break a hip=old

good lord you laker fans are dense.

He hasnt been injured in the past true, but that CANT continue!

Look at Jordan, never had a serious injury with the bulls for a LONG time, before Washington and had to sit out gobs of time with knee injuries.

07-18-2003, 06:48 PM
Whoops! I wasn't responding to you ChumpDumper. I was only responding to TPark in my previous post. Sorry about the confusion. :)

As for the Malone to Jordan comparison TPark, Jordan started getting injured because he took 3 years off from basketball. At that age, it's a lot tougher to get started again in playing competitive sports, than it is to be continually playing the sport and staying in game shape (Karl Malone, for instance.)

It's very difficult to compare the two situations.

07-18-2003, 06:49 PM

07-18-2003, 07:13 PM
Great idea about calling Stockton, Ghost. He's hungry for a title, he could teach Parker a few things, and he could be brought in to steady things if we started to lose control of the game. He would love a title, and would like the laid-back San Antonio environment.

With a player like Stockton, it's worth a call. For as good of a fit as he would be, you must make him tell you no. Why do some of the homers still continue to make assumptions about Stockton not wanting to play for us? Aren't assumptions what got us into this free agency mess in the first place?

07-18-2003, 07:20 PM
damn GW,
I guess our discussion in the other thread about your suggestion that Tim/Tony can be like the Stockton/Malone of old really broke out into a great discussion here.

Go Spurs...

Ghost Writer
07-19-2003, 11:06 AM
Well, I'm glad this idea received overwhelmingly favorable response by you all except for a few close-minded naysaying cretins.

Popovich should offer some money and a chance to play for a title to Stockton. As a fresh retiree, Stockton isn't going to be looking for work, but if he were to be pursued, who knows if he might change his mind.

Former athletes are particularly vulnerable to wanting to come back around training camp time.


07-19-2003, 11:44 AM
There are lots of players hungry for a title......

I wonder why none of them were beating down our door and waiting in line during the FA period...


I just love people who like to force their opinions on you with a dash of insult. Very mature Ghost.:(

Cassius Clay
07-19-2003, 12:12 PM
Stockton to the Spurs? :lol And the bitch criticizes my threads?

Ghost Writer
07-21-2003, 11:40 AM
pseudo, I already sliced and diced your @ss. Don't try getting in the last word like a little sneak.

You've offered absolutely zero reasons why Popovich shouldn't pick up the phone a gauge Stockton's interest in coming back.

Cassius, a name change don't change your ignorance.


07-21-2003, 12:49 PM
did not the spurs try to beat the lakers with an old backup point guard named terry porter. yes stockton is better then terry porter. but speed kills the lakers. As an assistant coach or even a player that is on the ir fine. give him a call. yes he would help tp.

07-21-2003, 01:00 PM
lmao...while we discuss fantasies that aren't possible.

Maybe the spurs should work on cloning tim duncan to back up tim duncan.

07-21-2003, 01:01 PM
If he ever cam out of retirement to play on the Spurs this season, I would be thrilled.

Imagine a WCF with Stockton on the Spurs and Malone on the Lakers.

Ghost, your name should be Plagiarist.
Writer instead of Ghost Writer. I made a thread with this same idea and same comment about the WCFs last week, and now you make a new thread on the same idea rather than comment or agree with me on my thread. Typical.....

Cassius Clay
07-21-2003, 01:02 PM
Yes Ghost, if only we whined like a little bitch all the time then we would have a chance at attaining your great level of intellect. Yeah.

Ghost Writer
07-21-2003, 01:06 PM
Manny, please tell me why this would not be possible. Stockton's freshly retired, not dead.

Jimmy, I am sorry if you had a similar idea. I did not mean to copy you. Quite frankly, I usually ignore your posts. No offense.

Cassius, why don't you crunch some cap figures and tell us all again how Sterling will never sign anyone to a large, long-term contract again.


07-21-2003, 01:08 PM
Ghost, your name should be Plagerist Writer instead of Ghost wWriter. I made a thread with this same idea and same comment about the WCFs last week, and now you make a new thread on the same idea rather than comment or agree with me on my thread. Typical.....

Yeah and on numerous ocassions last April and May I advocated going after Stockton & Malone with inflated one year contracts if we couldn't get O'Neal.

Whenever Ghost has a good idea its usually lifted from someone else.

You can tell when Ghost has an original idea. :drunk

07-21-2003, 01:23 PM
Homer -- run!
Posts: 2678
(7/15/03 1:22 pm)
Reply | Edit Cool Idea I think
Why don't the Spurs try to get Stockton to join up with SA if Speedy bolts? He can sing for the same amt that his mate did in LA. Now would it be a ratings bonanza for TNT/ESPN having SA playing LA in WCFs to see which AllStar from Utah wins that evasive ring? Johnny can provide some quality backup mins to TP and also help in his development. Let me call Pop now with this idea.
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

Only the facts, ma'am
Posts: 369
(7/15/03 1:26 pm)
Re: Cool Idea I think
Back in April I had hoped to get Stockton and Malone to sign one year contracts so that we would have cap space in 2004 to go after an unrestricted Brand or Garnett.

Stockton was still the most efficient point guard in the league this year. Unfortunately, he retired.
The surest way to keep a secret is to make people believe they already know the answer.

Homer -- run!
Posts: 2680
(7/15/03 1:42 pm)
Reply | Edit Re: Cool Idea I think
Another positive thing is the Spurs will save money, I am sure the Spurs still have a pair of Mike Gale's old shorts lying around the equipment room, John would love em.
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.

Truthsayer, yes, I see that you had this idea as well. Ghost copies everyone he can...he is dearth an original thought

Cassius Clay
07-21-2003, 01:23 PM
Yeah so Sterling did the un-Sterling thing and opened up his wallet. The only reason you ever said anything about it was because you read it on the ESPN website. Wow.

Ghost Writer
07-21-2003, 01:34 PM
Good job, Jimmy. You deserve credit for thinking of this idea first. Again, if I read your posts, I wouldn't have created this thread. I would've just built on your idea.

Whoa. Truthsayer, your idea was so good, I forgot about it. And doing what you described is entirely different from what I wanted.

Truthsayer, if you were never heard from again, you wouldn't be missed. Sorry to break it down like that.

We should give Stockton a call. Couldn't hurt.


07-21-2003, 01:53 PM
Truthsayer, if you were never heard from again, you wouldn't be missed. Sorry to break it down like that.

I wouldn't want you to leave Ghost. Having you around makes us all feel a little bit smarter! :lol

07-21-2003, 01:58 PM
Of all the teams looking for a backup PG why are we the only ones dumb enough to have a four page thread discussing Stockton as a possibility?

Ghost Writer
07-21-2003, 02:02 PM
"Of all the teams looking for a backup PG why are we the only ones dumb enough to have a four page thread discussing Stockton as a possibility?" — picnroll
Given our track record with free agent signings, why not?

"We're the Spurs." :(

07-21-2003, 02:08 PM
On an OT note but might as well stick it here related to PGs, Spurs were supposedly high on Zoran Planinic. Catching a couple of SL games he looks like a terrific pick-up for NJ. That's two in a row they got from us, including Krstic. Do we have a leak?

07-21-2003, 02:24 PM
Ghost, you should read my posts, you might just learn something and if you concentrate really hard, you might catch my humerous witticisms.....they are quite entertaining some of the more intelligent posters say.:)

Ghost Writer
07-21-2003, 02:26 PM
Look, Jimmy, I gave you credit for coming up with the Stockton idea, but let's not go overboard here. :lol


07-21-2003, 02:29 PM
Comon Ghost, you know you like me...admit it...comon...You know I am irresistable.:)