View Full Version : Read This Points While We Are All Depressed...

03-26-2021, 02:40 PM
- Pop is the problem.

- This is why Tim Duncan no longer wants to be an assistant coach.

- Pop is the problem.

- Poeltl is decent but he has too much work to handle.

- Pop is the problem.

- Demar should be our 4. Vassell or Luka the starting 3.

- Pop is the problem.

- White, Murray and Demar can play together. Add Luka. Make KJ the 6th Man.

- Pop is the problem.

- Missing Lonnie's shooting. Maybe he is more vital than we realized

- Pop is the problem.

james evans
03-26-2021, 11:16 PM
the key to all this is Pop being the problem. And we're gonna suck for the next 3 or 4 years or for however long he holds us hostage. I expect Defrozen to get Maxed out this summer and after 3 years get bought out..

03-26-2021, 11:23 PM
I'm actually curious about Tim Duncan not being an assistant coach. Why do you guys think that he decided not to come back? Do you think it was just a one shot deal and he had to be roped into it, or do you think there was a bunch of stuff he disagreed with and that is why he didn't want to come back.

The only regret I have from not watching last season is not seeing TD being on the court/sidelines as an assistant coach. It's hard for me to watch the Spurs without TD.

03-26-2021, 11:53 PM
I'm actually curious about Tim Duncan not being an assistant coach. Why do you guys think that he decided not to come back? Do you think it was just a one shot deal and he had to be roped into it, or do you think there was a bunch of stuff he disagreed with and that is why he didn't want to come back.

The only regret I have from not watching last season is not seeing TD being on the court/sidelines as an assistant coach. It's hard for me to watch the Spurs without TD.

Perhaps it's a covid thing. You don't know if his kids have any respiratory conditions. He didn't go in the bubble. It's not like he needs money.

03-26-2021, 11:58 PM
I'm actually curious about Tim Duncan not being an assistant coach. Why do you guys think that he decided not to come back? Do you think it was just a one shot deal and he had to be roped into it, or do you think there was a bunch of stuff he disagreed with and that is why he didn't want to come back.

The only regret I have from not watching last season is not seeing TD being on the court/sidelines as an assistant coach. It's hard for me to watch the Spurs without TD.
manu was asked to be assistant coach and he passed. td then joined the staff. the impression i got was that td volunteered but i may be mistaken.

i really think td had high aspirations but knew the spurs would remain a stick in the mud. he has to be satisfied with his judgement.

also, td stopped for the same reason manu didn't want the job. manu had previously said it'd be hard to coach be he'd just want to be on the floor--he's that type of personality. i think td was so used to winning and was on a bad team without the impact he had when he was a player.

03-27-2021, 12:23 AM
- Pop is the problem.

- This is why Tim Duncan no longer wants to be an assistant coach.

- Pop is the problem.

- Poeltl is decent but he has too much work to handle.

- Pop is the problem.

- Demar should be our 4. Vassell or Luka the starting 3.

- Pop is the problem.

- White, Murray and Demar can play together. Add Luka. Make KJ the 6th Man.

- Pop is the problem.

- Missing Lonnie's shooting. Maybe he is more vital than we realized

- Pop is the problem.

Demar should never be a PF. The fact is the Spurs have no PF now so they have to play this crappy version of small ball.

03-27-2021, 02:28 AM
Perhaps it's a covid thing. You don't know if his kids have any respiratory conditions. He didn't go in the bubble. It's not like he needs money.

Yeah, I guess that is possible. I just figured he didn't want to be away from home for so long and that is why he didn't join the team in the bubble.

manu was asked to be assistant coach and he passed. td then joined the staff. the impression i got was that td volunteered but i may be mistaken.

i really think td had high aspirations but knew the spurs would remain a stick in the mud. he has to be satisfied with his judgement.

also, td stopped for the same reason manu didn't want the job. manu had previously said it'd be hard to coach be he'd just want to be on the floor--he's that type of personality. i think td was so used to winning and was on a bad team without the impact he had when he was a player.

I didn't realize Manu was asked first?

So you think TD had his aspirations going into it, but didn't want to continue on due to the team looking like it's not going to me any better than a middling team? I guess he could see that they were likely to be going a certain direction and it may not have been fun for someone as competitive as he is. And yeah, you're probably right about the playing thing. He probably wanted to get out on the court, but found it too constraining having to sit on the bench and not being able to do anything to change the result of the game. I am assuming that might be the main reason both he and Manu probably aren't interested. I hope they change their mind, though, as I believe both can make a big difference.

03-27-2021, 02:42 AM
Demar the pf? Man he is having a hard time playing defense

03-27-2021, 06:34 AM
I'm actually curious about Tim Duncan not being an assistant coach. Why do you guys think that he decided not to come back? Do you think it was just a one shot deal and he had to be roped into it, or do you think there was a bunch of stuff he disagreed with and that is why he didn't want to come back.

The only regret I have from not watching last season is not seeing TD being on the court/sidelines as an assistant coach. It's hard for me to watch the Spurs without TD.


"Didn't grab me"

"Not the same adrenaline rush as when I was a player"

03-27-2021, 07:59 AM
Pop's rotations are part of the problem, but not the glaring, elephant in the room, problem. That would be a lack of elite talent. Simple as that. We have a good crop of young, good talent that could develop further, but as it stands, we lack elite talent in the frontcourt and elite backcourt shooters. Simple as that to me. The last few games have indeed been frustrating, and I don't have all the answers, but our spacing is shit. I'm not a basketball genius, but it looks pretty obvious to me that we lack elite shooters and frontcourt play. Teams are sagging in the paint and daring us to beat them with the outside shot. We have guys that are great at driving and kicking, but when they kick it, they are basically passing it to average shooters, or below average. We need more talent and development than we need new coaching, albeit there are also reasons to be frustrated with Pop. I just have a suspicion that if we brought in a new coach, things would be much much worse. At least we have continuity in the absence of elite talent. That's worth something.

03-27-2021, 08:24 AM
There are a lot of pop haters on this board (I'm not all that impressed with him. He's hit his peak is now trending downward) but I think it also has to do with the assistant coaches also. Quite a bit of talent has left in the past few years some even becoming quite successful. Maybe they left to spread their wings or maybe because of pop, I don't know but compare what has left to what we have now and it becomes apparent that coaching wise, the spurs just aren't as talented as they used to be.

03-27-2021, 07:14 PM
I didn't realize Manu was asked first?
yeah, the spurs sought manu out. idk if td was next on the list or if td caught wind of that and decided to try it himself.

03-27-2021, 07:21 PM
There are a lot of pop haters on this board (I'm not all that impressed with him. He's hit his peak is now trending downward) but I think it also has to do with the assistant coaches also. Quite a bit of talent has left in the past few years some even becoming quite successful. Maybe they left to spread their wings or maybe because of pop, I don't know but compare what has left to what we have now and it becomes apparent that coaching wise, the spurs just aren't as talented as they used to be.

Pop has said for at least a decade that he wants his guys to move on and move up. He happy when they get other jobs, and always gives good references.

03-27-2021, 07:24 PM

"Didn't grab me"

"Not the same adrenaline rush as when I was a player"

Thanks. That's a fair enough statement from TD. If it's too boring for him, no point in doing it. I guess it's different if you've never been anywhere near the level of player TD was or been in the biggest games like TD was, so yeah, I can understand that.

If I was coaching, I'd probably find it worthwhile and also probably get an adrenaline rush out of it, but someone who is as great as TD was, I can see it not being that great/fun/exciting for him. He's got plenty of other things he can do, so I guess there is no need for him to keep doing it if it doesn't excite him in the least bit. I guess I am a bit selfish in that I wanted to see him out there still. I believe he is one of the greatest leaders of all time and his presence alone makes a big difference.

03-27-2021, 10:11 PM

Pop here for 10 more years.


03-27-2021, 11:14 PM
I'm actually curious about Tim Duncan not being an assistant coach. Why do you guys think that he decided not to come back? Do you think it was just a one shot deal and he had to be roped into it, or do you think there was a bunch of stuff he disagreed with and that is why he didn't want to come back.

The only regret I have from not watching last season is not seeing TD being on the court/sidelines as an assistant coach. It's hard for me to watch the Spurs without TD.

he talked about this subject on the raja Bell podcast. He said he tried it out and just didn’t get that much pleasure out of it for the work he put into it. He didn’t think it scratch the itch that he missed now that he isn’t playing

03-27-2021, 11:22 PM
TD could be a great player coach, like England is a great shooting coach. I never saw TD as a head coach type of player. Even in the heat of the battle, he rarely showed emotions. He was one of those constant talking to the refs type of player.

03-28-2021, 06:58 PM
Spurs are a mediocre team. It is what it is.