View Full Version : Dealing with China after this shitshow ends?

03-24-2020, 08:57 PM
Yes, this post is fueled by some anger. There needs to be repercussions against their government for this, as I think it's basically a soft act of war. After the SARS outbreak happened in 2003 due to, just like in this case, their consumption of wild animals and wild animal parts as a "delicacy" or to get their dicks hard, they smartly shut down the wild animal trade only to cave into pressure some time later from those elites who get off on snorting Rhino tusk and eating bats. So strike one against the CCP. Then the same thing happens in this case, and their government did everything and anything to silence information about it, leading to countries not being able to effectively prepare. Strike 2 and 3. Yes, yes, Trump is a fuckstick who didn't take it seriously, and his ass should be on the line for it, but China's lack of transparency is criminal.

And no, I'm not calling for any boots on the ground type shit, but some kind of worldwide stance to refuse to do business with China unless there's government reform (like China becoming a free democracy) and/or reparations to countries hit the hardest.

I know this is all a pipe dream, since once this crisis is over, multinational corporations will return to drink from that endless well of cheap labor that will maximize profits and shareholder return (and we know limped dick shareholders of these companies won't do shit in pressuring companies to act integrity), and us consumers will continue to love 65" 4K televisions for 399.00 (not preaching, I'm guilty as anyone of buying cheaper Made in China alternatives once in a while), but something needs to be done. I could understand if this was an unprecedented event, but SARS was a warning call China didn't heed. No "We didn't see it coming" excuses will fly. Then when it did come, they tried to cover it up.

03-24-2020, 09:13 PM
interesting idea, but it will never happen. We all depend on Chinese exports too much.

03-24-2020, 09:17 PM
interesting idea, but it will never happen. We all depend on Chinese exports too much.

Yeah, the NBA's groveling to them was pathetic during the Hong Kong independence situation. Shows you how many of our huge industries, from sports to electronics, are beholden.

03-24-2020, 09:34 PM
It's difficult, mid. Doesn't mean you're wrong, but it's difficult. One could say we could deal with this like we do with nuclear proliferation: economic penalties until they're in compliance, and have regular international inspections.

However, flip it around. Say the next one comes out of the US, because retard A has a bat fetish. Would those sanctions and inspections fly here? Yeah, that's a no. And so, it's complicated.

03-24-2020, 09:37 PM
We can send some clean bats

03-24-2020, 09:53 PM
We can send some clean bats

Im not touchin them.

-Ace Ventura

03-24-2020, 10:03 PM
It's difficult, mid. Doesn't mean you're wrong, but it's difficult. One could say we could deal with this like we do with nuclear proliferation: economic penalties until they're in compliance, and have regular international inspections.

However, flip it around. Say the next one comes out of the US, because retard A has a bat fetish. Would those sanctions and inspections fly here? Yeah, that's a no. And so, it's complicated.

I'm more blaming China for their suppression of information here. I would think our government won't suppress information about a possible patient zero and/or local outbreak of some new virus strain. And the fact the morons didn't learn from the SARS situation further makes the case. And yeah, I apply those same standards to us. If our government acts badly, I would hope the rest of the world would take them to task in some way or we the people would take them to task. Ex. Climate Change. Trump pulled out of how many treaties? I wouldn't mind the rest of the world standing up and boycotting American products and such until he reenters. But much the same way many are beholden to China, many are beholden to us.

03-25-2020, 12:13 AM
I'm more blaming China for their suppression of information here. I would think our government won't suppress information about a possible patient zero and/or local outbreak of some new virus strain. And the fact the morons didn't learn from the SARS situation further makes the case. And yeah, I apply those same standards to us. If our government acts badly, I would hope the rest of the world would take them to task in some way or we the people would take them to task. Ex. Climate Change. Trump pulled out of how many treaties? I wouldn't mind the rest of the world standing up and boycotting American products and such until he reenters. But much the same way many are beholden to China, many are beholden to us.

I get where you're coming from, and I'm not defending anybody. Just saying that sometimes there's more to it than what is apparent. ie: If Trump really wanted his tariffs to bite, he wouldn't have exempted Apple products from it. But he did, because he understand there are other political repercussions.

03-25-2020, 12:31 AM
I think China is in big trouble and they know it. How Iran reacts to China will be telling of what to expect since Iran has been hit hard by the virus and historically does whatever China tells them to do. If Iran stands up to China then so will MANY countries.

03-25-2020, 12:34 AM
nothin gonna happen to china

03-25-2020, 12:38 AM
interesting idea, but it will never happen. We all depend on Chinese exports too much.2nd biggest holder of US Treasurys too.

03-25-2020, 12:40 AM
2nd biggest holder of US Treasurys too.

Nothing wrong with betting on America. They gonna get paidd

03-25-2020, 12:41 AM
I think China is in big trouble and they know it. How Iran reacts to China will be telling of what to expect since Iran has been hit hard by the virus and historically does whatever China tells them to do. If Iran stands up to China then so will MANY countries.

China playing nice-nice and sending test kits and supplies to overwhelmed countries around the world. Trying to get ahead of the anger

03-25-2020, 11:00 AM
China playing nice-nice and sending test kits and supplies to overwhelmed countries around the world. Trying to get ahead of the anger
I don't think it matters at this point tbh.

LaMarcus Bryant
03-25-2020, 11:02 AM
tactically nuke wet markets ask questions later

03-25-2020, 11:16 AM
Want to punish China?

How about punishing at home first?

"In response to Ebola outbreaks in 2014, President Barack Obama launched the Global Health Security Agenda (https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/07/28/fact-sheet-global-health-security-agenda), directing over $1 billion to global disease prevention and response.

President George W. Bush before him echoed (https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/pandemicflu/) Gates’ talking points—

the importance of detecting outbreaks, stockpiling vaccines, and emergency planning—

in announcing $7.1 billion plans (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1283304/) on pandemic influenza preparations.

Exactly the threat we face today in Covid-19.

Instead of bolstering or even maintaining these initiatives,

Trump disbanded the National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense.

Even before meeting with Gates, Trump declined to renew $600 million (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/02/01/cdc-to-cut-by-80-percent-efforts-to-prevent-global-disease-outbreak/) of funding to the Center for Disease Control to prevent global pandemics,

which had been approved under Obama. :lol :lol :lol

The Trump administration also pushed out homeland security advisor Tom Bossert,

who reportedly (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/05/10/top-white-house-official-in-charge-of-pandemic-response-exits-abruptly/) called for “comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics.”

https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-the-dangers-of-relying-on-philanthropists-during-pandemics/?bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&utm_brand=pol&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=thematic_ballot_03252020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=Thematic_Ballot_Subscribers (https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-the-dangers-of-relying-on-philanthropists-during-pandemics/?bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&utm_brand=pol&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=thematic_ballot_03252020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=Thematic_Ballot_Subscribers)

and you Macho Men want to punish China that holds the balls of American mfrs in its hands? nuke Chinese wet markets? :lol

Spurs Homer
03-25-2020, 11:27 AM
Want to punish China?

How about punishing at home first?

"In response to Ebola outbreaks in 2014, President Barack Obama launched the Global Health Security Agenda (https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2015/07/28/fact-sheet-global-health-security-agenda), directing over $1 billion to global disease prevention and response.

President George W. Bush before him echoed (https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/pandemicflu/) Gates’ talking points—

the importance of detecting outbreaks, stockpiling vaccines, and emergency planning—

in announcing $7.1 billion plans (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1283304/) on pandemic influenza preparations.

Exactly the threat we face today in Covid-19.

Instead of bolstering or even maintaining these initiatives,

Trump disbanded the National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense.

Even before meeting with Gates, Trump declined to renew $600 million (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/02/01/cdc-to-cut-by-80-percent-efforts-to-prevent-global-disease-outbreak/) of funding to the Center for Disease Control to prevent global pandemics,

which had been approved under Obama. :lol :lol :lol

The Trump administration also pushed out homeland security advisor Tom Bossert,

who reportedly (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/05/10/top-white-house-official-in-charge-of-pandemic-response-exits-abruptly/) called for “comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics.”

https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-the-dangers-of-relying-on-philanthropists-during-pandemics/?bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&utm_brand=pol&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=thematic_ballot_03252020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=Thematic_Ballot_Subscribers (https://www.wired.com/story/opinion-the-dangers-of-relying-on-philanthropists-during-pandemics/?bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&utm_brand=pol&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=thematic_ballot_03252020&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=Thematic_Ballot_Subscribers)

and you Macho Men want to punish China that holds the balls of American mfrs in its hands? nuke Chinese wet markets? :lol

yup- this was going to be my point also-

ill just add

what about all the intel info that trump has buried?
what about the mueller cover up?
what about the treason by the entire GOP led by trump?

china is the LEAST of our fucking problems once all of trumps treason and criminality is unearthed.

03-25-2020, 11:29 AM
interesting idea, but it will never happen. We all depend on Chinese exports too much.


in the end china makes the cheapest products in the fastest amount of time

only an idiot would buy more expensive or slower product tbqh

ill be buying chinese wonders for the foreseable future

03-25-2020, 11:30 AM
I think China is in big trouble and they know it. How Iran reacts to China will be telling of what to expect since Iran has been hit hard by the virus and historically does whatever China tells them to do. If Iran stands up to China then so will MANY countries.

china sent millions of medical equipment and chinese teams to help Iran

Iran-Chinese alliance will be stronger after this

03-25-2020, 11:32 AM
one moe note it was not chinas fault we were caught with our pants down tbqh

we had 1% of the necessary equipment ready :lol

our healthcare system is a bloated mess that is not ready for a pandemic


this is our fault

03-25-2020, 11:46 AM
I think China will pay a big and permanent price economically. Many corporations were already in the process of diversifying their supply/manufacturing chains due to the tariff war. This crisis really puts a cherry on the top to hammer home that it is folly to be fully dependent on China. US consumers shouldn't have to worry about their cheap products getting more expensive because corporations will find plenty of poor souls around the world to take advantage of. It's not like they are going to bring it all back to the USA.

03-25-2020, 11:49 AM
I think China will pay a big and permanent price economically. Many corporations were already in the process of diversifying their supply/manufacturing chains due to the tariff war. This crisis really puts a cherry on the top to hammer home that it is folly to be fully dependent on China. US consumers shouldn't have to worry about their cheap products getting more expensive because corporations will find plenty of poor souls around the world to take advantage of. It's not like they are going to bring it all back to the USA.

US corporations maybe but International corporations will always pick the cheaper product

China will evlipse any US production in the real world scenario.

its similar to US shale vs OPEC oil. US has to babysit and prop the industry but it will never really compete with its competitors and will be extremely weak and a money pit

03-25-2020, 11:49 AM
china sent millions of medical equipment and chinese teams to help Iran

Iran-Chinese alliance will be stronger after this
China's lack of competence and transparency is the only reason Iran (and the rest of the world) has the virus.

03-25-2020, 11:52 AM
First step close or severely sanction US markets and cut off all foreign aid to any countries continuing to tolerate practices like wet markets that risk fostering pandemics. Encourage G7 partners to take the same steps

03-25-2020, 11:56 AM
First step close or severely sanction US markets and cut off all foreign aid to any countries continuing to tolerate practices like wet markets that risk fostering pandemics. Encourage G7 partners to take the same steps

The old man was supposed to have cut off aid to these countries way back just after Inauguration Day. It was a ruse. If he did 1/2 of 'em I'd be amazed. Probably less than 1/4, if that.

03-25-2020, 11:58 AM
US corporations maybe but International corporations will always pick the cheaper product

China will evlipse any US production in the real world scenario.

its similar to US shale vs OPEC oil. US has to babysit and prop the industry but it will never really compete with its competitors and will be extremely weak and a money pit

Exactly, (our time) to put the stopper in this particular bottle was in the early '60's...when we was laughing our asses off at -Made in China- labels all over our shit.

& that is why R & D alike haven't even broached a (back to basics) action during Corona.
It's over. It's been over. over-over.

03-25-2020, 12:06 PM
Exactly, (our time) to put the stopper in this particular bottle was in the early '60's...when we was laughing our asses off at -Made in China- labels all over our shit.

& that is why R & D alike haven't even broached a (back to basics) action during Corona.
It's over. It's been over. over-over.

yup the train has left the station


03-25-2020, 12:17 PM
one moe note it was not chinas fault we were caught with our pants down tbqh

we had 1% of the necessary equipment ready :lol

our healthcare system is a bloated mess that is not ready for a pandemic


this is our fault

:lol still continuing your larping as some pro-commie shill.

This WAS China's fault. They didn't permanently close down the wild animal trade after SARS because Xi probably likes to take Rhino horn enemas and eat Sun bear himself. Then when this shitshow hit in Wuhan, they actively suppressed information, resulting in other countries losing crucial days in preparation.


:cry leave China alone :cry

03-25-2020, 12:21 PM
Ive already lost my post 3 times and don't have time to keep going.

Just want to point out that China has sent materials and doctors everywhere including the us. And more importantly they sent the genetic map of the virus to everyone worldwide in early January so that everyone could try and develop a vaccine. Pretty sure that last step is unprecedented,either way hard to qualify this as not cooperating / being opaque.

You want to hold the us to the same standard- was the us transparent with Japan about the nuclear bombs? Was Dupont transparent in Bhopal, were they held accountable? Was Smithfield, or any of the industrial pork industry transparent or held accountable?

Finally re : hong kong and the NBA, is Hong Kong the only market us businesses operate where protestors are brutally repressed? Is it the only one without full democracy? I don't recall people protesting in 1995 when it was a British colony and no more democratic than it is today. In fact, are we really that stupid as to think that the NBA has any power over China? Not apple, Google, car makers, banks, but a sports league is the big leverage the us has over China ? It's a ridiculous controversy

03-25-2020, 12:25 PM
^ And here was the key piece of misinformation from them that likely threw a tsunami of gasoline on the fire:

Jan. 14: WHO announces Chinese authorities have seen "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus."

03-25-2020, 12:26 PM
Ive already lost my post 3 times and don't have time to keep going.

Just want to point out that China has sent materials and doctors everywhere including the us. And more importantly they sent the genetic map of the virus to everyone worldwide in early January so that everyone could try and develop a vaccine. Pretty sure that last step is unprecedented,either way hard to qualify this as not cooperating / being opaque.

You want to hold the us to the same standard- was the us transparent with Japan about the nuclear bombs? Was Dupont transparent in Bhopal, were they held accountable? Was Smithfield, or any of the industrial pork industry transparent or held accountable?

Finally re : hong kong and the NBA, is Hong Kong the only market us businesses operate where protestors are brutally repressed? Is it the only one without full democracy? I don't recall people protesting in 1995 when it was a British colony and no more democratic than it is today. In fact, are we really that stupid as to think that the NBA has any power over China? Not apple, Google, car makers, banks, but a sports league is the big leverage the us has over China ? It's a ridiculous controversy

They thought they was walking away from that Sunday morning wake-up call.

Uh, uh.

They're square with the house now. It's alright.

03-25-2020, 12:27 PM
^ And here was the key piece of misinformation from them that likely threw a tsunami of gasoline on the fire:

Precisely. & MSM does not touch it & never will.


03-25-2020, 12:27 PM
Tu Quoque fallacy and :cry leave China alone :cry

03-25-2020, 12:32 PM
Yes, this post is fueled by some anger. There needs to be repercussions against their government for this, as I think it's basically a soft act of war. After the SARS outbreak happened in 2003 due to, just like in this case, their consumption of wild animals and wild animal parts as a "delicacy" or to get their dicks hard, they smartly shut down the wild animal trade only to cave into pressure some time later from those elites who get off on snorting Rhino tusk and eating bats. So strike one against the CCP. Then the same thing happens in this case, and their government did everything and anything to silence information about it, leading to countries not being able to effectively prepare. Strike 2 and 3. Yes, yes, Trump is a fuckstick who didn't take it seriously, and his ass should be on the line for it, but China's lack of transparency is criminal.

And no, I'm not calling for any boots on the ground type shit, but some kind of worldwide stance to refuse to do business with China unless there's government reform (like China becoming a free democracy) and/or reparations to countries hit the hardest.

I know this is all a pipe dream, since once this crisis is over, multinational corporations will return to drink from that endless well of cheap labor that will maximize profits and shareholder return (and we know limped dick shareholders of these companies won't do shit in pressuring companies to act integrity), and us consumers will continue to love 65" 4K televisions for 399.00 (not preaching, I'm guilty as anyone of buying cheaper Made in China alternatives once in a while), but something needs to be done. I could understand if this was an unprecedented event, but SARS was a warning call China didn't heed. No "We didn't see it coming" excuses will fly. Then when it did come, they tried to cover it up.

The "endless" supply is not that endless. Their rising living standards will raise their cost of labor, and is already doing so. The nexus of cheap manufacturing will shift elsewhere, and that trend will be accelerated by all the companies who realized how vulnerable their supply chains were.

that said, the world needs to hold China's feet to the fire over this.

03-25-2020, 12:33 PM
:lol still continuing your larping as some pro-commie shill.

This WAS China's fault. They didn't permanently close down the wild animal trade after SARS because Xi probably likes to take Rhino horn enemas and eat Sun bear himself. Then when this shitshow hit in Wuhan, they actively suppressed information, resulting in other countries losing crucial days in preparation.


:cry leave China alone :cry

a virus can come from anywhere lots of them come from africa (ebola, nipha, hiv)

depending on other countries to always shut down the virus at their territory is a stupid strategy besides being suicidal :lmao

a decent country would be ready for a pandemic regardless where it comes from. it could come from a meteorite for alm we know :lmao

only idiot countries get hung up on where the virus originated tbqh

yeah lets punish africa for aids :cry


03-25-2020, 12:35 PM
^ And here was the key piece of misinformation from them that likely threw a tsunami of gasoline on the fire:


Last week, Zhong Nanshan, one of China’s most highly regarded epidemiology experts and the leader of the National Health Commission’s task force on the epidemic, said officials had identified a coronavirus by Dec. 31 and took too long to publicly confirm human-to-human transmission. If action had been taken earlier, in December or even early January, “the number of sick would have been greatly reduced,” he said.

It now appears that, based on a speech by Mr. Xi published in a Communist Party magazine in February, he was leading the epidemic response when Wuhan went ahead with New Year celebrations despite the risk of wider infections. He was also leading the response when authorities let some five million people leave Wuhan without screening, and when they waited until Jan. 20 to announce the virus was spreading between humans.


03-25-2020, 12:35 PM
The "endless" supply is not that endless. Their rising living standards will raise their cost of labor, and is already doing so. The nexus of cheap manufacturing will shift elsewhere, and that trend will be accelerated by all the companies who realized how vulnerable their supply chains were.

that said, the world needs to hold China's feet to the fire over this.

But, Media ain't gonna permit it after a certain (Low) threshold is approached. Why?

Doesn't matter why, Media is just not going to permit it. "You can warm the attendant feet, but, you ain't going to make Kenny Roger's Roasters of 'em. No way. We have the con & we ain't giving it up!"

03-25-2020, 12:37 PM
Ive already lost my post 3 times and don't have time to keep going.

Just want to point out that China has sent materials and doctors everywhere including the us. And more importantly they sent the genetic map of the virus to everyone worldwide in early January so that everyone could try and develop a vaccine. Pretty sure that last step is unprecedented,either way hard to qualify this as not cooperating / being opaque.

You want to hold the us to the same standard- was the us transparent with Japan about the nuclear bombs? Was Dupont transparent in Bhopal, were they held accountable? Was Smithfield, or any of the industrial pork industry transparent or held accountable?

Finally re : hong kong and the NBA, is Hong Kong the only market us businesses operate where protestors are brutally repressed? Is it the only one without full democracy? I don't recall people protesting in 1995 when it was a British colony and no more democratic than it is today. In fact, are we really that stupid as to think that the NBA has any power over China? Not apple, Google, car makers, banks, but a sports league is the big leverage the us has over China ? It's a ridiculous controversy

Diego with the nukes :tu

03-25-2020, 12:45 PM
Ive already lost my post 3 times and don't have time to keep going.

Just want to point out that China has sent materials and doctors everywhere including the us. And more importantly they sent the genetic map of the virus to everyone worldwide in early January so that everyone could try and develop a vaccine. Pretty sure that last step is unprecedented,either way hard to qualify this as not cooperating / being opaque.

You want to hold the us to the same standard- was the us transparent with Japan about the nuclear bombs? Was Dupont transparent in Bhopal, were they held accountable? Was Smithfield, or any of the industrial pork industry transparent or held accountable?

Finally re : hong kong and the NBA, is Hong Kong the only market us businesses operate where protestors are brutally repressed? Is it the only one without full democracy? I don't recall people protesting in 1995 when it was a British colony and no more democratic than it is today. In fact, are we really that stupid as to think that the NBA has any power over China? Not apple, Google, car makers, banks, but a sports league is the big leverage the us has over China ? It's a ridiculous controversy

I'll give you a more detailed reply.

To be clear, I'm criticizing the Chinese government and am thankful for many of those Chinese researchers and doctors who tried to get the information out through Xi's great wall of suppression.

Researchers mapped the genome but the results weren't made public until a week after they mapped. That lost week was crucial. And THEN, despite that, the "official" word from their government on Jan. 14th was that there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Prior to that, they we're interrogating researchers and doctors who were posting information about the virus on Chinese social media sites. In addition to this, authorities ordered samples of the virus destroyed.

And let's not fuckin' forget that bats carry about a billion coronavirus strains and they allowed the animal to be sold in their wet markets, obviously learning nothing from the 2003 SARS situation about the risks of eating wild animals. And it's not the poor eating these animals out of strict necessity. They're delicacies for elites.

All that other shit is neither here nor there right now. I'll make a comment about the NBA in that they don't really need the Chinese market. The American and European markets are big enough. What really spurred the NBA's bottom line over the past decade was fuck huge tv contracts from US broadcasters.

03-25-2020, 12:51 PM
a virus can come from anywhere lots of them come from africa (ebola, nipha, hiv)

depending on other countries to always shut down the virus at their territory is a stupid strategy besides being suicidal :lmao

a decent country would be ready for a pandemic regardless where it comes from. it could come from a meteorite for alm we know :lmao

only idiot countries get hung up on where the virus originated tbqh

yeah lets punish africa for aids :cry


Did Africans try to suppress information about AIDS? You're missing the point here. It's not about where the virus came from, it was the response of the people in charge of that "where" that is the issue.

03-25-2020, 12:57 PM
Did Africans try to suppress information about AIDS? You're missing the point here. It's not about where the virus came from, it was the response of the people in charge of that "where" that is the issue.

meh any government responds in same way at first

I remember Americans said this is no big deal and laughed at the miserably dozen dead in January. other americans said UsA is “the most prepared country in the world” for a pandemic :lmao

some americans is even celebrated china getting the vorus saying this will be good for american economy :lmao

America has lied about this virus to its own citizens qnd the world as much or more than china

americans being mad at china while ignoring the fact that their own government lied to them and was soooo unprepared for this is a very bad look tbqh

its equivalent to criticizing the bad paint job on your neighbors house while your own house is burning down

03-25-2020, 01:09 PM
Companies should recognize they can't have all of their supplies coming from one backwards ass country that could shut down at any moment, they won't, but they should

03-25-2020, 01:10 PM
meh any government responds in same way at first

I remember Americans said this is no big deal and laughed at the miserably dozen dead in January. other americans said UsA is “the most prepared country in the world” for a pandemic :lmao

some americans is even celebrated china getting the vorus saying this will be good for american economy :lmao

America has lied about this virus to its own citizens qnd the world as much or more than china

americans being mad at china while ignoring the fact that their own government lied to them and was soooo unprepared for this is a very bad look tbqh

its equivalent to criticizing the bad paint job on your neighbors house while your own house is burning down

No one is letting Trump off the hook for this. So that deflection doesn't work. It also doesn't work because the American government wasn't actively suppressing doctors and scientists who were calling Trump a moron for his dismissing of the virus. And the American people will collectively decide his fate in a few months. Will Xi face any such accountability? No.

No, it's the equivalent of telling my neighbors there's nothing outside when I clearly see a group of armed robbers approaching his door and then criticizing him for not owning a gun.

03-25-2020, 01:11 PM
China’s playing a world domination game just as much as Trump is playing a keep the market going up game. Everything they do, including hiding the truth about the Wuhan until the virus couldn’t be suppressed any longer. Now there playing the Trump game “If you want help from us you better say nice things about me”. Now China’s trying to sell the myth that they didn’t start the virus.

03-25-2020, 01:13 PM
China’s playing a world domination game just as much as Trump is playing a keep the market going up game. Everything they do, including hiding the truth about the Wuhan until the virus couldn’t be suppressed any longer. Now there playing the Trump game “If want help you from us you better say nice things about me”. Now China’s trying to sell the myth that they didn’t start the virus.

...& Media will conduct support of that (myth).

Spurs Homer
03-25-2020, 01:13 PM
meh any government responds in same way at first

I remember Americans said this is no big deal and laughed at the miserably dozen dead in January. other americans said UsA is “the most prepared country in the world” for a pandemic :lmao

some americans is even celebrated china getting the vorus saying this will be good for american economy :lmao

America has lied about this virus to its own citizens qnd the world as much or more than china

americans being mad at china while ignoring the fact that their own government lied to them and was soooo unprepared for this is a very bad look tbqh

its equivalent to criticizing the bad paint job on your neighbors house while your own house is burning down

truth nukes!

03-25-2020, 01:20 PM

in the end china makes the cheapest products in the fastest amount of time

only an idiot would buy more expensive or slower product tbqh

ill be buying chinese wonders for the foreseable future

This, but also the quality based on manufacturing experience. We lost that lead back in the 1960s-70s. Would you want to buy a $2000 iPhone made in Huntsville (so Larry can get his double wide or big ol' tires for his truck), or a $800 one made in Shenzhen by Foxconn (even though they had suicide nets and a huge dorm for workers)

03-25-2020, 01:21 PM
Here's another thing the China Defense Force doesn't get. Did Trump lie and downplay the virus to try and keep the economy strong? Yes. Our government "lied" to us, they always lie to us. But the difference is Americans can access ANY alternative opinion they want and come to their own conclusions about the truth. Not so in China where everything is filtered through state media. The issue here is we have about half the country who essentially sees Trump as a messiah and will not break with him because they love "owning the libs." But as sneaky and slimy as the Trump administration is, they aren't shutting down opposing opinion because that would violate the 1st amendment. Best they can do is scream "Fake News," and hope the base believes it, which they will because "the base" unconditionally loves that man.

03-25-2020, 01:25 PM
This, but also the quality based on manufacturing experience. We lost that lead back in the 1960s-70s. Would you want to buy a $2000 iPhone made in Huntsville (so Larry can get his double wide or big ol' tires for his truck), or a $800 one made in Shenzhen by Foxconn (even though they had suicide nets and a huge dorm for workers)

Maybe we need to take a small convenience hit for awhile to bring back American manufacturing. Do really need the new iPhone every year? Do you we really need an 8K television? Do we really need smart speakers and internet-of-things devices? These toys don't really solve any problems aside from maybe cutting down some banal everyday activity like turning off the lights by a few seconds. You can get the fuckin' Clapper from 1985 and achieve the same result.

And the 2000 American made smartphone is doable if people buy a new phone every two years instead of every year.

03-25-2020, 01:28 PM
I don’t know that Trump necessarily lied, I’m more inclined to think he’s the stupidest dumb shit president we ever had and actually believed what he was saying. Experts at the presser we’re correcting him, face palming him.

03-25-2020, 01:31 PM
I don’t know that Trump necessarily lied, I’m more inclined to think he’s the stupidest dumb shit president we ever had and actually believed what he was saying. Experts at the presser we’re correcting him, face palming him.


trump now believes the Easter Bunny will stop the corona pandemic

03-25-2020, 01:36 PM
and anyone saying the US internal propaganda machine (via MSM like WasJ, WAPO, Fox, NBC, CNN) does not attack opposing views (Trump, Tulsi, Bernie) lives in diapers tbqh

they probably also believe Us is a true democracy :lol

03-25-2020, 01:46 PM
and anyone saying the US internal propaganda machine (via MSM like WasJ, WAPO, Fox, NBC, CNN) does not attack opposing views (Trump, Tulsi, Bernie) lives in diapers tbqh

they probably also believe Us is a true democracy :lol

You're not forced to watched MSM like you're forced to watch Chinese State Media. You can easily go access your Russia Today (talk about state run propaganda, but people like you believe that shit), Rense, Alex Jones, and an innumerable amount of alternative opinion sources to your heart's content so you can come to your own conclusions.

03-25-2020, 02:33 PM
Maybe we need to take a small convenience hit for awhile to bring back American manufacturing. Do really need the new iPhone every year? Do you we really need an 8K television? Do we really need smart speakers and internet-of-things devices? These toys don't really solve any problems aside from maybe cutting down some banal everyday activity like turning off the lights by a few seconds. You can get the fuckin' Clapper from 1985 and achieve the same result.

And the 2000 American made smartphone is doable if people buy a new phone every two years instead of every year.

Nah, they had already been shifting to India

03-25-2020, 02:33 PM
trump now believes the Easter Bunny will stop the corona pandemic


Will Hunting
03-25-2020, 02:47 PM
Maybe we need to take a small convenience hit for awhile to bring back American manufacturing. Do really need the new iPhone every year? Do you we really need an 8K television? Do we really need smart speakers and internet-of-things devices? These toys don't really solve any problems aside from maybe cutting down some banal everyday activity like turning off the lights by a few seconds. You can get the fuckin' Clapper from 1985 and achieve the same result.

And the 2000 American made smartphone is doable if people buy a new phone every two years instead of every year.
Wishful thinking but too many braindead consooooomers for that to happen.

03-25-2020, 03:00 PM

trump now believes the Easter Bunny will stop the corona pandemic

He was subtly throwing the evangelicals a bone

03-25-2020, 03:45 PM
Wishful thinking but too many braindead consooooomers for that to happen.

It's unfortunate. So many quality used vintage goods out there that work just fine and are "convenient" enough to satisfy 95% of regular life's needs.

Will Hunting
03-25-2020, 03:47 PM
It's unfortunate. So many quality used vintage goods out there that work just fine and are "convenient" enough to satisfy 95% of regular life's needs.
Yep. The only reason I buy a new iPhone once every 2-3 years is because the old ones are designed to stop working, if not for that I’d make them last for 5+ years.

03-25-2020, 05:09 PM
I happen to love the Chinese people, culture, their food and history - not so much their government.

03-25-2020, 05:14 PM
No one is letting Trump off the hook for this.You sure about that?

Will Hunting
03-25-2020, 06:09 PM
You sure about that?
If I had $100 for every “Well, THIS is going to be the thing that sinks Trump!” I’ve heard since 2015...

Will Hunting
03-25-2020, 06:16 PM
:lol somehow Trump’s approval rating has gone up in the last week

Teflon Don, tbh.

baseline bum
03-25-2020, 06:23 PM
:lol somehow Trump’s approval rating has gone up in the last week

Teflon Don, tbh.

Not hard to see why when $1200 checks are coming.

03-25-2020, 06:38 PM
:lol somehow Trump’s approval rating has gone up in the last week

Teflon Don, tbh.

Yeah, I'm probably giving the American public too much credit. It's incredible how he can get away with bloody murder due to the strength of his cult of personality.

Sucks. There will be zero accountability for all parties involved when we start getting a hold of this thing. Big corporations and countries will still be sucking up to China, Trump will cast himself as the hero and people will believe him, nothing will change on the healthcare front, billionaires will likely profit from this. All the usual.

Slim hope is that this disaster does wake us up in some way.

03-25-2020, 07:01 PM
:lol somehow Trump’s approval rating has gone up in the last week

Teflon Don, tbh.

Thing is, instead of hovering around a 50% approval rate, he could easily be at Bush 9/11 numbers if he were to just listen to the people standing behind him at the podium and stop being so defensive when governors ask for help

03-25-2020, 07:51 PM
I happen to love the Chinese people, culture, their food and history - not so much their government.

Hate doing business with Chinese people but out of all other Asian countries I’ve visited their food is my favorite by far. Side note best cheeseburger I’ve ever had was in one of those hyper malls in Korea...Bun Patty Bun. I was so pissed when I canceled my trip to Korea a month ago. Planned on eating there at least once a day.

03-25-2020, 07:56 PM
People giving Trash credit for his handling of the virus crisis?

goddamn, Americans are fucking stupid

03-25-2020, 08:01 PM
People giving Trash credit for his handling of the virus crisis?

goddamn, Americans are fucking stupid

boutons mad cause he can’t make $10 an hour anymore picking up groceries for people :rollin

03-25-2020, 08:15 PM
You're not forced to watched MSM like you're forced to watch Chinese State Media. You can easily go access your Russia Today (talk about state run propaganda, but people like you believe that shit), Rense, Alex Jones, and an innumerable amount of alternative opinion sources to your heart's content so you can come to your own conclusions.

chinese can read RT and CNN niga :rolleyes

03-25-2020, 08:16 PM
:lol somehow Trump’s approval rating has gone up in the last week

Teflon Don, tbh.

the Biden effect :lol

03-25-2020, 09:46 PM
chinese can read RT and CNN niga :rolleyes

They pick and choose what outside media sources to allow through the firewall depending on how favorable their reporting is to China. RT is obviously a shill. And CNN just had an article the other that was essentially :cry leave China alone :cry couched in a cry to not be racist towards Asians because of this.


03-25-2020, 09:54 PM
They pick and choose what outside media sources to allow through the firewall depending on how favorable their reporting is to China. RT is obviously a shill. And CNN just had an article the other that was essentially :cry leave China alone :cry couched in a cry to not be racist towards Asians because of this.


:lmao so now RT and CNN are chinese state media arms?


03-25-2020, 10:02 PM
:lmao so now RT and CNN are chinese state media arms?


Didn't say they were state media arms, but they are Western outlets (in the case of CNN at least) that seem to never harshly criticize China. Find me the CNN article calling out the Chinese government for their mishandling of this? Something like this:


I'll wait.

03-25-2020, 10:16 PM
Didn't say they were state media arms, but they are Western outlets (in the case of CNN at least) that seem to never harshly criticize China. Find me the CNN article calling out the Chinese government for their mishandling of this? Something like this:


I'll wait.

u are really contradicting yourself

you criticize china for forcing its citizens to read its state media yet you yourself seem to believe and prefer American state media(NPR) over anerican independent media (CNN)

very conflicted tbqh

03-25-2020, 10:26 PM
u are really contradicting yourself

you criticize china for forcing its citizens to read its state media yet you yourself seem to believe and prefer American state media(NPR) over anerican independent media (CNN)

very conflicted tbqh

Independent media: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/china-trolling-world-and-avoiding-blame/608332/

And we can see the doctor's WeChat logs. And here's there own brave citizens cleverly getting the information out through coded language: https://qz.com/1816219/chinese-internet-rallied-to-save-a-censored-coronavirus-story/

Quit semen shielding for Xi and his Pangolin eating and Tiger dick sniffing cohort. It's pathetic.

03-25-2020, 10:46 PM
Independent media: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/china-trolling-world-and-avoiding-blame/608332/

And we can see the doctor's WeChat logs. And here's there own brave citizens cleverly getting the information out through coded language: https://qz.com/1816219/chinese-internet-rallied-to-save-a-censored-coronavirus-story/

Quit semen shielding for Xi and his Pangolin eating and Tiger dick sniffing cohort. It's pathetic.You watch Nature tonight?

03-25-2020, 10:47 PM
You watch Nature tonight?

I didn't. They profile the Pangolin?

03-25-2020, 10:56 PM
I didn't. They profile the Pangolin?They did. And of course gross Chinese eating habits are endangering them even in Africa.

03-25-2020, 11:07 PM
Independent media: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/china-trolling-world-and-avoiding-blame/608332/

And we can see the doctor's WeChat logs. And here's there own brave citizens cleverly getting the information out through coded language: https://qz.com/1816219/chinese-internet-rallied-to-save-a-censored-coronavirus-story/

Quit semen shielding for Xi and his Pangolin eating and Tiger dick sniffing cohort. It's pathetic.

I never said china didnt lie tbqh

I said our own Western governments lied too and keep lying to us

so getting bogged down on a pointless “muh China lied” waste of time rant is well a waste of time tbqh

but carry on with your rant

03-25-2020, 11:11 PM
this cry me a river of china reminds me of the Russia Bs tbqh

americans always want to blame someone else and in their minds and everyone should be catering yo their needs and wants

I said about Russia “yeah maybe they tried to hack us but they would be stupid not to try as we do it to most countries. not to mention Israel, France and other countries hack us too”

instead of crying, beef up your election security bitch

and now with this china river of tears same thing

stop whining and crying and beef up your medical system to withstand pandemics

stop bitching and act like someone whiny americans

self entitled bitches

you dont hear the rest of the world whining and crying about chinese virus

Even Pompeo today was isolated in europe as he insisted on Western statement to call it wuhan/chinese virus

all euro countries said nah we wont do it

pompeos pussy ass was embarrased

baseline bum
03-25-2020, 11:15 PM
this cry me a river of china reminds me of the Russia Bs tbqh

americans always want to blame someone else and in their minds and everyone should be catering yo their needs and wants

I said about Russia “yeah maybe they tried to hack us but they would be stupid not to try as we do it to most countries. not to mention Israel, France and other countries hack us too”

instead of crying, beef up your election security bitch

and now with this china river of tears same thing

stop whining and crying and beef up your medical system to withstand pandemics

stop bitching and act like someone whiny americans

self entitled bitches

Sorry man, can't agree here. China already saw their wet markets create SARS. Unforgivable to let it happen again.

03-25-2020, 11:16 PM
Sorry man, can't agree here. China already saw their wet markets create SARS. Unforgivable to let it happen again.

pandemics will happen noga

abolishing wet markets wont make them go away

man up and beef up your medical

at least order enough masks :lol

03-25-2020, 11:24 PM
this cry me a river of china reminds me of the Russia Bs tbqh

americans always want to blame someone else and in their minds and everyone should be catering yo their needs and wants

I said about Russia “yeah maybe they tried to hack us but they would be stupid not to try as we do it to most countries. not to mention Israel, France and other countries hack us too”

instead of crying, beef up your election security bitch

and now with this china river of tears same thing

stop whining and crying and beef up your medical system to withstand pandemics

stop bitching and act like someone whiny americans

self entitled bitches

you dont hear the rest of the world whining and crying about chinese virus

Even Pompeo today was isolated in europe as he insisted on Western statement to call it wuhan/chinese virus

all euro countries said nah we wont do it

pompeos pussy ass was embarrased

:madrun: leave China alone :madrun:

Can't believe hater is still semen shielding when THEIR OWN FUCKIN citizens were basically risking it all to get the word out and have been critical of their government's handling of the situation.

Chinese internet users have been pushing back for months against official efforts to shape the narrative around the virus—which have seen the government send dozens of journalists to the worst-hit areas to highlight the efforts of those on the frontlines of fighting the outbreak.

The "woke" shtick of showing sympathy for commie shitholes like Cuba, Russia, and China (who's next, North Korea?) is dumb. We all know you wouldn't move to one of those countries, so quit LARPing. Do Western countries have problems? Sure. But we ain't fuckin' Cuba (:cry but their literacy rate :cry).

03-25-2020, 11:30 PM
pandemics will happen noga

abolishing wet markets wont make them go away

man up and beef up your medical

at least order enough masks :lol

Utter bullshit. Stockpile a few hundred thousand respirators and a few hundred million masks waiting for China’s next panepidmic? How about the fucking Chinese and other Asian countries governments crack down so their people don’t eat weird ass animals and endanger species. They sure as hell can do it with drugs.

03-25-2020, 11:31 PM
meh we have citizens who risk it all as well:

chelita manniing

eddie snowden


us/china do the same shit in the end

control their citizens

03-25-2020, 11:33 PM
Utter bullshit. Stockpile a few hundred thousand respirators and a few hundred million masks waiting for China’s next panepidmic? How about the fucking Chinese and other Asian countries governments crack down so their people don’t eat weird ass animals and endanger species. They sure as hell can do it with drugs.

as long as humans live with animals and eat them we will have a danger of pandemics tbqh

we waste trillions on retarded military hardware that we seldom use and it rots away

we cant use a fraction of that money to have billions of respirators??? thats peanuts

thats fucking madness

03-25-2020, 11:35 PM
now we have our mighty military running like chickens back home because we dont have enough masks for them :lmao

what a fucking the embarrasment

03-25-2020, 11:36 PM
Sorry man, can't agree here. China already saw their wet markets create SARS. Unforgivable to let it happen again.

:lol at hater saying we should be on constant alert because another country has a fetish for one of the most diseased ridden animals on the planet (bats) and the wildlife that often comes in contact with these bats. I agree we should always be prepared, but these kinds of wet markets and trades exponentially increase the odds of a pandemic situation.

hater's predicted response "you fat American nigas have disgusting habits too like eating deep fried hotdogs and lard who are you to judge"

Yeah, I don't see a rat eating trade (carriers of hantavirus) in America.

03-25-2020, 11:37 PM
hater is a russian troll tbh. Confirmed a while back. :lol

03-25-2020, 11:37 PM
now we have our mighty military running like chickens back home because we dont have enough masks for them :lmao

what a fucking the embarrasment

It's embarrasing. This is the same country that refused to accept WHO tests under 20 different excuses, yet, they're used everywhere else in the world, AND has a testing problem.

03-25-2020, 11:41 PM
as long as humans live with animals and eat them we will have a danger of pandemics tbqh

we waste trillions on retarded military hardware that we seldom use and it rots away

we cant use a fraction of that money to have billions of respirators??? thats peanuts

thats fucking madness

There's no spin out of this. Chinese restaurants serve bats as a delicacy. And no, this has nothing to do with cultural differences. Bats are one of the most diseased animals in existence and the primary spreader of coronaviruses.


Bat eating should be illegal in any rational country.

03-25-2020, 11:43 PM
:lol at hater saying we should be on constant alert because another country has a fetish for one of the most diseased ridden animals on the planet (bats) and the wildlife that often comes in contact with these bats. I agree we should always be prepared, but these kinds of wet markets and trades exponentially increase the odds of a pandemic situation.

hater's predicted response "you fat American nigas have disgusting habits too like eating deep fried hotdogs and lard who are you to judge"

Yeah, I don't see a rat eating trade (carriers of hantavirus) in America.We do have a habit of grinding up cows for cows to eat before we grind up cows to eat cows.

03-25-2020, 11:43 PM
It's embarrasing. This is the same country that refused to accept WHO tests under 20 different excuses, yet, they're used everywhere else in the world, AND has a testing problem.

We have our own missteps in this situation, but we should be about 5% embarrassed/shamed with China holding the other 95% on their bat and Pangolin eating shoulders.

03-25-2020, 11:44 PM
We have our own missteps in this situation, but we should be about 5% embarrassed/shamed with China holding the other 95% on their bat and Pangolin eating shoulders.

I'm not excusing China, I was commenting on the other post hater made that had to do with being woefully unprepared.

03-25-2020, 11:44 PM
There's no spin out of this. Chinese restaurants serve bats as a delicacy. And no, this has nothing to do with cultural differences. Bats are one of the most diseased animals in existence and the primary spreader of coronaviruses.


Bat eating should be illegal in any rational country.Probably. But what if they don't stop?

03-25-2020, 11:45 PM
We do have a habit of grinding up cows for cows to eat before we grind up cows to eat cows.

The cows were bred to be eaten. Not taken out of a cave and boiled

03-25-2020, 11:46 PM
We have our own missteps in this situation, but we should be about 5% embarrassed/shamed with China holding the other 95% on their bat and Pangolin eating shoulders.

I blame the US 90%. Orange shit goes on national tv and lies to the public of a democrat hoax. :lol

03-25-2020, 11:46 PM
Hater is a clown, who's too worried about being right about the spread of the virus, so he can stroke his e-cock.

OP is right. The only way to change the chinks is to hit their pockets, everything else is futile. You can't just keep shutting down the planet, while the rest of the world scrambles for months trying to come up with a vaccine and watches the bodies pile up.

03-25-2020, 11:46 PM
The cows were bred to be eaten. Not taken out of a cave and boiledSo venison is out too?

03-25-2020, 11:47 PM
Hater is a clown, who's too worried about being right about the spread of the virus, so he can stroke his e-cock.

OP is right. The only way to change the chinks is to hit their pockets, everything else is futile. You can't just keep shutting down the planet, while the rest of the world scrambles for months trying to come up with a vaccine and watches the bodies pile up.Sanctions? Like the trade war?

Hope it works.

03-25-2020, 11:48 PM
Probably. But what if they don't stop?

Shake our fists even higher

03-25-2020, 11:50 PM
We do have a habit of grinding up cows for cows to eat before we grind up cows to eat cows.

That was mainly a problem in the UK.

03-25-2020, 11:52 PM
That was mainly a problem in the UK.

Instead of mad cow the Chinese have bat shit crazy disease

03-25-2020, 11:54 PM
Hater is a clown, who's too worried about being right about the spread of the virus, so he can stroke his e-cock.

OP is right. The only way to change the chinks is to hit their pockets, everything else is futile. You can't just keep shutting down the planet, while the rest of the world scrambles for months trying to come up with a vaccine and watches the bodies pile up.

At some point it's not going to be a momentary shutdown due to an overblown flu. It's going to be a mass extinction event. It has already happened many times throughout our history, with diseases wayyyyy fucking worse than Corona Time

03-25-2020, 11:55 PM
That was mainly a problem in the UK.Pretty sure we still do it.

03-25-2020, 11:56 PM
Independent media: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/china-trolling-world-and-avoiding-blame/608332/

pretty good article, tbh

03-25-2020, 11:57 PM
Probably. But what if they don't stop?

The capture and selling for bats intended for consumption should be treated the same as the manufacture of a bioweapon. Just like the world sanctions your "Axis of Evil" countries when it's feared they may be developing nuclear weapons, you sanction, limit trade, etc with countries who allow these practices to exist.

Will this happen? Of course not. The entire world has painted themselves in a corner by centralizing manufacturing of all of the cheap crap we're addicting to buying. Even Lord Trump was apparently kid-gloving Xi to "keep trade open." So, like always, zero accountability.

03-25-2020, 11:57 PM
The capture and selling for bats intended for consumption should be treated the same as the manufacture of a bioweapon. Just like the world sanctions your "Axis of Evil" countries when it's feared they may be developing nuclear weapons, you sanction, limit trade, etc with countries who allow these practices to exist.

Will this happen? Of course not. The entire world has painted themselves in a corner by centralizing manufacturing of all of the cheap crap we're addicting to buying. Even Lord Trump was apparently kid-gloving Xi to "keep trade open." So, like always, zero accountability.There's no other way to go about this?

03-25-2020, 11:59 PM
Pretty sure we still do it.

There's only been like 4 cows with BSE in the past 15 years, so we're not doing it with any troubling frequency. And the practice is illegal, but probably doesn't stop a couple of shitheel farmers somewhere from sneaking in the practice. Eating bats and snorting Buffalo penis is encouraged in China.

03-26-2020, 12:02 AM
There's only been like 4 cows with BSE in the past 15 years, so we're not doing it with any troubling frequency. And the practice is illegal, but probably doesn't stop a couple of shitheel farmers somewhere from sneaking in the practice. Eating bats and snorting Buffalo penis is encouraged in China.By the government? I guess I have to believe that.

03-26-2020, 12:03 AM
There's no other way to go about this?

Like what? Are we going to shift back to "we should have been prepared!" let China eat what they want. Sure, we should've been prepared, but you can never predict how much preparedness you need. No country on Earth would have the resources to deal with a pandemic of this size that had something like a firm 10 percent mortality rate.

So after this, we prepare for a future pandemic of this magnitude, and then a Chinese elite eats a camel dick for lunch and launches MERS2-2030 on the world.

03-26-2020, 12:05 AM

03-26-2020, 12:06 AM
By the government? I guess I have to believe that.

Yes, the government first closed up the wet markets in 03 only to reopen them sometime later due to pressure from the Bat and Pangolin industry. I don't think it was "pressure" at all, but more like there's many government elites who need their daily rhino horn fix.


03-26-2020, 12:07 AM
Like what? Are we going to shift back to "we should have been prepared!" let China eat what they want. Sure, we should've been prepared, but you can never predict how much preparedness you need. No country on Earth would have the resources to deal with a pandemic of this size that had something like a firm 10 percent mortality rate.

So after this, we prepare for a future pandemic of this magnitude, and then Chinese elite eats a camel dick for lunch and launched MERS2-2030 on the world.Probably easier than changing the culture of 1.5 billion people from an ocean away. Hopefully they can do it. Don't know how to coerce them successfully.

03-26-2020, 12:10 AM
Yes, the government first closed up the wet markets in 03 only to reopen them sometime later due to pressure from the Bat and Pangolin industry. I don't think it was "pressure" at all, but more like there's many government elites who need their daily rhino horn fix.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPpoJGYlW54Did they promote the markets or just allow them again? I don't know anything beyond the basics here.

03-26-2020, 12:11 AM
Probably easier than changing the culture of 1.5 billion people from an ocean away.

Eating wild animals isn't mainstream Chinese culture. It's culture for the elites and powerful. And yes, if a cultural practice proves deadly for other people in the world who don't take part in that culture, that "culture" should be changed. Why is this is a controversial idea?

03-26-2020, 12:11 AM
Did they promote the markets or just allow them again? I don't know anything beyond the basics here.

Allowing is promoting.

03-26-2020, 12:12 AM
BSE isn’t airborne. Hell romaine lettuce is more of a threat than cows.

03-26-2020, 12:14 AM
Allowing is promoting.Abortion is allowed in the US. Trump promotes it?

03-26-2020, 12:15 AM
BSE isn’t airborne. Hell romaine lettuce is more of a threat than cows.True enough.

03-26-2020, 12:19 AM
Here's also what Chump doesn't get. Even if we had 6 million ventilators and beds per person, even if we were perfectly prepared to handle this epidemic, people would still die and get sick because this is a "novel" fuckin' virus. China basically unleashed another seasonal respiratory disease the world didn't need nor ask for. But yeah, we should just let a Chinese billionaire enjoy bat soup at our peril because it's his :cry culture :cry.

03-26-2020, 12:24 AM
Here's also what Chump doesn't get. Even if we had 6 million ventilators and beds per person, even if we were perfectly prepared to handle this epidemic, people would still die and get sick because this is a "novel" fuckin' virus. China basically unleashed another seasonal respiratory disease the world didn't need nor ask for. But yeah, we should just let a Chinese billionaire enjoy bat soup at our peril because it's his :cry culture :cry.I'm not crying about Chinese culture. I'm saying it's probably difficult to change.

Do you :cryget:cry that?

03-26-2020, 12:28 AM
I'm not crying about Chinese culture. I'm saying it's probably difficult to change.

Do you "get" that?

But I'm saying it's not the cultural practice of 1.5 billion people. It evolved from poor Chinese people eating wild animals out of necessity into what is basically a luxury trade, the culinary equivalent of the fur trade. Meaning you don't have to change the lifestyle of 1.5 billion people, but those elite few. Haven't we changed mainstream opinion on the fur trade in relatively short time? In the 80s, they were all the rage. Now you're a pariah if you wear an animal fur.

03-26-2020, 12:35 AM
You can move the entire iPhone production to Vietnam, but the rich folks in China will still eat bats and travel...

03-26-2020, 12:35 AM
But I'm saying it's not the cultural practice of 1.5 billion people. It evolved from poor Chinese people eating wild animals out of necessity into what is basically a luxury trade, the culinary equivalent of the fur trade. Meaning you don't have to change the lifestyle of 1.5 billion people, but those elite few.How much does bat cost in that restaurant where that woman was eating?

03-26-2020, 12:41 AM
How much does bat cost in that restaurant where that woman was eating?

I think if you get the 2 bat combo with fried rice and a drink it's about 80 yuan

03-26-2020, 12:42 AM
How much does bat cost in that restaurant where that woman was eating?

I'll do a Chump.

Does that woman look poor to you?

03-26-2020, 12:44 AM
I'll do a Chump.

Does that woman look poor to you?Not automatically elite. You made the elite claim. I just want some retail figures.

How much?

03-26-2020, 12:49 AM
Not automatically elite. You made the elite claim. I just want some retail figures.

How much?

No clue. So if the Bat soup is on the dollar menu, then what? Live and let live and just people turn themselves into bioweapons? Not sure why you're contending this. The next pandemic coming from this kind of practice has been predicted for awhile.


03-26-2020, 12:51 AM
No clue. So if the Bat soup is on the dollar menu, then what? Live and let live and just people turn themselves into bioweapons? Not sure why you're contending this. The next pandemic coming from this kind of practice has been predicted for awhile.

https://www.amazon.com/Spillover-Animal-Infections-Human-Pandemic-ebook/dp/B00856PC4K/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=spillover&qid=1585201679&sr=8-2I'm asking you questions and saying it will probably be difficult to change Chinese culture.

Hope I'm wrong.

I appreciate your work in the forum during all this, but all you have to do when you don't know something is say "I don't know."

It's easy.

03-26-2020, 12:58 AM
I'm asking you questions and saying it will probably be difficult to change Chinese culture.

Hope I'm wrong.

I appreciate your work in the forum during all this, but all you have to do when you don't know something is say "I don't know."

It's easy.

I understand that, but from what I've read it's not a mainstream practice, so you don't have the unenviable task of changing cultural tradition across the country. I think that woman who was pictured eating the bat was shamed on Chinese social media (she's an culinary influencer in China).

I think it'll change after this anyhow. Not a good look for Xi and co. to keep the practice going. They shut them down after SARS, so stands to reason this time they stay down.

03-26-2020, 01:01 AM
I understand that, but from what I've read it's not a mainstream practice, so you don't have the unenviable task of changing cultural tradition across the country. I think that woman who was pictured eating the bat was shamed on Chinese social media (she's an culinary influencer in China).

I think it'll change after this anyhow. Not a good look for Xi and co. to keep the practice going. They shut them down after SARS, so stands to reason this time they stay down.I hope Xi gives a shit. Not mainstream could mean millions and millions of people.

03-26-2020, 01:02 AM
I hope Xi gives a shit. Not mainstream could mean millions and millions of people.

True. We shall see.

03-26-2020, 01:13 AM
Who would be onboard with regime change and nation building afterwards, tbh? We would be liberators, what's not to like?

03-26-2020, 07:02 AM
It's embarrasing. This is the same country that refused to accept WHO tests under 20 different excuses, yet, they're used everywhere else in the world, AND has a testing problem.

truth nuke

03-26-2020, 07:06 AM
We do have a habit of grinding up cows for cows to eat before we grind up cows to eat cows.

swine flu

mad cow

both emerged from NOT china.

AIDS, Ebola, Nipha

not china

but but but muh china :cry :cry

:lol american crybabies embarrasing themselves blaming others for their 3rd world medical readiness

Superpower with a 3rd world Medical System


03-26-2020, 07:08 AM
You can move the entire iPhone production to Vietnam, but the rich folks in China will still eat bats and travel...

they will probably eat more bats :lol

and btw most of those edible bats are in Thailand :lol

03-26-2020, 07:09 AM
Who would be onboard with regime change and nation building afterwards, tbh? We would be liberators, what's not to like?

we should airdrop the fat crybabies at spurstalk first and foremost

in the middle of the markets

armed with machine guns :lol

Roscoe P. Coltrane
03-26-2020, 11:48 PM
These people have been eating bats for centuries. You think this is something they just started eating a few months ago?

03-26-2020, 11:59 PM
Yep. The only reason I buy a new iPhone once every 2-3 years is because the old ones are designed to stop working, if not for that I’d make them last for 5+ years.
im still using my iphone 6 tbh

03-27-2020, 12:57 AM
Good lord


03-27-2020, 11:12 AM
So venison is out too?

If CWD hops to other species, we are in a lot more trouble.

03-27-2020, 11:41 AM
If CWD hops to other species, we are in a lot more trouble.

Let's just hope the alpacas don't get it.

03-27-2020, 02:06 PM
Maybe we need to take a small convenience hit for awhile to bring back American manufacturing. Do really need the new iPhone every year? Do you we really need an 8K television? Do we really need smart speakers and internet-of-things devices? These toys don't really solve any problems aside from maybe cutting down some banal everyday activity like turning off the lights by a few seconds. You can get the fuckin' Clapper from 1985 and achieve the same result.

And the 2000 American made smartphone is doable if people buy a new phone every two years instead of every year.

Gotta say I don't really have much to add since you've been hitting it out of the park on every post. I agree 100% I would love to know how much wealth the american middle and lower class has lost over all the decades since both parties have pretty much decided that cheap goods are more important then anything else, furthermore add in how much it costs for typical college students over the years since it's damn near impossible to even get a sit down without some type of degree and also how much everyone pays into this system to supplement other people's shit wages at jobs where people can't even make a living.

I'm not close to rich, before I bought a current phone (well a pixel 2 isn't exactly new) I was still using a galaxy s3 that with youtube tutorials and endless phone forum posts I was able to update it manually to the latest android and it was still running perfectly until I fucked it up, did it have all the latest and greatest tech, obviously not but it had 85% so it was what it was.

I feel like the same thing could be said about most tech products, like you said do we really need 8k tvs, jesus I just replaced a dead tv with a 4k last christmas, and the verdict is it's pretty much pointless at least by me with the shit quality I get from my cable provider anyway.

I can understand why people can't stand Trump or think he's crazy, but he gets more hate then even George W did, it'll be 2050 and we'll still be trying to unravel the fuckups his admin was responsible for yet you have Americans siding with China, aka the country who actually does all the dictatorial, fascist, statist, every other 'ist that is thrown at this administration. Trump talks shit to the media, these guys make them disappear, dissidents don't need organs fuck em... hate 45 all you want, but there is no comparison.

Are they still doing those dog eating festivals? Are people still getting pinched for selling lab animals for meat? Probably...Still eating bats for a delicacy at some dirty street shop with blood and guts all over the place? Probably.

But what's the point of even wasting brain power on any of this, we're so hooked on these fucks for their cheap shit and slave labor though so not like regular people have much of a choice of what they can buy or what they can do. Wasted too much time even writing this, I should have went and bought lunch.

03-27-2020, 02:11 PM
Let's just hope the alpacas don't get it.

Just wear a condom.

03-27-2020, 05:32 PM

03-27-2020, 08:13 PM
China is like the shithead driver that causes a pile up crash and comes off with the less damage.

They'll need to put some type of measures on them going forward.

03-27-2020, 08:25 PM
imposing sanctions based on unproven theories against the 2nd most powerful nation in the world...

yeah that's totally going to work...Mid in his baseball thinking.

03-27-2020, 08:32 PM
imposing sanctions based on unproven theories against the 2nd most powerful nation in the world...

yeah that's totally going to work...Mid in his baseball thinking.

Semen shielding China. Yeah, all those doctors trying to get info about the virus out to the world are lying. You can easily look up the WeChat logs.

03-29-2020, 08:59 PM
Yes, Blame China for the Virus: A bungled response in Western countries is no reason to take the heat off China. If China had a different government, the world could have been spared this terrible pandemic.


03-29-2020, 09:19 PM
Yes, Blame China for the Virus: A bungled response in Western countries is no reason to take the heat off China. If China had a different government, the world could have been spared this terrible pandemic.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/25/blame-china-and-xi-jinping-for-coronavirus-pandemic/Sure, but they don't.

03-29-2020, 09:24 PM
Sure, but they don't.

Should business go on as usual with them after this is over? What do you think?

03-29-2020, 09:24 PM
It's very that Trash DID exactly what China did: lying, 15 people down to zero, hiding the severity, misleading everybody

03-29-2020, 09:26 PM
It's very that Trash DID exactly what China did: lying, 15 people down to zero, hiding the severity, misleading everybody

Yes, so both pair feet should be held to the fire.

03-29-2020, 09:27 PM
Should business go on as usual with them after this is over? What do you think?I think you're building a straw man.

I simply said China probably isn't going to change. We're the ones who need to change. If we did everything we could have I'd be all for the nonstop China bashing. As is, it's probably going to distract from the things we can and should do ourselves.

03-29-2020, 09:36 PM
Sure, but they don't.

This is where the world needs to have a body for cooperation that takes up policy questions that affect all nations.
The red team does not believe in anything the UN does so...

Some unified response from the West on sharing and dissemination of data including oversight by other country's pandemic specialists needs a place.
The Chinese flat out did not let WHO or the CDC in when asked. After that, there was a bunch of other info that experts (know much better than I that other countries) needed from the Chinese and they/we did not get it.

The Chinese government knows this.
They have and will suffer from this economically.
It will be interesting in the future to see who in the Chinese government is given the boot after this.

03-29-2020, 09:41 PM
This is where the world needs to have a body for cooperation that takes up policy questions that affect all nations.
The red team does not believe in anything the UN does so...

Some unified response from the West on sharing and dissemination of data including oversight by other country's pandemic specialists needs a place.
The Chinese flat out did not let WHO or the CDC in when asked. After that, there was a bunch of other info that experts (know much better than I that other countries) needed from the Chinese and they/we did not get it.

The Chinese government knows this.
They have and will suffer from this economically.
It will be interesting in the future to see who in the Chinese government is given the boot after this.Middle management.

Seriously expecting this regime that doesn't care much about life in the first place to change is almost magical thinking. Changing western companies' eternal race to the bottom might be slightly easier.

03-29-2020, 09:41 PM
either boycott their products/trade with them


avoid chinese registered businesses overseas they are trying to get around the loopholes of doing foreign trade...

03-29-2020, 09:42 PM
either boycott their products/trade with them


avoid chinese registered businesses overseas they are trying to get around the loopholes of doing foreign trade...

They're buying up Australia from what I've read, ain't they bro?

03-29-2020, 09:48 PM
I think you're building a straw man.

I simply said China probably isn't going to change. We're the ones who need to change. If we did everything we could have I'd be all for the nonstop China bashing. As is, it's probably going to distract from the things we can and should do ourselves.

I didn't accuse you of believing it should be business as usual. Just wondering what you're thoughts are. And yes, we need to do things differently, and that doesn't mean the only thing we need to change is our pandemic response and nothing else. Even if we were perfectly prepared (like South Korea), we'd still have to stay-at-home, test, social distance, etc. We'd just thankfully have more hospital beds and ventilators and would've flattened the curve a bit quicker. We simply need to lessen our reliance on them, whether that be more domestic manufacturing or dealing with other countries who have a manufacturing base. I don't know why we don't deal with Mexico more in this case. We have automobile plants there and 90s Sony Trinitron televisions were often manufactured there. So it's not like they're incompetent.

03-29-2020, 09:54 PM
They're buying up Australia from what I've read, ain't they bro?

yeh agriculture and farm land, even food manufacturing...

they were hording and stockpiling since january, the liberal govt down here was downplaying the virus till march til they got serious, now its out of hand... those chinese were sending shit back to china..

china takes shit donated to them from foreign govts, then goes and send them to countries with high death statistic aka italy/spain as some goodwill gesture, when they are the one who cause it...

03-29-2020, 09:55 PM
Middle management.

Seriously expecting this regime that doesn't care much about life in the first place to change is almost magical thinking. Changing western companies' eternal race to the bottom might be slightly easier.

When the Western economies have a chance, the Chinese need to be given a problem to grapple with.
We have the examples of this happening before and they clearly dont want to have to deal with certain economic and social issues.
Im sure its being considered now, I just dont know what it is.

And Part of their power is the enormous number of lives they do have.
They can overcome sophisticated technical problems by sheer manpower.
And of course stealing sophisticated solutions to problems that cant be solved by brute force.

03-29-2020, 09:55 PM
interesting idea, but it will never happen. We all depend on Chinese exports too much.

Depend on them for our artificial standard of living. Overall, your wages would theoretically go up if we stopped 'depending' on China.

03-29-2020, 10:00 PM
Depend on them for our artificial standard of living. Overall, your wages would theoretically go up if we stopped 'depending' on China.

This is interesting.
Real Cultural shifts often need to really hurt.
I would rather it not require people dying though.

03-29-2020, 10:03 PM
Depend on them for our artificial standard of living. Overall, your wages would theoretically go up if we stopped 'depending' on China.

Hmm, no, your expenses would go up, your purchasing power down, and so would your standard of living. Corporate America would simply move production to Vietnam, etc, like some of they did when tariffs went up.

03-29-2020, 10:07 PM
I don't think people understand that the 'standard of living' the US needs to have in order to compete with some of these countries for manufacturing include $4 an hour, 12 hour shifts, etc.

The hourly wage for an average Chinese in 2019 was 24 yuan an hour... at 0.14 US dollars per yuan = $3.36 US dollars an hour.

03-29-2020, 10:07 PM
Hmm, no, your expenses would go up, your purchasing power down, and so would your standard of living. Corporate America would simply move production to Vietnam, etc, like some of they did when tariffs went up.

So, you're saying there would be hard-hitting consequences even though corporations would find equitable solutions. :lol

03-29-2020, 10:08 PM
So, you're saying there would be hard-hitting consequences even though corporations would find equitable solutions. :lol

What I'm saying is that there would be no such thing as our wages going up if we stopped 'depending' on China. It's actually the other way around, our wages would have less purchasing power.

03-29-2020, 10:10 PM
yeh agriculture and farm land, even food manufacturing...

they were hording and stockpiling since january, the liberal govt down here was downplaying the virus till march til they got serious, now its out of hand... those chinese were sending shit back to china..

china takes shit donated to them from foreign govts, then goes and send them to countries with high death statistic aka italy/spain as some goodwill gesture, when they are the one who cause it...

They're some sneaky fuckers, those Chinese.

03-29-2020, 10:12 PM
They're some sneaky fuckers, those Chinese.

They're rolling in dough (government anyways). They're buying up all sorts of companies everywhere in the globe. This is also why it's difficult to cockblock them.

03-29-2020, 10:19 PM
What I'm saying is that there would be no such thing as our wages going up if we stopped 'depending' on China. It's actually the other way around, our wages would have less purchasing power.

Wages would theoretically not have as much purchasing power because prices went up, not because wages went down.

03-29-2020, 10:23 PM
Wages would theoretically not have as much purchasing power because prices went up, not because wages went down.

Which is effectively the same thing when it comes to standard of living... it's called inflation, I'm sure you're familiar with the term.

03-29-2020, 10:24 PM
They're some sneaky fuckers, those Chinese.

They're who the oligarchy most closely relates to...


03-29-2020, 10:25 PM
They're who the oligarchy most closely relates to...


This is indeed it. Ask Bezos, Cook, Waltons how they like them Chinese.

03-29-2020, 10:33 PM
They're rolling in dough (government anyways). They're buying up all sorts of companies everywhere in the globe. This is also why it's difficult to cockblock them.

But as the population has grown, education for the common man has been elevated. They start to live better lives and more see the rest of the world. The west can and has coaxed them into leaving or airing dirty laundry or both. This absolutely infuriates them. They are definitely concerned about a brain drain and the amount of exposure their people get to the West. They have shown extraordinary patience with Hong Kong imo.

So because they have a patience breaking point, and are very concerned with how fully to expose people to Western cultural, they have a certain paranoia. They dont want to have to put down any sort of public response. Its definitely a weak spot. I think this can be exploited. I think they are worried about this long term.

03-29-2020, 10:36 PM
This is indeed it. Ask Bezos, Cook, Waltons how they like them Chinese.

Look for responses or quotes from these guys to see how they react(ed) to Hong Kong.
If they cover for the Chinese, or put out nothing when asked...

03-29-2020, 10:52 PM
Look for responses or quotes from these guys to see how they react(ed) to Hong Kong.
If they cover for the Chinese, or put out nothing when asked...

This is from Feb 27th:

Here is a transcript of what Cook said in the snippet shared by Fox Business (Cook’s comments begin at 0:40):

It feels to me that China is getting the coronavirus under control. I mean you look at the numbers, they’re coming down day by day by day. And so I’m very optimistic there.

On the supplier side, we have suppliers — you know, iPhone is built everywhere in the world. We have key components coming from the United States, we have key parts that are in China, and so on and so forth.

When you look at the parts that are done in China, we have reopened factories, so the factories were able to work through the conditions to reopen. They’re reopening. They’re also en-ramp, and so I think of this as sort of the third phase of getting back to normal. And we’re in phase three of the ramp mode.


03-29-2020, 10:56 PM
This is from Feb 27th:

Here is a transcript of what Cook said in the snippet shared by Fox Business (Cook’s comments begin at 0:40):

It feels to me that China is getting the coronavirus under control. I mean you look at the numbers, they’re coming down day by day by day. And so I’m very optimistic there.

On the supplier side, we have suppliers — you know, iPhone is built everywhere in the world. We have key components coming from the United States, we have key parts that are in China, and so on and so forth.

When you look at the parts that are done in China, we have reopened factories, so the factories were able to work through the conditions to reopen. They’re reopening. They’re also en-ramp, and so I think of this as sort of the third phase of getting back to normal. And we’re in phase three of the ramp mode.


So will Trump attack him when the time is correct like he did with certain car company executives?
This is definitely going to be a long game, we have our problems at the top.
But Trump did actually fire warning shots at certain executives, some over China.

03-29-2020, 11:00 PM
So will Trump attack him when the time is correct like he did with certain car company executives?
This is definitely going to be a long game, we have our problems at the top.
But Trump did actually fire warning shots at certain executives, some over China.

Well, Trump and Congress, both sides, just showered them with money. I'm not sure Trump or anybody else is really in position to take them to task.

03-29-2020, 11:02 PM
china will become our overlord after this

rockefeller report of 2010 predicted this

03-29-2020, 11:07 PM
Well, Trump and Congress, both sides, just showered them with money. I'm not sure Trump or anybody else is really in position to take them to task.

As I read back this sounds eerily familiar with how we perceived the Japanese buying up things. I was not old enough...
I will have to do a reread on this. They were (and still are to a certain extent) very beholden to their companies instead of the companies a government owned.

Down Under
03-30-2020, 09:27 PM
They're some sneaky fuckers, those Chinese.
Not that facts are important anymore, but they own 2% of agricultural land here. China also has massive debt problems both domestically & abroad that's going to cause big problems over the next decade as India, Indonesia & other countries grow & compete for many of the industries that the Chinese currently dominate.

01-21-2021, 12:05 AM
PRC reportedly whipping out PNGs on Trump officials, but not Trump or his family.


01-21-2021, 12:06 AM
china will become our overlord after this

rockefeller report of 2010 predicted this

Spot on :tu

01-21-2021, 12:07 AM

01-21-2021, 12:09 AM

01-21-2021, 12:14 AM
Hopefully we restore the Iranian accord and re-establish relationships with Cuba next, tbh

01-21-2021, 12:22 AM
Hopefully we restore the Iranian accord and re-establish relationships with Cuba next, tbh

Just send pallets of cash

01-21-2021, 12:28 AM
Hopefully we restore the Iranian accord and re-establish relationships with Cuba next, tbh

I dont see Bidens gov doing anything good in the ME. They will most likely do worse as usually US does no matter which party is in charge


01-21-2021, 12:31 AM
Just send pallets of cash

Anything that stops this madman, tbh...


I dont see Bidens gov doing anything good in the ME. They will most likely do worse as usually US does no matter which party is in charge


We should just start a new war for shits and giggles... I mean, Pakistan has been asking for it, and India would gladly help.

01-21-2021, 12:35 AM
Anything that stops this madman, tbh...


We should just start a new war for shits and giggles... I mean, Pakistan has been asking for it, and India would gladly help.

A good question is wether Biden will go back to arming Al Qaeda, and its affiliated jihadis. Id say its 50/50

01-21-2021, 12:37 AM
Anything that stops this madman, tbh...


Leads all countries in percent of population vaccinated

01-21-2021, 12:42 AM
Leads all countries in percent of population vaccinated

Probably paid Pfizer with US foreign aid, tbh...

01-21-2021, 12:43 AM
A good question is wether Biden will go back to arming Al Qaeda, and its affiliated jihadis. Id say its 50/50

I'm actually wondering if the embassy will stay in Jerusalem... I mean, while Old Joe loves dem joos, at some point the whole Palestina/Israel peace accord proposal #28928392832 will come up, I suppose?

03-10-2021, 12:16 AM


03-26-2021, 10:01 AM
The EU would share "no identity" with Washington on China, Merkel said. "That is absolutely clear."https://www.dw.com/en/eu-and-us-similar-but-split-on-china-merkel-says/a-57009094

03-26-2021, 01:42 PM
:lol "Dealing with China"
:lol CCP owns the Chumpettes' better thans.

03-26-2021, 01:50 PM
China is going to keep being China, growing financially stronger and spreading its soft power all over the planet.

Obama's "pivot" in the Pacific was bullshit and did nothing to contain China. China is uncontainable, too strong in so many ways.

Meanwhile, USA is degrading, is declining under the increasing success of Capitalism exclusively for Capitalists.

Between USA and China, USA is definitely the weaker partner.

Pootin is thrilled at how his puppet Trash contributed to weakening USA.

03-26-2021, 02:07 PM


The size of the nuclear stockpile at this point is irrelevant. There are enough nukes out there to kill everyone 10 times. The good news is nuclear winter could reverse global warming.

03-26-2021, 02:08 PM
:lol "Dealing with China"
:lol CCP owns the Chumpettes' better thans.

:lol Nothing to say about the topic at hand as usual

03-26-2021, 04:43 PM
China is uncontainable, too strong in so many ways.

What ways?

03-26-2021, 05:28 PM
:lol Nothing to say about the topic at hand as usual

That is the topic at hand, dip shit slob. But no, the puppets won't be going at the puppeteers over the coordinated fake sniffles, ya fucking dumb ass.

03-26-2021, 05:40 PM
That is the topic at hand, dip shit slob. But no, the puppets won't be going at the puppeteers over the coordinated fake sniffles, ya fucking dumb ass.

:lol shut the fuck up loser. Trying to act hard lmao. Fuckin faggot

03-26-2021, 05:43 PM


03-26-2021, 06:17 PM
The size of the nuclear stockpile at this point is irrelevant. There are enough nukes out there to kill everyone 10 times. The good news is nuclear winter could reverse global warming.nuclear winter is the good news?

kill me now.