View Full Version : Trump team orders installation of notorious pro-Trump saboteur into top NSA position

01-18-2021, 10:24 AM
it's known as "burrowing"

The Republican attempt to overthrow this nation's government is ongoing.

the Trump administration, and specifically acting defense secretary Christopher Miller, an apparent incompetent (https://www.dailykos.com/story/2021/1/10/2007919/-Trump-s-Secretary-of-Defense-is-either-incompetent-or-a-traitor-He-must-be-removed) who remains accused by Joe Biden and his team of withholding key national security information (https://www.dailykos.com/story/2020/12/18/2002768/-Pentagon-chief-halts-all-briefings-with-Biden-team-shocking-officials-across-Defense-Department) during the transition,

is suddenly ordering the

immediate installation of a hard-right ex-Devin Nunes aide and fervent Trump ally

Michael Ellis as National Security Agency general counsel (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/1/17/2009928/-Trump-team-orders-installation-of-notorious-pro-Trump-saboteur-into-top-NSA-position?detail=emaildkre).

It is a career civil service position, and one that Ellis is dubiously qualified for;

the move is transparently to

install a Trump loyalist into the very top ranks of the NSA's non-appointed leadership,

giving that loyalist top access to this nation's secrets and information about how they are acquired.

Ellis can continue his longstanding efforts to sabotage any national security investigation

that too closely implicates Donald Trump, Donald Trump's numerous allies, or others in the party's growing collection of seditionists and extortionists.

Ellis is no minor figure.

He was responsible for moving the phone records of Donald Trump's attempted extortion of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to a codeword-classified server, an attempt to hide evidence from government whistleblowers and to Congress, and

was among those officials who stonewalled congressional probes into those acts.

Ellis showed Nunes intelligence reports selectively leaked to build the lie that the Trump campaign was being improperly surveilled by intelligence officials—an attempt to delegitimize the counterintelligence investigations into Russian espionage efforts to install Trump into the presidency.

A position as the NSA’s general counsel puts him in superb position to continue that sabotage.

he has definitely been a key player in numerous of those criminal and possibly-criminal acts.

There is no non-malignant justification for the rapid "burrowing" of a top Republican enabler of crimes into a top career position in which

he will have broad authority to block investigations of national security threats that happen to touch on Republican officials.

The Republican coup against our democracy continues,

and shows no signs of slowing.
