View Full Version : GOODBYE RESTAURANTS! Bernie Wants to Raise Minimum Wage for ‘Tipped Workers’ from $2 to $15

04-01-2021, 11:05 AM
Bernie Sanders set his sights on the service industry this week when he published a video promoting a $15 minimum wage for “tipped workers” like waiters and waitresses: A drastic increase from the current level of $2.13.

“Let’s be clear: 70% of tipped workers are women. We will not have equal pay for equal work until we increase the $2.13 sub-minimum wage – which has not gone up in 30 years – to $15 an hour and adopt one fair wage. We must end the crisis of starvation wages in America,” posted Sanders on Twitter.

https://mobile.twitter.com/SenSanders?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetemb ed%7Ctwterm%5E1377631496136196096%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwco n%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhannity.com%2Fmedia-room%2Fgoodbye-restaurants-bernie-wants-to-raise-minimum-wage-for-tipped-workers-from-2-to-15%2F

04-01-2021, 11:42 AM
Have your romantical overtures to waitresses been rebutted?

04-01-2021, 11:49 AM
Good. You can feel better about stiffing your server.

04-01-2021, 12:31 PM

04-01-2021, 12:35 PM
Have your romantical overtures to waitresses been rebutted?

That why you resort to stalking playgrounds and non stop perversions of teacher pedophiles sexing young children?

Spurs Homer
04-01-2021, 12:50 PM
Bernie Sanders set his sights on the service industry this week when he published a video promoting a $15 minimum wage for “tipped workers” like waiters and waitresses: A drastic increase from the current level of $2.13.

“Let’s be clear: 70% of tipped workers are women. We will not have equal pay for equal work until we increase the $2.13 sub-minimum wage – which has not gone up in 30 years – to $15 an hour and adopt one fair wage. We must end the crisis of starvation wages in America,” posted Sanders on Twitter.

https://mobile.twitter.com/SenSanders?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetemb ed%7Ctwterm%5E1377631496136196096%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwco n%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhannity.com%2Fmedia-room%2Fgoodbye-restaurants-bernie-wants-to-raise-minimum-wage-for-tipped-workers-from-2-to-15%2F

Have you returned the 2k $$$. you received?

04-01-2021, 01:02 PM
I'm ok with it. Raise price of food, pay workers a decent wage and tips not required or expected. This works in other countries just fine. They'll have lower turnover rate and save money on training, service will improve and they won't have to fight for prime busy hours to get paid while there's no waitstaff during off peak hours.

04-01-2021, 01:05 PM
I would think there are some restaurants that at even with $2 hour waiter wage they still make around $20. Dunno for sure tho

04-01-2021, 01:14 PM
I'm ok with it. Raise price of food, pay workers a decent wage and tips not required or expected. This works in other countries just fine. They'll have lower turnover rate and save money on training, service will improve and they won't have to fight for prime busy hours to get paid while there's no waitstaff during off peak hours.

04-01-2021, 01:15 PM
I would think there are some restaurants that at even with $2 hour waiter wage they still make around $20. Dunno for sure tho
nothing would stop people from still tipping some change here and there, but its pretty shitty to feel compelled to tip ~15% or so just because they did their job. if they just raised prices and i knew that the waiters were being paid decently, id probably still tip some if they did a good job, but it shouldnt be a majority of their income tbh

04-01-2021, 01:23 PM
I'm ok with it. Raise price of food, pay workers a decent wage and tips not required or expected. This works in other countries just fine. They'll have lower turnover rate and save money on training, service will improve and they won't have to fight for prime busy hours to get paid while there's no waitstaff during off peak hours.

in before "a waitress job is not a real job!"

04-01-2021, 01:29 PM
Good. You can feel better about stiffing your server.

I know you're just sperm shielding; but you're on to something, derp.

04-01-2021, 01:31 PM
I'm ok with it. Raise price of food, pay workers a decent wage and tips not required or expected. This works in other countries just fine. They'll have lower turnover rate and save money on training, service will improve and they won't have to fight for prime busy hours to get paid while there's no waitstaff during off peak hours.
So I won't be going to the restaurant, then

in before "a waitress job is not a real job!"

It's a real job if you're 22 and under. Once you have your bachelor's it's a little pathetic.

nothing would stop people from still tipping some change here and there, but its pretty shitty to feel compelled to tip ~15% or so just because they did their job. if they just raised prices and i knew that the waiters were being paid decently, id probably still tip some if they did a good job, but it shouldnt be a majority of their income tbh

If they raised prices as a customer I wouldn't want to come out worse than before, so yeah the tip would have to naturally come down or not at all.

A tip is a privilege not a right, like as you said just doing your job at an average pace shouldn't be heavily rewarded, and the problem with raising prices and doing away with tips is that it rewards the shitty rude and argumentative type of servers that deserve no tips even if their wage is $2.13.

A lot of waiters/waitress's will hate the fuck out of that if it results in no tipping. if they cant' clear $50 an hour now in a decent restaurant in SA they are doing something wrong.

$50 an hour? lol maybe at a fine dining place on the riverwalk.

04-01-2021, 01:32 PM
A lot of waiters/waitress's will hate the fuck out of that if it results in no tipping. if they cant' clear $50 an hour now in a decent restaurant in SA they are doing something wrong.

04-01-2021, 01:35 PM
It's a real job if you're 22 and under. Once you have your bachelor's it's a little pathetic.

With automation and everything else going on, it's one decent job you can at least fall back to. But it has to have at the very least a livable wage.

04-01-2021, 01:37 PM
With automation and everything else going on, it's one decent job you can at least fall back to. But it has to have at the very least a livable wage.

Does it? Isn't that the point of taxing the rich? To give back to the poor?

04-01-2021, 01:37 PM
This would result in more income they would have to claim
And could result with people calling in sick because they would make as much with working less hours because of taxes

04-01-2021, 01:39 PM
With automation and everything else going on, it's one decent job you can at least fall back to. But it has to have at the very least a livable wage.
No, it doesn't. It's meant to be extra income, for buying wants like new shoes, clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, other wants like that. It an early-career job intended for youth to supplement what their parents are doing for them, and/or the universities and governments in the case of college.

It's not meant to cover tuition, rent, a new car, or medical bills. Those are going to be your jobs with "bachelor's degree" as a general requirement.

This would result in more income they would have to claim
And could result with people calling in sick because they would make as much with working less hours because of taxes

That's stupid. Who in their right mind would rather make $150K instead of $400K just because they'd be in a lower tax bracket? You do understand that the more you make the more you take home, right? Doesn't matter what the tax rate is, as long as it's lower than 100% (inclusive of SS/Medicare taxes).

Plenty of older people do this job and the like. Not everyone can be a manager or executive.

Well then hope their husband has a real career, and/or hope they don't have kids.

04-01-2021, 01:41 PM
No, it doesn't. It's meant to be extra income, for buying wants like new shoes, clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, other wants like that. It an early-career job intended for youth to supplement what their parents are doing for them, and/or the universities and governments in the case of college.

It's not meant to cover tuition, rent, a new car, or medical bills.

Plenty of older people do this job and the like. Not everyone can be a manager or executive.

Adam Lambert
04-01-2021, 01:43 PM
My position on this is the same as my position on federal minimum wage of $15.

But in cities like Seattle, paying servers $15 is working just fine

04-01-2021, 01:50 PM
My position on this is the same as my position on federal minimum wage of $15.

But in cities like Seattle, paying servers $15 is working just fine

Seattle is expensive but it's far from the most expensive city. Zero state income taxes in Seattle, and property taxes per dollar value is also below average. Youth in Seattle have it made. Make $15 with zero work experience or specific skills, live in a co-ed room share house/apartment within walking distance (yes, they exist on Facebook and Craigslist; usually $500 for a private room with a shared bath, or $250-300 for a shared room and a bunk on a bunk bed) of work. Save and pile up that money and still have plenty to spend on entertainment. Of course this was pre covid when 10 people sharing a 5 bed 2.5 bath house was not an issue

04-01-2021, 01:59 PM
I know a donut business that when they got a 2 hour raise with min wage
It worked ok for 2 weeks
Then their employees figured out if they called in sick once a week they get the same money

Adam Lambert
04-01-2021, 02:01 PM
I know a donut business that when they got a 2 hour raise with min wage
It worked ok for 2 weeks
Then their employees figured out if they called in sick once a week they get the same money

I just bet this happened.

04-01-2021, 02:09 PM
My position on this is the same as my position on federal minimum wage of $15.

But in cities like Seattle, paying servers $15 is working just fine

Right again, Sadbert.


04-01-2021, 02:12 PM
$2 an hour employees getting no benefits no vacation time no sick time they call in sick they get fired

04-01-2021, 02:18 PM
My position on this is the same as my position on federal minimum wage of $15.

But in cities like Seattle, paying servers $15 is working just fine
yeah this is a fair point. i generally meant that waiters should be be allowed to be paid under min wage with the understanding that they'll make up for it in tips. like the min wage, i do think it should be determined at a more local level (whether its by county or city) by some cost of living index

04-01-2021, 02:22 PM
No, it doesn't. It's meant to be extra income, for buying wants like new shoes, clothes, perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, other wants like that. It an early-career job intended for youth to supplement what their parents are doing for them, and/or the universities and governments in the case of college.

It's not meant to cover tuition, rent, a new car, or medical bills. Those are going to be your jobs with "bachelor's degree" as a general requirement.

No it isn't anymore. Maybe at some point in time it made sense to be that when we still had manufacturing, benefits, etc. Not in this society though.

Plenty of older people do this job and the like. Not everyone can be a manager or executive.

Exactly. Not everybody can afford a college career either. And there's plenty of folks with a shaky job situations, working part-time which basically means they can get fired anytime.

04-01-2021, 02:29 PM
I know a donut business that when they got a 2 hour raise with min wage
It worked ok for 2 weeks
Then their employees figured out if they called in sick once a week they get the same money

Lol no

04-01-2021, 02:32 PM
Well then hope their husband has a real career, and/or hope they don't have kids.

You been listening to too many conservative talk show shills who are getting paid way more to flap their gums than waitresses who are at least doing real work.
I throw caution to the wind on these blue anons' support for artificial measures. Frankly, they don't give a sh** if stuff hurts the people it purports to help.
But if you can't pay for life's basics on a full-time job, then that is indicative of a problem.

04-01-2021, 02:34 PM
I just bet this happened.

Fixed their computers for 12 years
I believe it

04-01-2021, 02:42 PM
I know a donut business that when they got a 2 hour raise with min wage
It worked ok for 2 weeks
Then their employees figured out if they called in sick once a week they get the same money

Who gets 52 days of sick leave every year as a waiter (52 weeks in a year)?

04-01-2021, 03:19 PM
You been listening to too many conservative talk show shills who are getting paid way more to flap their gums than waitresses who are at least doing real work.
I throw caution to the wind on these blue anons' support for artificial measures. Frankly, they don't give a sh** if stuff hurts the people it purports to help.
But if you can't pay for life's basics on a full-time job, then that is indicative of a problem.
Full time job implies 40 hours per week and at least some vocational trade schooling, if not an actual college degree. Being a server at a restaurant requires no schooling nor experience. Now being a head chef, sous chef or a manager, that's different, you actually work your way up or get a culinary arts trade school diploma for it, and they get paid living (not great, but living) salaries.

Yes, I listen to Joe Pags.

No it isn't anymore. Maybe at some point in time it made sense to be that when we still had manufacturing, benefits, etc. Not in this society though.

Exactly. Not everybody can afford a college career either. And there's plenty of folks with a shaky job situations, working part-time which basically means they can get fired anytime.
It's a non-skilled, ordinary job in the McJob category. You don't even need a trade school diploma. Are you implying that restaurants (already an unprofitable business) should be forced to provide good health insurance and full time benefits like PTO and 401k's for their menial workers as well?

Not everybody can "afford" a college career, but the truth is anyone with any career, even mine, can and do get fired/laid off anytime. The USA is an at-will work country. Which is something I'm against. I think at-will should be federally banned and severance should be required. Especially for the full time jobs with people making salaries of 50K+ or hourly of $25/hour W2 +.

04-01-2021, 03:20 PM
It's funny how people care about others money so much

04-01-2021, 03:22 PM
Fixed their computers for 12 years
I believe it

You also believe Trump

Joseph Kony
04-01-2021, 03:26 PM
Right again, Sadbert.


lol citing a fox news video about 1 study that was done 4 years ago. this is why you're forever & always Derp

Joseph Kony
04-01-2021, 03:27 PM
You been listening to too many conservative talk show shills who are getting paid way more to flap their gums than waitresses who are at least doing real work.
I throw caution to the wind on these blue anons' support for artificial measures. Frankly, they don't give a sh** if stuff hurts the people it purports to help.
But if you can't pay for life's basics on a full-time job, then that is indicative of a problem.

this the first thing you've ever said that wasnt completely fucking retarded. good job Derp :tu

04-01-2021, 03:45 PM
It's a non-skilled, ordinary job in the McJob category. You don't even need a trade school diploma. Are you implying that restaurants (already an unprofitable business) should be forced to provide good health insurance and full time benefits like PTO and 401k's for their menial workers as well?

Not everybody can "afford" a college career, but the truth is anyone with any career, even mine, can and do get fired/laid off anytime. The USA is an at-will work country. Which is something I'm against. I think at-will should be federally banned and severance should be required. Especially for the full time jobs with people making salaries of 50K+ or hourly of $25/hour W2 +.

What? The restaurant business has been growing in the past few decades at a pretty steady rate, not just in the US but worldwide. Clearly the pandemic has hurt them dearly, but there's no reason to believe they won't be back on a healthy state once this is more or less over.

If you have a full-time job, you can at least file for unemployment, no questions asked. You have that to fall back to until you can find another job. If you're part-time, you have to jump through a lot of hoops to only get a smaller amount, and might still not get it.

That's where unskilled jobs like these have extra value. Like I said, maybe it made sense when you could have a lifetime career at the local mine, benefits, etc, but it doesn't in modern economies.

04-01-2021, 03:59 PM
this the first thing you've ever said that wasnt completely fucking retarded. good job Derp :tu

Probably because he's unable to move out of mom's basement on his salary

04-01-2021, 04:04 PM
Full time job implies 40 hours per week and at least some vocational trade schooling, if not an actual college degree. Being a server at a restaurant requires no schooling nor experience.

Why? You need a special skill just to make ends meet? Seems to me that such advancement is for the cause of not merely making income for basic life expenses but for advancement into a more comfortable lifestyle.

But here's the problem. All the taxation is what's doing this. These Chumpettes won't admit that their precious Democrats f'ing up of health care makes it so part-time workers can't even work 40-60 hours a week to try and save and get ahead.

04-01-2021, 04:08 PM
Why? You need a special skill just to make ends meet? Seems to me that such advancement is for the cause of not merely making income for basic life expenses but for advancement into a more comfortable lifestyle.

But here's the problem. All the taxation is what's doing this. These Chumpettes won't admit that their precious Democrats f'ing up of health care makes it so part-time workers can't even work 40-60 hours a week to try and save and get ahead.

Dog eat dog world. Don't you believe in capitalism? Life isn't free. To make ends meet, you either have someone else who has a skilled career (i.e. parents, husband etc) or have one yourself, or start a business and be successful in that. But, one of the main problems is that paying these dead-end job girls has caused is a destruction of the nuclear family, i.e. women are less incentivized to seek men for marriage, and are more likely to go their own way and be single, which is bad bad bad. Women relying on men for security is biology but the left is against it for political reasons, one of the problems being that women's suffrage made a female vote equal to a male vote, when the truth is it should be more like .6 or .7 of a male vote. Also puts the GOP at a voting disadvantage.

Yes, Obamacare is stupid, but healthcare was bad before Obamacare. The taxation itself isn't terrible (corporate tax remains low for now), but the way Obamacare pandered to the insurance companies making super profits is the problem. Either socialize medicine or go back to the old way. Even the Trump GOP won't admit that the biggest factor of why health insurance costs spiked up tremendously after 2012 was due to the pre-existing conditions law in the ACA / Obamacare.

04-01-2021, 05:28 PM
Bernie should stfu already and get himself a 9-5 out of government like the rest of us have done. He should work at least one day out of his life instead of leeching off all of us and trying to play savior for the loons of his shit ideology and party.

baseline bum
04-01-2021, 05:31 PM
That would be awesome, tipping is fucking retarded.

04-01-2021, 05:37 PM
I have sometimes tipped while dining in Europe (just out of habit) and the waitress/waiter literally don't understand why I gave them extra money. They think it's a mistake or something. That's how it should be.

Adam Lambert
04-01-2021, 05:55 PM
lol citing a fox news video about 1 study that was done 4 years ago. this is why you're forever & always Derp

Some people visit Seattle, some people learn about it from conservative news programs aimed at retired people who are afraid of airplanes.

04-01-2021, 06:01 PM
You also believe Trump

He kepted more promises then since Reagan

Adam Lambert
04-01-2021, 06:05 PM
He kepted more promises then since Reagan

Would you trust someone who constructs sentences like this?

04-01-2021, 06:09 PM
Would you trust someone who constructs sentences like this?

Come on man you know the thing... Bet you voted for that dipshit and his incomplete thoughts/sentences though. Lmao

04-01-2021, 06:19 PM
Come on man you know the thing... Bet you voted for that dipshit and his incomplete thoughts/sentences though. Lmao

Why would he vote for ducks?

04-01-2021, 06:23 PM
Choke on a dick Blake... IDC what you have to say bro but continue on if it makes you feel better because we all know you're always in your feelings you little girl.

04-01-2021, 06:31 PM

Tell us again how much you don't care, Calf Tats.

04-01-2021, 06:43 PM

Tell us again how much you don't care, Calf Tats.

You don't care what I say either and claim to have me on ignore but here you are replying and telling me how much I care. Interesting ya bitch ass...

04-01-2021, 07:17 PM
You don't care what I say either and claim to have me on ignore but here you are replying and telling me how much I care. Interesting ya bitch ass...

It's funny how slob makes alts and cries that people are on ignore. That's next level snowflakery. :lol

04-01-2021, 07:22 PM
It's funny how slob makes alts and cries that people are on ignore. That's next level snowflakery. :lol

They're all snowflakes... Bunch of "men" who are nothing but pussies irl. ST is their safe space.

04-01-2021, 07:24 PM

Adam Lambert
04-01-2021, 07:51 PM
Come on man you know the thing... Bet you voted for that dipshit and his incomplete thoughts/sentences though. Lmao

The thing about typing is that you are able to proofread before you submit your thoughts. As I'm sure you know, live communication can be difficult for some people.

04-01-2021, 07:57 PM
They're all snowflakes... Bunch of "men" who are nothing but pussies irl. ST is their safe space.

04-01-2021, 08:43 PM
My position on this is the same as my position on federal minimum wage of $15.

But in cities like Seattle, paying servers $15 is working just finethere are already Austin restaurants that pay one fair wage.

04-01-2021, 10:25 PM
nothing would stop people from still tipping some change here and there, but its pretty shitty to feel compelled to tip ~15% or so just because they did their job. if they just raised prices and i knew that the waiters were being paid decently, id probably still tip some if they did a good job, but it shouldnt be a majority of their income tbh

It was great knowing that the check was all of it, and that the wait staff were professionals, not just either kids or down and out types.

04-01-2021, 10:30 PM
Who gets 52 days of sick leave every year as a waiter (52 weeks in a year)?

He didn't say all year.

Many waiters don't work more than a few months at any location. Also never heard of a server job (part time) with paid sick leave.

04-01-2021, 10:37 PM
He didn't say all year.

Many waiters don't work more than a few months at any location. Also never heard of a server job (part time) with paid sick leave.

Thank you for the ducksplanation.


04-01-2021, 11:34 PM
I know a donut business that when they got a 2 hour raise with min wage
It worked ok for 2 weeks
Then their employees figured out if they called in sick once a week they get the same money

I bet you know a few donut businesses :duck:duck:duck

Allan Rowe vs Wade
04-01-2021, 11:47 PM
can you imagine running a business so shittily and treating your workers so crappily that they call in sick because they figure they get paid anyway

04-02-2021, 12:10 AM
can you imagine running a business so shittily and treating your workers so crappily that they call in sick because they figure they get paid anyway

Business has been open since 1999

04-02-2021, 02:43 PM
The thing about typing is that you are able to proofread before you submit your thoughts. As I'm sure you know, live communication can be difficult for some people.

You acting like what I typed was as incoherent as Biden speaking is hilarious. You're just salty because you're a baby back bitch who voted in a segregation loving corpse.

04-02-2021, 05:01 PM
Seriously all you do is bitch here.

Watch you'll do it again in 3...2..

You acting like what I typed was as incoherent as Biden speaking is hilarious. You're just salty because you're a baby back bitch who voted in a segregation loving corpse.

04-02-2021, 07:04 PM
Being a food server is one of the shittiest jobs anyone can have tbqh

IMO this profession will slowly die out as automation becomes more prevalent. Soon it will be funny to ppl how back in the day they have fucking food servers running them food and working like slaves.

Bernie is a few decades too late. Let these poor fuckers die in peace