View Full Version : Fuck Gatita.

11-11-2005, 11:18 PM
You stupid cross-eyed bitch. The next time you want to fucking talk shit about me, at least have the guts to say it to my face.

11-11-2005, 11:19 PM

Bitch got told! It seems Gatita can't sleep at night in her wonderful relationship so she has to talk shit to other people.

11-11-2005, 11:19 PM
:tu hahaha!!

11-11-2005, 11:22 PM
Most of this board has no idea why you are wanting to e-fight her, so uh....you know, fill us in.

11-11-2005, 11:22 PM
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha

hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha

hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha
hahahahaahahahahahaaha hahahahaahahahaha hahahahahahaahahahhahahahahhaha

11-11-2005, 11:23 PM
I feel a 15 page in under an hour thread coming on...


11-11-2005, 11:23 PM
Yeah, fuck Gatita!

11-11-2005, 11:23 PM
Gatita is a loser who spends her nights talking shit about Mandy to other people on this forum. Mandy is now a muff diver. :lol

Kori Ellis
11-11-2005, 11:27 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

11-11-2005, 11:27 PM
Dude, Mandy is my fucking hero. This is why we kick it. Well, that and because Mandy loves Jack.

11-11-2005, 11:28 PM
There was this crosseyed stripper at Paradise that gave me my first lap dance when I turned 18. This was in 1998. When you're 18, Paradise makes sense.

N.Y. Johnny
11-11-2005, 11:28 PM
Holy fuckin shit...

11-11-2005, 11:28 PM
The dumb bitch is so fucking jealous of me that she feels the need to go and spread lies to members of this forum. Fuck her.

11-11-2005, 11:31 PM
You two should fight.

Kori Ellis
11-11-2005, 11:32 PM

11-11-2005, 11:35 PM
Can she dunk?

11-11-2005, 11:36 PM
dayum. :wow :wow

11-11-2005, 11:37 PM
Mandy is follwing in my footsteps, I love it. :lol

11-11-2005, 11:37 PM
Is that Mandy?

That's me...Mandy.

11-11-2005, 11:38 PM
Ginofan is ganksta.

11-11-2005, 11:38 PM
I"m so confused. Isn't she the "really hot" one?

11-11-2005, 11:41 PM

I don't know what the fuck's goin on Willis!!

11-11-2005, 11:42 PM
But seriously.......is Gatica cross-eyed?

11-11-2005, 11:43 PM

I just got home, and to my suprise this is already on here!!!!

and by the way Gatita, you just got


11-11-2005, 11:44 PM
This gatita is crosseyed:


11-11-2005, 11:44 PM
Does she flow?

11-11-2005, 11:45 PM
no, but her sigs are stupid, if that means anything.

Suns Fan
11-11-2005, 11:46 PM
Does she flow?

every 30 days :lmao

11-11-2005, 11:48 PM
So uh..... what the fuck happened besides being a muff diver?

Faccia di Angelo
11-11-2005, 11:49 PM
:lol I can't believe you woke me up to come read this.
:makemyday vs. :cat heck yeah, its on for Friday Night Fights!
<grabs seat>

11-11-2005, 11:52 PM
Did mandy refuse to dive on gatica's muff???

11-11-2005, 11:52 PM
I think Gatita wanted to dive down on Mandy's muff but couldn't find it because she can't see straight, allegedly.

11-11-2005, 11:53 PM
This dude next to me at the gtg said some shit about you to, but I can't say because I told him, its all good bro, I won't say anything.


Horry For 3!
11-11-2005, 11:57 PM

11-11-2005, 11:59 PM
I think you two should settle this in a kiddie pool full of jello.

11-12-2005, 12:00 AM
So does Gatita show up to gtgs? Damn, might be a real fight....... Hell yeah.....

Who is Gatita? My money is on Ginofan.


11-12-2005, 12:00 AM
whoa whoa...whats the story?

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 12:02 AM
So does Gatita show up to gtgs? Damn, might be a real fight....... Hell yeah.....

Who is Gatita? My money is on Ginofan.


me too :spin

Kori Ellis
11-12-2005, 12:02 AM
The story is that Gatita said to one of the guys on the forum (so that the guy wouldn't be interested in Mandy) that Mandy was a lesbian.

So Mandy's pissed.

End of Story.

(Or just the beginning?)


11-12-2005, 12:03 AM
So what the hell happend?

11-12-2005, 12:05 AM
I demand to know answers.

11-12-2005, 12:05 AM
Ill put the $100 that was to be used in another thread on Mandy!

11-12-2005, 12:23 AM

11-12-2005, 12:25 AM

I like the flag!

11-12-2005, 12:26 AM
:lol that is so bad LJ, but I love the effort!

If you don't know...now you know, nikka.

Suns Fan
11-12-2005, 12:28 AM

I like the fag! :wow

11-12-2005, 12:32 AM

and thats why you cheer on the suns

lets try reading

or was it spelling class you failed in 2nd grade?

and dont hijak Mandys thread, I wanna see a fight!

11-12-2005, 12:40 AM
:lol I can't believe you woke me up to come read this.
:makemyday vs. :cat heck yeah, its on for Friday Night Fights!
<grabs seat>

Who woke you up?

11-12-2005, 12:42 AM
Mandy's badass...if Gat is smart, she will shut her pie hole.

BTW....I want this as my avatar!


Can anyone do this for me?

I got yer back Mandy. :fro

11-12-2005, 12:43 AM
Gatita is cool.

11-12-2005, 12:44 AM
Not if she is spreading bullshit lies behind someone's back.

11-12-2005, 12:44 AM
Mandy's badass...if Gat is smart, she will shut her pie hole.

BTW....I want this as my avatar!


Can anyone do this for me?

I got yer back Mandy. :fro


See of that works.

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 12:46 AM
ZStomp here to clean up a homicide

hey bro...tape this one off


11-12-2005, 12:46 AM
ZStomp fucking rules.

Thanks bro.

11-12-2005, 12:47 AM
The story is that Gatita said to one of the guys on the forum (so that the guy wouldn't be interested in Mandy) that Mandy was a lesbian.

So Mandy's pissed.

End of Story.

(Or just the beginning?)


3rd Coast?!?!

11-12-2005, 12:49 AM


11-12-2005, 12:49 AM
:lol Nice Mikey

11-12-2005, 12:50 AM
Meet up behind Walmart!

11-12-2005, 12:51 AM
Mandy...a pic is only as good as the subject. :)

11-12-2005, 12:55 AM
3rd Coast?!?!
man yall mofos best leave my ass outta this. the only thing that comes outta my mouth is game at the ladies.

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 12:59 AM

This fight is ONE SIDED!!!! :bang

11-12-2005, 01:03 AM
man yall mofos best leave my ass outta this. the only thing that comes outta my mouth is game at the ladies.

thats what i'm talking about! :lol

Did I not read correctly a few days ago that you were after mandy now..just put two and two together..


Kori Ellis
11-12-2005, 01:05 AM
This doesn't concern 3rd coast. It's just between Mandy and Gatita now.

11-12-2005, 01:06 AM
thats what i'm talking about! :lol

Did I not read correctly a few days ago that you were after mandy now..just put two and two together..


man i heard that. i keep clear of those reindeer games, 25/8.

11-12-2005, 01:07 AM

11-12-2005, 01:08 AM

:lmao :lmao

11-12-2005, 01:09 AM
Gatica is gettin straightened out by Glenn Holland as we speak

11-12-2005, 01:20 AM
Poor Kitty...

11-12-2005, 01:20 AM
Is this an official addition to the Spurstalk.com Axis of Evil (Duff/TPark/BuddyHolly)?

(Man, this place has been volatile over the past few days.)

11-12-2005, 01:21 AM
Could be....she is plummeting at a Duff-esque rate. :lol

11-12-2005, 01:22 AM
it would go faster if she was here to call us all retards

11-12-2005, 01:22 AM
don't talk no shit bout my homegirl mandy, gatita...you've been warned...:tu

Kori Ellis
11-12-2005, 01:24 AM
BigZak - are you back in town?

Are you coming to the game GTG tomorrow and then to Scott's for poker afterward?

11-12-2005, 01:28 AM
bigzak (i love to piss people off by referring to myself in the 3rd person :lol) is BACK...but only for a couple months...i'm driving back to cali right after christmas...

i need to pad the bank account, get a good car, and to be quite honest...me and wifey needed a break from each other to better focus...but all is well...me and her are all good...still married...and when i go back to cali, we'll get our own apt with our doggies and get the party started the way it's supposed to be done...:tu

but til then, Fuckin A, good to be HOME....

i'll be at the GTG, Kori, gimme the 411 and i'm trying to get a hold of mouseman to see if he can make it/needs a ride...:tu

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 01:31 AM

Bitch got told! It seems Gatita can't sleep at night in her wonderful relationship so she has to talk shit to other people.

This guy also had a wonderful relationship too and it turned out soo wonderful. :tu

http://www.prisonpotpourri.com/COURTSandCASES/Scott%20Peterson%20was%20sentenced%20to%20death%20 today%20for%20murdering%20his%20pregnant%20wife,%2 0Laci,%20more%20than%20two%20years%20ago.jpg

11-12-2005, 01:31 AM

11-12-2005, 01:35 AM

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 01:39 AM


11-12-2005, 01:40 AM
drama *kicks up feet, pops beer bottle top*

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 01:42 AM

fucked in the ass-tita

11-12-2005, 01:42 AM

maybe my fat ass is just hungry....:depressed

11-12-2005, 01:44 AM

fucked in the ass-tita

This is from NyJohnnys personal collections... :lmao

11-12-2005, 01:44 AM
"certified muff diving instructor"

The sone
11-12-2005, 01:47 AM
ive peed myself three times while reading this thread...man i gotta find my depends...

11-12-2005, 01:47 AM

fucked in the ass-tita

the hell is that??? :pctoss

Kori Ellis
11-12-2005, 01:48 AM
bigzak (i love to piss people off by referring to myself in the 3rd person :lol) is BACK...but only for a couple months...i'm driving back to cali right after christmas...

i need to pad the bank account, get a good car, and to be quite honest...me and wifey needed a break from each other to better focus...but all is well...me and her are all good...still married...and when i go back to cali, we'll get our own apt with our doggies and get the party started the way it's supposed to be done...:tu

but til then, Fuckin A, good to be HOME....

i'll be at the GTG, Kori, gimme the 411 and i'm trying to get a hold of mouseman to see if he can make it/needs a ride...:tu

The GTG is tomorrow night for the Spurs game at 6pm. It's at Iceman's Pub, which is directly across the street from the SBC Center on SBC Center Parkway. You pull into the parking lot like you are going to the golf course and then you'll see the place. Be there at 6 and please bring Mouse. After that, we are going to Scott's for poker. I'll have the address/directions with me.

11-12-2005, 01:49 AM
The GTG is tomorrow night for the Spurs game at 6pm. It's at Iceman's Pub, which is directly across the street from the SBC Center on SBC Center Parkway. You pull into the parking lot like you are going to the golf course and then you'll see the place. Be there at 6 and please bring Mouse. After that, we are going to Scott's for poker. I'll have the address/directions with me.


11-12-2005, 02:29 AM
wow...this is turning into one of those stupid reality shows where they vote them off the island...and the process is apparently accelerating. Gatita rocks. I'm sure the muff divivg reference was either an accident or one of my fantasys...not sure about that.

11-12-2005, 02:32 AM
CC, you're wrong. Gatita is a shit talking bitch who loves to knock on other people while telling people to lay off Duff. Fuck that bitch. She wants to pull the high and mighty we shouldn't have to read about Duff's debt card and then talk shit about Mandy behind her back when she doesn't even know Mandy? No, fuck that cross eyed victoria's secret reject bitch.

11-12-2005, 03:29 AM
"Fuck Gatita."

I already have but thanks for the offer....

11-12-2005, 04:00 AM
pictures? :lol crossed eye


11-12-2005, 05:07 AM
The dumb bitch is so fucking jealous of me that she feels the need to go and spread lies to members of this forum. Fuck her.

First of all, get your facts straight. It was a conversation between me and 1 other forum member.

This was between me and 3rdcoast. He said you and Thetruth were "talking" online.

I told him that I had seen you once at a GTG with Laura, plus many more GTG pictures. I figured the two of you were a couple. THAT WAS MY OPINION.

I didn't know being thought of as a lesbian was such a fuckin' insult.

Maybe I should have started the "Ginofan, Do you eat pussy?" thread along time ago to satisfy my curiosity.

Now, for 3rdcoast to go and run his mouth off about a conversation we had ....well that is on him. Or maybe that is commended by forum members. If that is the case, I should start a thread everytime someone sends me a pm talking shit about another person. :rolleyes

11-12-2005, 06:07 AM

11-12-2005, 06:38 AM
I feel yeah....and it would be better if u all were lesbos

Doesn't that leave us guys with a bit of a problem, i mean the only dudes getting action would be gay :lol

11-12-2005, 08:39 AM
First of all, get your facts straight. It was a conversation between me and 1 other forum member.

This was between me and 3rdcoast. He said you and Thetruth were "talking" online.

I told him that I had seen you once at a GTG with Laura, plus many more GTG pictures. I figured the two of you were a couple. THAT WAS MY OPINION.

I didn't know being thought of as a lesbian was such a fuckin' insult.

Maybe I should have started the "Ginofan, Do you eat pussy?" thread along time ago to satisfy my curiosity.

Now, for 3rdcoast to go and run his mouth off about a conversation we had ....well that is on him. Or maybe that is commended by forum members. If that is the case, I should start a thread everytime someone sends me a pm talking shit about another person. :rolleyes

So confused still...I thought both of yall were nice. :(

11-12-2005, 08:39 AM
I really need to start attending gtgs. I miss all the good stuff.

11-12-2005, 09:05 AM
Dammit Mandy! Are you cheating on me? When we were having sex last week, you told me there was nobody else in your life!


Don't waste your energy on this Gatita person. She's not worth it.

11-12-2005, 09:12 AM
Dammit Mandy! Are you cheating on me? When we were having sex last week, you told me there was nobody else in your life!

Oh wow.....um...excuse me please. :smokin

11-12-2005, 09:14 AM
So confused still...I thought both of yall were nice.

well, one of them is.

11-12-2005, 09:19 AM
Clique system is in effect apparently.
Have a disagreement with one and everyone is offended.

I don't know if this more Three's Company or Third grade.

I'm leaning to the latter but the former would have been much funnier.mouse's 1325th persona

11-12-2005, 09:20 AM
Clique system is in effect apparently.
Have a disagreement with one and everyone is offended.

What you call "clique", we call friendship.

11-12-2005, 09:27 AM
Let's put this argument to rest. Yeah, Gatita shouldn't of said what she said, but all people make mistakes. We can't judge a person by one incident. Both are obviously blowing hot steam. People here that are jumping to one side and ganging up on the other isn't fair. I once made a mistake a couple of days ago calling Peter Holt cheap in another forum, and everyone there hates me now so I can't every post at that forum again. I did not think it was fair, as it was my opinion about a subject. Its okay to be against me, but its not fair to continually ridicule me about the subject over and over agian.

Basically, i'm saying let's end this mess.

11-12-2005, 09:37 AM
This mess is a long time coming. It's not just one mistake. You may not know the history.

11-12-2005, 09:39 AM
place your bets!

I got a hundy on Mandy!

11-12-2005, 09:52 AM
What you call "clique", we call friendship.

You can be a friend without resorting to mob behavior.

Only two people were present at the initial convo.

Apparently one likes to rile things up and may or maynot have passed on the conversation verbatim. Plus since it was written, it does not convey the demeanor in which it was meant.

The viciousness that I've seen based on what is tantamount to hearsay is rather interesting. ....and this is based on someone (obviously mistakenly) being called/assumed to be gay. Is being called gay still an insult..past highschool, that is?


There are two logs of the convo that took place.

11-12-2005, 09:53 AM
This mess is a long time coming. It's not just one mistake. You may not know the history.

Then fill us in...the more drama the better.

That way we can make our bets based on the whole of the facts.

That's all I'm asking. :hat

11-12-2005, 09:59 AM
Then fill us in...the more drama the better.

That way we can make our bets based on the whole of the facts.

That's all I'm asking. :hat

That requires research on your part. Perhaps checking out more of Gatita's posts would clue you in.

11-12-2005, 09:59 AM
well for the fact that Gatita jumps in on every other thread and ususally has some totally irrelevant shit to say could be one.

Her sigs are disgusitng, and the reason that I have to turn my sigs off at work could be another.

she made up a lie about who I consider a good friend of mine, for her own personal benefit might be a possiblilty.

Mandy is a friend of ours, I know she'd stick up for us if the time were to come to pass, so we are just returning the favor, thats all.

11-12-2005, 10:06 AM
You can be a friend without resorting to mob behavior.

So if one of your favorite players take a hard foul and their teammates come over to kick the other guy's ass, is that mob behavior? IMO, Mandy just took a hard foul and I'm coming off the bench.

11-12-2005, 10:11 AM
So if one of your favorite players take a hard foul and their teammates come over to kick the other guy's ass, is that mob behavior? IMO, Mandy just took a hard foul and I'm coming off the bench.


11-12-2005, 10:21 AM
KEDA, I turned sigs off a long time ago because I don't like 1/2 the shit you guys have and I was getting carpel tunnel having to scroll through it all.

:fro :lol

11-12-2005, 10:24 AM
So if one of your favorite players take a hard foul and their teammates come over to kick the other guy's ass, is that mob behavior? IMO, Mandy just took a hard foul and I'm coming off the bench.

Was it really a hard foul?
Being called gay(mistakenly or not)?

I can see your point if she were called a slut, whore, liar, thief etc.

Was she called gay as an insult or a mistaken or assumed observation?

11-12-2005, 10:36 AM
First of all, get your facts straight. It was a conversation between me and 1 other forum member.

This was between me and 3rdcoast. He said you and Thetruth were "talking" online.

I told him that I had seen you once at a GTG with Laura, plus many more GTG pictures. I figured the two of you were a couple. THAT WAS MY OPINION.

I didn't know being thought of as a lesbian was such a fuckin' insult.

Maybe I should have started the "Ginofan, Do you eat pussy?" thread along time ago to satisfy my curiosity.

Now, for 3rdcoast to go and run his mouth off about a conversation we had ....well that is on him. Or maybe that is commended by forum members. If that is the case, I should start a thread everytime someone sends me a pm talking shit about another person. :rolleyes

:lol You telling me to get MY facts straight...that's fucking rich considering the bullshit lies you spread.

And the least you can do is tell the whole fucking truth. You tried to disuade someone who was interested in me, for no god damn reason. You told him that he wouldn't have a chance with me because I was a lesbian. And why would you think Laura and I were lesbians? Did you see us making out, holding hands, etc etc? NO. I didn't think so. Your dumb ass just decided to talk shit instead of finding the truth of the whole ordeal first.

Next time keep your big mouth shut about things you know nothing about. And I didn't hear it from 3rd Coast, Kori told me, so blame her for letting your little conversation out.

11-12-2005, 10:38 AM
Was it really a hard foul?
Being called gay(mistakenly or not)?

I can see your point if she were called a slut, whore, liar, thief etc.

Was she called gay as an insult or a mistaken or assumed observation?

I'm not the only one she talked shit about, and she did call this other person a cunt. Is it okay to be a mob now? :rolleyes

11-12-2005, 10:45 AM
Uh oh. The "c" word has been unleashed.

11-12-2005, 10:51 AM
I'm not the only one she talked shit about, and she did call this other person a cunt. Is it okay to be a mob now? :rolleyes
My apologies. I thought this was all about you.

11-12-2005, 10:52 AM
Oh damn, who's the cunt? :lol

11-12-2005, 10:56 AM
I'm not the only one she talked shit about, and she did call this other person a cunt. Is it okay to be a mob now?

Shit is serious when someone drops a "C-Bomb".


11-12-2005, 10:57 AM

This is the COUNT

But whos is the CUNT?

11-12-2005, 11:29 AM
well for the fact that Gatita jumps in on every other thread and ususally has some totally irrelevant shit to say could be one.

Her sigs are disgusitng, and the reason that I have to turn my sigs off at work could be another.

she made up a lie about who I consider a good friend of mine, for her own personal benefit might be a possiblilty.

Mandy is a friend of ours, I know she'd stick up for us if the time were to come to pass, so we are just returning the favor, thats all.

The sigs ARE awful. I have to turn them off at work, too. I don't know either woman, but I'd have to say that Gatita seems a bit off considering the choice of expressions she uses. Visually, they are just icky.

11-12-2005, 11:38 AM
:lol You telling me to get MY facts straight...that's fucking rich considering the bullshit lies you spread.

And the least you can do is tell the whole fucking truth. You tried to disuade someone who was interested in me, for no god damn reason. You told him that he wouldn't have a chance with me because I was a lesbian. And why would you think Laura and I were lesbians? Did you see us making out, holding hands, etc etc? NO. I didn't think so. Your dumb ass just decided to talk shit instead of finding the truth of the whole ordeal first.

Next time keep your big mouth shut about things you know nothing about. And I didn't hear it from 3rd Coast, Kori told me, so blame her for letting your little conversation out.

WTF are you talking about?

I said what I said to 3rdcoast and nothing more. PERIOD.
What the fuck do I care if someone wants to date you?!


Apparently the opinion of a stranger means alot to you.

Its obvious that people around here like to talk (3rdcoast) just to get things fuckin' going, make a big shit out of it just to start a fight.

Once again, I didn't know that being considered a lesbian is an insult.

If I offended you, I AM SORRY.

That is all I have to say about this subject.

It has become redundant and childish.

N.Y. Johnny
11-12-2005, 11:39 AM
Uh oh. The "c" word has been unleashed.



11-12-2005, 11:43 AM
It has become redundant and childish.

Then why did you start another thread to continue it?? :smokin

11-12-2005, 11:45 AM
Then why did you start another thread to continue it?? :smokin

Hey, I am being given shit for speculating.

I figured I right out ask.

11-12-2005, 11:47 AM
If I offended you, I AM SORRY.

Enough said.........the ball is someone else's court now

Kori Ellis
11-12-2005, 12:05 PM

Your excuse is such a crock. You weren't just stating an opinion. You were making up lies - you said that you saw Mandy and Laura and that they were "all over each other" at a GTG.

And to say you are sorry for offending Mandy is absolute BS. You offend people 24/7 - that's what you do. You relish in it. If you cared that you offended her, you certainly wouldn't start a thread basically begging her to eat your pussy.

You are crude and obnoxious. You thought it wouldn't get back to Mandy and it did. You were trying to cock block (or pussy block) Mandy because you aren't satisfied at home and are making plays for guys here and thought Mandy might be ruining your chances.

This thread and subject is over. Anything else you have to say about it -- message Mandy.
