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Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 11:02 AM
:lmao the GOP relying on the freeloader counties that don’t produce anything


12-21-2020, 11:08 AM
As you mentioned it’s not even accurate. They have maricopa going red

12-21-2020, 11:10 AM
Shame that blue counties should be forced to support these “entitled” red freeloaders.

Where is the conservative rage?


Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 11:15 AM
As you mentioned it’s not even accurate. They have maricopa going red
I’m not looking at the first map, it’s just part of what’s embedded, I’m looking at the GDP sizing. The counties the GOP wins are freeloaders that rely on blue county tax dollars to survive :lol

Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 11:16 AM
Shame that blue counties should be forced to support these “entitled” red freeloaders.

Where is the conservative rage?

Exactly. Why can’t all these Trump counties pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get a god damn job!

12-21-2020, 11:18 AM
lmao at muh secession... gonna have to ask Mexico for handouts

Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 11:48 AM
lmao at muh secession... gonna have to ask Mexico for handouts
:lmao Louisiana thinking it can survive without det blue state money

12-21-2020, 11:56 AM
:lmao Louisiana thinking it can survive without det blue state money

They think they can rely on offshore oil money like Saudi Arabia.
Good luck with that right now.

And yeah, shut down the tourism money to NO after we hopefully get past Covid.
I guess they can go to a subsistence farm model, thatll be fun. Crayfish, sugar and rice every meal.

Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 12:05 PM
They think they can rely on offshore oil money like Saudi Arabia.
Good luck with that right now.

And yeah, shut down the tourism money to NO after we hopefully get past Covid.
I guess they can go to a subsistence farm model, thatll be fun. Crayfish, sugar and rice every meal.
Any red states that secede would eventually revert to a modern form of feudalism. The oil/farm oligarchs would own everything and theyd pay the evangelical rubes $2 an hour to work 15 hour days 6 days a week.

12-21-2020, 12:07 PM
Article from 2016 on this:


12-21-2020, 12:08 PM
Any red states that secede would eventually revert to a modern form of feudalism. The oil/farm oligarchs would own everything and theyd pay the evangelical rubes $2 an hour to work 15 hour days 6 days a week."Freedom of contract"

12-21-2020, 12:14 PM
And it is true that the majority (95%) of the 100 poorest counties are in red states.

So much for American exceptionalism.


Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 12:15 PM
"Freedom of contract"
those states would bring back the early 20th century Lochner era courts.

Still pissed that none of the Dem senators asked COVID Barrett any questions about the Lochner era, would have loved to hear her stumble over herself with a horrible answer.

12-21-2020, 12:25 PM
:lmao the GOP relying on the freeloader counties that don’t produce anything


Repugs also rely, see dark money electing Moscow Mitch and trying in GA, on BigFinance, which "makes" nothing except $Ts for itself, thanks to The Bankers' Fed's infinite largesse.

12-21-2020, 01:16 PM
The rubes want their farm and coal subsidies but they hate socialist government handouts.

12-21-2020, 01:18 PM
The rubes want their farm and coal subsidies but they hate socialist government handouts.

and they love the methanol fuel boondoggle for their corn

12-21-2020, 01:29 PM
The rubes want their farm and coal subsidies but they hate socialist government handouts.GIT YER SOCIALIST HANDS OFF MAH MEDICARE

12-21-2020, 01:56 PM
lmao at muh secession... gonna have to ask Mexico for handouts
Can’t imagine Texas and Florida want to support the entirety of red states :lol

12-21-2020, 02:22 PM
Retard crew avoiding this thread like a soros-manufactured Covid vaccine

12-21-2020, 02:29 PM
Retard crew avoiding this thread like a soros-manufactured Covid vaccineMAGA fellow travelers all bunker'd and sulking, totally avoiding threads here.

Will Hunting
12-21-2020, 03:43 PM
Retard crew avoiding this thread like a soros-manufactured Covid vaccine
They’re too high on copium to post about anything beyond :cry muh Hugo Chavez :cry conspiracy theories.