View Full Version : Preference Cascade

Extra Stout
05-17-2021, 05:36 PM
I don’t think what’s going on with the GOP has anything to do with a personality cult of Trump per se. He’s just the first incumbent who was willing to try to stay in power despite losing an election. For that, he will be revered forever.

I don’t believe many, if any at all, of these people actually believe there was “massive fraud” in the 2020, at least not in the sense of a bunch of votes being cast by people who were legally ineligible to vote, or vote counts being electronically altered to give a predetermined result. The actual “massive fraud” in their eyes is demographic change that allows a Democratic candidate to win despite losing the white vote 58-41.

Their belief in American ideals... was contingent upon the USA being a white country. 60 years ago there were six white people for every nonwhite. Now for every six white people, there are four nonwhites. In thirty years, it will be six to six if they do nothing. And they’re not having it. They didn’t ask for that change, they don’t accept it, and they want it back the way it was. If the only way to have a democratic republic going forward is pluralism, then they say, to hell with it.

I think what’s happening right now with the resurgence of the “Big Lie” is a preference cascade in which Republican politicians are realizing that their base does not believe in American democracy anymore, and not only will not punish them for walking away from it, but absolutely WILL punish them for failing to do whatever is necessary to hold onto power.

This is a preference cascade because the vast majority of Republican voters and Republican politicians believed that overt hostility to democracy would be wildly unpopular and result in immediate, severe blowback, so they kept their beliefs to themselves. Trump brought it out into the open. After January 6, these politicians thought even GOP voters would be angry and incensed about the attack on the Capitol. On the contrary, at least a solid plurality GOP voters wanted a successful coup.

They’re not quite at the point where the masses are willing to say it out loud, which is why we have the empty rhetoric of “electoral integrity” the absurd spectacle in Arizona of looking for traces of bamboo in ballots. They’ll say it out loud once their subversion is successful.

But here’s the thing — this isn’t just about power. Power is the means to an end. I don’t think the GOP base wants white minority rule. They want white MAJORITY rule. They want it back the way it was. Ending democracy is just the beginning.

05-17-2021, 05:49 PM
Seeing people on TV of a different color or even neighbors in the community with a different color shade doesn't bother majority of Republicans or Americans. People on TV lecturing about how privileged or evil you are because you were born with a specific skin shade is angering people. Policies that prioritize based on skin and gender is unattractive to these people.

The issue for them isn't color. It's how skin color is being weaponized.

05-17-2021, 05:50 PM
In the 2020 election, Trump gained increasing support from every demographic except one

White males

05-17-2021, 05:52 PM
In the 2020 election, Trump gained increasing support from every demographic except one

White malesTrump lost in a landslide.

And you voted for him.

05-17-2021, 06:09 PM

05-17-2021, 06:38 PM
So much easier to just type "deplorables"

baseline bum
05-17-2021, 06:40 PM
So much easier to just type "deplorables"

Do you think the January 6th rioters were deplorables?

05-17-2021, 06:40 PM
So much easier to just type "deplorables"

What do you believe in, Darrin?

05-17-2021, 06:44 PM
OP the demographic change discussion already occurred a couple decades ago and was accepted. I've visited the most (white) racist of English language based outlets and it is widely understood demographic switch is inevitable.

05-17-2021, 06:44 PM
Do you think the January 6th rioters were deplorables?


05-17-2021, 06:46 PM
What do you believe in, Darrin?

That you spend an incredibly sad amount of time here.

05-17-2021, 06:48 PM
That you spend an incredibly sad amount of time here.

You can just say there is nothing you believe in, Darrin.

No need to lash out at me for asking.

I hope you don't try to use alcohol as an excuse this early.

Luka Doncic
05-17-2021, 06:52 PM
That you spend an incredibly sad amount of time here.
Says the guy who ignores his wife and kids every night in order to drunk post here :lmao

Adam Lambert
05-17-2021, 06:57 PM
So much easier to just type "deplorables"

Can't argue with any of the points, just decides to play the victim card instead. :cry You are so persecuted.

05-17-2021, 06:57 PM
Somewhat predictable due to the overpopulation of boomers, an incredibly selfish generation running mostly on nostalgia these days.

You do have to give credit to Dennison for being that one conman that sold them they could get everything back.

It's really unfortunate COVID wasn't more deadly towards elderly people, tbh.

05-17-2021, 07:00 PM
OP the demographic change discussion already occurred a couple decades ago and was accepted. I've visited the most (white) racist of English language based outlets and it is widely understood demographic switch is inevitable.

I don't think the word you're trying to use there is "accepted", it's more like "inevitable". Doesn't mean they're going to lay down and take it. Trump was somewhat validation that they weren't alone, and I'm sure they would love to stay out of the closet, but they can't now.

baseline bum
05-17-2021, 07:03 PM

What about the ones screaming 'Jews will not replace us' in Charlottesville?

05-17-2021, 07:08 PM
What about the ones screaming 'Jews will not replace us' in Charlottesville?
i can never look up any news stories in my area without coming across articles of that nazi rally :lol

05-17-2021, 07:09 PM
I don't think the word you're trying to use there is "accepted", it's more like "inevitable". Doesn't mean they're going to lay down and take it. Trump was somewhat validation that they weren't alone, and I'm sure they would love to stay out of the closet, but they can't now.
There certainly is preference, as every parallel society in America holds. There is mistreatment at the local level. In terms of what a President can do? Deport citizens or import more Europeans?

05-17-2021, 08:27 PM
There certainly is preference, as every parallel society in America holds. There is mistreatment at the local level. In terms of what a President can do? Deport citizens or import more Europeans?

I don't think the President needs to do anything at all when it comes to racial requests from any faction. I do think the President, as well as the justice system and Congress need to be unequivocal about the importance of democracy, and display unwavering support for it.

If we're being blunt, this has Confederate butthurt written all over it, tbh...

05-17-2021, 09:18 PM
Seeing people on TV of a different color or even neighbors in the community with a different color shade doesn't bother majority of Republicans or Americans. People on TV lecturing about how privileged or evil you are because you were born with a specific skin shade is angering people. Policies that prioritize based on skin and gender is unattractive to these people.

The issue for them isn't color. It's how skin color is being weaponized.

Oh yes for sure.

I wanna be a weaponized black woman in the US.
It has sooo many benefits.
I could be anything.

A Supreme Court Justice... rats
The President... damn it
Board of Trustee member for a Big Beautiful Bank...
A member of the National Academy of Science...

Unwed mother. YES... This is what THEY want! Dream about. Die for...
They dont strive for anything of consequence so this is what they get dammit.

Go Frosty.

05-17-2021, 11:23 PM
Oh yes for sure.

I wanna be a weaponized black woman in the US.
It has sooo many benefits.
I could be anything.

A Supreme Court Justice... rats
The President... damn it
Board of Trustee member for a Big Beautiful Bank...
A member of the National Academy of Science...

Unwed mother. YES... This is what THEY want! Dream about. Die for...
They dont strive for anything of consequence so this is what they get dammit.

Go Frosty.
What happened to Team POC? Increasingly thriving for a long time now.

05-18-2021, 12:05 AM

05-18-2021, 01:30 AM

05-18-2021, 01:41 AM
Some good points but OP lost me a bit at "vast majority believed...but kept it to themselves"

There's no way you can know this, so it's quite likely you're assuming it based on wishcasting and thus claiming it to be true. It's just as likely (probably even more so) that the vast majority of Republican voters aren't even in tune with what's going on post election other than "Biden sucks" and "gas prices suck". The rhetoric around here seems more ratcheted up than it was when Trump was in office, nary a word about the current administration though.

05-18-2021, 02:08 AM
Some good points but OP lost me a bit at "vast majority believed...but kept it to themselves"

There's no way you can know this, so it's quite likely you're assuming it based on wishcasting and thus claiming it to be true. It's just as likely (probably even more so) that the vast majority of Republican voters aren't even in tune with what's going on post election other than "Biden sucks" and "gas prices suck". The rhetoric around here seems more ratcheted up than it was when Trump was in office, nary a word about the current administration though.

First years are usually pretty slow, tbh... plus the fact that we don't have a POTUS trolling and rage tweeting at 2 AM is welcome...

05-18-2021, 02:09 AM
Though I think the Israel thing will put this administration front and center, and it could be ugly

05-18-2021, 02:38 AM
https://i.ibb.co/mD64xfd/image0.pngYou can't afford gas?

How are you going to drive to Poland?

05-18-2021, 03:42 AM
I don’t think what’s going on with the GOP has anything to do with a personality cult of Trump per se. He’s just the first incumbent who was willing to try to stay in power despite losing an election. For that, he will be revered forever.

I don’t believe many, if any at all, of these people actually believe there was “massive fraud” in the 2020, at least not in the sense of a bunch of votes being cast by people who were legally ineligible to vote, or vote counts being electronically altered to give a predetermined result. The actual “massive fraud” in their eyes is demographic change that allows a Democratic candidate to win despite losing the white vote 58-41.

Their belief in American ideals... was contingent upon the USA being a white country. 60 years ago there were six white people for every nonwhite. Now for every six white people, there are four nonwhites. In thirty years, it will be six to six if they do nothing. And they’re not having it. They didn’t ask for that change, they don’t accept it, and they want it back the way it was. If the only way to have a democratic republic going forward is pluralism, then they say, to hell with it.

I think what’s happening right now with the resurgence of the “Big Lie” is a preference cascade in which Republican politicians are realizing that their base does not believe in American democracy anymore, and not only will not punish them for walking away from it, but absolutely WILL punish them for failing to do whatever is necessary to hold onto power.

This is a preference cascade because the vast majority of Republican voters and Republican politicians believed that overt hostility to democracy would be wildly unpopular and result in immediate, severe blowback, so they kept their beliefs to themselves. Trump brought it out into the open. After January 6, these politicians thought even GOP voters would be angry and incensed about the attack on the Capitol. On the contrary, at least a solid plurality GOP voters wanted a successful coup.

They’re not quite at the point where the masses are willing to say it out loud, which is why we have the empty rhetoric of “electoral integrity” the absurd spectacle in Arizona of looking for traces of bamboo in ballots. They’ll say it out loud once their subversion is successful.

But here’s the thing — this isn’t just about power. Power is the means to an end. I don’t think the GOP base wants white minority rule. They want white MAJORITY rule. They want it back the way it was. Ending democracy is just the beginning.

There was a high number of americans that wanted Martial Law, Martial fucking Law

05-18-2021, 06:03 AM
There was a high number of americans that wanted Martial Law, Martial fucking Law

This was not as uncommon as it sounds, tbh, at least outside the US (things have changed over time as well). It's a clear sign of desperation. Can happen for a variety of reasons, but common points are selfishness, douchebaggery, and most importantly, ignorance.

Don't know of a country that went through a military coup and didn't regret it. I was born into one, so I had my share. What's really evident to me is that people asking for that have no idea what they're asking for. I mean no fucking clue.

I just don't think it's, in general, as existential as OP makes it out to be. I'm sure there's a small minority that subscribes to that, but I find that in general they're just sore losers and would rather watch the world burn than to admit they lost.

The amped up polarization has turned what used to be a sports-like event (In my early years here, I found this to be a very US-specific trait), into a full blown confrontation where you get crazies calling the opposition 'enemies' and such.

Such banal stupidity, tbh... what are you going to do? Die defending the laffer curve? Discourse is a lost art form, and it does need to bubble back up at some point. It's ok to disagree.

05-18-2021, 07:43 AM
The 74M who voted for Trash, which includes 10Ms of so-called Christian evangelicals, voted for "God Guns Gays", racism, hate, vengeance, xenophobia, misogyny, and for Trash's fascism to implement it all, for Trash to keep hurting the people they elected him to hurt in 2016.

Those 74M now have dominance on corrupt SCOTUS and with 100s of right-ideological extremists in the Federal judiciary, judges for life.

America and its Capitalism were built on, empowered by racism (slavery) and created out of nothing by deeply flawed, archaic Constitution that Capitalists, through the Repugs, have weaponized into unchangeability.

The Capitalists/Repugs realized decades ago that democratically elected legislatures were unreliable, were squishy and that the real hard power to implement their policies, including fascism, was in the judiciary, both in judges appointed for life and in judges corruptible by election.

corrupt, politicized SCOTUS has been delivered and continues, for decades, to deliver the goods for the Capitalists.

America is fucked and unfuckable

05-18-2021, 08:04 AM
What happened to Team POC? Increasingly thriving for a long time now.

what is team POC?

05-18-2021, 11:32 AM
The 74M who voted for Trash, which includes 10Ms of so-called Christian evangelicals, voted for "God Guns Gays", racism, hate, vengeance, xenophobia, misogyny, and for Trash's fascism to implement it all, for Trash to keep hurting the people they elected him to hurt in 2016.

Those 74M now have dominance on corrupt SCOTUS and with 100s of right-ideological extremists in the Federal judiciary, judges for life.

America and its Capitalism were built on, empowered by racism (slavery) and created out of nothing by deeply flawed, archaic Constitution that Capitalists, through the Repugs, have weaponized into unchangeability.

The Capitalists/Repugs realized decades ago that democratically elected legislatures were unreliable, were squishy and that the real hard power to implement their policies, including fascism, was in the judiciary, both in judges appointed for life and in judges corruptible by election.

corrupt, politicized SCOTUS has been delivered and continues, for decades, to deliver the goods for the Capitalists.

America is fucked and unfuckable

lol no, and you're seething.

05-18-2021, 02:18 PM
There was a high number of americans that wanted Martial Law, Martial fucking Law

When your city is being burned to the ground daily it stands to reason people want law and order

05-18-2021, 02:22 PM
Though I think the Israel thing will put this administration front and center, and it could be ugly

MSM controls much of the narrative and they are mainly liberal, and the polarization has never been so obvious.

05-18-2021, 02:55 PM
lol no, and you're seething.

stating facts

Adam Lambert
05-18-2021, 03:05 PM
When your city is being burned to the ground daily it stands to reason people want law and order

MSM controls much of the narrative and they are mainly liberal, and the polarization has never been so obvious.

Back to back derpishly hyperbolic takes, have you had a bad couple weeks?

05-18-2021, 03:14 PM
First years are usually pretty slow, tbh... plus the fact that we don't have a POTUS trolling and rage tweeting at 2 AM is welcome...

It's not "slow". It's completely absent. This admin has thus far gotten what amounts to a free pass from the free press.

05-18-2021, 03:15 PM
Back to back derpishly hyperbolic takes, have you had a bad couple weeks?

If someone breaking through a glass door is a coup attempt, then burning businesses and looting for months on end can qualify quite easily as "burning cities to the ground".

05-18-2021, 03:16 PM
what is team POC?

The redfish tournament team.

05-18-2021, 03:19 PM
:lmao DMC's whataboutornado

Adam Lambert
05-18-2021, 03:24 PM
If someone breaking through a glass door is a coup attempt, then burning businesses and looting for months on end can qualify quite easily as "burning cities to the ground".

So you believe breaking through the Capitol doors qualifies as a coup attempt?

Or is it just selective hyperbole on your part?

05-18-2021, 03:26 PM
DMC is downplaying the events of 1/6.

He's boringly predictable just like all the Trumptards.

05-18-2021, 04:32 PM
When your city is being burned to the ground daily it stands to reason people want law and order

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+At%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%27re+an+Idiot% 0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0AHones t+Broker%0D%0AIt%27s+a+Historic+Winter+Sotrm%2C+So me+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0 ASky+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+ of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0AThe+ Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunning-Krueger%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those+Were+Children%3F%0D %0AThe+Collective%0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+From+ Thread+to+Thread%0D%0A+Racial+Sensitivity+Circus%0 D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+What%27s+the+Difference %3F%0D%0A+OP+is+a+Wetback%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE&not-random=1&s=1

05-18-2021, 04:33 PM
MSM controls much of the narrative and they are mainly liberal, and the polarization has never been so obvious.

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+At%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%27re+an+Idiot% 0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0AHones t+Broker%0D%0AIt%27s+a+Historic+Winter+Sotrm%2C+So me+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0 ASky+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+ of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0AThe+ Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunning-Krueger%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those+Were+Children%3F%0D %0AThe+Collective%0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+From+ Thread+to+Thread%0D%0A+Racial+Sensitivity+Circus%0 D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+What%27s+the+Difference %3F%0D%0A+OP+is+a+Wetback%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE&not-random=1&s=1

05-18-2021, 04:35 PM
If someone breaking through a glass door is a coup attempt, then burning businesses and looting for months on end can qualify quite easily as "burning cities to the ground".Violently breaking into the US Capitol so as to disrupt the certification of the Electoral College vote was rebellion against the US government and the Constitution.

It was a per se attack on the US government.

05-18-2021, 06:48 PM
So you believe breaking through the Capitol doors qualifies as a coup attempt?

Or is it just selective hyperbole on your part?

It's being called that here repeatedly and you've thus far been onboard. Don't puss out now.

05-18-2021, 06:48 PM
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+At%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%27re+an+Idiot% 0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0AHones t+Broker%0D%0AIt%27s+a+Historic+Winter+Sotrm%2C+So me+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0 ASky+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+ of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0AThe+ Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunning-Krueger%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those+Were+Children%3F%0D %0AThe+Collective%0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+From+ Thread+to+Thread%0D%0A+Racial+Sensitivity+Circus%0 D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+What%27s+the+Difference %3F%0D%0A+OP+is+a+Wetback%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

You can't keep updating the card, that's not now Bingo works.

05-18-2021, 06:49 PM
to be fair, "the narrative" and "cities were burned down" appear on both versions

05-18-2021, 06:58 PM
to be fair, "the narrative" and "cities were burned down" appear on both versions

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+at%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%E2%80%99re+an+ Idiot%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0ATilting+at+Win dmills%0D%0AIt%E2%80%99s+a+Historic+Winter%2C+Some +Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0AC ities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+of+Trust%0D%0AI t%27s+All+Optics%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0 D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%E2%80%99ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+For+Obama+and+Biden&theme=corporate&size=0&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

Here you can quite easily see how he's just adding whatever I say as he goes along.

Where's "tilting at windmills" now?


Expect next square "Where's tilting at windmills now?"

05-18-2021, 07:02 PM
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+at%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%E2%80%99re+an+ Idiot%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0 AHonest+Broker%0D%0AIt%E2%80%99s+a+Historic+Winter %2C+Some+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shi t%0D%0AJeebus%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACi rcle+of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0 AThe+Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%E2%80%99ll+ Show+You%0D%0AVoted+For+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunni ng-Krueger%0D%0AIt%27s+all+Optics%0D%0AThar%27+Be+Gho sts%0D%0AStill+jizz+mopping+I+see.+Chop+chop%0D%0A The+Collective%0D%0AJethro%0D%0AYou%27re+following +me+from+thread+to+thread!%0D%0A%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

And he keeps editing it :lol

So I can be predicted to say one of a hundred or so phrases every few days? :lol

05-18-2021, 07:05 PM
I admire the dedication of making that bingo card. It's like a love letter. :lol

05-18-2021, 07:06 PM
I admire the dedication of making that bingo card. It's like a love letter. :lol

He likes to keep up with everything I do. Him and Bogie are in the fan club. Hey more stuff for the constantly evolving prediction card.

Joseph Kony
05-18-2021, 07:14 PM
That bingo card is kinda comical :lol here's the Derp version:


05-18-2021, 07:54 PM
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+at%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%E2%80%99re+an+ Idiot%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0 AHonest+Broker%0D%0AIt%E2%80%99s+a+Historic+Winter %2C+Some+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shi t%0D%0AJeebus%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACi rcle+of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0 AThe+Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%E2%80%99ll+ Show+You%0D%0AVoted+For+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunni ng-Krueger%0D%0AIt%27s+all+Optics%0D%0AThar%27+Be+Gho sts%0D%0AStill+jizz+mopping+I+see.+Chop+chop%0D%0A The+Collective%0D%0AJethro%0D%0AYou%27re+following +me+from+thread+to+thread!%0D%0A%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

And he keeps editing it :lol

So I can be predicted to say one of a hundred or so phrases every few days? :lolI reposted an older version, glad you're enjoying the variety, you keep on hitting the squares!

05-18-2021, 07:58 PM
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+at%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%E2%80%99re+an+ Idiot%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0ATilting+at+Win dmills%0D%0AIt%E2%80%99s+a+Historic+Winter%2C+Some +Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0AC ities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+of+Trust%0D%0AI t%27s+All+Optics%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0 D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%E2%80%99ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+For+Obama+and+Biden&theme=corporate&size=0&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

Here you can quite easily see how he's just adding whatever I say as he goes along.

Where's "tilting at windmills" now?


Expect next square "Where's tilting at windmills now?"I've posted several versions, I'm not too particular which I repost, but the idea is sound. As you cycle through your various cliches, the bingo card could reflect that

05-18-2021, 08:11 PM
I reposted an older version, glad you're enjoying the variety, you keep on hitting the squares!

I've posted several versions, I'm not too particular which I repost, but the idea is sound. As you cycle through your various cliches, the bingo card could reflect that


It's not like you just added to the old one. You edited things out and added things in. You're very particular and detailed in your fixation. Your original one wasn't working so you just keep adding anything I say.

05-18-2021, 08:16 PM
actually, I was just recycling my own shit.

zero effort to it, you just keep falling in. :lol

05-18-2021, 08:26 PM
actually, I was just recycling my own shit.

zero effort to it, you just keep falling in. :lol

Another "just trolling" defense while taking the L on something no one wins.

You've been in a downward spiral since taking that huge L in the Justice for Juicy thread. You went on a tweet posting binge like a broken script-bot.

Stop trying so hard to pretend you're not trying so hard. This isn't simply recycling as you'd have anyone believe. You can see by comparing the two examples that you've actively editing the script, adding and removing things. It's creepy actually.

05-18-2021, 08:27 PM
You can't keep updating the card, that's not now Bingo works.

All bingo cards are different Dee Mack. Otherwise everyone would get bingo at the same time :lol

05-18-2021, 08:29 PM
All bingo cards are different Dee Mack. Otherwise everyone would get bingo at the same time :lol

You don't get the concept. Not surprising :lol

05-18-2021, 08:44 PM
All bingo cards are different Dee Mack. Otherwise everyone would get bingo at the same time :lol"that's cheating" :rollin

05-18-2021, 08:45 PM
keep grousing about "muh DMC Bingo," I'm loving this

05-18-2021, 08:54 PM
Another "just trolling" defense while taking the L on something no one wins.

You've been in a downward spiral since taking that huge L in the Justice for Juicy thread. You went on a tweet posting binge like a broken script-bot.

Stop trying so hard to pretend you're not trying so hard. This isn't simply recycling as you'd have anyone believe. You can see by comparing the two examples that you've actively editing the script, adding and removing things. It's creepy actually.There's the puny gloating I was talking about. I don't know what it is about the perceived trumphs of long ago online and puny gloating in the present, but you keep reminding us.

Wrong about Jussie Smollette, I don't know how I'll ever live it down


05-18-2021, 09:32 PM
The redfish tournament team.

fck fishing tournaments.

Blasphemy on a beautiful day.

05-18-2021, 09:35 PM
What happened to Team POC? Increasingly thriving for a long time now.

And again, POC?

05-18-2021, 10:20 PM
There's the puny gloating I was talking about. I don't know what it is about the perceived trumphs of long ago online and puny gloating in the present, but you keep reminding us.

Wrong about Jussie Smollette, I don't know how I'll ever live it down


You'll try to manufacture micro-w's through your Wingo card meme.


"I won't take this L alone"

Yes, you will.

05-18-2021, 10:40 PM
MSM controls much of the narrative and they are mainly liberal, and the polarization has never been so obvious.

It's not "slow". It's completely absent. This admin has thus far gotten what amounts to a free pass from the free press.

Yet they've sounded the alarm on a few specific issues with this administration already, like the border situation, and now the Israel conflict.

Not here to defend the MSM, whoever that includes, but I mean, it's been nothing but COVID since January and that's an area where this admin has done well.

And it's definitely been slow. As a matter of fact, some would argue too slow. There's been no signature legislation, there were rumbles of infrastructure week, didn't pan out.

Some would argue this administration is wasting precious political capital and a congressional majority via inaction.

05-18-2021, 10:42 PM
That bingo card is kinda comical :lol here's the Derp version:



05-18-2021, 10:46 PM
Yet they've sounded the alarm on a few specific issues with this administration already, like the border situation, and now the Israel conflict.

Not here to defend the MSM, whoever that includes, but I mean, it's been nothing but COVID since January and that's an area where this admin has done well.

And it's definitely been slow. As a matter of fact, some would argue too slow. There's been no signature legislation, there were rumbles of infrastructure week, didn't pan out.

Some would argue this administration is wasting precious political capital and a congressional majority via inaction.

That includes any news outlet with an perceived agenda you dont like (on ST anyways).
I would define it as entertainment news instead of information news. So FOX, MSNBC, OAN, CNN, NEWSMAX

usually gonna involve talking heads instead of reading.

05-18-2021, 11:06 PM
Hard to keep track who's the MSM villain du jour, tbh...

05-18-2021, 11:55 PM
Yet they've sounded the alarm on a few specific issues with this administration already, like the border situation, and now the Israel conflict.

Not here to defend the MSM, whoever that includes, but I mean, it's been nothing but COVID since January and that's an area where this admin has done well.

And it's definitely been slow. As a matter of fact, some would argue too slow. There's been no signature legislation, there were rumbles of infrastructure week, didn't pan out.

Some would argue this administration is wasting precious political capital and a congressional majority via inaction.

Every news agency not named Fox is talking about Donald Trump. No one is talking about the border crisis. Harris hasn't even given a press conference but that seems ok I suppose. Biden isn't giving answers either, just driving through.

Yes, MSM is still trying to milk as much revenue as possible from Trump, and ignoring the actual leadership of the country in the process unless there's a juicy story.

05-18-2021, 11:56 PM
Hard to keep track who's the MSM villain du jour, tbh...















Take your pick

05-18-2021, 11:57 PM
Not really a crisis at the border tbh.

DMC's party still supporting insurrection.

05-19-2021, 12:20 AM
You'll try to manufacture micro-w's through your Wingo card meme.


"I won't take this L alone"

Yes, you will.straight from your resentment to my amusement.

:cry still grousing about "muh bingo" and gloating over sweet nothings on an anonymous board.:cry

05-19-2021, 12:45 AM
straight from your resentment to my amusement.

:cry still grousing about "muh bingo" and gloating over sweet nothings on an anonymous board.:cry

Gathering my posts and keeping a running, up to date 25 panel quote card and posting it in multiple threads - in between your all day and night tweet and link dropping binges, signs you obviously don't take it seriously.

05-19-2021, 01:20 AM
wash the sand out of your vag and move on with your life, or continue to beclown yourself crying about "muh bingo card"

it's your life :lol

05-19-2021, 01:49 AM
And again, POC?
People of Color. Why single out one tiny demographic.

05-19-2021, 04:25 AM
Every news agency not named Fox is talking about Donald Trump. No one is talking about the border crisis. Harris hasn't even given a press conference but that seems ok I suppose. Biden isn't giving answers either, just driving through.

Yes, MSM is still trying to milk as much revenue as possible from Trump, and ignoring the actual leadership of the country in the process unless there's a juicy story.

It was news a month ago. And the stance has since changed, but it doesn't mean media wasn't on it...


then we had the chauvin trial, which thankfully the administration stayed away from.

Now with Israel:

and that's still developing... I mean, the guy has been on the job for what, not even 6 months yet?

Sure, there are Trump stories. He's polarizing, there's money to be made there. His administration was brutally bad, and now we also get to see shit like the DOJ being used to out a Nunes troll.

Still don't know what Joe signature law looks like. Infrastructure week, packing the court, expansion of Obamacare, pardoning tuition, the green new deal...

I mean, Obama burned his political capital with Obamacare and that became his signature law (signed in March 2010). Trump had his tax cuts (voted on Dec 2017).

Adam Lambert
05-19-2021, 10:09 AM
It's being called that here repeatedly and you've thus far been onboard. Don't puss out now.

Wrong, this is my take on the narrative around the Capitol fiasco.

Don't see how they could have pulled off a coup. Looked like a bunch of q-tards doing a coup larp to me. And as shitty as the police protection was, I don't think there's any way they breach the capital with congressmen still in the building. (I also don't expect we're going to see any treason charges forthcoming.)

If you're going to accuse me of enabling hyperbole on the Left by not commenting on it every time it's used, you have a lot of posts by SpursTalk Team Red (er, Team Trump, sorry) to catch up on yourself. But we're not talking about them using silly hyperbole, we're talking about you.

Adam Lambert
05-19-2021, 10:13 AM
DMC doesn't think a criminal inquiry into the man who was President 5 months ago is newsworthy.

Of course the news media is going to cover it (and of course FOX News is going to bury it.)

05-19-2021, 01:04 PM
I don’t believe many, if any at all, of these people actually believe there was “massive fraud” in the 2020, at least not in the sense of a bunch of votes being cast by people who were legally ineligible to vote, or vote counts being electronically altered to give a predetermined result.

You may think that is the case.

All of the people who stormed the capital did believe in a literal massive fraud. Thousands of them.

The third "audit" in Arizona by the Cyber Ninja circus absolutely does.

Talked personally to several who believe it.

You give the morons too much credit.

05-19-2021, 01:06 PM
I don’t think what’s going on with the GOP has anything to do with a personality cult of Trump per se. He’s just the first incumbent who was willing to try to stay in power despite losing an election. For that, he will be revered forever.

I don’t believe many, if any at all, of these people actually believe there was “massive fraud” in the 2020, at least not in the sense of a bunch of votes being cast by people who were legally ineligible to vote, or vote counts being electronically altered to give a predetermined result. The actual “massive fraud” in their eyes is demographic change that allows a Democratic candidate to win despite losing the white vote 58-41.

Their belief in American ideals... was contingent upon the USA being a white country. 60 years ago there were six white people for every nonwhite. Now for every six white people, there are four nonwhites. In thirty years, it will be six to six if they do nothing. And they’re not having it. They didn’t ask for that change, they don’t accept it, and they want it back the way it was. If the only way to have a democratic republic going forward is pluralism, then they say, to hell with it.

I think what’s happening right now with the resurgence of the “Big Lie” is a preference cascade in which Republican politicians are realizing that their base does not believe in American democracy anymore, and not only will not punish them for walking away from it, but absolutely WILL punish them for failing to do whatever is necessary to hold onto power.

This is a preference cascade because the vast majority of Republican voters and Republican politicians believed that overt hostility to democracy would be wildly unpopular and result in immediate, severe blowback, so they kept their beliefs to themselves. Trump brought it out into the open. After January 6, these politicians thought even GOP voters would be angry and incensed about the attack on the Capitol. On the contrary, at least a solid plurality GOP voters wanted a successful coup.

They’re not quite at the point where the masses are willing to say it out loud, which is why we have the empty rhetoric of “electoral integrity” the absurd spectacle in Arizona of looking for traces of bamboo in ballots. They’ll say it out loud once their subversion is successful.

But here’s the thing — this isn’t just about power. Power is the means to an end. I don’t think the GOP base wants white minority rule. They want white MAJORITY rule. They want it back the way it was. Ending democracy is just the beginning.

About the rest of it, yeah. It is the undercurrent that many don't want to say out loud.

05-19-2021, 02:49 PM
Wrong, this is my take on the narrative around the Capitol fiasco.

If you're going to accuse me of enabling hyperbole on the Left by not commenting on it every time it's used, you have a lot of posts by SpursTalk Team Red (er, Team Trump, sorry) to catch up on yourself. But we're not talking about them using silly hyperbole, we're talking about you.

Why would you bring it up unprompted? I said if that can be construed as a coup, then it should not be a leap to say cities were burned down. Do you think cities were burned down?

I don't think it was a coup or coup attempt. I think it was a bunch of idiots thinking they were anonymous and safe. I don't think there was a plan at all, not even a little. Like many of the protests, there's an organized contingent who seems bent on causing damage and harm, for whatever reason, and enough legriders to go along with it like the party just moved indoors.

05-19-2021, 03:18 PM
The organized contingent was bent on a coup.

Adam Lambert
05-19-2021, 04:43 PM
Why would you bring it up unprompted? I said if that can be construed as a coup, then it should not be a leap to say cities were burned down. Do you think cities were burned down?

I don't think it was a coup or coup attempt. I think it was a bunch of idiots thinking they were anonymous and safe. I don't think there was a plan at all, not even a little. Like many of the protests, there's an organized contingent who seems bent on causing damage and harm, for whatever reason, and enough legriders to go along with it like the party just moved indoors.

"if it can be construed as a coup" - Well, can it or not? A formula "If (statement A = True) then (statement B=True)" requires statement A to be true.

You're excusing your own hyperbole, which you agree with, by bringing up someone else's hyperbole, which you don't agree with. Doesn't make sense.

And no, I didn't see any cities burned down. I saw a few buildings burned and rebuilt by insurance, with very little impact overall to the cities in which those events occurred. The only thing the vandalism accomplished was giving FOX News plenty of B-roll to run for the next 4 years.

05-19-2021, 05:31 PM
Why would you bring it up unprompted? I said if that can be construed as a coup, then it should not be a leap to say cities were burned down. Do you think cities were burned down?

I don't think it was a coup or coup attempt. I think it was a bunch of idiots thinking they were anonymous and safe. I don't think there was a plan at all, not even a little. Like many of the protests, there's an organized contingent who seems bent on causing damage and harm, for whatever reason, and enough legriders to go along with it like the party just moved indoors.

If you want to go there, give a definition of "coup"
What happened on Jan 6th reasonably meets most definitions.

If you want to define "burned down cities" you will have a harder job, meeting a reasonable definition.

Stupid "both sides" motherfucker wants to pretend its all equal when it isn't. smh

Brainwashed Trump dick sucker to the end.

05-19-2021, 07:15 PM
"if it can be construed as a coup" - Well, can it or not? A formula "If (statement A = True) then (statement B=True)" requires statement A to be true.

You're excusing your own hyperbole, which you agree with, by bringing up someone else's hyperbole, which you don't agree with. Doesn't make sense.

And no, I didn't see any cities burned down. I saw a few buildings burned and rebuilt by insurance, with very little impact overall to the cities in which those events occurred. The only thing the vandalism accomplished was giving FOX News plenty of B-roll to run for the next 4 years.

You don't get to be a solo audience with your own rules. There are plenty here who construed it as a coup, therefore they should not take issue with hyperbole. This is how some of you try to play it - most use over-the-top levels of hyperbole and when called out, the others tag in and start with the denial. You don't get to move to the passenger seat and pretend you weren't driving. You're in the car, you're guilty.

05-19-2021, 07:18 PM
Don't see how they could have pulled off a coup. Looked like a bunch of q-tards doing a coup larp to me. And as shitty as the police protection was, I don't think there's any way they breach the capital with congressmen still in the building. (I also don't expect we're going to see any treason charges forthcoming.)

Either way, my point is he should have been banned a long time ago from these platforms

This is the "not me" entry from Adam

If you want to go there, give a definition of "coup"
What happened on Jan 6th reasonably meets most definitions.

If you want to define "burned down cities" you will have a harder job, meeting a reasonable definition.

Stupid "both sides" motherfucker wants to pretend its all equal when it isn't. smh

Brainwashed Trump dick sucker to the end.

Here's RandomGuy pretending Adam didn't say that.

Adam won't confront RandomGuy about it. Instead he will confront me when i call out RandomGuy for using hyperbole, then claim to have been in the passenger seat, not responsible for the person he's defending.

Same silly shit, different day.

05-20-2021, 09:46 AM
This is the "not me" entry from Adam

Here's RandomGuy pretending Adam didn't say that.

Adam won't confront RandomGuy about it. Instead he will confront me when i call out RandomGuy for using hyperbole, then claim to have been in the passenger seat, not responsible for the person he's defending.

Same silly shit, different day.

DMC shoots, misses, and thinks he scored a touchdown homerun.

I was responding to your post, homey. You said shit, you can defend it.

We all know you won't. Chickenshit, lazy motherfucker to the last.

:lol "both sides"

05-20-2021, 09:48 AM
I don't think it was a coup or coup attempt

A definitive statement.

Define coup as you are using it and then say /how/why what happened did not meet your definition, lazy motherfucker.

05-20-2021, 10:04 AM
Don't see how they could have pulled off a coup. Looked like a bunch of q-tards doing a coup larp to me. And as shitty as the police protection was, I don't think there's any way they breach the capital with congressmen still in the building. (I also don't expect we're going to see any treason charges forthcoming.)

Either way, my point is he should have been banned a long time ago from these platforms

One thing to bear in mind:

An attempted coup does not have to either: 1)be successful or 2) have a chance in hell of succeeding.

Any definition of attempted coup d'etat that I am aware of doesn't hinge on either of those being true.

"Definition of coup d'état
: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics
especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group"

Seems like a group of a few hundred people trying to seize by force the electoral college ballots so they could change or destroy them to alter the outcome of a free and fair election meets that pretty well.

05-20-2021, 10:08 AM
DMC shoots, misses, and thinks he scored a touchdown homerun.

I was responding to your post, homey. You said shit, you can defend it.

We all know you won't. Chickenshit, lazy motherfucker to the last.

:lol "both sides"

Says this then follows up by addressing Adam... finally, after being called out.

One thing to bear in mind:

An attempted coup does not have to either: 1)be successful or 2) have a chance in hell of succeeding.

Any definition of attempted coup d'etat that I am aware of doesn't hinge on either of those being true.

"Definition of coup d'état
: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics
especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group"

Seems like a group of a few hundred people trying to seize by force the electoral college ballots so they could change or destroy them to alter the outcome of a free and fair election meets that pretty well.

I don't expect any real discussion to arise from this. This is merely a formality so RG can feel he's covered his bases.

05-20-2021, 10:08 AM
A definitive statement.

Define coup as you are using it and then say /how/why what happened did not meet your definition, lazy motherfucker.

I don't do fetch missions.

05-20-2021, 10:18 AM
I don't do fetch missions.thanks, that'll be on the next one :tu

05-20-2021, 11:14 AM
wash the sand out of your vag and move on with your life, or continue to beclown yourself crying about "muh bingo card"

it's your life :lol

thanks, that'll be on the next one :tu

You've been broken for a while now.

05-20-2021, 01:21 PM
^^^ straining at gnats

05-20-2021, 01:46 PM
I don't do fetch missions.

Not a fetch mission.

Simply asking you to back up your assertion, which I predicted you would be too lazy or chickenshit to do.

Which is it? lazy or chickenshit? I can't tell the difference when it comes to your dumb ass.

05-20-2021, 01:47 PM
Says this then follows up by addressing Adam... finally, after being called out.

I don't expect any real discussion to arise from this. This is merely a formality so RG can feel he's covered his bases.

Seems like it was a good point to make.

:lol DodgeMC bravely ran away.

05-20-2021, 02:43 PM
Seems like it was a good point to make.

:lol DodgeMC bravely ran away.

DogeMC is more like it I said

05-20-2021, 02:47 PM
DogeMC is more like it I said

Chickenshit either way. (shrugs)

05-20-2021, 03:05 PM
https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+at%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%E2%80%99re+an+ Idiot%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0 AHonest+Broker%0D%0AIt%E2%80%99s+a+Historic+Winter %2C+Some+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shi t%0D%0AJeebus%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACi rcle+of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0 AThe+Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%E2%80%99ll+ Show+You%0D%0AVoted+For+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunni ng-Krueger%0D%0AIt%27s+all+Optics%0D%0AThar%27+Be+Gho sts%0D%0AStill+jizz+mopping+I+see.+Chop+chop%0D%0A The+Collective%0D%0AJethro%0D%0AYou%27re+following +me+from+thread+to+thread!%0D%0A%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1

And he keeps editing it :lol

Do you not know how bingo is played?

05-20-2021, 04:12 PM
Do you not know how bingo is played?"everybody having their own card is bingo cheating"

05-20-2021, 04:12 PM
Do you not know how bingo is played?

You don't get to change your card squares after the letter/number is called.

05-20-2021, 04:13 PM
Chickenshit either way. (shrugs)

Except one makes a lot of money.

05-20-2021, 04:13 PM
it's so unfair that new squares are added to the card when I post new bullshit :cry

05-20-2021, 04:21 PM
You use the phrases more than I do.

05-20-2021, 04:30 PM
You use the phrases more than I do.:cry

05-20-2021, 05:37 PM
Except one makes a lot of money.


No clue what you are talking about here, chickenshit. I find that funny.

05-20-2021, 06:53 PM

No clue what you are talking about here, chickenshit. I find that funny.in real Bingo there's a cash stake per card and a reward for bingo.

DMC Bingo by contrast is an amateur affair.

05-20-2021, 07:10 PM
Still arguing over that lame bingo card? Sad

05-20-2021, 07:35 PM
Still arguing over that lame bingo card? SadDMC couldn't leave it alone for 2 pages.

05-20-2021, 07:54 PM
DMC couldn't leave it alone for 2 pages.

Your lame creation

05-20-2021, 07:59 PM
Your lame creationthat's correct.

DMC, although invited to cease, could not.

and now it's your gripe too :rollin

05-20-2021, 08:01 PM
keep talking about the bingo cards and please make your own!


05-20-2021, 08:18 PM
keep talking about the bingo cards and please make your own!


Got better things to do with my time. No thanks.

05-20-2021, 08:23 PM
Got better things to do with my time. No thanks.

Yeah that 30 pack of natural light won’t just drink itself

05-20-2021, 08:24 PM
Yeah that 30 pack of natural light won’t just drink itself

That's garbage. Try harder

05-20-2021, 08:43 PM
Got better things to do with my time. No thanks.
Thanks for driving me around the block first!

05-21-2021, 08:00 AM

No clue what you are talking about here, chickenshit. I find that funny.

in real Bingo there's a cash stake per card and a reward for bingo.

DMC Bingo by contrast is an amateur affair.

DogeMC is more like it I said

Clear illustration of the low IQ of the two posters who keep shadowing me. I guess they don't know what Dogecoin is. They think I'm talking about bingo. :lol

05-21-2021, 09:00 AM
Clear illustration of the low IQ of the two posters who keep shadowing me. I guess they don't know what Dogecoin is. They think I'm talking about bingo. :lol"You're Following Me from Thread to Thread"

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+At%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%27re+an+Idiot% 0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0AHones t+Broker%0D%0AIt%27s+a+Historic+Winter+Sotrm%2C+So me+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0 ASky+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+ of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0AThe+ Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunning-Krueger%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those+Were+Children%3F%0D %0AThe+Collective%0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+From+ Thread+to+Thread%0D%0A+Racial+Sensitivity+Circus%0 D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+What%27s+the+Difference %3F%0D%0A+OP+is+a+Wetback%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE&not-random=1&s=1

05-21-2021, 10:04 AM
will DMC continue to fill up the card? three hits so far in this thread starting with


05-21-2021, 12:13 PM
"You're Following Me from Thread to Thread"

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo&words=The+Narrative%0D%0AThe+Left%0D%0AI+Will+Not+ Be+Pawed+At%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AYou%27re+an+Idiot% 0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AThe+Hive+%0D%0AHones t+Broker%0D%0AIt%27s+a+Historic+Winter+Sotrm%2C+So me+Issues+Expected%0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0 ASky+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0ACircle+ of+Trust%0D%0AWhat+About+Andrew+Cuomo%3F%0D%0AThe+ Crew%0D%0AFag%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+Show+You%0D %0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden%0D%0ADunning-Krueger%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those+Were+Children%3F%0D %0AThe+Collective%0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+From+ Thread+to+Thread%0D%0A+Racial+Sensitivity+Circus%0 D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+What%27s+the+Difference %3F%0D%0A+OP+is+a+Wetback%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=5&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE¬-random=1&s=1


No, sorry. The two are not similar enough.

05-21-2021, 07:10 PM
begging for relief from bingo smack :lol

05-22-2021, 09:52 AM
recommendations for new squares currently being accepted, I added two new ones today.

https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator/results?img=1&title=DMC+Bingo+&words=The+Left%0D%0ATribalism%0D%0AI+Will+Not+Be+P awed+At%0D%0APushed+Your+Shit+In%0D%0AIt%27s+a+His toric+Winter+Storm%2C+Some+Issues+Expected%0D%0ATh e+Narrative%0D%0ARacial+Sensitivity+Circus%0D%0ASk y+God%0D%0ACities+Were+Burned+Down%0D%0AThe+Crew%0 D%0ACircle+of+Trust%0D%0AGoldberg%2C+Iceberg%2C+Wh at%27s+the+Difference%3F%0D%0ABend+Over%2C+I%27ll+ Show+You%0D%0AVoted+for+Obama+and+Biden+%0D%0AThe+ Collective%0D%0AHonest+Broker%0D%0AOP+is+a+Wetback %0D%0AYou%27re+Following+me+fFrom+Thread+to+Thread %0D%0AStop+Stealing+My+Shit%0D%0AHow+Many+of+Those +Were+Children%3F%0D%0AFag%0D%0AThe+Hive%0D%0AYou% 27re+an+Idiot%0D%0AYou+Use+The+Phrases+More+Than+I +Do%0D%0AI+Don%27t+Do+Fetch+Missions%0D%0A&theme=corporate&size=0&per-page=2&free-space-text=FREE+SPACE&not-random=1&s=1