View Full Version : Adieu Jerry Sloan

05-22-2020, 08:17 PM
Jerry Sloan passed away today.

He was a hard-nosed defensive guard on the pre-Jordan Chicago Bulls. Sloan and Norm Van Lier were one of the better defensive back courts of that era.

As a coach, he knocked on the door for years -- always the bridesmaid as long as Jordan and (ironically) the Bulls were around.

Was he Pop but without Duncan?

One thing is for sure, he was a great, uncompromising competitor.

05-22-2020, 08:22 PM
If only the Spurs had got JS and not GP.


05-23-2020, 12:13 AM
Farewell good sir! You tormented my childhood with Stockton and Malone but it was fun! Thank you!

05-23-2020, 12:56 AM
Should’ve won it in 98. Jazz were the better team. I’d count that as a ring. Didn’t watch much that year but I bet the Bulls got all the breaks


05-23-2020, 01:03 AM
Should’ve won it in 98. Jazz were the better team. I’d count that as a ring. Didn’t watch much that year but I bet the Bulls got all the breaks



baseline bum
05-23-2020, 01:30 PM
Should’ve won it in 98. Jazz were the better team. I’d count that as a ring. Didn’t watch much that year but I bet the Bulls got all the breaks


From the refs yeah the Bulls got the breaks, especially the Howard Eisley three clearly in time that Bavetta waved off and the Ron Harper runner that was late that he counted, both in Game 6. Not from the injury bug though, Pippen was a walking corpse in Games 5 & 6. I don't think the Jazz were a better team, no way you're a better team when led by a mental midget like Warm Karl when Jordan's leading the other guys. Stockton almost dragged Malone kicking and screaming to that title though. Stockton hit a backbreaking three to go up 3 with like 41 seconds left in Game 6. Then Jordan got a quick layup, Malone posted on the block and got stripped by Jordan, and then Jordan closed them out.

05-23-2020, 11:24 PM
His teams always played with heart and they always left it on the court great coach and a great man.

05-24-2020, 10:01 AM
I've always believed Sloan was the 2nd best coach in my lifetime (right after Pop). He did more with less and was a class act. Godspeed.

05-24-2020, 10:16 AM
From the refs yeah the Bulls got the breaks, especially the Howard Eisley three clearly in time that Bavetta waved off and the Ron Harper runner that was late that he counted, both in Game 6. Not from the injury bug though, Pippen was a walking corpse in Games 5 & 6. I don't think the Jazz were a better team, no way you're a better team when led by a mental midget like Warm Karl when Jordan's leading the other guys. Stockton almost dragged Malone kicking and screaming to that title though. Stockton hit a backbreaking three to go up 3 with like 41 seconds left in Game 6. Then Jordan got a quick layup, Malone posted on the block and got stripped by Jordan, and then Jordan closed them out.

Confirmed company man.

Fuck every one that RIP'd David Stern. He earned his place in hell.