View Full Version : Kathy Griffin At It Again

05-28-2020, 02:39 PM
:lol She cried that this stunt had cost her her livelihood...


:lol Insufferable hag


05-28-2020, 02:41 PM
didn't she had covid or something?

05-28-2020, 02:52 PM
didn't she had covid or something?

She looks like Carrot Top with AIDS

05-28-2020, 03:02 PM
derp scouring for kathy griffin news

05-28-2020, 03:12 PM

good one :lol

05-28-2020, 03:13 PM
didn't she had covid or something?

She looks like Carrot Top with AIDS

She's not getting enough adrenochrome these days.

05-28-2020, 03:23 PM
& she had it all and fucked up. Then apologized, but, they'd already cast her down with the sodomites, so, she reneged on the apology.

05-28-2020, 03:31 PM
Yep she was on a roll and somewhere along the line went off the rails and in the end she lost her it and that is what she deserved

baseline bum
05-28-2020, 03:56 PM
& she had it all and fucked up. Then apologized, but, they'd already cast her down with the sodomites, so, she reneged on the apology.

Should have never apologized, that shit was weak.

05-28-2020, 04:03 PM
Should have never apologized, that shit was weak.

Anderson Cooper & CNN sold her out & she didn't have anywhere to go.

Madonna got away with it, but, they punished Griffin.

05-28-2020, 04:16 PM
Anderson Cooper & CNN sold her out & she didn't have anywhere to go.

Madonna got away with it, but, they punished Griffin.

Because Kathy Griffin isn't Madonna. There's 100s and 100s of millions of dollars that separate them. The poorer, the more tenuous the grasp.

05-28-2020, 06:26 PM
What an ugly fucking tranny Griffin is. Barf!

05-28-2020, 07:01 PM
Should have never apologized, that shit was weak.


But then again, we democrats and progressives alike love to give in and capitulate to rightwing conservatives. Everything is an outrage and we immediately demand resignations of our own.

05-28-2020, 07:08 PM
What an ugly fucking tranny Griffin is. Barf!

05-28-2020, 07:22 PM
Don't bother. He has the IQ of a desk chair.

05-28-2020, 07:23 PM
I haven't heard the word "barf" since the last time I watched home alone

05-28-2020, 07:24 PM
Why do these angry incels care so much about Kathy Griffin

05-28-2020, 09:21 PM
I haven't heard the word "barf" since the last time I watched home alone

Fuck you blaKKKe but damn... lol :tu

05-28-2020, 11:17 PM
Don't bother. He has the IQ of a desk chair.


05-29-2020, 12:30 AM
Because Kathy Griffin isn't Madonna. There's 100s and 100s of millions of dollars that separate them. The poorer, the more tenuous the grasp.

Yep, sad but true.

05-29-2020, 01:20 AM
Yep, sad but true.

Tragic dale the ass eater of men. I’m guessing it’s more than the tan in a can man.

05-29-2020, 06:29 AM
Tragic dale the ass eater of men. I’m guessing it’s more than the tan in a can man.

Well, I see you're back on the rag. & on a Friday no less.

Fuck me.

05-29-2020, 07:54 AM
Well, I see you're back on the rag. & on a Friday no less.

Fuck me.


05-29-2020, 08:28 AM

05-29-2020, 08:52 AM
The ‘many’ are Trump supporters. Fuck them, no one cares.

05-29-2020, 08:56 AM
The ‘many’ are Trump supporters. Fuck them, no one cares.

:lol Woke tranny

05-29-2020, 09:34 AM
:lol Woke tranny

Hey derp, if you have time, can you list all the women that reject you?

05-29-2020, 09:39 AM
Hey derp, if you have time, can you list all the women that reject you?

Is that your metric for how cool you are?

Can't fail if you don't try. :lol

05-29-2020, 09:44 AM
Derp, the angry invalid.

05-29-2020, 09:46 AM
Derp, the angry invalid.

Convince me that you're not blake, slob or dabom.

05-29-2020, 09:48 AM
How long have you been disabled?

05-29-2020, 09:56 AM
Convince me that you're not blake, slob or dabom.

Should tell you your level, bruh.

05-29-2020, 10:04 AM
It was a serious question

How long have you been disabled?

05-29-2020, 10:07 AM
Is this you swearing off me, slob? :lol

05-29-2020, 10:07 AM
Don't bother. He has the IQ of a desk chair.


05-29-2020, 10:09 AM
Is this you swearing off me, slob? :lol

I just know you don’t have any prospects

Must be frustrating

05-29-2020, 10:13 AM
Regardless of her politics, she's pretty hot. I hate it when chicks slather on makeup. A true beauty is someone that can go au naturel and still look good.

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTEhMVFRUXGBcXGBgYFxcdFxgXGBUXGBcYFx cYHSggGBolHRcXIjEiJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGi0lHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLf/AABEIAPoAyQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAQMEBQYHAAj/xABFEAABBAECAwUFBAcGAwkAAAABAAIDEQQSIQUxQQYTUWFxIo GRobEHFDLRQlJiksHh8BUWI3KCslOD8SQzVHOio8LD0v/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACgRAAICAgICAQIHAQAAAAAAAAABAhEDIRIxBEEiEzIUUXGRo eHwBf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aqfu6JsCld 1eEoWNmlDceNamNx9ky2RIczekATI4wEZeOSrMjJIGyj4 Q8ndKh2WclITJSENvdR3A3VpgS2yBGJgExBAP1k 3DIPO/L8kaHTHYHalHyG7fNL3wYRzLidgPHxVVxjjBJJi208 W/mEJWBbY8ZpO9wfD t1Sx9oC1tkcwDsm38bugSbPXqBd/yTY0tl IH9KPvTT43c6VBBnvDr1geZPP3LTcHn1NvXrP9dPBSyuJEltBF urOVwPQf0PooeQANwnRDY0TpRMmUd5JRxxlAhx2Qh 8 KTuDaeOHY3SGEJmnqvNl8Co7cI70ljgINJi6H ZTuhC2EpzSUgMzG/dTw3ZQoscjmjbd80ySWaQW1C0A801M0DkUxlhqaQm2uFqIyREH WUAWMcwXnFvO1EKGWM0lQWPNlATs2RTSWnlvv5earoxXNVPFc2 pNLrLKFAeZNk 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LeY04ewPbuD8vJeX5Pi/S Sdo2hPlphubSRrykdZToGy4zUMHZBYSWvUgDFMKcbDafEKVtBU Ih5ru6Y53hy9TsshkZRc4knmrbthm/gYP8AOfm0f/JZovor0vHfDH pjJWyRqRNnKbK8ulSJoeoFNSQJKKUOKdp9oKaG 58NknteFqQHLzmKeC9BYwHIgQnDGh0JcWUeLr5krwAXg1GGpqI mxKRsS6UTGK0ibDSa17SvaVQhCUhci5Jh 5pS3Q0ghJv5hbnsRxQmQwk7OYXj1aQDXuPyXPGSXZ8Sr3shORx CEeAe3/2n2sMk7g0Uo7R1mwk1JF7SvHOgQpUJak0FAzNyFMvjtW33FNZe P3cbnnk1pcfcLVLbohnMu0M2qZ3g2mj/TsfnZ96rJinJ3WbKblOy9KWtGaJV8l4uTcR9keidbHa2jvoliA pwbohAvd0VoosVoXu0TG0kDU/BiPkvu2PfX6rSa9aGyukIbpIQrPH7PZUkbZWwOMby1rX7BpL3i NoBJ6ucB70nF Cz4zmsnj7tzhqAtpseNtJStCKxrUWhWHCOEy5LzHC3U4NLjuBT RVnf1CsMnsdmxsfI7HOhgJe4OjIaGi3XTugRcV2wM/pRBS5eGTNY2V0UgjcA5r9J0FrvwkO5b2EwWkbEV5FNIQJK8Eul PMjTqwIb1HB3PvVrLDtY6KoyNi8eR eyyyRcS0xhnNo8FddhLdnxH9pxPvY4fUhUJdz8hX8Ff8AYX2Zt f6un5yxj6WuaK5Oi3pHZAxK1iItpIJQF5hsKYUHdJwG0elAhts Sz3b YR4T heWsHx1H5NK0y599quZtDD/AJpD/sb9HrbBG8iJk9HN5ELuSJ6BdjJHYHDSL/rcoJ843TVEnkI5I8CIk3V Hjfop pJ/BBXslxPk8VtuynY/IyJWtna GMxmTUQASNQaGi 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ZXZ40e2ZzIT0CJ5QErVgMzN2U/gbnh8To61h7CwHlrDxpvy1AKvn5KVw91NaRsQbvwIOymH3g jp/H PNwsvLd3ZMmTDjnQfwteA9hD/EaaPv8ANc8y86SUtMr3PLWho1G6a0UAPAL2dmPle6SRxc925J5 nYD AUUFbN0QkaHsn2dkzpSxhDGNAL3nk0E0AB1cTy9CtvxfsNhYmM eQ5E3d6dQaWi9TmtNbbAWT6NKP7Hy37rNX4jkb O0cWmvLn8CtH29yBHw/K1GriLL/AGn w0empwT5MhvdGX7GdnuH5jHv 7zNa1wbbpCS4mz7NbbCgfVQs/Gw4s4YbOHukLnMa1xleLa8Alwb4D2v3CovYztkYI8XFhYHl QRIXXQEksbW6a5mi6/QKbnZZd2gY/u5C2OVsRIaeZjMYdfINDn36BO5Wx1sLi2LhRZ7cM8ONPkYxj 9eNTXuDNYHgDq/dTfZPAwc6cxDClYBZc8SvLY9jpDvMkH4K0 1nCkrGyYtRfE8ttosgOp7HUPBzD 8rX7N8VuFgCWQEd412RIQNw0NtrT56BdeLik5vjrsXo5 / ynX7ObCQaP4HBp5Ub3G6vsb7NWTwsmxspxa8Es7yOiR0ujssnw Pi0bJHyyzljXSsdJGGa 9j1ukdqvzAH ryXeomtZEAwBrWtGloFUK2AA5dNk5za6B6PnXimDJjyuhmbpe0 0R0IqwWnqCKIVv2Z487HmjLrfGx5dovYFzHRlzR0dpeVY/a7IP7QbVWIIw717yYi/PSWrIsKuLtbKq0dT7QvZKMrJ7wyQ9xFFET/AMaR0U1N82hjCfWui4tny3K7yNfBb7D4uBgS4zhZ7yN8f7PMyH 4MaP8AmFc4mfbnHxJ qwz/ABil/uioBxc1pMM/4JF8t1ncUK84c/2XBPx wmdf7GZOrDi8gW/Bx/NXbXLHfZflaoZIzzY4O9zh bT8VsaK4vIVZGaQegg9LrQNPii0hYFCcSwxNFJESWh7SwkcwCK K5R2l7BTYzHStkZIwEeIfuQBtyPxXZKVF2vGqFrP1nWfQA/8A6C2jklBaJq2cDmhcObSo5XSn8Lb4KDl8Lirdg CFmb7Rbx0c7kcraXh0sB7uaMsdQdR6tduD6c/gVZcP4U2XJjiDfZc9rT6FwB S1P2xQAZULx lCW/uSPP/ANgV4pXMiSpHPnBCjLUgC6aILbs5x XDl7yIg3 Jrr0u51Y8RZo ZWnyvtPyHtLe4gAP6wLhY3Gx891hKSgK0S4pmqn 0DNPJ0TPDRE0V6XyUc9uM83/ANocNRs01g3 Hks8UjUBxReu7acQ/wDEv/8AT SkYn2h57Bp71rhypzGnZZx7VGlFJStDpGud2zlIPewY0oJv2og CL8CFdt 1iTQR93brI2Os6QfGq3XPsZ4IpMzxkJyerFxRZ52a d75pXanudbj8hQ6AAADyATeObKjYEostP6Qr8k5jOLXeFbKoy6 Y69Fk91MPosj1WyyG22/ELO42ICVj5bqh41Y1CFdcHxZHuqNjnE9ALUnAwRtsPguhdio2s lYaXNHyHHpG6xWgOwPA8iB0jpWaA5tDcXdg8h71s2WealFlWPc h0qMk3N2zNKiO6ND3ZT740OhZ0MNmTYB0miCebeQ96pePd45zQ 2J5ofs Nnr4ALwceVrM8cyH96/2ndOp/VCpjh2PZEUv6MTn3dFpaQaOk0b3NhVOZjzEPAiNsq26m3bgSAN 9z7J2Vdn5DwxoDnAAuqieum1QZ Q8tsvde5uzfLx95 JUI0dmp7C8Nmtc6B9NOom2EXp1NFtcR1b8U79rmVqngZRaWxOd Rrk99Dl/5ZVL9lWdK6eTVI93sE7ucd9TN9zz80X2iPJzRZJ/wGf75V0YPvMZ9GbQpRySBdpASQJCUSYHiEiIoEmA6NwmpGJ0cg vPVPaEQxbSpbSHhNP8A4IMM 0s4unQxuQFpU4nWA8c R9eh/rwTOVyKLg/J3 U/UJxVS4iZbxy6oT4t lKswRuFMw Un V6i4nMLLyt8Ssfs0mG3ZaXs9kU8eoWcweSt C/j964WdUTqMu9HxAPy/6pF6P8DPQ/VImYvs9oSd2lSoEf/9k=
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/kRLJ1j8zkMLRtosGawGgxP1TYPK0znR4hddAZRnSVMpud66NPg occcqGo6g3MHpuzCvhZPKoCsDNVI-Kr8eJp8VcUPIVus_k3o-mYw1C7jESRK3DsoDBs4bcnRBDPitPc6IKbpjpiqA_Ktd9bvXFw FT3fQXgE-RRzxxufXz98vHSOAmohc4innSsuv6SOagDWkS_W75qD-poEjWHfVl6zmU3R6cFrlkvbpsfGpE8flEyAPCsrTowvE2Z6Zc

05-29-2020, 10:17 AM
Don't bother. He has the IQ of a desk chair.

You're really, really generous there.

05-29-2020, 10:39 AM
Its so easy to make fun of ugly old people when ST consists of a slew of male models.

This place reeks of good looking people.

I did like the carrot top joke however.
Yes, Donald is also an ugly old person, easy target on looks, especially when the behavior begs to be punched.

05-29-2020, 10:52 AM
Its so easy to make fun of ugly old people when ST consists of a slew of male models.

This place reeks of good looking people.

I did like the carrot top joke however.
Yes, Donald is also an ugly old person, easy target on looks, especially when the behavior begs to be punched.

Griffin was begging to be punched as well. And long before she even took that first shot at Trump. Unfunny comedians are the fucking worst. Most of the time, they just fade away but somehow Griffin makes a headline once in a while.
And anyway, if comedians have the latitude to make fun of whoever they want, they're fair game imo.

And I don't make this distinction along political lines. If it has to be one for one, get rid of Tim Allen along with Griffin. How does that nigga even have a show???
That being said, if you forced me to have sex with either Griffin or Allen, I'd hesitate for a half second before I picked Griffin, who I presume has a vagina.

05-29-2020, 11:14 AM
Griffin was begging to be punched as well. And long before she even took that first shot at Trump. Unfunny comedians are the fucking worst. Most of the time, they just fade away but somehow Griffin makes a headline once in a while.
And anyway, if comedians have the latitude to make fun of whoever they want, they're fair game imo.

And I don't make this distinction along political lines. If it has to be one for one, get rid of Tim Allen along with Griffin. How does that nigga even have a show???
That being said, if you forced me to have sex with either Griffin or Allen, I'd hesitate for a half second before I picked Griffin, who I presume has a vagina.

Comedians dont appear to do well when they actually get angry and lose it.
Hell, I dont even know what Tim Allen does anymore, he just seemed very blah.

05-29-2020, 11:23 AM
Comedians dont appear to do well when they actually get angry and lose it.
Hell, I dont even know what Tim Allen does anymore, he just seemed very blah.

Maybe Roseanne would have been better than Tim Allen. I don't really hate Tim Allen. I just never got Home Improvement and the "urrgggg urgggg" thing. But he's got a "new" show called, "Last Man Standing" that still shows up on my guide during prime time. But again, I guess Roseanne was the 180 from Griffin, not Allen.

05-29-2020, 11:40 AM
You're really, really generous there.

Ah how sweet... a facebook stalking snitch and a dumb sanfranfag having their moment together.