View Full Version : Pop losing his mind again

03-02-2021, 10:40 PM
If he hates Texas gov so much move the fuck off and get off the spurs teams
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!

03-02-2021, 10:41 PM
Shut the fuck up.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-02-2021, 10:42 PM
If you hates Spurs coach so much move the fuck off and get off the spurs board
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-02-2021, 10:42 PM
(i lov you ducks)

03-02-2021, 10:42 PM
If he hates Texas gov so much move the fuck off and get off the spurs teams
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!

Says the guy who posts politics 24/7 on a sports messageboard :lol

03-02-2021, 10:46 PM
"Enough politics"

Lmao dude all you do bitch and whine in the political forum all day. Stfu

03-02-2021, 10:49 PM
(i lov you ducks)

03-02-2021, 10:50 PM
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!
yes! no more national anthem in sports please

03-02-2021, 10:51 PM
AZ blue, not red

03-02-2021, 11:02 PM
I haven't heard what Pop had to say about Greg Abbot, but I'm sure it's exactly dead on. Now that the electrical grid disaster he and his donors created has hopefully ended, Abbott himself is the greatest threat to Texans. Someone today called it 'an idiot death cult' ...which would be funny if not true.

John B
03-02-2021, 11:20 PM
Wasted my 5 minutes here that I will never get back :depressed

03-02-2021, 11:22 PM
Shut the fuck up.

Tell that to pop

03-02-2021, 11:23 PM
Pop is not even spot on in basketball ball now
Most want him gone
He lost his magic years ago

03-02-2021, 11:25 PM
94 percent effect

Pop is a fool

03-02-2021, 11:28 PM
If he hates Texas gov so much move the fuck off and get off the spurs teams
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!

Go find another forum you hypocritical prick. Everyone here is sick of reading your constant bitching and moaning. Fucking loser.

03-02-2021, 11:34 PM
Yeah fuck Pop when he’s not coaching. Did he even listen to Abbots reasoning?

On another subject... Biden and the dems are but fucking America and y’all don’t care. America includes YOU FOOL!

03-02-2021, 11:35 PM
Republicans have outed themselves as fucking morons

Mr. Body
03-02-2021, 11:43 PM
ducks is in love with a broke failed 'businessman' who is a traitor to his country and tried to overthrow a legal election.

03-02-2021, 11:44 PM
many Americans are sick of the shutdowns that have damaged their livelihoods and are eager to socialize again.

03-02-2021, 11:46 PM
In Michigan, a group called All Business Is Essential has resisted Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s virus policies, and many people are ignoring mask requirements and other measures, said group leader Erik Kiilunen.

03-02-2021, 11:46 PM
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said he is getting rid of most mask mandates and lifting most other restrictions, including limits on seating in restaurants, starting Wednesday.

03-02-2021, 11:46 PM
So sad the political fighting

03-02-2021, 11:47 PM
Michael Junge argued against a mask mandate when officials in the Missouri tourist town of Branson passed one and said he hasn’t enforced it in his Lost Boys Barber Company. He said he is sick of it.

“I think the whole thing is a joke honestly,” he said. “They originally said that this was going to go for a month and they have pushed it out to indefinitely. ... It should have been done a long time ago.”

03-02-2021, 11:47 PM
many Americans are sick of the shutdowns that have damaged their livelihoods and are eager to socialize again.

You should start drinking bleach.

03-02-2021, 11:48 PM
Florida Gov. Rick DeSantis made it clear during his annual State of the State address Tuesday that he welcomes more visitors to Florida in his drive to keep the state’s economy thriving.

03-02-2021, 11:48 PM
You should starting drink bleach.

Nope just vitiamin d

I smart

03-02-2021, 11:50 PM
In Louisiana, most businesses and restaurants will be allowed to increase capacity to 75% and there will be no restrictions on religious services as of Wednesday, Gov. John Bel Edwards said.

03-02-2021, 11:50 PM
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said many businesses can increase capacity to 60% -- including barbershops and hair salons, bars and restaurants, bowling alleys, fitness centers, movie theaters and government offices.
Pennsylvania state officials announced they had revised maximum-occupancy limits for indoor and outdoor events and eliminated out-of-state travel restrictions. And in Chicago, officials said they will allow restaurants to operate indoors at the lesser of 50% capacity or 50 people, raising the previous limit of 40%.

03-02-2021, 11:51 PM
Mississippi announces businesses free to reopen without state-imposed coronavirus rules

The Great Fantastic
03-02-2021, 11:56 PM
Ducks, once the restrictions are lifted you are going to remember that no one wants to spend time with you because of your personality, not the pandemic.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-03-2021, 12:03 AM

ducks is real unlike some

03-03-2021, 12:09 AM
It wasn't so long ago that our taste-making class had decided that Andrew Cuomo of New York was the single greatest governor in American history. Reporters who covered him didn't so much ask Cuomo questions as swoon, blushing in his presence. The people who pass out Emmys gave him an award just for holding press conferences. Over on CNN, Jeff Zucker handed the governor a recurring spot on his little brother's TV show. For a moment, Andrew Cuomo was the man, a steely mixture of Abraham Lincoln and Paulie Walnuts who was just what America needed in a crisis.

These days, no one seems to like Andrew Cuomo anymore. He's been "#MeToo-ed" for saying naughty things to women. Even Andrew Cuomo's former friends, are treating him like Harvey Weinstein. At this point, it's hard to imagine that Andrew Cuomo will be governor of New York for much longer.

03-03-2021, 12:11 AM
Ducks, once the restrictions are lifted you are going to remember that no one wants to spend time with you because of your personality, not the pandemic.

Nope they love me
They know I know computers

03-03-2021, 12:14 AM
ducks is as posters suck

Find something else to worry about, tbh

Mr. Body
03-03-2021, 12:17 AM
ducks is as posters suck

Find something else to worry about, tbh

I have him on ignore, don't even know what he's saying, which makes it even more hilarious.

baseline bum
03-03-2021, 12:50 AM
Yeah fuck Pop when he’s not coaching. Did he even listen to Abbots reasoning?

On another subject... Biden and the dems are but fucking America and y’all don’t care. America includes YOU FOOL!

What exactly is Gov Halfdead's reasoning for getting rid of masks?

03-03-2021, 12:56 AM
AZ blue, not red

Faux News calling it first too :lol

Obi Juan Kenobi
03-03-2021, 01:41 AM
many Americans are sick of the shutdowns that have damaged their livelihoods and are eager to socialize again.

Covid ended my relationship because we were long distance and yeah it absolutely sucks, but I wasn't going to risk my life nor the lives of my family when people younger than me have died from this virus. I do not regret my decision to not risk my life for the sake of a relationship.

BTW I just got my second vaccine dose today and I am thankful that I've been safe so far even if Covid did end my relationship. The way I see it is if she was not willing to try to work through this tough situation for the both of us, then she's not worth my time and affection.

03-03-2021, 03:23 PM
108 Illegal Immigrants With Coronavirus Released in Texas

What is pops mind on this
Oh wait biden said to do that

03-03-2021, 03:24 PM
108 Illegal Immigrants With Coronavirus Released in Texas

What is pops mind on this
Oh wait biden said to do that

You're a retard

03-03-2021, 05:10 PM
Nope they love me
They know I know computers

No one here wants to read your political bullshit. Forcing your shit down everyone’s throats is the exact fucking thing you accuse liberals of doing.

You know full well that this isn’t the forum for political debates but you do it anyway. You know who else disrespects people like that. Liberals.

You’re a fucking hypocrite who complains about liberal stupidity while actively doing something you know is out of line and that everyone here has asked you to stop doing.

You’re the problem. Go find another forum to harass.

R. DeMurre
03-03-2021, 10:16 PM
:lol Angry that a basketball coach mentions politics at all... than obsessively mentions politics 20 times on a basketball website.

03-03-2021, 10:41 PM
Pop’s not losing his mind, the people losing their minds are those putting their faith in politicians over medical professionals in how to end the pandemic.

offset formation
03-03-2021, 11:03 PM
Pop is not even spot on in basketball ball now
Most want him gone
He lost his magic years ago


offset formation
03-03-2021, 11:05 PM
ducks is real unlike some

QMAGAt says wut

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-03-2021, 11:06 PM
QMAGAt says wut

spurstalk n00b says wut

offset formation
03-03-2021, 11:11 PM
spurstalk n00b says wut

The one that predicted Luka had turned the corner about 9 pages back? That noob?

You know shit. Your very medulla oblangata rejects its skull and wants out. Question your existence.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-03-2021, 11:13 PM
The one that predicted Luka had turned the corner about 9 pages back? That noob?

You know shit. Your very medulla oblangata rejects its skull and wants out. Question your existence.

you can post to me when you have 10 years under your belt

Ed Helicopter Jones
03-10-2021, 08:19 AM
Why mask wearing in public is such an issue with so many fools is beyond me. If you can help keep other people safe and protect yourself in the process, why not just shut up and do it? Even if you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself, it’s a pretty easy request. It’s not like someone is asking you to chop off a finger.

Our country is full of idiots. Thanks for pointing that out, Ducks.

03-10-2021, 08:56 AM
Why mask wearing in public is such an issue with so many fools is beyond me. If you can help keep other people safe and protect yourself in the process, why not just shut up and do it? Even if you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself, it’s a pretty easy request. It’s not like someone is asking you to chop off a finger.

Our country is full of idiots. Thanks for pointing that out, Ducks.

Because daddy trump mocked masks...so his cultists follow suit

03-10-2021, 10:44 AM
you can post to me when you have 10 years under your belt

One of the absolute worst posters, TDMVPDPOY, has been here forever, and doesn’t know shit. Longevity doesn’t bring wisdom. It just means you keep logging in.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
03-10-2021, 11:28 AM
One of the absolute worst posters, TDMVPDPOY, has been here forever, and doesn’t know shit. Longevity doesn’t bring wisdom. It just means you keep logging in.

sage advice oh Black Named one :toast

03-10-2021, 01:10 PM
I don't really care if Pop speaks his mind or not. Same with Lebron or whoever. But if I were one of the young guys in the NBA, I would care. The NBA numbers are taking a beating and it is quickly dropping in popularity. That's one of the reasons Silver deemphasized BLM this season after going all-in last season. Guys like LeBron or Pop or Kyrie, who have made millions in the NBA don't need to care if the league folds tomorrow. They are set for the rest of their lives. But the young guys want a league that is getting stronger, not weaker, so it will be interesting if the NBA will keep encouraging speaking out politically, whatever side of the political spectrum that may fall, since it alienates a sector of the population. It's not that people don't have a right to speak, but sports, from ESPN to the NBA have taken a beating once political messages overshadowed the game.

03-10-2021, 01:40 PM
These posts are ironic coming from a group who spent the last four years calling democrats a bunch of snowflakes.

:cry "This piece of cloth is infringing upon my rights" :cry

03-10-2021, 01:44 PM
If you can't handle a thin piece of cloth over your mouth and nose that means you're weaker than a furry.

03-10-2021, 01:44 PM
I don't really care if Pop speaks his mind or not. Same with Lebron or whoever. But if I were one of the young guys in the NBA, I would care. The NBA numbers are taking a beating and it is quickly dropping in popularity. That's one of the reasons Silver deemphasized BLM this season after going all-in last season. Guys like LeBron or Pop or Kyrie, who have made millions in the NBA don't need to care if the league folds tomorrow. They are set for the rest of their lives. But the young guys want a league that is getting stronger, not weaker, so it will be interesting if the NBA will keep encouraging speaking out politically, whatever side of the political spectrum that may fall, since it alienates a sector of the population. It's not that people don't have a right to speak, but sports, from ESPN to the NBA have taken a beating once political messages overshadowed the game.

You ever heard of Bill Russell?

Muhammad Ali?

Jackie Robinson?

John Carlos and Tommie Smith?

Billie Jean King?

These are all athletes who used their platform to make political statements and the world is better for it.

I'd rather live in a world with more of those examples even if it means NBA ratings drops by a few percent and a bunch of billionaires make a little less money. The NBA will find a way to survive because they are going to keep milking their cash cows regardless.

03-10-2021, 01:47 PM
If he hates Texas gov so much move the fuck off and get off the spurs teams
Enough politics move on
Go on cnn newsmax foxnews oann
People watch sports to get rid of their cares!

I can't blame him for hating Texas. I would hate living in a state that is on the same level as a third world country.

03-10-2021, 03:06 PM
You ever heard of Bill Russell?

Muhammad Ali?

Jackie Robinson?

John Carlos and Tommie Smith?

Billie Jean King?

These are all athletes who used their platform to make political statements and the world is better for it.

I'd rather live in a world with more of those examples even if it means NBA ratings drops by a few percent and a bunch of billionaires make a little less money. The NBA will find a way to survive because they are going to keep milking their cash cows regardless.

You are forgetting that we live in an age where there is more competition for entertainment. Note all your examples extend back to the distant past. The world is a different place today. Again, I don't have a problem with anyone exercising their right to free speech and certainly anyone with a widespread influence can impact public opinion in a format besides a sports game. But in today's world, people can play video games, watch movies, go outside for a walk, whatever. They are turning off basketball at a rate that is serious enough that Silver is cutting back on the NBA making political or social statements. And you miss my point when you think the only one harmed in the ratings drop (which is not just a few percent points), because the billionaires will be rich for the rest of their lives. They can't even spend a billion dollars in their lifetime. The ones that get hurt are the young players and the middle of the road talent in the NBA because ratings impact revenue and revenue impacts salary cap and salary cap impacts how much money they get paid. If you are Lebron, no problem. But if you are in the middle or lower class of the NBA or a rookie, you are the one that will feel the pinch.

03-10-2021, 06:13 PM
Shut the fuck up.
This is the only real comment that needed to posted.

03-10-2021, 06:24 PM
Nba ratings drop has nothing to do with BLM or whatever. What about record low viewership for the Stanley cup in the least woke sports league in America? Lot of snowflake Republicans like to jerk off to lower ratings because of theoretical boycotts (lol whining about cancel culture) when in reality viewership is down across all sports.

Really are two easy explanations. One, people are moving away from cable TV in general. And two, the pandemic has put a financial strain on a lot of people and I'd imagine a lot of people cut cable in the last year to save money

03-10-2021, 06:31 PM
Biden president, not Trump

I'm sorry this is happening to you

03-10-2021, 07:20 PM
Mask do not work for covid
Work for other diseases
I wear them only when necessary
It is my right or should be
If moms can kill babies why can males go around without mask
Hell some say wear mask even after their covid shot
How stupid

03-10-2021, 07:21 PM
I can't blame him for hating Texas. I would hate living in a state that is on the same level as a third world country.

Build the wall would help make Texas not be 3 world country

03-10-2021, 07:58 PM
Mexican officials are concerned the shift in border policies under President Joe Biden is fueling illegal immigration into the United States and creating opportunities for organized crime, Reuters reported, citing internal Mexican government assessments.

The documents seen by Reuters are based on testimony and Mexican intelligence and note gangs are modifying and expanding their methods of smuggling and gaining customers as the U.S. actions “incentivize migration.”

“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said a day after a virtual meeting with Biden on March 1. “We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next.”

Among the policies most concerning to Mexican officials were the increased support for victims of gangs and violence, the reduction of the legalization process, and suspension of Trump-era accords that deported people to Central America.

One assessment also blamed recent Mexican policies such as offering COVID-19 vaccines as well as offering more services to illegal children migrants for encouraging the migration.

One Mexican official, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity, said organized crime amended their operations “from the day Biden took office” and now were displaying “unprecedented” sophistication.

Among the change in tactics were briefing migrants on the latest U.S. immigration policies and rules, using technological means to evade law enforcement and camouflaging their smuggling operations as travel agencies, Reuters said the documents reported.

Additionally, migrants often travel in small groups instead of large caravans and increasingly use less traversed routes, the Mexican official said. Smugglers use Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and YouTube to update the migrants on checkpoints, when freight trains are scheduled to pass so they can jump on, where to stay and how to adjust to immigration laws.

“Migrants have become a commodity,” the official told Reuters, suggesting they were on the same level of value as narcotics. “But if a packet of drugs is lost in the sea, it’s gone. If migrants are lost, it’s human beings we’re talking about.”

Detentions at the U.S.-Mexico border in February were the highest in 15 years for the month and reached levels not seen in any month since 2019.

Officials in Mexico’s security and foreign ministries did not reply to requests for reaction from Reuters, nor did the White House and the Department of Homeland Security.

Cesar Peniche, the lead prosecutor in the state of Chihuahua – a province with the longest stretch of U.S. border, said the higher numbers of migrants have resulted in gangs enticing them as drug couriers and kidnapping others.

He stressed both the United States and Mexico must adopt policies that are clear and do not encourage illegal immigration.

Joseph Kony
03-10-2021, 08:00 PM
Mask do not work for covid
Work for other diseases
I wear them only when necessary
It is my right or should be
If moms can kill babies why can males go around without mask
Hell some say wear mask even after their covid shot
How stupid

shut the fuck up retard

03-10-2021, 08:11 PM
The amount of pussy boy republican crying is pure catharsis.

offset formation
03-10-2021, 11:02 PM
Pop's lineups were utter shit tonight. Absolutely abominable to not play Luka against this lineup. Time for Pop to mosey on along now. Give me Udoka or Hardy.