View Full Version : Donald Dump is a Liar

04-02-2020, 11:55 AM
His word is as good as a double agent Medellin Sicario's. If he was a Pinocchio, his nose would have extended all the way to Mexico by now. (Bet Mexico wouldn't pay for it.)

He promised no new H1B visa's. Instead, India continued to fuck up the IT system and deprive educated US college graduates (US Citizens) of new opportunities. He has done NOTHING to prioritize U.S. Citizens receiving jobs over foreign nationals inside of the U.S. In times of prosperity/near zero unemployment, it might be passable to have a few foreigners working alongside us in the U.S.; but in more recessionary times, absolutely should no foreigners be taking up jobs that can be filled by U.S. Citizens. Companies should receive strict punishment for hiring foreigners over U.S. Citizens.

He started a trade war with China, only to backtrack like a pussy when they fired back with their own tariffs.

He lied about not getting involved against Assad with Syria. In a key moment in the October 2016 debates, he said that the humanitarian conflicts in Syria between Assad and the rebels were not our business. However, he changed his tune as early as mid-late 2017.

He lied about solving the North Korean crisis. Kim Jong Un remains a nuclear threat and no more or less stable of a situation there than when Obama left office.

He lied about building The Wall (and making Mexico pay for it :lol) Billions of taxpayer dollars have been invested in this, with very little to no progress.

He lied about making a hard stance against illegal immigrations and "kicking them out" of the USA. There are more illegal immigrants present in the USA today than when Obama left office at the end of 2016.

He lied about becoming a more presidential president after being elected. Since he has been elected, not only has he continued to exclusively use the " @ realDonaldTrump " account instead of the standard "POTUS" twitter account, but his rancid, rabid tweeting has continued and arguably gotten worse since his 2016 campaign.

He lied about repealing and replacing Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act. He did not get it done in spite of the GOP controlling all chambers of Congress, the White House and a Supreme Court majority.

He lied about installing true conservatives in the Supreme Court. Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have voted with the left wing on certain issues; they have not been adequate replacements for Antonin Scalia.

He lied about taking a hands-off approach against Iran (and Syria) and sectarian neutrality in the Middle East.

He lied about reducing taxes for everyone. While the tax brackets moved up slightly with the 2017-18 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, many people are paying more in taxes and worse, being taxed on things that should absolutely not be taxable, such as relocation and travel expenses for a job requirement. And home ownership tax breaks were completely nerfed in this stupid, horribly constructed bill/act.

He lied about no new stimulus and a reduction in government spending. Unilaterally, he has spent trillions of dollars in taxpayer money that our grandchildren will have to re-pay. And this is after chastising Obama for his 2009 stimulus package, which was equally stupid. But, what a hypocrite.

He lied about maintaining a strong economy with strong interest rates allowing for citizens to take advantage of the time value of money principle and keep up with inflation. With him allowing the Fed to re-enact ZIRP policies, this allows for irresponsible borrowing but worse, increased de-valuation of people's hard earned savings money that they can no longer come out even even on with inflation, due to the retardedness of ZIRP.

He (likely) lied about his faithfulness to Melania .... .... ..... ... ..

Donald (Duck) Trump is a Liar. By all means, vote him out in 2020... even if it means electing a pedophile with Alzheimer's and tactlessness, at least the GOP will likely be able to hold the Senate rust belt seats in 2022 and likely win back the White House in 2024 with a real Presidential candidate this way.

04-02-2020, 12:05 PM
That fucker was bullshitting when he kept saying and teasing us that he wanted to get everyone back to work. He was just throwing us a bone.

04-02-2020, 12:08 PM
OP is this your late April fools?

04-02-2020, 12:11 PM
trump is a liar.. is it a surprise for somebody ?

04-02-2020, 12:12 PM
OP is this your late April fools?

Nah. The Ebola outbreak, NFL cancelled season, and Westbrook/Harden being gay (sort of) were April Fools. Not this one.

04-02-2020, 12:20 PM
still better than Shillary tbqh :tu

04-02-2020, 12:20 PM
still better than Shillary tbqh :tu

well, I don't disagree.

Spurs Homer
04-02-2020, 12:21 PM
Water is wet

04-02-2020, 12:30 PM
still better than Shillary tbqh :tu

Chumpettes disagree

04-02-2020, 01:07 PM
Not being able to get something done doesn't make you a liar. Just makes you perhaps incompetent.

Will Hunting
04-02-2020, 01:34 PM
Not being able to get something done doesn't make you a liar. Just makes you perhaps incompetent.
It’s really just a symptom of gridlock caused by the Senate requring 60 votes for any type of meaningful reform.

04-02-2020, 01:36 PM

04-02-2020, 01:40 PM

04-02-2020, 01:55 PM
America, where people elect actors, reality show hosts and the occasional black dude because it's cool :lol

United Sensationalism of America amirite?

04-02-2020, 02:17 PM
It’s really just a symptom of gridlock caused by the Senate requring 60 votes for any type of meaningful reform.
Knowing that, leaders have to be careful not to make promises about things they don't have direct control over. History should tell us that but it also tells us that the people will fall for it again and again because we are all about perks. The ones who promise the most, whether or not they know they can deliver it, will likely have a shot at winning while others who tell the truth about the prospects of getting things people want probably won't make it past the primaries.

04-02-2020, 02:19 PM
America, where people elect actors, reality show hosts and the occasional black dude because it's cool :lol

United Sensationalism of America amirite?

No you are Lefty

04-02-2020, 03:00 PM

Spurs Homer
04-02-2020, 03:27 PM
Not being able to get something done doesn't make you a liar. Just makes you perhaps incompetent.

spewing 16000 lies - makes you a goddamn liar tho


Corrupt Liar

04-02-2020, 03:33 PM
I thought it would be hard to top the BS from dubya and Barry, but this guy managed and by an ample margin.

04-02-2020, 03:42 PM
I thought it would be hard to top the BS from dubya and Barry, but this guy managed and by an ample margin.

W. Bush was actually solid. Sometimes he came off as weak "...but I'm doin' the best I can" ; FEMA 2005 ; and the Iraq war in general... but a lot of weight was put on his shoulders and he mostly did a very damn good job.

04-02-2020, 03:47 PM


04-02-2020, 04:23 PM
4 more years. Might as well get used to it now.

04-02-2020, 04:24 PM
spewing 16000 lies - makes you a goddamn liar tho


Corrupt Liar



04-02-2020, 05:56 PM
Not being able to get something done doesn't make you a liar. Just makes you perhaps incompetent.

Saying you have a great plan for Health Care when you have nothing close to any sort of plan is.

04-02-2020, 06:03 PM
Knowing that, leaders have to be careful not to make promises about things they don't have direct control over. History should tell us that but it also tells us that the people will fall for it again and again because we are all about perks. The ones who promise the most, whether or not they know they can deliver it, will likely have a shot at winning while others who tell the truth about the prospects of getting things people want probably won't make it past the primaries.

In other words, he's just another lying politician. A puppet. They do say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

04-02-2020, 06:15 PM
still better than Shillary tbqh :tu

Hillary would have been better. Bill Clinton was better. Hillary is just an extension of that.

04-02-2020, 07:29 PM
W. Bush was actually solid. Sometimes he came off as weak "...but I'm doin' the best I can" ; FEMA 2005 ; and the Iraq war in general... but a lot of weight was put on his shoulders and he mostly did a very damn good job.

No, I mean there was some many dumb quotables from that idiot. But Trump beats him by a long mile.

04-02-2020, 07:33 PM
No, I mean there was some many dumb quotables from that idiot. But Trump beats him by a long mile.

GWB was solid. Obummer was a snake, and Trump is just a damn idiot.

04-02-2020, 07:36 PM
Hillary would have been better. Bill Clinton was better. Hillary is just an extension of that.

Ramada Rodham Hayman maybe, but definitely not HRC.

04-02-2020, 08:12 PM
GWB was solid. Obummer was a snake, and Trump is just a damn idiot.

GWB is the worst president in my lifetime. I am 63.

04-02-2020, 08:15 PM
GWB was solid. Obummer was a snake, and Trump is just a damn idiot.

Talk about lies. GWB's Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction is bigger than any lies you listed for Trump.

04-02-2020, 08:34 PM

His word is as good as a double agent Medellin Sicario's. If he was a Pinocchio, his nose would have extended all the way to Mexico by now. (Bet Mexico wouldn't pay for it.)

He promised no new H1B visa's. Instead, India continued to fuck up the IT system and deprive educated US college graduates (US Citizens) of new opportunities. He has done NOTHING to prioritize U.S. Citizens receiving jobs over foreign nationals inside of the U.S. In times of prosperity/near zero unemployment, it might be passable to have a few foreigners working alongside us in the U.S.; but in more recessionary times, absolutely should no foreigners be taking up jobs that can be filled by U.S. Citizens. Companies should receive strict punishment for hiring foreigners over U.S. Citizens.

He started a trade war with China, only to backtrack like a pussy when they fired back with their own tariffs.

He lied about not getting involved against Assad with Syria. In a key moment in the October 2016 debates, he said that the humanitarian conflicts in Syria between Assad and the rebels were not our business. However, he changed his tune as early as mid-late 2017.

He lied about solving the North Korean crisis. Kim Jong Un remains a nuclear threat and no more or less stable of a situation there than when Obama left office.

He lied about building The Wall (and making Mexico pay for it :lol) Billions of taxpayer dollars have been invested in this, with very little to no progress.

He lied about making a hard stance against illegal immigrations and "kicking them out" of the USA. There are more illegal immigrants present in the USA today than when Obama left office at the end of 2016.

He lied about becoming a more presidential president after being elected. Since he has been elected, not only has he continued to exclusively use the " @ realDonaldTrump " account instead of the standard "POTUS" twitter account, but his rancid, rabid tweeting has continued and arguably gotten worse since his 2016 campaign.

He lied about repealing and replacing Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act. He did not get it done in spite of the GOP controlling all chambers of Congress, the White House and a Supreme Court majority.

He lied about installing true conservatives in the Supreme Court. Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have voted with the left wing on certain issues; they have not been adequate replacements for Antonin Scalia.

He lied about taking a hands-off approach against Iran (and Syria) and sectarian neutrality in the Middle East.

He lied about reducing taxes for everyone. While the tax brackets moved up slightly with the 2017-18 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, many people are paying more in taxes and worse, being taxed on things that should absolutely not be taxable, such as relocation and travel expenses for a job requirement. And home ownership tax breaks were completely nerfed in this stupid, horribly constructed bill/act.

He lied about no new stimulus and a reduction in government spending. Unilaterally, he has spent trillions of dollars in taxpayer money that our grandchildren will have to re-pay. And this is after chastising Obama for his 2009 stimulus package, which was equally stupid. But, what a hypocrite.

He lied about maintaining a strong economy with strong interest rates allowing for citizens to take advantage of the time value of money principle and keep up with inflation. With him allowing the Fed to re-enact ZIRP policies, this allows for irresponsible borrowing but worse, increased de-valuation of people's hard earned savings money that they can no longer come out even even on with inflation, due to the retardedness of ZIRP.

He (likely) lied about his faithfulness to Melania .... .... ..... ... ..

Donald (Duck) Trump is a Liar. By all means, vote him out in 2020... even if it means electing a pedophile with Alzheimer's and tactlessness, at least the GOP will likely be able to hold the Senate rust belt seats in 2022 and likely win back the White House in 2024 with a real Presidential candidate this way.

04-02-2020, 08:44 PM
Talk about lies. GWB's Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction is bigger than any lies you listed for Trump.

Tbh I think Trump might have officially surpassed GWB Jr as the worst president ever. Coronavirus is the new 9/11, an inside job. A psychological warfare on mankind.

04-02-2020, 08:47 PM
Donald (Duck) Trump is a Liar. By all means, vote him out in 2020... even if it means electing a pedophile with Alzheimer's and tactlessness, at least the GOP will likely be able to hold the Senate rust belt seats in 2022 and likely win back the White House in 2024 with a real Presidential candidate this way.

We'll see.

All the data for 2020 is shaping up to be another blue wave that will overwhelm Republican efforts to cheat on elections.

McConnel's seat is threatened. Collins is a goner. There is a very real chance that the GOP will lose the Senate.

By 2024, Texas slide towards being a swing state will pretty much be baked in to the electoral map. At that point, the number of outcomes where a Republican can win the White House narrow considerably, to the point of implausibility.


Even with the EC, you can't lose the election by millions of votes and expect to win. The virus and time will simply sap the GOP of the older voters they rely on to show up.

04-02-2020, 08:52 PM
Trump has kepted more promises then other presidents

04-02-2020, 08:53 PM
Hillary would have been better. Bill Clinton was better. Hillary is just an extension of that.

Uh no Hilary has a pussy bill has balls

04-02-2020, 08:57 PM
Uh no Hilary has a pussy bill has balls


04-02-2020, 08:58 PM
LOL at people believing anything any of these politicians SAY - better to look at what they DO. The best is to ignore what they say and do and DO for yourself.

04-02-2020, 09:22 PM
We'll see.

All the data for 2020 is shaping up to be another blue wave that will overwhelm Republican efforts to cheat on elections.

McConnel's seat is threatened. Collins is a goner. There is a very real chance that the GOP will lose the Senate.

By 2024, Texas slide towards being a swing state will pretty much be baked in to the electoral map. At that point, the number of outcomes where a Republican can win the White House narrow considerably, to the point of implausibility.


Even with the EC, you can't lose the election by millions of votes and expect to win. The virus and time will simply sap the GOP of the older voters they rely on to show up.
nah, my theory was always that the Republicans would hold in 2020 if Trump wins, just losing CO and possibly ME and gaining back AL. But in that case, the Dems would have a blue wave in 2022 similar to 2006, when in 2022 a gold mine of rust belt area GOP seats are up for re-election.

04-02-2020, 09:41 PM
Tbh I think Trump might have officially surpassed GWB Jr as the worst president ever. Coronavirus is the new 9/11, an inside job. A psychological warfare on mankind.

Nixon, St Ronnie, dubya, Trash.

04-02-2020, 09:51 PM
LOL at people believing anything any of these politicians SAY - better to look at what they DO. The best is to ignore what they say and do and DO for yourself.:lol Trump is fucking up so don't look at what he says or does.

04-02-2020, 09:51 PM
GWB was solid. Obummer was a snake, and Trump is just a damn idiot.

George Bush Junior was a fucking moron, whose administration got thousands of US servicemembers needlessly killed in the botched Iraq invasion and occupation.

In a nutshell: They didn't read the fucking counter-insurgency manual, and put in place an occupational government not based on competence, but loyalty and ideological purity.

They put troops into situations that almost eerily mirrored the tactical and strategic mistake of Vietnam.

Fuck that dumb ass mother fucking (unt, and fuck you for thinking he isn anything other than a piece of shit. It takes a real know-nothing sack of shit to think he was "solid".

04-02-2020, 09:56 PM
nah, my theory was always that the Republicans would hold in 2020 if Trump wins, just losing CO and possibly ME and gaining back AL. But in that case, the Dems would have a blue wave in 2022 similar to 2006, when in 2022 a gold mine of rust belt area GOP seats are up for re-election.



It's always funny when reality dickslaps teh data-challenged.

04-02-2020, 10:37 PM
:lol Trump is fucking up so don't look at what he says or does.

In what particular is he DOing?

04-02-2020, 10:40 PM
:lol Trump is fucking up so don't look at what he says or does.


04-02-2020, 10:42 PM
In what particular is he DOing?He DID nothing at the most important time while SAYING it was going down and would magically disappear.

04-02-2020, 10:43 PM
such a terrible crisis president, tbh... but I'm sure rmt approves... :rolleyes

04-02-2020, 10:48 PM
such a terrible crisis president, tbh... but I'm sure rmt approves... :rolleyesIt's almost impossible to think of anyone who would've done worse. Trump was never a serious president and we're all paying the price.

04-03-2020, 12:03 AM
GWB is the worst president in my lifetime. I am 63.
Worse than Carter?

04-03-2020, 04:41 AM
Worse than Carter?


GWB should have never been president. Was not competent and only got there by family ties.

04-03-2020, 06:46 AM

GWB should have never been president. Was not competent and only got there by family ties.

Eyup. Traded on the name.

04-03-2020, 10:53 AM

GWB should have never been president. Was not competent and only got there by family ties.
Bush gets a lot of blame but man he was dealt a bad hand. He reacted pretty good post 9/11. Was lied to by his top advisors in the CIA and Homeland about WMD. And then the whole banking fiasco that led to the bubble breaking right on his way out. Not his fault at all that the banks were doing stupid shit, but he is remembered for 9/11, Iraq War, and bad economy on the way out.

Carter I guess you could also say was a victim of circumstances after inheriting the office after Watergate and Vietnam. But the dude had horrible foreign policy, let Iran keep American citizens for over a year (unthinkable today), had outrageous gas prices, and he himself also had a really bad economy with thousands of lay offs.

Might be bc of circumstance, but man some presidents aren’t made to handle crisis. Trump being one of them. The guy listens to the wrong people. That’s part of being a good president, listening to the correct people during crisis. And this isn’t to say that anyone person or party would do better bc honestly both sides suck.

At a time when action was needed, inaction took place, at a time where jobs are being lost, Congress bickers like little kids blaming each other instead of coming together. Might be a sign of the times but man what happened to the US coming together? Honestly the last thing I want to hear is whose fault it is. Just fix the damn problem like your job description says to

04-03-2020, 10:59 AM
Bush gets a lot of blame but man he was dealt a bad hand. He reacted pretty good post 9/11. Was lied to by his top advisors in the CIA and Homeland about WMD. And then the whole banking fiasco that led to the bubble breaking right on his way out. Not his fault at all that the banks were doing stupid shit, but he is remembered for 9/11, Iraq War, and bad economy on the way out.

Carter I guess you could also say was a victim of circumstances after inheriting the office after Watergate and Vietnam. But the dude had horrible foreign policy, let Iran keep American citizens for over a year (unthinkable today), had outrageous gas prices, and he himself also had a really bad economy with thousands of lay offs.

Might be bc of circumstance, but man some presidents aren’t made to handle crisis. Trump being one of them. The guy listens to the wrong people. That’s part of being a good president, listening to the correct people during crisis. And this isn’t to say that anyone person or party would do better bc honestly both sides suck.

At a time when action was needed, inaction took place, at a time where jobs are being lost, Congress bickers like little kids blaming each other instead of coming together. Might be a sign of the times but man what happened to the US coming together? Honestly the last thing I want to hear is whose fault it is. Just fix the damn problem like your job description says to

10/10 post.

04-03-2020, 11:00 AM


It's always funny when reality dickslaps teh data-challenged.

It's a 16 year cycle. It's 2004 this year. Give it a couple more years and things will go back to going your way again.

04-03-2020, 11:03 AM
Bush gets a lot of blame but man he was dealt a bad hand. He reacted pretty good post 9/11. Was lied to by his top advisors in the CIA and Homeland about WMD. And then the whole banking fiasco that led to the bubble breaking right on his way out. Not his fault at all that the banks were doing stupid shit, but he is remembered for 9/11, Iraq War, and bad economy on the way out.

Carter I guess you could also say was a victim of circumstances after inheriting the office after Watergate and Vietnam. But the dude had horrible foreign policy, let Iran keep American citizens for over a year (unthinkable today), had outrageous gas prices, and he himself also had a really bad economy with thousands of lay offs.

Might be bc of circumstance, but man some presidents aren’t made to handle crisis. Trump being one of them. The guy listens to the wrong people. That’s part of being a good president, listening to the correct people during crisis. And this isn’t to say that anyone person or party would do better bc honestly both sides suck.

At a time when action was needed, inaction took place, at a time where jobs are being lost, Congress bickers like little kids blaming each other instead of coming together. Might be a sign of the times but man what happened to the US coming together? Honestly the last thing I want to hear is whose fault it is. Just fix the damn problem like your job description says to

One thing that has separated all of the past presidents and Trump is that he can't effectively show empathy. Clinton, Bushes, Obama...they all seemed genuine when addressing a crisis. Even if it was a facade, they were able to at least able to come off as if they cared. Conversely, even if Trump does care, he just seems too disconnected to how the population thinks or feels.

04-03-2020, 11:11 AM

SALY syndrome. Reality is going to dickslap you so hard in November, its going to leave a big, dick-shaped mark on your face for about...4 years. Have fun with that.

:lol "solid" GWB GTFO

You people and your factless echo chambers. Jeez us.

04-03-2020, 11:12 AM
One thing that has separated all of the past presidents and Trump is that he can't effectively show empathy. Clinton, Bushes, Obama...they all seemed genuine when addressing a crisis. Even if it was a facade, they were able to at least able to come off as if they cared. Conversely, even if Trump does care, he just seems too disconnected to how the population thinks or feels.


04-03-2020, 11:16 AM
One thing that has separated all of the past presidents and Trump is that he can't effectively show empathy. Clinton, Bushes, Obama...they all seemed genuine when addressing a crisis. Even if it was a facade, they were able to at least able to come off as if they cared. Conversely, even if Trump does care, he just seems too disconnected to how the population thinks or feels.

Obama's "empathy" was definitely a facade. His fake southern drawl was lol-worthy. He took sides versus being a mediator on too many polarizing issues.

Trump, on the other hand, just doesn't give a fuck about anyone except himself (and his sons) and it really shows. No empathy, not even sympathy.

Clinton was two-faced. The Bushes were legit, particularly GWB with his strong feelings for the country and its people. Carter was a good hearted guy but just incompetent.

04-03-2020, 11:17 AM
Bush gets a lot of blame but man he was dealt a bad hand. He reacted pretty good post 9/11. Was lied to by his top advisors in the CIA and Homeland about WMD. And then the whole banking fiasco that led to the bubble breaking right on his way out. Not his fault at all that the banks were doing stupid shit, but he is remembered for 9/11, Iraq War, and bad economy on the way out.

The occupation of Iraq, was all on him, and him alone.

All those dead soldiers for YEARS could have been avoided. They had the fucking Fm-34-1 for decades before it. No fucking excuse for not following it.

You know, the counter-insurgency manual written after vietnam. They picked an up and coming smart colonel to write it. He did a fucking awesome job, and they ignored it for three years, while soldiers died needlessly in the field.

No excuse for that. NONE.

04-03-2020, 11:18 AM
Obama's "empathy" was definitely a facade. His fake southern drawl was lol-worthy. He took sides versus being a mediator on too many polarizing issues.

echo chamber bullshit. sorry.

Feel free to back up any of those statements.

04-03-2020, 11:20 AM
The Bushes were legit, particularly GWB with his strong feelings for the country and its people. Carter was a good hearted guy but just incompetent.

Bushes were a bunch of elitist ivy league posers.

04-03-2020, 11:25 AM
He DID nothing at the most important time while SAYING it was going down and would magically disappear.

I recall him closing off China in January and being called racist, etc for DOing so - that (imo) was the most important time - not whatever time AFTER that you are referring to.

04-03-2020, 11:49 AM
Bush gets a lot of blame but man he was dealt a bad hand. He reacted pretty good post 9/11. Was lied to by his top advisors in the CIA and Homeland about WMD. And then the whole banking fiasco that led to the bubble breaking right on his way out. Not his fault at all that the banks were doing stupid shit, but he is remembered for 9/11, Iraq War, and bad economy on the way out.

Carter I guess you could also say was a victim of circumstances after inheriting the office after Watergate and Vietnam. But the dude had horrible foreign policy, let Iran keep American citizens for over a year (unthinkable today), had outrageous gas prices, and he himself also had a really bad economy with thousands of lay offs.

Might be bc of circumstance, but man some presidents aren’t made to handle crisis. Trump being one of them. The guy listens to the wrong people. That’s part of being a good president, listening to the correct people during crisis. And this isn’t to say that anyone person or party would do better bc honestly both sides suck.

At a time when action was needed, inaction took place, at a time where jobs are being lost, Congress bickers like little kids blaming each other instead of coming together. Might be a sign of the times but man what happened to the US coming together? Honestly the last thing I want to hear is whose fault it is. Just fix the damn problem like your job description says to

Trump never drained the swamp. He surrounded himself by banksters, neocons and Zionists. It would really take aomeone like Bernie Sanders to drain the swamp.

04-03-2020, 12:16 PM
He DID nothing at the most important time while SAYING it was going down and would magically disappear.
No he wanted medical people to go to China and find out more info
He did more ten past president before death
But keep lying to yourself

04-03-2020, 01:29 PM
I recall him closing off China in January and being called racist, etc for DOing so - that (imo) was the most important time - not whatever time AFTER that you are referring to. You're really trying to pimp that? That's ALL he did and he even screwed that up by letting Americans and permanent residents come back who could have been asymptomatic carriers with zero follow up.

Tell me, what else did he do in the most important time before the travel ban?

I'd love to see your list.

04-03-2020, 01:31 PM
No he wanted medical people to go to China and find out more info
He did more ten past president before death
But keep lying to yourselflol incoherent ducks

04-03-2020, 01:49 PM
There is no one better qualified to handle this situation than President Donald Trump

Spurs Homer
04-03-2020, 01:59 PM
I recall him closing off China in January and being called racist, etc for DOing so - that (imo) was the most important time - not whatever time AFTER that you are referring to.

except he didnt

he stopped SOME people from traveling here

but EXEMPTED a shitload of chines and non-chinese travelers

so that ONE thing his fellators claim he did right- is just another fucking lie

Spurs Homer
04-03-2020, 02:02 PM
No he wanted medical people to go to China and find out more info
He did more ten past president before death
But keep lying to yourself

wrong fucko

obama had a pandemic team in place- trump disbanded it

obama had personnel in china- to alert the usa early- trump fired them

it has been one fuckup after another and still fucking up today by privatizing the emergency equipment while americans die-

all just to line his greedy pockets

04-03-2020, 02:26 PM
You're really trying to pimp that? That's ALL he did and he even screwed that up by letting Americans and permanent residents come back who could have been asymptomatic carriers with zero follow up.

Tell me, what else did he do in the most important time before the travel ban?

I'd love to see your list.

Oh no, you don't - YOU are the one who claimed he's f***** up - not me - the burden is on you to explain when the most important time (to you) was. What you claimed he said was AFTER the travel ban. And when he did the Europe ban, practically NO ONE was expecting that.

04-03-2020, 02:30 PM
Oh no, you don't - YOU are the one who claimed he's f***** up - not me - the burden is on you to explain when the most important time (to you) was. What you claimed he said was AFTER the travel ban. And when he did the Europe ban, practically NO ONE was expecting that.

Did you ever think that the only thing he did that you can point to, "travel bans" (which is not what these were), is because it is xenophobic in nature?

Also, "honey, there's an intruder in the house, go lock the front door!"

04-03-2020, 03:01 PM
Bush's reaction to 9/11 was get us into 2 wars that cost us more lives than 9/11 itself, and significantly more deaths of innocent people abroad... and effectively became our modern day unwinnable "war" that cost us trillions of dollars and made that area even more dangerous and unstable. wasn't aware that should be considered a good reaction

04-03-2020, 03:13 PM
Bush's reaction to 9/11 was get us into 2 wars that cost us more lives than 9/11 itself, and significantly more deaths of innocent people abroad... and effectively became our modern day unwinnable "war" that cost us trillions of dollars and made that area even more dangerous and unstable. wasn't aware that should be considered a good reaction
Sorry I meant immediate reaction. He really focused on the real heroism of the first responders immediately afterwards and didn’t make it about himself. He seemed shocked and just saddened at the event. He pumped up our patriotism (not that it was him alone or anything but he was a part of it) and America really seemed united and as one. He then gave us a person to hate which is what we really needed at the time. I remember thousands joining the armed forces just to get revenge.

But yeah he fucked up with the Iraq war. He has the wrong generals in charge. He had corrupt advisors and the top of the food chain of both the CIA and DoD really did him dirty with their doctored reports. I don’t think anyone can deny that Bush was lied to by his advisors (seeing as the former head of CIA came out years later and admitted to lying to him :lol). But we didn’t learn our lesson with Vietnam which is a tough pill to swallow seeing the ones in charge at the time all either fought in Nam or were alive during it and knew of all the fuck ups that occurred.

04-03-2020, 03:23 PM
I recall him closing off China in January and being called racist, etc for DOing so - that (imo) was the most important time - not whatever time AFTER that you are referring to.

r m t

04-03-2020, 03:57 PM
Sorry I meant immediate reaction. He really focused on the real heroism of the first responders immediately afterwards and didn’t make it about himself. He seemed shocked and just saddened at the event. He pumped up our patriotism (not that it was him alone or anything but he was a part of it) and America really seemed united and as one. He then gave us a person to hate which is what we really needed at the time. I remember thousands joining the armed forces just to get revenge.
Yeah, one of the things I remember most about post-9/11 was how unified we became. Not so right now. We're more divided than ever. Even the people on the front lines don't get the respect that they deserve. I know two people that were verbally and physically assaulted for wearing scrubs in public places. Now, that probably isn't the best idea right now, but people are just assuming that these individuals are surrounded by COVID then going out in public. I guarantee you that is never the case, but people assume and act like jackasses instead of just keeping their distance.

04-03-2020, 04:02 PM
No he wanted medical people to go to China and find out more info
He did more ten past president before death
But keep lying to yourself

he fired the CDC guy who was stationed in China. axed with a budget cut.


04-03-2020, 04:05 PM
Sorry I meant immediate reaction. He really focused on the real heroism of the first responders immediately afterwards and didn’t make it about himself. He seemed shocked and just saddened at the event. He pumped up our patriotism (not that it was him alone or anything but he was a part of it) and America really seemed united and as one. He then gave us a person to hate which is what we really needed at the time. I remember thousands joining the armed forces just to get revenge.

But yeah he fucked up with the Iraq war. He has the wrong generals in charge. He had corrupt advisors and the top of the food chain of both the CIA and DoD really did him dirty with their doctored reports. I don’t think anyone can deny that Bush was lied to by his advisors (seeing as the former head of CIA came out years later and admitted to lying to him :lol). But we didn’t learn our lesson with Vietnam which is a tough pill to swallow seeing the ones in charge at the time all either fought in Nam or were alive during it and knew of all the fuck ups that occurred.

He was the fucker in charge.

Don't play this off as if he wasn't responsible. If he didn't know what the fuck was going on, HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.

the buck stops with anyone who doesn't have the magic "R" behind their names...?

04-03-2020, 04:08 PM
Yeah, one of the things I remember most about post-9/11 was how unified we became. Not so right now. We're more divided than ever. Even the people on the front lines don't get the respect that they deserve. I know two people that were verbally and physically assaulted for wearing scrubs in public places. Now, that probably isn't the best idea right now, but people are just assuming that these individuals are surrounded by COVID then going out in public. I guarantee you that is never the case, but people assume and act like jackasses instead of just keeping their distance.

We were unified right up to the invasion of Iraq. It's like conservative voters love morons.

04-03-2020, 04:27 PM
We were unified right up to the invasion of Iraq. It's like conservative voters love morons
True. That's what I meant. There was a heavy feeling that everybody carried around with them, people were polite to one another, everyone felt like they were in it together. Now people fight over toilet paper.

04-03-2020, 04:31 PM
Oh no, you don't - YOU are the one who claimed he's f***** up - not me - the burden is on you to explain when the most important time (to you) was. What you claimed he said was AFTER the travel ban. And when he did the Europe ban, practically NO ONE was expecting that.:lol "claimed he said"

You're even in denial about that.

Dude called it the flu and said it would disappear like a miracle.

After ignoring all the intel briefings and recommendations and planning that was already in place.

Do you think that's responsible?

04-03-2020, 05:44 PM
echo chamber bullshit. sorry.

Feel free to back up any of those statements.

Well, let's start with ":cry my son would have looked like Trayvon :cry"

04-03-2020, 05:45 PM
Well, let's start with ":cry my son would have looked like Trayvon :cry"

You might as well have brought up the Dijon Mustard scandal.

04-03-2020, 05:55 PM
We were unified right up to the invasion of Iraq. It's like conservative voters love morons.

Please, you called Bush everything but a white man.

Wanted him to drag out the WMD in broad daylight onto the south lawn. When he couldn't you started beating the Impeachment drums.

Grudged him when he flew that fighter jet onto that carrier like Dukakis drove that tank like Snoopy.

I know where the bear shits in the buckwheat, RG.

04-03-2020, 05:56 PM
Well, let's start with ":cry my son would have looked like Trayvon :cry"

Then O conspired with CNN to doctor that tape.


04-03-2020, 06:24 PM
Please, you called Bush everything but a white man.

Wanted him to drag out the WMD in broad daylight onto the south lawn. When he couldn't you started beating the Impeachment drums.

Grudged him when he flew that fighter jet onto that carrier like Dukakis drove that tank like Snoopy.

I know where the bear shits in the buckwheat, RG.

"we" in the sense of the country.

I always said:

Iraq was dumb, and the people leading us into it had no idea what they were getting into, and had really bad arguments for it.

I was absolutely fucking right. he should have been impeached for getting soldiers killed, and i would say it to his dumb face and spit on him if i ever met him. Fuck that peice of shit.

The stupid fucking photo op was before the bulk of hte casualties too.

I'm not going to apologize for being right.

04-03-2020, 06:25 PM
Well, let's start with ":cry my son would have looked like Trayvon :cry"

Oh the horror. A president empathizing with the family of a murder victim.

What an asshole.

Rube. Echo chamber bullshit koolaid drinking dumbassery.

04-03-2020, 07:25 PM
You might as well have brought up the Dijon Mustard scandal.

Remember that time when there was some major outrage because he gifted the Queen of England an iPod? :lol

04-03-2020, 07:34 PM
Remember that time when there was some major outrage because he gifted the Queen of England an iPod? :lol

I remember it well.

04-03-2020, 08:51 PM
Remember that time when there was some major outrage because he gifted the Queen of England an iPod? :lol

The time he bowed gracefully to, and prayed the Salat with the Iranians, but DIDN'T bow to the Queen of England (on the same inter-continental trip away from the US) rings a bigger bell, tbh.

04-03-2020, 09:01 PM
The time he bowed gracefully to, and prayed the Salat with the Iranians, but DIDN'T bow to the Queen of England (on the same inter-continental trip away from the US) rings a bigger bell, tbh.:lol getting pretty much everything wrong

04-03-2020, 09:05 PM
RandomGuy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1813)

As for now, to me this map seems like the most likely... Do you agree? (Except I'd also turn NM blue IMO)


04-03-2020, 09:10 PM
The time he bowed gracefully to, and prayed the Salat with the Iranians, but DIDN'T bow to the Queen of England (on the same inter-continental trip away from the US) rings a bigger bell, tbh.

Let's suppose you got it right, is that really the bar? Because this guy is costing actual lives.

04-03-2020, 10:01 PM
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

Lol people wanting to vote for biden

04-03-2020, 10:04 PM
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

Lol people wanting to vote for bidenIs that supposed to be a tweet?

04-03-2020, 10:06 PM
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

Lol people wanting to vote for biden

please show you wearing maga hat.

pretty please, with sugar on top

04-03-2020, 10:18 PM
real (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=6855)DonaldTrump
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

Lol people wanting to vote for biden


04-03-2020, 10:23 PM
RandomGuy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1813)

As for now, to me this map seems like the most likely... Do you agree? (Except I'd also turn NM blue IMO)


I'd be tickled pink going in to Election Night with that count.

All we need is one (fat) state because you're right, we ain't gonna get NM.. We never get it. That'd be:::


We'd have to turn something big (PA.), OR MI. + WI.. I don't think we can get both & if we didn't get PA. we'd have to have both.
Biden's connection to PA., is a problem.

04-03-2020, 10:26 PM
RandomGuy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1813)

As for now, to me this map seems like the most likely... Do you agree? (Except I'd also turn NM blue IMO)


I don't know about Ohio red...

But most importantly, I don't think these numbers will stabilize until we're done with the worst of COVID

04-03-2020, 10:28 PM
The old man got ribald at the Presser today talking about projection (models).

"I don't like models,,,at least these kind." :lol

04-04-2020, 01:44 AM

04-04-2020, 11:03 AM
I don't know about Ohio red...

But most importantly, I don't think these numbers will stabilize until we're done with the worst of COVID

Ohio was won by a solid, solid margin in 2016 and has trended red demographically... I was there, remember... it's a state loaded with whites with low education (less than a bachelor's degree), white single parents etc... all the white single moms I met there absolutely loved Trump.

Outside of Columbus (blue because of the gigantic university, and then you have some blacks in the outer city) and Cleveland area (large black population in general), it's going to be a red state for the foreseeable future. Even Cincinnati area is 50/50 because you have only a small inner city and then a few blocks worth of ghetto (I was in it once, got laid in the ghetto there once, but that's another story) but so much of outer Cincinnati is rural and again, loaded with lower-middle class whites without a college degree.

Every time I drove up the I-71 corridor from Cincinnati to Columbus (and back), I would see no less than 6 billboard signs out in the country saying "Abortion is Murder, Repeal Roe v. Wade Now" or "Marriage is between a Man and a Woman"... Ohio is ruby red outside the biggest cities and universities.

04-04-2020, 11:13 AM
I'd be tickled pink going in to Election Night with that count.

All we need is one (fat) state because you're right, we ain't gonna get NM.. We never get it. That'd be:::


We'd have to turn something big (PA.), OR MI. + WI.. I don't think we can get both & if we didn't get PA. we'd have to have both.
Biden's connection to PA., is a problem.

The GOP got NM in Bush 2004, carrying 40% of the large Hispanic vote there, but that was probably an outlier.

I think it's a weird dynamism because incumbency favors Trump but the EC definitely favors Biden at the moment, considering he blasted Bernie in the rust belt states that were key to Trump's victory in 2016 (note, Bernie blasted Hillary in these states in 2016).

It's not impossible for Biden to win his hometown state of PA, and for MI to flip back considering Trump's comments, but, Trump could flip MN and hold WI considering the demographics in both states. I think WI is a coin toss and could easily stay with Trump considering the demographics there outside of the Madison-Milwaukee corridor, and a lot of the policies, i.e. taxes, gas taxes etc have trended conservative in that state lately. MN is tougher because the percentage of educated whites vs. non-educated is higher, but there are still a considerable amount of less educated whites outside the Twin Cities metro, and MN has been trending red for a long time so the Dems shouldn't be surprised if it turns red.

But even then, if Trump gets WI and MN, all it would take is for a shocker on the other end... (Biden takes AZ??!?!) for Trump getting big wins up north to be a moot point.

04-04-2020, 12:28 PM
The time he bowed gracefully to, and prayed the Salat with the Iranians, but DIDN'T bow to the Queen of England (on the same inter-continental trip away from the US) rings a bigger bell, tbh.

Protocol is not for the President to bow to any monarch. Don't know about the other. More echo chamber mythology from your cult leaders.

You really are brainwashed, if those are your memories.

04-04-2020, 12:35 PM
The GOP got NM in Bush 2004, carrying 40% of the large Hispanic vote there, but that was probably an outlier.

I think it's a weird dynamism because incumbency favors Trump but the EC definitely favors Biden at the moment, considering he blasted Bernie in the rust belt states that were key to Trump's victory in 2016 (note, Bernie blasted Hillary in these states in 2016).

It's not impossible for Biden to win his hometown state of PA, and for MI to flip back considering Trump's comments, but, Trump could flip MN and hold WI considering the demographics in both states. I think WI is a coin toss and could easily stay with Trump considering the demographics there outside of the Madison-Milwaukee corridor, and a lot of the policies, i.e. taxes, gas taxes etc have trended conservative in that state lately. MN is tougher because the percentage of educated whites vs. non-educated is higher, but there are still a considerable amount of less educated whites outside the Twin Cities metro, and MN has been trending red for a long time so the Dems shouldn't be surprised if it turns red.

But even then, if Trump gets WI and MN, all it would take is for a shocker on the other end... (Biden takes AZ??!?!) for Trump getting big wins up north to be a moot point.

...that we will not let go of and attend to the manageable, the possible, the doable. We're stubborn that way & it hurts us.

& we tried in MN., in '16, with everything we had. It did not work. Let-it-go. It's only going to drift further away.

Get into PA., & take root.

Will Hunting
04-04-2020, 02:22 PM
RandomGuy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1813)

As for now, to me this map seems like the most likely... Do you agree? (Except I'd also turn NM blue IMO)

If the Dems lose New Mexico they’d also lose Nevada, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. All of those states are less blue than New Mexico is now.

04-04-2020, 02:25 PM
He was the fucker in charge.

Don't play this off as if he wasn't responsible. If he didn't know what the fuck was going on, HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.

the buck stops with anyone who doesn't have the magic "R" behind their names...?

That is just another lie that GWB didn't know the real facts about weapons of mass destruction. How can people be so stupid to believe yet another lie.

Will Hunting
04-04-2020, 02:27 PM
...that we will not let go of and attend to the manageable, the possible, the doable. We're stubborn that way & it hurts us.

& we tried in MN., in '16, with everything we had. It did not work. Let-it-go. It's only going to drift further away.

Get into PA., & take root.
Yep, Republicans should give up on diverse formerly red states like Virginia and New Mexico and focus their effort on the rust belt + rural New England (Maine and New Hampshire are going to be easily winnable for Trump imo, New England Dems think Joe Biden is a senile redneck).

04-04-2020, 02:55 PM
Yep, Republicans should give up on diverse formerly red states like Virginia and New Mexico and focus their effort on the rust belt + rural New England (Maine and New Hampshire are going to be easily winnable for Trump imo, New England Dems think Joe Biden is a senile redneck).

Maine? The southern part by Portland is very liberal. The north half is very rural and conservative, and that's why ME-2 leans Republican, but I don't think he can take the whole state. Then again, if he does well enough in Maine that also means that Susan Collins likely keeps her seat for the GOP.

04-04-2020, 03:04 PM
Yep, Republicans should give up on diverse formerly red states like Virginia and New Mexico and focus their effort on the rust belt + rural New England (Maine and New Hampshire are going to be easily winnable for Trump imo, New England Dems think Joe Biden is a senile redneck).

...I just do not think it will hold come election day in those voting booths. They want Trump out

Will Hunting
04-04-2020, 03:06 PM
Maine? The southern part by Portland is very liberal. The north half is very rural and conservative, and that's why ME-2 leans Republican, but I don't think he can take the whole state. Then again, if he does well enough in Maine that also means that Susan Collins likely keeps her seat for the GOP.
The thing about Maine and New Hampshire is that the Republicans in each state really like Trump vs. states like Arizona where the Repulican base might make up over 50% of the population but they don’t like Trump.

Trump also lost New Hampshire by only 3k votes last time around. Swing state as far as I’m concerned imo.

04-04-2020, 03:09 PM
The thing about Maine and New Hampshire is that the Republicans in each state really like Trump vs. states like Arizona where the Repulican base might make up over 50% of the population but they don’t like Trump.

Trump also lost New Hampshire by only 3k votes last time around. Swing state as far as I’m concerned imo.

I'm heartened.

04-04-2020, 04:30 PM
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

04-04-2020, 04:42 PM
real (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=6855)DonaldTrump
restricted China travel Biden says he supports it.

After 2 months of bashing the restrictions as “xenophobia” & “fear-mongering.”

That’s not leadership. That’s bad judgment

& of course Biden dumped it on a Friday...so, it'll be lost for awhile, until he needs it after he's chloroformed Sanders...then BIDEN will cite it. "Yes, indeed, I agreed with Trump on that point. I believe it was in early............Jeff?, (his point man). Yes, Mr. Vice President, it was April 3rd, I believe a Thursday (he knows it's a Friday) you stated that."

"Thanks, Jeff."

"You're welcome, Mr. Vice President."

See, how that works. A nice, cozy corporation twixt MSM & Vice President Biden.

04-04-2020, 07:33 PM
The thing about Maine and New Hampshire is that the Republicans in each state really like Trump vs. states like Arizona where the Repulican base might make up over 50% of the population but they don’t like Trump.

Trump also lost New Hampshire by only 3k votes last time around. Swing state as far as I’m concerned imo.
The other thing about Maine and NH is that they combined have less EC votes than ......Arizona. Or Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Minnesota, or PA for that matter.

The weirdest thing of my life was that tiny NH with its puny 4 EC votes changed all of our lives permanently and insanely by pulling out a shocker in 2000.

People say "Trump only won the election by 77k votes"... well that's still over 10 times more than what GWB won by.

04-04-2020, 08:25 PM
The other thing about Maine and NH is that they combined have less EC votes than ......Arizona. Or Wisconsin, or Michigan, or Minnesota, or PA for that matter.

The weirdest thing of my life was that tiny NH with its puny 4 EC votes changed all of our lives permanently and insanely by pulling out a shocker in 2000.

People say "Trump only won the election by 77k votes"... well that's still over 10 times more than what GWB won by.

...Christ, MM, I don't remember that. That was '04?

04-05-2020, 01:28 PM
...Christ, MM, I don't remember that. That was '04?

nah, 00 vs Gore. While everyone was all Florida Florida Florida Florida ZOMG FLORIDA?!?!?!!1!, there was tiny little NH with its 5-figure voting bloc (on each side) that actually truly decided the outcome of the election and shaped the first chunk of the 21st century in America.

04 vs Kerry, on the other hand, GWB won by a very solid margin taking a good handful of states that he didn't win in 00. Kerry didn't do very well with Latinos.

04-05-2020, 02:07 PM
nah, 00 vs Gore. While everyone was all Florida Florida Florida Florida ZOMG FLORIDA?!?!?!!1!, there was tiny little NH with its 5-figure voting bloc (on each side) that actually truly decided the outcome of the election and shaped the first chunk of the 21st century in America.

04 vs Kerry, on the other hand, GWB won by a very solid margin taking a good handful of states that he didn't win in 00. Kerry didn't do very well with Latinos.

I'll take your word for it. I just remember that Florida judge:::"I mean we could count votes until we're slap happy, but, I'm not going to allow that."

I was never happier.

& then Gore giving up & his people were outraged. They were going to fight to the death, gum up the works, but, Gore said "no mas." I was pleasantly shocked.

04-05-2020, 02:09 PM
I'll take your word for it. I just remember that Florida judge:::"I mean we could count votes until we're slap happy, but, I'm not going to allow that."

I was never happier.

& then Gore giving up & his people were outraged. They were going to fight to the death, gum up the works, but, Gore said "no mas." I was pleasantly shocked.

Sore Loserman. I wasn't quite 7 years old at the time, but I do remember seeing that as the headline on fox news.

04-05-2020, 02:17 PM
Sore Loserman. I wasn't quite 7 years old at the time, but I do remember seeing that as the headline on fox news.

Gore had killers for his front people. I can't recall their names off hand, but, they were solid. They did not want to toss that towel. Begged him on the phone, but, he tossed it anyway. Musta got paid, or, an offer he couldn't refuse. It just came out of nowhere. I thought I was dreaming when he capitulated. I thought it would go on forever!

There's a movie about that Election...[Recount] from 2008. It's pretty damn good. Has a fine cast. I got it here at the house somewhere and I may dig it up now that you've sparked an interest.

04-05-2020, 07:48 PM
I'll take your word for it. I just remember that Florida judge:::"I mean we could count votes until we're slap happy, but, I'm not going to allow that."

I was never happier.

& then Gore giving up & his people were outraged. They were going to fight to the death, gum up the works, but, Gore said "no mas." I was pleasantly shocked.

On the ground here in Florida in '00. My lasting memory is this election worker holding up the card wondering whether it's punched through or not. Supreme Court did the right thing going with original count - Lord knows what a REcount would be like today especially with the shenanigans of BROWARD COUNTY and their mess ups.

04-05-2020, 07:52 PM
On the ground here in Florida in '00. My lasting memory is this election worker holding up the card wondering whether it's punched through or not. Supreme Court did the right thing going with original count - Lord knows what a REcount would be like today especially with the shenanigans of BROWARD COUNTY and their mess ups.

I know. I remember CNN's John King running at a sprint for the SC steps, got the single sheet of a paper & he just crumbled. LOL! Like somebody had died.

Can you believe that's 20 years gone? Like yesterday.

04-05-2020, 07:54 PM
On the ground here in Florida in '00. My lasting memory is this election worker holding up the card wondering whether it's punched through or not. Supreme Court did the right thing going with original count - Lord knows what a REcount would be like today especially with the shenanigans of BROWARD COUNTY and their mess ups.

Yep, we'd a gotten fucked at Broward. Half a million votes to play with, r. We'd a never survived it. I get nervous even thinking about it now, this evening. GD!

11-05-2020, 06:56 PM
Thread how you feel about AZ going blue?

11-05-2020, 06:58 PM
Thread how you feel about AZ going blue?
He may never leave the reading room again tbh

11-05-2020, 07:01 PM
He may never leave the reading room again tbh
Rapey Bryant and 45 dying in the same year... 2020 was sure awesome for our old buddy Culburn.