View Full Version : American government has failed

03-15-2020, 11:26 PM

03-15-2020, 11:38 PM
Part of the red plan is to make local governments more powerful. Right? States rights and all that rot.

I guess destroying national cohesion can make the point.

Go Texas.
Go Bexar County.
Go San Antonio.

03-16-2020, 04:31 AM
MISgovernment by the Repugs, anti-government government is the Repug strategy to fulfill St Ronnie's strategic "reveal" that "govt IS the problem", is not the solution to anything, can do no good?


Because Repugs work for the oligarchy that wants to privatize everything, extract wealth from everything, nobody owns anything, everybody rents everything in the rentier economy, hosing their money FOREVER to the oligarchy in return for the shittiest products possible.

By MISgoverning, Repugs want to make all citizens distrust and despise govt so citizens will less resistant, more open to the only alternative: privatization.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 09:40 AM

good read

Confirming -already held beliefs- unfortunately.

03-16-2020, 11:09 AM

The Trump administration has failed to perform the most basic function of a state during a pandemic—which is to accurately assess the threat. While South Korea is reportedly conducting 10,000 tests a day, lawmakers learned on Thursday that the U.S. has conducted only 11,000 coronavirus tests in total. (For the U.S. to catch up to South Korea on a per capita basis, it would need to conduct 65,000 tests daily.) But the coronavirus caught the Trump White House flat-footed. The administration fired the U.S. pandemic-response team in 2018. It ignored early warnings from epidemiologists; refused to waive regulations that impeded early testing; and botched its initial COVID-19 testing kits.

Once they start testing... the number of cases will skyrocket.

03-16-2020, 11:12 AM
When they couldn't sit down across the same table, but, instead brokered by phone thru Manuchin one knew it was going to be pure pablum & chickenshit.

03-16-2020, 11:14 AM
Once they start testing... the number of cases will skyrocket.

How you gonna force people to test, RG? I wouldn't test for money, marbles, nor chalk & I'm old & sodded.

No way. I'd rather die first.

baseline bum
03-16-2020, 11:17 AM
When they couldn't sit down across the same table, but, instead brokered by phone thru Manuchin one knew it was going to be pure pablum & chickenshit.

I'm expecting that was because our Dear Leader is positive and he didn't want Pelosi getting it too and telling the world.

03-16-2020, 11:19 AM
How you gonna force people to test, RG? I wouldn't test for money, marbles, nor chalk & I'm old & sodded.

No way. I'd rather die first.

People are BEGGING for tests. Health officials are screaming for them. I don't give a flying fuck whether you want them, the people making decisions need hte data.

03-16-2020, 11:20 AM
I'm expecting that was because our Dear Leader is positive and he didn't want Pelosi getting it too and telling the world.

& vice versa...She ain't no better & you know it.

03-16-2020, 11:21 AM
People are BEGGING for tests. Health officials are screaming for them. I don't give a flying fuck whether you want them, the people making decisions need hte data.

I never see people begging. They call their doctor, he screens them & advises the vast lion's share that the test is not necessary.

03-16-2020, 11:22 AM
Hillary and a Dem govt would not have destroyed the Exec branch, in case anybody still thinks there's no difference between the parties.

03-16-2020, 11:28 AM
Hillary and a Dem govt would not have destroyed the Exec branch, in case anybody still thinks there's no difference between the parties.

There's a giant difference. Both are insanely corrupt, it's just that your party is filled with incompetent and ineffectual twits that gas up and whistle to their dogs like you and do nothing afterwards.

Your party can't even beat one of the most inept Administrations and your base is so apathetic and has so little faith in the party, they've basically just given up.

Your Cult has failed you, too.

Will Hunting
03-16-2020, 11:30 AM
There's a giant difference. Both are insanely corrupt, it's just that your party is filled with incompetent and ineffectual twits that gas up and whistle to their dogs like you and do nothing afterwards.

Your party can't even beat one of the most inept Administrations and your base is so apathetic and has so little faith in the party, they've basically just given up.

Your Cult has failed you, too.
True on all fronts.

The notion that Hillary would pass any semblance of meaningful legislation to address this is laughable. She’d be seeking the same corporate bailouts Trump wants.

03-16-2020, 11:30 AM
Hillary and a Dem govt would not have destroyed the Exec branch, in case anybody still thinks there's no difference between the parties.

...not an iota, bouts.

When they refused to talk to one another cept thru Manuchin's phone that was the living end.

03-16-2020, 11:40 AM
:lol goddamn, you righwingnutjobs are FUCKING STUPID

It was bitch-slapped, wimpy, dickless Trash, not Pelosi, who refused to deal with Pelosi

Hillary and Dems would not have destroyed OSHA, DoJ, EPA, HHS, State, Interior, Doe, IRS, the White House, etc, etc.

03-16-2020, 11:40 AM
True on all fronts.

The notion that Hillary would pass any semblance of meaningful legislation to address this is laughable. She’d be seeking the same corporate bailouts Trump wants.


Pretty sure there's a joke to be made about how she would have let infected Chinese people in the white house as long as they had the money...ya know, kinda like Billy did.

03-16-2020, 11:42 AM
:lol goddamn, you righwingnutjobs are FUCKING STUPID

It was bitch-slapped, wimpy, dickless Trash, not Pelosi, who refused to deal with Pelosi

Hillary and Dems would not have destroyed OSHA, DoJ, EPA, HHS, State, Interior, Doe, IRS, the White House, etc, etc.

A retard screaming things doesn't make it so. Just ask kori. You're both pretty similar, except kori works.

Will Hunting
03-16-2020, 11:43 AM
:lol goddamn, you righwingnutjobs are FUCKING STUPID

It was bitch-slapped, wimpy, dickless Trash, not Pelosi, who refused to deal with Pelosi

Hillary and Dems would not have destroyed OSHA, DoJ, EPA, HHS, State, Interior, Doe, IRS, the White House, etc, etc.
What’s the excuse for Pelosi caving on exempting large companies from mandatory sick leave? That’s a game of chicken she could have easily won if she stuck to her guns, but in the end her corporate overlords wanted an exemption the same way Trump and McConnells overlords did.

03-16-2020, 11:47 AM
As always, rightwingnutjobs' defense of Repugs undefendable fuckups is "the Dems are just as bad", which is a FUCKING LIE

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 11:49 AM
Fareed Zacharia said sunday something to the effect of :

”watching the trump administration bungle up the coronavirus crisis is sadly depressing- watching pence repeatedly going up to the podium to praise trump exposes the fact that ...

instead of emulating the excellent response of a south korea- we are witnessing the administration emulating north korea with its disgusting sycophancy and worship of their dear leader”

pretty fucking spot on.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 11:52 AM
What’s the excuse for Pelosi caving on exempting large companies from mandatory sick leave? That’s a game of chicken she could have easily won if she stuck to her guns, but in the end her corporate overlords wanted an exemption the same way Trump and McConnells overlords did.

reports are that pelosi is playing a longer game-

getting some legislation done quickly now-
then returning and adding the sick pay and other provisions in the coming days/weeks


moscow mitch aint gonna play along nicely- so pelosi has to factor in that douche cunt mcconnel

Will Hunting
03-16-2020, 11:53 AM
reports are that pelosi is playing a longer game-

getting some legislation done quickly now-
then returning and adding the sick pay and other provisions in the coming days/weeks


moscow mitch aint gonna play along nicely- so pelosi has to factor in that douche cunt mcconnel
Yeah heard that before. they’ve been playing “the long game” with Cocaine Mitch since 2009. The truth is that they’re fine with the status quo and have no sense of urgency to get anything meaningful done.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 11:55 AM
Not to mention ^ what bullshit legislation the repukes will try to cram in the first bills while the country is crumbling all around-

delaying any legislation...

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 11:56 AM
Yeah heard that before. they’ve been playing “the long game” with Cocaine Mitch since 2009. The truth is that they’re fine with the status quo and have no sense of urgency to get anything meaningful done.


but what else do you do?

i can see pelosi trying to help citizens while fucking repuke senators insert FISA shit and biden/ukraine garbage

Will Hunting
03-16-2020, 11:57 AM

but what else do you do?

i can see pelosi trying to help citizens while fucking repuke senators insert FISA shit and biden/ukraine garbage
You play chicken and refuse to compromise on certain things the same way Cocaine Mitch does.

03-16-2020, 11:59 AM
Trump president, not Hillary.

The suggestion that Clinton would have done better is stupid because she's not in office. Trump is. You don't need to compare Trump with the counter-factual of President Hillary Clinton to say that Trump has completely and utterly fucked this up. People that need to resort to the "Clinton could have done this better" are doing themselves a disservice by playing exactly into one of Dear Leader's talking points. It doesn't take much to point out how Dear Leader has fucked up the immediate response to the crisis - something that can be easily done without reference to other shit.

03-16-2020, 12:08 PM

Repug willful, intentional MISgovernment has succeeded wildly

03-16-2020, 12:21 PM
A week after the first American was diagnosed with the virus in January Trump said, “We have it totally under control.”

On February 24 he sent the same message, tweeting: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”

Trump’s spin, echoed by his choir in right-wing media, continued to downplay the public health crisis and dismissed the need to declare a national emergency.

He predicted on February 26 that the number of infections is “going very substantially down, not up” and in “a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

Incredibly, on February 28 he put more spin on the message by saying: “It’s going to disappear…like a miracle — it will disappear.”


et tu Fox News Channel?

03-16-2020, 12:38 PM

et tu Fox News Channel?

The fundamental principles behind good public health communication are stunningly simple and obvious :

Be consistent. Be accurate. Don’t withhold vital information. And above all, don’t let anyone on to the podium without the preparation, knowledge and discipline to deliver vital Health messages.

Straight from the CDC manual based on botched public health responses in the past.

Well it’s pretty obvious the current administration does not work like this. Who is in charge now and delivering the statements? is it Pence or Jared Kushner or has that changed again? Trump flies by the seat of his pants and you just don’t do this as a good leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

Just like NK. We know fat leader and how he plays. Trump then relies on his self perceived powers of self personal persuasion. Well good luck convincing a virus and the people of the US after 3 years of lying and slight of hand victories created by botching a situation first.

After this is over I can’t wait to hear how Trump personally stopped a total catastrophe.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 01:26 PM
You play chicken and refuse to compromise on certain things the same way Cocaine Mitch does.

of course i agree

but maybe she picked option 2: get something now- keep grinding
(at least that seems like a dem talking point i heard from dems over wkend)

03-16-2020, 01:49 PM
The only countries that were ready for this were those that already made their mistakes with SARS last time and were ready this time. Those of us that didn't have SARS are learning the hard way this time around.

03-16-2020, 01:49 PM
of course i agree

but maybe she picked option 2: get something now- keep grinding
(at least that seems like a dem talking point i heard from dems over wkend)

...instead of taking the high road, burying the hatchet & insist on a sit with Him & the entire gamut of necessary (players).

But, let us face it,,,the only reason these "2" are dealing thru Manuchin's phone is because the (danger) is minimal from Corona. If it were lethal like 9/11 they'd head for each other without pause & the sit would occur, like it did nigh on 20 years ago.

So, they can afford to play politics. No (lives) are at stake...just livelihood & most importantly not THEIR livelihood.

03-16-2020, 01:54 PM
& the old man early on (fortnight) stated to eschewing (politics), but, it was 1/2 hearted. He wasn't serious. He wants to thrash "them" for past wounds inflicted and as long "as we're losing thousands upon thousands of flu victims each year to abject silence I ain't going to stop."

"Me neither, buster." - Pelosi.

03-16-2020, 01:56 PM
The only countries that were ready for this were those that already made their mistakes with SARS last time and were ready this time. Those of us that didn't have SARS are learning the hard way this time around.


If Trash and his kakistocracy had reacted to what was going in China in early January, containment in USA was in reach.

Trash personally destaffed, silenced the govt to protect his own personal reputation, reelection campaign, played it down, and still does.

USA, at least the non-Repug USA, didn't need a serious SARS history to react and manage covid-19 effectively.

03-16-2020, 02:00 PM

We'd better get that zombie to work stat, amirite?

03-16-2020, 02:01 PM
The only countries that were ready for this were those that already made their mistakes with SARS last time and were ready this time. Those of us that didn't have SARS are learning the hard way this time around.

Complete bullshit. Prior experience wouldn't have somehow made Trump not say the stupid shit he's said. Or use WHO's test kits. Or not terminate the PRT.

03-16-2020, 02:03 PM
We'd better get that zombie to work stat, amirite?

Nah, we oughta have some actual adults handle this

03-16-2020, 02:06 PM
Nah, we oughta have some actual adults handle this

I thought the government was supposed to take care of you?

03-16-2020, 02:10 PM
I thought the government was supposed to take care of you?

Not surprised you think that's what's being said.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 02:15 PM
& the old man early on (fortnight) stated to eschewing (politics), but, it was 1/2 hearted. He wasn't serious. He wants to thrash "them" for past wounds inflicted and as long "as we're losing thousands upon thousands of flu victims each year to abject silence I ain't going to stop."

"Me neither, buster." - Pelosi.

complete horseshit culb

there would be zero “past wounds” or whatever garbage you spew

if the criminal would have reported the russian advances on day 1

call the fbi/ report russia and win election fair and square

but he didnt and any “wounds” to this traitor henceforth are self-inflicted and are justified

no fantasy that the “other side” or the whataboutism russian tactic apply

simply a criminal who will eventually be prosecuted

03-16-2020, 02:15 PM

03-16-2020, 02:22 PM
A retard screaming things doesn't make it so. Just ask kori. You're both pretty similar, except kori works.

i'm nothing like that faggot bouts nor your faggot ass either. :tu

03-16-2020, 02:34 PM
complete horseshit culb

there would be zero “past wounds” or whatever garbage you spew

if the criminal would have reported the russian advances on day 1

call the fbi/ report russia and win election fair and square

but he didnt and any “wounds” to this traitor henceforth are self-inflicted and are justified

no fantasy that the “other side” or the whataboutism russian tactic apply

simply a criminal who will eventually be prosecuted

You're blinded by hate, Homer...& frankly for no other reason than He made President. You can't get over it.

03-16-2020, 03:16 PM
Not surprised you think that's what's being said.

Government's not supposed to take care of you?

03-16-2020, 03:27 PM
Government's not supposed to take care of you?

You're doing a shit job pushing this talking point. Try harder.

03-16-2020, 03:29 PM
You're doing a shit job pushing this talking point. Try harder.

Talking point? This is supposedly a core belief for you. :lmao

03-16-2020, 03:30 PM
This is supposedly a core belief for you. :lmao

Nope. Try harder.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 03:38 PM
You're blinded by hate, Homer...& frankly for no other reason than He made President. You can't get over it.

you just cannot fathom anyone not subscribing to “fandom” like you and your idiot complicit cult brothers

or the opposite side of people who still subscribe to all this being a red vs blue game

i give a shit about this country and the rule of law and if trump was just an incompetent fool or a guy “out of his depth”
i would not give two shits-
i would merely shrug and call it “politics as usual” and that is it

if he had won fair and square and was a LEGITIMATE president- it would be the same-
i would just blame stupid americans for legitimately voting him in

but it is nowhere near that

he is a criminal and dangerous to our country and to our planet
and he is planted in our govt by an enemy foreign govt

wake the fuck up already

03-16-2020, 03:40 PM
you just cannot fathom anyone not subscribing to “fandom” like you and your idiot complicit cult brothers

or the opposite side of people who still subscribe to all this being a red vs blue game

i give a shit about this country and the rule of law and if trump was just an incompetent fool or a guy “out of his depth”
i would not give two shits-
i would merely shrug and call it “politics as usual” and that is it

if he had won fair and square and was a LEGITIMATE president- it would be the same-
i would just blame stupid americans for legitimately voting him in

but it is nowhere near that

he is a criminal and dangerous to our country and to our planet
and he is planted in our govt by an enemy foreign govt

wake the fuck up already

...then you move into the name calling, Homer.

You'll be fine if you persevere come November. Until then you're going to be a hand full.

03-16-2020, 03:44 PM
Nope. Try harder.

A tip, bro: Own your shit. You're coming off as a joke right now.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 03:45 PM
...then you move into the name calling, Homer.

You'll be fine if you persevere come November. Until then you're going to be a hand full.

you are an adult

you have lived thru our countrys burdens

you KNOW the sacrifices that american patriots made-
maybe you or someone dear to you made those sacrifices

i have no warm fuzzy feelings for people complicit in our country being destroyed from within
i have zero respect for people that refuse to wake up from their cult blindness and their willful complicity

03-16-2020, 03:49 PM
you are an adult

you have lived thru our countrys burdens

you KNOW the sacrifices that american patriots made-
maybe you or someone dear to you made those sacrifices

i have no warm fuzzy feelings for people complicit in our country being destroyed from within
i have zero respect for people that refuse to wake up from their cult blindness and their willful complicity

Just don't come right out & call me names. Please.

03-16-2020, 03:50 PM
A tip, bro: Own your shit. You're coming off as a joke right now.

If I had said "government should take care of us," you would have quoted it back at me. You didn't. Because I never said that.

The only joke right now is your dumb fucking attempt to push a talking point. Own your shit bro.

03-16-2020, 03:56 PM
If I had said "government should take care of us," you would have quoted it back at me. You didn't. Because I never said that.

The only joke right now is your dumb fucking attempt to push a talking point. Own your shit bro.

Cos you know they won't take care of you when the rubber hits the road. But you'll be whining about how they're not coddling you enough once the 'pandemic' is over.

03-16-2020, 03:58 PM
Cos you know they won't take care of you when the rubber hits the road. But you'll be whining about how they're not coddling you enough once the 'pandemic' is over.

Quote me.

03-16-2020, 04:02 PM
i'm nothing like that faggot bouts nor your faggot ass either. :tu

No, you're just like Boots; a giant whiner everyone shits on. That's it, that's all. :tu

03-16-2020, 04:05 PM
A tip, bro: Own your shit. You're coming off as a joke right now.

No qualms there, that's your expertise.

03-16-2020, 04:07 PM
Spain just nationalized hospitals and health care.


03-16-2020, 04:10 PM
A tip, bro: Own your shit. You're coming off as a joke right now.

Spurter can say say this without turning green, his head doing a 360 and then vomiting.

The fckn irony...

03-16-2020, 04:14 PM
Complete bullshit. Prior experience wouldn't have somehow made Trump not say the stupid shit he's said. Or use WHO's test kits. Or not terminate the PRT.

I never saw where Trump ordered the CDC to not use the WHO test and to develop their own test. Can you provide a link? I am more than willing to believe you if you can corroborate the claim.

03-16-2020, 04:17 PM
Quote me.

You've been sipping that kool aid for years, bruh.

03-16-2020, 04:18 PM
I never saw where Trump ordered the CDC to not use the WHO test and to develop their own test. Can you provide a link? I am more than willing to believe you if you can corroborate the claim.

On Saturday Jan. 11 — a month and a half before the first Covid-19 case not linked to travel was diagnosed in the United States — Chinese scientists posted the genome of the mysterious new virus, and within a week virologists in Berlin had produced the first diagnostic test for the disease.

Soon after, researchers in other nations rolled out their own tests, too, sometimes with different genetic targets. By the end of February, the World Health Organization had shipped tests to nearly 60 countries.

The United States was not among them.

Why the United States declined to use the WHO test, even temporarily as a bridge until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could produce its own test, remains a perplexing question and the key to the Trump administration’s failure to provide enough tests to identify the coronavirus infections before they could be passed on, according to POLITICO interviews with dozens of viral-disease experts, former officials and some officials within the administration’s health agencies.


03-16-2020, 04:18 PM
You've been sipping that kool aid for years, bruh.

Quote me.

03-16-2020, 04:19 PM
Spurter can say say this without turning green, his head doing a 360 and then vomiting.

The fckn irony...

Cuck Garden lashing out.

03-16-2020, 04:20 PM
& vice versa...She ain't no better & you know it.

Pelosi probably died 8 years ago, tbh, this is probably a robot...

03-16-2020, 04:22 PM

So the CDC decided to use their own test. Thanks. That's what I had read.

03-16-2020, 04:24 PM
Wayne Co., MI passes a moratorium on tax foreclosures.

03-16-2020, 04:29 PM
States and localities are doing stuff that makes a difference:


03-16-2020, 04:32 PM

what's wrong with that guy? his head is pointed and/or his hat don't fit? what's he hiding in there? :lol

03-16-2020, 04:43 PM
Quote me.

You don't trust the government at the end of the day :tu

03-16-2020, 05:08 PM
You don't trust the government at the end of the day :tu

Quote me or say you can't and you made this talking point up like a little bitch

03-16-2020, 05:11 PM

what's wrong with that guy? his is pointed and/or his hat don't fit? what's he hiding in there? :lol

That's how the Statie's hats here fit on them. lol

03-16-2020, 05:12 PM
Cuck Garden lashing out.

Contradiction Cuck Call bruh...

Bite on it.

Spurs Homer
03-16-2020, 05:12 PM
Pelosi probably died 8 years ago, tbh, this is probably a robot...

shit worked for decades with Keith Richards -

03-16-2020, 05:13 PM
States and localities are doing stuff that makes a difference:


Turn that A/C down to 59 degrees!

03-16-2020, 06:30 PM
Contradiction Cuck Call bruh...

Bite on it.

I don't speak cuckerish.

03-16-2020, 06:31 PM
Quote me or say you can't and you made this talking point up like a little bitch

You don't trust the government to take care of you. You've said as much in this thread.

03-16-2020, 06:31 PM
I don't speak cuckerish.

But you do understand it.


03-16-2020, 06:32 PM
I don't speak cuckerish.

You use the word more than anyone here Peter Pan.

03-16-2020, 06:36 PM
You use the word more than anyone here Peter Pan.

Japanese. I just said it; I must speak it.

03-16-2020, 06:37 PM
But you do understand it.


I do understand the meandering ways of you and your fellow betas.

03-16-2020, 06:40 PM
Japanese. I just said it; I must speak it.

You know it, you live it.

Look at your ragged hand and beat up Johnson.
Thats right, women adore you.

03-16-2020, 06:43 PM
I do understand the meandering ways of you and your fellow betas.

Says the alpha who gets his shit pushed more than anyone on this board.
Such a fake wanna be.


03-16-2020, 07:32 PM
States and localities are doing stuff that makes a difference:


Its a new world out there. Some officials get it.
Im sure there's a ton of stories out there of businesses and people helping others that we will never hear about. In my hometown the local Sonic is donating breakfast and lunch to school kids who eat at school....all they have to do is come by Sonic at a particular time in the morning and at a time at lunch.

03-16-2020, 08:15 PM
This shit is revealing the failure of many "institutions." It shows we need not to be retardedly reliant on China for pretty much everything. Like it or not, their manufacturing is the lifeblood of our economy, and when supply chains are affected by even a percentage point, we see the chaos that causes.

It should also illustrate what a clusterfuck of waste, inefficiency, and grift privatized healthcare is. South Korea has universal healthcare and their response to this was exceptional, since their leaders didn't have to play paddycake with private insurers and pharmaceutical companies.

Unlike countries with centralized, government-based health care systems, the U.S. response is fragmented between public labs and private efforts by hospitals, universities and diagnostic companies.


To make an analogy, think of the coronavirus as a country we're at war with. How quickly does the American military act when faced with a threat? After 9/11, the Taliban was bombed into oblivion in about 2 minutes. Now imagine how sluggish that response would've been if you had to coordinate things between hundreds of different private and public entities.

It should reveal what selfish pieces of shit our "billionaire class" is, and show to people that they aren't "heroes" to emulate nor deserving of the corporate welfare they receive. We could see a microcosm of their mentality by looking at how NBA players stepped up to the plate with donations to help workers affected by the league's shutdown before the owners.

Thankfully, some players stepped in and got the ball rolling. Cavs forward Kevin Love kicked things off, pledging $100,000 for Cleveland arena workers (prompting Cavs owner and Comic Sans enthusiast Dan Gilbert, worth $6.8 billion, to commit to a vague “compensation plan” for arena employees). He has thus far been joined by reigning MVP and immigrant legend Giannis Antetokounmpo (Bucks owner Wes Edens, worth $2.5 billion, matched his generous offering, effectively shamed into action by a 25-year-old professional athlete), and has thus far been joined by New Orleans phenom Zion Williamson (Pelicans owner Gayle Benson is worth $3 billion), and Pistons forward Blake Griffin (Pistons owner Tom Gores is worth a whopping $19.5 billion).

I don’t want to minimize the generosity of the players here. A crisis exposes who we really are, and they have shown that they are at least tangentially aware of the people who make what they do possible, and willing to help. But this crisis has also exposed the true faces of their employers and those are, well, being penny-pinching misers despite having more money than they will ever be able to spend.

Thus, this should illustrate the "failure" of our tax bracket system. Billionaires won't part with any cent they lucked into (and yes, they've lucked into it more than earned it) unless we tell them to. 1950s America (the "great America") had this figured out.

03-16-2020, 08:24 PM
Governments of many western countries failing. I'm guessing the speed of transmission, plus lack of Chinese transparency, and easy international travel may have contributed. Not to mention the "novel" nature of this virus.

03-16-2020, 08:42 PM
America 1945-1975 was an anomalous period historically.

As the oligarchy/VRWC go organized in the 1970s, in reaction to the 1930s progress and postwar "progress" to degrade the USA to the historical, ancient mean of a few powerful, wealthy men operating, aka Capitalists owning a society to maintain/increase its power and wealth, while Labor power and wealth were crushed.

03-16-2020, 08:44 PM
Its a new world out there. Some officials get it.
Im sure there's a ton of stories out there of businesses and people helping others that we will never hear about. In my hometown the local Sonic is donating breakfast and lunch to school kids who eat at school....all they have to do is come by Sonic at a particular time in the morning and at a time at lunch.

The old boy on the right can't speak a lick of sign language, he's locking and popping.

03-16-2020, 08:44 PM
You don't trust the government to take care of you. You've said as much in this thread.

Quote me or own up to being a little bitch

03-16-2020, 08:59 PM
Says the alpha who gets his shit pushed more than anyone on this board.
Such a fake wanna be.


:lol Just cos you found an echo chamber, you feel validated.

03-16-2020, 09:00 PM
Quote me or own up to being a little bitch

Stop lashing out. Do you trust the government to take care of you or not?

03-16-2020, 09:03 PM
This thing caught us with our pants down. No doubt.

Thank God Dr. Fauci is still around. I have no doubt he had something to do with Trump's sudden shift.

That man is a national treasure. Fauci, not Trump.

03-16-2020, 09:07 PM
:lol Just cos you found an echo chamber, you feel validated.

Lashing out, echo chamber...

Call me a defibrillating pile of worthless gristle.
Just use something, ANYTHING, new.

Oatmeal for brains...

03-16-2020, 09:10 PM
This thing caught us with our pants down. No doubt.

Thank God Dr. Fauci is still around. I have no doubt he had something to do with Trump's sudden shift.

That man is a national treasure. Fauci, not Trump.

That video when Trump looked back at "Tony" and said right Tony?
Fauci lifted his hands in the air with a wtf...

03-16-2020, 09:22 PM
Stop lashing out. Do you trust the government to take care of you or not?

The government "takes care" of all us through laws. "Laws" are a government run program, just like social security or NASA. There is no such thing as small government. Never has been, never will be. The alternative is anarchy. But what will happen in an anarchy is that it will reward a might makes right ethos much more than a society with a participatory republic or democracy.

The best system is a blending of anarchy and government. Anarchy in terms of behavior that doesn't violate the non-aggression principle (to cop a libertarian idea) and government of behavior that does violate that principle, like murder, theft, etc. The liberal/conservative divide comes from disagreement about what is and isn't aggressive, anti-social behavior beyond the obvious. Conservatives feel abortion is murder, while liberals believe it's up to the woman's right to choose. Taxation. Liberals feel a billionaire using his tax breaks to buy back stock while he lays off workers is an anti-social behavior, while conservatives applaud it as clever business. And so on.

03-16-2020, 09:26 PM
Lashing out, echo chamber...

Call me a defibrillating pile of worthless gristle.
Just use something, ANYTHING, new.

Oatmeal for brains...

You don't get a high bar for assessment when you're besties are the likes of Blake, bruh. Come to terms.

03-17-2020, 09:01 AM
Stop lashing out. Do you trust the government to take care of you or not?

More fake talking points from the forums resident little bitch

03-17-2020, 09:52 AM
But you do understand it.


We all know what is in his browser porn history... :lol

03-17-2020, 10:00 AM
Governments of many western countries failing. I'm guessing the speed of transmission, plus lack of Chinese transparency, and easy international travel may have contributed. Not to mention the "novel" nature of this virus.China botched the outbreak for sure, what's the lack of transparency you're referring to and how did that contribute to western governments failing?

03-17-2020, 10:06 AM
China botched the outbreak for sure, what's the lack of transparency you're referring to and how did that contribute to western governments failing?

Fox News is desperately spinning "it's China's fault". Being cooped up with my dad, I get to watch more of it than I would normally. Expect Darrins of the world to be regurgitating the party line a lot. You will see more things on how the Chinese are doing bad things. The "China virus" or "Wuhan virus" messaging is their usual attempt to control the narrative, by controlling the terms of the debate. "abortion kills babies" (it doesn't), rich people are "job creators" (they aren't), the estate tax is a "Death Tax" (it isn't)

It is funny to watch Fox news and then see how long it takes for CosmicCowboy, Darrin, and the like to pick up the threads...

03-17-2020, 10:10 AM
You don't get a high bar for assessment when you're besties are the likes of Blake (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=3460), bruh. Come to terms.

Really.... On a sports forum.

No one would claim me as a bestie nor I them.
I do find some of the novel humor on here quite amusing.

03-17-2020, 10:24 AM
Fox News is desperately spinning "it's China's fault". Being cooped up with my dad, I get to watch more of it than I would normally. Expect Darrins of the world to be regurgitating the party line a lot. You will see more things on how the Chinese are doing bad things. The "China virus" or "Wuhan virus" messaging is their usual attempt to control the narrative, by controlling the terms of the debate. "abortion kills babies" (it doesn't), rich people are "job creators" (they aren't), the estate tax is a "Death Tax" (it isn't)

It is funny to watch Fox news and then see how long it takes for CosmicCowboy, Darrin, and the like to pick up the threads...

Look out for "Kung-Flu", coming to a Fox news show near you soon

03-17-2020, 10:33 AM
Boiled down, extreme distancing is wrecking our economy because we couldn't establish wise-scale testing fast enough to do effective tracking and containment.

Millions will lose work, millions more will get sick, and tens of thousands will die, because our government prioritized DJT's reelection over our health and safety.

03-17-2020, 11:26 AM
Fox News is desperately spinning "it's China's fault". Being cooped up with my dad, I get to watch more of it than I would normally. Expect Darrins of the world to be regurgitating the party line a lot. You will see more things on how the Chinese are doing bad things. The "China virus" or "Wuhan virus" messaging is their usual attempt to control the narrative, by controlling the terms of the debate. "abortion kills babies" (it doesn't), rich people are "job creators" (they aren't), the estate tax is a "Death Tax" (it isn't)

It is funny to watch Fox news and then see how long it takes for CosmicCowboy, Darrin, and the like to pick up the threads...

Another RG fail. I don't watch Fox.

03-17-2020, 11:33 AM
Fox News is desperately spinning "it's China's fault". Being cooped up with my dad, I get to watch more of it than I would normally. Expect Darrins of the world to be regurgitating the party line a lot. You will see more things on how the Chinese are doing bad things. The "China virus" or "Wuhan virus" messaging is their usual attempt to control the narrative, by controlling the terms of the debate. "abortion kills babies" (it doesn't), rich people are "job creators" (they aren't), the estate tax is a "Death Tax" (it isn't)

It is funny to watch Fox news and then see how long it takes for CosmicCowboy, Darrin, and the like to pick up the threads...

Yeah, Trump is already hinting at how he'll spin this disaster to use as fodder during his reelection bid. "See, I was right about tight borders all along! When you let those dirty foreigners freely come into our country, they bring disease like the 'Chinese Virus.' "

03-17-2020, 01:38 PM
No, you're just like Boots; a giant whiner everyone shits on. That's it, that's all. :tu

Whatever you say you whiteknight of the ST faggots.

03-17-2020, 02:18 PM
Really.... On a sports forum.

No one would claim me as a bestie nor I them.
I do find some of the novel humor on here quite amusing.

Gave you the dignity of that over jerk-off buddies. But if you insist. :lol

03-17-2020, 02:19 PM
More fake talking points from the forums resident little bitch

It's a simple concept that you suddenly don't want to have any stake in.

03-17-2020, 02:21 PM
Yeah, Trump is already hinting at how he'll spin this disaster to use as fodder during his reelection bid. "See, I was right about tight borders all along! When you let those dirty foreigners freely come into our country, they bring disease like the 'Chinese Virus.' "

Trash dsyd he knew it was a pandemic before WHO said it was and gives himself 10/10 on it.

03-17-2020, 02:30 PM
It's a simple concept that you suddenly don't want to have any stake in.

Meaningless prattle. I'm sure you think you're profound, but everyone sees you for the little bitch you are.

And still can't quote VY

03-17-2020, 02:31 PM
Around the time that the United States had tested 11,000 people total, South Korea was testing 10,000 a day. By March 4, according to Eric Topol, the South Koreans were testing 18,000 people a day. The population over there is around 51 million. In the United States, it's 327 million. We're now at 125 tests for every million Americans, which places the U.S. behind Greece and the Czech Republic. Again: the U.S. and South Korea ran into this problem at almost exactly the same time. This is not a pretty picture for the administration run by one Donald J. Trump, who spent the lion's share of that eight-week period downplaying the threat, musing the virus could disappear miraculously, suggesting people were going to work after contracting the virus and it was no big deal, and continually declaring we were on the cusp of having a vaccine available to the public.

None of this was true, and none of it was helpful, and none of it was the kind of thing coming out of governments—like South Korea's, or Hong Kong's, or Singapore's—that have managed this crisis well. While the picture is still a bit murky, it looks like Trump's best move may have shutting down travel from China early, which theoretically bought the U.S. some time to roll out the best preparatory regime possible. Instead of test kits and ventilators and masks, however, we manufactured bullshit. Less than a week ago, Trumpworld would not commit to cancelling future rallies—exactly the kind of large gathering public health experts had been saying should be called off.


03-17-2020, 02:37 PM
Meaningless prattle. I'm sure you think you're profound, but everyone sees you for the little bitch you are.

And still can't quote VY

:lol Look how easily you lash out.

I don't have to be profound when you run like you're running for your life rather than say where you stand on the matter. :lmao

03-17-2020, 02:40 PM
:lol Look how easily you lash out.

I don't have to be profound when you run like you're running for your life rather than say where you stand on the matter. :lmao

I'd be running for my life if you could quote me.

You can't.

You're a tiny little bitch.

03-17-2020, 02:47 PM
I'd be running for my life if you could quote me.

You can't.

You're a tiny little bitch.

I've seen you intermittently crying about this stuff for a few years now.

Don't lash out that you're not very quotable.

Also, I'm not the bitch running. I'm straight-up pressing you on the subject of the thread, and you got nothing.

03-17-2020, 02:52 PM
I've seen you intermittently crying about this stuff for a few years now.

Don't lash out that you're not very quotable.

Also, I'm not the bitch running. I'm straight-up pressing you on the subject of the thread, and you got nothing.

Been watching me for years, like a little bitch

Using same tired talking points, like a little bitch

Can't quote me or talk substance, like a little bitch

03-17-2020, 02:53 PM
The Coronavirus Calls for Wartime Economic Thinking

“It’s going to be catastrophic,” Shepherdson said bluntly. “This is an economy built on discretionary consumption.”

This will result in a sharp rise in unemployment and in negative G.D.P. growth—in other words, a recession.

“The U.S. economy is shrinking as we speak—I have no doubt at all about that,”

some Wall Street economists suggested that the G.D.P. could fall at an annualized rate of five per cent in the second quarter of this year.

Shepherdson believes the downturn could be even more severe than that, with the G.D.P. contracting at a rate of about ten per cent.

a substantial stimulus package

“I am in the one-trillion-to-two-trillion-dollar camp, preferably by dinner time,”

“I think they should be just throwing money at people and businesses that are in the front line.

Cash has to be given out to households.

Cash has to be given out to small businesses.

Cash has to be given out to gig workers.

I don’t know what the figures are for Uber drivers, but they are probably catastrophic.”

https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-coronavirus-calls-for-wartime-economic-thinking?source=EDT_NYR_EDIT_NEWSLETTER_0_imagenew sletter_Daily_ZZ&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_031720&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&esrc=&mbid=&utm_term=TNY_Daily (https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-coronavirus-calls-for-wartime-economic-thinking?source=EDT_NYR_EDIT_NEWSLETTER_0_imagenew sletter_Daily_ZZ&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_031720&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&esrc=&mbid=&utm_term=TNY_Daily)

03-17-2020, 02:54 PM
Been watching me for years, like a little bitch

Using same tired talking points, like a little bitch

Can't quote me or talk substance, like a little bitch

No talking point. I've asked you what you think government's exact role should be in this stuff, and you've ran like "a little bitch."

It's cool though. You do you.

03-17-2020, 03:18 PM
I've asked you what you think government's exact role should be in this stuff


I thought the government was supposed to take care of you?

Government's not supposed to take care of you?

But you'll be whining about how they're not coddling you enough once the 'pandemic' is over.

You don't trust the government to take care of you.

Do you trust the government to take care of you or not?

And so on.

You've been pushing the same shitty talking point about the government "taking care of" or "coddling" me. If you want to know my thoughts on what the government should be doing, I'm happy to have that conversation. But I don't think you do because you wanna push a talking point. Because you're a little bitch.

03-17-2020, 05:53 PM

And so on.

You've been pushing the same shitty talking point about the government "taking care of" or "coddling" me. If you want to know my thoughts on what the government should be doing, I'm happy to have that conversation. But I don't think you do because you wanna push a talking point. Because you're a little bitch.

There's no need to push anything at this point. You've shown that you're a shrinking betty with no backbone.

03-17-2020, 06:48 PM

03-17-2020, 07:14 PM
So, a bunch of hospitality industry folks are now forbidden from working, are their landlords forbidden from charging them rent?

If not, why not?

03-17-2020, 07:18 PM
So, a bunch of hospitality industry folks are now forbidden from working, are their landlords forbidden from charging them rent?

If not, why not?

Assuming there are no force majeure clauses in their leases (which likely is the case), there's the practical consideration that a jury is likely going to nullify the tenant's liability, which means landlord's aren't going to pay lawyers hourly to prosecute claims that have no chance of success.

03-17-2020, 08:21 PM

Bruh, you white flagged it from the get go. You cannot say what you expect of government.

03-17-2020, 08:51 PM
Bruh, you white flagged it from the get go. You cannot say what you expect of government.

Bruh, you never asked. You pushed a stupid fucking talking point that got crammed down your already gaping asshole.

You asking me now, bruh? Just answer yes or no.

Will Hunting
03-17-2020, 08:54 PM
Assuming there are no force majeure clauses in their leases (which likely is the case), there's the practical consideration that a jury is likely going to nullify the tenant's liability, which means landlord's aren't going to pay lawyers hourly to prosecute claims that have no chance of success.
Agreed completely re pursuit of unpaid rent but the landlord is still going to evict an occupant who can’t pay rent to get a tenant who can.

If all we do is shut part of the economy down with no safety net for people getting screwed we’ll have hundreds of thousands of people on the street a lot sooner than people think.

You can either deal with this by putting no restrictions in place and telling everyone to bootstrap it or putting safety nets in place that help the whole population. Forcing millions of workers to stop earning money with no solution for how they can pay rent in order to help decripit old people that are at risk of getting sick is horseshit boomer favoritism.

03-17-2020, 09:01 PM
Agreed completely re pursuit of unpaid rent but the landlord is still going to evict an occupant who can’t pay rent to get a tenant who can.

If all we do is shut part of the economy down with no safety net for people getting screwed we’ll have hundreds of thousands of people on the street a lot sooner than people think.

You can either deal with this by putting no restrictions in place and telling everyone to bootstrap it or putting safety nets in place that help the whole population. Forcing millions of workers to stop earning money with no solution for how they can pay rent in order to help decripit old people are at risk of getting sick is horseshit boomer favoritism.

Can’t evict if the courthouse is closed ...


Will Hunting
03-17-2020, 09:02 PM
Can’t evict if the courthouse is closed ...

Is the courthouse closed though?

I plan to sue someone in the next month or so so I hope they stay open :lol

03-17-2020, 09:03 PM
Agreed completely re pursuit of unpaid rent but the landlord is still going to evict an occupant who can’t pay rent to get a tenant who can.

If all we do is shut part of the economy down with no safety net for people getting screwed we’ll have hundreds of thousands of people on the street a lot sooner than people think.

You can either deal with this by putting no restrictions in place and telling everyone to bootstrap it or putting safety nets in place that help the whole population. Forcing millions of workers to stop earning money with no solution for how they can pay rent in order to help decripit old people that are at risk of getting sick is horseshit boomer favoritism.

In all seriousness, your fundamental point about some kind of backstop/social safety net is 100% right. I just think that, based on what’s been said about the different bailout packages, some form of safety net will be provided. It’ll likely be a matter of how robust those protections are.

03-17-2020, 09:06 PM
Is the courthouse closed though?

I plan to sue someone in the next month or so so I hope they stay open :lol

Depends on where you are but here in Texas, courts are closed (except for emergencies like TROs) until early May.

You can file suit, but actual litigation is slowing down now. It’ll explode in a couple months, but it’s hella slow now.

Lemme know if you need a lawyer. I offer COVID19 discounts to all spurstalk posters ...

Will Hunting
03-17-2020, 09:08 PM
Depends on where you are but here in Texas, courts are closed (except for emergencies like TROs) until early May.

You can file suit, but actual litigation is slowing down now. It’ll explode in a couple months, but it’s hella slow now.

Lemme know if you need a lawyer. I offer COVID19 discounts to all spurstalk posters ...
It’s a legal malpractice suit that is actually bound by JAMS arbitration. Was going to file in court first and force them to motion for arbitration just to be an asshole but now I’ll probably just go straight to arbitration :lol

03-17-2020, 09:24 PM
It’s a legal malpractice suit that is actually bound by JAMS arbitration. Was going to file in court first and force them to motion for arbitration just to be an asshole but now I’ll probably just go straight to arbitration :lol
if you were in CA i'd probably tell you to just file because CA has very strict rules about arbitration enforceability, and its worth a shot

plus strategically, gives you a minor amount of leverage if you want to get a preliminary resolution because of the anticipated cost of bringing a motion to enforce arbitration

but if the amount in question is so large that 2-3k in attorneys fess for the motion isn't even going to be a drop in the bucket, then yeah different story

03-17-2020, 09:24 PM
Depends on where you are but here in Texas, courts are closed (except for emergencies like TROs) until early May.

You can file suit, but actual litigation is slowing down now. It’ll explode in a couple months, but it’s hella slow now.

Lemme know if you need a lawyer. I offer COVID19 discounts to all spurstalk posters ...

Do you take 1000 dollar government checks?

03-17-2020, 09:26 PM
Agreed completely re pursuit of unpaid rent but the landlord is still going to evict an occupant who can’t pay rent to get a tenant who can.

If all we do is shut part of the economy down with no safety net for people getting screwed we’ll have hundreds of thousands of people on the street a lot sooner than people think.

You can either deal with this by putting no restrictions in place and telling everyone to bootstrap it or putting safety nets in place that help the whole population. Forcing millions of workers to stop earning money with no solution for how they can pay rent in order to help decripit old people that are at risk of getting sick is horseshit boomer favoritism.

This is why Trump built tent cities under overpasses all over the country.

03-17-2020, 09:32 PM
Agreed completely re pursuit of unpaid rent but the landlord is still going to evict an occupant who can’t pay rent to get a tenant who can.

If all we do is shut part of the economy down with no safety net for people getting screwed we’ll have hundreds of thousands of people on the street a lot sooner than people think.

You can either deal with this by putting no restrictions in place and telling everyone to bootstrap it or putting safety nets in place that help the whole population. Forcing millions of workers to stop earning money with no solution for how they can pay rent in order to help decripit old people that are at risk of getting sick is horseshit boomer favoritism.

Also, props on calling UBI. The number of Congress people coming out in support of it now is a pretty good sign tbh

03-17-2020, 09:34 PM
GOP sure became the party of free shit in a hurry.

For the GOP to take the initiative on unconditional cash transfers and UBI is a disaster for the Dems, if they manage to beat the Dems to nationalizing health care, we could have a Trump in WH for the next 20 years.

03-17-2020, 09:37 PM
GOP sure became the party of free shit in a hurry.

For the GOP to take the initiative on unconditional cash transfers and UBI is a disaster for the Dems, if they manage to beat the Dems to nationalizing health care, we could have a Trump in WH for the next 20 years.
if they're going to be the party of nationalized healthcare and ubi then perhaps thats who should be in office. certainly there are other issues and considerations, but i dont have to be anti-nationalized healthcare just because republicans are doing it

03-17-2020, 09:38 PM
if they're going to be the party of nationalized healthcare and ubi then perhaps thats who should be in office. certainly there are other issues and considerations, but i dont have to be anti-nationalized healthcare just because republicans are doing it

Exactly. Parties don’t own ideas.

03-17-2020, 09:47 PM
GOP sure became the party of free shit in a hurry.

For the GOP to take the initiative on unconditional cash transfers and UBI is a disaster for the Dems, if they manage to beat the Dems to nationalizing health care, we could have a Trump in WH for the next 20 years.

Cash transfer from who to who? It’s paid for with national debt and the GOP will be aiming to cut social security and Medicare to pay for it.

03-17-2020, 10:16 PM
“Right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test,” he said. “They’re there, they have the tests, and the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test.”


03-17-2020, 10:20 PM
Multiple cities suspend evictions during coronavirus crisis

Multiple cities across the country are suspending evictions during the coronavirus crisis.

Officials in Denver, Seattle, San Francisco and San Antonio, as well as New York state, have announced a suspension in evictions during the outbreak, acknowledging that residents might have lost income and cannot afford to pay rent.

These bans on evictions mean that property owners cannot file for new evictions, and existing eviction cases will not be addressed until later.


03-17-2020, 10:26 PM
if they're going to be the party of nationalized healthcare and ubi then perhaps thats who should be in office. certainly there are other issues and considerations, but i dont have to be anti-nationalized healthcare just because republicans are doing itI quite agree

03-17-2020, 10:29 PM
Cash transfer from who to who? It’s paid for with national debt and the GOP will be aiming to cut social security and Medicare to pay for it.Checks written to every American. Romney proposed 1000 bucks.

The incipient recession will postpone cuts to Medicare and SS -- GOP is talking about expanding it right now.

03-17-2020, 10:46 PM
Checks written to every American. Romney proposed 1000 bucks.

The incipient recession will postpone cuts to Medicare and SS -- GOP is talking about expanding it right now.

They’re talking about a one time check not expanding SS or Medicare.

03-17-2020, 10:57 PM
Bruh, you never asked. You pushed a stupid fucking talking point that got crammed down your already gaping asshole.

You asking me now, bruh? Just answer yes or no.

"Government's not supposed to take care of you?"

03-17-2020, 11:21 PM
"Government's not supposed to take care of you?"

Then why do ambulances drive on government highways?
Why do you drive on them for a trip to the doctor?

Help. Help in what way because that’s really the debate? They government already helps in basic ways. Oh fck, socialism. Scream socialism as loud as you can derp.

03-17-2020, 11:25 PM
"Government's not supposed to take care of you?"

Little Nancy sticks her ass up when asked a simple yes/no question. Clear sign of submission from this forums resident little bitch.

baseline bum
03-17-2020, 11:29 PM
They’re talking about a one time check not expanding SS or Medicare.

ABC was reporting it's one check next month and one in June I think, each for more than $1000

03-17-2020, 11:30 PM
Little Nancy sticks her ass up when asked a simple yes/no question. Clear sign of submission from this forums resident little bitch.

You've been lashing out pretty hardcore in lieu of standing up for whatever you allegedly believe.

03-17-2020, 11:31 PM
Then why do ambulances drive on government highways?
Why do you drive on them for a trip to the doctor?

Help. Help in what way because that’s really the debate? They government already helps in basic ways. Oh fck, socialism. Scream socialism as loud as you can derp.

Yea, the homeless are quite thankful for those streets and the doctors they can't go to.

03-17-2020, 11:44 PM
They’re talking about a one time check not expanding SS or Medicare.I seem to recall something about giving states waivers to expand Medicare, isn't that roughly correct?

03-18-2020, 10:29 PM
ABC was reporting it's one check next month and one in June I think, each for more than $1000

No bill has even been put on the floor so it’s a fluid situation but it may or may not be two checks - both of which would most likely be means tested.