View Full Version : George Lucas back to direct Star Wars? May scrap recent Rey trilogy

Michael Jordan.
08-02-2020, 07:17 AM

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-02-2020, 04:12 PM
can i get the veil of the force to warn me not to watch 7 and 8? didnt even get around to 9. a great big wtf cares

08-02-2020, 09:42 PM
Let's not pretend like the Lucas directed prequel trilogy were great movies. The best thing Disney could do right now is to just distance itself from the Skywalker era. Do something different within the Star Wars universe.

08-03-2020, 04:17 AM
George Lucas is a horrible director and writer. He did well with Star Wars, but it took how many rewrites and people saying "no" to him for it too succeed. If Harrison Ford doesnt tell Lucas that his dialogue is shit and change it, it probably becomes a B-grade Cult Sci-Fi instead.

Lucas has great stories, but he needs to drop his ego and let others write and direct them. Only those who were kids when the prequels came out, and not adults, would want Lucas back directing films.

LaMarcus Bryant
08-03-2020, 07:46 AM
Dude's a shit director

08-03-2020, 07:46 AM
There have been rumors of Favreau/Taika doing future Star Wars movies, which woukd be great tbh

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-03-2020, 08:53 AM
jordan salty bc 9>6 tbh

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-03-2020, 09:03 AM
lucas a goat candidate due to howard the duck alone

08-03-2020, 09:39 AM
jordan salty bc 9>6 tbh
https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxASEhUSEBAQEBUVFhUVEBUVDw8PEBAPFRUWFhUVFR UYHSggGBolGxUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGC0dHR0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAIDBQYBBwj/xAA2EAABAwMDAQcBBgYDAQAAAAABAAIDBBEhBRIxQQYTIlFhcY GRFDJSobHBByNCYnLRFTPwc//EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwAEBf/EACIRAAICAwEBAQACAwAAAAAAAAABAhEDITFBEjIEIkJRcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AptBpNzwLe69b0WIBoWA7Lw2yt9STgALyM 8/qVI68UWol6xyma5VTKsKaOqQxR2CSBu2PaaLT6czSeJx8MLL2M kh6egHJPkvnLtDrNVWymaoeSTwOGsb0axvQK8/iN2kdV1T3XvHCTHTt6WB8T/dxH0t5LHGZ3K74oRaJonWxyPVKKQ5H09lDC8k8D4CIaxMKzpcl ddsuErAGpBcJSuiY7uUkZuo9qmiYiYkYrGhlsRdCQsBwR7H1RT IC0i4uD1Vo2JJmqoZeAfhXMYWYonWtbIv8j3Wip38KzdokGIql GQhQjKMZC89KpUWfDRUYwiHKCkGEQ5dhz kTeUfFwgWco6LhaIGNkUEoU71DKmFYDJ0RlMhJOUXTJvBfSSXh UWoq9l4VLXjKmworqWWxRwkFih4IgVJLCbGy0OmYZS8IXUwmUs jmhD6hVZyrT/JEAe3xK4pBhVDXguV1TDC5olIEj0mlKRQumARZQxWhV4AGVo4N QubA/mvMYZi3gq007VCx4dI4NaOSV40/427R6Uf5HjPU4GOIvdDahqTYWPc920AHP91sAet7KTs9rVNURE wysft /wAgt/yByB6ry7tz2hE8uyI/y2EgH8bvxe3kt/HUnP5a4PkkkrRjZwSCOUwi2CESZAoZXL0SI IDgYCkKjiFhlJzlhGdLkxJqeAsYicmhymcxQOaUUzDxIn97Yco XvbcgouANfwfjqmo1oLpqjOc a02mWLbcjp6 6xVi0rQ6NX2IB6qkJVoWStGghpNrscfmPdHU7i02PH6LrbEB7T zZSuizcfIVyJYRHCsKLkKvhbYAeisaAZXnxdzbLPSNFS8KZyjp RhSOXWc3pGzlHx8IGPlHM4RRmNcoZVO4KCZMKwGTlGUyEl5RdM m8E9Hyqmr1dSKmr1MYGpUQ7hQUqIdwjDpmOgYCMhVOu0/krml4QOrhWlwi0ZeGRzX5WmopgQs5LK0OzZTv1DaPDn2XNaTDC VI0spwqSpqLOQ3/LkjIKo6nVCXGwKSckhpZEjKl7QCScdVSahWl5xgDgLlfWGQ4wO gCEKWMa2dlD4Z3sN2OcwkEEtcW3aeQbcg Sd9pJ5UDkwlNQUyaR55CfCwuySh2m4IR0Rwkeh0PcVESuuK4Ag EexPuo126DDFhEeVyaHqmw8q0ijDm2K0VYzKR0H4kdXd0IRsHi BBvYgjOcp5iLcYKhn4tYZTCgZlva/KN08EuHl19kG2Aly0P2JsEHeyYLjtaOpP/AILd4Zh1DqB3Ag4GGj9StTSzb F51FUX 6tN2XrHlwaQcm3wnUmkxJJGvCsKAZQAVjp/K5sXTS4aGn4TnLkHCc5dzOcZHyjmcIJnKNZwtEDE4KCVEOQ8yY DAZOUZToR/IRdOm8J 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7n/r5x6rS9jYmSTgOjhlYWSFwlkMbWkNO0g72Z37RycOOOorGSa2J Jb0bjTXMmjbI3hw4/Ceo CixTKv7DBhgmbtAkbM8vAqI9kbdrNu1huS24eB4jctOTgLSULW nfvtbYSLvZGd1xba52AefNc0oJMdOymq4mta57zYNFyfIBeRa/qpnkLhhowwei9T7YSUstJUNiq4yY2yF 2eIlsjIw9sTgAQ/c67Lhzcg23EELFM7LUplij7yTa95AmNdQNiqomxOeXwMa1z43F wADXB/3gHFrikaKQ0Y9pVhA4DJstiOxVAHlhqZCDIGse2uoNoic6iaHO Hdm9vtUxORcUp43XbW612bpoaWOaKqEz3GIECWN7HlzCZNrAwF mx4223P632nCSS0WiylfO5/hbgdfMrn2QrRdltKp5Y5HTFzSyWBl/tVJTMEcwmJee HiLe5cdrTdwPSxKup z1M2nZLHUd85xiwJY4hIXvDXxta9v8pzQb3cXcG7QElFrXpgJY HgixI U4RSts4F1uDkr0aDsvSOqHxbpQxgO1xqqT Yd9mvBa02btDjYBx4vtvgmi0Gm2ZduBJu7voNu7vdgi2Ebrlni 38ZvawJRpgbRhtNgle4cv4916r2fo 6jAPJy7/Si0js5TxSHu3HZ/MFnTwl92PDQWuDbWIN7EcA5Kvu5DWvALDteNh3M3OYN4J5yPuf VNGNEMkr0hm5RvepaQNL2h1rXzdwYLe5TixjrkkNybgSR2YA0E GwHjubjFuOqdsjQKHFPDl2eNrQ217kAn ZG4A9RYC/lk fyiKKCNzbvdY3t/2Mbjw5sRfqT8IINEIkU8c4XJ4GBgIeCcf1NNyRkWtix9T8IYtw DcZ8iCRbzHRMpUK4h/fApkhCCuul5T/YnyNkflStmsFA4JbUoQuCa6sGPFlU04siw5OkKxle4KtJRVUUI UGAinbcKonornhXEigKVhSPntJJJYsdKSSSxhJJJLGJWm/v19R5qSMpJKiEZMW3CVHOWHa7g/kfNJJPzYFvR6D/AA/t3kmc7Bb23Z/b6qH JWvlg ysvd4vKf7Dw35SSS5emgjzN2TwnNA8hnnHKSSiy8SZrR5BGUsS SSmyqNBQSzCN0Ie8RvIc9gcQxzhaxLeCcBWgpDtAtu9slJJIlZ SUmlos6TSnm3h2jrf/AErqCmaz1PmkkqKKRyynJ9LCjViCkkixUJxURKSSVmE0qZiSSK COSSSWRhJLiSYViSSSRAzm4pwmKSSNgIppbqHckkjYKI3lQEpJ JWZH/9k=

08-03-2020, 10:16 AM
The 00s Star Wars are 10 out of 10 compare to the Disney ones.

08-03-2020, 10:30 AM
The 00s Star Wars are 10 out of 10 compare to the Disney ones.
By far

08-03-2020, 11:09 AM
There have been rumors of Favreau/Taika doing future Star Wars movies, which woukd be great tbh

And let Filoni have major input.

08-03-2020, 11:26 AM
And let Filoni have major input.
yep he knows his SW shit

08-03-2020, 02:26 PM
:lol 2020
:lol still caring about star wars

08-03-2020, 02:35 PM
:lol 2020
:lol still caring about star wars

08-03-2020, 03:17 PM
The 00s Star Wars are 10 out of 10 compare to the Disney ones.
Which means nothing.
Lucas is not the answer to Disney's SW problems. Get some new writers/directors and come up with some different stories. Move away from the Skywalker storyline.

08-03-2020, 03:35 PM
Which means nothing.
Lucas is not the answer to Disney's SW problems. Get some new writers/directors and come up with some different stories. Move away from the Skywalker storyline.
Hayden Christiansen in Episodes 2 & 3 is some of the worst acting in the history of cinema :lol

:lmao People so desperate to shit on the sequels that they’ll call this crap 10/10

08-03-2020, 03:39 PM
There is aparently a "Lucas cut" of the last movie that wowed some behind the scenes people and that's what's led to talks about Lucas coming back and talks about ousting Kennedy.

I'm not saying the previous trilogy of movies are good movies but compared to the Disney movies exclusively it looks damn good.

The action sequences were at least passable.

08-03-2020, 03:41 PM
It’s actually shocking how this performance is barely on par with Tommy Wiseau in The Room.



And yet some people here claim that Adam Driver is the worst actor in a Star Wars movie :lmao

08-03-2020, 05:19 PM
It’s actually shocking how this performance is barely on par with Tommy Wiseau in The Room.



And yet some people here claim that Adam Driver is the worst actor in a Star Wars movie :lmao
I was going to say that Christiansen was on par with that kid that played young Frank Dux in Bloodsport.


08-03-2020, 07:14 PM
I was going to say that Christiansen was on par with that kid that played young Frank Dux in Bloodsport.


Movie still holds up, though

08-03-2020, 08:22 PM
Movie still holds up, though
Oh I still like it, but you know some crew member sucked some serious dick to get their semi-retarded son a role in the movie.

Will Hunting
08-03-2020, 10:47 PM
Hayden Christiansen in Episodes 2 & 3 is some of the worst acting in the history of cinema :lol

:lmao People so desperate to shit on the sequels that they’ll call this crap 10/10

The Disney ones were objectively better. I remember walking out of the theatre halfway through episode 3 because the awkward love scenes between Christiansen and Portman made it impossible to watch.

Episode 1 wasn’t terrible (albeit I was pretty young when I saw it), but episodes 2 and 3 were dogshit, largely due to Christiansen.

LaMarcus Bryant
08-03-2020, 10:59 PM
Adam driver fucking saved the new trilogy. Even tho he meme fodder he was the best actor, best character, the one you wanted to care about.

More. MORE.

08-04-2020, 10:19 AM
Attack of the Clones is probably my favorite movie of the numbered nine. I've always thought the concept of the universe was way better than the execution of the movies. The KotOR and old Battlefront games were the peak of the franchise for me. Get back to that, and I don't care what you do in the cinema.

LaMarcus Bryant
08-04-2020, 03:18 PM

08-07-2020, 03:41 PM
Attack of the Clones is probably my favorite movie of the numbered nine. I've always thought the concept of the universe was way better than the execution of the movies. The KotOR and old Battlefront games were the peak of the franchise for me. Get back to that, and I don't care what you do in the cinema.

Had a plot unlike that last vine they produced.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-07-2020, 03:55 PM
kotor is sweet

08-12-2020, 07:02 PM
Let's not pretend like the Lucas directed prequel trilogy were great movies. The best thing Disney could do right now is to just distance itself from the Skywalker era. Do something different within the Star Wars universe.

YEH, should be another scifi series with different story to tell...instead of having good vs evil always winning, why not make a villain movie where they actually win...

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-12-2020, 07:52 PM
YEH, should be another scifi series with different story to tell...instead of having good vs evil always winning, why not make a villain movie where they actually win...

like episodes 3, 5 and 8?

08-12-2020, 08:58 PM
Generally, the middle trilogy still holds up for me as far as the overall story. The execution was abysmal though.

The later trilogy might have beaten it until #9 became "Star Wars 9: Just Kidding About That Last One, Everyone's Related."

08-13-2020, 06:38 AM
YEH, should be another scifi series with different story to tell...instead of having good vs evil always winning, why not make a villain movie where they actually win...
What I meant was, stop going back to the well of same ol' characters (or sons/daughters of the same ol' characters). Many consider Knights of the Old Republic one of the best SW stories done, which has nothing to do with the movies. I'm not suggesting that they use that story for a movie, but do something else original - different time period, different characters, etc.

08-13-2020, 02:40 PM
It's just kids movies. And I follow them religiously.

08-13-2020, 03:31 PM
It's just kids movies. And I follow them religiously.You do, derp.:lmao

08-13-2020, 08:01 PM
Lucas directing one would bring in some cash, tbh. Unless his ex-wife decides to edit his shit, it won't be good though :lol

It'll make a lot of money though, hits the nostalgia old fans have to see Lucas doing it

08-13-2020, 08:33 PM
:lmao Derp made a point to go on opening weekend to be whisked away into a magical 3-D world, and then logs in here and pretends like he despises everything SJW Wars stands for.

I made it a point to not not go or to deny not going just because you'd have a lame talking point, slob. :lmao

08-13-2020, 08:34 PM
You do, derp.:lmao

You have seen more of the Star Wars than I have, derp.

08-13-2020, 09:02 PM
You have seen more of the Star Wars than I have, derp.I've never gone on opening day.

That's for children.

Michael Jordan.
08-13-2020, 09:10 PM
Adam driver fucking saved the new trilogy. Even tho he meme fodder he was the best actor, best character, the one you wanted to care about.

More. MORE.
Saved it? That nigga was not believable as a villain. Nigga went back to the light side and got shit casted to the side for Rey lol

08-13-2020, 09:56 PM
I've never gone on opening day.

That's for children.

I haven't went on opening day either. Not that I buy your premise, anyways.

08-13-2020, 10:17 PM
I haven't went on opening day either. Not that I buy your premise, anyways.Oh. Opening weekend.

Sec:lolnd day.

Still for children.

08-13-2020, 10:19 PM
Oh. Opening weekend.

Sec:lolnd day.

Still for children.

Yet you keep watching all the Star Wars you can get.

08-13-2020, 10:57 PM
Yet you keep watching all the Star Wars you can get.

Not :lolpening weekend after trying to say how horrible they are.

Why pay to watch a movie on :lolpening weekend you say you hate?

08-13-2020, 10:59 PM
Not :lolpening weekend after trying to say how horrible they are.

You know the story of why I watched on opening weekend and that it has nothing to do with being a fanatic.
But you can't control your c:lolmpulsi:loln

08-13-2020, 11:00 PM
You know the story of why I watched on opening weekend and that it has nothing to do with being a fanatic.sc:lolrned woman defense

08-13-2020, 11:51 PM
sc:lolrned woman defense

How is it a scorned woman defense? I'm calling you out disingenuous attack is all.

lol derp

08-13-2020, 11:59 PM
How is it a scorned woman defense?Because you're a scorned woman.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
08-14-2020, 12:00 AM
i never saw 9 but plan to eventually someday maybe so no spoilers please

08-14-2020, 12:07 AM
Because you're a scorned woman.

Because you want to c:lolmf:lolrt yourself. Par.

08-14-2020, 12:08 AM
i never saw 9 but plan to eventually someday maybe so no spoilers please

If you want to watch a two-and-a-half hour vine full of plot holes, I highly recommend it.

08-14-2020, 01:14 AM
If you want to watch a two-and-a-half hour vine full of plot holes, I highly recommend it.He saw it the first weekend because he hates the movies.:lmao

LaMarcus Bryant
08-14-2020, 09:08 AM
Saved it? That nigga was not believable as a villain. Nigga went back to the light side and got shit casted to the side for Rey lol

Tell me he wasn't the best actor, best character, more memeable character, the one you at least were interested where the story was going.

I guess I shouldn't have said "saved" lol

08-14-2020, 08:42 PM
star wars sucks.

08-14-2020, 11:27 PM
And paid extra for 3D :lmao

Why wouldn't I? The special effects is the main reason to watch Star Wars.
Shaming the snowflakery after the fact is just bonus. :lmao

08-14-2020, 11:35 PM
Why wouldn't I?:lmao

08-14-2020, 11:38 PM


08-14-2020, 11:47 PM
MeltdownYou paid extra for a 3D conversion.

08-14-2020, 11:52 PM
You paid extra for a 3D conversion.

You're just repeating what I disseminated already.

08-14-2020, 11:54 PM
You're just repeating what I disseminated already.Defensive.

Michael Jordan.
08-15-2020, 02:57 PM
Tell me he wasn't the best actor, best character, more memeable character, the one you at least were interested where the story was going.

I guess I shouldn't have said "saved" lol
Man I was more interested in seeing what they were going to do with Luke and they fucked that up too lol

08-20-2020, 05:22 PM
George Lucas is a horrible director and writer. He did well with Star Wars, but it took how many rewrites and people saying "no" to him for it too succeed. If Harrison Ford doesnt tell Lucas that his dialogue is shit and change it, it probably becomes a B-grade Cult Sci-Fi instead.

Lucas has great stories, but he needs to drop his ego and let others write and direct them. Only those who were kids when the prequels came out, and not adults, would want Lucas back directing films.

it's always been b-level tbh. nerds just love them some shitty movies.

09-02-2020, 08:03 PM

09-02-2020, 08:06 PM

Not a stretch, tbh. Black Panther was an obvious grab at the aa market, probably tried to see how they would warm up to the idea of another black jedi :lol

09-03-2020, 11:34 AM
Not a stretch, tbh. Black Panther was an obvious grab at the aa market, probably tried to see how they would warm up to the idea of another black jedi :lol

disagree BP, while it had some aa overtones, worked because the main character being black wasn't the selling point and they actually had quality actors in the roles that succeeded not because they were black, but because they were good actors. Same reason Captain Marvel was a piece of shit

09-03-2020, 11:45 AM
disagree BP, while it had some aa overtones, worked because the main character being black wasn't the selling point and they actually had quality actors in the roles that succeeded not because they were black, but because they were good actors. Same reason Captain Marvel was a piece of shit

It's noted as a good movie partially because of the high production value and decent acting, but it's popularity with the aa community is very obvious and you'd be a little naive to think it's not somewhat overrated + have box office bloat for it being a black superhero movie

09-03-2020, 11:49 AM
It's noted as a good movie partially because of the high production value and decent acting, but it's popularity with the aa community is very obvious and you'd be a little naive to think it's not somewhat overrated + have box office bloat for it being a black superhero movieI don't see how blacks alone can account for $1.3 billion tbh.

09-03-2020, 12:13 PM
This message is hidden because Spurtacular is on your ignore list (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/profile.php?do=ignorelist).

I saw this post and finally did the same....thanks Mono!

09-03-2020, 12:40 PM
John Boyega's a dumbass, but I don't doubt they altered his intended role after The Force Awakens. The amount of crying online by people over a black stormtrooper was surprising to me.

09-03-2020, 12:51 PM
He's also a shit actor tbh

09-03-2020, 03:56 PM
Not a stretch, tbh. Black Panther was an obvious grab at the aa market, probably tried to see how they would warm up to the idea of another black jedi :lol

As shitty as these movies were, it was probably their best decision to bench this guy. He blows.

Just not a good actor.

09-03-2020, 08:07 PM
As shitty as these movies were, it was probably their best decision to bench this guy. He blows.

Just not a good actor.

Sup bro, their best decision was probably to ignore the black dude and the fat asian chick romance in the third movie :lol

I didn't see ep9 but I heard the fat chick didnt get much time

09-04-2020, 12:00 AM
Sup bro, their best decision was probably to ignore the black dude and the fat asian chick romance in the third movie :lol

I didn't see ep9 but I heard the fat chick didnt get much time

Watched it in 3D IMAX (free ticket so why not lol)

Visually stunning, sounded amazing

But yeah other than that, thr movie is complete dogshit

LaMarcus Bryant
09-04-2020, 07:38 AM
disagree BP, while it had some aa overtones, worked because the main character being black wasn't the selling point and they actually had quality actors in the roles that succeeded not because they were black, but because they were good actors. Same reason Captain Marvel was a piece of shit

100% correct, raw, unadulterated TRAINWRECK