View Full Version : how progressive will america become?

01-15-2021, 06:51 PM
i'd say A LOT.

i think maga only gets more and more extreme which will hurt the GOP. maybe the two splinter.

this post is mostly about the democrats having control of both houses though. i think progressive, for america, policies will pass and will be largely popular.

i think americans will be much happier with a better working government.

01-15-2021, 06:58 PM
stimulus checks would be the first example.

i wouldn't be surprised if americans receive twice the amount of checks in almost half the time. or bigger checks at the very least.

01-15-2021, 06:58 PM
i'd say A LOT.

i think maga only gets more and more extreme which will hurt the GOP. maybe the two splinter.

this post is mostly about the democrats having control of both houses though. i think progressive, for america, policies will pass and will be largely popular.

i think americans will be much happier with a better working government.

Lmao a better working government of those who have been in office for decades and have done jack sh*t!

I hope MAGA splits the gop because the gop was never the intended party of USA loving citizens. The gop was merely the vehicle to introduce a new party.

01-15-2021, 07:03 PM
What a stupid thread :lmao

AOC is basically turning into a neocon before our eyes and shes called the most progressive politician ever :lmao

:lol usa :lol

01-15-2021, 07:04 PM
Lmao a better working government of those who have been in office for decades and have done jack sh*t!
democrats are motived unlike before.

Democrats will control both houses of Congress, as well as the White House, for the first time in a decade.
good things will actually get passed.

01-15-2021, 07:11 PM
not much.

there will be some gesturing at social issues like #blm and pro-lgbt comments, but on actual policy? particularly economic? not holding my breath

01-15-2021, 07:14 PM
good things will actually get passed.

Doubt it! They(she) just passed no gender pronouns in Congress. Is that productive? Lmao

01-15-2021, 07:21 PM
democrats are motived unlike before.

good things will actually get passed.
No and no.

Democrats are just like Republicans - power hungry snakes who will bow to corporations in order to maintain their status. They just offer a different set of fake values to “fight” for in their play for votes. Neither side actually gives a shit about actually making the world a better place for the common man.

baseline bum
01-15-2021, 07:22 PM
stimulus checks would be the first example.

i wouldn't be surprised if americans receive twice the amount of checks in almost half the time. or bigger checks at the very least.

The Republicans will shut down any future COVID bills unless they're almost all corporate welfare. Biden will get the extra $1400 checks out as part of a new COVID bill, but he'll probably have to pass it via reconciliation which he can only do once a year.

baseline bum
01-15-2021, 07:23 PM
No and no.

Democrats are just like Republicans - power hungry snakes who will bow to corporations in order to maintain their status. They just offer a different set of fake values to “fight” for in their play for votes. Neither side actually gives a shit about actually making the world a better place for the common man.

That too. Democrats are a lesser evil right now, but they're still an evil.

01-15-2021, 07:39 PM
a good start:

President-elect Joe Biden is elevating the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to a Cabinet-level position, a move that highlights the emphasis the incoming administration plans to put on science as it inherits a public health crisis.

01-15-2021, 08:48 PM
i'd say A LOT.

i think maga only gets more and more extreme which will hurt the GOP. maybe the two splinter.

this post is mostly about the democrats having control of both houses though. i think progressive, for america, policies will pass and will be largely popular.

i think americans will be much happier with a better working government.
From my experience, the black supremacy and LGT stuff is turning Asians and Hispanics towards the Republican party. If the party runs a brown candidate, the next election is in the bag

01-16-2021, 04:53 AM
I have a theory on this one. The US and UK are different from comparable developed countries (Western Europe, Canada etc) - they lean more conservative have an intrinsic distrust of common-sense progressive ideas. The reasons for this IMO:

- Both countries have been world powers with empires (US still has this) which has led to a sense of exceptionalism and nostalgia especially among the older, less educated, rural parts of both countries
- Both countries were the "good guys" and winners in WW2. They haven't faced national soul-searching like Germany or occupation like France
- Both countries have a "first past the post" electoral system which effectively leads to 2-party politics. So even if you don't like many conservative policies, you could still end up voting for them because you dislike some aspects of the opposing party even more

The UK was lucky that Clement Attlee defeated Churchill in a landslide after WW2. That led to the National Health Service being created (heavily objected to by conservatives at the time). Similarly the US was lucky to have FDR who gave the US the New Deal and Social Security despite Republican resistance.

The UK is still better off than the US in it's openness to progressive policy thanks to lower religiosity, some basic regulatory oversight of the media (Hannity, Limbaugh or Tucker wouldn't be able to operate in the UK although you still have the Daily Mail and the Murdoch papers) and less racism (the UK has some structural racism, but doesn't hold a candle to the rampant police brutality, voter disenfranchisement and mass incarceration seen in the US)

I wouldn't hold my breath on the US becoming more progressive as long as Boomers are a big voting bloc and Fox News, churches and AM radio serve up the dual narrative of America being unquestionably great and "Real Americans" somehow being persecuted victims at the same time.

TL/DR: America is fucked and unfuckable