View Full Version : When does (will) Joe Biden leave the freezer?

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 09:40 AM
Serious question. Trump's approval is steadily rising, and his campaign message is sinking in because Biden isn't on the campaign trail at all to provide his own campaign message.

After hearing 4 years of jokes about Shillary never visiting Wisconsin, Joe Biden hasn't been to Wisconsin in 659 days :lol

How do you fuck up something as simple as visiting the most pivotal state in an election two times in a row :lmao

08-26-2020, 09:48 AM
leave it to the Dems

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 09:54 AM
leave it to the establishment Dems

This "virtual campaign" idea stems from the stupid premise that if Trump's opponent justs runs as an ultra vanilla moderate it'll "win the middle". No matter what your platform is you still need to actual campaign in the swing states you need to win.

08-26-2020, 09:56 AM
Maybe he is taking cues from Hillary and Bill?

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:00 AM
Maybe he is taking cues from Hillary and Bill?
More likely he has the same groupthink retards running his campaign as the ones who ran Hillary's campaign.

08-26-2020, 10:04 AM
Serious question. Trump's approval is steadily rising, and his campaign message is sinking in because Biden isn't on the campaign trail at all to provide his own campaign message.

After hearing 4 years of jokes about Shillary never visiting Wisconsin, Joe Biden hasn't been to Wisconsin in 659 days :lol

How do you fuck up something as simple as visiting the most pivotal state in an election two times in a row :lmao

IMO, Trump has been a good puppet and has been chosen for the next four years. I realize most in here disagree, but the idea that we have a good choice out of the two party system is a lost cause. How can democrats not have put out a better candidate? They could have, but a candidate doesn't get to the finals without the media and money. Its a rerun of McCain and Romney. The whole system works beautifully. Look at how much people in here insult each other and lack any respect. This two party paradigm and all the lines they have drawn in the sand has made people bitter enemies. I can't tell you how many times I've been insulted without ever having insulted anyone on this board.

I just don't get it. Your question is a good one. I asked these same questions many years ago and decided there was something going on that most people just can't see and many who don't care to see.

08-26-2020, 10:09 AM
Don’t know which data you’re seeing but recent polling still shows that he’s up in 5 out of 6 (tied in one) battleground states and respondents in all swing state polls give Biden the edge on who would do a better job handling the pandemic.

unless things vastly improve you won’t see in person rallies by them.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:10 AM
IMO, Trump has been a good puppet and has been chosen for the next four years. I realize most in here disagree, but the idea that we have a good choice out of the two party system is a lost cause. How can democrats not have put out a better candidate? They could have, but a candidate doesn't get to the finals without the media and money. Its a rerun of McCain and Romney. The whole system works beautifully. Look at how much people in here insult each other and lack any respect. This two party paradigm and all the lines they have drawn in the sand has made people bitter enemies. I can't tell you how many times I've been insulted without ever having insulted anyone on this board.

I just don't get it. Your question is a good one. I asked these same questions many years ago and decided there was something going on that most people just can't see and many who don't care to see.
I agree about the media/money, but even then it doesn't make sense. They could have found an establishment candidate who wasn't a decrepit old man incapable of going out and campaigning.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:11 AM
unless things vastly improve you won’t see in person rallies by them.
Well that's pretty fucking stupid. He's effectively campaigning with a hand tied behind his back because he's such a brittle old man.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:18 AM
It is remarkable how Biden primary supporters casually explain how "you won't see personal rallies" from the candidate they supported in the primary, while they never stop to think that supporting a candidate who's too old to do campaign rallies might not have been a great idea.

08-26-2020, 10:23 AM
A poll just came out that has Trump up 1 in Wisconsin. And that is pre RNC bump.

Overall, RCP has Hiden-Biden at 3.5 point lead.

08-26-2020, 10:29 AM
I agree about the media/money, but even then it doesn't make sense. They could have found an establishment candidate who wasn't a decrepit old man incapable of going out and campaigning.

I agree, but I am also suggesting that there is no intention to try and win and that Biden is just there to fill the hole, lose the election, and continue with Trump. That is my opinion at least.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:30 AM
A poll just came out that has Trump up 1 in Wisconsin. And that is pre RNC bump.

Overall, RCP has Hiden-Biden at 3.5 point lead.
More recent poll released today has Biden up 5 points in Wisconsin.

I'm not sure why the pollsters won't release information on changes they've made (if any) from 2016. Would really like to know if they're weighing rural voters more.

08-26-2020, 10:31 AM
It is remarkable how Biden primary supporters casually explain how "you won't see personal rallies" from the candidate they supported in the primary, while they never stop to think that supporting a candidate who's too old to do campaign rallies might not have been a great idea.

What are you talking about? These are things he’s said multiple times in multiple occasions.

One candidate believes in science and following what the experts are saying and the other doesn’t. Is as simple as that.

You know who else wouldn’t be doing rallies? Bernie Sanders, or Beto or any dem candidates.

This is not an age issue at all.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:41 AM
I agree, but I am also suggesting that there is no intention to try and win and that Biden is just there to fill the hole, lose the election, and continue with Trump. That is my opinion at least.
I don't see it for this reason - if Biden loses this election the Democratic Party goes into full blown civil war, and there's a pretty good chance the progressive wing either wins the war or forces the establishment to make major concessions as to what the party's platform is. The establishment Dems like Pelosi have too much on the line to lose this election.

Each party has its own set of oligarchs. Generally (with exceptions), early to mid 20th century industrialist oligarchs back Republicans (oil and gas, coal mining, casinos, defense contracting etc.), and the late 20th/21st century oligarchs back Democrats (technology, Wall Street). The 20th century oligarchs were originally against Trump but he's thrown them enough tax breaks, deregulation and corporate welfare where they're fine with him now. If the Sanders/AOC wing takes over the Democratic Party it's bad news for the 21st century oligarchs.

One of the hidden agenda behind groups like the Lincoln Project backing Biden is because they're scared shitless about what a progressive insurgency looks like.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:45 AM
What are you talking about? These are things he’s said multiple times in multiple occasions.

One candidate believes in science and following what the experts are saying and the other doesn’t. Is as simple as that.

You know who else wouldn’t be doing rallies? Bernie Sanders, or Beto or any dem candidates.

This is not an age issue at all.
Lets be sure to give Biden the "I maintained moral high ground on following science!" trophy after he loses the midwestern states where Trump has people going door-to-door and he doesn't.

08-26-2020, 10:46 AM
A poll just came out that has Trump up 1 in Wisconsin. And that is pre RNC bump.

Overall, RCP has Hiden-Biden at 3.5 point lead.

Has Trafalgar ever had a Democrat leading in any of their polls ever? They are a low quality pollster.

Trafalgar Group adjusts its polls for a "social desirability" effect, the hypothesized tendency of some voters to calibrate their responses to polls towards what they believe the survey taker would like to hear.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Group#cite_note-2)[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Group#cite_note-3)[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Group#cite_note-nyt-4) It does this by not only asking respondents how they plan to vote but also how they thought their neighbors might vote.

That is not how polling is done. :lol asking respondents how they and their neighbors will vote is not how polling works.

08-26-2020, 10:48 AM
Will is in denial about who Biden is at this point, tbh. Biden's a bunker bitch.
The race is Trump vs. COVID, just how Dems planned it.

08-26-2020, 10:49 AM
A poll just came out that has Trump up 1 in Wisconsin. And that is pre RNC bump.

Overall, RCP has Hiden-Biden at 3.5 point lead.Will be interesting to see polls if the apparent story holds that a 17 year old white kid was running around shooting people with an assault style weapon with police approval. I can see it going either way.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:51 AM
Will be interesting to see polls if the apparent story holds that a 17 year old white kid was running around shooting people with an assault style weapon with police approval. I can see it going either way.
It's a false flag, Blake!

08-26-2020, 10:54 AM
It's a false flag, Blake!

Do you think Ef-man just came online after 14 years and suddenly attached himself to Chump's vagina like they've been besties all along?
Why are you playing this stupid shit, will. Just cos they're a running joke doesn't mean you need to get in the muck.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 10:57 AM
Do you think Ef-man just came online after 14 years and suddenly attached himself to Chump's vagina like they've been besties all along?
Why are you playing this stupid shit, will. Just cos they're a running joke doesn't mean you need to get in the muck.
If Ef-man had a join date that postdates Blake's join date I'd see your point. He joined the site ~3 years before Blake did.

He might be someone's alt, don't see how it's Blake.

08-26-2020, 10:58 AM
Lets be sure to give Biden the "I maintained moral high ground on following science!" trophy after he loses the midwestern states where Trump has people going door-to-door and he doesn't.

Listen, personally I'd like him to be out there doing rallies and shit myself but what are you going to do? It does come down to the moral high ground. Do you put yourself and thousands of others at risk because you want to do rallies or do you do the right thing?

I hope things get to a point where you can gather people up to say 200-300 at once in the next few weeks or month.

If you still need to be convinced on who to vote for after 4 years of destruction and chaos, you cant be helped.

08-26-2020, 10:58 AM
If Ef-man had a join date that postdates Blake's join date I'd see your point. He joined the site ~3 years before Blake did.

He might be someone's alt, don't see how it's Blake.Great detective work, Blake!:tu

08-26-2020, 10:59 AM
If you are referring to the CNBC poll(+5), it was completed on the same day the Trafalgar group was(-1), 23 Aug.

So 3.5 Biden leads sounds about right. almost exactly where Killary was in 2016.

More recent poll released today has Biden up 5 points in Wisconsin.

I'm not sure why the pollsters won't release information on changes they've made (if any) from 2016. Would really like to know if they're weighing rural voters more.

08-26-2020, 11:00 AM

Holy $h#t that is funny. :lol

Do you think Ef-man just came online after 14 years and suddenly attached himself to Chump's vagina like they've been besties all along?
Why are you playing this stupid shit, will. Just cos they're a running joke doesn't mean you need to get in the muck.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:02 AM
If you are referring to the CNBC poll(+5), it was completed on the same day the Trafalgar group was(-1), 23 Aug.

So 3.5 Biden leads sounds about right. almost exactly where Killary was in 2016.
It was collected from Aug. 21 - Aug 23, the Trafalgar poll was collected from Aug 14 - 23. They were both completed on the same day but some of the polling in the Trafalgar poll predates the DNC convention.

IMO we'll have a much better idea on where this race stands once we still polling next week w/ both conventions over. Right now we're all guessing.

08-26-2020, 11:02 AM
If you are referring to the CNBC poll(+5), it was completed on the same day the Trafalgar group was(-1), 23 Aug.

So 3.5 Biden leads sounds about right. almost exactly where Killary was in 2016.

They are weighted polls though. The one from trafargar clearly isn't.

08-26-2020, 11:05 AM
If Ef-man had a join date that postdates Blake's join date I'd see your point. He joined the site ~3 years before Blake did.

He might be someone's alt, don't see how it's Blake.

You somehow got your dates wrong. The screen names are from the same year with the Blake name created first.
It's Blake most certainly. And if somehow not, it's definitely an alt and Chump is being a bitch pretending that's not the case.

08-26-2020, 11:07 AM
Great detective work, Blake!:tu

Well not really as dates are off.

Unless he is just throwing derp off trail, the, good job Blake :tu

08-26-2020, 11:07 AM
You somehow got your dates wrong. The screen names are from the same year with the Blake name created first.
It's Blake most certainly. And if somehow not, it's definitely an alt and Chump is being a bitch pretending that's not the case.


08-26-2020, 11:09 AM
Maybe he is taking cues from Hillary and Bill?

Yep joe getting a blow job by Harris

08-26-2020, 11:10 AM

Derp looking for answers in a troll forum.

08-26-2020, 11:14 AM
Yep joe getting a blow job by Harris

Yep trump getting a blow job by Pence.

Question is, who blew better.

My bet is pence as his hair look “pre-maturely” white.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:14 AM
Not sure why I got the date wrong tbh.

Maybe Ef-man is Blake.

We'll never know!

08-26-2020, 11:15 AM
Not sure why I got the date wrong tbh.

Maybe Ef-man is Blake.

We'll never know!You can be sure Blake knows, Blake!:tu

08-26-2020, 11:17 AM
Not sure why I got the date wrong tbh.

Maybe Ef-man is Blake.

We'll never know!

The first rule of Blake club is you dont talk about Blake club. How many times do you we have to remind you?

Great job Blake :tu

08-26-2020, 11:18 AM
As you can see, Will Hunting this is how obnoxious Blake gets when he fools himself into thinking he's shed his cuckold clothes.
Chump is always asking why create the threads that thrash Blake. Well, that's why. A blake unchecked is not to anyone's liking. Better he go cower in his cuckoon.

08-26-2020, 11:18 AM
In WI,

Biden is up variably 5 - 10 points

Trump is DISAPPROVED 53%

08-26-2020, 11:19 AM

baseline bum
08-26-2020, 11:20 AM
You can be sure Blake knows, Blake!:tu

Shut up Blake, that troll is Bleke, not Blake.

08-26-2020, 11:21 AM
Shut up Blake, that troll is Bleke, not Blake.

I will give derp half a point for coming up with the name bleke.

08-26-2020, 11:23 AM
As you can see, Will Hunting this is how obnoxious Blake gets when he fools himself into thinking he's shed his cuckold clothes.

Obnoxious, only to derps.

Chump is always asking why create the threads that thrash Blake. Well, that's why. A blake unchecked is not to anyone's liking. Better he go cower in his cuckoon.
I reside only in your head derp. Why so butthurt?

08-26-2020, 11:24 AM
Serious question. Trump's approval is steadily rising, and his campaign message is sinking in because Biden isn't on the campaign trail at all to provide his own campaign message.

After hearing 4 years of jokes about Shillary never visiting Wisconsin, Joe Biden hasn't been to Wisconsin in 659 days :lol

How do you fuck up something as simple as visiting the most pivotal state in an election two times in a row :lmao

Let them get in charge of the healthcare system. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:25 AM
Back to polling since I find that more interesting than Blaketalk.com, the Benson Strategy Group (whoever the fuck they are) poll released today makes even less sense. Trump's approval rating is only -8, while Biden is +11 in polling among the same audience. In incumbent races, polling is almost always more narrow than approval rating. The election is going to be a shitshow tbh.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:25 AM
Let them get in charge of the healthcare system. You ain't seen nothing yet.
I'll take them over Blue Cross Blue Shield and a hospital that's owned by Blackstone.

08-26-2020, 11:26 AM
Ef-man talks too much to be Blake.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:26 AM
It says the join dates. Are you just being obtuse on purpose?
I said I got the date wrong, when I said "not sure why" I meant not sure how I fucked that up, wasn't disputing that I did.

08-26-2020, 11:27 AM
I'll take them over Blue Cross Blue Shield and a hospital that's owned by Blackstone.

Wait until you get old enough to consider the healthcare system something other than a talking point. Young'uns like youns don't know shit from shineola about health needs tbh.. plus you got that joo thing going, no need for any healthcare since your peeps control the world.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:28 AM
Wait until you get old enough to consider the healthcare system something other than a talking point. Young'uns like youns don't know shit from shineola about health needs tbh.. plus you got that joo thing going, no need for any healthcare since your peeps control the world.
When I got old I'll hop on the Medicare government teet like all the other old people do. It seems to suit them just fine.

08-26-2020, 11:28 AM
Back to polling since I find that more interesting than Blaketalk.com, the Benson Strategy Group (whoever the fuck they are) poll released today makes even less sense. Trump's approval rating is only -8, while Biden is +11 in polling among the same audience. In incumbent races, polling is almost always more narrow than approval rating. The election is going to be a shitshow tbh.That's the only thing that's certain.

08-26-2020, 11:32 AM
Not sure why I got the date wrong tbh.

Maybe Ef-man is Blake.

We'll never know!

Edit: My bad misread your first line.

Yea, it's a chump butt licker alt for sure; and it's all but a given that it's blake.
BTW, Crusty was the first one to pointedly call him out, not me. But it's pretty fucking obvious.
It's funny watching blake act up when he thinks he's somehow shed his cuckold clothes.
This is how he was first behaving when I came to the site and I knew nothing of his back story.
Of course, once his shame was realized, he cowered in his corner.

08-26-2020, 11:33 AM
Let them get in charge of the healthcare system. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Republicans are better at healthcare than Democrats in your book?

08-26-2020, 11:34 AM
Edit: My bad misread your first line.

Yea, it's a chump butt licker alt for sure; and it's all but a given that it's blake.
BTW, Crusty was the first one to pointedly call him out, not me. But it's pretty fucking obvious.
It's funny watching blake act up when he thinks he's somehow shed his cuckold clothes.
This is how he was first behaving when I came to the site and I knew nothing of his back story.
Of course, once his shame was realized, he cowered in his corner.derp, you're losing your mind over this.

08-26-2020, 11:35 AM
Ef-man talks too much to be Blake.

I've had that thought. But blake would do that to me in spurts just like this when I was first on the board.
The frequency is higher now. I don't know; it could be all that pent-up frustration of being the board cuckold / laughing stock.
If not, the next candidates are Slob and Dabom.
The one thing that is 100% is that it's an alt. Chump won't call it out, but he'll cry when he thinks someone on his enemies list is alt'ing against him.

08-26-2020, 11:37 AM
I've had that thought. But blake would do that to me in spurts just like this when I was first on the board.
The frequency is higher now. I don't know; it could be all that pent-up frustration of being the board cuckold / laughing stock.
If not, the next candidates are Slob and Dabom.
The one thing that is 100% is that it's an alt. Chump won't call it out, but he'll cry when he thinks someone on his enemies list is alt'ing against him.I think it's an alt, derp. I've said so.

You've lost your mind over this.

08-26-2020, 11:37 AM
Edit: My bad misread your first line.

Yea, it's a chump butt licker alt for sure; and it's all but a given that it's blake.
BTW, Crusty was the first one to pointedly call him out, not me. But it's pretty fucking obvious.
It's funny watching blake act up when he thinks he's somehow shed his cuckold clothes.
This is how he was first behaving when I came to the site and I knew nothing of his back story.
Of course, once his shame was realized, he cowered in his corner.

Eh, am more of a derp mindf*cker than chumpDump butt licker, imvho and as demonstrated everyday.

And bad server is slowing me down, tbh.


08-26-2020, 11:37 AM
derp, you're losing your mind over this.

:lol You playing this card even as you clearly know it's an alt.

:lmao Fucking compulsive psychopath always going with a losing strategy.

08-26-2020, 11:37 AM
Back to polling since I find that more interesting than Blaketalk.com, the Benson Strategy Group (whoever the fuck they are) poll released today makes even less sense. Trump's approval rating is only -8, while Biden is +11 in polling among the same audience. In incumbent races, polling is almost always more narrow than approval rating. The election is going to be a shitshow tbh.

Possibly a mix of Biden being more popular and liked than Trump and Hillary combined and the fact his lead has been super stable for the last 4 months or so.

An earlier poll by CBS found that he had little to no real convention bump in the overall polling numbers but he did gain about 8 points in favorability. Went from -2 to +8. That's as good as a polling bump in my opinion.

08-26-2020, 11:38 AM
:lol You playing this card even as you clearly know it's an alt.I already said that, derp.

:lmao Fucking compulsive psychopath always going with a losing strategy.Having you agree with me is the losing strategy?


08-26-2020, 11:38 AM
I'll take them over Blue Cross Blue Shield and a hospital that's owned by Blackstone.

It's awesome paying a monthly fee for a plan that doesn't kick in until I spend another 8000

08-26-2020, 11:39 AM
So many Blake’s and alts.....but just one derp.


08-26-2020, 11:39 AM
Eh, am more of a derp mindf*cker than chumpDump butt licker, imvho and as demonstrated everyday.

And bad server is slowing me down, tbh.


:lol The implication being that you are a chump butt licker all the same.
:lol dumb ass, mon

08-26-2020, 11:40 AM
It's awesome paying a monthly fee for a plan that doesn't kick in until I spend another 8000

I assume you're being fictitious.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:41 AM
It's awesome paying a monthly fee for a plan that doesn't kick in until I spend another 8000
:lol no kidding, and those aren't even considered the catastrophe only plans

08-26-2020, 11:42 AM


08-26-2020, 11:43 AM
Back to polling since I find that more interesting than Blaketalk.com, the Benson Strategy Group (whoever the fuck they are) poll released today makes even less sense. Trump's approval rating is only -8, while Biden is +11 in polling among the same audience. In incumbent races, polling is almost always more narrow than approval rating. The election is going to be a shitshow tbh.

My sincerest apologies Will on disrupting your train of thought and you have excellent points.

All that said, i stand by my previous statement that you are throwing pearls before swine.

Trolls and derps are that way.

But great job Blake :tu

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:43 AM
That's the only thing that's certain.
With a race war brewing in the state election handicappers view as the state most likely to decide things, it's going to get even crazier.

08-26-2020, 11:45 AM
I don't see why Bidet has the option to either stay in the freezer or hold big rallies. Showing up in battleground states is just as much about local media coverage than it is about people physically attending. Go to manufacturing plants or whatever dumbshit local "muh jobs" Trump has fucked up all give a stump speech to 30 fatnecks socially distanced. Not that hard.

08-26-2020, 11:45 AM
:lol no kidding, and those aren't even considered the catastrophe only plans

I had one of those plans for a long time. But Obamacare took them from reasonable to total dog shit.

08-26-2020, 11:46 AM


:lol Believing that shit.

08-26-2020, 11:47 AM
So many Blake’s and alts.....but just one derp.


Well derp is a very big derp. Biggest derp in world. So much so, Avante left as he could not compete!

That’s how big of a derp, derp is.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:49 AM
:lol Believing that shit.
Believing what shit? 538 is saying that odds are trending towards Trump right now, not Biden.

Idk why Trump people hate Fivethirtyeight so much, they were more accurate than any other poll aggregator was in 2016. They gave Trump a 28-29% chance while a lot of the other pollsters were saying Hillary was a <99% favorite to win.

08-26-2020, 11:51 AM
Detective Derp really thinks Blake is conspiring against him with countless alts so he can "get a W" over derp.

What a sad, sad person.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:53 AM
I don't see why Bidet has the option to either stay in the freezer or hold big rallies. Showing up in battleground states is just as much about local media coverage than it is about people physically attending. Go to manufacturing plants or whatever dumbshit local "muh jobs" Trump has fucked up all give a stump speech to 30 fatnecks socially distanced. Not that hard.
Exactly. I should have said that earlier, no one is saying Joe needs to hold stadium rallies with tens of thousands of people packed into one space.

Hold a small town hall with Wisconsin dairy farmers and talk about how dairy farmers are the "backbone of 'Murica!" Uneducated rural voters love hearing politicians blow smoke up their ass.

08-26-2020, 11:55 AM
Believing what shit? 538 is saying that odds are trending towards Trump right now, not Biden.

I already called that out ahead of time. It always going to trend toward repubs at the end because the sham can't last forever.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:56 AM
This basically needs to be Biden in battleground states for the next 2 months:


08-26-2020, 11:57 AM
Believing what shit? 538 is saying that odds are trending towards Trump right now, not Biden.

Idk why Trump people hate Fivethirtyeight so much, they were more accurate than any other poll aggregator was in 2016. They gave Trump a 28-29% chance while a lot of the other pollsters were saying Hillary was a <99% favorite to win.

Caveat being the shitty, low quality polls.

I'm with him in waiting until both conventions finish and actual polling is done.

There is also a fine line between the protests/turned riots going on. There's been too much of it. That hurts Biden believe it or not.

08-26-2020, 11:57 AM
Idk why Trump people hate Fivethirtyeight so much, they were more accurate than any other poll aggregator was in 2016. They gave Trump a 28-29% chance while a lot of the other pollsters were saying Hillary was a <99% favorite to win.

Silver's a hack. He cherry picked the Obama elections; followed the shenanigans right and made a name for himself. Was funny watching the soy boy sperm shield for Hillary on election night.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 11:59 AM
Caveat being the shitty, low quality polls.

I'm with him in waiting until both conventions finish and actual polling is done.

There is also a fine line between the protests/turned riots going on. There's been too much of it. That hurts Biden believe it or not.
Agreed, white empathy for BLM has been trending downwards for awhile now. The rioting has the potential to kill Biden in Wisconsin, but the 17 year old incel who went on a shooting spree yesterday might have changed that.

08-26-2020, 12:00 PM
This basically needs to be Biden in battleground states for the next 2 months:


Didn't think it could get worse than Hillary traveling around in her ambulance. Again though; it's the COVID playbook.
Biden's going to sit this one out.

08-26-2020, 12:02 PM
I don't see why Bidet has the option to either stay in the freezer or hold big rallies. Showing up in battleground states is just as much about local media coverage than it is about people physically attending. Go to manufacturing plants or whatever dumbshit local "muh jobs" Trump has fucked up all give a stump speech to 30 fatnecks socially distanced. Not that hard.

Yeah he should have already held a rally at the Goodyear plant.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:06 PM
I'm curious, to all the Biden primary supporters, what is your view going to be if Biden fucks this up and loses?

Will you still be of the mindset that nominating whoever is deemed "electable" in 2024 will be most important, or will you actually want a candidate who energizes the base but is further to the left?

Reck (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=14412) ChumpDumper (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=153)

08-26-2020, 12:09 PM
I'm curious, to all the Biden primary supporters, what is your view going to be if Biden fucks this up and loses?

Will you still be of the mindset that nominating whoever is deemed "electable" in 2024 will be most important, or will you actually want a candidate who energizes the base but is further to the left?

Reck (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=14412) ChumpDumper (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=153)

Why do you assume I'm a Biden supporter to begin with? Let alone primary voter.

I dont vote in primaries here. Even less so this year.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:12 PM
Why do you assume I'm a Biden supporter to begin with? Let alone primary voter.

I dont vote in primaries here. Even less so this year.
Fine if you want to play that game.

Ignoring whoever you supported in the 2020 primary, if Jim Crow Joe flubs this election, will you want another establishment Dem of the Biden/Hillary ilk in 2024, or a more progressive candidate who excites the base?

08-26-2020, 12:14 PM
a candidate who energizes the base but is further to the left?

To answer your question though, I was ready to support whoever won the nomination. I made my peace with Bernie around Nevada and was willing to get behind him.

Other than that, I dont know what precise answer you are looking for here. You have to be able to win primaries to be viable.

08-26-2020, 12:15 PM
I assume you're being fictitious.
I assume you don't know what you're talking about


08-26-2020, 12:15 PM
Fine if you want to play that game.

Ignoring whoever you supported in the 2020 primary, if Jim Crow Joe flubs this election, will you want another establishment Dem of the Biden/Hillary ilk in 2024, or a more progressive candidate who excites the base?
does the "energize the base" meme lose some luster when you got smacked in the primaries?

08-26-2020, 12:17 PM
:lol no kidding, and those aren't even considered the catastrophe only plans

nope it's a silver plan

08-26-2020, 12:19 PM
Fine if you want to play that game.

Ignoring whoever you supported in the 2020 primary, if Jim Crow Joe flubs this election, will you want another establishment Dem of the Biden/Hillary ilk in 2024, or a more progressive candidate who excites the base?

And how are you so sure there is a "next?"

There is no next if Trump wins another 4 years. This country can go in several directions, none of which are good.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:20 PM
does the "energize the base" meme lose some luster when you got smacked in the primaries?
I'd like to just see a primary process where there's no favoritism and there isn't constant bullshit on CNN/MSNBC about who is and isn't "electable" since the pundits clearly don't have the slightest fucking idea who's electable. If they did we wouldn't have John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as nominees.

I know it sounds crazy but if you just let the voters pick the candidate they like the most and impartially cover each candidate without biased media coverage telling them X candidate or Y candidate is more "electable", you'll end up with the candidate who the base likes the most.

Biden would have been dead in the water after New Hampshire if not for the media welfare that propped him back up.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:23 PM
And how are you so sure there is a "next?"

There is no next if Trump wins another 4 years. This country can go in several directions, none of which are good.
And even though that's the case, the Dems decided to put America's hopes on a guy who's so old he can't even travel to swing states to hold a 20 person town hall.

The issue with Biden is that when he isn't getting propped up by the DNC and the media, he was a shitty candidate, both in 1988 and 2008. His campaign died before it ever got started. No one liked him until MSNBC started comparing his (Jewish) opponent to Hitler and saying that Bernie winning was comparable to Nazi Germany taking over France. When people are left to their own devices to make their own opinion about Biden without interference from Claire McCaskill telling them he's really electable because he hates free healthcare, they find him to be mediocre and uninspiring.

08-26-2020, 12:25 PM
I'm curious, to all the Biden primary supporters, what is your view going to be if Biden fucks this up and loses?

Will you still be of the mindset that nominating whoever is deemed "electable" in 2024 will be most important, or will you actually want a candidate who energizes the base but is further to the left?

Reck (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=14412) ChumpDumper (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=153)It would be great if that was the same candidate. I'm not sure the electoral college system will allow that. We're fighting over a few counties in five states.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:27 PM
It would be great if that was the same candidate. I'm not sure the electoral college system will allow that. We're fighting over a few counties in five states.
Counties that establishment candidates outside of Obama (who ran a lot more progressive than your typical establishment candidate) have horrible track records in.

08-26-2020, 12:28 PM
Counties that establishment candidates outside of Obama (who ran a lot more progressive than your typical establishment candidate) have horrible track records in.Whatever works. I'm not the guy you have to convince to vote Democrat.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:29 PM
The one thing Obama did actually do was show up and campaign in the counties and states he needed to win.

Why is it so hard for le smoke filled room to select a candidate capable of traveling to Wisconsin?

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:29 PM
Whatever works. I'm not the guy you have to convince to vote Democrat.
You're the guy I need to convince to vote differently in primaries though.

08-26-2020, 12:32 PM
You're the guy I need to convince to vote differently in primaries though.It was a foregone conclusion by the time it got to Texas. I will certainly vote for a Social Democrat who calls him/herself a Social Democrat and not a Democratic Socialist, for example.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:33 PM
It was a foregone conclusion by the time it got to Texas. I will certainly vote for a Social Democrat who calls him/herself a Social Democrat and not a Democratic Socialist, for example.
Fair enough, but Texas voted on Super Tuesday. I don’t see how it was a foregone conclusion by then.

08-26-2020, 12:38 PM
And even though that's the case, the Dems decided to put America's hopes on a guy who's so old he can't even travel to swing states to hold a 20 person town hall.

The issue with Biden is that when he isn't getting propped up by the DNC and the media, he was a shitty candidate, both in 1988 and 2008. His campaign died before it ever got started. No one liked him until MSNBC started comparing his (Jewish) opponent to Hitler and saying that Bernie winning was comparable to Nazi Germany taking over France. When people are left to their own devices to make their own opinion about Biden without interference from Claire McCaskill telling them he's really electable because he hates free healthcare, they find him to be mediocre and uninspiring.

That will still happen regardless with the media though.

Trump got more media coverage than all of his oponents combined in 2016. That includes with Bernie and Hillary.

But to your larger point about massa Clyburn and his endorsement. It's not like the first 3 states didn't heavily favored Bernie and handicapped Biden twofold. Iowa and New Hampshire being extraordinarily white and also have the voting being done in a caucus in 2 of the 3. Those are two Bernie strength.

All this being prop up talk looks silly when you take that into account. The primary schedule sure didn't help Biden at all.

08-26-2020, 12:40 PM
I'd like to just see a primary process where there's no favoritism and there isn't constant bullshit on CNN/MSNBC about who is and isn't "electable" since the pundits clearly don't have the slightest fucking idea who's electable. If they did we wouldn't have John Kerry and Hillary Clinton as nominees.

I know it sounds crazy but if you just let the voters pick the candidate they like the most and impartially cover each candidate without biased media coverage telling them X candidate or Y candidate is more "electable", you'll end up with the candidate who the base likes the most.

Biden would have been dead in the water after New Hampshire if not for the media welfare that propped him back up.
sure, but we dont really have data that proves bernie would have won, etc. it's plenty possible that Biden's name recognition would have carried regardless. after nevada, the media was operating under the assumption sanders was going to win, he was called the frontrunner, etc. with the exception of who was it, chris matthews, who kept having meltdowns, i didnt really see anything nasty (though i dont have cable, so i'm only basing it on what i see pop up on social media or w/e).

youth turnout wasnt anything special... how can you sell "energizing the base" if the target demographic of young voters didnt come out in droves? i simply dont think leftists represent as big a block of democratic voters as they need to to succeed nationally at this point.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:45 PM
That will still happen regardless with the media though.

Trump got more media coverage than all of his oponents combined in 2016. That includes with Bernie and Hillary.

But to your larger point about massa Clyburn and his endorsement. It's not like the first 3 states didn't heavily favored Bernie and handicapped Biden twofold. Iowa and New Hampshire being extraordinarily white and also have the voting being done in a caucus in 2 of the 3. Those are two Bernie strength.

All this being prop up talk looks silly when you take that into account. The primary schedule sure didn't help Biden at all.
Most of the country is white, and the states that are predominantly white have outsized electoral vote representation, so I'm not sure why Biden performing horribly in white states is merely a "bad primary schedule." It's not like Biden came 2nd in Iowa and New Hampshire. He came in 4th and 5th. The fact white voters are so uninspired by Biden should have been a glaring red flag. If one candidate is well-liked by white people and the other candidate is well-liked by black people, the first one is more electable. You talk about Biden being well liked by black people as if we live in fucking Somalia. Bernie's strength being white people when 70% of the country is white should be viewed as a positive, not as a negative.

It wasn't just Clyburn's endorsement. It was round the clock coverage about how big a deal it was and how it showed Biden's wide appeal and electability. It became a big deal because the media made it one. You're kidding yourself if you think the average uneducated 50 something year old bible thumping black woman even knew who Jim Clyburn was.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:46 PM
sure, but we dont really have data that proves bernie would have won, etc. it's plenty possible that Biden's name recognition would have carried regardless. after nevada, the media was operating under the assumption sanders was going to win, he was called the frontrunner, etc. with the exception of who was it, chris matthews, who kept having meltdowns, i didnt really see anything nasty (though i dont have cable, so i'm only basing it on what i see pop up on social media or w/e).

youth turnout wasnt anything special... how can you sell "energizing the base" if the target demographic of young voters didnt come out in droves? i simply dont think leftists represent as big a block of democratic voters as they need to to succeed nationally at this point.
It was far from just Matthews in terms of nastiness. One of the black anchors on MSNBC called black women who supported Sanders "the island of misfit black girls" :lol

08-26-2020, 12:53 PM
It was far from just Matthews in terms of nastiness. One of the black anchors on MSNBC called black women who supported Sanders "the island of misfit black girls" :lolRight but less than a million people watch those shows and I doubt their the young people who didn't vote for anyone anyway. If you want more of a Social Democrat, we need the youngest, best looking one we can find. It's stupid that that's what motivates a lot of young voters but JFK, Bill Clinton and Obama are the best examples of younger dudes with relatively progressive rhetoric who made it.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 12:55 PM
Don't forget James Carville saying that Uncle Ruckus Clyburn endorsing Biden "Saved the Democratic Party!"

Hyperbole much?

08-26-2020, 12:57 PM
Don't forget James Carville saying that Uncle Ruckus Clyburn endorsing Biden "Saved the Democratic Party!"

Hyperbole much?Well he probably thought Sanders would get killed in a general election. I don't think he's necessarily wrong.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 01:03 PM
Well he probably thought Sanders would get killed in a general election. I don't think he's necessarily wrong.
In 2007, Carville declared Obama was the Democratic candidate "most likely to implode"
In 2016 Carville said the Republican Party was "committing suicide" running Trump against Hillary.

Maybe he should reconsider the criteria he uses as to who is and isn't electable or at least shut the fuck up until he gets a few right.

08-26-2020, 01:08 PM
Talking about needing to shut the fuck up. Why is Hillary telling Joe not to concede the election? omg this lady is trying hard to attach herself into this election.

Huma needs to muff dive some more and keep her busy.

08-26-2020, 01:11 PM
In 2007, Carville declared Obama was the Democratic candidate "most likely to implode"
In 2016 Carville said the Republican Party was "committing suicide" running Trump against Hillary.

Maybe he should reconsider the criteria he uses as to who is and isn't electable or at least shut the fuck up until he gets a few right.:lol I seriously don't know of one person who has been influenced by anything James Carville said even when he was relevant. He made good copy because of his accent and his wife.

08-26-2020, 01:14 PM
Talking about needing to shut the fuck up. Why is Hillary telling Joe not to concede the election? omg this lady is trying hard to attach herself into this election.

Huma needs to muff dive some more and keep her busy.
Yeah!!! Even though I voted for her, she needs to shut the fuck up.

08-26-2020, 01:43 PM
Very depressing thread tbqh

For a democrat :lol

08-26-2020, 03:03 PM
Trump has made some key mistakes this year. If he keeps on with the errors, then the Dems can keep Joe in the basement till Nov 3rd and still win.

Very depressing thread tbqh

For a democrat :lol

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 03:06 PM
Trump has made some key mistakes this year. If he keeps on with the errors, then the Dems can keep Joe in the basement till Nov 3rd and still win.
Definitely not making excuses for Trump when I say this but if not for COVID-19 he’d be winning in a blowout. Might even have a chance at winning the popular vote against Old Joe.

08-26-2020, 03:06 PM
Definitely not making excuses for Trump when I say this but if not for COVID-19 he’d be winning in a blowout. Might even have a chance at winning the popular vote against Old Joe.

That's a laughable take.

08-26-2020, 03:10 PM
I agree. He's Teflon-Don and nothing really sticks with him no matter what...but the images of death month after month are something that even he can't escape.

Definitely not making excuses for Trump when I say this but if not for COVID-19 he’d be winning in a blowout. Might even have a chance at winning the popular vote against Old Joe.

08-26-2020, 03:10 PM
Definitely not making excuses for Trump when I say this but if not for COVID-19 he’d be winning in a blowout. Might even have a chance at winning the popular vote against Old Joe.

Crazy thing is that Trump has had plenty of opportunities to take covid head on and really use it to boost his popularity like W did after 9/11.

It's been the opposite and Trump still will probably win any way. That's how unbelievably sorry the list of democratic candidates has been.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 03:11 PM
That's a laughable take.
Trump would have the good economy narrative without COVID. Even now he shouldn’t have the good economy narrative but he’s still acting like he does, and Old Joe is too dumbfounded to effectively point out how stupid Trump is for claiming to be responsible for a good economy. If we were still below 4% unemployment Old Joe would be even more clueless.

08-26-2020, 03:12 PM
It's a reasonable assumption considering the lack of a quality nominee you have on the left. I thought Bernie was more of a threat as his people are energized. Was glad when the Dems fleeced him again behind closed doors.

That's a laughable take.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 03:18 PM
Crazy thing is that Trump has had plenty of opportunities to take covid head on and really use it to boost his popularity like W did after 9/11.

It's been the opposite and Trump still will probably win any way. That's how unbelievably sorry the list of democratic candidates has been.
The initial list of candidates wasn’t bad, but they’ve made fundraising such an important part of the primary process early on that they all dropped out. I think a normal looking progressive white guy like Jay Inslee would be doing well against Trump, and if we wanted a black candidate Cory Booker would have been fine too imo. The candidates we were left with all had major warts...Biden (literally too old to campaign), Bernie (socialist), Bloomer (billionaire Republican oligarch running as a Dem), Bootyjudge (no experience & rubbed a lot of people the wrong way), Klobuchar (unlikable bitch).

08-26-2020, 03:19 PM
Definitely not making excuses for Trump when I say this but if not for COVID-19 he’d be winning in a blowout. Might even have a chance at winning the popular vote against Old Joe.
You could be wrong. The republicans and Trump got blown out of the water in 2018 midterms by wide margin.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 03:22 PM
You could be wrong. The republicans and Trump got blown out of the water in 2018 midterms by wide margin.
So did Obama in 2010. The party in office always has an uphill battle in midterms. The other side puts more money and effort into fielding good candidates.

If this is a close election where Biden barely wins, imo it’d be pretty safe to assume that Trump would have won without COVID.

08-26-2020, 03:27 PM
So did Obama in 2010. The party in office always has an uphill battle in midterms. The other side puts more money and effort into fielding good candidates.

If this is a close election where Biden barely wins, imo it’d be pretty safe to assume that Trump would have won without COVID.
Even before COVID-19 and good economic Donald Trump approval rating was a record low.

08-26-2020, 03:30 PM
It's a reasonable assumption considering the lack of a quality nominee you have on the left. I thought Bernie was more of a threat as his people are energized. Was glad when the Dems fleeced him again behind closed doors.

Bernie wouldn't have had a chance in Arizona or Florida, NC and such.

All battleground states this go round. Turns out saying nice things about Castro pisses off most hispanics.

BTW, I'm not saying Biden would win or that Trump wouldn't. Just speaking to the blowout part.

Even with a good economy you still have the negative personality and corruption bit that Trump couldn't shake if his life depended on it.

08-26-2020, 03:35 PM
So many Blake’s and alts.....but just one derp.


We were all mono a little while ago.

08-26-2020, 03:37 PM
Well, COVID has actually been a blessing for Joe. Sounds terrible, but take away Covid and you force Joe to come out of the basement all this time and speak...and he seems to get in trouble whenever that happens :lol So that's mainly why I think he gets blown out without Covid.

Tulsi was a quality candidate imo. And the DNC wanted nothing to do with her.

Bernie wouldn't have had a chance in Arizona or Florida, NC and such.

All battleground states this go round. Turns out saying nice things about Castro pisses off most hispanics.

BTW, I'm not saying Biden would win or that Trump wouldn't. Just speaking to the blowout part.

Even with a good economy you still have the negative personality and corruption bit that Trump couldn't shake if his life depended on it.

08-26-2020, 03:49 PM
:lmao the Tulsi obsession

08-26-2020, 04:07 PM
Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) and Dirks_Finale get in here and discuss


This seems like an excuse to cut loose from debating a now obvious competent Biden in a debate.

Trump is making up excuses and putting hurdles now? Biden is the one supposed to be a corpse here. :lol

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 04:09 PM
Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) and Dirks_Finale (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=52804) get in here and discuss


This seems like an excuse to cut loose from debating a now obvious competent Biden in a debate.

Trump is making up excuses and putting hurdles now? Biden is the one supposed to be a corpse here. :lol
Easy answer if I’m Biden - I’ll take a drug test if you release your tax returns.

08-26-2020, 04:25 PM
Biden gets juiced up with Vit B12. Improves his mental acuity the same way coffee helps all of us :lol

Trump just says wild sh#t to see what sticks. Like Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK murder :lol

He won't back out of the debate unless he suddenly goes up 5 points in the polls.

Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) and Dirks_Finale (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=52804) get in here and discuss


This seems like an excuse to cut loose from debating a now obvious competent Biden in a debate.

Trump is making up excuses and putting hurdles now? Biden is the one supposed to be a corpse here. :lol

08-26-2020, 04:26 PM
Biden gets juiced up with Vit B12. Improves his mental acuity the same way coffee helps all of us :lol

Trump just says wild sh#t to see what sticks. Like Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK murder :lol

He won't back out of the debate unless he suddenly goes up 5 points in the polls.

Instead of playing a game of dare, Trump should call Biden up and ask him how he looks so good while on said drugs. Because when Trump is high on his drug of choice he gets the sniffles.

08-26-2020, 04:29 PM
Biden should challenge Trump to a bicycle race.

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 04:31 PM
Biden should challenge Trump to a bicycle race.
Or just anything that requires physical activity, ie who can walk down a ramp without handrails and not fall

08-26-2020, 04:43 PM
Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) and Dirks_Finale get in here and discuss


This seems like an excuse to cut loose from debating a now obvious competent Biden in a debate.

Trump is making up excuses and putting hurdles now? Biden is the one supposed to be a corpse here. :lol

lmao so desperate

08-26-2020, 04:45 PM
Mr Diet Pills wants a drug test?

08-26-2020, 07:17 PM
I assume you don't know what you're talking about


Some people like it as long as the monthly is low enough. The problem is that the Obamacare mandate f*cked up the prices. Once they had everyone by the balls, they jacked up the monthlies. Chumpettes don't know for shit how economics work.

08-26-2020, 08:53 PM
Republicans are better at healthcare than Democrats in your book?

The private sector is better than the feds at almost everything. There are a few programs that the private sector would have a hard time touching (elite military training, etc..)

Will Hunting
08-26-2020, 08:59 PM
The private sector is better than the feds at almost everything.


08-26-2020, 09:04 PM
Well, COVID has actually been a blessing for Joe.

By design.

Sounds terrible

Democrats are terrible people. They have no problem tanking the economy. They don't care who has to die. They don't care who loses their home.
It's a zero-sum game for them.

Tulsi was a quality candidate imo. And the DNC wanted nothing to do with her.

Tulsi is fairness, not power. She needs to withdraw her endorsement.

08-26-2020, 09:07 PM

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

08-26-2020, 09:13 PM
Or just anything that requires physical activity, ie who can walk down a ramp without handrails and not fall
We're fucked. :lol

08-26-2020, 09:17 PM
The private sector is better than the feds at almost everything. There are a few programs that the private sector would have a hard time touching (elite military training, etc..)

Define "better"

08-26-2020, 09:20 PM
Democrats are terrible people. They have no problem tanking the economy. They don't care who has to die. They don't care who loses their home.
It's a zero-sum game for them.

What a retarded post.

08-26-2020, 09:38 PM
What a retarded post.

Derp subscribes to the reverse psychology theory.

08-26-2020, 09:59 PM

08-26-2020, 10:00 PM
Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032) and Dirks_Finale (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=52804) get in here and discuss


This seems like an excuse to cut loose from debating a now obvious competent Biden in a debate.

Trump is making up excuses and putting hurdles now? Biden is the one supposed to be a corpse here. :lol

Biden was probably drugged. But it didn't matter much because it was less of a debate and more of a COVID panic session.
Ironic that COVID panic was beta tested on Commie Cuck. :lmao

08-26-2020, 11:26 PM

Another fantasy involving two guys together. You can't help yourself, incel.

08-26-2020, 11:27 PM
Biden was probably drugged. But it didn't matter much because it was less of a debate and more of a COVID panic session.
Ironic that COVID panic was beta tested on Commie Cuck. :lmao

Do you think Trump is drugged up too?

08-26-2020, 11:48 PM
Do you think Trump is drugged up too?

He's willing to do a drug test. Zombie Rapist won't.

08-26-2020, 11:56 PM
Biden was probably drugged. But it didn't matter much because it was less of a debate and more of a COVID panic session.
Ironic that COVID panic was beta tested on Commie Cuck. :lmaom:lolar c:lolnspiracies

08-26-2020, 11:57 PM
He's willing to do a drug test. Zombie Rapist won't.

Not what I asked. Why do you struggle so much with reading?

08-26-2020, 11:59 PM
He's willing to do a drug test. Zombie Rapist won't.

People who are on drugs are either fidgety all the time or zoned out. He looked like neither of things unlike how Trump gets.

08-27-2020, 12:02 AM
People who are on drugs are either fidgety all the time or zoned out. He looked like neither of things unlike how Trump gets.Like Jr. and his gold digging girlfriend.

08-27-2020, 12:28 AM
Like Jr. and his gold digging girlfriend.

I thought Kimberley spoke at a perfectly reasonable Reich level tone

08-27-2020, 12:45 AM
They need to thaw him for the debates I think, at least?

08-27-2020, 01:01 AM
Not what I asked. Why do you struggle so much with reading?

Emulating Chump is not going to get it done. You get what's served to you and like it, board cuckold.

08-27-2020, 01:04 AM
Emulating Chump is not going to get it done. You get what's served to you and like it, board cuckold.

Just random buzzwording now. I'll just lol at you being too stupid to participate with the adults here and move on.

08-27-2020, 01:06 AM
Just random buzzwording now. I'll just lol at you being too stupid to participate with the adults here and move on.

Ten leagues, bruh.

08-27-2020, 01:59 AM
Ten leagues, bruh.Must be lonely, having no one on the same level.

08-27-2020, 02:37 AM
Ten leagues, bruh.

Just random buzzwording now. I'll just lol at you being too stupid to participate with the adults here and move on.

08-27-2020, 02:59 AM
"Adults" as in a cuckold, a psychopath, and a tranny closet repub? :lolK

08-27-2020, 08:34 AM
Define "better"

Google it

08-27-2020, 09:08 AM
They need to thaw him for the debates I think, at least?

strategy should be just let trump be Trump, don’t say a thing.
We really just need to remove a tumor and close the wound.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 09:09 AM
strategy should be just let trump be Trump, don’t say a thing.
That strategy worked like a charm 4 years ago :tu

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 09:18 AM
Define "better"
Private healthcare is so much better that people between age 55-64 are counting down the days until they’re eligible for government-run Medicare and no longer have to deal with private insurance carriers.

08-27-2020, 12:01 PM

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 12:49 PM
Her point about Biden being a shitty campaigner is correct, but I disagree that being a basement bitch is the best strategy, they’re pot committed now. They need to offer him up for interviews and start doing appearances and just hope he doesn’t fuck up too much, eventually voters will start turning if he stays in the basement.

The part of me that wants to see Trump win just so the Democratic Party gets blown up grows by the day.

baseline bum
08-27-2020, 01:25 PM
Her point about Biden being a shitty campaigner is correct, but I disagree that being a basement bitch is the best strategy, they’re pot committed now. They need to offer him up for interviews and start doing appearances and just hope he doesn’t fuck up too much, eventually voters will start turning if he stays in the basement.

The part of me that wants to see Trump win just so the Democratic Party gets blown up grows by the day.

It didn't get blown up after 2016, pretty sure we're stuck with the Democrats being the 1990s GOP.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 01:35 PM
It didn't get blown up after 2016, pretty sure we're stuck with the Democrats being the 1990s GOP.
I’d like to see what a primary looks like with a progressive who isn’t a 78 year old self labeled socialist.

Keep in mind, the 2020 primary was pretty much decided before the economy.cratered. The results would have been a lot different if Biden’s message of “people don’t want a revolution” was being made in a country with race riots and 15% unemployment. If Trump is re-elected, I think we see an economic crisis that’s even worse than the Great Depression by 2024, especially if he gets more tax cuts done. The political climate in 2024 would call for radical change (assuming we still have a Democracy by then).

08-27-2020, 01:48 PM
Joe Biden is on cnn right now doing a live interview.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 01:50 PM
Joe Biden is on cnn right now doing a live interview.
From his freezer I’m guessing.

08-27-2020, 01:51 PM
Joe Biden is on cnn right now doing a live interview.

He sounds like a scorned teenage girl who just got dumped by her bf on IG.

His voice inflection sounds like they inverted Shillary's screeching

08-27-2020, 01:55 PM
Private healthcare is so much better that people between age 55-64 are counting down the days until they’re eligible for government-run Medicare and no longer have to deal with private insurance carriers.

Most people I know on Medicare do deal with private insurance carriers (Avmed, Medica, Blue Cross Blue Shield) - Medicare Advantage I guess is what they are called.

08-27-2020, 01:59 PM
Almost no one has "original" (government run) Medicare - you'd be on the hook for 20%.

08-27-2020, 02:03 PM
From his freezer I’m guessing.

Up top this time.

08-27-2020, 02:06 PM
Will Hunting I think team Biden heard you.

They are blitzing the airwaves right now. Kamala and Biden are alternating between a half dozen networks.

08-27-2020, 02:16 PM
Kamakazi Harrybush is 10000 times better at addressing the public than Bidet. Too bad VPs don't matter

08-27-2020, 02:23 PM
Kamakazi Harrybush is 10000 times better at addressing the public than Bidet. Too bad VPs don't matter

By design tbh.

Biden talks about muh murican soul and Kamala serves trump a full plate of caca.

08-27-2020, 02:23 PM
Kamala Harris is killing Trump with facts right now.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 02:31 PM
It’s a really good thing he picked Kamala and not Susan Rice.

08-27-2020, 02:36 PM
I’d like to see what a primary looks like with a progressive who isn’t a 78 year old self labeled socialist.

Keep in mind, the 2020 primary was pretty much decided before the economy.cratered. The results would have been a lot different if Biden’s message of “people don’t want a revolution” was being made in a country with race riots and 15% unemployment. If Trump is re-elected, I think we see an economic crisis that’s even worse than the Great Depression by 2024, especially if he gets more tax cuts done. The political climate in 2024 would call for radical change (assuming we still have a Democracy by then).

I dunno, WH. Your wish for a progressive candidate seems like a pipe dream NOW - see the speed with which the Dems lined up behind Biden in SC and the very deliberate "moderate" tone of their convention - the establishment still has most of the power. But never say never - I never thought I'd see a day in America where they want to pull down George Washington statues or in UK with Winston Churchhill. And AOC will be 35 come Oct 2024 :-) Despite disagreeing with every word that comes out of her mouth, I acknowledge that she does have that extra something - magnetism, presence, ...

If Trump is re-elected, I dunno about an economic crisis. Covid is what is holding him back and the more time that goes by, the more therapeutics, vaccines, herd immunity, etc there are. The great loss (other than of life and those mostly in those states sending covid patients back to nursing homes) will be that of small businesses which couldn't survive covid.

08-27-2020, 02:38 PM
Kamala Harris is killing Trump with facts right now.


08-27-2020, 02:39 PM
I dunno, WH. Your wish for a progressive candidate seems like a pipe dream NOW - see the speed with which the Dems lined up behind Biden in SC and the very deliberate "moderate" tone of their convention - the establishment still has most of the power. But never say never - I never thought I'd see a day in America where they want to pull down George Washington statues or in UK with Winston Churchhill. And AOC will be 35 come Oct 2024 :-) Despite disagreeing with every word that comes out of her mouth, I acknowledge that she does have that extra something - magnetism, presence, ...

If Trump is re-elected, I dunno about an economic crisis. Covid is what is holding him back and the more time that goes by, the more therapeutics, vaccines, herd immunity, etc there are. The great loss (other than of life and those mostly in those states sending covid patients back to nursing homes) will be that of small businesses which couldn't survive covid.

The economy and the stock market aren't the same thing.

08-27-2020, 02:40 PM
strategy should be just let trump be Trump, don’t say a thing.
We really just need to remove a tumor and close the wound.

That’s a terrible strategy. You know Trump is going to lie and over promise. When you have nobody else to keep him in check, some people might even buy it. Sorry, but this is no way to run a campaign. At least arrange a bunch of interviews over the weekend with a bunch of networks.

If it’s not him, at least Kamala should be going to every fucking show on TV.

08-27-2020, 02:41 PM
Will Hunting I think team Biden heard you.

They are blitzing the airwaves right now. Kamala and Biden are alternating between a half dozen networks.

That’d be good news, it was getting ridiculous tbh

08-27-2020, 02:42 PM
The economy and the stock market aren't the same thing.

Did I say anything in my post about the stock market?

08-27-2020, 02:44 PM
But there is no denying that when people's 401ks balances are high, they feel good.

08-27-2020, 02:45 PM
But there is no denying that when people's 401ks balances are high, they feel good.

votingrepublican.jpg right here

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 02:47 PM
But there is no denying that when people's 401ks balances are high, they feel good.
For the people who have a 401k sure, not sure about the people who live paycheck to paycheck which is most of the country.

I checked the 401k I still have with an older employer yesterday and damn near fell out of my chair when I saw how big it’s gotten.

08-27-2020, 02:48 PM

So they are talking about how we need to get this virus under control and it's a main theme in the convention?

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 02:49 PM
That’d be good news, it was getting ridiculous tbh
Biden fucking finally said what we’ve all been wanting him to say “All of this violence is happening in Trump’s America”

08-27-2020, 02:50 PM
votingrepublican.jpg right here

I like to know that MY money is in MY name/hand and not in the government's hand - for it to decide who to give it to (certainly not me). If you prefer to put your trust in the government's promises, that's your choice.

08-27-2020, 02:55 PM
Biden fucking finally said what we’ve all been wanting him to say “All of this violence is happening in Trump’s America”

Dont know if you missed this from Trill but:


This is great. Turn the tables right around and troll him with his own lack of physical mobility and frail fat ass body.

Bonus points for forcing Fox News to air this in the middle of their convention.

08-27-2020, 02:55 PM
Biden fucking finally said what we’ve all been wanting him to say “All of this violence is happening in Trump’s America”

All of this violence is happening in states with Democratic governors who don't ask for help (National Guard) soon enough.

08-27-2020, 02:57 PM
All of this violence is happening in states with Democratic governors who don't ask for help (National Guard) soon enough.

Trump is only president of the south?

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 02:57 PM
I dunno, WH. Your wish for a progressive candidate seems like a pipe dream NOW - see the speed with which the Dems lined up behind Biden in SC and the very deliberate "moderate" tone of their convention - the establishment still has most of the power. But never say never - I never thought I'd see a day in America where they want to pull down George Washington statues or in UK with Winston Churchhill. And AOC will be 35 come Oct 2024 :-) Despite disagreeing with every word that comes out of her mouth, I acknowledge that she does have that extra something - magnetism, presence, ...

If Trump is re-elected, I dunno about an economic crisis. Covid is what is holding him back and the more time that goes by, the more therapeutics, vaccines, herd immunity, etc there are. The great loss (other than of life and those mostly in those states sending covid patients back to nursing homes) will be that of small businesses which couldn't survive covid.
Shit didn’t realize AOC could run in the next election, for whatever reason thought it was one more before she could run. Regardless I think her natural path isn’t running so soon, it’s taking Schumer’s spot in the senate when he retires and then running for president after that.

Youre not going to agree with me so it doesn’t matter, but I wasn’t talking about a COVID recession in 2024. Regardless of COVID, I think 4 more years of Trump tax cuts, slashing social safety nets and Wall Street deregulation will lead to another inevitable asset bubble bursting. Wealth inequality has been what leads to recessions over the last 100 years, and we have a record amount of it with the current tax system.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 02:58 PM
All of this violence is happening in states with Democratic governors who don't ask for help (National Guard) soon enough.
Somehow before Trump, urban violence got quashed without national guard assistance. It’s Trump’s America where racial tensions are at a constant boiling point.

08-27-2020, 03:02 PM
I like to know that MY money is in MY name/hand and not in the government's hand - for it to decide who to give it to (certainly not me). If you prefer to put your trust in the government's promises, that's your choice.You have a government job.

08-27-2020, 03:07 PM
I like to know that MY money is in MY name/hand and not in the government's hand - for it to decide who to give it to (certainly not me). If you prefer to put your trust in the government's promises, that's your choice.

Yep, all about you. We know. Thanks for underlining my point.

08-27-2020, 03:10 PM
Somehow before Trump, urban violence got quashed without national guard assistance. It’s Trump’s America where racial tensions are at a constant boiling point.

Yeah somehow those Democrat governors did a great job of limiting the unrest within a couple of weeks of Ferguson in 2014. Suddenly those same Governors are incompetent. I wonder what changed.

08-27-2020, 03:20 PM
For the people who have a 401k sure, not sure about the people who live paycheck to paycheck which is most of the country.

I checked the 401k I still have with an older employer yesterday and damn near fell out of my chair when I saw how big it’s gotten.

So Trump made your America great again? :lol

08-27-2020, 03:23 PM
Biden fucking finally said what we’ve all been wanting him to say “All of this violence is happening in Trump’s America”

I wish that just once, Trump will say yes, I take responsibility because I am the POTUS...He doesn't realize how awful it makes him look when the media hits him with that question and he gives the typical toddler response.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 03:23 PM
So Trump made your America great again? :lol
In that respect yes.

In another respect I’ve been wanting to change jobs for months now, Trumprona-19 has made that extremely difficult.

08-27-2020, 03:27 PM
I wish that just once, Trump will say yes, I take responsibility because I am the POTUS...He doesn't realize how awful it makes him look when the media hits him with that question and he gives the typical toddler response.

Who are you talking about here? Trump or Biden?

Trump doesn't just scuff at it when questioned but he also makes nonsensical ads about Biden being a Mao type leader and how he'll abolish the police and how granny will died alone if you elect him. Weird shit.

08-27-2020, 03:28 PM
Who are you talking about here? Trump or Biden?

Trump doesn't just scuff at it when questioned but he also makes nonsensical ads about Biden being a Mao type leader and how he'll abolish the police and how granny will died alone if you elect him. Weird shit.


08-27-2020, 03:55 PM

The virus that is clearly going away is still making jobs dissapear. Just like magic like Trump promised.

Will Hunting
08-27-2020, 04:04 PM

The virus that is clearly going away is still making jobs dissapear. Just like magic like Trump promised.
I’d bet a fair amount of money that unemployment increased in August. Consumer spending tanked as there were no extra unemployment benefits for most of the month.

Stupid move by Trump since a lot of people are going to early vote with August labor numbers being what they see last.

08-27-2020, 09:46 PM
Her point about Biden being a shitty campaigner is correct, but I disagree that being a basement bitch is the best strategy, they’re pot committed now. They need to offer him up for interviews and start doing appearances and just hope he doesn’t fuck up too much, eventually voters will start turning if he stays in the basement.

The part of me that wants to see Trump win just so the Democratic Party gets blown up grows by the day.

It was the best strategy for as long as polls were being made up along with COVID numbers and jobs and the economy weren't doing so great. How can dementia patient possibly top that? Maybe some superficial appearances would do him good at this point if his nursing home moments can be contained. You're still in denial about who he is at this point. He has no business running for the presidency of the United States. And I don't say that on a partisan basis. He can fall apart in any given interview. It doesn't matter if he is treated with kid gloves; people see that and don't want it.

08-27-2020, 09:47 PM

The virus that is clearly going away is still making jobs dissapear. Just like magic like Trump promised.

How have the numbers magically dipped so far down in the first place, Wreck?

For that matter, how did they magically skyrocket if we were all self quarantining?

08-28-2020, 12:24 AM
They told you three weeks ago that bunker bitching is what they consider leadership, Will Hunting.

"From the very beginning of this pandemic, we put the health and safety of the American people first. We followed the science, listened to doctors and public health experts, and we continued making adjustments to our plans in order to protect lives. That's the kind of steady and responsible leadership America deserves. And that's the leadership Joe Biden will bring to the White House," said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said in a statement.


Also :lol at this:

A Biden campaign spokesman declined to comment.

:lmao The handlers can't even own their shit.

08-28-2020, 12:34 AM
It was the best strategy for as long as polls were being made up along with COVID numbers and jobs and the economy weren't doing so great. How can dementia patient possibly top that? Maybe some superficial appearances would do him good at this point if his nursing home moments can be contained. You're still in denial about who he is at this point. He has no business running for the presidency of the United States. And I don't say that on a partisan basis. He can fall apart in any given interview. It doesn't matter if he is treated with kid gloves; people see that and don't want it.

Biden still leads in the polls by a substantial margin. Just because it's closer doesn't mean its actually, close.

Trump is no longer losing by 10. He's losing by 7. I guess you can be proud of that.

08-28-2020, 12:36 AM
Biden still leads in the polls by a substantial margin. Just because it's closer doesn't mean its actually, close.

Trump is no longer losing by 10. He's losing by 7. I guess you can be proud of that.

I don't put any stock in the fake polls. But I will :lol at them getting your hopes so far up.

:lmao Fool you twice.

08-28-2020, 12:38 AM
I don't put any stock in the fake polls. But I will :lol at them getting your hopes so far up.

:lmao Fool you twice.

You just said polls are no longer being made up and that explains why Trump is trending up. Make up your mind please.

08-28-2020, 12:39 AM
You just said polls are no longer being made up and that explains why Trump is trending up. Make up your mind please.

Never said that.

08-28-2020, 02:04 AM
Serious question. Trump's approval is steadily rising, and his campaign message is sinking in because Biden isn't on the campaign trail at all to provide his own campaign message.

No, that's what your echo chamber tells you. If you watch other news besides Fox and Russian based memes geared to old people, you would see speeches, interviews and hear his actual, detailed plans for dealing with the economy, Covid and America stop taking it up the ass from Russia and China. I don't know why you Tea Party people are so afraid to listen to another source of information.

I actually watched the RNC, in Trump I saw a man talk about nothing but how great he thinks he and how safe he's going make us from a virus he said was disappearing, a looming depression, awful race-relations, all situations of his he made.

This shit wasn't happening 4 years ago.

08-28-2020, 02:20 AM
No, that's what your echo chamber tells you. If you watch other news besides Fox and Russian based memes geared to old people, you would see speeches, interviews and hear his actual, detailed plans for dealing with the economy, Covid and America stop taking it up the ass from Russia and China. I don't know why you Tea Party people are so afraid to listen to another source of information.

I actually watched the RNC, in Trump I saw a man talk about nothing but how great he thinks he and how safe he's going make us from a virus he said was disappearing, a looming depression, awful race-relations, all situations of his he made.

This shit wasn't happening 4 years ago.

Wow you wasted all that energy and effort to end up quoting the wrong poster.

Will Hunting
08-28-2020, 02:21 AM
Wow you wasted all that energy and effort to end up quoting the wrong poster.
:lol he did the same thing to Winehole (aka Blake) in another thread just now

08-28-2020, 03:50 AM
Wow you wasted all that energy and effort to end up quoting the wrong poster.

He quoted the right post.

:lol That you're basically crying out, "But he's on our side!"

:lmao Chumpettes

08-28-2020, 12:31 PM
Biden to hit the campaign trail after Labor Day, according to the AP


Will Hunting
08-28-2020, 12:46 PM
Biden to hit the campaign trail after Labor Day, according to the AP

:tu fantastic

08-28-2020, 01:41 PM
:tu fantastic

Weren't you complaining just yesterday that this is the type of shit Biden needs to be doing? They're listening to you. You're on a roll.

08-28-2020, 02:02 PM
Biden to hit the campaign trail after Labor Day, according to the AP



09-02-2020, 01:03 PM
Corpse did a presser today and took questions for about 40 minutes.

Will Hunting
09-02-2020, 01:20 PM
Corpse did a presser today and took questions for about 40 minutes.
Going to Kenosha tomorrow as well with his wife :tu

Also with $364 million raised in August, he should be carpet bombing swing states with ads that don't even mention the racial stuff and just focus on COVID-19.

Will Hunting
09-02-2020, 01:22 PM

Joni Ernst retweeted the incoherent shit about how there really aren't that many COVID-19 deaths even though Iowa is currently the COVID-19 epicenter :lmao

She's doing everything she can to lose that seat.

09-02-2020, 01:29 PM
A summary of what was said at Joe's presser today:


09-02-2020, 01:30 PM
A summary of what was said at Joe's presser today:

C'MON MAN!Trump's presser:


09-02-2020, 01:30 PM
A summary of what was said at Joe's presser today:


You mad Trump gave Biden the sane advice of getting out of his basement and now you're whining about it? C'MON MANG

Will Hunting
09-02-2020, 01:35 PM
:lol can Trump get Purdue and Steve Daines to start tweeting crazy COVID-19 conspiracy theories? If the Republicans give up enough senate seats Biden might actually be able to get something done.

09-02-2020, 04:35 PM

The virus that is clearly going away is still making jobs dissapear. Just like magic like Trump promised.

Interesting headline. Could have also titled it unemployment claims drop again.

09-02-2020, 04:40 PM
:lol can Trump get Purdue and Steve Daines to start tweeting crazy COVID-19 conspiracy theories? If the Republicans give up enough senate seats Biden might actually be able to get something done.


You cannot make this stuff up. :lmao
SnakeBoy are you going to mail your vote in and also go vote in person like the trooper you are? :lol

Will Hunting
09-02-2020, 04:48 PM

You cannot make this stuff up. :lmao
SnakeBoy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=12109) are you going to mail your vote in and also go vote in person like the trooper you are? :lol
He's so stupid, they have ways to check against that. All a bunch of people trying to vote by mail and in person does is make it so ballots take longer to get reconciled and counted, which supports the theory that he's aiming for a disputed election more than he's aiming to win.

09-02-2020, 04:51 PM
Interesting headline. Could have also titled it unemployment claims drop again.:lol it was the second sentence in the article.

So sensitive....

Will Hunting
09-02-2020, 04:53 PM
:lol it was the second sentence in the article.

So sensitive....
:lmao Trumptards are seriously bragging about Trump lowering the unemployment rate after he ran it into the double digits.

09-02-2020, 05:28 PM

You cannot make this stuff up. :lmao
SnakeBoy are you going to mail your vote in and also go vote in person like the trooper you are? :lol

It's what I do every election

09-02-2020, 07:35 PM
It occurs to me out of the dark gray sky, that one of the Presidential candidates is corrupt, conniving and unstable enough to encourage his opponent to be killed.

Maybe COVID-19 isnt the only thing Biden is afraid of.

06-08-2021, 06:29 PM
Serious question. Trump's approval is steadily rising, and his campaign message is sinking in because Biden isn't on the campaign trail at all to provide his own campaign message.

After hearing 4 years of jokes about Shillary never visiting Wisconsin, Joe Biden hasn't been to Wisconsin in 659 days :lol

How do you fuck up something as simple as visiting the most pivotal state in an election two times in a row :lmao


This "virtual campaign" idea stems from the stupid premise that if Trump's opponent justs runs as an ultra vanilla moderate it'll "win the middle". No matter what your platform is you still need to actual campaign in the swing states you need to win.

Six Circles Joe didn't have to run a real campaign (not that it would've helped). He had the most extensive voter fraud network ever put together; his words, bruh.

06-08-2021, 07:50 PM
Trump isn't done yet.

06-08-2021, 08:19 PM
Trump isn't done yet.

As sad as derptacular being triggered by WH.

06-08-2021, 08:26 PM
Trump isn't done yet.

06-09-2021, 12:39 AM
Trump isn't done yet.

Shitting his bed or...