View Full Version : Rockets: I have a confession to make

Fat Brandon Bass
05-23-2021, 09:09 PM
I am a loser with women and with making money.
Other areas I am all right. I am not a bad looking guy and am athletic so it wasn't like I was some strange nerd who was only into books.

I never had any dates in high school or even college. Just didn't feel like I had anything to offer or that a girl would even be interested. I didn't even touch a girl until I was 28, didn't have a relationship until 38 and married a woman I was not even attracted to at 48 (because I thought I would never get married with my track record). I really feel sorry for my wife.

I thought getting a college degree in engineering would help me land a good paying job, it never did. I am working a low paying job similar to what I worked before I got the degree. UTSA in San Antonio does not have a good engineering program at least when I went to school there. I came out ill prepared to do well in the field.

I lifted weights for over 30 years and I would say that it didn't help much with getting girls interested or building confidence. I could never get the girls I was really attracted to(blue eyed brunettes), they never seemed to be available and the one girl that I thought I had a shot at in college I just would get really nervous the times I tried to talk to her so I felt I had no shot in hell with her and never even tried asking her on a date. This I regret because I never met another girl the way I felt for this particular girl.

So I am saying to the young readers out there if there is a girl you want go for it because the ship may sail away and you will be left with a life of regret.

This thread is also for all the losers to say you are not alone, there are other people who have experiences like you. Don't be afraid to stand up and call yourself a loser, don't care what others think, and try to make the necessary changes and I hope you have better luck than I did.

05-23-2021, 11:14 PM
:lol and you're the guy who makes 8 threads claiming to be a "bull" specializing in cucking beta male husbands

05-23-2021, 11:18 PM
Is this real or a troll thread? :lol

05-23-2021, 11:19 PM
Is this real or a troll thread? :lol

The latter. Use your head. :lol

05-23-2021, 11:32 PM
The latter. Use your head. :lol

Ok 8/10