View Full Version : Widespread support for voter ID and making early voting easier: national poll

06-21-2021, 02:14 PM
62% of Democrats and 91% of Republicans support requiring voter ID


06-21-2021, 02:25 PM
as long as one of the acceptable forms of ID is free and the government takes steps to make sure people are aware of how to get them, sure.

06-21-2021, 02:56 PM
65% of americans are in favor of abolishing electoral college. Why not do both voter ID and whoever wins the popular vote wins the election?

06-21-2021, 02:59 PM
as long as one of the acceptable forms of ID is free and the government takes steps to make sure people are aware of how to get them, sure.

I'm poleaxed, absolutely stone cold stiff as a preacher's cock. Wow, 21 comin' around.

06-21-2021, 03:03 PM
65% of americans are in favor of abolishing electoral college. Why not do both voter ID and whoever wins the popular vote wins the election?

Go ahead, fred, you got the con. After Bush2 took Gore's pants down as the century flipped over you vowed to end the EC. "Never again!" You swore on the Koran. November of '16: Trump takes Hillary's pants down. Woo Hoo! I don't care, I like a woman with a little meat on the hove. GD rights, WOO HOO! You swore then after that ass whippin' you'd end the EC. Nigh on 5 years later and all you do is raise the gas and re-free the slaves.

Get the fuck outta here, fred!!!

06-21-2021, 03:09 PM
Go ahead, fred, you got the con. After Bush2 took Gore's pants down as the century flipped over you vowed to end the EC. "Never again!" You swore on the Koran. November of '16: Trump takes Hillary's pants down. Woo Hoo! I don't care, I like a woman with a little meat on the hove. GD rights, WOO HOO! You swore then after that ass whippin' you'd end the EC. Nigh on 5 years later and all you do is raise the gas and re-free the slaves.

Get the fuck outta here, fred!!!

so you are against it?

republicans will never allow it since they keep losing the popular vote. As you need to change the constitution, you need 2/3 of Congress; republicans are ahainst democracy so they’ll vote no

06-21-2021, 03:11 PM
I'm poleaxed, absolutely stone cold stiff as a preacher's cock. Wow, 21 comin' around.
i told you this 4 years ago

Dems would die before they permitted Voter ID.

let the feds provide free ID and we can proceed...

06-21-2021, 03:24 PM
i told you this 4 years ago

The old 21, on a miserably hot summer afternoon is down in the gd stacks diggin' for his shit.

GD you, 21!!!

06-21-2021, 03:32 PM
The old 21, on a miserably hot summer afternoon is down in the gd stacks diggin' for his shit.

GD you, 21!!!
your capitulation is duly noted

06-21-2021, 03:37 PM
your capitulation is duly noted

Tip O' the tam, bowing' at the waist.