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View Full Version : The U.S. Inability To Count Votes is a National Disgrace. And Dangerous.

11-05-2020, 12:40 PM
Nations far poorer and less technologically advanced have no problem holding quick, efficient elections. Distrust in U.S. outcomes is dangerous but rational.

The richest and most powerful country on earth — whether due to ineptitude, choice or some combination of both — has no ability to perform the simple task of counting votes in a minimally efficient or confidence-inspiring manner. As a result, the credibility of the voting process is severely impaired, and any residual authority the U.S. claims to “spread” democracy to lucky recipients of its benevolence around the world is close to obliterated.

At 7:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday, the day after the 2020 presidential elections, the results of the presidential race, as well as control of the Senate, are very much in doubt and in chaos. Watched by rest of the world — deeply affected by who rules the still-imperialist superpower — the U.S. struggles and stumbles and staggers to engage in a simple task mastered by countless other less powerful and poorer countries: counting votes. Some states are not expected to finished their vote-counting until the end of this week or beyond.


11-05-2020, 12:41 PM
Given the record of failures and humiliations they have quickly compiled, what rational person would trust anything they say at this point? A citizen randomly chosen from the telephone book would be as reliable if not more so for sharing predictions. And the monumental failures of the polling industry and the data nerds who leech off it, for the second consecutive national election, only serve to sow even further doubt and confusion around the electoral process.

Recall the mass confusion that ensued back in January, in the very first Democratic Party primary election in the Iowa caucus, where a new app created and monetized by a bunch of sleazy Democratic operatives caused massive delays, confusion and an untrustworthy outcome. Later in the process, many Super Tuesday states — including California — were still counting votes weeks or even longer after the election was held (more than a week after the Democratic primary, California had still only counted roughly 75% of the ballots cast, depriving Bernie Sanders of a critical narrative victory on election night).

The 2018 midterm elections were also marred by pervasive irregularities. The Washington Post noted “thousands of reports of voting irregularities across the country…. with voters complaining of broken machines, long lines and untrained poll workers improperly challenging Americans’ right to vote.”

11-05-2020, 12:42 PM
And the full extent of the “irregularities” and treacherous outright cheating by the Democratic National Committee in the 2016 primary race between Clinton and Sanders was never fully appreciated given how pro-Clinton the press was. As just one example, “200,000 New York City voters” — many in pro-Sanders precincts — “had been illegally wiped off the rolls and prevented from voting in the presidential primary” (for one of the best-documented histories of just how pervasive were the shenanigans and cheating in the 2016 Democratic primary across multiple key states, listen to this TrueAnon episode).

11-05-2020, 12:43 PM
The coronavirus pandemic and the shutdowns and new votings rules it ushered in have obviously complicated the process, but the U.S. failure to simply count votes with any degree of efficiency, in a way that inspires even minimal confidence in the process, pre-dates the March, 2020 nationwide lockdowns. Even if one dismisses as aberrational the protracted, Court-decided, and still-untrusted outcome of the 2000 presidential election — only four national election cycles ago — the U.S. voting process is rife with major systemic failures and doubt-sowing inefficiencies that can be explained only as a deliberate choice and/or a perfect reflection of a collapsing, crumbling empire.

11-05-2020, 12:46 PM
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational citizens.

The next time Americans hear from their government that they need to impose democracy in other countries — through wars, invasion, bombing campaigns or other forms of clandestine CIA “interference” — they should insist that democracy first be imposed in the United States. An already frazzled, intensely polarized and increasingly hostile populace now has to confront yet another election in the richest and most technologically advanced country on earth where the votes cannot be counted in a way that inspires even minimal degrees of confidence.

11-05-2020, 12:46 PM
:lol Greenwald

Meh, the votes are getting counted. It's only two days after the election. If we were waiting for the results from California and Oklahoma -- well, we wouldn't be waiting at all.

11-05-2020, 12:47 PM
:lol Greenwald

Meh, the votes are getting counted. It's only two days after the election. If we were waiting for the results from California and Oklahoma -- well, we wouldn't be waiting at all.

Thats not how elections work in th 21st century :lmao

Shithole country tbqh

11-05-2020, 12:48 PM
Thats not how elections work in th 21st century :lmao
No one is talking about Alaska.

11-05-2020, 12:48 PM
its not like there are vote irregularities that are getting in the way of counts. from everything we've been seeing the count is going smoothly with the exception of the water pipe shit in atlanta :lol

they're just not getting it done as early because of the volume of the early voting

11-05-2020, 12:51 PM
:lol Greenwald

Meh, the votes are getting counted. It's only two days after the election. If we were waiting for the results from California and Oklahoma -- well, we wouldn't be waiting at all.

agree. When you have millions of mail in ballots that you can't start counting until election day it takes time.

11-05-2020, 12:51 PM
Best cheater wins
Wanna win
Cheater better

11-05-2020, 12:58 PM
Thisisfine.gif :lmao

No 1st or 2nd world country performs as shitty as we are doing

And yes there have been plenty of elections this year

11-05-2020, 01:06 PM
Thisisfine.gif :lmao

No 1st or 2nd world country performs as shitty as we are doing

And yes there have been plenty of elections this year

gee it’s almost like one party has done every single thing in their power to try to make voting as difficult as possible.

11-05-2020, 01:08 PM
So glad you and Glenn have provided so many solutions for the states to follow.:tu

11-05-2020, 01:12 PM
So glad you and Glenn have provided so many solutions for the states to follow.:tu

Who said anyone provided solutions. Pointing out that its broken and describing how its broken is a good first step.

It shouldnt be this way. We are the biggest power in the world and have a 3rd world country election system.

Thisisfine.gif tbqh

Joseph Kony
11-05-2020, 01:14 PM
thank the snowflakes in the GOP that didnt want mail ballots counted at all until after the election so they could set up their fake voter fraud scenario

11-05-2020, 01:18 PM
American Idol does a better job of tallying votes and providing a legit winner. :lol

11-05-2020, 01:19 PM
Who said anyone provided solutions. Pointing out that its broken and describing how its broken is a good first step.

It shouldnt be this way. We are the biggest power in the world and have a 3rd world country election system.


Spurs Homer
11-05-2020, 01:19 PM
thank the snowflakes in the GOP that didnt want mail ballots counted at all until after the election so they could set up their fake voter fraud scenario


11-05-2020, 01:19 PM
American Idol does a better job of tallying votes and providing a legit winner. :lol

This is a really stupid argument.

11-05-2020, 01:23 PM
thank the snowflakes in the GOP that didnt want mail ballots counted at all until after the election so they could set up their fake voter fraud scenario

11-05-2020, 01:23 PM
American Idol does a better job of tallying votes and providing a legit winner. :lol


11-05-2020, 01:33 PM
We're in the middle of a pandemic, with a president who sabotaged the postal service, and only a very small percentage of the vote still being counted less than 48 hours after polls being closed... Close elections are always messy. GOP has no one to blame but itself for having to wait frankly.

11-05-2020, 01:42 PM
We're in the middle of a pandemic, with a president who sabotaged the postal service, and only a very small percentage of the vote still being counted less than 48 hours after polls being closed... Close elections are always messy. GOP has no one to blame but itself for having to wait frankly.


The democratic primaries were marred with problems and that was last year (california, south carolina)

Read the article plenty other examples

This is a systemic flaw

11-05-2020, 01:45 PM
The democratic primaries were marred with problems and that was last year (california, south carolina)

They weren't this year during the general election. It all went remarkably smoothly. In fact, the German foreign minister was complimenting the smoothness of the US election but saying that people just need to be patient for the remaining results.

11-05-2020, 05:23 PM
OP is full of shit. We are in the grips of a pandemic. It's amazing there was even an election. The process changed so don't expect the same results. You've grown impatient since you fled your motherland.

11-05-2020, 05:26 PM

The democratic primaries were marred with problems and that was last year (california, south carolina)

Read the article plenty other examples

This is a systemic flaw

WWX I suppose

Even if the votes were tallied and a winner declared, there would be a recount and lawsuits to go through. Don't worry, you'll get your 40.00 back for betting both ways.