View Full Version : 2024 Electoral Map If GOP Won Even 51% of U.S. Latino/Hispanic Vote

04-13-2021, 12:54 PM

DARK RED/BLUE = >= 10% Margin of victory
MEDIUM PINK/BLUE = 5-10% Margin of victory
LIGHT PINK/BLUE = 2-5% Margin of victory
GRAY = Toss up, +/- 2% Margin of victory

This map also includes demographic trends in each state and factors in the new electoral college figures.

Note, in this map giving 51% of the Latin(x) vote in California brings the GOP to a margin of victory in CA over 2%, but the Republicans still get to 270 even without CA.

Colorado, despite having a large Hispanic population, is still blue in this map due to having a high hipster young white population that is far-left, similar to in Oregon minus the high Hispanic vote in the latter.

To win the election, the best path of victory involves making a concerted effort to win Hispanic voters, and that means much more than enjoying a few tacos. Bring back the Cesar Chavez message, the pro-work centric message and invoke that to a conservative message, that Hispanic Americans are very much Americans, especially considering they are a very religious and family-oriented base who turn out in droves.

04-13-2021, 12:54 PM

04-13-2021, 01:42 PM
Trump had momentum with hispanic voters. And stupid far left stuff like defund the police helped the right as well.

They need more hispanic outreach, though. Too many think the GOP is the party of rich old white men, which appeals to nobody.

baseline bum
04-13-2021, 02:02 PM
Trump had momentum with hispanic voters. And stupid far left stuff like defund the police helped the right as well.

They need more hispanic outreach, though. Too many think the GOP is the party of rich old white men, which appeals to nobody.

Not true, that shit appeals pretty strongly to poor white men

04-13-2021, 02:07 PM
As long as GOP cater first to Fascist White Cuban americans and jerkoffs like Rubio and Cruz real hispanics will never touch that shit party.

Its the demosh8ts wetbacks to lose tbqh.

04-13-2021, 02:07 PM
Trump had momentum with hispanic voters. And stupid far left stuff like defund the police helped the right as well.

They need more hispanic outreach, though. Too many think the GOP is the party of rich old white men, which appeals to nobody.

Bush in 04 had momentum with them as well but then they lost it when the Zetas started fucking shit up circa 2005-2006.

The message should be simple, hard working Hispanic Americans are inseparable from America, emphasize stories of Hispanics going from poor in a Latin American country or Mexico to making lives for their family and businesses that make America the great and beautiful country that it is. Emphasize that the wall and tight border security is a necessity to prevent human trafficking but publicly identify a clear distinguishment between the criminal thugs and hard working Latino Americans, that are just as American as any other American, white or otherwise.

Also I wouldn't doubt Biden/Harris to say something stupid about Hispanics if they start to really lose a lot of support there.

As long as GOP cater first to Fascist White Cuban americans and jerkoffs like Rubio and Cruz real hispanics will never touch that shit party.

Its the demosh8ts wetbacks to lose tbqh.

Lol at calling Cuban immigrants fascists for being anti-communist fascist totalitarian dictatorship of the Castro brothers. They are pro freedom. There are many more Mexican Americans in the Republican party than you think and they have conservative ideologies of family and faith that way outpace the average white person in America. For example, in my hometown district, a Mexican GOP Tony Gonzales EASILY defeated his challenger who is part white/part hispanic and a lesbian representative of hipster white antifa pinkoism, not conservative values.

Believe it or not, the Latino vote shift in 2020 saved Texas from being a dead heat to a solid Trump victory. Look at the huge demographic shift in Texas, all the border counties had a massive red vote % difference from 2016.

Not true, that shit appeals pretty strongly to poor white men

The only voting blocs that the GOP will likely never win a significant plurality of are the White Alt-Left (Hippies/Hipsters/tattooed and pierced, pink hair, genderqueer etc) and the Black vote, the first due to strongly opposing ideology and the second due to too much racial divide sadly

These voting blocs, especially the white leftist hipster tards, are enough to easily win Washington and Oregon and possibly pull out a Colorado, but there aren't enough of them to win a nationwide electoral college election.

04-13-2021, 02:18 PM
Trump had momentum with hispanic voters. And stupid far left stuff like defund the police helped the right as well.

They need more hispanic outreach, though. Too many think the GOP is the party of rich old white men, which appeals to nobody.

Trump had momentum with blacks too. The biggest shift away from Trump was actually white men. White college educated men specifically.


04-13-2021, 02:21 PM
Trump had momentum with blacks too. The biggest shift away from Trump was actually white men. White college educated men specifically.


The biggest shift away from Trump was white suburban married women IMO, both college and non college educated; including married mothers with children; that were more likely ever than history to vote the opposite of their own husband's vote. Look at Nebraska-2 for instance, the Omaha metro area. The state of Virginia. Great examples there.

04-13-2021, 02:41 PM
The biggest shift away from Trump was white suburban married women IMO, both college and non college educated; including married mothers with children; that were more likely ever than history to vote the opposite of their own husband's vote. Look at Nebraska-2 for instance, the Omaha metro area. The state of Virginia. Great examples there.

Bingo - he lost the suburbanite woman.

04-13-2021, 02:41 PM
Trump had momentum with blacks too. The biggest shift away from Trump was actually white men. White college educated men specifically.


It's easy to see movements with them when the party as a whole is doing piss poor with them so when you see a 3-5% increase, it seems like a big gain. But in reality that's not even the main gauge. You need to be in the 30 percentile to even compete let alone win.

Overall though, it was weird seeing Trump do relatively well with them and hispanics for a republican given that he was such shits to them. Who knew calling hispanic rapists would give them a tingle down their spine enough to vote for the guy. :lol

Most be inferiority complex.

04-13-2021, 02:43 PM
Bush in 04 had momentum with them as well but then they lost it when the Zetas started fucking shit up circa 2005-2006.

The message should be simple, hard working Hispanic Americans are inseparable from America, emphasize stories of Hispanics going from poor in a Latin American country or Mexico to making lives for their family and businesses that make America the great and beautiful country that it is. Emphasize that the wall and tight border security is a necessity to prevent human trafficking but publicly identify a clear distinguishment between the criminal thugs and hard working Latino Americans, that are just as American as any other American, white or otherwise.

Also I wouldn't doubt Biden/Harris to say something stupid about Hispanics if they start to really lose a lot of support there.

Lol at calling Cuban immigrants fascists for being anti-communist fascist totalitarian dictatorship of the Castro brothers. They are pro freedom. There are many more Mexican Americans in the Republican party than you think and they have conservative ideologies of family and faith that way outpace the average white person in America. For example, in my hometown district, a Mexican GOP Tony Gonzales EASILY defeated his challenger who is part white/part hispanic and a lesbian representative of hipster white antifa pinkoism, not conservative values.

Believe it or not, the Latino vote shift in 2020 saved Texas from being a dead heat to a solid Trump victory. Look at the huge demographic shift in Texas, all the border counties had a massive red vote % difference from 2016.

The only voting blocs that the GOP will likely never win a significant plurality of are the White Alt-Left (Hippies/Hipsters/tattooed and pierced, pink hair, genderqueer etc) and the Black vote, the first due to strongly opposing ideology and the second due to too much racial divide sadly

These voting blocs, especially the white leftist hipster tards, are enough to easily win Washington and Oregon and possibly pull out a Colorado, but there aren't enough of them to win a nationwide electoral college election.

They don't do nearly enough of this. It's something I think Desantis would be great at considering what state he currently governs.

04-13-2021, 05:47 PM
if ifs and buts were candy and nuts

04-13-2021, 06:21 PM
California red LOL

04-13-2021, 06:43 PM
I don't know how many latinos are represented on this board but LOL if you think the majority of latinos are voting R when the D's are giving free shit away

04-13-2021, 06:53 PM

It's redder than that if you un-dominionize the vote.

We now know we suspected all along; that the communists have hijacked the system.

There's a reason you saw all those Trump signs in Minnesota and Wisconsin and nothing for Biden.

These idiots got greedy and insisted that six circles Joe could win in a landslide.

04-13-2021, 08:15 PM
California red lol

04-13-2021, 08:31 PM
It's redder than that if you un-dominionize the vote.

We now know we suspected all along; that the communists have hijacked the system.

There's a reason you saw all those Trump signs in Minnesota and Wisconsin and nothing for Biden.

These idiots got greedy and insisted that six circles Joe could win in a landslide.

:lol meltdown

04-13-2021, 09:00 PM
Trump had momentum with hispanic voters. And stupid far left stuff like defund the police helped the right as well.

They need more hispanic outreach, though. Too many think the GOP is the party of rich old white men, which appeals to nobody.

This really helped Trump with Hispanics:


04-13-2021, 09:02 PM
It's redder than that if you un-dominionize the vote.

We now know we suspected all along; that the communists have hijacked the system.

There's a reason you saw all those Trump signs in Minnesota and Wisconsin and nothing for Biden.

These idiots got greedy and insisted that six circles Joe could win in a landslide.


Are a fckn idiot.

04-13-2021, 09:56 PM
GOP can win over self hating Hispanics and white passing Hispanics. The problem is when they cater to Hispanics they also end up losing white voters. Just like what happened in the last election. I think Biden was able to peel off 3 percent of white voters from the last election which erased Trump's gains with Hispanic voters.

04-14-2021, 05:46 AM
:lol meltdown

:lol six circles rapist >>> black god by your reckoning

04-14-2021, 08:40 AM
GOP can win over self hating Hispanics and white passing Hispanics. The problem is when they cater to Hispanics they also end up losing white voters. Just like what happened in the last election. I think Biden was able to peel off 3 percent of white voters from the last election which erased Trump's gains with Hispanic voters.
That's not true. W. Bush carried 45% of the Hispanic vote in 2004 and it carried him not only Florida (handily), but also Texas by a gigantic margin, Arizona by double digits, Nevada by a decent margin, Colorado, and even New Mexico. All red states in '04 due to the Gonzalezes voting Republican at a 45% clip.

John Kerry did carry Michigan/Wisconsin/PA, and was competitive in Ohio, true, but that was before the dems lost their tight vice grip on the union working class vote.

04-14-2021, 12:45 PM
That's not true. W. Bush carried 45% of the Hispanic vote in 2004 and it carried him not only Florida (handily), but also Texas by a gigantic margin, Arizona by double digits, Nevada by a decent margin, Colorado, and even New Mexico. All red states in '04 due to the Gonzalezes voting Republican at a 45% clip.

John Kerry did carry Michigan/Wisconsin/PA, and was competitive in Ohio, true, but that was before the dems lost their tight vice grip on the union working class vote.

Bush was a unique candidate for Hispanics in the sense he could speak Spanish fluently and had nephews that were half Mexicans and were not white passing. All those things made him an easy sell to the Hispanic community.

04-14-2021, 02:02 PM
Bush was a unique candidate for Hispanics in the sense he could speak Spanish fluently and had nephews that were half Mexicans and were not white passing. All those things made him an easy sell to the Hispanic community.

:lol his Spanish is/was a joke, he embarrassed himself trying to speak it. Even Jeb's isn't all that great despite having a pasty mexican wife.

let's face it, 3 of the last 5 presidents have been completely embarrassing, as for the other two, one was a rapist and the other a pathological liar.

04-14-2021, 02:38 PM
GOP can win over self hating Hispanics and white passing Hispanics. The problem is when they cater to Hispanics they also end up losing white voters. Just like what happened in the last election. I think Biden was able to peel off 3 percent of white voters from the last election which erased Trump's gains with Hispanic voters.
Mexicans not wanting a free handout isn't self hating. I know much of your party thinks they are mostly illegal strawberry pickers but this isn't the case. They came here to climb up the corporate ladder and have no intention of returning meaning they want the best for America. And while they climb up that ladder they require the safety of law enforcement.

04-14-2021, 02:49 PM
Mexicans not wanting a free handout isn't self hating. I know much of your party thinks they are mostly illegal strawberry pickers but this isn't the case. They came here to climb up the corporate ladder and have no intention of returning meaning they want the best for America. And while they climb up that ladder they require the safety of law enforcement.
agreed, majority of latinos I know have twice the work ethic of an average white person, and are willing to do a lot of shit white American posh boys won't

04-14-2021, 02:51 PM
agreed, majority of latinos I know have twice the work ethic of an average white person, and are willing to do a lot of shit white American posh boys won't
Whites & Blacks are dragging down America

04-14-2021, 02:53 PM
Whites & Blacks are dragging down America

Specifically Antifa white genderqueer faggots and BLMers and the 80-85% of black people unfortunate enough to still be plantation slaves to the DNC message.

04-14-2021, 03:39 PM
NYC sees some disillusioned Dems switch to Republican Party

04-14-2021, 03:58 PM
NYC sees some disillusioned Dems switch to Republican Party

04-14-2021, 04:37 PM
:lol his Spanish is/was a joke, he embarrassed himself trying to speak it. Even Jeb's isn't all that great despite having a pasty mexican wife.

let's face it, 3 of the last 5 presidents have been completely embarrassing, as for the other two, one was a rapist and the other a pathological liar.

It's been a long time all I remember his commercials of him speaking Spanish and then him speaking Spanish in front of Hispanics and them eating it all up.