View Full Version : Trumpkins - what's next?

12-12-2020, 06:43 AM
Just to be clear, I don't consider all 70M+ Trump voters as Trumpkins - I refer only to his supporters who fully believe Trump's "election fraud" narrative. These people would rather believe that the Democrats, the establishment GOP, governors from both parties, judges at all levels, tens of thousands of bureaucrats, poll workers and international observers are all in on a Deep State conspiracy ... before they even consider the possibility that Trump is a lying narcissist who will never concede defeat.

What's next for this group? Do they disengage from mainstream politics because it's all "rigged"? Do they quietly go back to voting for establishment GOP politicians? Do they try and keep their grip on the party by rallying behind another populist (Trump if he runs again / one of his children / a Trump wannabe like DeSantis, Hawley or Cruz)?

My prediction: Trump or one of his spawn make a 2024 run and keep fleecing his base for campaign donations to pay for the Trump family's expenses. Trumpkins like Qhris and Derp line up behind Trump / Ivanka / Trump Jr. and keep the MAGA / QAnon circus running for 4 more years.

12-12-2020, 08:11 AM
Just to be clear, I don't consider all 70M+ Trump voters as Trumpkins - I refer only to his supporters who fully believe Trump's "election fraud" narrative. These people would rather believe that the Democrats, the establishment GOP, governors from both parties, judges at all levels, tens of thousands of bureaucrats, poll workers and international observers are all in on a Deep State conspiracy ... before they even consider the possibility that Trump is a lying narcissist who will never concede defeat.

What's next for this group? Do they disengage from mainstream politics because it's all "rigged"? Do they quietly go back to voting for establishment GOP politicians? Do they try and keep their grip on the party by rallying behind another populist (Trump if he runs again / one of his children / a Trump wannabe like DeSantis, Hawley or Cruz)?

My prediction: Trump or one of his spawn make a 2024 run and keep fleecing his base for campaign donations to pay for the Trump family's expenses. Trumpkins like Qhris and Derp line up behind Trump / Ivanka / Trump Jr. and keep the MAGA / QAnon circus running for 4 more years.
The big issue isn't regular people accepting bribes or taking their stand against perceived "Hitler". It is the way the establishment, big tech, media and China etc openly censored information and/or financed it. Trump was always just a 4-8 year stand and rallying cry for everyday people around the World. Those deserted and ridiculed by Globalist. Most of you have no opportunity to leave the USA so might as well accept defeat and kneel to the elitist. Rationalize to yourself how, well atleast the food is better and the internet faster. The populist movement will rage on in the West just as it did in the 2020 Congressional races. The message over the past 4 years was clear: locally people reject progressiveness. Maybe America as a whole is too far-gone for a united nationalistic force but you can still build your own community and watch the rest of the nation sink.

Chris Fall
12-12-2020, 09:13 AM
We're going streaking through the quad!

Cone on everybody!

12-12-2020, 09:24 AM
The big issue isn't regular people accepting bribes or taking their stand against perceived "Hitler". It is the way the establishment, big tech, media and China etc openly censored information and/or financed it. Trump was always just a 4-8 year stand and rallying cry for everyday people around the World. Those deserted and ridiculed by Globalist. Most of you have no opportunity to leave the USA so might as well accept defeat and kneel to the elitist. Rationalize to yourself how, well atleast the food is better and the internet faster. The populist movement will rage on in the West just as it did in the 2020 Congressional races. The message over the past 4 years was clear: locally people reject progressiveness. Maybe America as a whole is too far-gone for a united nationalistic force but you can still build your own community and watch the rest of the nation sink.

"always just a 4-8 year stand.."

Oh you mean like every potus

12-12-2020, 10:25 AM
The big issue isn't regular people accepting bribes or taking their stand against perceived "Hitler". It is the way the establishment, big tech, media and China etc openly censored information and/or financed it. Trump was always just a 4-8 year stand and rallying cry for everyday people around the World. Those deserted and ridiculed by Globalist. Most of you have no opportunity to leave the USA so might as well accept defeat and kneel to the elitist. Rationalize to yourself how, well atleast the food is better and the internet faster. The populist movement will rage on in the West just as it did in the 2020 Congressional races. The message over the past 4 years was clear: locally people reject progressiveness. Maybe America as a whole is too far-gone for a united nationalistic force but you can still build your own community and watch the rest of the nation sink.

It never fails to amaze me how you paint yourselves as victims and Trump as a saviour, even if the data suggests otherwise

- Globalization and China: Trump talked big on China, but achieved little. The average US trade deficit with China has been higher in Trump's term than the preceding 4 years. The Chinese Yuan's exchange rate is almost unchanged, as is the trajectory of US manufacturing jobs. The few companies who are getting out of China are instead moving to Vietnam, India etc

- Censorship: in most developed countries, outlets like OANN, Newsmax or even Fox would fail basic tests of accuracy and bias and would not be able to call themselves "News". The 1st amendment allows the right-wing entertainment complex to fabricate an alternate reality for you. Trump whines about Section 230 when in fact it allows Twitter to let him post lies without repercussions

- Big tech: Increasing the power of corporations has been the GOP's only unchanged principle. You had no problem when the GOP pimped itself out to Walmart, Koch Industries and Exxon Mobil. Now Apple, Google, FB and Microsoft are the big dogs, and you start crying. Were you asleep during the Citizens' United SCOTUS decision handed down by the 5 conservative justices? Do you think Trump's SCOTUS appointments will reverse this decision?

According to you, conservatives are victims despite having had more control of federal government, state government and the courts. And the remedy is to "reject progressiveness" and vote Trump. You already did that and nothing changed.

12-12-2020, 10:26 AM
Shillarytards believed and partotted the "Russia won election for Trump" stupidity for 4 years.

Thats possibly more stupid and more retarded than what Trumptards are doing now.

I would not be surprised if Trumptards parrot their narrative for the Biden years. It wont go away. And when Repubics win the House in 2022 it will be lights out for old Joe

12-12-2020, 10:39 AM
Shillarytards believed and partotted the "Russia won election for Trump" stupidity for 4 years.

Thats possibly more stupid and more retarded than what Trumptards are doing now.In both cases, rubes got manipulated.

That will never change because rubes be rubin'.

12-12-2020, 10:47 AM
In both cases, rubes got manipulated.

That will never change because rubes be rubin'.


Some rubes even went as far as changing their login names to Russian names and shit :lmao

12-12-2020, 10:51 AM
Even if there were dumbass Hillary supporters bitching and moaning about Russian interference, the difference now is that Dear leader’s defiant words and actions have stoked the flames of division throughout the country, set in motion the possibility of nationwide civil unrest if not a possible civil war, emboldened his cult loyalists to threaten politicians and election workers with violence and death, and sparked a political schism so wide, it’s going to take decades to recover from it... all while there’s a fucking pandemic health crisis going on which he and his administration have all but completely ignored for the past month since the election.

The two are not comparable.

12-12-2020, 10:57 AM
Even if there were dumbass Hillary supporters bitching and moaning about Russian interference, the difference now is that Dear leader’s defiant words and actions have stoked the flames of division throughout the country, set in motion the possibility of nationwide civil unrest if not a possible civil war, emboldened his cult loyalists to threaten politicians and election workers with violence and death, and sparked a political schism so wide, it’s going to take decades to recover from it... all while there’s a fucking pandemic health crisis going on which he and his administration have all but completely ignored for the past month since the election.

The two are not comparable.

Agree. Not comparable yet. Shillarytards were even worse as they stoked the flames of nuclear war with a nuclear superpower.

Shillaritards shennanigans the last 4 years (which included a lot of the mainstream media) was much more harmful so far than Trumptards shennanigans

12-12-2020, 11:01 AM
Agree. Not comparable yet. Shillarytards were even worse as they stoked the flames of nuclear war with a nuclear superpower.

Shillaritards shennanigans the last 4 years (which included a lot of the mainstream media) was much more harmful so far than Trumptards shennanigans

If you truly believe that, you might as well hop off the fence and re-introduce yourself to Cult Trump.

Because wow.

12-12-2020, 11:01 AM
Agree. Not comparable yet. Shillarytards were even worse as they stoked the flames of nuclear war with a nuclear superpower.

Shillaritards shennanigans the last 4 years (which included a lot of the mainstream media) was much more harmful so far than Trumptards shennanigans

how incredibly dishonest. But since you’re a trumper, it makes sense you’re a lying sack of feces.

called it.

12-12-2020, 11:04 AM
If you truly believe that, you might as well hop off the fence and re-introduce yourself to Cult Trump.

Because wow.

Hater hates America, and wants to see it fall. He Loves dictators, so of course he’s a trumper.

he got embarrassed because this is his whole life, and his whole reason for being. After calling trumps re-election, then his kids after that, seeing him lose again and again has him despondent.

He may play it off better that retard spurt, but he’s just as devastated.

12-12-2020, 11:06 AM
whining about Jill Biden's honorific is a sign some are starting to move on


12-12-2020, 11:06 AM

Some rubes even went as far as changing their login names to Russian names and shit :lmaoSorry, I had made that one years before and it was a fun joke. Doesn't change Russia's manipulation of rubes in 2016. It's amazing how shitposting works.

12-12-2020, 11:08 AM
Agree. Not comparable yet. Shillarytards were even worse as they stoked the flames of nuclear war with a nuclear superpower.No one did that.

Absolutely no one.

12-12-2020, 11:12 AM
No one did that.

Absolutely no one.

When has hater ever let facts get in his way?

called it

12-12-2020, 11:41 AM
"Shillarytards" believed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election. And they were right. Republicans agreed with them


I don't recall a single serious conversation about reversing the results of the 2016 election in any state to give the presidency to Clinton.

12-12-2020, 12:06 PM
If you truly believe that, you might as well hop off the fence and re-introduce yourself to Cult Trump.

Because wow.

If you truly believe shillaritards and media parroting the russia hoax, intelligence bosses tapping a candidates phones and leaking false info, etc was not one of the darkest periods in our democracy you might as well put on a pussyhat.

Because. Wow

12-12-2020, 12:08 PM
If you truly believe shillaritards and media parroting the russia hoax was not one of the darkest periods in our democracy you might as well put on a pussyhat.

Because. WowWhat was the threat to democracy? Impeachment of Trump and Mike Pence as POTUS?

12-12-2020, 12:31 PM
It never fails to amaze me how you paint yourselves as victims and Trump as a saviour, even if the data suggests otherwise

- Globalization and China: Trump talked big on China, but achieved little. The average US trade deficit with China has been higher in Trump's term than the preceding 4 years. The Chinese Yuan's exchange rate is almost unchanged, as is the trajectory of US manufacturing jobs. The few companies who are getting out of China are instead moving to Vietnam, India etc

- Censorship: in most developed countries, outlets like OANN, Newsmax or even Fox would fail basic tests of accuracy and bias and would not be able to call themselves "News". The 1st amendment allows the right-wing entertainment complex to fabricate an alternate reality for you. Trump whines about Section 230 when in fact it allows Twitter to let him post lies without repercussions

- Big tech: Increasing the power of corporations has been the GOP's only unchanged principle. You had no problem when the GOP pimped itself out to Walmart, Koch Industries and Exxon Mobil. Now Apple, Google, FB and Microsoft are the big dogs, and you start crying. Were you asleep during the Citizens' United SCOTUS decision handed down by the 5 conservative justices? Do you think Trump's SCOTUS appointments will reverse this decision?

According to you, conservatives are victims despite having had more control of federal government, state government and the courts. And the remedy is to "reject progressiveness" and vote Trump. You already did that and nothing changed.
Good lord. Scorched fucking earth on Frosty.

12-12-2020, 12:35 PM
Hater is the same moron who thought cost of living was higher in DC than Bay Area. Then when corrected and provided evidence to the contrary still tried to pretend he was right.

no surprise he is telling outright lies and spinning nonsense itt tbh

12-12-2020, 12:41 PM
Hater is the same moron who thought cost of living was higher in DC than Bay Area. Then when corrected and provided evidence to the contrary still tried to pretend he was right.

no surprise he is telling outright lies and spinning nonsense itt tbh

No amount of cost of living knowledge will save you from being a complete dubmass if you believe in the russia hoax

It seems your dumbass still believes in the russia hoax right idiot? :lmao

Spurs Homer
12-12-2020, 12:45 PM
No amount of cost of living knowledge will save you from being a complete dubmass if you believe in the russia hoax

It seems your dumbass still believes in the russia hoax right idiot? :lmao

The con man who lied to your face 25,000 times convinced you to believe that his selling out to Russia was somehow all a hoax - even though he sold out the US in front of your eyes and ears...

yet you believe the biggest liar on the planet.

Yup -pretty obvious who the stupid ones are.

Just drink the poison already and spare the country from your ignorance- cultist.

12-12-2020, 12:52 PM
The con man who lied to your face 25,000 times convinced you to believe that his selling out to Russia was somehow all a hoax - even though he sold out the US in front of your eyes and ears...

yet you believe the biggest liar on the planet.

Yup -pretty obvious who the stupid ones are.

Just drink the poison already and spare the country from your ignorance- cultist.

Exhibit A of a duffus who still believes russia hoax :lmao

Called it :tu

12-12-2020, 12:56 PM
No amount of cost of living knowledge will save you from being a complete dubmass if you believe in the russia hoax

It seems your dumbass still believes in the russia hoax right idiot? :lmao
I never believed in the Russia thing. I stated it multiple times during that period.

swing and a miss. Better move to your next deflection cunt

12-12-2020, 01:04 PM
I never believed in the Russia thing. I stated it multiple times during that period.

swing and a miss. Better move to your next deflection cunt

Good :tu

You might not be as stupid as you appear :lol

Spurs Homer
12-12-2020, 01:07 PM
Exhibit A of a duffus who still believes russia hoax :lmao

Called it :tu

Facts are facts traitor.

Just stop embarrasing yourself- and if you happen to be latino-

you are double the idiot

as no self respecting non-white person would ever support a white supremacist you ignorant piece of shit.

12-12-2020, 01:33 PM
Facts are facts traitor.

Just stop embarrasing yourself- and if you happen to be latino-

you are double the idiot

as no self respecting non-white person would ever support a white supremacist you ignorant piece of shit.

You keep making my point :lol thanks

OP was takking about idiot Trumptards that believe 2020 election was a fraud. I agree with him they are stupid.


You are exhibit A of shillaritard that believes and has for 4 years that 2016 election was a fraud :lmao

12-12-2020, 02:03 PM
It looks they want to give that confederacy thing another try: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-gop-chair-allen-west-says-scotus-setback-may-call-for-union-of-law-abiding-states

12-12-2020, 02:19 PM
Decisions, decisions....


12-12-2020, 02:24 PM
It never fails to amaze
- Globalization and China: President Trump put tariffs on China, correct? Which Biden promises to eliminate. He also did not shy away from putting blame on China for the spread of Covid-19, meanwhile your people labeled it the European Virus (?). Always with the evil white man :lol

- Censorship: same with every American news outlets. But your source for news is instep with Hollywood. Digest that for a moment.

- Big tech: when did Walmart, Koch Industries or Exxon Mobil get involved politically or even socially? Odd comparison. Walmart does have crucial data on Americans such as which cereal and milk we purchase.

I disagree nothing changed. We held the line, (slowed American decline in the process) hence the backlash and concentrated effort to get him out. We will see what the ramifications are in 2022 and especially 2024. I expect the general popularity of media, big tech and academia to further decline. Your ideology further seen as out of touch with everyday Americans.

12-12-2020, 02:29 PM
- Globalization and China: President Trump put tariffs on China, correct? Which Biden promises to eliminate. He also did not shy away from putting blame on China for the spread of Covid-19, meanwhile your people labeled it the European Virus (?). Always with the evil white man :lolThe only thing that tariffs accomplished were higher subsidies. Nothing happened to China or trade with China.

As for COVID -- Trump did nothing to stop the spread of COVID once it got here, and only idiots would say there was a chance it would never have gotten here.

- Censorship: same with every American news outlets. But your source for news is instep with Hollywood. Digest that for a moment.There is no narrative you buy that isn't connected to a stupid conspiracy theory. Digest that for a moment.

- Big tech: when did Walmart, Koch Industries or Exxon Mobil get involved politically or even socially?:lmao you really know nothing about America or our politics.

12-12-2020, 02:32 PM
- Globalization and China: President Trump put tariffs on China, correct? Which Biden promises to eliminate. He also did not shy away from putting blame on China for the spread of Covid-19, meanwhile your people labeled it the European Virus (?). Always with the evil white man :lol

- Censorship: same with every American news outlets. But your source for news is instep with Hollywood. Digest that for a moment.

- Big tech: when did Walmart, Koch Industries or Exxon Mobil get involved politically or even socially? Odd comparison. Walmart does have crucial data on Americans such as which cereal and milk we purchase.

I disagree nothing changed. We held the line, (slowed American decline in the process) hence the backlash and concentrated effort to get him out. We will see what the ramifications are in 2022 and especially 2024. I expect the general popularity of media, big tech and academia to further decline. Your ideology further seen as out of touch with everyday Americans.


12-12-2020, 05:59 PM
Damn. 2 pages in and hater and Frosty getting dunked on and served shit sandwiches repeatedly.

You hate to see it.

12-12-2020, 06:22 PM
Damn. 2 pages in and hater and Frosty getting dunked on and served shit sandwiches repeatedly.

You hate to see it.

Sure, Dorothy. What you described is really happening :lmao

12-12-2020, 06:26 PM
Sure, Dorothy. What you described is really happening :lmao

Dude. You're getting slaughtered.

12-12-2020, 06:33 PM
Dude. You're getting slaughtered.

Sure Dorothy. Coco agrees w u :lmao

12-12-2020, 06:35 PM
Sure Dorothy. Coco agrees w u :lmao

Just man up and take the L bro...don't be derp

12-12-2020, 07:09 PM
Just man up and take the L bro...don't be derp

Nah ma nig

I stand by my assesment

Shillarytards were stupider and have done more damage than Trumptards

Both sides are pieces of excrement. But Shillarytards just cried for longer and had media enough to make more damage..

Facts are facts

12-12-2020, 07:13 PM
hater not only exaggerates everything, he exaggerates everything in the wrong direction until he falls off the fence on the wrong side and claims he was there all along.

hater is hater.

12-12-2020, 07:21 PM
Nah ma nig

I stand by my assesment

Shillarytards were stupider and have done more damage than Trumptards

Both sides are pieces of excrement. But Shillarytards just cried for longer and had media enough to make more damage..

Facts are facts

Dennison got impeached.

Mueller report is damning, but not at damning as 1-58 in the courts.

Shillary conceded within hours.

Conflating facts with fiction, hater's MO

12-12-2020, 08:31 PM
Damn. 2 pages in and hater and Frosty getting dunked on and served shit sandwiches repeatedly.

You hate to see it.
"My favorite political team is winning"

12-12-2020, 08:41 PM
Hater just suplexed this thread

Not even 1 page in and he successfully baited folks into defending the Russian hoax.

12-12-2020, 09:24 PM
^^^looking at life in a funhouse mirror

12-12-2020, 09:42 PM
Hater just suplexed this thread

Not even 1 page in and he successfully baited folks into defending the Russian hoax.The hoax the Republicans acknowledged in an official Senate report?

lol you really don't know anything