View Full Version : Law enforcement officials were told to make comments "sympathetic" to killer, Kyle Rittenhouse

Trill Clinton
10-01-2020, 03:29 PM

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-accused-shooting-2-kenosha-protesters-fighting-extradition-wisconsin-face-n1241070), the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.
In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."

Another set of talking points distributed to Homeland Security officials said the media were incorrectly labeling the group Patriot Prayer as racists after clashes erupted between the group and protesters in Portland, Oregon.
It is unclear whether any of the talking points originated at the White House or within Homeland Security's own press office.

Rittenhouse, 17, supported Trump (https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/proud-boys-celebrate-after-trump-s-debate-call-out-n1241512) and police on his social media pages before he traveled from his home in Antioch, Illinois, to Kenosha on Aug. 25 with an AR-15-style rifle, authorities said. Rittenhouse was arrested on first-degree murder charges and is fighting extradition to Wisconsin. His attorneys argue that he was acting in self-defense.

Four former Homeland Security officials, two of whom worked for Republican administrations, said it was unusual for law enforcement officials to be instructed to weigh in on a case involving a particular group or individual before investigations had concluded.

"It is as unprecedented as it is wrong," said Peter Boogaard, who was a spokesperson for Homeland Security during the Obama administration.

"What strikes me about the talking points is that they didn't call for calm among the public,” said Elizabeth Neumann, who served as DHS's assistant secretary for threat prevention and security policy in the Trump administration. “Even in the early hours after the incident, it was known private militias had self-deployed. …They seemed more interested in Rittenhouse's reputation than calling for calm and actual law and order.”
Neumann, who left the Trump administration in April, recently endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president.

The Rittenhouse talking points also say, "Kyle was seen being chased and attacked by rioters before allegedly shooting three of them, killing two."

"Subsequent video has emerged reportedly showing that there were 'multiple gunmen' involved, which would lend more credence to the self-defense claims."

The document instructs officials, if they are asked about Rittenhouse, to say they are not going to comment on an ongoing investigation and to say that "what I will say is that Rittenhouse, just like everyone else in America, is innocent until proven guilty and deserves a fair trial based on all the facts, not just the ones that support a certain narrative. This is why we try the accused in the court of law, not the star chamber of public opinion."
Former Homeland Security official about growing threat of white supremacy (https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/former-dhs-official-speaks-to-the-growing-threat-of-white-supremacy-and-how-warnings-from-her-department-were-rebuffed-90982981892)

SEPT. 1, 202006:35

Officials were instructed to bring conversations back to the need to preserve law and order: "This is also why we need to stop the violence in our cities. Chaotic and violent situations lead to chaotic, violent and tragic outcomes. Everyone needs law and order."

Asked for comment, a spokesperson said Homeland Security "does not comment on alleged leaked documents."

Trump has expressed sympathy for Rittenhouse, saying it appeared that he was "trying to get away from them," referring to the protesters he is accused of having fatally shot.

Despite the talking points, Homeland Security officials have not gone as far to support Rittenhouse. Ken Cuccinelli, the official performing the duties of deputy Homeland Security secretary, said on Twitter after the shooting that the Rittenhouse case shows "the complexities involved in an investigation and why it can take some time to reach conclusions."

By contrast, Trump and other officials in his administration have been quick to blame left-wing extremists. Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan has repeated Trump's claim that organized black-clad members of "antifa (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/fbi-s-wray-says-antifa-more-ideology-group-undercutting-statements-n1240317)" were being flown to protests across the country to incite violence.

In Tuesday night's debate, Trump refused to condemn white supremacy and instead blamed left-wing groups.

"The Proud Boys," said Trump, referring to a right-wing group that has rallied in his support and against anti-racism protesters. "Stand back and stand by (https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/proud-boys-celebrate-after-trump-s-debate-call-out-n1241512)."
"But I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left, because this is not a right-wing problem," he said.

Trill Clinton
10-01-2020, 03:31 PM
One of trump's proud boys got on his daughter's TikTok to send a threat. Hopefully the FBI has him under surveillance.


10-01-2020, 03:55 PM
One of trump's proud boys got on his daughter's TikTok to send a threat. Hopefully the FBI has him under surveillance.

1311672180464386048I sent this to Room Rater.

10-01-2020, 05:30 PM
Make comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse? In other words, tell the motherfucking truth.

Kyle did nothing illegal except maybe possess a rifle while under 18, and even that may be covered as well.

He will walk. Demonrat cities will burn, but Kyle will walk.

10-01-2020, 05:41 PM

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-accused-shooting-2-kenosha-protesters-fighting-extradition-wisconsin-face-n1241070), the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.
In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."

Another set of talking points distributed to Homeland Security officials said the media were incorrectly labeling the group Patriot Prayer as racists after clashes erupted between the group and protesters in Portland, Oregon.
It is unclear whether any of the talking points originated at the White House or within Homeland Security's own press office.

Rittenhouse, 17, supported Trump (https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/proud-boys-celebrate-after-trump-s-debate-call-out-n1241512) and police on his social media pages before he traveled from his home in Antioch, Illinois, to Kenosha on Aug. 25 with an AR-15-style rifle, authorities said. Rittenhouse was arrested on first-degree murder charges and is fighting extradition to Wisconsin. His attorneys argue that he was acting in self-defense.

Four former Homeland Security officials, two of whom worked for Republican administrations, said it was unusual for law enforcement officials to be instructed to weigh in on a case involving a particular group or individual before investigations had concluded.

"It is as unprecedented as it is wrong," said Peter Boogaard, who was a spokesperson for Homeland Security during the Obama administration.

"What strikes me about the talking points is that they didn't call for calm among the public,” said Elizabeth Neumann, who served as DHS's assistant secretary for threat prevention and security policy in the Trump administration. “Even in the early hours after the incident, it was known private militias had self-deployed. …They seemed more interested in Rittenhouse's reputation than calling for calm and actual law and order.”
Neumann, who left the Trump administration in April, recently endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president.

The Rittenhouse talking points also say, "Kyle was seen being chased and attacked by rioters before allegedly shooting three of them, killing two."

"Subsequent video has emerged reportedly showing that there were 'multiple gunmen' involved, which would lend more credence to the self-defense claims."

The document instructs officials, if they are asked about Rittenhouse, to say they are not going to comment on an ongoing investigation and to say that "what I will say is that Rittenhouse, just like everyone else in America, is innocent until proven guilty and deserves a fair trial based on all the facts, not just the ones that support a certain narrative. This is why we try the accused in the court of law, not the star chamber of public opinion."
Former Homeland Security official about growing threat of white supremacy (https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/former-dhs-official-speaks-to-the-growing-threat-of-white-supremacy-and-how-warnings-from-her-department-were-rebuffed-90982981892)

SEPT. 1, 202006:35

Officials were instructed to bring conversations back to the need to preserve law and order: "This is also why we need to stop the violence in our cities. Chaotic and violent situations lead to chaotic, violent and tragic outcomes. Everyone needs law and order."

Asked for comment, a spokesperson said Homeland Security "does not comment on alleged leaked documents."

Trump has expressed sympathy for Rittenhouse, saying it appeared that he was "trying to get away from them," referring to the protesters he is accused of having fatally shot.

Despite the talking points, Homeland Security officials have not gone as far to support Rittenhouse. Ken Cuccinelli, the official performing the duties of deputy Homeland Security secretary, said on Twitter after the shooting that the Rittenhouse case shows "the complexities involved in an investigation and why it can take some time to reach conclusions."

By contrast, Trump and other officials in his administration have been quick to blame left-wing extremists. Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan has repeated Trump's claim that organized black-clad members of "antifa (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/fbi-s-wray-says-antifa-more-ideology-group-undercutting-statements-n1240317)" were being flown to protests across the country to incite violence.

In Tuesday night's debate, Trump refused to condemn white supremacy and instead blamed left-wing groups.

"The Proud Boys," said Trump, referring to a right-wing group that has rallied in his support and against anti-racism protesters. "Stand back and stand by (https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/proud-boys-celebrate-after-trump-s-debate-call-out-n1241512)."
"But I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left, because this is not a right-wing problem," he said.

cmon fam you’re better than this


Townhall has obtained the DHS memo and it is different from how NBC News described it. There are two sections of the memo, "Situation" and "Response," a fact not included in their story.

The following quotes are found underneath "Situation" with hyperlinks to news articles:

"17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is being charged with 1st-degree murder and his lawyers are arguing self-defense. His extradition hearing from Illinois to Wisconsin has been moved to next month."
"He took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."
"Kyle was seen being chased and attacked by rioters before allegedly shooting three of them, killing two."
"Media are trying to craft the narrative of a police-obsessed lone wolf. Democrats labeled him a white supremacist with zero evidence."
"Subsequent video has emerged reportedly showing that there were 'multiple gunmen' involved, which would lend more credence to the self-defense claims."
Those same quotes were reported by NBC News as officials being "directed" to respond with if asked about the Rittenhouse situation, but those quotes are not found underneath "Response."

Instead, under the "Response" section, the memo directed DHS officials to say:

"I'm not going to comment on an ongoing investigation, especially not one outside of my law enforcement jurisdiction."
"What I will say is that Rittenhouse, just like everyone else in America, is innocent until proven guilty and deserves a fair trial based on all the facts, not just the ones that support a certain narrative.
"This is why we try the accused in the court of law, not the star chamber of public opinion."
"This is also why we need to stop the violence in our cities. Chaotic and violent situations lead to chaotic, violent, and tragic outcomes. Everyone needs law and order."
In other words, NBC News misrepresented what the memo said by not reporting how the "sympathetic" talking points were not talking points at all given how they were in the "Situation" section and not the "Response" section. NBC News rolled two different components into just the "Response" portion of the memo.

The "Situation" section is "not meant to be talking points," a senior official with direct knowledge told Townhall.

Townhall's requests for comment from NBC News Managing Editor David Firestone and Senior Washington Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand were not returned in time for publication.


10-01-2020, 05:42 PM

10-01-2020, 05:59 PM
i dont think rittenhouse should or will be found guilty of either of the murder charges... more evidence might come out, but the criminal complaint doesnt seem to allege any more information than the 2 video clips that had already gone viral

im not as familiar with the specific firearm laws, but i definitely think the attempted murder on the last guy he shot in the arm is in play.

Spurs Homer
10-01-2020, 06:34 PM
White supremacy



vote D

10-01-2020, 06:38 PM
White supremacy



vote D

This poor kid

10-01-2020, 07:41 PM
This poor kidRittenhouse shot his first victim in the groin and the back.

10-01-2020, 10:10 PM
i dont think rittenhouse should or will be found guilty of either of the murder charges... more evidence might come out, but the criminal complaint doesnt seem to allege any more information than the 2 video clips that had already gone viral

im not as familiar with the specific firearm laws, but i definitely think the attempted murder on the last guy he shot in the arm is in play.

Wasn’t the last guy the one who ran up on him brandishing a firearm?

10-01-2020, 10:19 PM
Wasn’t the last guy the one who ran up on him brandishing a firearm?
he had a gun out, though brandishing is a legal term with some specific implications. i think if rittenhouse shot him immediately it would be easier to buy that he reasonably believed he was about to be attacked. but instead the guy stopped and put his hands up. they both paused for a second or so, rittenhouse clearly froze with the rifle pointed at him and didnt fire immediately. then the guy tries to start running and was immediately shot. from looking at the photos from one of the angles, it does appear the guy was moving toward the sidewalk, not advancing toward rittenhouse when that happened, so i dont think its that reasonable to argue that rittenhouse was in the right to shoot him

im pretty astonished that he was charged for the 2 homicides though. when i heard they were pressing charges, i assumed that they must have some further evidence or footage that we werent privy to.

10-01-2020, 10:22 PM

10-01-2020, 10:23 PM
derp's having a bad week