View Full Version : Microwave your bra to stay warm this winter

11-10-2005, 09:39 AM
Microwave your bra to stay warm this winter (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051109/lf_afp/afplifestylejapan;_ylt=ApOeOFlRHW4dXnuiI9p0lFCs0NU E;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-)

Wed Nov 9,10:18 AM ET

TOKYO (AFP) - For the woman who wants to stay both warm and environmentally conscious this winter -- and isn't bothered by extra bulk under her shirt -- a lingerie maker unveiled a thick bra that can be heated in a microwave.

Triumph International modeled the bra in Japan which has launched a "Warm Biz" campaign urging people to bundle up to save on heating.

The bra pads are filled with an eco-friendly, reusable gel that can be heated up in a microwave or with hot water. For good measure, a pendant of a hot pepper dangles from the front.

But the bra isn't for those favoring understated attire. A long strap flows down from the back, which is meant to be wrapped around like a boa to keep one's neck warm.

"We hope this will not only help prevent global warming but also provide a little fashion chic to the office," Triumph's Japan branch said in a statement.

But for the time being, the bra, which comes with matching shorts, won't be in stores, with the lingerie maker instead using the technology to develop other warm clothing.

Japan, the land of the Kyoto Protocol, is encouraging people to set their heating at no more than 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit) this winter to save energy.

It follows a "Cool Biz" casual-dress campaign promoted by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who eschewed his tie for most of the summer, to reduce air-conditioner use and therefore greenhouse gas emissions. The drive is estimated to have saved enough energy to supply 240,000 households for a month.

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Well it would definitely cut down on the instances of NHO...but I don't see how it would look decent having all that bulky material under your shirt.

Oh, Gee!!
11-10-2005, 09:47 AM
I like to put my sox and boxers in the dryer for 10 minutes on cold days.

11-10-2005, 10:00 AM
when i lived up north we always threw undies, socks, gloves, scarfs and hats in the dryer before putting them on.

also- I had a "bed buddy" that you warm up in the micro for 1 1/2 min.s.. i'd throw that in my jacket before I left the house too.... uhmmmm toasty.

The sone
11-10-2005, 10:42 AM
durring the summer i keep my chones in the crisper drawer...ahhhh iceberg huevos...