View Full Version : C19 crisis: oligarchy making moves to increase domination of America

04-14-2020, 06:05 AM
Trump’s Vendetta Against Jeff Bezos Could Destroy the Postal Service

The president reportedly

threatened to veto the $2 trillion coronavirus rescue package if funds went to the USPS,

which comes as he ramps up opposition to voting by mail in November.

The United States Postal Service has warned that it will “run out of cash” by the fall without intervention—

and Donald Trump appears unwilling to help.

the president vowed to veto (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/11/post-office-bailout-trump/) the $2 trillion rescue package Congress passed last month if it contained any bailout money for this crucial independent agency,

which has been under additional strain due to the coronavirus crisis.

He has instead called for USPS to “raise the prices” on companies like Amazon.

“They ought to do that, and we are looking into it,” the president said Wednesday.

“We’ve been pushing them now for over a year.”

Trump has frequently attacked USPS,

roping the agency into his long-running blood feud with Amazon and its founder,

Jeff Bezos, who also owns another Trump target: the Washington Post.

Trump has said (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/981168344924536832) the company costs the postal service “massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy,”

https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/04/trumps-vendetta-against-jeff-bezos-could-destroy-the-postal-service?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=vf&utm_mailing=VF_Hive_041420&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&hasha=992d608214b505003aa04bf10a595031&hashb=542eb31d958e85ddd5a4c3ccf3faae18526a77bd&hashc=54b3612ab970ce13a64a16665b1987080ca5b72e2ee7 62b722fbba6ab378f2f5&esrc=bounceX&utm_campaign=VF_Hive_041420&utm_term=VYF_Hive

Repugs / oligarchy have long wanted to destroy the USPS,

that's why the Repugs made USPS fund its retirement for 75 years ahead,

and after destruction, hand the USPS to privatizers,

who will close 1000s of offices, layoffs 100Ks of unionized employees, and deliver shitty service for much higher prices, as Capitalism always does.

04-14-2020, 06:30 AM
Lifted from slashdot, had a good laugh...

Don't those greedy letter carriers know that there are multinational corporations that are barely surviving bailout to bailout? Did you know that many of them can't even afford to pay taxes? I know! Meanwhile those greedy bastards at the Post Office are just rolling in LAVISH health care and EXTRAVAGANT retirement savings. It really puts things in perspective.

04-14-2020, 07:56 AM
Lifted from slashdot, had a good laugh...

Don't those greedy letter carriers know that there are multinational corporations that are barely surviving bailout to bailout? Did you know that many of them can't even afford to pay taxes? I know! Meanwhile those greedy bastards at the Post Office are just rolling in LAVISH health care and EXTRAVAGANT retirement savings. It really puts things in perspective.

if USPS is privatized, the postal employees union will be annulled, salaries will be cut, 10Ks employees fired, in the oligarchy/BigCorp War on Labor

and if privatized, the USPS pension obligations will be dumped on the taxpayer

Trash's war on Bezos/WaPo by letting USPS go bankrupt is smokescreen for privatization of USPS

04-14-2020, 08:14 AM
the “bailouts” turning dollar into toilet paper

this is just QE on steroids

making 99% of our population dirt poor