View Full Version : DeSean Jackson says anti-Semitic posts on social media were a ‘mistake’

07-07-2020, 03:01 PM

As usual, when someone famous speaks truth about Zionists and Jewish supremacists, they are forced to bend the knee and apologize.

Tyson Fury bent the knee.

Mel Gibson bent the knee.

Michael Jackson was accused of being a pedophile and child rapist by the Jewish controlled media.

"To learn who rules over you simply find out whi you're not allowed to criticize."

- Voltaire


Tyson Fury aka "The Gypsy King" :worthy:

ducks koriwhat Nathan89 Chris CosmicCowboy DMC DarrinS Millennial_Messiah FrostKing SnakeBoy thispego TSA phxspurfan Spurtacular Thread hater

Chumpettes will agree with anything the media - enemy of the people - spoonfeeds them.

07-07-2020, 03:08 PM

07-07-2020, 03:09 PM

Facts and truth are considered "hate speech" :lol

07-07-2020, 03:10 PM
Hey TheGreatRetard I don't give a fuck about anything you post here. Nada!

07-07-2020, 03:14 PM
Hey TheGreatRetard I don't give a fuck about anything you post here. Nada!

Sorry that my posts offend your Jewish ancestry. Don't take it personal. I know that it's not your fault and your'e not responsible for every atrocious act that your fellow Jew commits :tu

07-07-2020, 03:17 PM
Facts and truth are considered "hate speech" :lol

We were just talking about this in the other thread... of course what he said comes across as hateful and offensive to a large swath of people.

He's absolutely free to talk about it and say what's on his mind, society is likewise going to hold him to account for that.

07-07-2020, 03:18 PM
Sorry that my posts offend your Jewish ancestry. Don't take it personal. I know that it's not your fault and your'e not responsible for every atrocious act that your fellow Jew commits :tu

You're so delusional you think I give a fuck if you hate Zionists jews or whatever. You could be all pro nazi and I'd still not care. I literally think you're a whack job that's latched onto something your pea brain thinks you're a scholar on. You're a retard TGY.

07-07-2020, 03:18 PM
Hey TheGreatRetard I don't give a fuck about anything you post here. Nada!
thats not true, you're both nativists.

07-07-2020, 03:19 PM
Ps: I'm no jew thus I have no fellow jews you fucking retard.

07-07-2020, 03:19 PM
thats not true, you're both nativists.

Nah, we're just not bleeding heart shitty lawyers.

07-07-2020, 03:23 PM
We were just talking about this in the other thread... of course what he said comes across as hateful and offensive to a large swath of people.

He's absolutely free to talk about it and say what's on his mind, society is likewise going to hold him to account for that.

The guy has a preschool boy and a pregnant wife. If I had a choice between receiving government checks and spending time with my family, make YouTube videos trying to wake people up and inspire I would take that in a heartbeat. He's in a very fortunate position. He has said that himself.

The other option would be to get a fulltime job, be a slave to the system and live the busy sheeple life where I believe everything the media and government spoonfeeds us. Keep my mouth shut and be afraid to speak up cuz my job or boss might fire me. No thanks.

The guy also writes blogs on his own website. He's making the best of his fortunate position tbh.

I didn't call him a welfare queen or any derogatory term like that, and I'm glad he's making ends meet with his mental condition, tbh... if philosophy is his thing, maybe he'll get an education in that area too one day. I'm really wishing him the best.

And as a side note, no, it doesn't work like that. You can have a job, or even your own business, and speak your mind.

Obviously, being an xenophobe, racist, anti-semite, bigot or hanging out with that kind of people makes thing more difficult, but if you're a true 'rebel', you should be able to handle it...

You mean that? :lol

I don't think self-awarenes and self-criticism should be considered hate speech neither should criticisms of other races and ethnic groups.

If you wanna combat hate speech then the only way to defeat it is with more (better) free speech. Obviously Chumpettes disagree and want to censor everything they disagree with.

07-07-2020, 03:25 PM
Who? Good thing he can throw/run/catch an american football, whatever position he plays

07-07-2020, 03:25 PM
You're so delusional you think I give a fuck if you hate Zionists jews or whatever. You could be all pro nazi and I'd still not care. I literally think you're a whack job that's latched onto something your pea brain thinks you're a scholar on. You're a retard TGY.

Your grandfather was Jewish. Don't deny that. Your circle of friends and family consists of lots of Jews. Don't deny your heritage. You kind of give it away with your constant death wishes on muslims.

07-07-2020, 03:27 PM
Nah, we're just not bleeding heart shitty lawyers.
the primary difference between you and TGY is that he's all about the jewish question and you arent

07-07-2020, 03:29 PM
the primary difference between you and TGY is that he's all about the jewish question and you arent

I don't wish death on all muslims bruh

07-07-2020, 04:04 PM
DeGreat Yatchson?

07-07-2020, 05:35 PM
Your grandfather was Jewish. Don't deny that. Your circle of friends and family consists of lots of Jews. Don't deny your heritage. You kind of give it away with your constant death wishes on muslims.

Lmao my grandfather I didn't know personally was jewish and he's dead. I have 1 jewish friend but I'm surrounded by them? As well none of my family is jewish but they are because you say so? You're dying on a hill of bullshit.

Last, I don't wish death on muslims constantly. I wish death on extremists and it's been a long time since I've done that but yes I don't trust muslims.

You're a fool trying so fucking hard to be something you're not. Thanks for the laughs dumbass!

07-07-2020, 05:37 PM
the primary difference between you and TGY is that he's all about the jewish question and you arent

The difference between you and TGY... wait yall are both retarded so I doubt yall have many differences.

He lies a lot and you're a lawyer so yall have plenty in common.

07-07-2020, 06:10 PM
The difference between you and TGY... wait yall are both retarded so I doubt yall have many differences.

He lies a lot and you're a lawyer so yall have plenty in common.

Maybe some of my accusations towards you are hyperboles. I'll give you that. But my criticism of Zionists and Jewish supremacists are facts coming from the horse's mouth. But you won't watch, you're too afraid to clutch your pearls like Chumpettes.

07-07-2020, 06:10 PM
You mean that? :lol

I don't think self-awarenes and self-criticism should be considered hate speech neither should criticisms of other races and ethnic groups.

If you wanna combat hate speech then the only way to defeat it is with more (better) free speech. Obviously Chumpettes disagree and want to censor everything they disagree with.


Nobody told him to shut up, and it's his right to fight whatever battles he wants to fight, die in whatever social hill he wants to die on and deal with the consequences. That's actually extremely American.

David Duke didn't back down, keeps on talking, clearly has an audience, as small and fringe as it is. His right to be wrong is well protected by the Constitution.

But, don't act surprised when society as a whole shun him and his views. You don't win in the marketplace of ideas with JooTubes, fake news, anonymous twitter posts, bombarding memes, etc.

07-07-2020, 06:17 PM
But, don't act surprised when society as a whole shun him and his views. You don't win in the marketplace of ideas with JooTubes, fake news, anonymous twitter posts, bombarding memes, etc.

It's hard to win the marketplace of ideas when the Jewish controlled media will slander you for daring to criticize the Chosenites. Then all the Chumpettes blindly believe whatever mainstream media spoonfeeds them. Yeah, no wonder...

Not to mention the criminal organizations like the ADL (Jewish Defense League) and SPLC.


07-07-2020, 06:22 PM
Is something wrong with Desean Jackson pinky? Or is he flashing gang signs?

07-07-2020, 06:30 PM
It's hard to win the marketplace of ideas when the Jewish controlled media will slander you for daring to criticize the Chosenites. Then all the Chumpettes blindly believe whatever mainstream media spoonfeeds them. Yeah, no wonder...

Not to mention the criminal organizations like the ADL (Jewish Defense League) and SPLC.

You're just upset the majority of people don't agree with you or buy into your gross generalizations, and that's really not the Chumpettes' problem. It's you that is trying to sell the idea that everyone should hate all jews.

You need to consider that perhaps your idea is either not very good, or you lack the skills to present it in a way that makes it credible.

07-07-2020, 06:35 PM
Notice how little support for BLM there is, coming out of Hollywood.

07-07-2020, 06:41 PM
You're just upset the majority of people don't agree with you or buy into your gross generalizations, and that's really not the Chumpettes' problem. It's you that is trying to sell the idea that everyone should hate all jews.

You need to consider that perhaps your idea is either not very good, or you lack the skills to present it in a way that makes it credible.


Notice how little support for BLM there is, coming out of Hollywood.

Bruh them Zionists and Jewish supremacists don't give a fuck about blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc. We (Goyim) are cattle to them. They want a civil war.

07-07-2020, 06:42 PM
Notice how little support for BLM there is, coming out of Hollywood.

Not that I care about Hollywood or celebrities, but I don't think that statement is correct, tbh...



07-07-2020, 06:43 PM

Not really, no. If that's not what you're trying to project with your idea, you've done a poor job. I'm far from the only one pointing it out, tbh

07-07-2020, 10:02 PM
Not really, no. If that's not what you're trying to project with your idea, you've done a poor job. I'm far from the only one pointing it out, tbh

Bunch of pussies. The right is scared to he punished by God or are brainwashed into thinking that Israel is our greatest ally. And the left are afraid to be called racists or anti-semites thanks to brainwashing by academia and Hollywood holocaust movies.

Michael Jackson On The Falsification of History

Michael Jackson on the Jewish Question


Another brave soul that speaks up :worthy:


07-07-2020, 10:12 PM
Michael Jackson did not fear the Jewish rat.
And he made an indoor kiddie park for all the youngsters that needed to be groomed properly to enjoy.

Dont we all wish we could have lived such a honest simple life?
Dont we TGY?

07-07-2020, 11:50 PM
Bunch of pussies. The right is scared to he punished by God or are brainwashed into thinking that Israel is our greatest ally. And the left are afraid to be called racists or anti-semites thanks to brainwashing by academia and Hollywood holocaust movies.

So the take here is that everybody is a pussy because they're not anti-semite like you are and you want them to be?

This is, again, part of the problem. Look how you're trying to pitch your idea. You're trying to shame people into it.

Try substance, patience, use your own words. If you're not willing to put the time and work in it, then it's probably not that important to you either. People notice that.

07-08-2020, 01:46 AM
Maybe some of my accusations towards you are hyperboles. I'll give you that. But my criticism of Zionists and Jewish supremacists are facts coming from the horse's mouth. But you won't watch, you're too afraid to clutch your pearls like Chumpettes.

You have no clue tbh. I've seen plenty of what you propagate around here. I prefer less YT personalities and more documentaries.

07-08-2020, 03:05 AM
You have no clue tbh. I've seen plenty of what you propagate around here. I prefer less YT personalities and more documentaries.

Defamation - How Koriwhat Was Indoctrinated As A Child


I posted this documentary awhile back. It's about the ADL and how it functions. As a right-winger yourself, I'm sure you've heard a lot bad things about the ADL.

07-08-2020, 03:45 PM
Uh oh, LkrFan (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=18824) it looks like Spurs fans are hiding from this one :lmao


Stephen Jackson Defends DeSean Jackson's Anti-Semitic Posts, Says He Was 'Speaking the Truth'




07-08-2020, 03:46 PM
Uh oh, LkrFan (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=18824) it looks like Spurs fans are hiding from this one :lmao


Stephen Jackson Defends DeSean Jackson's Anti-Semitic Posts, Says He Was 'Speaking the Truth'



https://twitter.com/gifdsports/status/1280923960469868551?s=20:lol I'm glad we didn't re-sign him.

07-08-2020, 03:53 PM
:lol tbh

07-08-2020, 03:58 PM
Uh oh, LkrFan (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=18824) it looks like Spurs fans are hiding from this one :lmao


Stephen Jackson Defends DeSean Jackson's Anti-Semitic Posts, Says He Was 'Speaking the Truth'




They scurred :lol

07-08-2020, 04:33 PM
Ma nig Stephen Jackson :toast

Spurs should've resigned in 2004 tbh instead of that beta choker Hedo Turkoglu... Spurs would've repeat

07-08-2020, 04:39 PM
Ma nig Stephen Jackson :toast

Spurs should've resigned in 2004 tbh instead of that beta choker Hedo Turkoglu... Spurs would've repeat

I agree with this post.

07-08-2020, 08:23 PM
Defamation - How Koriwhat Was Indoctrinated As A Child


I posted this documentary awhile back. It's about the ADL and how it functions. As a right-winger yourself, I'm sure you've heard a lot bad things about the ADL.

Lmao mr knowitall strikes again with his/her/its/theirs bullshit.

07-09-2020, 01:35 AM
Lmao mr knowitall strikes again with his/her/its/theirs bullshit.

Now that I think about it, I've never once heard you say "Fuck the ADL!" or "Fuck the SPLC!"

Could it be that you know more than what I think you do?


07-09-2020, 01:37 PM
Now that I think about it, I've never once heard you say "Fuck the ADL!" or "Fuck the SPLC!"

Could it be that you know more than what I think you do?


So now you're also the thought police? Lmao

You're no better than the marxists and lemming progressives. Wannabe intellectuals who know Jack fuckin shit! :tu

You're a retard holmes! Btw I was literally talking shit about both the adl and the splc last night to my chicks roommate. How ironic!

And last, who gives a fuck what ol hipster chin strap has to say... fuck that clown and his YT page or bitchute or whatever. Waste of time!

07-09-2020, 02:42 PM
So now you're also the thought police? Lmao

You're no better than the marxists and lemming progressives. Wannabe intellectuals who know Jack fuckin shit! :tu

You're a retard holmes! Btw I was literally talking shit about both the adl and the splc last night to my chicks roommate. How ironic!

And last, who gives a fuck what ol hipster chin strap has to say... fuck that clown and his YT page or bitchute or whatever. Waste of time!

I can tell that Adam Green's content exposing Zionism and Juduism triggers you. Nice job trying to hide your grandfather's Jewish ancestry :tu

Oh and if you happen to talk about the ADL and SPLC with your roommate again, don't leave out the most important part - both organizations were founded and ran by Jews.

All the censorship that happens in social media and YouTube is thanks to your fellow Jews from the ADL. You can thank your Jew comrades at the ADL for putting pressure on YouTube to ban people like Nick Fuentes, David Icke, E Michael Jones, TruNews, etc.

07-09-2020, 02:45 PM
I can tell that Adam Green's content exposing Zionism and Juduism triggers you. Nice job trying to hide your grandfather's Jewish ancestry :tu

Oh and if you happen to talk about the ADL and SPLC with your roommate again, don't leave out the most important part - both organizations were founded and ran by Jews.

All the censorship that happens in social media and YouTube is thanks to your fellow Jews from the ADL. You can thank your Jew comrades at the ADL for putting pressure on YouTube to ban people like Nick Fuentes, David Icke, E Michael Jones, TruNews, etc.

David Icke? I thought he thought that Lizard People ruled the world.

07-09-2020, 03:03 PM
I can tell that Adam Green's content exposing Zionism and Juduism triggers you. Nice job trying to hide your grandfather's Jewish ancestry :tu

Oh and if you happen to talk about the ADL and SPLC with your roommate again, don't leave out the most important part - both organizations were founded and ran by Jews.

All the censorship that happens in social media and YouTube is thanks to your fellow Jews from the ADL. You can thank your Jew comrades at the ADL for putting pressure on YouTube to ban people like Nick Fuentes, David Icke, E Michael Jones, TruNews, etc.

Damn you're a fucking moron.

My people this and that... I believe in christ the almighty you dipshit. You're so confused who to hate in this world you've gone and radicalized yourself on YT. You're quite the shit show and the popcorn is bottomless for this hilarious comedy titled TheGreatTwat.

Fuck off you stupid fucking retard!

Ps: I don't have a roommate you stupid reject. Learn how to comprehend what you read you illiterate son of a bitch. :tu

07-09-2020, 03:05 PM
David Icke? I thought he thought that Lizard People ruled the world.

He does and TheGreatTwat is the lizard king! King of retards!

07-09-2020, 03:07 PM
Btw TGT how am I triggered by that chinstrap having hipster if I never watch any of his bullshit videos? Waste of time!

07-09-2020, 03:10 PM
:lol wtf a thread where I agree with what koriwhat is posting.. oh boy.. such times to be alive

07-09-2020, 03:13 PM
:lol wtf a thread where I agree with what koriwhat is posting.. oh boy.. such times to be alive

2020 is a hell of a year!

07-09-2020, 05:27 PM
He does and TheGreatTwat is the lizard king! King of retards!

You can pretend all you want like you don't know or you don't care but whenever anyone that criticizes Zionism or Judaism gets censored, quietly deep down inside you feel so satisfied.

:lol wtf a thread where I agree with what koriwhat is posting.. oh boy.. such times to be alive

When leftists and right-wingers agree not to criticize Jews, that's how you know that we live in a fucked up world surrounded by brainless zombies.

2020 is a hell of a year!

Your Jewish grandfather wishes he were alive to witness the arrival of the Moshiach. The Zionists and Jewish supremacists have done an excellent job of using Covid hoax to fulfill their New World Order agenda.

07-09-2020, 07:31 PM
You can pretend all you want like you don't know or you don't care but whenever anyone that criticizes Zionism or Judaism gets censored, quietly deep down inside you feel so satisfied.

When leftists and right-wingers agree not to criticize Jews, that's how you know that we live in a fucked up world surrounded by brainless zombies.

Your Jewish grandfather wishes he were alive to witness the arrival of the Moshiach. The Zionists and Jewish supremacists have done an excellent job of using Covid hoax to fulfill their New World Order agenda.

Lmao my dead grandfather this and that... a man neither of us knew but it seems as though you knew him personally?

Deep down inside I feel so satisfied over bullshit I could not give 2 fucks about.

You're an extremist radicalized by YT. You're fucking pathetic!

07-13-2020, 08:14 AM
2020 is a hell of a year!


07-15-2020, 03:08 AM
David Icke? I thought he thought that Lizard People ruled the world.

The reptilian people are the Zionists and Jewish supremacists. The reason David Icke refers to them as reptilian people is because the Jews are like chameleons in that they have the ability to change their race/ethnicity when it suits their needs. Ashkenazi Jews blend right in with caucasians but when they are attacked by people of color, the Jew will say "I'm not white, I'm Jewish."

When Jews spew white hatred, they will call themselves Jews. Jews are spared by BLM and ANTIFA even though they're skin color is white for the simple fact that they are Jews. Most blacks and minorities don't know that the one pulling the strings are Zionists and Jewish supremacists.
The tribe through their control of the media blames all of society's problems on white supremacists.

Spurtacular, I bet you didn't know this...Jews can can blend in with liberals or conservatives because of their reptilian characteristics. That's how they play both sides.

07-15-2020, 03:13 AM
The reptilian people are the Zionists and Jewish supremacists.


07-15-2020, 03:26 AM

You completely and conveniently left out the rest of the quote to imply that I believe in lizard people? Very dishonest of you...

07-15-2020, 09:14 AM
The reptilian people are the Zionists and Jewish supremacists. The reason David Icke refers to them as reptilian people is because the Jews are like chameleons in that they have the ability to change their race/ethnicity when it suits their needs. Ashkenazi Jews blend right in with caucasians but when they are attacked by people of color, the Jew will say "I'm not white, I'm Jewish."

When Jews spew white hatred, they will call themselves Jews. Jews are spared by BLM and ANTIFA even though they're skin color is white for the simple fact that they are Jews. Most blacks and minorities don't know that the one pulling the strings are Zionists and Jewish supremacists.
The tribe through their control of the media blames all of society's problems on white supremacists.

Spurtacular (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=49615), I bet you didn't know this...Jews can can blend in with liberals or conservatives because of their reptilian characteristics. That's how they play both sides.

No...that's not right. According to Icke, they are shapeshifters whose normal form is that of a reptile or lizard. It's not a metaphor.

07-15-2020, 09:46 AM
No...that's not right. According to Icke, they are shapeshifters whose normal form is that of a reptile or lizard. It's not a metaphor.

If that's what he really means then yeah I don't believe in that stuff. But everything else he says and has predicted is pretty acurate.

Wes Welker
07-15-2020, 10:11 AM
If that's what he really means then yeah I don't believe in that stuff. But everything else he says and has predicted is pretty acurate.
No offense, homie, but you sound mad retarded and more easily duped than a 5 year old.

07-15-2020, 10:12 AM
If that's what he really means then yeah I don't believe in that stuff. But everything else he says and has predicted is pretty acurate.

So everything except the Reptilian take?

In 1990, while spokesman for the Green Party (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Party_(UK)), he visited a psychic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic) who he said told him he had been placed on earth for a purpose and would begin to receive messages from the spirit world.[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-Barkun2003p103-9) These events led him to announce the following year that he was a "Son of the Godhead"[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-stuff-6) and that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes

Icke believes that the universe is made up of "vibrational" energy and consists of an infinite number of dimensions that share the same space.[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-WardNH-15)[16] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-Doyle17Feb2006-16)[17] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-Biggest26-17) He claims that an inter-dimensional (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdimensional_hypothesis) race of reptilian beings called the Archons (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon_(Gnosticism)) (or Anunnaki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anunnaki)) have hijacked the earth, and that a genetically modified (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_engineering) human–Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapeshifting) reptilians known as the Babylonian Brotherhood (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#reptoid), the Illuminati (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)#Illuminati), or the "elite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_elite)", manipulate global events to help keep humans in constant fear. Thus, the Archons can feed off the "negative energy" this creates.[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-WardNH-15)[18] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-Lewis2010p82-18)[19] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-19)[20]

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-NS2014-20)The Moon Matrix is introduced in Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More (2010), in which Icke suggests that the Earth and collective human mind are manipulated from the Moon, a spacecraft and inter-dimensional portal the reptilians control. The Moon Matrix is a broadcast from that spacecraft to the human body–computer, specifically to the (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-NS2014-20)left hemisphere (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateralization_of_brain_function) of the brain, which gives us our sense of reality: "We are living in a dreamworld within a dreamworld – a Matrix within the virtual-reality universe – and it is being broadcast from the Moon. Unless people force themselves to become fully conscious, their minds are the Moon's mind.

This idea is further explored in Icke's Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' From (2012), where he introduces the concept of the "Saturn–Moon Matrix". In this more recent conceptualization, the rings of Saturn (which Icke believes were artificially created by reptilian spacecraft) are the ultimate source of the signal, while the Moon functions as an amplifier.[127] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-Icke2012-128)[170] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-172) He claims that frequencies broadcast from the hexagonal storm on Saturn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn%27s_hexagon) are amplified through the hollow structure of our artificial moon keeping humanity trapped in a holographic projection.[15] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#cite_note-WardNH-15)

07-15-2020, 10:17 AM
TCBY thinks Michael Jackson was a Jew truther and not a homosexual pedophile. :rollin

07-15-2020, 12:38 PM
No offense, homie, but you sound mad retarded and more easily duped than a 5 year old.

The duped ones are those that believe in a hoax virus called Covid-19

Wes Welker
07-15-2020, 12:41 PM
The duped ones are those that believe in a hoax virus called Covid-19
See, this is an example of you sounding retarded. No offense.

07-15-2020, 02:50 PM
You completely and conveniently left out the rest of the quote to imply that I believe in lizard people? Very dishonest of you...

That's what Icke always implied. You can't possibly fall for that.

EDIT: I see SFS chimed in and you agreed, carry on :tu

07-15-2020, 02:51 PM
If that's what he really means then yeah I don't believe in that stuff. But everything else he says and has predicted is pretty acurate.

He's also accused to be a fairly transparent anti-semite...

07-15-2020, 03:06 PM
imagine calling yourself a national socialist who denies the legitimacy of the holocaust and thinks there's a global jewish plot to destroy our country/culture via control over corporations and oppression of the common man, wanting to annihilate israel, and not having a toothbrush mustache

07-15-2020, 03:15 PM
imagine calling yourself a national socialist who denies the legitimacy of the holocaust and thinks there's a global jewish plot to destroy our country/culture via control over corporations and oppression of the common man, wanting to annihilate israel, and not having a toothbrush mustache

I heard of that guy, he posts here under TGY :lol

07-15-2020, 03:18 PM
I bet you didn't know this...Jews can can blend in with liberals or conservatives because of their reptilian characteristics.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

07-15-2020, 03:21 PM
I heard of that guy, he posts here under TGY :lol
thats who i was going for tbh :lol

07-15-2020, 03:25 PM
imagine calling yourself a national socialist who denies the legitimacy of the holocaust and thinks there's a global jewish plot to destroy our country/culture via control over corporations and oppression of the common man, wanting to annihilate israel, and not having a toothbrush mustache

"I'm not anti-semetic, but...." :lol

07-15-2020, 08:20 PM

American black athletes going full Nazi :lol