View Full Version : Obamq said Mayor Pete cannot be president because hes short and gay

03-05-2021, 06:10 PM

Hope and hype



03-05-2021, 06:14 PM
Uh oh.

Obama is saying there are prejudices against some types for president.
If Pete says he is atheist or agnostic or Buddhist or... he's done.

03-05-2021, 06:17 PM
:lmao obama making fun of fruity shorty :lol

What an ass

03-05-2021, 06:21 PM
I actually disagree w chauvinist Obomba tbqh

Pete had a great chance to win last time. I know lots of women and men who loved him.

He just stepped away as soon as Obomba called him. I remember before Georgia primaries I think

He was gonnaget lots of state votes. But somehow they all stepped away to let Joe Dirt get the vote..what a shitshow

Pete was a strong candidate.

03-05-2021, 06:22 PM
If Pete says he is atheist

That's a closet every Dem is scared to come out of

03-05-2021, 06:27 PM

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 06:31 PM
He's not wrong. It is what it is. America would rather elect someone who's been married 3 times and lies about going to church than elect a gay.

03-05-2021, 06:37 PM
ducks never saw an ankle he wouldn't nip at. trivial idiot

03-05-2021, 06:42 PM
He's not wrong. It is what it is. America would rather elect someone who's been married 3 times and lies about going to church than elect a gay.


Pete was a strong candidate

Stronger than Weekend at Bernies :lol

03-05-2021, 06:44 PM
America barely eked out a win with the most bland candidate on the ballot, that outcome alone proves him right. No way he gets the black vote needed to win Georgia or Michigan. He may have gotten the native americans in Arizona though since Trump killed a shit load of them.

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 06:44 PM

Pete was a strong candidate

Stronger than Weekend at Bernies :lol

We already tested that theory in what we call The Primary.

03-05-2021, 06:45 PM
We already tested that theory in what we call The Primary.

He was doing great. He just stepped away after an Obomba phone call

What a fag :lol

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 06:46 PM
He was doing great. He just stepped away after an Obomba phone call

What a fag :lol

Sounds like something a strong candidate would do!

03-05-2021, 06:47 PM
:lmao obama making fun of fruity shorty :lol

What an assYou just made fun of him.

Do you consider yourself and ass for doing that?

03-05-2021, 06:49 PM
You just made fun of him.

Do you consider yourself and ass for doing that?

Yup I do :lol

03-05-2021, 06:49 PM
Pete was the frontrunner and the DNC immediately ran a nonstop smear campaign against him (probably at the behest of Obama) until Pete got buried and was forced to bend the knee.

Pete is “unelectable” because the establishment didn’t want him skipping the line. In 25 years there will probably be an exciting fresh faced Gen Z candidate who the DNC will shit on, just to forcefeed an over-the-hill Pete on America to get his ass kicked by Madison Cawthorn.


Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 06:52 PM
We can't even elect a woman president, we're certainly not ready for a gay candidate. Especially not when the risk is four more years of Donald Trump. I hope Pete is a viable candidate someday soon, but whether the DNC railroaded him or not, I'm not going to second-guess their choice while the worst president of my lifetime sits at home crying about his lost Twitter account instead of running the country for a second term.

03-05-2021, 06:53 PM
Pete was the frontrunner and the DNC immediately ran a nonstop smear campaign against him (probably at the behest of Obama) until Pete got buried and was forced to bend the knee.

Pete is “unelectable” because the establishment didn’t want him skipping the line. In 25 years there will probably be an exciting fresh faced Gen Z candidate who the DNC will shit on, just to forcefeed an over-the-hill Pete on America to get his ass kicked by Madison Cawthorn.Meh, he was hoping his momentum would carry from Iowa but all he proved is that Iowa isn't a bellwether anymore and caucuses are retarded.

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 06:54 PM
Democrats needed every single black vote they got. Running a homosexual would have been suicide. The stakes were too high in this one. Maybe next time.

03-05-2021, 06:57 PM
We already tested that theory in what we call The Primary.

Is that what you call it?

Oh shit they're not going to pick who we want. Everybody dropout on the same day!

03-05-2021, 06:58 PM
Is that what you call it?

Oh shit they're not going to pick who we want. Everybody dropout on the same day!

Happened in 2016 democratic primaries

Same thing woulda happened to 2016 Trump but he just became an immovable force. Unstoppable

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 07:03 PM
Is that what you call it?

Oh shit they're not going to pick who we want. Everybody dropout on the same day!

It is what it is. Clyburn didn't annoint Pete, probably safe to assume black voters wouldn't go for him nationwide either. The DNC consolidated against Sanders and Pete was the less viable option to consolidate in favor of. Given the result, it was a good choice.

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 07:04 PM
Happened in 2016 democratic primaries

Same thing woulda happened to 2016 Trump but he just became an immovable force. Unstoppable

Republicans could have easily consolidated against Trump in 2016. They just waited too long. The last three candidates ended up being Trump, Ted Cruz aka the most unlikable punchable person in Washington, and John Kasich aka the most liberal Republican presidential candidate in the race.

Also Republicans hate America, so they didn't mind putting a sociopathic, narcissistic Russian pawn into the White House as long as it meant they got their pro-life judges.

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 07:14 PM
I don't know why y'all think it's preferable for a candidate to be chosen by a small plurality of voters against 5-10 other candidates but give me a consolidated primary every time.

03-05-2021, 07:28 PM
And by gay, Obama means openly gay. Cos the gay thing didn't stop him.

03-05-2021, 07:29 PM
And by gay, Obama means openly gay. Cos the gay thing didn't stop him.

:lmao moar conspiracies

03-05-2021, 07:31 PM
Pete was the frontrunner and the DNC immediately ran a nonstop smear campaign against him (probably at the behest of Obama) until Pete got buried and was forced to bend the knee.

Pete is “unelectable” because the establishment didn’t want him skipping the line. In 25 years there will probably be an exciting fresh faced Gen Z candidate who the DNC will shit on, just to forcefeed an over-the-hill Pete on America to get his ass kicked by Madison Cawthorn.

Just cos Biden won SC doesn't mean he was forced to bend the knee. He almost certainly made a deal to drop out.
What kind of twat makes a deal for Secretary Of Transportation? VP or Secretary of State was presumably his opening bid.

03-05-2021, 07:52 PM
Just cos Biden won SC doesn't mean he was forced to bend the knee. He almost certainly made a deal to drop out.
What kind of twat makes a deal for Secretary Of Transportation? VP or Secretary of State was presumably his opening bid.

Yeah also that butch woman. Forgot her name. Looks like a she knight from game of thrones :lol

She dropped out on a whim as well. Klobuchrat that the name :lmao

What a farce

03-05-2021, 08:00 PM
Yeah also that butch woman. Forgot her name. Looks like a she knight from game of thrones :lol

She dropped out on a whim as well. Klobuchrat that the name :lmao

What a farce

Pete was a contender. Elena wasn't.
I don't understand the play. You think Sec of Transportation that good?

03-05-2021, 08:04 PM
Pete was a contender. Elena wasn't.
I don't understand the play. You think Sec of Transportation that good?

Maybe if he transport truckloads of cocks :lol

03-05-2021, 08:08 PM
Maybe if he transport truckloads of cocks :lol

I don't think it's a matter of flying under the radar; cos media are shills.
There could be something to some sort of control of delinquent activity.

03-05-2021, 08:10 PM
The last three candidates ended up being Trump, Ted Cruz aka the most unlikable punchable person in Washington, and John Kasich aka the most liberal Republican presidential candidate in the race.

Most libs on here would've crossed over for him.

I would've crossed over for Elena.

03-05-2021, 08:30 PM
Most libs on here would've crossed over for him.

I would've crossed over for Elena.

The closet homos here wouldn't have to cross over.

But :lol that you'd cross over for Elena. :lol :lmao :rollin

03-05-2021, 08:38 PM
The closet homos here wouldn't have to cross over.

But :lol that you'd cross over for Elena. :lol :lmao :rollin


I don't wanna say that four letter word

03-05-2021, 08:42 PM
Maybe if he transport truckloads of cocks :lol

derp and derp jr communicating openly.

03-05-2021, 09:35 PM
It's the truth Pete would have gotten his ass whooped in swing states such as GA,AZ, and the Midwest. Don't care that he didn't get the nomination since he's basically a gay Neo-Liberal version of Obama.

03-05-2021, 09:41 PM
It's the truth Pete would have gotten his ass whooped in swing states such as GA,AZ, and the Midwest. Don't care that he didn't get the nomination since he's basically a gay Neo-Liberal version of Obama.

Dont disagree

Bht remember Biden is the straight octogenarian version of neocon warmonger Shillary Klinton

Adam Lambert
03-05-2021, 09:47 PM
Most libs on here would've crossed over for him.

I would've crossed over for Elena.

Lots of libs would have crossed over for Kasich against Clinton. But y'all went with Trump anyway.

You'd probably have Kasich for another term and control all three branches another four years, but you got to annoy smart people for four years so maybe that was worth it?

03-05-2021, 09:51 PM
Dont disagree

Bht remember Biden is the straight octogenarian version of neocon warmonger Shillary Klinton

I didn't want Biden either. It came down to anybody but Trump TBH. If the republicans ran a boring generic candidate then I wouldn't have even bothered to vote. I live in a swing state so I hope Trump doesn't run in '24 then I will be forced to vote again.

03-05-2021, 09:56 PM
That's a closet every Dem is scared to come out of

And one Republicans conveniently lie about.
so there is a difference?
Biden is undoubtedly Christian and Catholic and you believe Trump and his handy Bible are the real thing...

03-05-2021, 09:58 PM
Uh oh.

Obama is saying there are prejudices against some types for president?

Line drive over hater's head.

03-05-2021, 10:05 PM
Lots of libs would have crossed over for Kasich against Clinton. But y'all went with Trump anyway.

You'd probably have Kasich for another term and control all three branches another four years, but you got to annoy smart people for four years so maybe that was worth it?

It's not crossing over if you're still essentially voting for a Democrat, Sadbert.

03-05-2021, 11:45 PM
That's a closet every Dem is scared to come out of

The elephant in the room, science indeed.

03-05-2021, 11:46 PM
Line drive over hater's head.

Supporting your own comment is borderline retarded.

03-05-2021, 11:46 PM
I didn't want Biden either. It came down to anybody but Trump TBH. If the republicans ran a boring generic candidate then I wouldn't have even bothered to vote. I live in a swing state so I hope Trump doesn't run in '24 then I will be forced to vote again.

aka establishment

03-05-2021, 11:47 PM
Lots of libs would have crossed over for Kasich against Clinton. But y'all went with Trump anyway.

You'd probably have Kasich for another term and control all three branches another four years, but you got to annoy smart people for four years so maybe that was worth it?

:lol fronting Hillary and you call yourself smart? Jesus.

03-06-2021, 12:44 AM
Dont disagree

Bht remember Biden is the straight octogenarian version of neocon warmonger Shillary Klinton

Biden was a terrible selection for the deep state.

Now everyone knows the president is a puppet.

Nobody believes this guy is actually calling the shots.

03-06-2021, 01:33 AM
Biden was a terrible selection for the deep state.

Now everyone knows the president is a puppet.

Nobody believes this guy is actually calling the shots.Who is calling the shots, derp?

Adam Lambert
03-06-2021, 02:23 PM
:lol fronting Hillary and you call yourself smart? Jesus.

False equivalence. I wasn't happy they forced Clinton on us as the candidate, but she wasn't put there to appeal to stupid people on a cult of personality either. Anyway I'll take your admission that Donald Trump didn't annoy you as an indication of your intellect. Or maybe you just don't care about your country.

An equivalent candidate on the left would have been someone like Dwayne Johnson. You guys wanted a celebrity president who annoyed intellectuals so you could yell "lol triggered" while truth lost all meaning and the world burned.

03-06-2021, 02:55 PM
I didn't want Biden either. It came down to anybody but Trump TBH. If the republicans ran a boring generic candidate then I wouldn't have even bothered to vote. I live in a swing state so I hope Trump doesn't run in '24 then I will be forced to vote again.

Agreed. Same here. I was forced to vote Biden :(