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View Full Version : Slovenian Media: Nesterovic Will Be A Spur

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:21 AM
www.dnevnik.si/clanek.asp?id=55477 (http://www.dnevnik.si/clanek.asp?id=55477)

Osem milijonov na leto

Košarkar Rašo Nesterović bo kariero v ligi NBA nadaljeval pri San Antoniu

Torek, 15.7.2003
Željko Zule

LJUBLJANA - "Američani bodo izvedeli šele danes, vendar sem agentu Billu Dufyu že sporočil odločitev. Odhajam v San Antonio. Za šest sezon," je pričakovano novico potrdil Rašo Nesterović, ki bo pri prvakih lige NBA letno zaslužil blizu 8 milijonov dolarjev. "Šampionski prstan bom osvojil vsaj enkrat in potem se bom lahko mirno upokojil," je brez oklevanja napovedal veliki cilj, potem ko je zavrnil skoraj podvojeno ponudbo Minnesote. Za sedemletno pogodbo je bila pripravljena plačati dobrih 50 milijonov zelencev, vendar se je v odločilni del pogajanj vključila prepozno. New York takšnemu ritmu zaradi omejenih finančnih možnosti niti približno ni mogel slediti in zadnji del pogajanj je intenzivno sledila tudi televizijska hiša ESPN. "Rašo se bo odločil po posvetu s starši," je Duffy poskušal potešiti radovednost. San Antonio Express-News je tako včeraj že primerjal statistiki Nesterovića in upokojenega Davida Robinsona ter ugotavljal, da med vsemi prostimi centri igro v obrambi lahko najbolj okrepi prav naš košarkar.

"V Texas bom prvič odpotoval septembra. Do takrat se bom pripravljal skupaj z Rebračo, ki še ne bo odšel na operacijo srca. Reprezentance ni v mojih letošnjih načrtih, selektorju Subotiću sem predstavil vse pomisleke in zadržke, tako da tudi dogovor s Spursi ne more spremeniti odločitve," pravi Rašo, ki je svojo daleč najboljšo sezono v ligi NBA (povprečja 30,4 minut, 11,2 točk, 6,5 skokov, 1,5 blokad ter peti najboljši odstotek metov iz igre) utemeljil z dolgimi poletnimi pripravami na Kopaoniku in Beogradu.

San Antonio se je iskanju Admiralove zamenjave najprej odpovedal Michealu Olowokandiju, ki je bil leta 1998 prvi izbor nabora (Raša je takrat Minnesota izbrala kot 17., San Antonio pa je bil na vrsti šele 24.) ter nato še Bradu Millerju iz Indiane. "Potrebujemo zanesljivega centra," se je zadnje dni izmikal trener Greg Popovich, ki konec minulega meseca med seminarjem v Beogradu ...

Več v tiskanem Dnevniku, celotni članek jutri.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:23 AM
Sorry, my Slovenian is a little bit rusty. Supposedly this says that he has agreed to be a Spur. 6 year deal for $48 million. That means it would start at roughly $6 million in 2003-04. Leaves enough room for a max offer to Brand or perhaps someone else.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 05:24 AM

It says something about at the bottom San Antonio and Brad Miller!?!?!?

I cant understand this, maybe someone smarter than us can translate.

07-15-2003, 05:26 AM

Where the hell did you get that? Well, this is playing out ok. Next up is the max offer for Brand.

Michealu Olowokandiju

Sounds like a Star Wars character. :lol

El Harbinger
07-15-2003, 05:26 AM
Actually, it says that Rasho is upset that San Antonio pretended to want to sign Rasho as center when they really plan to sign Olowokandi.

07-15-2003, 05:26 AM
Anyone speak Slovak?

Is it just a speculation/opinion article? Or does it say he agreed?

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:27 AM
Supposedly it says he has agreed. Of course that could be a report that he accepted the Spurs original offer. Damn I thought this cap shit was hard to understand...now I gotta learn Slovenian? F that.

07-15-2003, 05:28 AM
drpill's slovenian to english dictionary says:

11,2 točk, 6,5 skokov, 1,5 blokad = :sleepy

El Harbinger
07-15-2003, 05:28 AM
If we signed Rasho...and made a max offer to Brand that the clipps did not match....what would be the rotation.

Would love to get Brand...but I dont see them trying if they have Rasho at center and Tim at PF.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 05:29 AM
Rasho becomes a great and well paid backup center lol

Seriously, you cant start Duncan, wait a minute

could this set up a sign and trade for Brand using Malik Rose
and Nesterovic replacing Rose????????

07-15-2003, 05:30 AM
Supposedly this says that he has agreed to be a Spur. 6 year deal for $48 million.

How the hell did you figure that Marcus?

As much as I can see, it talks about Minny's offer, the express news article and about Duffy representing both Olowo and Rasho.

07-15-2003, 05:30 AM
They totally will go after Brand with Rasho on the roster, man. I am SURE that's the plan. Rasho would just have to live with being a backup, and I bet Pop has already even mentioned the possibility to him.

El Harbinger
07-15-2003, 05:31 AM
I'm not positive but I don't think we can sign Rasho and then trade him right away.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:32 AM
If this is true then Pop's clandestine Eastern European free agency operation was a success this summer...

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:33 AM
Some parts of the article appear to be a rehash of SA Express-News and ESPN reports but the gist is that he has decided to be a Spur.

07-15-2003, 05:35 AM
Where did you get your 6yr/48M numbers?

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 05:37 AM
is there anyway someone can run this througha translator to get the article to English??????

El Harbinger
07-15-2003, 05:39 AM
Ah....dont you just love free language translators:wtf

Guess you get what you pay for.:lol

Octonary million upon year Netball Rašo Nesterović bo walk of life within ligi NBA he proceeded to say with San Antoniu Tuesday , 15.7.2003 Željko Zule DEARLY Američani they will be well-read till then today , yet there and everywhere factory Billu Dufyu yet word voice. Outgoing within San Antonio. Upon I six season " there is due probationer corroboratory Rašo Nesterović , whom bo with topman squid NBA yearly return within measurable distance of 8 million smacker. Šampionski ring I will be conqueror for once plus thereupon yourself I will be with ease with unrulled temper retirement " there is unhesitatly prognostication vastly winning post , when there is turndown within an inch twin tender Minnesote. Upon I septennially understanding there is bila yare to stand the damage good genius 50 million viridescent , yet yourself there is within sentential zone conversations incorporation the day after the fair. New York takšnemu rhythmist with an eye to unintelligent fiscal possibility near is not mogel wait on, wait upon plus tail end conversations there is intensively tread withal TV roof ESPN. Rašo yourself bo sentential on consultation with o.s. parents " there is Duffy whack satisfy inquisiteveness. San Antonio Special delivery News there is thusly yesterday yet confer statistician Nesterovića plus pensioner This morning Robinsona and ugotavljal , yes indeed of all others vacantlly wringer igro within weapon with ease the most reconstituent very II ours netball. " within Texas I will be for the first time departure September. Up to yore yourself I will be preparator with Slat , whom not yet bo odšel upon operation srca. Reprezentance is not within mojih letošnjih view , selector Subotiću there and everywhere presentation world scruple plus wind bound , so that withal understanding with Spursi she can't vary odločitve, " whole Rašo , whom there is your well away glad rags season within ligi NBA ( mean 30,4 minute , 11,2 speck , 6,5 by leaps and bounds , 1,5 loose-leaf notebook and vocalize the best percentage way out out igre ) father Z long medium, short waves poletnimi tool upon Kopaoniku plus Beogradu. San Antonio yourself there is tracing Admiral truck uppermostly warning Michealu Olowokandiju , whom he was leta 1998 uppermost variety selective service Raša there is yore Minnesota select undivulged San Antonio then he was upon stich till then 24.) and with that yet Whiskers Millerju Indianian. " I am needing unfailly headquarers " yourself there is ultima dni izmikal trainer Greg Popery , whom winding-up gone parish lantern yellow copper seminary within Beogradu. Variously within lettered Newscast , whole hog writing tomorrow.:wtf :wtf :wtf :gun :pc2

07-15-2003, 05:40 AM
:rollin :lol :lol

07-15-2003, 05:43 AM
11,2 speck , 6,5 by leaps and bounds , 1,5 loose-leaf notebook


Those stats are even worse than I thought! :lol

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:44 AM
8 million smacker.

It's the same in any language...:smokin

El Harbinger
07-15-2003, 05:44 AM
We need Kandi...bet he doesnt put up no loose-leaf notebooks.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 05:46 AM
good lord.

That translation is horrible.

Hopefully someone can REALLY translate it well.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:46 AM
"V Texas bom prvič odpotoval septembra. Do takrat se bom pripravljal skupaj z Rebračo, ki še ne bo odšel na operacijo srca. Reprezentance ni v mojih letošnjih načrtih, selektorju Subotiću sem predstavil vse pomisleke in zadržke, tako da tudi dogovor s Spursi ne more spremeniti odločitve," pravi Rašo, ki je svojo daleč najboljšo sezono v ligi NBA (povprečja 30,4 minut, 11,2 točk, 6,5 skokov, 1,5 blokad ter peti najboljši odstotek metov iz igre) utemeljil z dolgimi poletnimi pripravami na Kopaoniku in Beogradu.

That would seem to indicate that he expects to move to Texas in September. Of course that's my ghettotized attempt at translating Slovenian...

07-15-2003, 05:46 AM
That translator is hilarious. But it could mean what Marcus is saying. It mentions 6 seasons and $8M .. and sort of says something about Rasho saying he'll be in Texas for the first time in September???

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:55 AM
boards.espn.go.com/cgi/nb...nextThread (http://boards.espn.go.com/cgi/nba/request.dll?MESSAGE&room=nba_sas&id=181623&move=nextThread)

"American media will find out today (tuesday), but I've already let my agent Bill Duffy know I made up my mind. I'm leaving to San Antonio. For six seasons", Nesterovic confirmed the expected news. He'll earn close to 8 million dollars per year with the reigning NBA champions.
"I'm planning on winning the title ring at least one time and then I can retire in peace ", said Rasho without hesitating after he refused an almost doubled offer from Minnesota.They were prepared to pay him sth. over 50 million for 7 years, but missed the crucial part of negotiations. New York wasn't even close.
"Rasho made the decision after consulting with his family (parents)", said agent Duffy.

07-15-2003, 05:59 AM
I'm a little confused about one thing. It says the Spurs offer was about $8M/year over six years. But it also says that the Twolves offer was nearly double -- and that offer was 7yr/$ 50M.


Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 05:59 AM
The average apparently is close to $8 mil per season for 6 seasons but that means the deal starts around $6 mil. I'm sure the Spurs left themselves enough room to pursue a max free agent in Brand and Odom's class (25% of cap).

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 06:00 AM
6 years 8 mill

does that mean they have room for MAX Brand??????

If they have 16 wouldnt that mean they only have 8 left??


Help someone QUICK!!!!

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:00 AM
Maybe the $50 mil over 7 seasons was the Minnesota offer after "doubling"?

07-15-2003, 06:01 AM
BTW, awesome find Marcus.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:01 AM
Again, TPark, due to annual raises the contract would be starting near $6 mil per season. It averages out to $8 mil per season over the life of the contract.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 06:02 AM
Got it, THANKS Marcus.

THis is awesome, Nesterovic will be the Stephen Jackson signing next year.

CIA Pop knows something on this guy and when he knows something they are good.

Weve got France, Argentina, China, now Slovenia, WHAT NEXT!!!

How about an American power forward from New York state?? :fro

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:02 AM
Kori just took a look at the ESPN board that's all.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 06:03 AM
thanks for your TPARK version, for us T Parks out there :)

This is great, FINALLY a quality player, and they STILL arnt done.

Nesterovic WILL be a great player for this team, hes still young and getting better, I like his ability to play around the rim and shoot the ball.



07-15-2003, 06:05 AM
Yeah a contract starting at $6.2M would come out to around $48M over six years.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 06:09 AM
still not the HALF proposed in the paper.

Dont know where they got that.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:12 AM
The half may mean that Minnesota originally offered a shorter term deal. If so then it could have easily been for half of the $50 mil. That is, if it was for 3 or 4 years.

I think Minnesota wanted him back badly, especially after Howard committed to Orlando.

We all have our ?s about Nesterovic but he was an important piece for the Wolves.

T Park Num 9
07-15-2003, 06:14 AM
only questions are his toughness on D, and even if THATS a question you can bring in Rose or Willis.

His strengths will be to get the ball low or high and make some scores to help Duncan a little.

He can shoot a good jumper, he can drive a little, and his back to the basket game is decent.

Rasho will thrive IMO under Duncan and Pop.

Wonder what Duncan thinks about it!?

07-15-2003, 06:19 AM
Marcus, won't it be close cap-wise for the Spurs can go after Brand? It doesn't seem like they have enough room -- just short. Do you think they'd dump Malik's contract to make a run at Brand?

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:21 AM
Hmmm...I don't think they would get rid of Rose unless they were certain they were getting Brand. It definitely does seem close (assuming a $42.5 mil cap). The way the article was written it sounds like the average salary is under $8 mil a season so the total contract value might be less than $48 mil.

But obviously if they got Nesterovic and Brand there would be an odd man out in the bigman rotation...

07-15-2003, 06:26 AM
average salary is under $8 mil a season so the total contract value might be less than $48 mil.

That's what I just said to timvp. So it may start out as low as $5.5M or something.

Though I understood earlier today that it might start out right above the MLE figure.

07-15-2003, 06:28 AM
Now I hope the Spurs just go balls-out for Brand. If Sterling ends up matching, then they can probably get Odom. Sterling isn't going to pay them both.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:36 AM
There's no way I see Sterling matching Pop's special love note to him. As I understand it, if the Spurs gave Brand a $22 mil signing bonus then the total cash money payout to Brand in the first year of his contract would be roughly $30 million. :shock On top of that, the Clippers would still have to spend at least $20 million on other Clipper salaries. So that little offer sheet would require Sterling to shell out $50 million in cash for player compensation in the 2003-04 season. And that's on top of Sterling agreeing to a $80 million long term commitment to one player.

Yeah right Sterling does that.

07-15-2003, 06:40 AM
If we "do" get Brand,

I think Brand and Tim will be our 4/5 starters with Rasho and Malik being our backups?

Or is Rasho sign and trade bait?

I can't see the Spurs trading Malik, not with his restaurant opening.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 06:42 AM
Someone has to go in that case and that someone would be on the bench.

Temple Of The Dog
07-15-2003, 08:07 AM
you know guys... there is always the (unlikely as it may be) possibility that rasho is it for the bigmen... no brand. i figured in another thread that they offered anywhere between 42-48 million to rasho over 6 years... starting at 6 and moving up from there... but with willis signing...

i thought rasho and willis would be it (as far as the frontline goes) and that he'd announce this morning... probably around 10 or noon. the spurs aren't going after brand unless they have a sign and trade on the table already... not with the way the clips are talking.

its looked bad enough already...

07-15-2003, 08:20 AM

You fucking amaze me.

Keep t up brotha!

Now, in the rest of slovenian news....

07-15-2003, 10:04 AM
I hope so, but a few posters on the Timberwolves ESPN board believe the article is fake, and they might be right. If you notice, you can't click on any of the links to the left-hand part of the article, and if you go to the home page of the site, I can't find the article linked. There's also no "time posted" part like there is for every other article. I hope it's correct, but it sounds a little fishy...

07-15-2003, 10:13 AM
Now, in the rest of slovenian news....
:lol :p

07-15-2003, 10:40 AM
LJUBLJANA - "Američani bodo izvedeli šele danes, vendar sem agentu Billu Dufyu že sporočil odločitev. Odhajam v San Antonio. Za šest sezon," je pričakovano novico potrdil Rašo Nesterović, ki bo pri prvakih lige NBA letno zaslužil blizu 8 milijonov dolarjev. "Šampionski prstan bom osvojil vsaj enkrat in potem se bom lahko mirno upokojil," je brez oklevanja napovedal veliki cilj, potem ko je zavrnil skoraj podvojeno ponudbo Minnesote. Za sedemletno pogodbo je bila pripravljena plačati dobrih 50 milijonov zelencev, vendar se je v odločilni del pogajanj vključila prepozno. New York takšnemu ritmu zaradi omejenih finančnih možnosti niti približno ni mogel slediti in zadnji del pogajanj je intenzivno sledila tudi televizijska hiša ESPN. "Rašo se bo odločil po posvetu s starši," je Duffy poskušal potešiti radovednost. San Antonio Express-News je tako včeraj že primerjal statistiki Nesterovića in upokojenega Jimcs50 ter ugotavljal, da med vsemi prostimi centri igro v obrambi lahko najbolj okrepi prav naš košarkar.

"V Texas bom prvič odpotoval septembra. Do takrat se bom pripravljal skupaj z Rebračo, ki še ne bo odšel na operacijo srca. Reprezentance ni v mojih letošnjih načrtih, selektorju Subotiću sem predstavil vse pomisleke in zadržke, tako da tudi dogovor s Spursi ne more spremeniti odločitve," pravi Rašo, ki je svojo daleč najboljšo sezono v ligi NBA (povprečja 30,4 minut, 11,2 točk, 6,5 skokov, 1,5 blokad ter peti najboljši odstotek metov iz igre) utemeljil z dolgimi poletnimi pripravami na Kopaoniku in Beogradu.

San Antonio se je iskanju Admiralove zamenjave najprej odpovedal Jimcs50, hunag konec Michealu Olowokandiju, ki je bil leta 1998 prvi izbor nabora (Raša je takrat Minnesota izbrala kot 17., San Antonio pa je bil na vrsti šele 24.) ter nato še Bradu Millerju iz Indiane. "Potrebujemo zanesljivega centra," se je zadnje dni izmikal trener Greg Popovich, ki konec minulega meseca med seminarjem v Beogradu ...

My mother is Slovik so I will translate:

Basicly Rasho will sign for 6 million/ yr because his girlfriend who is current runnerup to Miss Universe told him that if he does not sign with SA, she will continue her current torrid affair with Jimcs50 who she has been seeing for the past year and is hung like Michael Olowakandi. Rasho wants the affair to end so he has acquesced to her wishes.

Solid D
07-15-2003, 11:03 AM

Rasho was voted 9th best European playing in the NBA by a respected basketball publication in Europe. Parker was 3rd and Ginobili was 7th (not European but he did play Euroleague). Kaspars Kambala was rated pretty high on another list for this season.

If anyone is intersested, I'll look it up again and post.

Anyways, I don't think the Spurs are done by any means.

07-15-2003, 01:18 PM
ESPN News Mark Stein: Spurs agree on 6 yr deal w/ Rasho. I thought I saw a # of 48 mil.

07-15-2003, 01:26 PM
If Rasho did take a lesser amount than Minny offered so the Spurs could go out and make an offer for Odom/Brand then Rasho bashers should hang their heads in shame.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2003, 01:50 PM
Minnesota's offer reportedly was "more than" $50 mil over 7 years. So Nesterovic gave up at least $5 mil though that would have been over 7 years instead of 6.

The main thing is that Nesterovic ditched his current team for the Spurs. This move just kicks Minnesota further down the Western Conference totem pole.

07-15-2003, 01:54 PM
No it didn't! It said "Bradu Millerju". :lol