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View Full Version : NBA: The Official WWE Basketball Is China's B*tch Thread

10-19-2020, 09:22 AM

10-19-2020, 10:06 AM
This is really despicable. NBA is being exposed that the right things they have been doing has nothing to do with doing what is right, but a convenient by-product of a marketing scheme to help with sales.

That said, still better than racists.

10-19-2020, 11:15 AM
Silver looks like a ghoul on Halloween and he does bend with wind.

10-19-2020, 12:39 PM
This is really despicable. NBA is being exposed that the right things they have been doing has nothing to do with doing what is right, but a convenient by-product of a marketing scheme to help with sales.

That said, still better than racists.

Still better than racists?

WTF you talking about, bruh?

10-19-2020, 02:16 PM
Still better than racists?

WTF you talking about, bruh?

Hypocrites are better than racists.

One takes advantage of the situation. The other stands firm on irrational beliefs (but only shows up when there is an affirmation of a racist environment, which also makes them hypocrites).

10-19-2020, 02:38 PM
Hypocrites and racists can both go sick a duck

10-19-2020, 06:04 PM
Meanwhile he is back sort of

10-19-2020, 10:27 PM
Hypocrites are better than racists.

One takes advantage of the situation. The other stands firm on irrational beliefs (but only shows up when there is an affirmation of a racist environment, which also makes them hypocrites).

Who's talking about racism here?
You're skipping steps, bro.

10-20-2020, 01:35 AM
Hypocrites and racists can both go sick a duck
Race is just a social construct. Don't take it so seriously.

10-20-2020, 07:07 PM
Who's talking about racism here?
You're skipping steps, bro.

The NBA is putting on a facade to fight racism, when the reality is that they are just lining up their pocket books.

10-20-2020, 07:13 PM
The NBA is putting on a facade to fight racism, when the reality is that they are just lining up their pocket books.

Sure. I guess I just don't see the fullness of whatever you're trying to argue.

I think this is beyond racism though. This is genocide / full-on dogmatic political oppression.

This is beyond the snowflake got their feelings hurt stuff in America.

All these corporations are getting outed for being in bed with CCP. Good on Americans for standing up.

Love or hate Trump, this wasn't happening under Obama.

10-20-2020, 08:17 PM

Cuban got donky lucky in first Dot Com Boom and suckered YAHOO out of Billions, cashed out before the bubble. Touts his business acumen of buying that lotto ticket the next 3 decades. Now that Disney's money is TITS UP he just doing what weasels do. Only NBA owners who have enough liqued greenbacks to outlast the $$$ shortfall from COVID and BLM rings Wokeness is Balmer, Warriors and 2 or three others(Brooklyn is owned by Chinese Interest already) So to PAY that overhead NBA is now on the SHYE MONEY from the CCP.

Wait til YAO MING replaces Adam Silver as Commissioner.

Only Bright spot is that Fakers either move to CHINA or get merged with Balmer's Clippers. Bus Family is the most cash poor of the cash poor. I can see Small markets like SA OKC ect going Green Bay packers and floating those teams BOND MONEY....

Its all about $$$ and sense and no $$$ means nothing but NONSEnSE like this.

The sad part is Americans wouldn't have tuned out if the product didn't go to sh**.
How much money does China give them that they totally turned their back on America?

10-20-2020, 08:29 PM
at 100 million a team thats $3.2 BILLION PAYROLL NUT just to pay them woke playa's sallaries, throw in the overhead for Facility Rentals( all those Arena's are owned by consortium in partnership with County State Local Government) and thats an BIG NUT to pay just to STAY IN BUSINESS. All fine and well when Disney was footing Billions in TV $$ from the BILLIONS they made at the Box office, theme Parks and Merchandising. All that SHIT IS shut down and not coming back. Theaters chains are already filing bankruptcy laying off 10's of thousands.

I was listening to Bill "i dont know shit" Simmons talking to Zach Lowe on a Podcast and those two dummies were talking about how the NBA is going to shorten season, get smarter about Travel...ect. Instead of addressing the dying MOUSE in the ROOM. Fucking Tards.

:lol "Get smarter about travel". How much can that even matter? That's like saying I'm going to switch cars to pay for my mansion.

10-20-2020, 08:49 PM
They were talking about shit like "if Toronto is in California they should be staying in LA and play all the Cali Teams before they leave" totally forgetting that in normal non COVID times those arena's aren't just for the NBA teams, they share the arena with Other Tenants and events. Like the reason there is a Rodeo Road Trip is because ATT stadium in turned into the 3rd largest Barn yard for 3 weeks, in LA the Staples Center is shut down yearly for events like that as well. Total no nothing idiots who have droves of other no nothing idiots waiting on every doltish nonsense they can spew. To be Fair I doubt they've ever had to deal with any large scale Logistics in their lives its a feat for them to get their dummy kids to the soccer field 3 times a week, or to and from pickup/drop off point at school.

Morons. Much like most of the donks on this message bard.

To be realistic, they're knowingly shilling for the NBA. They get caught calling them out, the NBA will f them over any which way and hit their own pocketbooks.

10-21-2020, 07:47 AM
Sure. I guess I just don't see the fullness of whatever you're trying to argue.

I think this is beyond racism though. This is genocide / full-on dogmatic political oppression.

This is beyond the snowflake got their feelings hurt stuff in America.

All these corporations are getting outed for being in bed with CCP. Good on Americans for standing up.

Love or hate Trump, this wasn't happening under Obama.

I really didn’t argue anything. You asked me to explain and I did. Where is the arguing?

Also, when did Americans fight back?

10-21-2020, 08:15 AM
I really didn’t argue anything. You asked me to explain and I did. Where is the arguing?

Also, when did Americans fight back?

American laid down and pretended China wasn't a problem throughout Obama years cos :cry Muh cheap sh** from Walmart / prices will go way up if we take them on. :cry That is what the authoritarian left told us. Don't forget that.

10-21-2020, 08:31 AM
:lol Well technically we are all China's bitches

We all own or have owned something that was made in china, even if that something is a small component of an item

Are you gonna get rid of all your belongings? :lol

10-21-2020, 10:29 AM
:lol Well technically we are all China's bitches

We all own or have owned something that was made in china, even if that something is a small component of an item

Are you gonna get rid of all your belongings? :lol

The govt. is China's bitch first and foremost. It starts there.

10-21-2020, 11:37 AM
Rendering asunder

10-21-2020, 11:57 AM
:lol damn it’s that time of the month for TheDrewShow

10-21-2020, 01:32 PM
American laid down and pretended China wasn't a problem throughout Obama years cos :cry Muh cheap sh** from Walmart / prices will go way up if we take them on. :cry That is what the authoritarian left told us. Don't forget that.

It’s still going on. Not entirely sure what the Americans did under trump.

10-21-2020, 01:42 PM
It’s still going on. Not entirely sure what the Americans did under trump.

Grew a pair for starters. Media still shilling for China through and through. If you're looking to them for answers, you'll never find them.

10-21-2020, 04:36 PM
Grew a pair for starters. Media still shilling for China through and through. If you're looking to them for answers, you'll never find them.

What news are you reading? Genocide and suppression of human rights are all covered.

America grew a pair? Like what? Anything specific that was done? All that Huawei stuff is all bark.

10-21-2020, 04:39 PM
What news are you reading? Genocide and suppression of human rights are all covered.

America grew a pair? Like what? Anything specific that was done? All that Huawei stuff is all bark.

10-21-2020, 05:17 PM
epl also rip up some online chinese stream contract that didnt pay the other 2/3 of the contract

then epl tried stupid ppv subscription bullshit this year...and lol how that backfired

ps. i thought amazon and youtube will be offering streaming services soon??