View Full Version : Reminder: If you want legal weed in TX, Lt Governor Patrick must go

06-17-2021, 02:42 PM
House Bill 1535, by state Rep. Stephanie Klick, R-Fort Worth, would expand the state’s medical cannabis program to include those with chronic pain, all cancer patients and Texans with post-traumatic stress disorder. It would also authorize the Department of State Health Services to add additional qualifying conditions through administrative rulemaking. Current law requires the Legislature to pass a bill to expand eligibility.

The Texas House voted 134-12 last month to send the proposal to the state Senate, where it has languished in a legislative purgatory. The upper chamber received the bill May 3, but it has not yet been referred to a committee, let alone voted on and sent to the floor. Wednesday is the last day the Senate can take up bills.

Patrick, who leads the Senate, has the final say on which bills are considered and to which committees they’ll be referred. His office did not respond to a request for comment.

“It’s difficult to come up with any explanation that makes sense as to why the lieutenant governor would block this legislation,” said Heather Fazio, director of Texans for Responsible Marijuana Policy. She added that the legislation is a “carefully crafted and moderate expansion” with wide bipartisan backing. Fazio said state Sens. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, and Donna Campbell, R-New Braunfels, who are both doctors, have voiced support for HB 1535.


Patrick has spoken against bills to relax the state’s marijuana laws in the past. In a previous statement to The Texas Tribune, spokesperson Alejandro Garcia said the lieutenant governor is “strongly opposed to weakening any laws against marijuana [and] remains wary of the various medicinal use proposals that could become a vehicle for expanding access to this drug.”


What it boils down to is the TX GOP has a platform that includes decriminalizing weed and expanding access medically. The religious caucus, the largest faction cites Genesis 1:29 when the subject is raised nowadays. The dems are all for it.

As a result the bills pass the house >100 to <50 or better than 2:1. That is a massive plurality.

As Lt Governor, Patrick systemically blocks any reform from the senate floor either to debate a house bill or to entertain a senators proposal.

There is the will of the people and then there is Texas GOP leadership. Primary is in 10 months.