View Full Version : American Medical Association, the nation's largest group of doctors, deems racism a 'public health threat'

11-24-2020, 03:07 AM
American Medical Association, the nation's largest group of doctors, deems racism a 'public health threat'

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to threaten hard-hit minority communities, the nation’s largest association of doctors has passed a policy that recognizes racism as a public health threat.

The new policy recognizes racism as a social determinant of health and highlights the health disparities and lack of access to health care that have significantly hindered good health in Black and other historically marginalized communities in the U.S.

The American Medical Association’s House of Delegates — which includes 600-plus members from every medical specialty — released a statement last week that describes three tiers of racism detailed in the policy: systemic, cultural and interpersonal. Each pose specific barriers to quality medical care and good health and hinder the advancement of health equity, the group wrote.

The AMA also implored its medical professionals to identify strategies to mitigate racism’s health impacts, teach future doctors about racism in medical school curricula and support policy development for researching the issue.


11-24-2020, 03:10 AM
‐ every Immigrant

11-24-2020, 03:15 AM
"Baltimore-based board member Dr. Willarda Edwards chaired the AMA Task Force on Health Equity and lobbied for action that led to the creation of the AMA Center on Health Equity last year. She said the AMA's new policy is a continuation of those efforts — and the result of a confluence of racial unrest amid protests against police brutality and the pandemic."


Americans do this to themselves. You put them into positions of influence and they dumb down your institutions

11-24-2020, 03:17 AM
What a hero. Thanks for sharing :tu

11-24-2020, 03:18 AM
"Baltimore-based board member Dr. Willarda Edwards chaired the AMA Task Force on Health Equity and lobbied for action that led to the creation of the AMA Center on Health Equity last year. She said the AMA's new policy is a continuation of those efforts — and the result of a confluence of racial unrest amid protests against police brutality and the pandemic."


Americans do this to themselves. You put them into positions of influence and they dumb down your institutionsWow, she's a much higher achiever than you.:tu

11-24-2020, 03:23 AM


Oh so it's just a buncha blacks playing the race card. Carry on :lol

11-24-2020, 03:26 AM
Racism is bad, but it's not the business of medical professionals to address societal issues. When scientists go looking for Noah's Ark... basically.

11-24-2020, 03:26 AM


Oh so it's just a buncha blacks playing the race card. Carry on :lolAll so much better than you....that's gotta hurt you in the feelings.

11-24-2020, 03:28 AM
"Baltimore-based board member Dr. Willarda Edwards chaired the AMA Task Force on Health Equity and lobbied for action that led to the creation of the AMA Center on Health Equity last year. She said the AMA's new policy is a continuation of those efforts — and the result of a confluence of racial unrest amid protests against police brutality and the pandemic."


Americans do this to theyselves. You put them in position a influence they dumb down yo institutions


11-24-2020, 03:28 AM
All so much better than you....that's gotta hurt you in the feelings.
I have a STEM degree and didn't obtain it filling a racial quota :lol

11-24-2020, 03:30 AM
I have a STEM degree and didn't obtain it filling a racial quota :lolAnd you're a nobody.:tu

11-24-2020, 03:31 AM
Gladys Kravitz up there face in everyone's windows... :lol ^

11-24-2020, 03:31 AM
Racism is bad, but it's not the business of medical professionals to address societal issues. When scientists go looking for Noah's Ark... basically.Racism is bad, but pretending racism does not condition public health outcomes is related.

11-24-2020, 03:31 AM
Gladys Kravitz up there face in everyone's windows... :lol ^:lol DMC reading every single one of my posts.

Now he'll deny it.

11-24-2020, 03:39 AM
Chill, they didn't call Republicans racist...

11-24-2020, 03:43 AM
Racism is bad, but pretending racism does not condition public health outcomes is related.
Even educated blacks suffer from tunnel vision. Every issue and event is thru the scope of their tiny demographic. They aren't fit to lead in Western Civilization, should stick to teaching in their little inner city communities

It's cute how American universities created these token courses for them to obtain degrees in. "Afro-American studies".

11-24-2020, 04:12 AM
AMA, is right on this, and years ago I had the honor of meeting with this hero who pushed the idea of eliminating racial and ethnic disparities especially those involving unequal access - Dr. David Satcher, health inequities of many types are part of the complex social determinants of health which affect health status greatly.


11-24-2020, 09:04 AM
Imagine taking this stuff seriously.

11-24-2020, 09:55 AM
For years I read that black men were more at risk for prostate cancer, same for black women with breast/reproductive cancers.

but "studies have shown", that for the same cancer diagnosis and stage, blacks received less aggressive treatment than whites, so higher mortality rates.

Certainly compounded by Capitalist health care where non-whites are poorer, are underinsured, not insured.

11-24-2020, 10:11 AM
Racism is bad, but it's not the business of medical professionals to address societal issues. When scientists go looking for Noah's Ark... basically.

yes it’s ridiculous to point out that poor people die at a much higher rate in this country and attempt to look for reasons.
It’s for the people we elected to actually try to solve disparities in health care. Or, it seems if you’re on the red team, just forget about it, they’re stupid anyway.

11-24-2020, 11:23 AM
Imagine taking this stuff seriously.

One area we should

11-24-2020, 12:22 PM
Even educated blacks suffer from tunnel vision. Every issue and event is thru the scope of their tiny demographic. They aren't fit to lead in Western Civilization, should stick to teaching in their little inner city communities

It's cute how American universities created these token courses for them to obtain degrees in. "Afro-American studies".Don't sugar coat it, tell us what you really think.

11-24-2020, 01:05 PM
Racism is bad, but pretending racism does not condition public health outcomes is related.


11-24-2020, 01:06 PM
yes it’s ridiculous to point out that poor people die at a much higher rate in this country and attempt to look for reasons.
It’s for the people we elected to actually try to solve disparities in health care. Or, it seems if you’re on the red team, just forget about it, they’re stupid anyway.

Poor or black? What does being poor have to do with race? Cause vs correlation. The rest of your blathering is just strawman bullshit like always.

How are the Asians doing? Indians?

When people begin to address cultural issues, like "where's dad?" then they can look outside the home.\

Either way it has nothing to do with medicine. Getting people to the hospital isn't a physician's issue.

11-24-2020, 01:10 PM
Chill, they didn't call Republicans racist...

Why is it posted in the political section if it's not political?

11-24-2020, 01:37 PM
Why is it posted in the political section if it's not political?

Says right there in this forum's description:

Post about politics, news, government, religion and business.

11-24-2020, 01:52 PM
Why is it posted in the political section if it's not political?Defining racism as a cultural ill beyond the power of politics to remedy bakes in the injustice and coddles the perps.

Lol bracketing out racism as "not politics," what could be more nakedly political than assigning people social worth and political rights according to their perceived skin tint? :lol

11-24-2020, 01:55 PM
Defining racism as a cultural ill beyond the power of politics to remedy bakes in the injustice and coddles the perps.

Lol bracketing out racism as "not politics," what could be more nakedly political than assigning people social worth and political rights according to their perceived skin tint? :lol
Americans obsession with race.

Please spend sometime outside these borders and come to the realization that you were programmed to view the Planet and its inhabitants thru this constructed prism.

11-24-2020, 02:04 PM
Americans obsession with race.

Please spend sometime outside these borders and come to the realization that you were programmed to view the Planet and its inhabitants thru this constructed prism.

I've spent plenty of time outside these borders, tbh... not sure where you're trying to go with this. Different forms of racism/xenophobia are prevalent in almost every country.

But, you're also mistaken. You have an obsession with race, Americans have an obsession with racial equality.

11-24-2020, 02:14 PM
The Heavy Toll of the Black Belt’s Wastewater Crisis

Many rural households in America don’t have access to safe sewage systems.

In Alabama, entrenched poverty and unusual geology have created a public-health disaster.

https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/11/30/the-heavy-toll-of-the-black-belts-wastewater-crisis (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/11/30/the-heavy-toll-of-the-black-belts-wastewater-crisis?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Daily_112420&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bd6795524c17c1048022fcc&cndid=43758549&hasha=992d608214b505003aa04bf10a595031&hashb=542eb31d958e85ddd5a4c3ccf3faae18526a77bd&hashc=54b3612ab970ce13a64a16665b1987080ca5b72e2ee7 62b722fbba6ab378f2f5&esrc=bounceX&mbid=mbid%3DCRMNYR012019&utm_term=TNY_Daily)

Then there is environmental INjustice where poor live next toxic sites because cheap and no whites would live there.

11-24-2020, 02:16 PM
Says right there in this forum's description:

Post about politics, news, government, religion and business.

Do you really think it's not about politics? It seems every thread here comes down to red vs blue.

11-24-2020, 02:20 PM
I've spent plenty of time outside these borders, tbh... not sure where you're trying to go with this. Different forms of racism/xenophobia are prevalent in almost every country.

But, you're also mistaken. You have an obsession with race, Americans have an obsession with racial equality.

It's interesting we (Americans) can move toward gender neutrality but not toward racial neutrality. Race is either an issue for or against someone, depending on the issue and who stands to gain. If we never defined our race to begin with, if we refused to use race as an identity, then people would be left to judge by color of skin, and we know how that goes.

11-24-2020, 02:23 PM
I've spent plenty of time outside these borders, tbh... not sure where you're trying to go with this. Different forms of racism/xenophobia are prevalent in almost every country.

But, you're also mistaken. You have an obsession with race, Americans have an obsession with racial equality.
Okay you have fun with all that racial systematic equality privilege and us immigrants will instead focus on working hard & up the ladder

11-24-2020, 02:42 PM
Okay you have fun with all that racial systematic equality privilege and us immigrants will instead focus on working hard & up the ladder

I'm an immigrant.

11-24-2020, 02:49 PM
I'm an immigrant.

Props actually all who are - my wife an immigrant and it is good we live in a diverse nation

11-24-2020, 02:52 PM
Do you really think it's not about politics? It seems every thread here comes down to red vs blue.

Religion and Politics having the larger megaphone shouldn't really come as a surprise, tbh

It's interesting we (Americans) can move toward gender neutrality but not toward racial neutrality. Race is either an issue for or against someone, depending on the issue and who stands to gain. If we never defined our race to begin with, if we refused to use race as an identity, then people would be left to judge by color of skin, and we know how that goes.

I don't know about that gender neutrality claim. I'm willing to bet half the people don't know the difference between gender and sex, and Frosty here would be just as outraged about somebody asking him to use a different pronoun.

However, it's different from race, and I would even dare calling it a first world problem.

America clearly has an indelible dark history with racism (see what I did there?), which is a big factor, and why I don't like to conflate social plights. Plus, it hasn't been that long either, relatively speaking. 60 years since the Civil Rights movement? 2-3 generations tops?

11-24-2020, 02:54 PM
Different forms of racism/xenophobia are prevalent in almost every country.

I'd say in EVERY country with a heterogenous population, racial, ethnic, religious "racism".

genetic tribalism against the "other", against any out-group

11-25-2020, 04:09 AM
Religion and Politics having the larger megaphone shouldn't really come as a surprise, tbh

I don't know about that gender neutrality claim. I'm willing to bet half the people don't know the difference between gender and sex, and Frosty here would be just as outraged about somebody asking him to use a different pronoun.

However, it's different from race, and I would even dare calling it a first world problem.

America clearly has an indelible dark history with racism (see what I did there?), which is a big factor, and why I don't like to conflate social plights. Plus, it hasn't been that long either, relatively speaking. 60 years since the Civil Rights movement? 2-3 generations tops?
I think the term "racism" has been softened and blurred to mean something it's not. For example, it's not racist to not want to date outside your own race. It's not racist to discriminate based on race if there are reasons that don't include the notion that one race is inherently better than another, even if the notion is ill founded. For example, some institutions actively look for black students, and they may turn away a white or Asian student just as academically qualified. That's race based discrimination, but it's not a racist policy as it seeks to correct social imbalances brought about by centuries of treating other humans like property. I see the term being use to define people who get offended at being called privileged, when they are dirt poor, just because they are white. Being offended by the concept doesn't make you a racist, it doesn't mean you think your race is better than another race.

Other than the neo-nazis and actually some minority cultures, I don't know if true racism even exists any more. I know racial profiling exists, and stereotyping exists, and unfair legal practices and shitty upbringing exists, and that people are slaves to their experiences. You can say some of that is a "form" of racism, but when true Hitler level racism gets conflated with basic cultural ignorance, that's where conversation stops. Labeling everyone who disagrees with your take or refuses to take a knee during the anthem as a "racist" is wrong. It seems extremely popular though as an instant win button.

11-25-2020, 04:29 AM
I'd say in EVERY country with a heterogenous population, racial, ethnic, religious "racism".

genetic tribalism against the "other", against any out-group
In terms of nations, even homogenous ones have these issues. Different regions have even slightly different dialect or social customs because of contrasting climate/geography.

11-25-2020, 04:39 AM
I think the term "racism" has been softened and blurred to mean something it's not. For example, it's not racist to not want to date outside your own race. It's not racist to discriminate based on race if there are reasons that don't include the notion that one race is inherently better than another, even if the notion is ill founded. For example, some institutions actively look for black students, and they may turn away a white or Asian student just as academically qualified. That's race based discrimination, but it's not a racist policy as it seeks to correct social imbalances brought about by centuries of treating other humans like property. I see the term being use to define people who get offended at being called privileged, when they are dirt poor, just because they are white. Being offended by the concept doesn't make you a racist, it doesn't mean you think your race is better than another race.

Other than the neo-nazis and actually some minority cultures, I don't know if true racism even exists any more. I know racial profiling exists, and stereotyping exists, and unfair legal practices and shitty upbringing exists, and that people are slaves to their experiences. You can say some of that is a "form" of racism, but when true Hitler level racism gets conflated with basic cultural ignorance, that's where conversation stops. Labeling everyone who disagrees with your take or refuses to take a knee during the anthem as a "racist" is wrong. It seems extremely popular though as an instant win button.
As is the case with increasing amount of these progressive ideals - meant well and worked but has gone too far. (in just my short adult life).

Racism should be restricted to physically hurting or encouraging so. We transitioned to verbal abuse. And now we are dissecting peoples thoughts. When in reality we are assuming why they did something. Thought police. If one doesn't do A, then they are choosing B. But life is more complicated than A or B, and white or black. I.e. "Silence is Violence"

11-25-2020, 07:17 AM
Racism is bad, but it's not the business of medical professionals to address societal issues. When scientists go looking for Noah's Ark... basically.

It is when those societal issues are deemed sucursal determinants of health. This would be one of them.

11-25-2020, 07:25 AM
I think the term "racism" has been softened and blurred to mean something it's not. For example, it's not racist to not want to date outside your own race. It's not racist to discriminate based on race if there are reasons that don't include the notion that one race is inherently better than another, even if the notion is ill founded. For example, some institutions actively look for black students, and they may turn away a white or Asian student just as academically qualified. That's race based discrimination, but it's not a racist policy as it seeks to correct social imbalances brought about by centuries of treating other humans like property. I see the term being use to define people who get offended at being called privileged, when they are dirt poor, just because they are white. Being offended by the concept doesn't make you a racist, it doesn't mean you think your race is better than another race.

Other than the neo-nazis and actually some minority cultures, I don't know if true racism even exists any more. I know racial profiling exists, and stereotyping exists, and unfair legal practices and shitty upbringing exists, and that people are slaves to their experiences. You can say some of that is a "form" of racism, but when true Hitler level racism gets conflated with basic cultural ignorance, that's where conversation stops. Labeling everyone who disagrees with your take or refuses to take a knee during the anthem as a "racist" is wrong. It seems extremely popular though as an instant win button.

Not wanting to date outside of your race CAN be racist, depending on your reason, but the desire is not inherently a racist one, yes.

And I agree, I do think that the term "racist" and "racism" has gone from viewing/treating other races as inferior to "well you said/did something that I don't like, so that's racist." It's a classic far-left move. Take something that is noble at its core and make it unpalatable for the majority.

That said, racism is most certainly still rampant, and it's definitely a public health issue as well.

11-25-2020, 11:09 AM
It is when those societal issues are deemed sucursal determinants of health. This would be one of them.

With so many Indian doctors, is anyone looking into caste based discrimination where healthcare is concerned?

11-25-2020, 11:21 AM
"people who get offended at being called privileged, when they are dirt poor, just because they are white."

but being dirt poor privileged whites, they are in a better position than dirt poor blacks and browns.

11-25-2020, 11:21 AM
With so many Indian doctors, is anyone looking into caste based discrimination where healthcare is concerned?We already have a system of racial caste in the US, no Indian doctors are needed to maintain it. Somebody should look into that, don't you think?


11-25-2020, 12:37 PM
I think the term "racism" has been softened and blurred to mean something it's not. For example, it's not racist to not want to date outside your own race. It's not racist to discriminate based on race if there are reasons that don't include the notion that one race is inherently better than another, even if the notion is ill founded. For example, some institutions actively look for black students, and they may turn away a white or Asian student just as academically qualified. That's race based discrimination, but it's not a racist policy as it seeks to correct social imbalances brought about by centuries of treating other humans like property. I see the term being use to define people who get offended at being called privileged, when they are dirt poor, just because they are white. Being offended by the concept doesn't make you a racist, it doesn't mean you think your race is better than another race.

Other than the neo-nazis and actually some minority cultures, I don't know if true racism even exists any more. I know racial profiling exists, and stereotyping exists, and unfair legal practices and shitty upbringing exists, and that people are slaves to their experiences. You can say some of that is a "form" of racism, but when true Hitler level racism gets conflated with basic cultural ignorance, that's where conversation stops. Labeling everyone who disagrees with your take or refuses to take a knee during the anthem as a "racist" is wrong. It seems extremely popular though as an instant win button.

There's definitely some co-opting of the term to describe situations that are not inherently racist, only superficially so, which you describe and I agree with. Then again, that's simply a reflection of how much of a wedge issue this has been (you don't co-opt something that's unimportant to most people, as it doesn't garner the attention, which is the ultimate goal). But it would also be disingenuous not to point out that there's also a not so subtle push from racists to soften and blur the term too (ie: civil rights have been around for a long time, thus all racism claims today are unfounded!), which is a way to undermine the plight and thus keep the privilege too.

Also, the education part you bring up is important too. Ignorance goes hand in hand with education, and that's definitely something we can act on and eradicate. Unfortunately, the fact that you still find nowadays fairly severe push back from attempts to educate about this topic seems contrary to the notion that this ignorance can be readily dismissed, tbh.

11-25-2020, 12:47 PM
There's definitely some co-opting of the term to describe situations that are not inherently racist, only superficially so, which you describe and I agree with. Then again, that's simply a reflection of how much of a wedge issue this has been (you don't co-opt something that's unimportant to most people, as it doesn't garner the attention, which is the ultimate goal). But it would also be disingenuous not to point out that there's also a not so subtle push from racists to soften and blur the term too (ie: civil rights have been around for a long time, thus all racism claims today are unfounded!), which is a way to undermine the plight and thus keep the privilege too.

Also, the education part you bring up is important too. Ignorance goes hand in hand with education, and that's definitely something we can act on and eradicate. Unfortunately, the fact that you still find nowadays fairly severe push back from attempts to educate about this topic seems contrary to the notion that this ignorance can be readily dismissed, tbh.
Current education is very much stroking victimhood. And the reason for that is because it is not an honest discussion but instead filtered in political correctness. Today, more than ever one can make a career out of being a SJW. I question if the intent is to actually solve issues or create more so the conversation becomes larger and more profitable...for the "educators" and "solvers"

11-25-2020, 02:37 PM
a bunch of "look over here but not at what we're doing..." in all facets of our country from bigGov, bigPharma, bigBusiness, bigAcademia, big, big, big...

all traitors to our nation! all frauds!

11-25-2020, 10:31 PM
Current education is very much stroking victimhood. And the reason for that is because it is not an honest discussion but instead filtered in political correctness. Today, more than ever one can make a career out of being a SJW. I question if the intent is to actually solve issues or create more so the conversation becomes larger and more profitable...for the "educators" and "solvers"

Your overt racism has nothing to do with political correctness or lack of an honest discussion. I don't particularly care to hear why you're racist to begin with. Whatever excuses you have to put in your head to support that corrosive ideal are simply that, excuses, and are strictly yours.

My concern with education is so future generations don't have to be like you.

11-25-2020, 10:58 PM
Your overt racism has nothing to do with political correctness or lack of an honest discussion. I don't particularly care to hear why you're racist to begin with. Whatever excuses you have to put in your head to support that corrosive ideal are simply that, excuses, and are strictly yours.

My concern with education is so future generations don't have to be like you.
Then work to change their behavior and mindset; not make excuses for them. The World doesn't like them not because of some conspiracy or lack of so called education.

11-26-2020, 04:53 AM
Then work to change their behavior and mindset; not make excuses for them. The World doesn't like them not because of some conspiracy or lack of so called education.

You don't speak for 'the world'. Cultural change is never easy, but slowly and surely it happens.

Racism has been socially shunned for a long time, and rightly so, despite some minor remnants coming out of the closet a few years ago.

Obviously, it's much less overt than it was 60 years ago, but clearly there's still more work to be done.

11-26-2020, 05:27 AM
You don't speak for 'the world'. Cultural change is never easy, but slowly and surely it happens.

Racism has been socially shunned for a long time, and rightly so, despite some minor remnants coming out of the closet a few years ago.

Obviously, it's much less overt than it was 60 years ago, but clearly there's still more work to be done.
Genuinely curious, do you deny racism against whites or they deserve it because of the past and/or have it coming as long as they represent the majority?

Such racism doesn't seem to be shunned and has been steadily increasing for decades. Significant spike under President Obama.

11-26-2020, 04:01 PM
Genuinely curious, do you deny racism against whites or they deserve it because of the past and/or have it coming as long as they represent the majority?

Such racism doesn't seem to be shunned and has been steadily increasing for decades. Significant spike under President Obama.

You have to explain 'racism against whites'? What are your grievances here?

Every possible statistic from crime to access to education or healthcare to socioeconomic divergence points strictly to minorities such as blacks or latinos. Give me some numbers on the whitey struggle here.

11-26-2020, 04:07 PM
You have to explain 'racism against whites'? What are your grievances here?

Every possible statistic from crime to access to education or healthcare to socioeconomic divergence points strictly to minorities such as blacks or latinos. Give me some numbers on the whitey struggle here.
Under your definition "white privilege" is racist.

Access? My family moved multiple times a year and parents worked nights to relocate to superior area. Are you categorizing those minority groups as incapable or too lazy?

11-26-2020, 04:13 PM
Under your definition "white privilege" is racist.

Access? My family moved multiple times a year and parents worked nights to relocate to superior area. Are you categorizing those minority groups as incapable or too lazy?

No it's not. Now list your "racism against whites" and what are your grievances here...

And your anecdotes are irrelevant. Give me some statistics about the white struggle.

11-26-2020, 04:34 PM
No it's not. Now list your "racism against whites" and what are your grievances here...

And your anecdotes are irrelevant. Give me some statistics about the white struggle.
Yes, it is. Saying blacks have privilege in athletics or entertainment industry will get you fired

Statistics - whites have less wealth than jews or asians. Are arrested more often and are lower relative proportion of University admittance.

11-26-2020, 04:44 PM
Yes, it is. Saying blacks have privilege in athletics or entertainment industry will get you fired

Because the claim is false on it's face. List the social or economic discrimination whitey suffers vis a vis a colored person in those industries.

There's no such thing as reverse racism. This is exactly what I was pointing out to DMC as a claim to dilute racism coming from racist people.

Statistics - whites have less wealth than jews or asians.

Judaism is a religion, not a race. And you'll have to support your Asian contention. Earning more on average doesn't automatically mean 'more wealth'. This is easily dispelled with a simple look at the Forbes 100 richest persons in America.

11-26-2020, 04:45 PM
:lmao "privilege in athletics or entertainment"

Your priorities.

11-26-2020, 05:35 PM
Wear a mask!

11-26-2020, 05:41 PM
My concern with education is so future generations don't have to be like you.

My guess is that FK grew up in a lily-white homogenous society and in a family that was racist, indoctrinated with white superiority from a young age.

Poland and Hungary driven to the hard, authoritarian right in the past several years by BigOil's greed.

11-26-2020, 05:42 PM
Because the claim is false on it's face. List the social or economic discrimination whitey suffers vis a vis a colored person in those industries.

There's no such thing as reverse racism. This is exactly what I was pointing out to DMC as a claim to dilute racism coming from racist people.

Judaism is a religion, not a race. And you'll have to support your Asian contention. Earning more on average doesn't automatically mean 'more wealth'. This is easily dispelled with a simple look at the Forbes 100 richest persons in America.


11-26-2020, 05:55 PM
^ another foldren meltdown