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11-14-2005, 12:05 PM
Local Schools Reject Christmas

The Grinch couldn't steal Christmas, but the school board sure can.

Very few San Antonio area school districts refer to "Christmas" or "Christmas Vacation" in their official communications and schedules, although all specifically designate holidays for "Thanksgiving," "Veterans Day" and "Martin Luther King Day," 1200 WOAI news reported today.

In the Northside ISD, Bexar County's largest, as well as in the Judson district, the time off that happens to fall around December 25 is officially referred to as "Winter Break." In the North East and Edgewood districts it is "Winter Holidays." It's "Holiday Break" in the New Braunfels ISD, In the Randolph Field ISD, it's even more politically correct, referring to the time off simply as a 'Teacher-Student Holiday.' In San Antonio, only the East Central, South San and Harlandale school districts refer to "Christmas, although Harlandale calls it the "Christmas/Winter Break," and South San pleases everybody with "Christmas/Winter Holidays." Moving further away from the city is apparently good for traditional values. The Boerne, Seguin, Pleasanton, and Comal ISD's all refer to the holiday as 'Christmas."

No district appears to have the same PC problems with "Thanksgiving" and many even refer to Easter. But Christmas, apparently, is a no no.

"We have all kinds of families that live out here," Northside's Pascual Gonzales explained. Not everybody celebrates Christmas.

Polls shows roughly 85% of Americans consider themselves Christians and celebrate Christmas, and that figure is larger among Latino families. In fact, polls show a far smaller percentage of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, and Martin Luther King Day, although all those are prominently named on the official Northside calendar.

Parents in the Northside district have had it up to here with political correctness. They call the holiday Christmas and they want the school district to call it that too.

"Right now in society if you offend people, they are anxious to sue and get on TV and get publicity," one Northside parent told 1200 WOAI's Michael Board.

Another woman rejected the use of the term 'winter break' in a part of the country that doesn't have a traditional winter.

"If it's during Christmas time, why would it be 'winter break'?" she asked.

"We thought it would be better to call it is 'winter break' because it does better describe the time of the year," Gonzales said.


This message is from me, a Northside ISD taxpayer, graduate and former employee.

For the love of God, 'one Northside parent,' there are a TON more things to worry about in the NISD than whether or not the term Christmas is used.

Hey 'another woman,' why don't you ask the district why the children in the district are coming out less prepared for college than in the past?

Why don't you ask the Lege why they can't get some finance reform passed so teachers can concentrate on teaching instead of whether they can make the bills this month?

God, I hate sweeps months.

11-14-2005, 12:08 PM
I call it the, "Oh, God! My kids are home for two weeks break!"

11-14-2005, 12:09 PM
This is so stupid. I would see the outrage if you made a jewish kid play Santa Claus but we as a society have become so disgustingly PC. Do Jews, Muslims and others really get offended if its called "Christmas Break?" I guarantee the kids don't care. Every kid got the time off no matter what faith they were...how is it offensive?

11-14-2005, 12:10 PM
It doesn't matter to me what the school districts call it because they have no say in how my family celebrates the Holidays other than what days my kids will be off.

11-14-2005, 12:12 PM
This is so stupid. I would see the outrage if you made a jewish kid play Santa Claus but we as a society have become so disgustingly PC. Do Jews, Muslims and others really get offended if its called "Christmas Break?" I guarantee the kids don't care. Every kid got the time off no matter what faith they were...how is it offensive?

I remember Jewish parents bitching when my youngest was in kinder.

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 12:13 PM
Why don't you ask the Lege why they can't get some finance reform passed so teachers can concentrate on teaching instead of whether they can make the bills this month?

I see SA is feeling the after effects of cracking down on strip clubs on the NE side. :lol

Oh, Gee!!
11-14-2005, 12:13 PM
Booo, X-Mas!!

11-14-2005, 12:14 PM
I remember Jewish parents bitching when my youngest was in kinder.

just because it was called Christmas Break?

11-14-2005, 12:45 PM
just because it was called Christmas Break?

I think they were bitching about not doing anything crafty that reflected Hanukkah. So my son came home with an Star of David ornament he made. I should have complained.

11-14-2005, 12:48 PM
just because it was called Christmas Break?

Wouldn't surprise me. I know of a Jewish Principal in an elementary school who will not allow any decorations at Christmas Time unless they are snowmen or snowflakes. No trees, wreaths, Santa's (WTF????), elves, reindeer. No kidding. She even tried to stop teachers from wearing sweaters with the traditional themes on them. Don't like the sweaters personally, but give me a freakin' break!

11-14-2005, 12:50 PM
I kinda get the ornament thing but they should have asked instead of bitch. Still...I don't see how calling it "Christmas Break" is offensive. If they said "only people who believe in Christmas can be off" then yes.

Oy vey. :)

11-14-2005, 01:05 PM
Well, calling it Winter Break is in no way inappropriate, and I don't get the moron bitching about that.

The reality is that most schools still decorate with trees, sparkly things, red and green and gold . . . so until that stops, the semantics of the time off is pretty irrelevant.

I don't think it's a big deal - or - I think there are much bigger fish to fry in education. The people who bitch about this stuff are missing the point. By God, they'll elect someone who says they support prayer in school, but not someone who is serious about something as important as FINANCING the schools without raising property taxes to unpayable proportions (thank God the legislature had enough time in the four extra special sessions to give themselves raises, right?). Teachers will work for nothing! Why bother paying them?!?

11-14-2005, 01:10 PM
without raising property taxes to unpayable proportions

In Texas they will be phasing out the school district portion of property taxes....legislation has already passed. They are now in the "how the hell do we recoup that money and from what other sources" stage.


Swishy McJackass
11-14-2005, 01:37 PM
Heed taken. What of it?

11-14-2005, 01:47 PM
The reason xmas is during the winter because the xtians adopted the period when the pagans were already having their winter festival. So the Winter break is older and more accurate. Same with thanksgiving and easter which were originally seasonal festival periods, so don't get so high and mighty on us nonbelievers of superstitions.

11-14-2005, 02:06 PM
Northside ISD sucks...

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:08 PM
Unless the break begins after 21 Dec, it is not a winter break. Good to see that they teach basic astronomy in schools. :rolleyes

Swishy McJackass
11-14-2005, 02:14 PM
What is this "winter" you speak of?

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:15 PM
What is this "winter" you speak of?

A phenomenon of cold weather that affects mainly Yankees and is limited to two weeks in Texas per the last special session of the Texas Legislature. You see, the Republicans in Texas have in their possession a weather changing machine that can affect the world.

11-14-2005, 02:16 PM
Two weeks? Not in South Texas! :lol

11-14-2005, 02:17 PM
I am not of a non-Christian faith so I cannot say it is not offensive and I do see how some of other faiths could be "offended" for a lack of a better term.

But again it matters not to me because it is simply a name which leads me to wonder why someone would be "offended" by the the term "Christmas break".

I don't agree with it....but I can understand it.

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:20 PM
I can understand it, too. But tough shit, get over it. I'm sure people of other religions own stock in retail companies who profit from Christmas sales, where's the outrage over that?

11-14-2005, 02:22 PM
I can understand it, too. But tough shit, get over it. I'm sure people of other religions own stock in retail companies who profit from Christmas sales, where's the outrage over that?

Two totally different issues.
But I agree...tough shit for everyone. Call it "school-closed" and move on!!

11-14-2005, 02:22 PM
This is so stupid. I would see the outrage if you made a jewish kid play Santa Claus but we as a society have become so disgustingly PC. Do Jews, Muslims and others really get offended if its called "Christmas Break?" I guarantee the kids don't care. Every kid got the time off no matter what faith they were...how is it offensive?

Okay. Then let's just call it Hanukah Break. That's equally appropriate and descriptive. I'm sure nobody will be offended by that characterization.

It's more approrpriate, to me, to call it Winter Break, because it accurately describes the reason for the break without insinuating the many different things that go on during that time. The break extends beyond December 25 and through the New Year, so it's not just about Christmas.

Thanksgiving and Easter create different situations. The break is set up specifically for the purpose of allowing celebrations of those days, just as some institutions have specific holidays to allow for the celebration of Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. It would be odd to describe those holidays by anything other than the inherently-religious name associated with the reason for the celebration.

But in the Winter time, when schools give kids 2 weeks off, there it's not just about Christmas. It makes perfect sense to me to describe the period accurately, even if it offends those Christians who seem to be begging for governmental acknowledgment these days.

11-14-2005, 02:23 PM
^^I concur.

Swishy McJackass
11-14-2005, 02:25 PM
As a person who celebrates Festivus, I must say that I am deeply offended. If schools are going to have Christmas trees, they MUST have the Festivus Pole as well.

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 02:27 PM
I can understand it, too. But tough shit, get over it. I'm sure people of other religions own stock in retail companies who profit from Christmas sales, where's the outrage over that?

One situation involves an act that is purely voluntary and involves the private sector. The other situation involves a public institution where there is statutorily-mandated attendance.

Not exactly the same.
Nexium lawsuits (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/nexium/)

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:31 PM
One situation involves an act that is purely voluntary and involves the private sector. The other situation involves a public institution where there is statutorily-mandated attendance.

Not exactly the same.

I'm sure if you wanted to give all kids a school holiday for Jewish/Muslim holidays, they'd be all for it. :lol

But the fact remains that it has always been called that by a public institution and no one has been hurt by it, it is being changed because someone perceived that it might be insensitive to a small group, maybe, so let's call it something completely unrelated to the reason it originated for.

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 02:38 PM
I'm sure if you wanted to give all kids a school holiday for Jewish/Muslim holidays, they'd be all for it. :lol

But the fact remains that it has always been called that by a public institution and no one has been hurt by it, it is being changed because someone perceived that it might be insensitive to a small group, maybe, so let's call it something completely unrelated to the reason it originated for.

I am sure that if the school cafeteria served nothing but ice cream and cookies the kids would be all for it, but that doesn't make it a good policy.

Also, will anyone be hurt by calling the break "winter break." If the name is as irrelevant as you say it is, why does it matter if we change it?
Chayenne99 (http://www.girlcamfriend.com/cam/Chayenne99/)

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:41 PM
Why don't we call it "The Waning Autumnal/Winter Solstice/Winter Starting/New Year Holiday Blowout Spectacular" Break? That would be "more descriptive".

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 02:50 PM
Why don't we call it "The Waning Autumnal/Winter Solstice/Winter Starting/New Year Holiday Blowout Spectacular" Break? That would be "more descriptive".

Because that would be too long.
VAPORIZER VOLCANO (http://volcanovaporizer.net/)

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 02:52 PM
While we're at it, Easter break is now "Spring renewal festival break" and Good Friday is now "Friday of Non-denominational and Non-specific Religious Importance"

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 02:58 PM
While we're at it, Easter break is now "Spring renewal festival break" and Good Friday is now "Friday of Non-denominational and Non-specific Religious Importance"

See my previous post.
Hurt from avandia (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/avandia/)

Extra Stout
11-14-2005, 03:07 PM
If we celebrated Christmas around the time of year Jesus was actually born, rather than our traditional Euro-centric synchretistic co-mingling with the pagan festival of the winter solstice, it would be in September close to Sukkot.

And then our Jewish friends would have a holiday that actually matters in their religion to compete with Christmas, rather than this overblown celebration of a minor event the account of which in the Hebrew canon didn't even survive the purge of the Septuagint.

What would suck though is that kids would get school supplies as presents.

Extra Stout
11-14-2005, 03:09 PM
Isn't it kind of sad that ancient polytheistic paganism has such a gravitational pull on how two of the three major monotheistic faiths worship the One True God?

11-14-2005, 03:10 PM
I'm still partial to the "What the hell am I going to do with my kids for 2 weeks because in the real world most people can't take more than a week's vacation at a time and I fucking hate paying extra daycare when I could be spending that money on eggnog & bourbon" break.

:drunk :fro

11-14-2005, 03:16 PM
Also, will anyone be hurt by calling the break "winter break." If the name is as irrelevant as you say it is, why does it matter if we change it?

Was anyone hurt by calling it Christmas Break? Why does it matter if we change it?

I am not very religious personally and I honestly could care less what the time off is called....I agree that the name is irrelevant...that is my point.

11-14-2005, 03:19 PM
Makes no difference to me. All the energy it takes to bitch about political correctness could be better well spent on issues that matter. Like what the kids are learning when they are NOT on one of their 65465025655 days off during the school year.

11-14-2005, 03:21 PM
Great point.

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 03:22 PM
Was anyone hurt by calling it Christmas Break? Why does it matter if we change it?

Evidently someone was hurt by it or else we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Web shows (http://livesexwebshows.com/)

11-14-2005, 03:23 PM
Define "hurt" though.

If someone was actually seriously mentally affected by that phrase....they have worse problems.

Mr. Peabody
11-14-2005, 03:29 PM
Define "hurt" though.

If someone was actually seriously mentally affected by that phrase....they have worse problems.

I think the definition of "hurt" is somewhere in the amendments to our state constitution, but I'm not sure.
WEB SHOWS (http://livesexwebshows.com/)

11-14-2005, 03:39 PM
:lol I think you are right! :spin

11-14-2005, 03:44 PM
Booo, X-Mas!!

Yep that's right!! Boo xmas!!


11-14-2005, 03:47 PM
If we celebrated Christmas around the time of year Jesus was actually born, rather than our traditional Euro-centric synchretistic co-mingling with the pagan festival of the winter solstice, it would be in September close to Sukkot.

And then our Jewish friends would have a holiday that actually matters in their religion to compete with Christmas, rather than this overblown celebration of a minor event the account of which in the Hebrew canon didn't even survive the purge of the Septuagint.

What would suck though is that kids would get school supplies as presents.

AAhh, you took the words right out of my mouth! :rolleyes

T Park
11-14-2005, 03:57 PM
Isn't it kind of sad that ancient polytheistic paganism has such a gravitational pull on how two of the three major monotheistic faiths worship the One True God?

Someone has been reading too many Dan Brown novels.

11-14-2005, 03:59 PM
It's sad that the world is trying to phase out "Christ", and "God", from everything we know. Christmas is a time that we celebrate the birth of Christ. It may not be on the exact day,(no one knows) but it's an important time for Christians. It's kind of disturbing that one could say satan, the devil, or demon, and everybody seems cool with that, but don't you dare mention the name of Christ, or Jesus, or proclaim your believe in God, now everyone has a problem with that.

herbivore female
11-14-2005, 03:59 PM
Someone has been reading too many Dan Brown novels.


Extra Stout
11-14-2005, 04:12 PM
Someone has been reading too many Dan Brown novels.

Brown, schmown. Can you explain to me what exactly decorated evergreen trees, holly, and mistletoe have to do with the birth of God Incarnate in a desert cave in the Near East?

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 04:17 PM
Brown, schmown. Can you explain to me what exactly decorated evergreen trees, holly, and mistletoe have to do with the birth of God Incarnate in a desert cave in the Near East?

Blame the krauts.

Extra Stout
11-14-2005, 04:22 PM
Blame the krauts.To be fair, it was a pretty good missionary tactic.

11-14-2005, 04:57 PM

Marklar MM
11-14-2005, 05:38 PM
Have a holly jolly Christmas
It's the best time of the year
Well I don't know if there'll be snow
But have a cup of cheer

Have a holly jolly Christmas
And when you walk down the street
Say hello to friends you know
And everyone you meet

Ho ho the mistletoe
Hung where you can see
Somebody waits for you
Kiss her once for me

Have a holly jolly Christmas
And in case you didn't hear
Oh bygolly have a holly jolly Christmas
This year

Have a holly jolly Christmas
And when you walk down the street
Say hello to friends you know
And everyone you meet

Have a holly jolly Christmas
And in case you didn't hear
Oh bygolly have a holly jolly Christmas
This year

11-14-2005, 05:42 PM
Christmas is just a time to buy your kids everything they fucking want. Buy your friends shitty presents that they don't need and to have your family come over eat, dirty up all the fucking plates and leave.

Why bother?

11-14-2005, 05:46 PM
There's my little Ray O'Sunshine! :makeout

11-14-2005, 05:48 PM
You can't tell me it's not true!

Oh and fill up your trash cans with shitty wrapping paper that really served no purpose except to keep the kids away from their gifts for a few weeks that they already knew wtf was in there!


T Park
11-14-2005, 05:48 PM
Sequ, just go commit suicide already you miserable fuck.

I don't care what anyone says.

More and more people become grumpy assholes concerning Christmas, when i think its a fantastic time of year.

cold weather
giving to people
and celebrating a religon.

Id like to know why, exactly, when someone or something discounts muslims or islam its such a horrible thing, yet when people do it to christianity its "Politically Correct"

11-14-2005, 05:49 PM

Sarcasm is totally lost on you...

SWC Bonfire
11-14-2005, 05:49 PM
Sequ, just go commit suicide already you miserable fuck.

I don't care what anyone says.

More and more people become grumpy assholes concerning Christmas, when i think its a fantastic time of year.

cold weather
giving to people
and celebrating a religon.

Id like to know why, exactly, when someone or something discounts muslims or islam its such a horrible thing, yet when people do it to christianity its "Politically Correct"

Where the hell do you live? :lol

Holt's Cat
11-14-2005, 05:50 PM
...as if I'm going to get anything this Christmas.

11-14-2005, 05:55 PM
You can't tell me it's not true!

Oh and fill up your trash cans with shitty wrapping paper that really served no purpose except to keep the kids away from their gifts for a few weeks that they already knew wtf was in there!



That's why you buy wrapping paper from the Dollar Store and not from that over priced wrapping paper catalog your kid tries to sell you for her school fundraiser. Even I don't buy that shit and I'm the Treasurer!

T Park
11-14-2005, 05:55 PM
Sarcasm is totally lost on you...

no its not.

Im addressing the subject, and bringing up another comment.

I understand sarcasm, chill.

11-14-2005, 05:58 PM

That's why you buy wrapping paper from the Dollar Store and not from that over priced wrapping paper catalog your kid tries to sell you for her school fundraiser. Even I don't buy that shit and I'm the Treasurer!

I hate fundraisers. Seriously. Every week we have a different one.

I went and played golf at the Hyatt last week and this dude that played with us, was a fundraiser dude. He is the antichrist!! He has a homebased business and he goes around to all the schools getting them to sell shit like wrapping paper!

I wanted to hit him with my driver!

11-14-2005, 05:59 PM
Was it Fundraisers, etc?

They are local.

11-14-2005, 06:06 PM
We've already done the gift wrap and some discount coupon card in September, a PTA greenback night in October, and now I'm looking at poinsettias and tubs of cookie dough right here on my desk.


The poinsettias are a good deal, though....they did them last year and they were really good sized plants. They have red, white & pink if anyone is interested. :lol

Oh, and if I didn't mention it...the poinsettias are to raise money for my daughter's 5th grade field trip...which consequently will get her out of my house for 3 days. I think User signed up for a truckload already. :lmao :smokin

11-14-2005, 06:08 PM
SW is brainwashed.

To late.

11-14-2005, 06:09 PM

That's why you buy wrapping paper from the Dollar Store and not from that over priced wrapping paper catalog your kid tries to sell you for her school fundraiser. Even I don't buy that shit and I'm the Treasurer!

I save the Sunday Comics and use that as wrapping paper.

The Grinch was on last night too. Love it!!

11-14-2005, 06:12 PM
We've already done the gift wrap and some discount coupon card in September, a PTA greenback night in October, and now I'm looking at poinsettias and tubs of cookie dough right here on my desk.


The poinsettias are a good deal, though....they did them last year and they were really good sized plants. They have red, white & pink if anyone is interested. :lol

Oh, and if I didn't mention it...the poinsettias are to raise money for my daughter's 5th grade field trip...which consequently will get her out of my house for 3 days. I think User signed up for a truckload already. :lmao :smokin

How much are the plants?

11-14-2005, 06:14 PM
$12 ... it's high but they were big plants. :lol

11-14-2005, 06:15 PM
How long does a pointsetta last anyway?

11-14-2005, 06:18 PM
My mom planted one from last year and it's still alive in my backyard. It's the only thing I haven't killed yet. :lol

11-14-2005, 06:19 PM
That's not bad for big plants. I think I've paid that much at a nursery for them.

SEQU--you can plant them in the ground. But the only way they bloom again is by having a certain amount of darkness. Same with a Kalanchoe and Christmas Cactus.

SW--can you still order them?

11-14-2005, 06:19 PM
That's better than roses, shit, they last a week. I am going to buy a dozen of those next time, maybe the thought will last longer.


11-14-2005, 06:35 PM
That's not bad for big plants. I think I've paid that much at a nursery for them.

SEQU--you can plant them in the ground. But the only way they bloom again is by having a certain amount of darkness. Same with a Kalanchoe and Christmas Cactus.

SW--can you still order them?

Through the 30th I think :)

11-14-2005, 06:36 PM
So you can pay for them and get them right away?

11-14-2005, 06:40 PM
They're delivered to the school on Dec. 8th ... I hate that delayed gratification thing. Don't they understand impulse buys?!?! :lol

11-14-2005, 06:42 PM
They're delivered to the school on Dec. 8th ... I hate that delayed gratification thing. Don't they understand impulse buys?!?! :lol

Damn...we're leaving the following week. If they were in sooner, I'd buy some! :(

11-14-2005, 06:44 PM
It's okay...I think User plans to buy enough to bribe them to take Iain, too...even though he's only in 3rd. :lmao

Mark in Austin
11-15-2005, 08:51 AM
You know, with hurricane recovery still months if not years off, military families who are separated from loved ones and could use help this time of year, Elf Louise, the Jimenez dinner, staying involved in our kids lives, the hundreds of other volunteer and charitable organizations that always need help this time of year, spending time with your spouse/significant other, taking care of extended family, and ... oh, yeah making sure that gay people are constitutionally prohibitted to marry, you would think people would have so many more important things to do this time of year than keeping score of what each school district puts on its calander. Wouldn't that rate somewhere between painting your floorboards and watching your plants grow in terms of priorities?

Dang, it's not like they're calling the two weeks break "The Calander's Annual Evolution to the Next Distinct Year's Existence Because Time is Scientifically Quantifiable and Therefore Christmas is a Silly, Silly Superstition School Break".