View Full Version : Trump DOJ Went Rogue in Subpoena for Lawmakers' Data

06-12-2021, 10:23 PM
If it was not Sessions nor Rosenstein, then who ordered it? Heads will roll in DOJ and will they roll on trump to save themselves?

Former Deputy AG Rosenstein has said he was not aware of subpoena for lawmakers' data, source says.

Ex-top Trump Justice Department official Rod Rosenstein has told people in recent days he was not aware of a subpoena that targeted the data of Democratic members of Congress while he was deputy attorney general, a source familiar with Rosenstein told CNN on Saturday.

The attorney general at the time of the Apple subpoena, Jeff Sessions, was recused from all matters related to the Russia probe so a related leak investigation would have fallen under Rosenstein, CNN has reported. Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who took office a year after the subpoena was issued, also said Friday he does not recall discussing a probe of lawmakers.

Rosenstein's distancing from the controversial investigation comes as details released by Apple show the government presented the company with a broad subpoena for data connected to many numbers and emails and then put it under a gag order preventing disclosures to customers. The subpoena did not describe the nature of the investigation.

The gag order was renewed three times but was not extended this year. That freed Apple last month to finally inform those whose data was taken. It is at that point that Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell -- both California Democrats on the Intelligence Committee who were Trump opponents -- as well as committee staff and other staff, some family and even a minor learned their data was taken. Records seized included those from staff members who had nothing to do with issues related to Russia or former FBI Director James Comey, including Schiff's personal office staff, a House Intelligence Committee source told CNN.

The Justice Department has not publicly explained why Apple was being ordered to hand over the data. The Justice Department has also not explained why the request was so broad, who approved it, and what was being investigated. The Department of Justice is launching an Inspector General review into how the investigation was handled.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin are calling for Barr and Sessions to testify on the matter.


06-12-2021, 11:43 PM
This looks very bad. Yet another Trump scandal and he isn't even in office anymore.

06-12-2021, 11:47 PM
I asked him one time on the Twitter if it had been worth it, that had he had it to do over again would he have raised that right hand on 1-20-17 knowing that Madonna had threatened his life and the lives of his wife and children.

"Dale!" "Dale" he said, "It is Americans like you who have seen me thru these dark times. Grab the hammer, son. I'll take the tong. Let us proceed..."


06-12-2021, 11:50 PM
This looks very bad. Yet another Trump scandal and he isn't even in office anymore.

That's the point,,,(they're) sending word ahead to any other wiseguy who wants to make President..."Think twice before ever running for President. It will be the worst mistake you'll ever make. This is a closed circuit. Now, watch this. This fucker is going into the shitter and thru it."

06-13-2021, 12:11 AM
That's the point,,,(they're) sending word ahead to any other wiseguy who wants to make President..."Think twice before ever running for President. It will be the worst mistake you'll ever make. This is a closed circuit. Now, watch this. This fucker is going into the shitter and thru it."

Unless someone is lying, this is about career DOJ employees or political appointees keeping their boss (Sessions or Rosenstein) intentionally in the dark and going rogue.

A senior manager in DOJ had to approve this and not telling the #1 or #2 leaders in DOJ is serious shit.

It would be comparable to you getting the extra $600 Biden supplemental money through mail but your wife pocketing it and not telling you.

Guarantee there would be wall to wall counseling if you found out later.

06-13-2021, 08:10 AM
Unless someone is lying, this is about career DOJ employees or political appointees keeping their boss (Sessions or Rosenstein) intentionally in the dark and going rogue.

A senior manager in DOJ had to approve this and not telling the #1 or #2 leaders in DOJ is serious shit.

It would be comparable to you getting the extra $600 Biden supplemental money through mail but your wife pocketing it and not telling you.

Guarantee there would be wall to wall counseling if you found out later.

Horseshit. This started because Trump set that bitch's top rung on the curb, November of '16. "Now, say goodnight."

You couldn't take it, not for a second...you started in with the threats of impeachment, moved into threatening to blow up the White House on the day he moved into it with his family and then impeached not once, but twice. You tried to get him to toss the towel, walk away from it.

Uh, uh.

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

06-13-2021, 08:53 AM
to listen to Thread, it's like 2008-2016 never happened and the Dems invented disinformation campaigns.

didn't Trump vault to prominence largely on the strength of birtherism?

06-13-2021, 08:58 AM
Horseshit. This started because Trump set that bitch's top rung on the curb, November of '16. "Now, say goodnight."

You couldn't take it, not for a second...you started in with the threats of impeachment, moved into threatening to blow up the White House on the day he moved into it with his family and then impeached not once, but twice. You tried to get him to toss the towel, walk away from it.

Uh, uh.

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

06-13-2021, 09:01 AM
Horseshit. This started because Trump set that bitch's top rung on the curb, November of '16. "Now, say goodnight."

You couldn't take it, not for a second...you started in with the threats of impeachment, moved into threatening to blow up the White House on the day he moved into it with his family and then impeached not once, but twice. You tried to get him to toss the towel, walk away from it.

Uh, uh.

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

Thread, the Biden extra $600 is not giving you has you messed up. Just stop subscribing for one year to “Teen Pumkinpuss Conservatives” and “Madonna Fangirls” to make up the difference.

Trump has been caught with his pants down below his ankles and Garland is ready to go to town on his ass and will shit on a bunch of DOJ people. That will be 3.5 years of screwing them with an unlimited supply of blue pills!

Biden is not here to chew gun, he is here to curb stomp corruption in DOJ like he curb stomped trump in the election.

Joe is old as shit so death does not scare him. He will take a whole bunch of people with him to the grave to serve him in the afterlife like a true pharaoh. And you damn well know trump cannot even spell pharaoh so he gets no afterlife glory. Just a hole in ground for his rotting carcass when he goes.

Face fact that if DOJ leadership was not apprised and did not approve the subpoenas, more shit and blood will be splattered on the trump alter of lies.

If you have doubts, just remember Biden is president not trump.

06-13-2021, 09:27 AM
"By now, nearly everybody knows that the Trump Justice Department was secretly seizing the email logs and phone records of reporters at the New York Times, CNN and Washington Post.

What few seem to realize is that these intrusions into press freedom escalated considerabl (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/06/fred-ryan-biden-doj-press/)y after Biden became president and that

Merrick Garland’s agents imposed gag orders on attorneys and executives the Times

to prevent them from alerting the public to these unconstitutional raids on the first Amendment,

which Biden claimed (erroneously) that he wouldn’t tolerate (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/biden-journalists-justice-department/2021/05/21/fb606c4a-ba72-11eb-a5fe-bb49dc89a248_story.html)."


06-13-2021, 09:35 AM
Thread, the Biden extra $600 is not giving you has you messed up. Just stop subscribing for one year to “Teen Pumkinpuss Conservatives” and “Madonna Fangirls” to make up the difference.

Trump has been caught with his pants down below his ankles and Garland is ready to go to town on his ass and will shit on a bunch of DOJ people. That will be 3.5 years of screwing them with an unlimited supply of blue pills!

Biden is not here to chew gun, he is here to curb stomp corruption in DOJ like he curb stomped trump in the election.

Joe is old as shit so death does not scare him. He will take a whole bunch of people with him to the grave to serve him in the afterlife like a true pharaoh. And you damn well know trump cannot even spell pharaoh so he gets no afterlife glory. Just a hole in ground for his rotting carcass when he goes.

Face fact that if DOJ leadership was not apprised and did not approve the subpoenas, more shit and blood will be splattered on the trump alter of lies.

If you have doubts, just remember Biden is president not trump.

Mother fucker Biden lied about $600. The piece of shit couldn't even keep his word at the start. The mother fucker sniffs little children.

Trump President.
Not Clinton.

06-13-2021, 09:36 AM
What few seem to realize is that these intrusions into press freedom escalated considerabl (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/06/fred-ryan-biden-doj-press/)y after Biden became president and that

Merrick Garland’s agents imposed gag orders on attorneys and executives the Times

to prevent them from alerting the public to these unconstitutional raids on the first Amendment,

which Biden claimed (erroneously) that he wouldn’t tolerate (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/biden-journalists-justice-department/2021/05/21/fb606c4a-ba72-11eb-a5fe-bb49dc89a248_story.html)."


Tell it, bouts.


06-13-2021, 09:54 AM
Not It: Barr, Sessions, and Now Rosenstein All Deny Knowledge of Subpoena for House Dems’ Apple Data.

Last week, news broke that during former President Donald Trump’s administration, the Department of Justice had subpoenaed records from Apple for several Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee, their staff, and family members — including at least one minor. Several key former DOJ officials have now denied any involvement.

The subpoena reportedly sought metadata related to 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses, and was accompanied by a series gag orders that prohibited Apple from notifying the targets of the subpoenas that their records had been requested. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) have confirmed their records were among those targeted.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced that his office would be investigating the subpoena. One key question is who approved this request targeting some of the former president’s most prominent political critics, and so far, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General Bill Barr, and former Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein have all denied having any knowledge of the subpoena.

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Rod Rosenstein wearing a suit and tie© Provided by Mediaite
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.

Last week, news broke that during former President Donald Trump’s administration, the Department of Justice had subpoenaed records from Apple for several Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee, their staff, and family members — including at least one minor. Several key former DOJ officials have now denied any involvement.

The subpoena reportedly sought metadata related to 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses, and was accompanied by a series gag orders that prohibited Apple from notifying the targets of the subpoenas that their records had been requested. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) have confirmed their records were among those targeted.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced that his office would be investigating the subpoena. One key question is who approved this request targeting some of the former president’s most prominent political critics, and so far, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General Bill Barr, and former Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein have all denied having any knowledge of the subpoena.

Sessions was AG at the time, but it makes sense he would have not been involved since he had been recused from anything related to the Russia probe. Rosenstein, as deputy AG at the time, would have had authority over the related leak investigation that was the reported reason for the subpoenas. However, a source “familiar with Rosenstein” told CNN on Saturday that he was unaware of this happening.

Barr took over as AG about a year after the Apple subpoena was issued and also denied any knowledge about it.

If Sessions and Rosenstein are both telling the truth, then that would imply that some of their subordinates at the DOJ were able to draft, approve, and issue a subpoena for private records of high-ranking House Democrats, their staff, and families, without their knowledge.
