View Full Version : Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables

04-22-2020, 12:41 PM

anyone seen it yet?

04-22-2020, 12:54 PM

anyone seen it yet?

I was all in on electric cars once, but the strip mining for batteries and such seems to off-set or even worsen the carbon footprint and just general harm to the land vs. petroleum. Petroleum is actually rather dense in its energy density vs. Lithium batteries.


I still despise the oil industry with every fiber of my being. But the Lithium Battery industry won't be any better as they rape Africa for those resources and form the same type of cartel as OPEC. It'll be the same shit, just a different commodity. Until a cleaner, more efficient battery is developed, the best solution is probably better public transport, carpooling, more biking and walking, and such.

04-23-2020, 06:58 AM
so the point is?

same bullshit about wind turbines and solar panels using so much coal- or oil-fired energy to make them.

It's still early days yet with $Bs going into battery research to replace expensive, rare materials.

Cobalt is a huge problem, but it seems like lithium supply is becoming less so. Recycling batteries.

Do we ever hear rightwingnutjob shit bags whining about lead pollution from lead-acid battery production?

or 1000s of tons of escaped methane and ground water pollution from oil/gas extraction and processing,

or toxic mercury and toxic coal ash from coal-fired plants

no, the ONLY whining is about how horrible renewables are, which whining is from paid propaganda from the industries that renewables will damage or replace.

04-24-2020, 05:49 PM
so the point is?

same bullshit about wind turbines and solar panels using so much coal- or oil-fired energy to make them.

It's still early days yet with $Bs going into battery research to replace expensive, rare materials.

Cobalt is a huge problem, but it seems like lithium supply is becoming less so. Recycling batteries.

Do we ever hear rightwingnutjob shit bags whining about lead pollution from lead-acid battery production?

or 1000s of tons of escaped methane and ground water pollution from oil/gas extraction and processing,

or toxic mercury and toxic coal ash from coal-fired plants

no, the ONLY whining is about how horrible renewables are, which whining is from paid propaganda from the industries that renewables will damage or replace.

Free to watch for 30 days. I’ll try to watch as I’ll be inside most of the weekend with temps already at 95 today.

GOLDSTEIN: Michael Moore's new film skewers green energy

A newly-released documentary from contrarian filmmaker Michael Moore calls green energy a fraud that is destroying the earth.

Planet of the Humans also accuses the environmental movement of selling out to corporate and Wall St. interests, by shilling for these so-called renewable technologies.


04-25-2020, 12:29 AM
Moore is an agitator, tbh... lacks credibility

baseline bum
04-25-2020, 12:38 AM
I was all in on electric cars once, but the strip mining for batteries and such seems to off-set or even worsen the carbon footprint and just general harm to the land vs. petroleum. Petroleum is actually rather dense in its energy density vs. Lithium batteries.


I still despise the oil industry with every fiber of my being. But the Lithium Battery industry won't be any better as they rape Africa for those resources and form the same type of cartel as OPEC. It'll be the same shit, just a different commodity. Until a cleaner, more efficient battery is developed, the best solution is probably better public transport, carpooling, more biking and walking, and such.

Never been into electric cars other than hybrids so you don't waste your kinetic energy towards just heating the brake pads when you stop. I'd vastly prefer natural gas hybrids since we have a ton of natural gas in this nation. Biofuel is the worst, dirtier than oil, fucks your engine, and makes our food more expensive on top of that.

baseline bum
04-25-2020, 12:41 AM
Moore is an agitator, tbh... lacks credibility

Fucked up what he did making it look like Matt Stone did Moore's NRA cartoon in Bowling For Columbine. Gotta say though he was the only person on the left who called Trump winning and called how much of a disaster his presidency would be for this nation.