View Full Version : Poker GTG December 16th - Sign up in this thread.

11-15-2005, 10:57 PM
Would you guys/girls be willing to go in on renting a room at a bar to have a massive Poker gtg? I know that the Hooligans on 35 near Live Oak Theater has a room that they rent out for parties. We could possibly have it there. If we can get enough to commit, it shouldn't be too expensive. And if you get out early, at least we are at a bar where you can have a few beers, and watch some sports.

11-15-2005, 11:03 PM
Here's the guest list so far:

For Sures
2cents (+wife)
Fluffy (+as many as need be)
Manny (+1?)
Mr. Dio

Zombie Terri Schiavo
11-15-2005, 11:06 PM
will there be plenty of drinks?

11-15-2005, 11:16 PM
If this goes down, I could get around 4 - 8 people to play. A 50 person tourney would be awesome.

11-15-2005, 11:19 PM
Woah, a 50 person tourney would rule. But we should start off small.

11-15-2005, 11:22 PM
yeah, like a test run...maybe 20 players, 2 tables. something like that.

Puppy Dog
11-15-2005, 11:26 PM
hey, i'm all for losing my money at a place where i can drink away the pain...:tu

11-15-2005, 11:30 PM
We can buy a Keg and make Margaritas for the ladies. 30-50 players at $30 bucks a head is probably right.

Puppy Dog
11-15-2005, 11:36 PM
i'm out...30 to 50 players? wtf?

the point of playing poker with friends is to talk to them...i cannot talk to 30 to 50 people when i'm trying to play...but it's a good idea. Goodluck to you guys, i'm in on the cozy GTG poker games for sure though...:tu

11-16-2005, 07:53 AM
I'll watch.

11-16-2005, 08:37 AM
I can see us starting off small and if the interest is there eventually doing a bigger one.

We could probably have a up to 50 person tourney comfortably at my house or my neighborhood club house.

This may not be possible unless it was at someones house because as we all know Gambling, Playing Poker for money is illegal.

If you rent a bar would the owner may not want to take the risk

If you rent an apartment or neighborhood club house a lot of them require security guards (usually off duty SAPD)

Just some things to think about

11-16-2005, 08:39 AM
"I like to lose!"

I'd be down for playing at someone's house...as for a bar or renting a room, I'm not too sure this white girl would fair all that well in jail.

11-16-2005, 08:59 AM
I'm down and i cant get about 3 more people as well

Mr Dio
11-16-2005, 09:56 AM
Large poker GTG sounds awesome BUT, could it be held at somebody's place that is mature enough to not be offended by foul language & acts like a kid when their feelings get hurt? :lol
If not that is cool. Not everyone has thick skin.

11-16-2005, 10:06 AM
actually as long as the bar isnt dragging any money off the top, then its legal.

so it could be done, if we pay a seperate fee to rent the room. Sometimes bars will give you the room for free because they will make enough money with bar business they otherwise wouldnt have.

11-16-2005, 10:29 AM
I'm down.....LETS BOOGIE!!

11-16-2005, 10:29 AM
boogie down

11-16-2005, 10:41 AM
alright 2cents, if you are willing to allow us to use your house for a 20+ person poker tourney give us some dates and we'll try to set it up.

we'll take names in here, and we'll bring our friends to fill up the rest. let us know.

11-16-2005, 10:41 AM
fuck yo couch nigga fuck yo couch

11-16-2005, 10:46 AM
shutup batman, go hijak another thread.

11-16-2005, 10:48 AM
you wide nose having, darkness's...they should have never gave you niggas money

11-16-2005, 11:07 AM
i'm out...30 to 50 players? wtf?

the point of playing poker with friends is to talk to them...i cannot talk to 30 to 50 people when i'm trying to play...but it's a good idea. Goodluck to you guys, i'm in on the cozy GTG poker games for sure though...:tu
Puppy I think you'll like the tournament format a little better.

First, If there's 30 people that's only 3 tables and we rotate so you get to socialize with everyone.

Second with $30 you get about $1000 in chips so you'll have more chips to play with.

Third, you will have a better chance at winning.

11-16-2005, 11:15 AM
if its a tourney, Ill play.

11-16-2005, 11:20 AM
So we should have a poker tourney and a bowling gtg, hell yeah

11-16-2005, 11:59 AM
Yeah, as long as there is no house rake it is not illegal in Texas.

Puppy Dog
11-16-2005, 05:31 PM
Puppy I think you'll like the tournament format a little better.

First, If there's 30 people that's only 3 tables and we rotate so you get to socialize with everyone.

Second with $30 you get about $1000 in chips so you'll have more chips to play with.

Third, you will have a better chance at winning.

you have sold me...:tu

name the time and place...i will follow as all puppies do...:tu :drunk

11-16-2005, 05:34 PM
lets do this shit next weekend, im totally down like james brown ese

11-16-2005, 05:52 PM
I'm going to need a few weeks to work out the details such having enough chips, tables, chairs, drinks, people, etc...

However, first thing we need to agree on is location. Is my house OK?

11-16-2005, 07:30 PM
Sounds awesome!

I'd be willing to lend my table, chairs, chips and cards to the cause provided someone has a truck that can transfer the stuff... my table doesn't quite fit in the Crossfire... :)

11-16-2005, 07:36 PM
I'm going to need a few weeks to work out the details such having enough chips, tables, chairs, drinks, people, etc...

However, first thing we need to agree on is location. Is my house OK?
I have no problem with your place. Let us know when is good for you, and we'll start to make the plans.

I can bring a table and chairs for 10, and I have enough chips to cover one table. It would probably be much better if we could find someone with enough chips to cover all the tables.

As for the food/drinks, we will make it a byob. Or we can add 10 into the buy in and use that to rent a keg or 2. That way no one is required to pull more than anyone else. And there is a lot less trash with a keg.

11-16-2005, 07:36 PM
Sounds awesome!

I'd be willing to lend my table, chairs, chips and cards to the cause provided someone has a truck that can transfer the stuff... my table doesn't quite fit in the Crossfire... :)
I have a truck we can use.

Kori Ellis
11-16-2005, 07:39 PM
If it's not on a Spurs game night (home or away) then I'm sure we'll play too.

Yeah, as long as there is no house rake it is not illegal in Texas.

I don't think that's true.

11-16-2005, 07:45 PM
I don't think that's true.

Manny is correct. A private game of poker is perfectly legal in the state of Texas. As soon as the house takes any form of payment, including tips, then it becomes illegal. That even includes even tipping a waitress.

Kori Ellis
11-16-2005, 07:47 PM
Manny is correct. A private game of poker is perfectly legal in the state of Texas. As soon as the house takes any form of payment, including tips, then it becomes illegal. That even includes even tipping a waitress.

Actually there's more to it than that.

If it's in a public place (bar/restaurant/apartment rec room) it's illegal.

If there's a rake or tips, obviously illegal.

Even asking people to chip in for beer, food, whatever that's served there, makes it illegal.

11-16-2005, 07:49 PM
If it's in a public place (bar/restaurant) it's illegal.

If there is any money/prize at stake - then that is true. I was thinking Manny was talking about a home game. I helped a couple of bars around SA set up their games, and there are ways around it.

Since it doesn't seem we're having it at a bar though... no worries!

11-16-2005, 07:55 PM
We probably should make the buy in 20 instead of 30, with rebuys for the first hour or 2.... what do you guys think of that?

11-16-2005, 08:27 PM
We probably should make the buy in 20 instead of 30, with rebuys for the first hour or 2.... what do you guys think of that?
doesn't matter. 1 rebuy limit though.

11-16-2005, 08:28 PM
I like unlimited rebuys for the first hour. Adds more to the pot.

11-16-2005, 08:30 PM
I like unlimited rebuys for the first hour. Adds more to the pot.
whatver the consensus is. i don't care.

Mr Dio
11-16-2005, 08:32 PM
Puppy I think you'll like the tournament format a little better.

First, If there's 30 people that's only 3 tables and we rotate so you get to socialize with everyone.

Second with $30 you get about $1000 in chips so you'll have more chips to play with.

Third, you will have a better chance at winning.

$30 is cool but what about $50? If it's a not too often thing then the higher the better, up to a certain point. How would it work? When someone is out of chips they're out & depending on the amt someone finishes with in the top 5-10 they get something? Or is it winner take all? If someone, (like me, runs out of chips can they buy back in?

11-16-2005, 08:36 PM
Yeah, you can buy in. Just haven't gotten any concrete rebuy rules set yet.
I'd be for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place payout. 60%, 25%, 15%.

11-16-2005, 08:41 PM
I say we see what the interest is for a 10-20 person tourney before we go trying to hit the damn moon. But thats just me.

Mr Dio
11-16-2005, 09:01 PM
I know for sure me & a buddy or 2 would be in for anywhere from $25-$50 for starters.

11-16-2005, 09:19 PM
I say we see what the interest is for a 10-20 person tourney before we go trying to hit the damn moon. But thats just me.
agreed. We can either do a rebuy or have side games for people who get knocked out early.

Don't think it should be too expensive because it's all in fun. Maybe go down to $10 buy-in with two rebuys within the first hour. That with side games should keep everyone in a game.

I'll buy a keg so we don't have to worry about breaking any laws. Everyone can feel free to bring anything additional.

I'll follow-up with everyone who has chips, tables, and chairs.

Mr Dio
11-16-2005, 09:23 PM
Can it be a keg of Guinness or Bass?

Mr Dio
11-16-2005, 09:23 PM

11-17-2005, 12:06 AM
I can bring a few people if its allowed.

Im good for about 5 or 6

plus I have chips that Im willing to lend as well

11-17-2005, 04:33 AM
Depending on the date, I am interested.

11-17-2005, 12:28 PM
What do you guys think about December the 10th or 16th? Start time about 7 or 8pm with the tourney lasting about 3-4hrs.

11-17-2005, 12:31 PM
can we fucking do this already???

11-17-2005, 12:41 PM
What do you guys think about December the 10th or 16th? Start time about 7 or 8pm with the tourney lasting about 3-4hrs.
either is good with me.

11-17-2005, 01:54 PM
can we fucking do this already???
Bitch, you don't even show up so quit your crying, sit down, and shut up.

11-17-2005, 01:54 PM
Those dates are fine with me.

11-17-2005, 03:21 PM
OK guys December 16th it will be at around 7pm. No spurs game scheduled for that day.

Here's the most likely format:

Buy-in $10
Unlimited rebuys within the 1st hour
1 add-on at the first break

30 people max Spurstalk Members have priority then we can fill with friends if we have to.

I'll buy a Keg and if someone volunteers to bring Tequila we'll make Margaritas.

Tournament rules and blind structure can be found at


Kori Ellis
11-17-2005, 03:24 PM
Thanks a lot for organizing this, 2cents.

11-17-2005, 03:24 PM
Ah, this sounds pretty bad ass. Good job, 2cents.

11-17-2005, 03:27 PM
thanks my wife and I had a lot of fun the last time.

Who's In?

Kori Ellis
11-17-2005, 03:56 PM
LJ, Kris and I are in.


11-17-2005, 03:57 PM
I'm in!

T Park
11-17-2005, 04:29 PM
Im in like Flynn.

Can you buy as many chips as you want, or is it limited to 10 bucks?

11-17-2005, 04:33 PM
Buy-in $10
Unlimited rebuys within the 1st hour
1 add-on at the first break

11-17-2005, 04:33 PM
Tpark, you can rebuy if you go out and you will have one opportunity to purchase an add on

T Park
11-17-2005, 04:36 PM
alright sounds good.

Ive played online atlike Yahoo, but never serious or in person.

BTW, Im in for a 12 pack of the people's choice of beer.

And, Im in for bringing a party platter from a resteraunt.

11-17-2005, 04:45 PM
T-Park $10 gets you $1000 in chips.

11-17-2005, 04:47 PM

11-17-2005, 04:53 PM
Told you Batman wasn't coming. :lol

T Park
11-17-2005, 04:58 PM
think we could also make this a part Christmas GTG?

11-17-2005, 05:01 PM
No dude. It isn't a pot luck, it isn't a Haunaka gtg, we're playing POKER!

T Park
11-17-2005, 05:04 PM

Take a pill.

I just asked if it was ok to bring some food.


11-17-2005, 05:08 PM
dude i have plans for that friday can we make it that saturday?

Kori Ellis
11-17-2005, 05:22 PM
dude i have plans for that friday can we make it that saturday?

That Saturday is a Spurs home game.

11-17-2005, 05:25 PM
god damn it, shit, i guess ill have to make that saturday be the night of something special

11-17-2005, 06:04 PM
The Official Sister of Scott gets married on the 17th, so I think I'll have a rehersal dinner on the 16th...

11-17-2005, 06:31 PM
I'm in as a spectator. honest.

11-17-2005, 08:30 PM
Anyway this can be moved up a week? I'd like to participate, but I'm force majured out of that weekend.

Mr Dio
11-17-2005, 09:49 PM
OK 2cents, I'm down for that day with 1 other. Room for a piss poor attitude or not?

11-17-2005, 11:11 PM
i'm in

11-17-2005, 11:38 PM
I'm likely to be down

11-17-2005, 11:39 PM
Anyway this can be moved up a week? I'd like to participate, but I'm force majured out of that weekend.
i surely want you to be there. Are you sure that the rehersal dinner is for that night. Usually there's a set schedule with the church and that's not always the night before the ceremony.

11-18-2005, 12:28 AM
The only way I'm not in is if the Bobcats make the I-AA championship game.

It's December 16 in Chattanooga, TN.

11-18-2005, 01:03 AM
as of today, Im in.

11-18-2005, 06:29 AM
What do you guys think about December the 10th or 16th? Start time about 7 or 8pm with the tourney lasting about 3-4hrs.
If you guys have the Poker GTG on the 10th- I am in.If the GTG is on the 16th- I am out.

T Park
11-18-2005, 08:56 AM
Sounds like the 10th is better for everyone, more than, the 16th.

11-18-2005, 09:47 AM
Im in just tell me the fucking date

Kori Ellis
11-18-2005, 02:48 PM
The 10th is a Spurs road game. So if it's the 10th, I won't be there unless it's like at 10pm.

I thought the date was settled for the 16th. There's going to be people who can't make it no matter what date it is -- but it's completely up to 2centsworth -- it's his house.

11-18-2005, 03:23 PM
The 10th is a Spurs road game. So if it's the 10th, I won't be there unless it's like at 10pm.

I thought the date was settled for the 16th. There's going to be people who can't make it no matter what date it is -- but it's completely up to 2centsworth -- it's his house.You're right no matter what date we set some people won't make it. Hopefully we can do a few of these because I'd like a chance to meet everyone.

However, this is a spurstalk poker gtg and it wouldn't be the same without Kori and LJ so I'm going to stick with the 16th and hope as many people as possible from this site can make it. I'll do my best to make sure we all have a good time.

11-19-2005, 08:28 AM
Cool deal. I'll check on the date for the rehersal dinner and with the misses.

If I can't make it, just remember that whoever wins the the Spurs Talk Tournament Poker Championship is just holding it for me temporarily. :)

11-19-2005, 08:56 AM
This isn't for another month so does anyone want to get together before then and throw some cards around?

11-19-2005, 12:40 PM
This isn't for another month so does anyone want to get together before then and throw some cards around?


I don't mind driving down for a GTG most of the time and I might be in town already depending on when it is.

T Park
11-19-2005, 05:49 PM
Im in for a GTG poker game coming up.

aint leavin town till the 27th and coming back on the 30th.

11-19-2005, 08:49 PM
Im in for a GTG poker game coming up.

aint leavin town till the 27th and coming back on the 30th.

ok, so poker game on the 29th!!


just kidding!

11-21-2005, 09:56 AM
My nephew is getting married on the 10th...so that date is a no go for me.

11-21-2005, 09:59 AM
Dude this weekend poker somewhere schedule it someone cause im ready to take yall's money

11-21-2005, 10:26 AM
My nephew is getting married on the 10th...so that date is a no go for me.
It's on the 16th. can you make it?

11-22-2005, 07:11 PM
Im in like fucking sin

11-22-2005, 07:47 PM
Im in like fucking sin

You won't show.

11-22-2005, 07:47 PM
your mother tlong i would hit your mother

11-22-2005, 08:42 PM
If anyone is down im down for playing some poker this friday, let me know whats up we can use my apartment for this little poker game

11-22-2005, 11:22 PM
I'd be in for some poker action this friday. Matty? Mandy?

Kori Ellis
11-23-2005, 12:01 AM
I'd be in for some poker action this friday. Matty? Mandy?

There's a Spurs game. If you guys do it late, we can play. We were talking about having a GTG after the Spurs game anyway because ShoogarBear is in town.

11-23-2005, 12:29 AM
Late? Lets play late!

11-23-2005, 12:50 AM
me = down

11-23-2005, 08:08 AM
Are we sure we can count on using Batman's apartment? You know how much of a flake he is ;)

11-23-2005, 09:09 AM
batman is not a flake, just ask fluffy and Tekdragon,

Kori Ellis
11-23-2005, 04:48 PM
Since Batman's table only holds four people comfortably, it's probably not ideal for poker. Maybe we can have it somewhere else.

11-23-2005, 05:50 PM
Poker? Is that a card game?

11-27-2005, 07:57 PM
So whats the deal with the tourney?? Is it for sure going down? someone should edit the title with the date and time to get more interest

Kori Ellis
11-28-2005, 01:02 AM
Yes, it's happening. I'll edit the title.

Kori Ellis
11-28-2005, 01:03 AM
OK guys December 16th it will be at around 7pm. No spurs game scheduled for that day.

Here's the most likely format:

Buy-in $10
Unlimited rebuys within the 1st hour
1 add-on at the first break

30 people max Spurstalk Members have priority then we can fill with friends if we have to.

I'll buy a Keg and if someone volunteers to bring Tequila we'll make Margaritas.

Tournament rules and blind structure can be found at


Here's the details.

11-28-2005, 01:04 AM
I'd like to reserve a spot, but by this time in two weeks, you'll know whether or not I'm in for sure.

11-28-2005, 01:10 AM
I'd like to reserve a spot, but by this time in two weeks, you'll know whether or not I'm in for sure.

same here!

11-28-2005, 01:17 AM
Where at?

Kori Ellis
11-28-2005, 01:21 AM
Where at?

2centsworth's house.

11-28-2005, 01:40 AM
Ok, I am in, but could someone please send me the locale info.

11-28-2005, 01:44 AM
Ok, well we need to get a count together.

I'm in, and a friend from Austin is probably in with me, but I'll find out for sure in the next few days.

11-28-2005, 09:07 AM
Damn i cant wait to take yalls money on the 16th

11-28-2005, 09:07 AM
Damn i cant wait to take yalls money on the 16th

11-28-2005, 08:36 PM
It'll be like the NCAA D-1 Football Championship game except without USC or UT...

Mr Dio
11-28-2005, 10:31 PM
Here's the details.

Those details are a buttload of reading.

OK, without reading everything in that novel, can I bring a list of the hierarchy of winning hands? I seriously forget.

Question #2, is it OK to buy in the inital $10 & another $10 or do I have to lose the 1st $10 first?

11-28-2005, 11:45 PM
I'll bring the tequila

Horry For 3!
11-29-2005, 02:59 AM
I played poker Friday night, I owned everyone. Too bad I can't stand to play poker for so long, I beat everyone on all-ins :lol (only 3 other people than me) still good though.

herbivore female
11-30-2005, 03:23 AM
Damn i cant wait to take yalls money on the 16th


11-30-2005, 10:49 AM
uh...okay go ahead, i hate cake???

T Park
12-02-2005, 12:30 PM
Im in for sho.

Come on peeps chime in.

Its gonna be a BLAST!!

12-02-2005, 12:45 PM
For Sures
2cents (+wifey?)
Fluffy (+as many as need be)
Manny (+1?)
Mr. Dio

Thats 15 people if all show.
We need to have at least 20.
2 tables of 10?

12-02-2005, 01:01 PM
For Sures
2cents (+wifey?)
Fluffy (+as many as need be)
Manny (+1?)
Mr. Dio

Thats 15 people if all show.
We need to have at least 20.
2 tables of 10?thanks for helping me out, I copied your work and put it my original post (2nd on thread)!

12-02-2005, 01:02 PM
put batshit plus 1 maybe 2

12-02-2005, 04:11 PM
My buddy wants to play if allowed. Let me know.

12-02-2005, 04:18 PM
My buddy wants to play if allowed. Let me know.
bring him.

12-02-2005, 04:36 PM

12-03-2005, 03:53 AM
I would love to take the Truth's money. Who am I?
forgetaboudit I'm in.

George W. Bush
12-04-2005, 03:40 PM
Alright now Mrs. Ellis, Ifn I go, my wife is gonna show too. So me+1 please.

And No secret service that night. I can't wait to get shitfaced on tequila like the ol days.
:drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk :drunk

Is cocaine allowed on the card table? I don't know how you guys play Texas Hold'em, and I want to respect the House, so to speak. :lol :p

The Hustler
12-05-2005, 10:14 PM
Poker hell, you brought her here.../rimshot

12-06-2005, 09:11 AM
you brought your bitch...to the waffle house.......you brought your bitch.....to the waffle house

12-11-2005, 10:31 AM
i would like to play...what are you playing...i rule at Gold Fish and War....

12-11-2005, 03:59 PM
I play a mean game of War. I'll kick your ass Josh.

We should play for money in spades or hearts.

12-11-2005, 04:17 PM
Ok I need Spurstalk members to confirm for this Friday. Then I'll know how many friends we all can bring. Also, I can give everyone directions.

12-11-2005, 05:06 PM
I'm actually a doubtful. I'll know more torwards the middle of the week.

Kori Ellis
12-11-2005, 08:11 PM
LJ and I are in. Please message me with directions when you have a chance. Thanks, 2cents.

Kori Ellis
12-11-2005, 08:14 PM
I play a mean game of War. I'll kick your ass Josh.

We should play for money in spades or hearts.

Katy, did you know in Vegas you can play War for money at a couple of the casinos?

12-11-2005, 11:37 PM
Katy, did you know in Vegas you can play War for money at a couple of the casinos?

Oh Vegas. Road trip anyone?

12-11-2005, 11:42 PM
I'm obviously still out... but I'll be interested in the results of this event... hopefully it will set up a big multi-table tournament in the future (that I am able to participate in).

Kori Ellis
12-11-2005, 11:54 PM
I'm obviously still out... but I'll be interested in the results of this event... hopefully it will set up a big multi-table tournament in the future (that I am able to participate in).

Maybe if it goes well, we can organize something monthly and rotate it to different people's houses.

12-12-2005, 12:04 AM
what time

if its after 9:30 Ill be there

I have to close that Friday night, but I dont live too far away from the place, I think.

plus my Dad will be in if I go.

T Park
12-12-2005, 12:12 AM
Im still in.

12-12-2005, 01:16 AM
I'm in.

Plus goodfellas will be in (my father).

12-12-2005, 02:59 AM
I'm going to try really hard to make it, so count me in.

12-12-2005, 07:58 AM
I'll be there.

12-12-2005, 05:36 PM
I can't make til 8ish.

12-13-2005, 09:55 AM
Put down CyberBob plus 3. I see the buy in is $30. Will there be re-buys? And what's the pay out? (winner take all? top three, four?)

What's the address and start time?

12-13-2005, 12:44 PM
Put down CyberBob plus 3. I see the buy in is $30. Will there be re-buys? And what's the pay out? (winner take all? top three, four?)

What's the address and start time?
The buy in is $10 with re-buys(1 maybe 2), don't want too many chips in play or else the tourney will last till Tuesday.

12-14-2005, 09:07 AM
batman is in just need directions

12-14-2005, 07:45 PM
2cents, make sure to sit Manny at my table... he has a track record of sucess on it.

12-14-2005, 08:24 PM

12-15-2005, 09:10 AM
when we get to the gate...do we tell them were here for 2 cents poker party?

12-15-2005, 10:27 AM
since it is tomorrow, what time is it going to start?

12-15-2005, 10:53 AM
since it is tomorrow, what time is it going to start?

Since the tourney could possibly go 4hrs or more I would like to start it by 8pm.

Show up before then and get your chips, a seat, and a beer.:smokin

12-15-2005, 11:00 AM
yeah what time again?

12-15-2005, 12:32 PM
Start seating at 7:45.

12-15-2005, 12:34 PM

12-15-2005, 06:15 PM
I am in for sure.

12-15-2005, 06:28 PM
alright Manny!

12-16-2005, 10:20 AM
Lets get a player total, so we can know how many we need to bring to fill er up.

12-16-2005, 10:26 AM
i got me plus 1 maybe 2

12-16-2005, 11:52 AM
well with that early of a start, I cant make it.

I guess Ill catch the next one, good luck to everyone!

12-16-2005, 12:09 PM
will you be accepting checks?

12-16-2005, 05:35 PM
so where is ths thing??? can i go...how much...how many people...i guess i wrap .....:)

Kori Ellis
12-16-2005, 05:40 PM
so where is ths thing??? can i go...how much...how many people...i guess i wrap .....:)

I forwarded you the directions by private message.

Kori Ellis
12-16-2005, 06:48 PM

Mrs 2cents
Good fellas
Batman (+1 or 2)
Manny (+1?)
Big Josh
Mr. Dio

Is this it?

12-16-2005, 06:57 PM
I can't make it til later, but I need directions to.

Kori Ellis
12-16-2005, 06:58 PM
I can't make it til later, but I need directions to.

I just sent them to you. How late?

12-16-2005, 07:04 PM
im +1

12-16-2005, 07:26 PM

Mrs 2cents
Good fellas
Batman (+1 or 2)
Manny (+1?)
Big Josh
Mr. Dio

Is this it?

I've got 4 maybe 6 more.:princess

Kori Ellis
12-16-2005, 07:29 PM
I've got 4 maybe 6 more.:princess

Very cool. We are bringing a few bags of chips and a 12 pack of Shiner. Please let me know if you need something else.

12-16-2005, 07:31 PM
Very cool. We are bringing a few bags of chips and a 12 pack of Shiner. Please let me know if you need something else.
that's very cool. Think we're set see everyone later.

12-16-2005, 10:43 PM
I couldn't get there in time. I'll try next time.

12-17-2005, 02:27 AM
Good time tonight! Thanks a whole hell of a lot to Pete and his wife Laura for being great hosts! I bubbled out in 5th just out of the money, but I was very happy with my play tonight.

12-17-2005, 02:51 AM
Yeah, Thanks alot 2cent and family, everything was great... I hope Kori puts my chips to good use and takes 1st.

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:07 AM
I hope Kori puts my chips to good use and takes 1st.

I did.

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:09 AM
Big thanks to Pete and Laura (and the rest of their family) for being so gracious. It was a lot of fun.

And thanks to everyone else who showed up.

12-17-2005, 04:25 AM
I did.

Nice.... you steam rolled through me, manny, and my cousin. who finished 2nd 3rd and 4th?

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:28 AM
Nice.... you steam rolled through me, manny, and my cousin. who finished 2nd 3rd and 4th?

1st - Me
2nd - Chelsea
3rd - Zak
4th - Mrs. Hero

Yes, three out of four of the finalists were female.

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:29 AM
Chelsea and I were pretty close in chips going into the finals (I think I may have been barely ahead). I took her out in about 15 minutes.

12-17-2005, 04:31 AM
1st - Me
2nd - Chelsea
3rd - Zak
4th - Mrs. Hero

Yes, three out of four of the finalists were female.

And Zak was playing for the 2nd time ever :lol

12-17-2005, 04:33 AM
I finished a respectable 10th. :jack

Damn you GINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOBILI for getting that straight when I had trips.

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:33 AM
And Zak was playing for the 2nd time ever :lol

So was Mrs. Hero.

12-17-2005, 04:45 AM
Yeah it was just an off night for me. I had meant to go get a pair of basketball shoes with better grip but I didn't and that threw my mindset off. Plus on that one hand before the river I had a Jack 9 split, but didn't play because I didn't think the outs would put me in - turns out I missed out on some vital chips that could have put me over the top in a later hand which would have enabled me to win more later and better offset the gender demographic inequality. Plus that and the fact that poker is all politics. It's all politics. I wasn't going to win that game if I had a royal flush everytime. Just too much politics. No excuses though, good win Kori.

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 04:56 AM
Yeah it was just an off night for me. I had meant to go get a pair of basketball shoes with better grip but I didn't and that threw my mindset off. Plus on that one hand before the river I had a Jack 9 split, but didn't play because I didn't think the outs would put me in - turns out I missed out on some vital chips that could have put me over the top in a later hand which would have enabled me to win more later and better offset the gender demographic inequality. Plus that and the fact that poker is all politics. It's all politics. I wasn't going to win that game if I had a royal flush everytime. Just too much politics. No excuses though, good win Kori.


Good game, Kris.

12-17-2005, 04:58 AM
I finished a respectable 10th. :jack

Damn you GINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOBILI for getting that straight when I had trips.

haha, you should have bet out after the turn, you let me see the river for free, and it came back and bit ya

Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 05:01 AM
I have to say that the female gender dominance was pretty impressive. 15 out of the initial 20 players were male. But 3 of the 4 final players were female.

So, are you guys scared of girls or what?

12-17-2005, 05:13 AM
I have to say that the female gender dominance was pretty impressive. 15 out of the initial 20 players were male. But 3 of the 4 final players were female.

So, are you guys scared of girls or what?

I have no problems losing to girls, guys, dogs, racoons, or whoever else. I can't help it if the racoon gets pocket A's and I get a 4 and a 6. So to answer your question, yes I am scared. Now that I think about it, I think girls are harder to read and play smarter than guys.

12-17-2005, 05:30 AM
The 2 hands that sealed it for me where the 2 pair I lost to Kori on the river, and the flopped set that Chelsea played well. She should have come over the top on my call of Matthew, though. She probably would have gotten my whole stack.

12-17-2005, 05:32 AM
Kori is the hardest person to play against sometimes. She plays shit hands sometimes (:lol) but she plays them so freaknig fearless you never can be sure.

12-17-2005, 05:37 AM
Kori is turning into a poker phenom. That is like $350 in less than two weeks that she's pulled in for the Ellis Family.

We're good.


Kori Ellis
12-17-2005, 05:42 AM
Kori is the hardest person to play against sometimes. She plays shit hands sometimes (:lol) but she plays them so freaknig fearless you never can be sure.

Tonight I didn't really play shit hands. I actually folded a lot more than I normally do. But I'm not someone that can be bullied out of a hand. So when someone puts down 2200 before the flop just to see who is going to hang -- there's no way I'm not going to call. Even if I have a 2, 4 offsuit. :blah

I don't know if I play "fearless" but I do know that I "act" the same no matter what cards I have.

12-17-2005, 07:53 AM
thanks pete and family for being great hosts...it was a blast.

i'd also like to thank pete's mother for totally dominating me on the final table. at least it wasn't manny.

12-17-2005, 08:30 AM
Big Zak in da house!!!!

I've got to learn to play Texas Hold 'em so I can get in on the fun.

12-17-2005, 08:45 AM
Pete's family was awesome. His mom was throwing down cards like no other and his dad was roaming around like the casino boss.

12-17-2005, 09:26 AM
Thanks for having us Pete, I had a super good time! Your family is awesome to take care of all of us like they did, thank you so much.

12-17-2005, 09:34 AM
So... just so I have this straight... Kori is holding my money?

12-17-2005, 03:26 PM
Good time tonight! Thanks a whole hell of a lot to Pete and his wife Laura for being great hosts!

I echo this man's sentiments. Thanks for a wonderful time. BigJosh says thanks too!

Sorry i talk TOO much, and sorry for my OVER use of colorful metaphors. :oops

I really need to stop drinking...:lol :depressed

but overall? That was an awesome GTG. Good to see everyone again and that is one Awesome home you have there brother. And it was wonderul to meet your parents as well. Mr. Hero, Pete's dad is a Pimp for sure. He looked like a Mob Boss. I was afraid of him. For real. And Pete's Mom went from almost losing it all on table 2 in the 2nd round to Almost winnning it all in the 3rd.

Very fun. Thanks. I can't wait to do it again sans the alcohol for me. :lol :angel

12-17-2005, 03:29 PM
So was Mrs. Hero.

I'm gonna take credit for her play as well. :lol

at table 2 she said 'well, i'm just about done'

and i told her, 'hey, never give up, just worry about one hand at a time'

Then she started tearing it up.

Me thinks her husband Mr. Hero taught her well. I think she was a ringer. :lol :p

12-17-2005, 04:54 PM
HEY THERE ! wanted to thank everyone for a great time last night. i was running it for a while but i lost my steam. it was great chillen and i look forward to next time.

OH...also for the lizzadees......wanted to let you all know that i am officially taken. this is me and my woman at work. Don't cry..... :drunk

12-17-2005, 05:07 PM
fantastic sig Joshy

12-17-2005, 06:19 PM
I am so proud of my mother for cashing. I thought everyone played great.

Muchisimas Gracias from the entire Hero Family.

Kori Ellis
12-18-2005, 11:44 PM
So... just so I have this straight... Kori is holding my money?


Yeah I am the Asterisk SpursTalk Poker Champion for now because you weren't there. :lol

12-19-2005, 06:54 PM
I think you definitely deserve a Spur for your win... I mean, even the eastern conference winner gets a championship banner.
